#edited for some kinder wording
druid-for-hire · 1 year
Hi. I'm so sorry for bothering you:c but I really need all the help I can get. I have a chronic heart condition that doesn't allow me to work my regular hours. Things got serious pretty fast and suddenly, I wasn't able to pay rent. I got evicted 10 days ago, and I'm trying to raise funds to pay off what I owe to my landlord and avoid getting sued, and hopefully find a little place while I get back on my feet.
You think you could help me reblogging my pinned post to spread the word a bit? Thank you so much in advance. And I'm truly, very sorry for having to recur to this.
For other people's sakes, this is their pinned post. I took a scroll through their blog and they don't appear to be a bot; the blog goes a decent way back and posts semi-regularly.
My kind friend, Tumblr is not a good place to crowdfund. It works sometimes, but not reliably. (EDIT: Redacted a bit about reddit boards. They exist, but they need a lot of prerequisites.) In the event that you haven't been able to go looking yet, there are likely also real life, more local, more direct resources out there to help you hidden out of sight. There's a post on this topic, but I'll cut for you the relevant parts (paging through the notes will also probably be useful):
From @/euphoniousracouter:
GO TO, MESSAGE, OR CALL YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY. Libraries are focusing more and more on community resources, support, and outreach. If you genuinely don’t know something or feel uncertain or are in a new situation, a reference librarian will not only help you sort your thoughts through their reference interview but then help you arm yourself with knowledge from reliable and often local sources. It doesn’t even have to be a question to Ask A Librarian. You can simply say “I’m in this situation now. I don’t know what to do next./I’m not confident I know everything I should or want to know.”
From @/dancinbutterfly:
If you're in America, 211 is your friend. It’s the United Way’s database of social assistance resources. When I was doing resource development for my masters in social work 211 was my holy grail. And there’s things that only workers know about that just calling and asking can reach cuz it sets off the social service phone tree. I will say YOU have to be persistent of you want to access these resources. Most of the ngo agencies are most interested in helping the pro-active clients in my experience. But do use the resources. They’re golden.
From @/macaronsandfries:
Also, if you’re in the US: call your State Rep. Part of their job is to help constituents access and navigate state run programs, such as EBT/SNAP, unemployment, housing assistance, and medicaid.
Not all offices are equally responsive (some try really hard to stay on top of incoming calls but are overwhelmed, and some…are not great at checking messages, tbh). But if you can get through to a person (almost always an aide/staffer), they will talk through the issue with you and do what they can to help.
You don’t need to know what programs are applicable to you, they’ll help connect you with appropriate people (including Federal programs if necessary – those offices are hard to get through to, but if you need something like Federal ID docs changed, see if going through your State Rep helps move things along)
afaik some of these are sadly not as immediate as these emergencies tend to be, but they're out there, and hopefully these help. Crowdfunding is still an answer that you have a right to take. Good luck and be well.
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fragmentedblade · 10 months
Goodness, apparently Argenti's One and Only is named in Chinese after Rocinante, which is so fitting for him, especially with Himeko's words about him in mind
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chubsonthemoon · 3 months
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It is done! This is The Death of Translation, originally written in English by @landwriter, translated into Mandarin by @thirrith. Binding is dos-à-dos, with English version on one side and Mandarin on the other. Bookcloth was handwoven by me, on my rigid heddle loom :3
More under the cut!
Typeset: Fanbinders are Liars
Full stop, this typeset would not have been possible without Eth and all their patience, enthusiasm, and willingness to do even more translating! I reached out to them *checks watch* nearly a year ago in July 2023 (lololol), asking if I could use their translation of TDOT in a surprise bind I wanted to send along with Gloam's author copy of Flower King. They were kind enough to say yes, and even kinder to answer my questions when I reached out six months later in January, when I was finally able to start work on the typeset.
We talked about the many delicious things that are bound to come up when discussing translating not just from English to Mandarin, but also from digital space to meatspace. Some topics I had anticipated, like font questions, translating the colophon, etc. But even with the topics I thought I'd prepared for, there were still things that came up that both surprised and delighted: for example, while AO3's website allows for italics in Mandarin--
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--my publishing program doesn't (or at least, it doesn't without needing to manually tilt every character by about 10 degrees). So as a workaround, Eth suggested changing these cases of italics to the font 华文楷体:
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Through no one's fault but my own, this ended up being only slightly less work than manually tilting every instance of italics--I wanted to be sure that I got all of them, so I ended up doing a lot of double-checking manually anyway, instead of relying solely on the Search function. There was a lot of cross-referencing with the Word document that Eth was kind enough to provide, as well as squinting and general swearing. I also did the same for the uses of Latin script, manually styling each instance as Garamond to keep it consistent with the English edition:
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The only other time I've had to do font surgery this intensive is probably for my typeset for Tell Me About the Big Bang, which I had to port over from a PDF. Folks, hell on earth. Do not recommend XD I remember squinting at my monitor as I had to visually confirm every instance of italics, thinking I will never do this again. Welp, four years later, here were are: fanbinders are liars, LMAO. At the very least, using Eth's Word document at least allowed me to search by styles, so it was a little easier on my eyes. 🙏
Is there a script that I might've been able to use if I was more code-savvy? Probably. But I figured going at it sledgehammer style would be the least hair-pulling way to get the job done, weirdly enough. Still, despite my best efforts, there are a few instances of PMingLiU to Garamond and PMingLiU to 华文楷体 that I know I missed, and I know I missed them because I caught them after I'd printed/cut/folded/sewn/glued (cue more swearing), so Gloam and Eth, my apologies >.< please consider them artifacts of a uniquely handmade object ajslkdjfs
In addition to the fonts, there were also some other fun things Eth and I discussed, like how to translate the notes I usually provide on the colophons! In addition to information on fonts, I also usually include some variation of:
This private, limited edition published by chubsthehamster (Moonham Press, imprint of Renegade Publishing) in 2024. This is chubsthehamster's personal copy. Out of three existing copies, this is the first.
The thing that came up with this, which still tickles my brain to this day, was how Eth chose how to translate "Moonham Press, imprint of Renegade Publishing." To get a better sense of what word to use for "imprint," they asked what the relationship was between Moonham Press and Renegade Publishing, which got me thinking about the relationship between my lil imprint and the wonderful @renegadeguild:
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What's all very funny about all of this is that we are now, in fact, going by the name "Renegade Bookbinding Guild," per our most recently updated Code of Conduct. While this renders the wording I asked for out of date (and thus, the wording that made it into the book out of date :'D), I think it's also a testament to how cool the work @renegadeguild is doing--like any artform, fanbinding is alive, with its own evolving language, communities, and ideas about the craft. And I love it, I love it so much. (Was this also a plug for our new-ish website? Perhaps).
There's more I could say here, but this post is already going to be long enough, so I'll move on for now! If you get anything from this section, it's that @thirrith is amazing and very patient and kind, and I'm so grateful that we got to talk shop together. Thank you so much for all your invaluable help with this, Eth! I hope the typeset, though undoubtedly flawed, does your hard work justice!
Binding: Or, SO Much Math. Like, So Much, Guys. (It was worth it, though!)
Whoo, boy! So math was never my strong suit in school, but when I set out to do this bind last year, that wasn't an issue. At first. The dos-à-dos binding, if anything, just requires a little bit of finagling on the usual case-bound format--a bit more math if you want to do an all-cloth cover, like I planned on doing, but nothing I couldn't work out with some trial and error. (My prototype below!)
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Then came February, when I took a weaving class with my friend, and then everything kinda exploded.
My original idea was to use some green Duo bookcloth I had on hand (this color, actually)--for those of you not initiated into the Duo cult, Duo is a Rayon bookcloth with a very devoted fan following in Renegade. It's very pretty; the Rayon weave is one color, and the paper backing is usually complementary color, so it has this cool two-toned effect. Duo is in high demand in Renegade circles because sadly, the company that manufactures it went out of business last year. (Although I've heard rumors recently that there's another company making something similar, but the cloth has a really high purchase requirement and is, like, for businesses only I think).
Anyway, I also wanted to have a gold line around the whole book as a kind of bellyband/obi to further connect the two versions of the story (another reason why I chose the dos-à-dos format to begin with heh), as you can see from my scribbled notes here--
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But alas! I knew going in that adhering things to Duo is often Problematic, thanks to one very painful experience trying to get some iron-on foil on another bind (the textured surface of Duo just makes it kinda hard to stick or paint stuff on it). So if I wanted a clean, continuous line, the remaining options were to either paint it on a strip of paper that I'd somehow...adhere to the cloth? Or maybe cut different slices of bookcloth and glue them on. I wasn't satisfied with either of those options, though.
Then--the weaving class. I made a scarf, and I love it and I loved making it. But the whole time, I'll not lie, my thoughts were elsewhere.
In short, my decision to weave my own bookcloth kinda came from a few different factors:
The desire to attempt to recreate Duo, that elusive beauty, the one that got away, etc. (I have several yards in my stash, but still). Others have also attempted to recreate it, and I thought I'd throw my hat in the ring.
My current spiral into the deep hole that is fiber arts (it started with crochet, then knitting, then sewing, then weaving, then spinning, and now I'm eyeing quilting! Please help me).
The gold line. It kept bugging me. And when I found weaving, I just thought there was something very neat about the process of actually making the cloth for a dos-à-dos binding from scratch, and especially for this binding. I wanted to bind a story about translation (or rather, the death of it, and yet still the necessity of it--how we must try to communicate, despite of, or perhaps precisely because of, everything that gets lost in the spaces between people, and the tragedy of that loss, and the beauty of what makes it through, and the love always present in the effort regardless), and also, the translation of that story. Weaving is a very meditative process, and with every pass of the shuttle, back and forth, building slowly but surely the fabric that would hold the story that Gloam had written and that Eth had translated, I thought a lot about translation, and the gaps between people, and how we choose our words not just when translating, but when we speak at all. From a design perspective, I used the same colors I would've used had I chosen the Duo bookcloth--green and gold--so the design wasn't too altered in terms of color scheme. But I think the choice to weave the bookcloth--the thing that bound it all together--made the project take on a completely new meaning for me, both in process and in scope, one that hadn't been there when I started. I saw the warp, perhaps, as the original story, laying the groundwork for the weft, the translation; or maybe it was the other way around, with the translation providing the scaffolding for its own, new meaning, choices that Eth had to make with this word or phrase or another building something new, something translated, and the original a live, moving thing that wove over and under each word turned phrase turned story; or maybe it was both. Maybe it didn't matter which was which, in the end. And as I wove, the thing that connected them, that gold line that had started all of this, slowly formed.
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All that to say: Good God, was there a lot of math. So much math. That prototype pictured above was actually made specifically so I could calculate exactly how much I needed to weave, lol, because while I certainly had enough thread, I didn't want to have to warp more than once. I'd learned the basics in my class, but the training wheels came off here. I wanted to make my own custom fabric, which meant calculating things like ends per inch, picks per inch, loom waste, shrinkage after washing, the width of that damn gold line, how much I'd need for the hinge, the turn-ins, the boards--the whole nine yards (I didn't actually weave nine yards tho heh). It was all absolutely worth it in the end--so challenging and so, so rewarding!
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(And my final reason for weaving the bookcloth? Not gonna lie, It was because I just wanted to see if I could do it LOL. I love trying at least one new thing with each of my binds, and this was it for this project. While I've been bookbinding for a few years now, I'm still very much a beginner weaver, and I'm so excited to continue to learn and experiment! Also, here's a video of me unwinding the cloth from the loom, heh. I used 10/2 Perle cotton in gold and green colors :3)
Also, turns out, you can back handmade cloth the same way you can any other cloth! I backed it using my usual heat-n-bond method, and with some Unryu Tissue in the color Forest. Since the cloth itself is a bit transparent, there are a bunch of really fun fibers you can see when it's held up to the light, but which aren't visible when the cloth is glued down to the boards. Still, knowing they're there still makes me happy :D
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Finally, capping all this off, is one final, small detail I really liked: ginkgo leaf endpapers :3 this one's for me and Eth and Gloam specifically <3
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Aaaand that's all from me for today, folks! Thus ends (several months late XD) my last Binderary project for the year. This was probably my most ambitious bind to date, and gosh it was so, so much fun.
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And, of course, thank you so much to Gloam for sharing your story, and Eth for translating it. I can't wait for y'all to receive your copies soon!
