#edited on a mobile software LMAO
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whegan · 4 months ago
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mr-k-legit · 1 year ago
I love your art so much, the shapes are so neat and the style feels so visually interesting!!
I was wondering what software you used for the Spamton artwork? And what effect did you use for the Caine poster to create that old print effect? It looks amazing !!
Have a great day/night ^^
Edit: apologies if its weird im on mobile T_T
Hi! Thank you so much, i rwally appreaciate your kind words♡ they really help to keep me motivated it!
To answer your question however!
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I use both illustrator and photoshop! Illustrator is used for all my drawings and photoshop for textures ☆
if you ever need the link for the free """"""version""""" *wink wonk* feel free to dm me!
For how to actually put textures!
1st! Open photoshop
2nd! Make your graphic or import your image, here i just made a quick smily face
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3rd! Import your texture! (You can easly find them by putting a word plus texture i.e. photocopy texture on google) and scale it to you preference, i normally just fit them as big as the canvas itself
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4rth! Blending modes! This is kinda experimental so feel free to browse all of them to see what fits better, in this case i use "lighter" so only the texture will be seen on the graphic, kinda like a layer mask
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5th! Displace filter! Im not sure if other programs have this filter, but in photoshop basicly takes the texture of another photoshop file, and whatever things has on it, it applies it to the graphic (lets say that you have a photoshop file with a crumbled paper texture, the graphic will take the texture of this, giving it a more realistic look) akso i recommend converting the graphic to a smart object, so if youre not satisfied with it you can easily change the settings
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You will get this little square thing, im not going to lie i dont really know exactly what it is for LMAO but, the numbers the bigger they are, the more dramatic the texture result will be
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Then this window will pop up, it basicly tells you to choose the file you want, at the end i will tell you how you can make a displace file! And you click open:
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Then if the background looks a little flat you can copy the texture above your graphic, put it below it, inverte it and choose a blending mode, here i use multiply:
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And thats how you get that sort of printed like texture!☆ you can use this method to get every variable of results, i hope you find it usefull hehe!☆ below the cut are the steps to make the displace file, just so this doesnt get too long haha
How to make a displace file:
1st! Choose your texture and open it on photoshop directly so the image is the background
2nd! Without doing anything youll just click on file>save as
3rd! Save it as a psd document
And there you go! You have a ready to go displace file so you can spice up your work☆
(I would put more pics but??? Appearently there is a 10 image maximum? Wtf?))
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fallenclan · 1 year ago
Question! Do you have voiceclaims for any of your cats :0? I’d love to know what you picture them sounding like!
This is such a cool concept and it had me sucked into watching voice claim videos for like an hour and a half lmao
Anyway here are a couple I got! Putting them under the cut because it's actually a longer list than I thought lol
Applebranch - Larxene (Kingdom Hearts)
Wormshade - Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Hailcrash - Jinx (Arcane)
Scorchstar - Lin Beifong (The Legend of Korra)
Maplethorn - Markus (Detroit: Become Human)
Sleepycloud - Mune (Mune: Guardian of the Moon)
Sorrelstem - Tails (Sonic Boom)
Flyspots - Emperor Kuzco (The Emperor's New Groove)
Silverbelly - Catra (She-ra)
Honeygleam - Chip (Just Roll With It: Riptide)
Sunwish - Jenna (Balto)
Morningbloom - Kala (Tarzan)
Crowflame - Ashton Fox (Fantastic Mr. Fox)
Rowanleaf - Crona (Soul Eater)
Sadly I couldn't find one that fit well for Goldenstar :( closest I got was Hickory from Watership Down (1991) but even that one doesn't match what I imagine. Anyway I just wish I could put all of these in a video, I feel like that would be cool :) anyone know a decent video editing software I don't have to pay for? preferably on desktop but mobile is fine too
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flowersandcandy06 · 2 years ago
Flowersandcandy06 I WANT to know about the weather humans !!!!!! what are they who are they…
I am so sorry for what is about to happen poor ask sender
Okay so Weatherhumans is a little "side-project" open source* thing of mine that I started in 6th grade (yeah it's been THAT long) where I basically take different weather phenomenas like tornadoes (and it's various forms like waterspouts, dust devils, etc.), hurricanes and others and turn them into humans essentially! Basically it's a whole gijinka project of mine that I added on to with my friends over the years and as of right now there are like.. 30-maybe even near 40 Weatherhumans..I think?? There's a LOT lol I apologize BUT I really like giving these cool (and scary) phenomena designs that slap and yea B) also I like to give them headcannons and little factoids with my friends as well because that is very fun to do, ahah
*also by "open-source," I mean that this project is available for ANYONE to mess around with and add on to!! With their own Weatherhumans, alternate designs and headcannons; hell, even fanart maybe and other cool and swag endeavors (fanmade music tracks?? Fanfiction? COMICS AND VIDEO GAMES?!-- *shot) you can do whatever you desire with this funky little thing I've made!! (..just make sure to credit me if you're basing that Weatherhuman inspired thing or whatever off of my stuff and the stuff my friends added to it...if you can even understand that long asterisk text <:,) ha)
I kind of want to make a YouTube video talking about a few Weatherhumans for a start and if it goes anywhere then maaybeee??? I'll post more about my Weatherhumans on there as well as the other sites because god trying to talk about my creatures in a text-based format is way harder than I thought it would be..lmao
(also making a video is hard especially on mobile and I WOULD do it on PC but I don't have any "good" video editing software on hand and me and dad are still in a queue waiting for T-Mobile to build a new tower in order to get new WiFi for the house; it's a whole thing lol I don't understand it either but uhh yea👍👍sob(
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elaichoi · 2 years ago
cw: mention of depression?
omg hi i have returned (yes to propose lol) ><
NOO cus ur definitely lying n being humble or whatever bc no way you don't know how good your edits are T_T i know for sure *everybody* appreciates ur edits,, i simply wanted to stop by and proclaim my luv as someone who used to edit aaaaggggeeesss ago and its like when depression makes u uninterested in something u loved for the longest time, and even if you have even just a little interest in the hobby itself, u have absolutely no interest in actually *physically doing* it anymore.
like sure i ss pretty themes bc i like them but again, i haven't touched any of my editing stuff in SO long (thats a lie i did moon's pokemon icon but that was just some masking for the pfp and thats it so it does not count ^^) im v rusty now (we're talking like 2014 or 2015-2017? maybe 2018 ish?? god idk i have the memory of a goldfish, sue me) and seeing your themes... sososo pretty that i kinda wanna sit up and brush up on my skills n everything ive missed since ? like...IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE UR EDITS MAKE ME FEEL LIKE IM MISSING OUT LMAO
anyways u r so so talented and as someone who used to dabble in editing, i see n recognize ur effort and i love them so sososo mucj
i always see u on my dashboard and if i suddenly do not recognize the pfp that means its time to check out the new layout ehehe ^_^ not to worry im always coming back to see what u have in store, and u eat everytime,, both editing and writing wise !
/dramatically waving with a handkerchief in hand/
omg anon!! (with the intention of accepting the proposal!)
nooooo like ive been like complimented on my themes but like it still feels surreal yk like someone is just saying it for the sake of it and it doesn't really hit you much even tho you're so, so grateful for their kind words?! no but honestly i get that the depression honestly makes you burn out even in your favourite things that you loved to do. even like the things that used to bring you so much happiness just become a mundane task you have to complete.
its been so long and I'm like so flattered my theme even makes you try to like do something and honestly that's gotta be the biggest compliment ive ever gotten on my editing and FOR THAT I WILL CRY!!! I WILL WEEP AND YOU CAN'T stop me and yk what?! i might sob while were at it too!!!!
you're so anon you're making me dreamy sigh with my hand under my chin rn like im so giddy you're SO NICE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH you making me feel like im flying on cloud nine rn the way I'm gonna keep my eyes on you so much,, it's so surreal to see someone who is into editing in so long tbh that i kinda can't help but be greedy to know you fr so i can talk about with someone, like what are your software ( lmao I ask that as a mobile editor) or what kinda edits do you love doing the most and etc but THIS IS ENOUGH!!! THIS IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!!
( i just realised i can ask those questions here lmao)
thank you so much for swinging by I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH /dramatically wipes one particularly wet eye than the other while sniffling/
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greenzymsm · 2 years ago
Welcome to the underworld! Please take your shoes off at the door.