All my love! <3
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l4long-winded · 8 months
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o.s. fresh, unwilting daisies
summary: carmen gets possessive after your ex boyfriend stops by and leaves you a bouquet of daisies (carmen berzatto x afab!reader)
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reflection: wrote this yesterday and edited it today. i have received a few requests in my inbox if anyone is interested in leaving me some more, i'll get to those as soon as i can. let's relish in the collective carmy brain rot together <3 please enjoy and feedback is always appreciated!
warnings: cursing, cynicism, reader has an ex boyfriend, inner monologue, carmen's pov, filth, oral (f receiving), overstimulation, possessive!carmen, jealous!carmen, praise, multiple orgasms, use of "sweet girl," reader doesn't like daisies (they're pretty, let's pretend, sorry to all the daisy lovers), past relationship, donna mention, office setting, p in v sex, dom!carmen (please let me know if there are other warnings i need to add)
word count: 1,750
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Stupid, stupid, stupid motherfucker. Who does he think he is? Waltzing into Carmen’s restaurant, the cuffs of his dirt infested denim jeans dragging over Carmen’s pristine floor, said denim jeans hanging low on his hips like an asshole who can’t even present himself to you as an individual who actually gives a fuck. Grant didn’t hold the common courtesy to put on a belt, and Carmen doesn’t believe the man owns one, but if he’s going to saunter in and try and request time with you, Carmen’s girlfriend, then he should at least be decent and dress like he’s attempting to win you back and not as if he just got home after a hard day’s work of laying down brick. Grant doesn’t have a job so that explanation for his asshole outfit and his asshole beanie and his asshole demeanor is not worth excusing him, especially not as he smugly leaned over Carmen’s counter and let his jacket covered elbows smear his Grant-ness all over the surface. Carmen had no choice but to wipe it down with high-grade sanitizer, scrubbing away as if he could scrub away Grant completely out of your and Carmen’s life, since they’re entangled with one another now whether Grant likes it or not.
Carmen shifts his tongue within you utilizing a bit more pressure, undulating the pink muscle in and out until he forms the shape of a well to scoop your slick and curl it into his fervent, perpetual mouth. He gulps you down into the back of his throat, exhaling against your folds at the satisfying, addicting drink equivalent to a desert traveler’s first and desperate swallow of refreshing water. Carmen breathes your scent since it permeates throughout his office space and your wetness coats his cheeks and the tip of his nose, inhaling and exhaling air that causes your thighs to twitch in his hands at the sensation. He ought to be kinder to you, you’re sensitive from the two orgasms he’s endlessly worked out of your cunt, and it’s not your fault Grant continues to be an annoying fixture in your atmosphere having denied his pleas time and time again, but every time Carmen locks eyes with Grant’s lazy, complacent gaze, Carmen feels a surge of jealousy within him compelling him to mark his territory and reinforce the notion of you being his and his alone. Sure, you dated Grant first, but in Carmen’s eyes, you belong to him like you’ve never belonged to anyone.
“Mine,” he utters, slipping his tongue out to lick his puffy, swollen lips clean, exposing his line of thinking as he presses a kiss to your clit, growling and slightly smirking to find the little button still pulsing for him with need. His fingernails dig into the meat of your thighs as you attempt to clamp them around his head, and normally he would let you, but he holds them spread and open for him so he can continue to lap you into the whining mess you’re becoming atop his desk. The downside is how each of those adoring and pleasant sounds are muffled due to your palm actively pressing down against your lips, “good girl” muttered because that’s what he told you to do for him when you started and you’ve done an excellent job of quieting yourself while he practically drowns himself in your cunt. He doesn’t miss the whimper you reward him with at the praise, his right hand generously kneading the flesh of your thigh as a sign that he’s almost done, to just hang on a touch longer and allow him his fill.
“One more,” he promises, “just one more for me, sweet girl, one more,” Carmen litters your pussy and inner thighs with kiss after kiss, stamps of pure affection to calm you down and ready you for his next onslaught. He peers up at you, noticing how your body is trembling just as much as your thighs are, half your ass hanging off the edge of his desk, your upper shoulders slumping partially into the wall behind. Poor thing. Close to sobbing, your eyes glassy from the tears of pleasure that never fall from them, your shirt riding up your stomach since he only bothered to take your pants off in his rush to have you when you came in to check up on him. You deserve his fingers, and he plays around with the idea of sliding them inside you, drumming them against your skin as he thinks about stuffing you with them as his mouth closes over your clit. He’s done it in the past, he knows it would drive you to that climax he currently craves in an instant, but from scanning your disheveled features and writhing frame, his crystal blues eventually attach to the vase of daisies at the side of the two of you, taunting him as they have this entire time.
The notecard sticking out flashes Grant’s name. You don’t even like daisies, you’ve told Carmen, but Grant used to get them for you when he fucked up numerous times throughout your relationship. No matter how much you hated to accept them and therefore reinforced the habit, you would always vase them and frown as they started to immediately die the next morning. That’s who Grant is. He didn’t bother to at least buy you fresh and lively daisies, but the ones right on the verge of dying. Today, months and months into your and Carmen’s relationship, Grant stopped by with vased daisies under the intent of getting you back and they’re actually fucking beautiful, Carmen admits, but they’re pissing him the fuck off. Every glance to them sitting there has brought about this carnal desire to part your legs further for him. The flowers are taunting him, milky and lemony, an assorted arrangement plopped into a blaring, golden vase that Carmen’s mother would definitely keep if she had been gifted it herself, muttering something about hidden treasures, son while storing it away in her cabinet’s hoarding of dishes and “fine china” she gathered from the thrift store. They’re nice. Too nice. Carmen should get you some flowers, he decides to himself, flowers that you would actually like without some underlying motive, simply because he cares about you and because he wants to see your smile light up when he personally hand delivers them.
Fucking Grant. His fucking daisies are taking up too much fucking space on Carmen’s desk and he hates it, he hates that he had to move them from the front of the restaurant into his office so they wouldn’t obstruct the customers, he hates the contents of the notecard begging you to be Grant’s again as if you were ever his in the first place.
“Mine,” Carmen grunts again, lapping up your slit with the full flat of his tongue, dragging it to relish in your taste, in the moan you choke out against your hand, his nose catching between your folds. He glances up at the flowers, the line “want you to be mine again” ringing in his ears from when you read the note aloud to him. Well, fuck you, Grant, he thinks, it’s his tongue and mouth on your cunt and it’s his cock that’s going to be plunging in and out of you tonight on his couch, in his bed, in the shower as you brace yourself with your hands planted on his tile walls.
Fucking cry over it, motherfucker. Fuck your flowers. I’m the one fucking her.
And something… miraculous(?) happens. A single petal falls from the flowers as Carmen licks at you. He watches it swish and sway through the air, descending down until it lands right next to his hand, right on top of your thigh, his thigh.
He pushes his head in further, yanking you by your (his) thighs to meet his mouth as he simultaneously swipes away the petal like it burned you. You squeak out in surprise, your opposite hand flying down to grip the curls in his hair as you sputter above him. Carmen seals his mouth over your clit, done with the teasing, done with his thoughts, and all he wants is to send you over that blissful edge he’s pushed you towards already, stroking you with rolls of his tongue and strong suckles of his suctioned lips. You don’t even last a minute, swaddled pleas of something resembling his name being cried out into your hand, your head bumping into the wall behind as you cream around nothing. He glances down, petting your cunt with merciful, languid brushes of his tongue, in awe of the mess you’re soaking out onto his desk. He drops his jaw lower to catch all of it, close to licking your essence right off the surface if it weren’t for how you’re currently teetering on it. Carmen stands up, unbuckling his belt hurriedly as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, your cunt’s release once on his lips and chin now transferred to the digits and knife tattooed over it.
“Wha-… Carmy?” You ask as you sit up, only for him to pull you by your hips back into position for him. You look so dazed, fucked out beyond belief, and as he manhandles you to spreading your thighs all over again, his elbow knocks the vase of daisies with enough force to send them crashing down to the floor. The glass breaks into scattered shards, causing you to jump, but Carmen doesn’t seem to have noticed. He’s just lining himself up and pushing straight through your walls, well lubricated with his spit and your cum, having been loved on long enough for your shared coworkers to begin questioning your and his whereabouts. You actually yelp this time, grasping at his broad shoulders as you adjust and clench around him. He latches his lips to yours to mute your noises, thrusting away, pounding the cunt belonging to him and no one else, growling as he bites at your bottom lip.
As he steps his feet apart from one another to open your knees up for extra access, glass crunches under his shoe, water splashing under the sole of the other, and a few daisies are crushed as he fucks you with a quickening pace. He’s not worried about it. He’ll get you some tulips or maybe some sunflowers, something pretty for you to look at as he has you bent over the kitchen table tomorrow morning.
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n0tamused · 4 months
Can we have some fluff pining with Mortefi? Or just fluff in general pre relationship? Pls?
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A/N: Hope you enjoy, anon! <3
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-Ah, sweet old Mortefi, that grump is not the most open individual when it comes to his emotions. He doesn't even like bragging about his own genius inventions or ranting about the effort he had to put it, let alone be open about something as trivial as love
-Mortefi wasn't raised in an environment with the luxury of such emotional freedom, and for the biggest part of his childhood he only knew irritation and anger. Had he been younger, his approach to his current predicament would've been more aggressive, if nothing else
-But he is a man grown, and mature way past his years, and he knows the fragility and importance of these feelings he harbors so deep within himself
-So, when he began noticing tell-tale signs of love and longing forming and tying themselves around his heart all because of you, he began to wonder when these feelings began. 
-He softens towards this new wound in his heart that he couldn't complain about..he doesn't remember when he last felt this way and it was certainly new and worthy of his curiosity 
-Mortefi will not approach you for a long time in regards to these feelings, he'd much rather bury his nose in his works and overwork himself with endless projects 
-But ever so slowly you notice his lingering presence. It's not overwhelming, and you get rather comfortable with him around. He is always there if you run into any problems, how convenient.
-He still longs to be close to a person, to share company with someone dear to him, and he tries to make it as comfortable for you both as best as he can and as best as he knows how to. This would often be after work hours, inviting you over for deserts, be it at a restaurant or his own place where he makes dishes for you himself
-He isn’t a fan of the fast food industry so you won’t catch him buying anything of that kind, yet if he knows you like a certain fast food brand he may gift you a packet of your favorite snacks, or even better- he’d create something better than that brand. He has no lack of materials or knowledge on this, so in just a few days he’d present you with a box of your favorite flavors, just don’t press the issue too much, he may become a sassy or snappy
-A simple thanks will do.
-He expresses his care through these gifts and acts of service that aim to make your day better and easier and he is noticeably softer towards you, a bit kinder in his word choice. But he also never falters with guiding you through your problems with a firm but caring hand
-At times he may come to avoid too much eye contact with you, especially if he is too caught up thinking about these growing feelings he has
-It takes a long time until he comes to terms he will either have to fess up or learn to live with these feelings. The latter is more probable, as he doesn’t wish to make you uncomfortable by just admitting his feelings when you may not even return the sentiment
-But if you show the same interest back? And state it clearly without any mixed signals? Well, Mortefi couldn’t be more relieved and happy.
-He does go out of his way to make the confession sweet but not too flashy, he is not a man that likes that much attention in general and that hold up even stronger when it comes to his love life
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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dpr-stay · 1 year
Love Lost! | LN4
Lando Norris x Reader
Warnings: A little bit of the feels, jealous!Lando, hurt/comfort, happy ending, a little bit of drunken confessions but not really, childhood bestfriends to lovers bcs i love that trope.
WC: ~3.2K
Hiya, it's been a few weeks. I've been really busy and kinda lost my inspo to write, so this is me dipping my toe back in. Hopefully it's ok. NOT EDITED (not much has changed huh)
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There comes a point in every young person's life where they must look back at what they have done and realise how they could’ve done it greater. Done it faster. Done it kinder. Done it better. Whether it be a choice, an action, or some words, reflection and acknowledgement are key milestones in the development of a person's life.
Lando has had many of these moments. Such as when he had first set foot in a kart, he should’ve done it earlier. His debut season, he should’ve done it better. His schooling, he should’ve put more effort in. The realization of his feelings for his childhood best-friend, he should’ve done it faster.
It was all he could think as his eyes caught you at the bar with some random nobody leaning over your side, obviously trying to chat you up. He took a sip of his surprisingly bitter drink as he watched. The drink shouldn’t have been bitter, it was some fruity cocktail he’d bought for you before you’d arrived, but the look you were giving the guy who you were talking to certainly made it so.
The tightening of his chest went unaddressed as his first clenched around the glass stem, his mind begging to ignore the way your smile had shifted from the fake one you gave to creeps to one not dissimilar from the way you smiled at him. An elbow jolted into his side, causing his eyes to draw away from the bar, though his mind remained around 15 feet away.
One of his mates, some guy he’d met a week ago who wasn’t after his money but wouldn’t say no to sixteen free drinks, looked at him concerned. Atleast Lando thought the look was concerned, he couldn’t exactly tell as the guy's face was hidden behind a pair of douchey shades. He shouldn’t think that though, he probably owned at least ten pairs that looked the exact same.
The guy moved his head again in a silent gesture and Lando nodded, hiding his suffering behind the pretense of not stopping this guy from getting laid, returning the silent gesture. He then shrugged before moving on, quickly running up to a group of girls and placing his arms around the shoulders of two, leaving Lando to continue stewing.
Really, it wasn’t stewing. He had no reason to ‘stew’. He’d only discovered he’d felt this way recently, he hadn’t been silently grudging for years. However, as his eyes moved back to the bar and watched as the guy's hand slid from your shoulder to your back, he could definitely feel the pot boiling over within him. 