The name’s Greenzy, but you can call me greenz
Primarily into Kirby, Pokémon and My Singing Monsters. I also enjoy reptiles greatly
I make art and musics occasionally
Banned from the mickey mouse clubhouse:
General DNI criteria (pedos homophobes racist folk yadda yadda generally creepy/ bigoted ppl you get the drill)
People who genuinely believe game OSTs don’t count as real music
Carl. I hate Carl. (This one is a joke bc i ran put of actual points to put lmao)
Find me around the world:
Discord: GreenZy#8419
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lordsardine · 4 years ago
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toranekooo · 2 years ago
what editing program(s) do you use, out of curiosity?
depends rlly! i actually use various, depending on my mood and/or the availability of my devices LMAO gifs are 9/10 always made on PC bc im not struggling w my software on mobile. everything else is usually on ibis paint x + the occassional photopea if im not going insane. all gifs are photopea except a secret special set i made w photoshop bc it had fav blorbo rights . FUN FACT i can recreate my ibis paint psds easily on photopea but not vice versa bc im a dumbass like that. sorry if this ask is too long and/or if most of this is unwarranted i just have a lot of words. ive never used polarr a day in my life bc uh. No. i like making my own psds thanks <3
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meichenxi · 4 years ago
Hey, could I ask you how you do shadowing? Like the different ways you do it? You mentioned in your tag that shadowing is good and I'd love to hear how you do it! I do not attempt shadowing much so I don't really know what helps, etc. ToT (my studyblr is rigelmejo)
Hellooo! Thank you for the interesting question!
Tbh I think I do it fairly basically - I don’t use any particularly fancy software, but software like Language Learning with Netflix has certainly made it easier. There’s a whole video on how to get the most of it here: [on mobile, link didn't work - How to study Chinese with Netflix! by Chinese Zero To Hero] (I’d recommend checking out all of their videos actually, they’ve done a bunch of livestreams recently and they place a lot of emphasis on shadowing + the course they are trying to sell you is…actually phenomenally good)
(Also, I have to preface this by saying that I have been very lucky in terms of pronunciation: I learnt about 80% of my current vocabulary by ear without characters or pinyin. I have been in China for eight months in total, and while I didn’t speak Chinese for all of that, I was constantly soaking in info on natural sentence intonation. I still often don’t know officially what the tone of a vocabulary item is, especially if it changes tone like 教, 为 or 相, but I don’t get yelled at so I have definitely internalised a lot of those changes. I definitely would have more trouble with this if I hadn’t had that experience - my other areas are waaaay weaker because of this though- my reading SUCKS lmao and I can literally handwrite about ten characters)
Anyway. How I shadow:
1) Quite simply by playing the line, and repeating it with all the emotion it has!! I usually use Netflix or Viki for this. I try to do it as fast as possible, and if I can’t do the whole thing, I ‘chunk’ it: if I were doing the sentence 我们还不知道他会不会来, I would start from the end with 他会不会来, then 不知道他会不会来, and then the whole sentence. Notice that this isn’t breaking it down into words or even grammatical phrases, but intonational phrases: it would be perfectly sensible to just do 会不会来 without the 他 but realistically, since this is a question, it’s likely that a strong stress will be placed on the first 会, and you wouldn’t be able to replicate that without also included the more weakly stressed syllable before.
2) I locate (intentionally or subconsciously) the main locus of stress within the sentence, and I focus on that accordingly. Tones may become less extreme if they are not stressed, and may become more exaggerated if stressed. This is always a good exercise. I accompany this with physical actions - I throw my hands down, I sigh, I groan!
3) I put away the text, and don’t look at the tones or even my computer screen - more on this below.
4) Finally, when I think I’ve got it reasonably accurate, I’ll record them speaking the line into my phone with an appropriate pause for copying and play it back to myself at various points throughout the day.
5) I then go and find other words with the same tone contour to slot in, and copy it again. After that, I find words that are slightly different tonally and pop them in too.
6) I finally do fun things like hold a conversation with myself. This can be really simple phrases imbued with some kind of emotion - 这个女子到底是谁呀?为什么不认识我?应该是新手吧。You can do this either really informally, or very formally, or both - trying to speak in the latter way is very fun! So then it’d be idk something more like: 那位姑娘是何人,来自何处?This is fun because you can really slow down your speech and sound as elegant as you like!! (this will sound stilted if you do it for modern speech, but it’s a very fun exercise)
Choosing your media!!
1) Don’t use donghuas. Seriously. The voice actors usually speak at a ridiculous pace and not with the same range of ‘normal’ intonation
2) Your Chinese is definitely good enough to recognise when anyone is quoting poetry or speaking in a paricularly sexy literary way so, uh…don’t do that. That rules dramas like Nirvana in Fire OUT.
3) Modern dramas and reality TV shows CAN be great, but they can also be quite intimidatingly quick and almost too mushy at times. I’d recommend informal speech in guzhuang dramas more, because they have professional voice actors and extensive sound editing, meaning that although it might be fast and the vocabulary harder, it’s actually much more accessible and easier to copy. You don’t want to be stuck with the awfulness of 50% failed foreigner and 50% 12 year old boy who can’t enunciate properly!!
4) CHOOSE YOUR WEAPON WISELY. I try to find characters that speak in a dramatic, whiny or childish way. This is so important! There’s literally no use copying Lan Wangji unless you want to be able to have that particular cadence and tone of voice you get reciting poetry. Childish/whiny/dramatic characters on the other hand stress some words very strongly, and rush others together - this is great for hearing what actual real speech sounds like. Whininess wins. In The Untamed, characters like Wei Wuxian (not yllz!wwx but just…regular wwx), 一问三不知 Nie Huaisang, Jin Ling, and Jingyi are all great. Also Jiggy, who is just very extra constantly and speaks much slower as well, which really helps. In SHL characters like Gu Xiang are good.
5) CHOOSE YOUR VOICE WISELY! If you are really aiming to copy them 100% (which you should try at least sometimes), you want somebody with your pitch range to sound normal. I have a sort of party trick in Chinese that because I’ve spent so much time listening to women in guzhuang dramas I can change my voice and sound like a) a scheming concubine with honeyed words, or b) the voice of the Beijing metro. My teacher found it hysterically funny. But it’s not my natural voice, and if I speak like that for too long it hurts. The women usually are too high for me, and the big burly manly men too low - so I’d recommend finding a man with a higher voice, or an older woman (like some of the female characters in Nirvana in Fire). Again, sorry that this is mostly the Untamed (I’m just most familiar with it) but the voice actors for Wei Wuxian and some of the juniors (+jiggy) has a higher voice. Likewise Chengling in Word of Honour.
On intonation in general:
- The thing is that whilst shadowing is useful it requires prior ability in a whole bunch of other skills that you can train - it relies on your ability to accurately mimic pitch, emotion and other contrasts. Training this in ANY language, including your native one, will help your ability to do this in Chinese - so I’d recommend spending a fair amount of time practicing shadowing (or speaking just after somebody whilst listening to a string of text, like monolingual simultaneous interpreting) in your native language too. Any training copying accents or mimicking other people is going to similarly help, regardless of the language.
So, with that in mind, further tips:
1) Hum / try to copy the intonation without any words. What this does is force you to pay attention to what the intonation actually is, versus what you may think it should be.
2) Don’t look at the text! Do! Not! Look! At! The! Text! If you look at the characters or pinyin you’re telling yourself ‘ok this is a third tone here’ etc, but you want to override the part of your brain that has gotten into bad habits and is supremely self-confident in how you’re pronouncing the third tone, and actually just go straight back to mimicking.
3) Don’t be afraid to do it with vocabulary that is way beyond your level. Actually, I find this can sometimes be helpful, because you don’t have a prior idea about how a particular tone pair should be useful - and you don’t know which tone you should be producing.
4) Learn vocabulary by ear - listen to a vocab podcast or even make one yourself (I often do this; I record my daily Anki and listen back to it through headphones copying throughout the day - if you’re not confident in your pronunciation you can get Google Translate to do it). Similarly, pick unknown vocabulary out of a longer segment and remember it, trying to internalise the tones instead of figuring out which tone it is.
5) Find emotional sentences, and copy them with emotion. This is SO CRUCIAL!!! We remember things when we relate to them, and when we imbue them with emotion - and it also helps in hearing exactly how an angry second tone sounds, for instance.
6) When you’re copying, look up, and imagine you are having an actual conversation. Carry yourself with conviction and poise!! Really try to whine like wwx or slime like jgy. After a couple of turns copying them, try to turn off the audio and keep delivering it in the same manner.
7) Swap individual words out. Once you have a line properly figured out, swap a word or two that has a different tone pair, and focus on delivering it with the same pattern of stress.
8) Finally, practice doing this in your native language too!! It’s a skill that we don’t use often, and it can be trained. Some people are terrible at it at first go even in their native language, but you can work on it!