You hadn’t moved though, there was no indication that you were uncomfortable from your body language, so Lando had to accept that he wasn’t able to intervene. He trusted you as much as he liked you unfortunately, so he knew that you’d walk away or even signal if you didn’t like where this was going. He couldn’t rush in and be a knight in shining armour if there was no damsel in distress, no matter how much he hated it.
He slid down in his seat, trying not to appear too stalkerish to any people at the club as he watched the two of you interact. Last thing he wanted was rumors of him being a voyeur spreading around the media. It wouldn’t be too far off with the way the guy you were talking to was going. His hand was still sliding lower, moving from your mid back all the way down till it met the seat of the chair.
Lando could hardly hear the music pumping through the club, only focused on your body language. One slight flinch or look of discomfort and Lando would take that as his cue to storm over and create such a row that he would be heard in Azerbaijan. 
However, you didn’t move away. Lando could only watch as you adjusted in your seat, letting the guy's hand slide under your behind. You definitely didn’t need any help. The drink tasted almost acidic when Lando next took a sip, forcing himself to turn away from the bar. He came here for a good time, he didn’t need to see you getting it on.
He cleared his throat, though no one could hear him and no one had even paid attention to him in an hour. A quick glance around the club confirmed this, people engaged with their own activities while he was sat, watching someone he was in love with get hit on.
That’s not pathetic, is it? Lando thought it would be more pathetic if he acted on his impulses, walked over and stopped the random guy in his tracks. You’d probably be mad (would you?) and he didn’t think he could deal with it. Especially after watching what was happening in front of him.
I mean, you’d definitely been mad at him before, knowing a person for over a decade does that to someone, but he didn’t know how mad you would be. He’d never been in this situation before, one where he had to put his drink down and sit on his hands to stop them from punching the guy in the face. 
The fact that this was one hundred percent not healthy was all that Lando could think. He shouldn’t be putting himself through this, watching someone else touch you how you wanted to be touched. How he wanted to touch you.
God, he should leave. There was no point in staying here just to torture himself. He was a voyeur, not a sadist. He took a breath before chugging the drink you had insisted you couldn’t have because you wanted to pay for your own and then standing up and lumbering his way to the exit.
Doing the responsible thing, he arranged for an uber as he walked down the corridor to the door. The fresh air that greeted him sent a wave of feeling down his spine. He walked further away from the cue to get into the club, praying that no one would recognise him as he walked.
Luckily, no one did. Lando didn’t know if this made him feel better or worse.
It’s a funny thing, that. Lando normally liked being in the spotlight. Maybe it was growing up always being unwittingly compared to others, but he liked being special. Even in times Lando didn’t want to be recognised, because he truly didn’t at the moment, he still craved that little serotonin boost whenever someone would turn to him with stars in their eyes. 
It felt nice to be revered, nice to be seen as greater, all those things he didn’t consider himself. You’d always provided that for him. He didn’t want to come off as shallow or as a user, but your everlasting presence in his life, your consistent praise, had always made him feel good. 
God, that did make him come off as shallow. It went without saying, he thought, that he always tried to return the favour. The way you always smiled bashfully in response to his compliments always made his day brighter. 
He almost swore out loud into the empty street as he walked. He should’ve realised earlier. He’d never taken himself as the boy-next-door type, mostly because he was always someplace else, but the idea of domesticity with a person who he’d always been around, especially since it was you, made him feel incredibly warm inside. 
A warmth he doesn’t feel often. It had only come around a few times in his life, but the most notable would’ve had to have been around two weeks earlier. He was just lying in bed, you on the phone rambling about whatever you were now interested in.
Every one of his responses were some variation of “yeh” but that didn’t stop you. Eventually you’d tired yourself out and Lando had finally got a word in. He’d made some tired quip about you “never shutting up”. You’d responded in like, a joke about him not being able to keep up. You’d gone back and forth with your banter before eventually you’d both called it quits and said goodnight. 
Lando hadn’t even registered the fact he was about to say “I love you” as a sign-off before you’d hung up on him until the quiet beeping of his phone sounded. That had made him really, truly think about your years-long friendship, pondering about whether he had meant that platonically or romantically.
It hadn’t taken long for him to figure it out. After ten minutes an itching had settled in his mind that he should call you back and force you to continue talking. He missed your voice, even if it was you ranting about something he had no idea about. Even the thought of it had inspired a familiar warm feeling to bloom within him.
The warm feeling had still been present in the club, even if it was accompanied by the crushing weight of feeling mediocre. Lando almost scoffed at himself as he mindlessly kicked a rock as he walked. 
His earlier thoughts ran through his mind, cursing himself for thinking it pathetic to try and stand up for his own feelings. He should’ve said something at any point. Now you were probably dancing with the guy, ignoring the fact that Lando wasn’t even in the club.
That wasn’t true, of course. You were too kind. Something that Lando had always appreciated but made it incredibly hard in situations such as this one. The buzzing of his phone alerted him to this, a single text from you reading ‘Where r u?’
Completely inconspicuous but oh so characteristic. The shorthand made it clear you were busy, you were never one for abbreviations, but Lando refused to think about what you were busy with. He didn’t think you were ‘easy’, god no he wasn’t an ass, but he’d never seen you click so fast with someone to the point that you’d let them put their hands on you like that.
Lando didn’t know how to respond, instead checking the time on the Uber. There was no way that many people were getting Uber’s that it was a twenty minute wait. He could only sigh before scrolling back to your text. 
An answer that properly conveyed his dilemma evaded him, so he just replied with a ‘Going home’ before quickly tacking on a ‘Have fun :)’ because he felt it was rude not to. After hitting send, he put his phone in his pocket before leaning against the wall of the building closest to him, staring straight into the night sky. 
He’d only have a few minutes of respite before a familiar call of his name sounded in his ears. His head swung down out of shock, watching your hasty figure make your way towards him. You were swaying on the heels you were regretting wearing, your purse having your essentials halfway out of it.
“What the hell, man?” You asked as you stumbled closer, the drink you’d bought yourself making your already unsteady steps seem as though you’d fall over if you went too close to a crack in the pavement. 
He could only look on in incredulity as you stopped in front of him, one of your hands reaching for his arm to balance yourself. He quickly reacted, sweeping you into his side, before turning his head to look at you.
“I thought you were going to stay back.” His voice had a tone of question to it and you shook your head, swaying violently side from side as you moved it.
“No, I came with you. Gonna leave with you too.” Your words were mumbled as you spoke them, the drowsiness you felt becoming incredibly apparent. Lando tried not to react, though he found it incredibly hard. The knowledge that you’d never even planned to leave with anyone but him reassured him. The feeling he got from that reassurance made him slightly uncomfortable. As much as it made him regretful that he didn’t act earlier, no one owned you and you could do whatever you liked.
The words you spoke awoke a feeling that had been increasing ever since that phone call, the previous events of the night also hadn’t done it any favours. That feeling was protectiveness. 
“Would you like me to take you home?” He asked and you nodded against his side. He held you there while you swayed, thinking over what the feeling coursing through his veins entailed. Was it right to feel protective over something that definitely wasn’t yours?
Lando was left to ponder this as you both waited for the cab. He didn’t know if that question explicitly applied to this situation. Maybe you weren’t each others in a relationship sense, but you were definitely each others in a friendship sense. Hell, he’d consider himself yours in any circumstance. He just didn’t know if you thought the same.
As the Uber pulled up the curb, Lando walked you both over. Quickly opening the door and guiding you in, he then rushed to the other side and got in the car. He gave the driver the address of your house before leaning back into his seat.
It took approximately five seconds after the car had started that your head fell on his shoulder. He froze, not daring to move a muscle in fear that he would disrupt your sleep. A quick glance down out of the corner of his eyes showed that you actually weren’t asleep, you were staring up at him. Your eyes looked as though they were shining as they stared at him, and he couldn’t help the heat rushing to his cheeks
Your expression looked starstruck, as though you’d never seen him before. He quickly tapped your shoulder in a silent ‘you okay?’ gesture. You didn’t respond, causing him to look down and look at you.
Unknowingly, he had positioned you at eye level with each other. He could feel the breaths escaping your lips as you breathed out, the closeness a feeling he decided he would cherish because of the highly unlikely chance of ever feeling it again.
Or he could call it, lean in and deal with the repercussions. He was tempted, of course, it would be such an easy way to just rip the bandaid off. He wouldn’t have to deal with a confession or the rejection. He could just lean in for a few seconds then open the door of the Uber and roll out, never having to see you again to face the rejection he could sense. 
After a few seconds he pulled the plug, deciding that the longer he held his head so close to yours, the creepier it came off. Neither of you talked the rest of the journey, relying on the old tunes of Oasis that the driver decided to put on.
Eventually, you arrived at your address. One look at Lando convinced him to walk you inside. He’d call another Uber, regardless of wait times.
You opened the door to your building, holding it open for Lando which he acknowledged with a smirk. You just rolled your eyes, the moment from the Uber well and truly passed. Regardless, you both moved to your elevator, moving in as you clicked the button of your floor. 
There wasn’t many people around, it was too late, so it was just you and Lando in the elevator. A space that would normally be full of conversation was unusually quiet. 
Lando knew why he was quiet, he was recalling the moment in the Uber, slightly mourning what could’ve happened if only he was braver. He didn’t know why you were quiet, probably thinking about how weird he was acting.
But, frankly, the night was almost over. Just another couple of minutes and Lando could start the journey home, able to think over how that man had touched you and how he would never be able to do that. He should definitely try to move on. It would be too uncomfortable to spend a long amount of time secretly loving his best friend.
The lift dinged and you both walked over, moving side by side down the corridor till you eventually reached your door. You both paused outside your door. You didn’t make any move to grab your key and instead just looked at Lando, an unfamiliar look on your face. You almost seemed resigned. Lando didn’t know why.
You then sighed before moving to your purse, rummaging for a second before pulling out your key. A quick turn and your door was open. You turned back to Lando, a small smile on your lips.
“Goodnight Lando.” You said sweetly and Lando returned the gesture quietly, pulling you in for a small hug. After you separated, you seemed to hesitate for a second before shaking your head and going inside. Lando watched you close the door and heard it click before he called out one last ‘goodbye’.
Except the words that left his lips were not ‘goodbye’. They were ‘love you’. Completely unconscious slip of the tongue but it resulted in Lando completely freezing. How the hell had he done that?
He couldn’t hear any footsteps from your side of the door and Lando was left gaping as he processed what he said and the fact that you definitely heard. It was way past the time to say it was an accident when he regained any sort of agency.
He immediately turned away from your door, poised as though to make a getaway. However, the sound of your door opening stopped him. Oh god, how was he going to write this off.
He slowly turned, making eye contact with you as you stood in the doorway of your apartment. Your expression was more shocked than blank, but it was definitely on the border. He could see the question in your face, but he could only respond with his completely gobsmacked expression.
He didn’t know what you took this to mean, but you smiled. A bright smile. A smile more radiant than any one he’d seen you give the man from the bar. It took you a second to gather your thoughts to speak, he could see you formulating something to say in your mind.
“I love you too.” Was your response and if Lando’s jaw could drop further, it did. He was not expecting any of this. If he were to confess his feelings, he thought there would’ve been a lot more of his tears involved and a lot more planning. However, here you were, shyly returning his feelings. A smile that matched your own spread across his face and you giggled at his reaction.
“Really?” He asked dumbly, something you’d tease him about later. You nodded.
It took him less than two seconds to cross from where he was standing awkwardly in the corridor to your door frame, and it took him even less time to kiss you.
And, for once, Lando felt relieved that he didn’t do anything a different way.
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hope you likey
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
there's been another edit war going on with the TV Tropes recap for Full Moon's YMMV recap page
an entry for Unintentionally Unsympathetic that talks about the reaction to Stolas. people kept trying to remove it and then even those who didn't totally agree added it back because it's about a fan reaction & it used direct evidence from the show as support
it's back for good now because it was approved on another thread, but what gets me is that fans keep trying to reframe what people's problem is with the murder family scene in the first place
they talk about it as though the scene has to prove either Stolas called already knowing it was a bad time or have been watching Blitzo functionally the entire time
but while that would be bad, there's already enough in the scene itself to condemn Stolas. the point is that Stolas had every reason to believe Blitzo was not in a position to talk and was very likely in danger, but he not only pressed ahead he proposed a deal that Blitzo should have had more time to think over but was instead put in a position where agreeing immediately just to get Stolas' off the phone was his best bet
at no point does Stolas ask why Blitzo is whispering, about the gunshots, if he should call back or arrange to come to the office when Blitzo keeps telling him he's trying to focus on (in his own words) not 'getting fucked'. he doesn't even care to ask if Blitzo is OK
if it were anyone with a shred of empathy or common sense they'd realize that someone immediately saying 'fine! whatever!' to a proposition like that is a big red flag that they're not giving enthusiastic, informed consent - Blitzo didn't have time to think it through and his 'whatever!' especially gives the impression he would have agreed to anything to keep the book
saying it's on Blitzo to hang up on Stolas (even though he could have called back and the ringtone would've endangered his life even more a second time) ignores the power imbalance - Blitzo talks to and about Stolas in Loo loo land like he expects the owl to drag him off to some dark corner of the park for a quickie whether Blitzo likes it or not. he obviously doesn't trust him enough to know Stolas wouldn't have gotten angry & tanked his business if he'd just hung up, especially as soon as Stolas mentioned the grimoire. (even as late as full moon with so called better kinder Stolas, Blitzo still doesn't trust Stolas not to ruin his business and offers to do 'anything' - doesn't exactly suggest he trusts him even in s2, does it?)
it's just victim blaming - what's stopping Stolas being the one to arrange a better time to talk or just dropping by the office?