About intonation in general:
1) I think a lot of pronunciation problems with people sounding unnatural or stiff ultimately come down to a fundamental misunderstanding of what intonation looks like across different languages. In English we mark it by pitch: and we are so used to the rhetoric that Chinese has ‘tone’ and not ‘intonation’ that we try and focus on blindly copying every single word textbook perfect without listening to how it actually sounds.
2) Chinese does have intonation!!! Except that, unlike English, when you stress a word, the pitch doesn’t change, but the tone contour is exaggerated - basically the only time you will ever hear a full third tone is in isolated or very exaggerated speech. If you have a Chinese friend, get them to record a sentence like the English ‘I didn’t ask her to steal his rucksack’, and put stress on the different elements of it - I didn’t ask, I didn’t ask, I didn’t ask, and so on. Notice and copy how the tones change. When shadowing, you should always be paying attention to where the stress is in the sentence: when you speak by yourself, practicing saying a sentence neutrally, and then with stress on one component, the next, and so on. If it feels unnatural, it’s because you might not have practicised like this before - it’ll get better!
Hope that’s somewhat helpful / interesting!
- 梅晨曦
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presumenothing · 4 years ago
ooohhhh permission to word dump in your ask box??
but no my head is mostly [happy static], i'm just thinking a lot about names and how the 'infantilizing' joke name JollyBaby uses as its public name isn't all THAT dissimilar from "Murderbot", in that can probably both be taken as jokes on the way humans perceive them, except "Murderbot" is private because identity and perception and direction are things it's still struggling with, and the name "SecUnit" is safe, allowing an amount of ambiguity and freedom with regards to "feelings" and "friendship" and "having to decide your life's direction for yourself"
like, yeah humans do basically see SecUnits as murderbots, which is funny and a joke because it's wrong - SecUnit is not a bot, and it is not optimized for Murder; that isn't its job because it is not a combat bot and why would it need to spend so much time babysitting humans then. but also it deactivated its governor module after an incident where it killed its clients, and it isn't actually sure how or why that went down. so maybe "murderbot" isn't so wrong. which is not very funny. and even in NE, Thiago is very pointed about insinuating that SecUnit could have left some Targets alive, and either chose not to or can't help defaulting to killing. which, SecUnit doesn't think he's right or anything, but it rankles. and it Knows that calling itself "murderbot" is going to go down so badly
and then you have Murderbot 2.0, who does not have any of that, uh. baggage. 2.0 does not consider its name private because 2.0 knows exactly what it's for, why it's here, wherr it's going, and how to get to the finish line, and none of that is in conflict with its designation as "Murderbot". 2.0 has its "win condition" written in.
and at the end of Network Effect, seeing SecUnit verbalize a sense of belonging (not as an object, but as a person-with-a-Home) as well as a desire and direction. and surrounded by people who would hear "Murderbot" and associate it with security rather than The Terminator. hhhhgghogh
i think this turned out both longer and more incoherent than i planned for but mobile is a finicky creature that will not let me scroll up or edit so i am very sorry but ALSO thanks So Much for being the push that got me to finally pull this out of my eternal "to read" list. aaaa
ok first of all yall have 24/7 permission to come and word dump in my inbox anytime over whatever intersecting interests we have
and secondly "murderbot as a name is a sort-of joke except it's Not Funny" is a good point!! i guess BabysittingConstruct was taken?
[rest of text under cut]
it's that one night vale tweet that goes like "confused? sounds like you're human. good luck!" except it's not just humans (the audience is shocked and offended). life is so much simpler when you're just MurderWare 2.0: killware on your planet, having perfect alignment between its name and purpose? it's more likely than you think!
and that just brings So Many questions. at which point post-ganaka pit and/or the hack did 1.0 decide on a name? (or even decided to have one?) imo it's interesting that 2.0 has enough of 1.0's memory archives to recognisably be murderbot but doesn't automatically Nope at using murderbot as a name. 2.0's name/purpose alignment aside, it also means that whatever memories 1.0 felt was enough to maintain 2.0's integrity/prevent a killware spree did not also contain the idea that P.S. Hey We Don't Tell People We're Called Murderbot Thanks!!!! different subsets of memories or something.
(2.0 does point out this wasn't in its instruction set, but tbh it's pretty understandable that 1.0 didn't put it in, given it would obviously never think to use it. maybe it assumed 2.0 would use its local feed address if needed?) (except killware ain't got hardware lmao)
this is getting as long as your ask but names are just Very Neat. rereading the setting-feed-ID bit in fugitive telemetry and on the one hand i appreciate that indah didn't insist on it providing a ~Real~ Name Which Is Not SecUnit. but. on the other hand, this is (a) in line with her desire to post a warning of DANGEROUS SECUNIT ON BOARD *siren noises*, and (b) possibly closer to how inanimate software like secsystem is treated, since many preservation bots seem to have names (though idk if they set those in their feed)
ANYWAY names as in "word you call yourself" vs "identifier you want others to call you", etc etc. i don't think this was coherent either but i'm glad i managed to get you around to reading the books!! also you should check out the two short stories if you haven't already
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robotforest · 3 years ago
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I posted 26,744 times in 2021
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26734 posts reblogged (100%)
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I added 279 tags in 2021
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#useful - 45 posts
#oh my god - 20 posts
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#potthemes - 7 posts
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#useful as fuck - 6 posts
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#originally it was a bit higher but then i realized i had a post showing my face and i was like ohhhhhhh no no no no no and went and deleted
My Top Posts in 2021
Lemme just...
Ornithologist Mozart
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also explains the chocolate eggs
3 notes • Posted 2021-11-17 01:34:20 GMT
about me | welcome to my blog!
hello there, i’m joey! 
before you follow
✦ as my bio says, i don’t tag my posts as i’m usually on mobile and use fast reblog. please scroll through my blog at your own discretion! i usually don’t reblog content with sensitive content though, such as gore. if you feel like there’s a post that needs properly tagging, please let me know!
✦ i am a queer southeast-asian person, who has no tolerance for bigotry and will amplify marginalized voices. if you have a problem with any of those things, do not follow or interact with me. 
✦ i have adhd, so my hyperfixations change from time to time (on average a few months) - expect reblog spams from me of my current hyperfixation! although, i will reblog things from other fandoms that i’m still into. 
✦ i will unfollow blogs that have been inactive for more than a week just to keep my following clean.
about me
❀ malaysian-chinese 
❀ self-proclaimed geek
❀ game dev student
❀ cat person!!
❀ lover of all things robots and sci-fi (maybe fantasy from time to time); a geek
❀ wannabe hobbit and hockey goalie
❀ general creative 
: ̗̀➛ find me elsewhere | ✎ i also do art!!
19 notes • Posted 2021-08-24 10:41:36 GMT
pssssssssssst i made a quiz about what kind of a hobbit you are go check it out!!
105 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 08:10:09 GMT
consider this: cut lawquane is the canonical cottagecore clone
200 notes • Posted 2021-10-09 16:38:41 GMT
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a very unexpected and dumb collab done with my bestie @hheckk of a chart of what various star trek characters gay leanings are (coutresy of llewelyn bc im not gay lol) anywho enjoy sorry if ur fave aint here
EDIT: okay i think i need to clarify a few things first because people are getting mad at me - i did this with my best friend who's a gay man mind you (did you read the caption of the post lmao); we made it together with me putting the images together and him deciding where to put everyone since he didn't have the proper image editing software
370 notes • Posted 2021-06-17 05:25:37 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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marmalodi · 3 years ago
how i edit out getty images watermarks :)
A lot of the photos I post on here are from Getty Images and I’ve been meaning for a while to make a post explaining how I remove the watermarks, so here it is! (I’m sure I’m not the first to have this idea but idk anyone else who does it.) Basically, for every image on Getty Images there are two versions: a low-quality one with no watermark, and a high-quality one with a watermark. What I do is crop the low-quality version down to watermark size and use it to patch over the watermark on the high-quality version. It doesn’t look perfect because there’s still sort of a blurry spot where the watermark was, but I don’t think it’s super noticeable unless you're looking for it.
Example in more detail below the cut:
1. Search for the photo on the Getty Images website. I’ve been finding photos straight from the website by searching things like “John Lennon 1974” and just scrolling until I see something I want to post, but if you already have a photo in mind you could probably search by date, photographer, occasion, etc.
side note: This only really works with photos where the watermark isn’t in an important part of the image since it’ll leave a slightly blurry area there. Like, it's fine if it's just covering the background and someone's leg but it would be more noticeable if it's covering part of their face.
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2. Save the photo directly from the search result (on mobile, tap and hold without clicking on it). This should give you the low-quality version.