Murder Family Stolas gives the impression of someone who does not care whether or not Blitzo is in danger or is able to give informed & enthusiastic consent, so long as he agrees to what Stolas is proposing. and even if Blitzo had been able to think it through, Stolas is essentially demanding Blitzo pimp himself out to him to keep the lights on. there's no way to spin that to make what Stolas does OK - if they'd been having a casual fling outside of work without the book being the direct transactional element (ie Blitzo slept with him a second time because he wanted to not because he was forced to) there'd still be the uncomfortable question of the grimoire looming over them but the whole messy relationship would be a lot easier to fix and Stolas would look way less like a monster
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Saving the full post in case it's lost to us.
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tropes-and-tales · 1 year
Sweet Like Candy
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Day 5:  Sex pollen (Horacio Carrillo x F!Reader)
(For the 2023 Kinktober event that I created on my own because I am boring and basic and am trying to keep it simple this year...found here!) 
CW:  Dub-con due to sex pollen trope; smut (PiV, unprotected); 18+ only.
Word Count:  4990
AN:  This was requested by an anon with an excellent memory who remembered when I mentioned a sex pollen Carrillo piece in passing! Also, not edited. I'm sick and barely ran it through spell-check.
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It’s Carrillo’s fault, this entire terrible situation.
If he hadn’t been so severe when he first met you, he could have a genial working relationship with you.  You wouldn’t have been afraid of him from the start.  You would have been willing to work directly with him, handed off your lab reports directly instead of filtering them through Peña and Murphy, through Trujillo.
He wouldn’t have gotten grief from Peña to try and make peace with you.  He wouldn’t have gone to visit you, a play at being a softer, kinder Carrillo who perhaps smiles and says thank you for all of your exemplary work.
He wouldn’t have found himself in your lab on this day—the day you’re running tests on a separate case for the Medellín police, separate from the Search Bloc and its pursuit of Escobar. Not testing cocaine at all:  a scatter of innocuous-seeming candy in your workspace.  Supercoco—chewy caramel with coconut pieces folded in. 
Any Colombian recognizes the green wrapper.  Carrillo smiles to see it, slips a couple of pieces into his pocket when you turn away for a moment.
Only this isn’t Supercoco.  It’s a version infused with the distillation of a plant found in the Amazon, then wrapped in the familiar green paper.  A powerful love drug, an aphrodisiac, passed on the sly in the bars and night clubs of Medellín.
It’s Carrillo’s fault.  He’d been so severe when he met you, he tries to make amends now by being casual.  You stare at him as though he has two heads as he asks you about your day, how you’re settling into your apartment, if you’ve had a chance to explore the city yet. 
You answer his questions with your brows furrowed.  Confused.  He’s hardly the same man who barked at you on your first day in Colombia.  A timer in the lab goes off, and you turn to one of your complicated pieces of lab equipment to read the ticker tape being spit out of the machine.
Your back turned, he snags another piece of candy and eats it.  He’s trying to be Casual Carrillo, not the flinty version of himself with a cold gaze and a grim set to his mouth.  He takes a second piece, chews it, feels a million memories from his childhood resurface at the taste.  But then you turn around, see what he’s eating, and your face—usually guarded and wary when he is around—turns to pure horror.
“No!”  You bridge the distance between the two of you, and you’re touching him before he can even register it.  Your hands are on his face, pinching the corners of his mouth, trying to force him to spit out the candy.  It’s pure instinct, like a mother forcing a toddler to spit out something poisonous.  You move on instinct, manhandling his face, and he moves on instinct too.
He spits out the half-chewed candy.
Which doesn’t help with the piece he already ate.  The piece already in his stomach, being digested.
“Shit, rinse out your mouth,” you order him, and you dart to the sink, pour him a glass of water.  You thrust it into his hand, and his heart starts to hammer at your panicky reaction.  What has he eaten?  Poison?  Some terrible, addictive drug?  Something that’ll do permanent damage to him, leave him with a weakened heart or a compromised liver?  Something that’ll shave years off of his life?
“What—” he starts to ask, but you gesture at the glass, so he does as he’s told.  He takes a mouthful, swishes it around.  Spits it out in the sink, then does it again and again.
“It’s some sort of love drug,” you tell him once he’s done.  You sag in relief against the counter.  “Medellín police found a bunch of it in a bust the other day.  The DEA contracts my lab out to the local force, so I’ve been running tests.”
“Love drug?” he asks, his stomach sinking.  “What does that mean?”
“Tests reveal organic compounds from a plant.  Like maca root, only…times a thousand.”
He swallows hard, and you catch the audible gulp, misunderstand it.
“You’re fine,” you tell him, and you gift him a rare smile.  “You didn’t eat it.  And anyway, there’s no long-term side effects if you had.  It just makes the user really, uh, friendly.”
“How friendly?” he asks, using your cutely prudish American adjective for horny, and you give him the anecdotal evidence from the Medellín police about spontaneous orgies in local clubs, and then he tells you the bad news about how he ate a first piece before spitting out the second, and the way your eyes go wide and your mouth forms a perfect “O” of horror would make him laugh, if he weren’t so nervous about what is about to happen to him.
You drive him home in his own car.  There’s no point in taking him to the hospital—the only treatment is to ride it out.
It’s hard to describe the way it feels when the drug starts to affect him.  Carrillo has little experience with any drugs beyond the morphine he was prescribed when he was shot and had surgery.  He remembers the morphine, even years later:  the warm, syrupy calm that spread through his limbs, erasing the pain of his wound.
This…is not that.
Twenty minutes.  Half an hour after he eats that fucking laced candy.  He feels it in his stomach first, right under his rib cage:  warm, but not calm.  Warm, but…alert.  Aware.  If the morphine put his senses to sleep, then this wakes them up.
Wakes all of his senses up, then as the warmth spreads—up into his chest, down into his gut—wakes his senses up even more.  Carrillo’s senses dialed up to a thousand.
Not just smelling your delicate perfume, but smelling the soap from your laundry detergent, the shampoo you used that morning.  The faintly chemical smell of your lab that clings to your hair and clothing.
Not just hearing you—your cautious questions of how he’s feeling, where you should turn next to get him home.  He swears he can hear your heart beating, the pulse and slush of your blood as it moves through your body.  Swears he can hear you breathing, can hear the quiet creak of your jaw as you clench it in worry.
Not just seeing you, the mousy little scientist that he managed to scare shitless her first day in Colombia.  Put the fear of God in you after the last DEA scientist got caught skimming Escobar’s cocaine from the bricks confiscated by the Search Bloc.  His own fault, how he barked at you that first day, and this is his fault too—not following the rules of your lab.  Now he’s not himself.
Now he sees you with the drug roaring in his veins.  The tight clench of your hands on the steering wheel.  The worried set of your jaw, the way you study him out of the corner of your eye.  He sees more, now, too:  the delicate shell of your ear, the tiny pinprick in the lobe of a piercing but no earring because of your lab protocols.  The way the line of your neck disappears into the neckline of your shirt, the curve as it meets your shoulder.  The thin silver chain around your neck, a locket, and Carrillo wonders if you’ve got some sweetheart back home who gifted it to you before you left for South America.
The thoughts rise in his head like carbonation, rapid-fire.  Usually so logical, so cool-headed:  now his thoughts are gummy, sticky.  He wants to lean against the seatbelt and put his mouth on your neck, follow the line of it into your shirt, then pull it aside and keep going.  Tasting you.  Such a sweet, mousy little thing—he wonders if you taste sweet, or if he’d taste the salt of your skin, maybe a bitter spot where you daubed perfume that morning—
“Shit.”  It comes out a groan, pained.  He lifts a hand and presses it over his eyes, and he feels how hot his palm is.  This is bad.  It’s so bad.  He’s not himself; he’s losing who he is:  Horacio Carrillo, the man who is always so staid…that man is fading into the background.  That Horacio is going quiet, ceding control to this other Horacio who is ruled only by want, by feeling.
You manage to get him home, and he is still enough of himself to thank you. 
He’s also enough of himself to bark out that you need to leave:  take his car and go, leave him alone.
But Carrillo never really got to know you.  He put the fear of God in you that first day.  You’ve been ducking him ever since.  He has no way of knowing the type of person you are.
He has no way of knowing that you are the caring sort.  You’re soft-hearted.  You worry for people when they are hurt or sick; you check in on them.  You take care of them.
He has no way of knowing that while you are brilliant at your job and largely level-headed, your heart often drives you and your brain often follows.  Which is why you ignore his orders and follow him into his house:  your soft heart driving you to help a person in distress, when your brilliant mind is perhaps warning you to stay away.
You follow him into his house, and Carrillo is still enough of himself to try and force you to leave.
“You gotta go,” he says, and his usually-crisp English comes out slurred, slushy and rounded off with his Colombian accent.  “Gotta leave.”
He curls his hands on your upper arms, pushes you backwards but not meanly.  Pushes you towards the door carefully so you don’t stumble or trip, but it’s another sense dialed up to a thousand—the feel of you under his hands.  The warmth of your body underneath the crisp cotton of your blouse, the way his fingertips bite into the surprisingly firm muscles there. 
“If you don’t leave, m-might not be able to stop myself.”  He pushes you towards the door, but already that driving want is roaring in him, and he doesn’t stop to open the door and push you through it.
He keeps it closed and pushes you against it. 
He traps you between the door and his body, so close to touching you.  There’s hardly any space separating you.  Millimeters.  Molecules.  Close enough to feel the heat of your body, the magnetism the fucking drug is convincing him is there—
Carrillo stares down at you; you gaze back with those widened eyes.  Nervous.  As scared as you’d been that first day, and it chastens him just a bit.  You probably think he’s a monster.
You take a breath, and the motion makes the locket around your neck move.  It catches the light and draws his eye.  Carrillo takes a hand from your shoulder and lifts the locket from where it lays against your chest.  He holds it between his thumb and forefinger, considering it.
“Your boyfriend give you this?” he asks.
You blink at the question, shake your head faintly.  “It was my grandma’s.”
A dumb thing, but the thought of you having a grandmother—of course you have two, as most humans do—reminds him that you’re a person with an entire history.  A family back home in the States.  Likes and dislikes.  And Carrillo knows none of it.
“You need to go,” he says in a low voice, ignoring the wave of lust that sweeps through him.  “I can handle this alone.”
You shake your head again.  “It was my lab.  My responsibility.  I can help.  I can get a cold shower going and then—”
He silences you.  He puts his finger over your lips, stills them.  The wrong thing to do:  now he knows how your mouth feels, and Carrillo grits his teeth and breathes shallow through his nose.
“If you don’t go, I’m going to want to—Dios, I already…you need to go.”
The last vestige of the sensible, stoic Carrillo wants to open the door, shove you out of it, throw the bolt.  That Carrillo wants to stagger deeper into the house, alone, and strip out of his clothes.  He wants to lay on the cool tiles and relieve the tension as best he can.
That Carrillo is gone.  Silenced, tucked away into a corner of his mind.  This Carrillo doesn’t push you away:  instead, he shifts his hand, traces his finger over the plump curve of your lower lip, and your eyes widen at his touch—
This Carrillo remembers something.  With his other hand, he reaches down.  Into his pocket, where a few pieces of the laced candy are.  The ones he pocketed on the sly and forgot.
He pulls one out.  Unwraps it clumsily with one hand while the other hand remains on your mouth, stilling your words.  Once it’s unwrapped, he holds it up for you to see, like a trainer teaching a dog with a treat.  Then he removes his hand from you, takes a step back.  It takes every single bit of his resolve to stop touching you, but he does.
He’s giving you a choice:  leave, as he’s ordered you to do more than once.  Or stay and join him.
In this moment, Carrillo still doesn’t know anything about you.  He doesn’t know what you’re thinking.  He knows so little about you, only knows that you avoid him, are frightened by his tough colonel of the Search Bloc routine. 
There will come a time in the future when he will be able to guess, with startling accuracy, what you are thinking.  He’ll know you better then.  He’ll know that as mousy as you seem, you have sudden surges of bravery.  Sudden moments of nerve.
That comes later.  Right now, when Colonel Horacio Carrillo gives you a choice, you startle him.  You don’t turn and flee. 
You shift your eyes from the laced candy in his hand to his own eyes, and you seem to see something there that informs your decision.
You don’t flee.  You open your mouth and allow him to lay the laced caramel onto your tongue, a perverse sort of communion.  It’s one of your sudden moments of nerviness, and you never blink once, never look away from him while you chew carefully, then swallow.
It’s morally grey, at best.  The man is not himself.
It’s utter madness at worst.
There will come a time in the near future when he will ask why you didn’t leave.  Why you ate the candy.  You’ll tell him a half-truth:  that it was professional curiosity, how taking the drug would feel.  You’ve never tried the drugs you test in your lab; you always rely on your equipment and anecdotal evidence from those who do inject or smoke or eat the various drugs.  But there is always the curious part of you, the most essential part of being a scientist, that wants to know how it feels.
Why not try it?  It isn’t cocaine or heroin or LSD. 
There will come a time in the further future when he will ask again, and that time, you’ll tell him the whole truth:  that yes, you were curious about the drug.  But more than that:  you were curious about him.  You were terrified of him and attracted to him in equal measure (you blamed the fact that he was usually in uniform), which made for a weird combination of emotions every time you had to deal with him.  The sinking fear in your gut that he’d turn his flinty gaze on you…paired with the fluttery swooping in your gut of burgeoning infatuation.
That all comes later.  Right now, there’s nothing but the sweetness of caramel lingering in your mouth, almost cloying, and Colonel Carrillo staring at you like he wants to devour you.  You inch around him, move away from where you’re trapped between him and door. 
You make your way deeper into his home, and you sit on his couch and wait.  He follows and sits beside you, but he doesn’t touch you.  He clenches his hands into fists in his lap, his knuckles white with the effort, but he doesn’t touch you.
That means something, you think.  Says something about his character, even when he’s drugged.
Fifteen, twenty minutes after eating the laced candy:  you’re ready to be devoured.
Carrillo doesn’t know exactly how the drug works—if it affects men and women differently—but he can guess when you start to feel it.
Your face twists into an expression of concentration, as if you’re surveying how you feel.  Like you’re checking in on your pulse, your breathing, your temperature.  You narrow your eyes, and he wonders if you’re making mental notes that you’ll later print in your small, neat handwriting in the little notebook you keep.
Carrillo?  He’s in hell.  Twenty minutes of waiting for you to sink to his level, and every cell of him aches for relief.  He’s not in any physical pain—whatever formula the chemists use for their so-called love drug, it’s meant to be fun, not painful.  But it’s like pain, the endless want he has, the lust that’s sunk its claws deep into his gut.
The twenty minutes pass like twenty years.
Then you swipe your palms along the thighs of your jeans as if they are sweaty, and you breathe out a shaky, “holy shit,” and he knows you’re finally in the same place as him so he pounces, damned near:  a graceless move, quick, that bridges the distance between the two of you.  He presses himself against you, cages you against the arm of the couch, and when he bends his head to kiss you, you raise up to meet him more than halfway.
He knows it’s just the drug, but you kiss him with a passion he’s never experienced before:  not with his now-ex-wife, not with the handful of girls before her.  Every other kiss before pales in comparison to the heat behind your kiss now:  the fierce way you slot your mouth over his, how eagerly you slide your tongue against his without an ounce of the shyness he associates with you.  He can taste the sickly-sugary laced-candy, but he swears he can taste you too, and when he groans in your mouth, you answer with your own whine.
There’s only a small sliver of him that is still him, and that tiny shred of the sensible Carrillo manages to break away.  You’re both tearing at each other’s clothing—your shaky hands fumbling at the buttons on his shirt, his hands tugging the hem of your blouse out of your jeans.  But he breaks away with every remaining bit of his inner strength, and he gazes down at where you’re awkwardly splayed across his couch.
“Not here,” he pants.  All of this will shame him when he’s sober, he thinks, but he can try to be a gentleman, can claim you on a proper bed and not on an uncomfortable couch.
He stands up, and a wave of dizziness washes through him.  He staggers, and you sit up and reach out to steady him.  You wrap a hand around his wrist and stare up at him.  Your eyes glitter black because your pupils are so wide that the color of your irises is little more than a crescent—but he thinks he sees concern there underneath the lust.
“You okay, Colonel?” you ask, confirming his suspicions.  Even now, under the influence of the drug, he’s seeing your caring nature that he’s never been privy to before.  It sobers him up just enough.
Carrillo nods.  He twists out of your light grip and takes your hand in his.  He tugs you to your feet and feels how you sway against him too.
“N-not here,” he repeats.  A fresh wave of lust courses through him, nearly knocks him to his knees like the incoming tide.  “I don’t…not here, okay?  C’mon.”
You nod and allow him to lead you back to his bedroom.  He keeps his hold on your hand, unwilling to give up the tame touch, and when you squeeze his hand—maybe you’re nervous—he squeezes yours back in reassurance.
That small, quiet voice that was sensible Carrillo is silenced the minute he gets you in the bedroom.  The drug takes him over completely, and he’s almost relieved to cede all control to it.  He’s always so tight-laced, so straight-edged. 
This Carrillo is nothing but id:  driven by desire, chasing pleasure.  He feels like little more than an animal, and he finds that he likes it. 
Your clothes don’t survive him.  He tears at your blouse and the buttons ricochet across the room.  He’ll find them for weeks afterwards; he’ll send you home in one of his plain white T-shirts the next morning, and the sight of you in such a tame outfit will make a curling wave of lust course through him, though the drug will have worked itself out of his system by then.
He tugs at the clasp of your bra, fumbles it but then unlatches it, and he pushes it off of your arms to reveal your breasts, and Carrillo sways closer to you.  He touches you there first, cups the soft roundness of you, and he feels how diamond-hard your nipples are.  He bends his head and puts his mouth to you—suckling, nipping, licking at you, and he feels your hand thread through his hair to hold him there.  He hears the keening whine you loose, the throaty way you say his name.
Not his name.  You whine out Colonel, his stupid fucking title, and he lifts his head.  He stares into your dark, unblinking eyes.  He reaches up a hand and grips your chin, firm but not hard, because even underneath the raging animal lust burning through him, he doesn’t want to hurt you.
“Horacio,” he tells you.  “Say it.”
You do, and it’s no mousy whisper.  Your tongue darts out and lays a wet line on your lower lip. 
“Horacio,” you reply.  You say it carefully like it’s a new word for you.
“Say it again,” he demands, but you only get the first two syllables out before he’s muttering a curse at hearing his name in your mouth, the intimacy of it, and he seals his mouth over yours in a fierce kiss.
The rest of your clothes—your jeans, your panties—fall away as he strips you.  There’s no art to it.  No seduction, because you strip him just as fiercely.  You tug at his belt and undo it, pull it from the loops of his pants with a snap as the leather whips against the air.  You get him out of his uniform shirt and t-shirt underneath it but then he pushes you back against the bed and you fall, naked and gorgeous. 
Horacio pounces.
There is a part of him, terribly small and far away, that worries you don’t want this.  The straight-edged part of him despairs that this is just the drug, that you’ll be horrified in the morning. 
His worrying will be needless.  He’ll wake before you in the morning—the consequence of being in the army so long—but when you finally wake too, you’ll only be a little shy.  You won’t have any regrets, and you’ll prove it to him by climbing onto him, by riding him slowly in the pre-dawn Medellín morning.  And neither of you will be drugged when you do.
Now, he stretches the length of his body over yours, feels the feverish press of his skin to yours.  You open your legs to him, but when he settles between your spread thighs, you hook your feet onto his pants, reach down with your hands, and clumsily try to work the rest of his clothing off of him.
“Eager,” he mutters against your mouth, and your lips are slick, swollen from how much he’s already kissed you.
“Please,” you reply.  You gaze up at him, blink as if you’re trying to clear your head.  “Please, Horacio.”
Then you shift the hand that is already reaching down, and you touch him—your hand slips under the low-slung elastic of his boxers, and your warm hand is on his cock, and the sudden touch makes him jump and twitch in your palm as you grasp him firmer, start stroking him.
“Fuck,” he chokes out.  “F-fuck, cariño.”
If he can be grateful for anything, it’s that he got dosed in your lab and managed to get home before this moment.  You told him this drug was circulating though Medellín clubs and bars, and Horacio cannot imagine succumbing to this sharp, all-encompassing desire in public.  He’s grateful he got you to his bed, where you have privacy.
The first time he fucks you, Horacio gets no further than freeing his cock from the confines of his pants, shoves his uniform slacks and his boxers down just enough for his aching length to spring free.  You moan as you stroke him—he’s slick with pre-cum—but he breaks free from your grip and shuffles forward.  He pushes forward until he’s touching your slick folds, and then he pushes into you, unable to stop himself, but your hands reach down and grasp his ass and pull him into you, and once he’s buried to the hilt, you wrap your legs around him.
The first time he fucks you, Horacio can’t manage intelligible words.  Not in English, not in Spanish.  He can only grunt like an animal, can only breathe harsh, ragged breaths as he thrusts into you.  You’re unbearably wet, unbearably hot.  It’s like fucking some tight, searing thing, and the heat is everywhere—your cunt, your bared skin, your panting mouth, your hands gripping his shoulders.  The heat sinks into his skin, into his tense muscles, into the very bones of him.  It’s like he’s being unmade at the molecular level, broken down into base elements, and his grunts turn to snarls as he fucks you harder, deeper. 
You?  You take it.  You take it eagerly.  You wrap your legs around him.  You wrap your arms around him, and even if he wanted to stop, he’d have to untangle himself from your limbs.  Each jarring thrust where he’s completely buried in you makes you groan, and even you have an animal quality to the sounds he’s pulling from your perfect lips.  When the crown of his cock hits the end of you, you groan, but it’s throaty—almost a growl.
A moment later, he feels a sting of fire on his back where you dig your fingernails into him.  Where you scratch long lines of burning into his skin, like a brand.  He’ll carry those marks for days, feel how they burn under the spray of his shower.
Then you aren’t just taking it anymore.  You start to fuck back against him, lifting your hips an inch off the bed, tilting your pelvis enough to grant him more depth to you.  You find his rhythm and meet him thrust for thrust, until you’re moving not as two people but one.
The first time he fucks you, Horacio has no clue how long it lasts.  It goes by in a blink.  It lasts for hours.  It’s nowhere near long enough before he feels the burning tension at the pit of his belly snap and spill over like molten metal poured out of a crucible.  He can’t even warn you that he’s about to come because it happens so quickly—a particularly deep thrust where he swears he can feel himself breeching the entrance of your womb, where you hiss in his ear some phrase he won’t remember.  The tension snaps, and he breathes out your name, and he comes inside you, brands your perfect cunt with his spend.
But the feeling of him filling you must be the last bit of stimulation you need because you come a beat later too, and the sensation of your cunt rippling against him when he’s already so sensitive nearly makes him cry.
It gives you each a moment of reprieve.  Horacio’s burning lust recedes just enough that he gazes down at you.  He feels a sting of guilt—you’re disheveled, your hair wild and your eyes leaking tears down into your temples.  Your lips are swollen as you struggle to catch your breath, and you look so gorgeously, thoroughly fucked that he leans down and kisses you gently on the corner of your mouth.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
You nod.  You reach out a gentle hand too, curl it into a loose fist and run your knuckles lightly over the side of his face.  It’s an oddly sweet gesture, soft, and when Horacio tilts his head into your touch, you uncurl your fist and cup his face.
This is the moment, he will realize later, where love takes root.  This simple, intimate moment between the two of you.  Eye of the storm, where he kisses you sweetly and you cup his face.  The love won’t blossom or fruit for a while yet, but this is where it reaches its tender shoots into him.
But the realization won’t come until later.  For now, the receding tide of lust reverses, comes rushing back in.  He’s still buried in you, still hard as steel, but everything is getting warm again.
“You okay?” he asks again, but he’s already pulling out a fraction, pushing back into you, his hips making small movements.
“Again, Horacio.”  Your thumb strokes along his stubbled cheek, and you nod up at him.  “Again, please.”
You ask so nicely.  He pulls out long enough to finally strip out of his clothes, but then?
Then he obliges.
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solradguy · 11 days
Recently I've started to try and study a lot of the artwork for Guilty Gear, particularly the artwork by Daisuke. I was reading your translation of the notes in the XX artbook and I realized that on a lot of the artwork I really liked, Daisuke mentioned mistakes he made. I found this odd since, again, most of them I thought were absolute masterpieces.
I know that people always say "You're your own worst critic", especially to artists, but I guess that it never really set in until I was reading those.
I get nobody's art is perfect (Daisuke is no exception, there are pieces in the artbook that even I could see were rather flawed), but the fact that I am staring in aw at some artwork and I then read that the creator of it was upset that the perspective was all off feels insane. Kinda makes me think about how I critique my own art when I have so many people in my life who think I'm an amazing artist.
I know this is gonna sound stupid and corny but I wanted to get this out of my head since it's been in there for at least a week or two now. Probably didn't word this the best since it's getting a bit late since I decided to stay up to listen to the new (and by new I mean two years old) Red Hot Chili Peppers album while drawing and I thought of this again.