3. Click on the photo and save the high-quality version with the watermark.
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4. Crop the low-quality version (the one without the watermark) down to just the area that the watermark is in (but slightly bigger to make sure it covers the whole thing). Since you can’t see the watermark while you’re cropping the low-quality version, you have to figure out where you’re cropping it before you start— I use landmarks from the watermarked version, like how the bottom edge of the watermark falls on a black spot on the ground.
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cropped version:
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At this point, you could use any photo editing software to put the patch over the watermarked photo. I use the PicCollage app on my phone because I already had it and I haven’t bothered to find anything better, but it’s pretty tedious and I’m 100% sure there are better ways lmao.
5. Put both photos in a freestyle collage in PicCollage. The high-quality watermarked version should cover most of the screen (it makes it easier if you position it lined up with the right edge of the screen, so both images snap to the edge and you don’t have to worry about horizontal positioning).
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6. Position the patch (cropped low-quality version) so it covers the watermark. The hard part is adjusting the size and position so the photos line up exactly. Again, I’m sure there are easier ways to do this than the collage app on my phone, I just haven’t bothered to look for them.
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There’s another tiny watermark at the bottom left of the photo— you could repeat the whole process for that part, but most of the time I just crop it out.
7. Save the photo, crop out the white space from PicCollage and you’re done :)
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rubyneo · 4 years ago
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♡ Cherry/Sage
♡ White
♡ 20
♡ They/Them (TME)
♡ Bisexual
♡ Mainly RWBY
♡ Untagged queue
♡ Art
♡ Edits
♡ Writing
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Heyyy I'm Cherry! i have rwby brainrot and love blake and ruby <3 so much
usual DNI criteria applies and i use the block button liberally <3
uhhh <16 atf, 25> atf
pansexuals dni
proshippers/anti antis/what the fuck ever are not allowed here i hope yall choke <3
pansexuality/omnisexuality/polysexuality and bisexuality are the same thing. dont agree? hate me? leave. hit the block on your way out
bi lesbians (or mspec lesbians or whatever the fuck 🙄) dont exist. if you are attracted to men and women you are bisexual!
if you interact with transjnpr or any of their friends pls dont interact with me i do not care anymore
other stuff:
uhhh nsfw is tagged as #not sfw OR #explicit depending on what is being depicted
i will always tag triggers if you ask and i try to tag common ones. i just tag as the name so if you need a specific tag, lmk!
i mainly reblog rwby but i also talk about mdzs, tsomd, animanga, etc. everything fandom is usually tagged but sometimes i just toss it in the queue which is completely untagged
sometimes i talk ab spn. im very critical of the show and its racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. i am an unironic enjoyer of it tho and im doing a full series liveblog. please blacklist "cherry spnposting" if you don't want to see that 😔😔
okay here's a fuller list of my current (sometimes cringe) interests:
nbc hannibal
dc comics (specifically batman bc i have an unhealthy attachment to jason todd 🙄🙄)
sometimes i make edits and recently that has included amvs. i found free editing software for mobile with no logo so now i'm unstoppable!
i tag the q slur as q slur or q word and i do not care if you dont like that <3
uhhh i fucking hate clo//ver ebi and fa/ir/game so dont talk to me about them
i dont ship bb or wr or nnd, i hate snow/bird, and i will be a major cunt about this. i will not post content for any of these things ESP not bb or wr. i dont care for them. this is a ladybug zone!!!!
i love enemies to lovers ships and like actual for real enemies to lovers not that weak shit of 'they sort of irritate me' i mean ACTUALLY enemies. different sides. hating the object of their affection and themselves for not really hating them because they Love them. this includes snowfall and tyrianqrow sorry lmao <3
mutuals feel free to add me on discord! cherry <3#0320
spice//creams yall can stay but like idk. dont try to talk to me ab it shsnsnsnnd
all of my ruby/neo content made prior to November 11th 2021 was made with the headcanon that neo was similar in age to team rwby/emerald and mercury. my fic the girls who fell through the world was started at the same time that headcanon was still a valid one and as such the neo in that fic will remain 19-20!
in REDemption skate park au posts the characters are all adults! ruby is 22, emerald and mercury are 25, and neo is 27.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 4 years ago
Hey guys!! Just feeling like trying things out so if anyone has recs for mobile editing softwares, feel free to lmk!