Also thanks for translating the art book. Although the artwork by itself is still great, the comments (as I have stated) were really insightful for me personally. You really are a rad guy, at least in my eyes.
When I first translated Artworks of GGX 2000-2007, I thought Daisuke's harshness towards his art was possibly a Japanese cultural thing, since it's not uncommon for creators in Japan to kind of talk down their own accomplishments ("kenkyo"; [1] [2]). But then I got a bit better at Japanese and read commentary and autobiographical works by other artists—Hirohiko Araki, Kentarou Miura, and Ryoko Kui [3]—and they're much more positive about their creations. They're still humble about it, as any professional generally is, but they certainly aren't as critical as Daisuke is in Artworks 2007. It's definitely odd.
Artworks 2007 is an updated/expanded reprint of an edition that came out 3 years earlier, Artworks of GGX 2000-2004, so a little over half of the captions in Artworks 2007 were written between 2000 and 2004. If it wasn't kenkyo that made Daisuke critical about his art, then, I thought, maybe all the work he had on his plate leading up to the Sammy-Sega merger, which threatened the Guilty Gear IP as a whole[4], had him in kind of a depressive/hyper-critical mindset? That still feels like it could be plausible; his more recent (>2010) commentary is a lot kinder.
It is reassuring knowing that even incredibly skilled artists like Daisuke can still fall into being mean about their own art. Some things never change haha Here's hoping, like Daisuke, we all crawl out of that hyper-critical borderline self-loathing art pit 💪
Thanks for reading the translation!! And for the compliment. Artworks 2007 was my very, very, first large scale GG translation project and I'd like to redo it some day, some of the translations are a little wobbly.... I didn't make a Japanese manuscript for it though, which means I'll have to rescan every page again to get the text off them 😵‍💫
~ https://sakuratips.com/2020/10/20/humble/
~ https://interculturalwordsensei.org/kenkyo/
Hirohiko Araki is known for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Kentarou Miura for Berserk, and Ryoko Kui for Dungeon Meshi
~ https://www.siliconera.com/arc-system-works-now-owns-the-rights-to-guilty-gear/
(sorry for the ~ before the links lol tumblr really wanted to turn them into embeds...)
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writingwenches · 2 months
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synopsis: we meet our peasant girl!OC, Lyn, as she travels to a market to sell her wares were she runs into a supposed prince, who is a bit of a brat lol. (it is alluded to that the OC is plus size and mixed race, but I did write this quick so its missing lots of info bits).
authors note: this is basically an info dump LOL the opening chapter of an oc/au House of the Dragon Aemond/Peasant!OC fic. Very Princess and the Pauper. The main idea behind it being – wanting to introduce more woman living at court in the Red Keep. Targaryen!cest is not my thing, and I think there's a lot to be said about the lack of woman at court and the fact that Targaryen daughters are expected to marry their brothers #oops.
additional lore: More about Lyn, the Lannisters, and Helaena/other characters.
word count: ~3k
warnings: barely edited, ableism, classism, body image issues, misogyny, general medieval sentiments, very AU/fast and loose when it comes to ASOIAF lore (such as I know the Septas teach girls to read, but its more fun for a cute crush to do it)
The road was well built and raised from the dank, mudded ground. The sound of horse hooves pounding ebbed in and out of focus as they hurried by. The Sister Septas never wanted to give the impression of favoritism, so they made sure to never allow the girls in their charge to ride along, if they were old enough to walk, they could carry themselves to the market, it was one of the many harsh lessons the sisters blessed her with other the years, made up of weeks of seven days, each guided by one of the seven gods.
The Day of the Mother was spent serving those in need and Lyn had worn the village paths well. Lyn was no stranger to hard work. Her frame was sturdy and healthy. Her back was wide, good for hauling bales of hey and baskets of stone. Her legs were powerful, easily carrying her the tens of miles to those in need of her services. And, adorning her face since birth, was a black mark of raised flesh below her right eye. Many say it's an omen of her mother’s sins, and a reason to be left to the charity of the Sisters. Whatever it was, it made Lyn easily requested for hired labors.
Most in the Realm would scoff at the offer of manual labors from a woman, but those in need are much kinder. They they are not always grateful, it is not because of her sex but because no one wants to turn beggar. 
The Day of the Crone was for lectures, often on the immorality of allowing one self to be in need or unwanted. For unwanted men of the realm, there was the Night’s Watch. Some unwanted boys are sent as soon as they were old enough to lift a sword. They were raised and trained to be useful along their brothers, forged to the sole purpose of defending the realm and never to be left wanting. 
The Faith recruited woman of fine birth, in want of a life not owned by a husband, and those who’s families were willing to pay handsomely for a life of purpose for their unfortunately female child. Women worked and clawed and won their way into the duty of a Septa, the Faith had no use for useless girls. There was no place in the realm for unwanted girls. Brothels did not want them. They already had enough bastards, and young flesh did not turn enough of a profit. Girls were not wanted unless they were useful, and many unuseful girls found themselves living on the streets or dead in a ditch. 
That was what would befall Lyn is she were ever to be found wanting, of something more, of something else. She was lucky to have been given her place amongst the holy woman of the Faith, even if she was not going to benefit from their handouts much longer.
Lyn was not sure how many baskets she was carrying, she had threaded her arms through as many as she was able and began the miles long trek to Haronfall Port for the market. Though she was not yet allowed to keep her own coin, it was good practice for her future life of trading and bartering amongst the peasants of the realm.
Charity is the only hope for useless girls, and not enough to go around. The Maidenhouse of Haronfall was an ancient structure, run by the Faith for centuries as a place to send discarded girl-children, forging useless girls into something worthy. It was their true calling, regardless of what those girls’ wants. 
Lyn owed everything to the Faith and the Septas, even when she received her lashings. She always deserved them. Six lashes for each offense, as was the law of the land, one for every god of the Seven, counting out The Stranger. It was bad luck to strike a seventh time, unless wishing them death. And the Septas were never that cruel. 
Lyn had received lashing her six lashing for talking back, and being a layabout, for asking too many questions, for being too ambitious, for pride, for stealing bread, for not finishing supper, for lying to protect another, for being too loud, quiet, and simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. The same was true for all the girls. Sets of six lashings for each failure on the long list of their life, unless there were seven failures, then eight sets of lashings would be administered. For good luck. 
Lyn was forced to the side of the road by passing carts, hounds barking from the back of the cart as they passed the strange shape of her basket cocoon. The mud is thick and pliable, every footstep loudly sucked from the dank swamp like floor. The hundreds of other feet that had trodded the ground began the kneading. Lyn feels like she is swimming along the the edges of the road.
Lyn surmised most of the Septas had not imagined ending up in such a cold, dank place in the middle of the Kingsroad. The western shores of The Bite was unforgiving terrain, a swamp of brackish, mud-colored water that every structure eventually sinks into. The Reverend Mother often reminded the girls of her life in the southern Reach, of the endless summer days and sweet smelling grass. The wet, grey skies where the North, Riverlands and Vale meet leaves much to be desired for a southerner. 
Lynora was not meant for a life as a Septa, as was foretold since her youth. The maesters and Septons tested the young girls as they came into the charge of the Faith and Lynora, and the other girls of the Maidenhouse, left them unimpressed. She had not shown intelligence, or gifts for art, or sums, or memorizing prayers. So, she was ranked amongst the useless girls who needed to be molded into something more. 
On the Day of the Smith, the girls were instructed to work on their personal projects. Lyn was a skilled basket maker, she harvested, dried and weaved the fibers all on her own. If only the world had been in want for more basket weavers. The Septas assured her there was never a need for an extra weavers apprentice.
“Lyn!” a voice called, her face blurred out by the rising sun. “Have you been to the market yet today?” It was Mads, her fellow ward of the Maidenhouse. 
“No, it is too early,” Lyn answered the obvious question, “How did you–“
“Listen, Lord Ryver sent a raven,” Mads continued, finally coming into speaking distance. 
“But, the Septas hate when he does that–“
“Lord Ryver is playing host to none other than the prince,” Mads could not keep the secret any longer. “I have seen him myself, silver hair and all.” 
Lyn did not bother reacting, as Ryver was a known talltale-teller. “And I am secretly Lady Frey,” she laughed, “The prince is not in Haronfall.” 
“It is fated that you say Frey, because you shall never guess–“ 
“The septa told us nought a week ago of the King’s birthday tourney, don’t you think his son would be there…in the Crownlands, with his father.” 
“Waltel Frey has seen his dragon!” 
Lynora stopped at this. “And we are now believing Waltel Frey?”
“I have to go fetch Wren! She can not miss this,” Mads was the one walking now, back down the road towards the Maidenhouse to spread false whispers the Septas were sure to retaliate for. 
Lyn stepped aside when she heard the call, a two horse cart clomped past with banners of indigo, emblazoned with a proud, white bird. A matching figure sat on the cart, in the place of honor. A woman in a white dress, adorned with dyed feathers and pearls.
It was a strange feeling, knowing someones name, there was an old power Lyn felt creeping from the roots below the swampy road. Lady Hanna Mallister, filled to bursting with another pup for her lord husband. It was sickening the way her belly jiggled as the horse mindlessly aimed for the most uneven path before them. The lady had traveled a week from Seaguard for the monthly market, and Lyn had watched her grow every month with child, enough for Lyn to wonder how many babes were inside her belly this time. 
There was a parodical to bow in the presence, but there was nothing behind the lady’s eyes to notice. Lyn studied her as she passed, searching for something in response, something that could say why this woman would spend half of her life on the road, when so pregnant. 
If there was something to be said about unwanted girls, is that they were unwanted by all. Lyn was glad she would remain unwanted, there was nothing expected of her, so no one would ever be disappointed. 
Sometimes as the Lady Hanna Mallister passed, she would take a passing place down at Lyn. Lyn imagined she was looked at the mark on her face. Many people would say a quiet prayer when they say her, especially those swollen with child. A prayer that their girl doesn’t end up so disfigured and disgusting. Lady Hanna did not seem to say a prayer when she gazed down on her face, the lady did not seem to do anything. 
Lyn did not mind being disgusting and ugly, actually she enjoyed it. Girls did not care about such things as ugly, they cared about her all the same. She knew of the dangers of a beautiful face, the Septas told them every tale that could exist of beautiful girls being dragged away and savaged by men of all ages and sizes. It was horrifying. Lyn was glad that no man would ever want to drag her away or trap her in a tower. All she could promise was ugly children in return. No man wants that. So, she was glad the world was not ruled by women, just like the Septas they would force a use for her in their world, no matter what she looked like. 
By the time she reached Haronfall, long after the Lady of Seaguard she imagined, Lyn had almost forgotten about the tale of the silver haired prince. The other girls of the Maidenhouse fell into step with one another, each of the group responsible for their own wares. Name sharpened knives, Name jarred herbal jams, Name made rope, Lyn wove baskets, and the girls would peddle their wares every monthly market, bartering with connections, always on the lookout for open positions or wanted work. They were not going to live in the Maidenhouse forever, and the older they got, their chances of a comfortable life dwindled. 
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His father had thrown yet another grand week in his own honor, tourneys and a great hunt in the Kingswood. Aemond had been forced to sit through enough for one lifetime, even if he was barely a man grown. He could not help but find a quick reason to excuse himself from the festivities, especially with the task of traveling halfway across the kingdom. 
Helaena had been born so closely to his father, the king, that her own name day celebrations were always greatly overshadowed. He could not help but jump at the opportunity to fetch her a gift in the Riverlands…or the Vale…or potentially the North. Flying above the lands on Vhagar, he had noticed a distinct lack of boundaries, like the ones on the Maesters maps. 
Aemond had been stuck in the cold swamplands for nearly a day, and could understand why his studied of geography skimmed over the shores of The Bite, there was simply nothing there. He was glad at the lack of fanfare at his arrival, the Lord of the keep was away, celebrating the King’s name day, and all that was left was his two sons, one near his own age, and the other barely aged out of childhood. 
His fist connected with bone. Blood leaked from holes in the boy’s face. Aemond had wrapped himself on the boy, to pin him to the first and wailed into his face. Aemond could hear the other boy shouting and grabbing his shoulders, Aemond did not yield. He was going to prove himself the victor even if it killed the boy. 
Aemond could feel hands wrapping around his face, his reflexes reacting as if they were clearly going to remove his eye patch. 
“My prince!” Ryver shouted, as if he were about to warn of a fire.
Aemond pulled his punch as Ryver’s alarmed expression bringing him back into focus to the world around them. The bustling sounds of the town. 
“The maidens,” River said, gently shaking Aemond’s shoulders at his confusion. “They are arriving!”
Walton Frey, the boy Aemond had been beating with his bare fists, smiled as blood splattered out of his mouth. 
The young boy, River’s kid brother, barely old enough to be out from his mother’s skirts, offered him a skin of water.
“What?” Aemond could not find any other word to describe his confusion. He knew of Maidenpoole and House Mooton, but they were on the other side of The Vale. The young prince racked his brain for the towns and houses of the area, unable to find an explanation. 
He simply needed to follow the pointed finger of Lord Ryver, as the Frey boy cleared the blood from his face with half the skin of water.
He heard their song first, the same tune he had heard carried by the Septas in King’s Landing when he went light candles with his mother, the queen. He had never heard the tune carried to lightly, with punctuations of laughter, and the crisp voices of youth. 
There were about a dozen of them. 
“The old bats let them come to our markets,” Ryver offered the prince his hand, to finally move Aemond off the Frey boy. “Truely, it is the only thing the market has to offer, if you ask me,” Ryver laughed, ushering the prince to the edge of the weakly fenced in training yard. “The Maiden’s of the Maidenhouse,” Ryver sighed, melting into the fence.
Pesants. The lot of them. Girls dressed in grey wool that made Aemond’s skin itch. They were each different, wearing the same dress, lacking the graceful symmetry of courtly woman. The ladies of court had their places at the sides of their husbands and fathers, offering a gentle voice and soft hand to hold. Women were there to make men better, otherwise, Otto had told him, men would regress into beasts, doing nothing but fighting and burning the realm to the ground. The ladies of court were raised with the knowledge of how to quell thoughts of violence with a simple kind glance. Not that Aemond had ever experienced it himself, but his grandsire had assured him during their many conversations about…urges.
“Ladies!” Waltel Frey called out with a wave of his sore arm. 
Aemond scoffed, it was an insult to the world to call these creatures ladies.
They approached in an uneven form, whoever veered down the path at their beckoning of a Frey. One limping girl was even carrying her own shoes amongst her wares, and Aemond could see mud past her ankles. 
“Lord Frey, do you not have two castles to sleep in, and yet you still choose to be here?” The first girl asked as she reached the fence, knocking on the helmet Ryver’s kid insisted on wearing, Aemond assumed even to bed. 
Aemond did not bother hiding his disgust at the pathetic display of peasantry that appeared before him. During his rides through King’s Landing, the prince had seen more organized gaggles of geese. The cream atop the cake approached, wearing armor of baskets, and a face smeared with mud.
She dropped the baskets at the fence line, releasing a long, labored breath. “So,” she spoke, clearly minded. 
Aemond wondered how heavy baskets could possibly be. 
“Is this your prince, Lord Ryver?” The grey clothed girl looked him directly in this eye, no sense of pretense or reverence. 
Ryver wrapped himself around the nearest fencepost to Aemond, with a wolfish grin, ready to pled his case to the nonbelievers. He had said these girls were raised by the Faith, but Aemond knew of piety, and these girls were a poor example of what a pious woman could be. 
“Are we to believe that he is the only one-eyed, silver haired, man in all the world?” a sceptic asked. 
“How many could there possibly be?” Ryver argued. 
“Yes, but,” a smaller girl interrupted, “he looks like he lost his eye, rather than–?” 
There was a bubbling in Aemond’s chest, as the peasantry spoke about him as if he weren’t even there. He could feel the dragon fire bellowing in his chest, daring them to speak ill of him, ready to burn their pathetic village to the ground. 
“Wouldn’t he had been born that way? They are forced to marry their bothers, after all? Resulting in…such things?” 
Aemond’s mouth was open, without him realizing. The rage at the memory of his defeat at the hands of his nephew vanished and was replaced with the vision of a cyclops babe, writhing in its crib. 
Ryver eyed him with suspicion. 
Aemond could not help but laugh.
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archivalofsins · 1 month
Oh, Yuno's birthday is coming up September 2- Let's worry together.
(Edited: 08/16/2024 10:25 pm Fixed some spelling errors and added some more details that I missed.)
From the start of trial two Milgram has been telling us every way it can that if something happens around Mahiru this trial she won't be able to handle it. Simultaneously Milgram has gone out of it's way to display to the audience that the person nearest to Mahiru is Yuno. As she is the one to engage with her the most in the timelines during trial two.
Even though Shidou is implied to be taking care of her consistently as well.
We actually see Yuno engaging with Mahiru more over the course of this trial and during the intermission of the first. So, I feel it's important to note the individuals frequently near Mahiru since the story has gone out of it's way to highlight how if something goes wrong near her that's it.
This has been done with Shidou a good deal despite him only talking to her once this trial. That's the same amount of times we've seen Futa and Amane talk to her,
23/01/17 (Mahiru’s Birthday)
Amane: Happy birthday. Mahiru-san. How is your body feeling?
Mahiru: ……ah, Amane-chan. Thank you. Yeah, I’m fine. Now I can move around if I use a wheelchair…… It’s all thanks to Shidou-san looking after me……
Amane: I’ll give you one warning. The two of you are dabbling in something tabooed. If you continue to go against the way of nature like this, you’ll just bring an early death upon yourself. Think hard about this.
Mahiru: Amane-chan……? Are you really Amane-chan……?
24/01/17 (Mahiru’s Birthday)
Futa: ……hey. Oi, Mahiru. You’re in pretty bad shape, right……? Isn’t there anything that can be done?
Mahiru: What’s up, Futa-kun? Yeah, I’m not great…… But Shidou-san’s been looking after me…… And he says if we keep going like this, I’ll get much better……
Futa: ……right. As long as treatment continues, huh. …… I wonder how you’re going to be saved.
Mahiru: Saved……? Are you worried about me? …… You’ve been a lot kinder lately, Futa-kun. …… I feel like I’ve been saved just hearing those words from you.
Then despite being alluded to helping her a great deal the only time we see Shidou speak to Mahiru this whole trial is,
23/10/24 (Shidou’s Birthday)
Mahiru: You have a family right, Shidou-san……? How does it feel, being married, having kids……?
Shidou: ……yeah, it’s a wonderful thing. Children…… yeah. They really are hope for the future. When you have your own, suddenly it becomes fun growing old. Since as you grow older, you get to see them grow up.
Mahiru: Ah…… how lovely. It was always my dream to become a bride. Though maybe that seems a bit outdated. I wish it could’ve come true……
Shidou: It isn’t too late. I’m going to make sure you live. So let’s get out of here, and you make your wish come true. ……you still have so much to live for.
Which is pretty much to just trigger a death flag given his track record when it comes to saving people-
"Not dead... Yeah, she's definitely not dead... I finally understand the value of what I've been robbing people of." - "To keep you alive, you are still living."
Shidou, "Trust me Mahiru I can save you. This time will be different."
"“Throw down” it’s ok, that’s enough! Can’t stay away. Please don’t forgive me. That’s why I want this to end “Throw down”."
Those who don't learn are doomed to repeat.
Meanwhile Yuno's proximity to Mahiru has been more than implied. It's been repeatedly shown. Yuno has been engaging with Mahiru since the series began and they've only been implied to have gotten closer. Considering all this emphasis being put on not having anything else happen around Mahiru I think it's reasonable to consider what could happen to those closest to her as well.
This in my opinion includes Yuno since it's been highlighted that she's taken on a pretty understated role when it comes to taking care of Mahiru with Shidou repeatedly.
Hell even before the second trial was even teased actually-
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Since before the attacks were even teased,
22/06/22 (Haruka’s Birthday)
Mu: What’s wrong, Haruka-kun? Did something happen? You shouldn’t look away like that when you’re together with me.
Haruka: Ah, s-sorry, Mu-san. Um…… No, it’s nothing. I just, suddenly got a feeling. That something is about to happen.
Mu: Isn’t that because it’s your birthday? Or perhaps it’s a sign the guard is about to wake up again soon? Fufufu, I bet they’ll be really surprised at a lot of things.
Haruka: That, might be true. But, I want the the guard to see. ……the new, me…….
Yuno was there by Mahiru's side. The timeline made this as evident as it could,
22/01/17 (Mahiru’s Birthday)
Mahiru: My birthday…… the day I was born…… But was there really any reason for me being born? Lately I’ve started to wonder that. Do you ever think about stuff like that, Yuno-chan?
Yuno: Eh? Not really. I mean, Mahiru-san, you’re really the romantic type, right? Not that I have anything against that. But isn’t it a bit much to think that everything in life has a meaning? If it makes you happy to think like that then go ahead, but if it doesn’t, then isn’t that in itself meaningless?
Mahiru: : ……you might be right. I’ve always just lived my life like this, so I don’t really know.
Yuno: We’ve all just gone through a bunch of things in life that happened to lead us here. It’s nothing more than a coincidence. Definitely not fate or anything. Probably. Even if there isn’t a meaning, you can still be happy that it’s your birthday. That sort of thing’s all you need in life really. So happy birthday, Mahiru-san.
This is far before the attacks even happened,
22/06/27 (Amane’s Birthday)
Kazui: What’s up, Shidou-kun? You’re looking pretty down. I guess you must be tired, I’ve been relying on you a lot lately.
Shidou: Yeah, I just remembered…… today is Amane’s birthday.
I’m just getting a bit sentimental.
Kazui: Hmm, it’s unfortunate, but at the moment we can’t worry about that. ……you understand, right? There’s something that you need to do right now. And if you tried talking to her your words definitely won’t reach her. Don’t look at me like that. We’ll just wait until the situation changes. Let’s do our best.
Shidou: Yeah. I’ll do what I can. I can’t have a child making a face like that. Even though we’re “murderers”…… we’re also the adults here.
Then they only get closer after,
22/09/02 (Yuno’s Birthday)
Mahiru: ……no, I’m fine. As long as I don’t move too much I don’t even feel any pain. Sorry for making you worry.
Yuno: Oh, really? That’s good then. Mahiru-san, if there’s anything you want then just ask. It’s not like it’s a huge burden, I can just ask for it along with my own stuff.
Mahiru: Ok…… I’m fine for now. Sorry, for making you worry.
Ah, Yuno-chan…… Today’s your birthday, right? Happy birthday.
Yuno: ………… Haha, thanks. Thank you, but y’know. Is it really ok for you to be saying that to me when you’re in that situation? ……you really aren’t suited for Milgram, huh, Mahiru-san.
The timeline continued to display that their closeness was consistent as well. In fact, it's implied to be just as consistent as Shidou's care of Mahiru is if not more,
23/06/27 (Amane’s Birthday)
Amane: What is it…… Kashiki Yuno. Don’t sit so close to me. Go away.
Yuno: Sorry for barging in when you’re getting into your worldview thing. But Mahiru-san’s finally managed to get to sleep. Humour me with some small talk while I take a break. By the way, Amane. Have you ever wished you were never born? I’ve thankfully lived a pretty fun life so far, so haven’t really. But you seem to be struggling with something. So I kinda wondered if you thought like that.
Amane: ……I don’t think that. Being born into this world is the first miracle any person experiences, and is something to celebrate. Even if after birth I was put through trial after trial, the value of that will never disappear.
Yuno: Hmm. Ok. ……happy birthday, then. It’s good that you were brought into the world, I guess.
23/09/02 (Yuno’s Birthday)
Kazui: I heard you’ve been helping Shidou-kun out. ……er, sorry if this comes across as rude, but it’s kind of unexpected. It always seemed like you didn’t care that much about other people.
Yuno: Hmm? What’s with that all of a sudden. I mean, you’re right, I don’t care much. But if there’s someone dying in front of you anyone would do what they could to help, right? And anyway, aren’t you the same? You usually don’t care much either, right?
Kazui: ……I wonder. This old man isn’t as much of a thinker as you are. I mean, until now I’ve been in an environment where it’s all about having physical strength. So I’ve never really thought about stuff like that.
Yuno: Haha, we’re the same in that we’re both liars too. I guess the difference is the reasons we lie. You care about yourself, so lie to protect yourself. I don’t care about anyone at all, including myself.
So Milgram has repeatedly stated if anything happens around Mahiru that will be the end of her when it comes to Milgram,
Jackalope’s “Second Trial Commencement Notice”
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"Your judgment was “guilty”, and as such, her ideas were affirmed."
Huh, hold up... I was doing a reread and I kind of copied this from the transcript without questioning it. But um why the hell does it say affirmed? Is this a translation error? Huh, but it doesn't say that for the rest of the guilty prisoners,
Prisoner No. 3: Futa Kajiyama. Your judgment was “guilty”, and as such, his ideas were rejected.
Prisoner No. 8: Amane Momose. Your judgment was “guilty”, and as such, her ideas were rejected.
Prisoner No. 9: Mikoto Kayano. Your judgment was “guilty”, and as such, his ideas were rejected.
This is directly from the transcript.
If it's not an error which it seems rather intentional given everyone else is fine then Mahiru just has this idea that she'll always be rejected that was affirmed by the verdict. Or she doesn't think what she did was wrong and we're the problem. Something that could tie into this line in I Love You,
"It’s ok for everyone else but not for me." - "Tell me, oh tell me why, won’t you just accept me?"
Sorry back on track- Milgram has made it clear that if anything happens near Mahiru that will be the end of her,
"Because she was found “guilty”, she’s lost the raison d’etre of her own existence. Her dejection is something, to be sure! Dear oh dear. Also, as you can see, she’s just battered from Kotoko’s attack. If it weren’t for Shidou’s treatments, she’d be dead for sure. Lost. If anything else happens, she’ll die, that’s a fact. What to do, is all up to you, of course."