Idk if it’ll help at all but I’m wondering if doing something new will help get me out of this big slump lmao
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1-800-i-ship-it · 4 years ago
🤭 Unpopular opinion / 🕐 First impression of the anime/webtoon / 💡Any new ideas that you want to create soon or in the future ?
hi resiot! 
🤭 Unpopular opinion  
karaka is a great villain and character and is really interesting (aside from whatever is underneath all that armor etc... which is usually what people talk about), and i love him v much (also his sense of humor is really funny,,,that tsundere)
🕐 First impression of the anime/webtoon  
first impression of webtoon: i was kinda bored honestly and i was really confused? so i only  read a few chapters and then went back to read all of it and i didnt get sucked in till maybe mid s2 ish i think and then after that i was like ok thats it im in love, best webtoon ive ever read (also...heres a secret: i didnt trust khun at all at first) also the comments motivated me to read it bc everyone was like “this is my 8th time reading” so i was like this must be good and unfortunately i havent finished a second reread yet bc i KEEP TAKING SCREENSHOTS AHHHH and im running out of storage space rip
💡Any new ideas that you want to create soon or in the future ?
ohhh yes that hanahaki one i wrote a little bit about a while ago! where khuns bandanna suddenly appears in bams home and tells bam to go somewhere to meet whom i wonder hehe when khun is supposed to be dead
i have to plan out the plot beforehand otherwise i’ll be all over the place with a buncha plotholes rip haha ive come up with like 7 different ways to go about it 
ALSO i want to make video edits but,,,prob only for winter break and i have to download software and stuff and before that, clear enough space in my comp to download software rip (unless i go mobile but i hate editing on mobile ahaha)
AND GIFSETS yea i have so many gif drafts rn :’) ima make all of the ones i want of the anime hehe + gif memes where i make them say what i want them to say and make the lipsynch match up 
hmm also this other crack hanasnocki fic lmao i gotta work on that too
plus a few poems i started but i have to edit them a lot before posting them...totally havent been in my wip folder for like months :sweats nervously:
thank u for the ask! this was super fun <33  and apologies for taking a while to answer ahaha 
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roblog558 · 3 years ago
Universal Minecraft Editor
Edit your favorite Minecraft world on plenty of platforms, making sure you bring the best out of what already is categorized as fascinating
There's no doubt that Minecraft is one of those games allowing users' imagination to be as free as possible. Dealing with tons of options and possibilities, Minecraft is but a sandbox filled with construction materials for you to use. Universal Minecraft Editor comes with the much-needed tools to facilitate the construction or editing of MC worlds, on more than one platform, and with endless possibilities. Epson wf1100 drivers.
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You can work on the whole world or simply select parts or chunks that you'd like to edit. The app seems to be highly adaptable. You can definitely tell that just by looking at the number of supported platforms, including Xbox360, PS3, WiiU, PC, and the Pocket Edition. Having your phone version of Minecraft supported is by far the least expected aspect and the most intriguing at the same time.
Universal Minecraft Editor. Home; Sign In toggle menu Menu. Official Courses. Complete Console World Modding Guide $32.50. Learn everything you need to know about console Minecraft world modding! This course will convert absolute beginners into advanced modders. UNIVERSAL MINECRAFT EDITOR. WORLD CONVERTER. UNIVERSAL MINECRAFT EDITOR. UNLEASH YOUR CREATIVITY, MOD YOUR WORLD IN SECONDS. DOWNLOAD FOR FREE. PC (Java) Pocket Edition. EASY NBT EDITOR. Edit all the data stored in your world quickly and easily with the most intuitive NBT editor available.
The whole application makes use of a drop-down list, displaying the various elements within your world seems very well-structured and easy to find. Dealing with the app is pretty straightforward, in the sense that you'll always find what you're looking for without much hassle. Stuart little game download for mobile. Edit some of the world's settings and make sure you tailor the Minecraft experience to your exact needs. Don't assume it's a complicated application just because it is an editor.
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New in Universal Minecraft Editor 1.6.8:
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I show u how to use UME to get custom enchants.Sorry my recording software wasn’t working so u got hand held camera action lmao.
I probably made it, hahaha! I boast the largest console Minecraft modding YouTube channel at 55,000 subscribers, and after hundreds of videos made over my 10+ years of experience as a YouTuber, I know how to make proper tutorials. I worked very hard on this course and even harder on the free Universal Minecraft Editor. Hope you enjoy it!
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