MILGRAM / Jackalope’s “Report on the end of Second Trial”
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"Prisoner No. 06: Mahiru. “Innocent”, huh? Alright, alright. Ok, so you changed your mind? Or, was it sympathy votes? When you see someone hurting a little more than expected, does it make you want to go with “innocent”? Honestly though, you’d better worry about whether she’s going to last till the Third Trial. Let’s hope nothing happens around her. I guess it’s already too late for changes. Sorry. I’m like the guy on the couch watching the sports highlights and complaining, don’t mind me."
"Let's hope nothing happens around her-"
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"……don’t tell me, did this murder seem smaller to you than the murders of the other prisoners? Thought-provoking!"
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Milgram has ultimately put Yuno in a very precarious position.
Where she could very well get attacked or attack someone else. To either up the ante for her third trial or omit her character entirely because her reception has been too positive. As well as find a good source of conflict that would cause stress to Mahiru and exacerbate her existing issues.
Since in the the commencement even though they highlight Mahiru's physical injuries Yuno and Jackalope both highlight her mental health as well. Saying that her dejection is really something and Yuno even commenting that she wasn't suited for Milgram.
Jackalope said she'd be lost not die.
So if she's too mentally gone due to the death or possible betrayal but it seems more leaning towards death of the prisoner closest to her there's really no telling how that will impact the song extraction next trial.
Or if they'll even be able to extract anything in regards to her crime. Especially given we've seen first hand what the mental stress did to her song extraction this round-
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Plus they highlight that this trial is all about prisoner relationships near the end of the trial commencement,
"And now, as we come to the second trial, I’m guessing a new basis for judgment has introduced itself in your mind. You are also human. You can’t help but develop attachments to the individual prisoners. If you find one “innocent”, another one might be in danger. If you decide to judge one as “guilty”, it may prompt the other to go in a wholly unexpected direction. In this environment of swirling interests, profits, and losses, will you all be able to follow the metrics of your own values, and decide correctly: “innocent” or “guilty”?"
So, yeah there's all that.
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alienisticxo · 2 years
Before the Fever - Chapter Thirteen
{Master Chief x Reader series - TV based}
{A╱N} nobody knows how sorry i am that this took me longer than i expected it to. life outside of here has kept me so busy, and i hadn’t been writing as much as i wanted, but it’s finally done! (i edited it, but i may be editing more once i read this entire series back to inspire myself further lol) we finally get into the glorious gloriousness 🫠 thank you so much as always for hanging in! i have this whole series outlined to the end so even if it takes me a little while sometimes, i will never abandon this story, its near and dear to my heart and your comments and kudos always keep me going too! 🥹🖤
Warnings: s m u t. i didn't want to make it as raunchy as I could've, so it's just some passionate smut 🥲
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I hope you enjoy! ♡ 
Chapter Thirteen - Stardust
She kissed the corner of my mouth, down to my jawline, peppering me with little acts of love, compassion. It was like she was piecing me back together again, healing the scars on my body and in my mind with nothing more than her touch.
I knew the feeling would only last as long as this continued, and I knew it wasn’t the appropriate thing to do. Not amidst the war we were fighting, not amidst the way we were on the run, but there was nothing at this point that was going to stop either of us, it seemed.
There was nothing that could’ve kept me from acting on my love for {Y/N}.
That was a hell of a word, meaningless to me, at one point. But suddenly I understood it. I felt it. I knew it. I held it, and I was capable of returning it. It still baffled me, how strongly and suddenly it came. But there was no other explanation for the way I felt for her.
Believe me, I tried to find one.
She loved me. And I could feel it in the way she touched me, in the way she responded to my touch; her soft sighs, her quiet moans. Even more, it wasn’t only in this manner. I felt it in the way she held my hand in the Condor— kept it from trembling. In the way the smile touched her eyes when I told Laera she was coming with me. I hadn’t realized I felt it when I watched her staring up at the blue sky on Halo, the sun beams catching her just right; when she opened up to me that first night on Reach, at her lowest moment under Halsey’s control.
But I know now, and so does she.
This was a new field of experience for me— the entirety of it. But something within me had been awakened, ignited. I let the same long-buried instinct from our initial kiss lead the way, responding to her effortlessly as she gave into me just as easily.
Pulling her into my arms again, I kicked off my boots and lifted her off of the set of drawers, carrying her to the hallway. There was a guest room, I remembered that being offered from my first visit. I could’ve taken her right there, my avidity pushing to take over. But I felt she deserved better— she deserved something kinder.
She deserved everything good I could give her.
Her soft lips found mine again, and I occasionally peeled a hand off of her to graze the wall until I found the correct doorknob; not wanting to break the connection we shared. When I finally did, I swung the door open and closed it shut behind us, picking up the pace to the large bed in the middle of the room.
I hardly had time to register the view of deep space through the window wall just beside us, intensifying the heat of the moment. I’d have to compliment Soren’s home when I saw him again.
{Y/N}’s dainty hands traveled along my skin in a way that was still so foreign to me, but welcome beyond belief. Never having been touched so illicitly, so fully, lent to an entirely different range of sensation in various areas of my body. I was used to Medical’s sterile and concise touch when I was forced into frivolous repairs after battle. They were needed, I was told. ‘Stay still, sit down, don’t move.’ There was no love there. No care. Not like her, not like now.
She touched me like I would break— a laughable thought in any other situation. But she allowed me the space, the breathing room. She took care in every movement, and in doing so, allowed me to feel.
I couldn’t even begin to imagine what was to come. I was too wrapped up in all that she was as I laid her down beneath me, carefully climbing over her. It was easy to notice how tiny she looked in comparison as we shifted to the middle of the bed, my hands on either side of her frame.
She looked up at me through a half-lidded gaze, a strap to her dress falling off of her shoulder and offering an intriguing view that I’d never expected to see. I drank {Y/N} in, possibly for the first time in such a lurid way. She was even more beautiful in a natural state like this. In the vulnerable moment that we shared— that for once, I didn’t mind sharing.
Her eyes gleamed in the starlight, and I was suddenly more lucid than I’d ever been. Her skin was smooth, holding the smallest of details. I noticed a tiny silver necklace that I hadn’t seen beneath her clothing before. It reminded me of the dog tags I only took off to shower.
But the girl surprised me when she reached down, hooking her fingers around the underwear she wore beneath her slinky gown. So easily she tugged them down and off of her legs, her eyes never leaving their fixation. Her expression had changed. There was a daring look in her eye, but it was smoldered with a desperation I’m sure my own reflected back to her. Her hand dangled off the edge of the mattress, dropping the fabric before I felt her soft fingers return to my skin.  
The urges, need, surging through me were wildly unknown and unfamiliar. They were stronger than anything I’d ever felt before, and while I was usually the king of composure, keeping a handle on it felt impossible. I wasn’t naive to the ways of these acts, I’d simply never felt the desire for them.
Until now.
God, did I need her now.
Just her. Only her.
John looked like a god in the flesh above me, his powerful build just outlined enough in the low light of the vivid stars that hung in the atmosphere just beyond the window. He stared down at me through intensely curious eyes, raking over what he could see of my body. I silently hoped he enjoyed it.
The way he reacted let me know that he did.
He was only half dressed, the top gone but the bottom very much in place. Despite the passion of the moment building all at once, our hands and lips finding one another again, clamoring for any amount of skin we could find, it was still quite easy to feel how aroused he’d become. That alone sent me even higher than I already felt, the faint throbbing between my own thighs becoming more and more apparent; hard to ignore or control.
But I was sure I didn’t want to control it anymore.
Together, it was enough to have me decide I’d help him, taking the underwear I wore off and tossing it aside. To egg him on, let him know without words that he was exactly what I wanted, what I needed— more than anything and anyone in this entire universe. To show him that it was okay to keep going, to take it as far as we possibly could.  
And maybe it was bold to assume that’s what was going to be needed; that that’s what was going to come next. But there was no other act of passion we could partake in that would’ve expressed our love for each other any better than that. Without words, we spoke the same language. We felt one another’s burning desire along with our own.
After a few seconds of intense hesitation, John leaned down again, placing kiss after kiss on the flesh of my throat, eliciting heavy exhales from my lungs. I wanted to breathe him, to have him become a part of me, and me a part of him— entirely.
It wasn’t much longer before I felt his hand on my thigh, brushing it higher and higher until he was pulling the dress from me. My body seemed to arch all on its own to offer him an easier way to remove it, and he tossed the silky fabric aside.
I’d never felt more beautifully exposed to anyone than I had to him at that moment. His hands continued to roam, large digits exploring every curve and divet of my form— caressing; taking the time to relish in me as though he’d never have me again.
His hands were excitingly rough, but held the same delicate touch that they had before as one slid up my waist and over my breasts. He squeezed one, and then the other, a gentle fervency in his hold as his lips explored beneath my ear, traveling to the peak of my clavicle.
He trailed lower and lower until he found my nipples, his mouth wrapping around them as he took his time with both, tongue swirling and lapping lightly until he’d been satisfied with the reaction it pulled from me; a soft gasp in the quietness of the night, my fingers digging into his toned back as it contracted under my hands, and my shoulder blades pressed against the bed.
My core grew warmer by the second, and I squirmed just slightly beneath him, unable to get any kind of grip on my need for him. I was a willing victim to the way he worked at me, his lips moving to my rib cage and back up again to meet mine feverishly, as though he’d been teasing himself just as much.
There was no telling how experienced or not he’d been, the thought only briefly crossing my mind as he seemed to bring every ounce of ecstasy out of me with such ease. He almost seemed to know my body better than I did as his fingers found all the right places, his lips kissed all the right spots, assuring us both that I was warmed up beyond the point of simply being ready for what I so desired.  
I hoped he knew that he could have me forever and even longer after as my own hands began to glide down his sides, fingers rising and falling between the ridges of his own torso; the muscles that rippled and flexed beneath my touch growing warmer with each pass.
Finding the bottom half of his under armor, I tugged down on it intently. But getting him undressed seemed like an impossible feat for someone as fragile as myself in comparison.
It was no wonder these Spartans were so well protected.
But John took notice of this right away, his hand reaching down, brushing against mine to help me get him out of the final article that kept any barrier between us.
It was then that I pulled him down against me as much as I could with the height difference, the metal of the tags he wore around his neck now burning my skin in the most delightful way. I inhaled, his natural scent mixed with the soap he used filling my lungs. Concentrating on every sense I could, it was easy to get lost within him.
My lips pressed against the inside of his neck, the stubble of his jaw grazing my cheek as I kissed back along to his mouth. I could feel every single sensation infinitely, every single nerve ending inflamed with a sweet emblazonment I knew only he could offer me for the rest of my time in the universe.
The moment was so intense, so close to the final act of ultimate devotion.
Our problems, our achievements, our standings and otherwise, all fell away once more— even further into the abyss than they had when we’d danced. It was him and I all over again. Every thought was focused on John. Every feeling enveloped in him entirely.
And I didn’t want to close my eyes; to miss any of the reactions he could possibly have to me. But when he held me captive in the euphoria that was his kiss, there was no stopping the way my eyes fell shut.
And so my other senses kicked in, raising goosebumps along my silky skin as his warm tongue made passage into my mouth, grazing against mine in a heated contest of taste.
The heat that radiated in my center only spread; every small movement, every quiet groan between us, building me up further. My fingers drifted down John’s back gently before moving to take his hand. Once our fingers were intertwined, he pinned my palm back down against the comforter, squeezing it in a needy, but gentle way. I returned the energy, knowing exactly how he felt in the depths of my soul.
I lifted my hips to meet his, a soft buck of his own telling me he was just as ready. The friction was more than I could bear as I moaned against his mouth. His large frame shifted over me, repositioning himself as I opened my eyes again. I had to get another look at him. I had to commit him to memory in this moment, just as I hoped he would do with me as his eyes drifted back to mine.
No one had ever made me feel so combustible. No one had ever made me feel so delicate. John’s touch was like electricity, even the slightest brush sending me over the moon a million times as though it was a direct connection to my dopamine supply.
And then, after all of the anticipation, after the moment had been finessed to the point of no return…
I finally felt him…
as close to me as humanly possible, as bonded to each other as we might ever be in any way.
It was as though the entire universe had fallen apart just to accommodate us; the feeling of my life flashing before my eyes, but in the sweetest, most exhilarating way possible. I was inexplicably lost and found in the same second, a blissful reality I never wanted to leave.
My head spun as I felt John sink into me, evoking an immediate  exhale from the very depths of my lungs, followed by a moan I tried my best to suppress in the silence. The largeness of his length shouldn’t have been a surprise, but the feeling was delectably satisfying, impressive, as he pushed into my slick walls.
It was the groan that escaped him that rang in my ears like music— the most beautiful music I’d ever experienced. Never had I heard someone sound so laced with desire and yet, somehow, relief. As though this was the only thing that he’d ever really needed in his entire life, and now it was all his.
He pulled his hips back slowly, his jaw was tight as he hovered over me. His searching gaze never left my face, treating me as though I were the most important mission in the galaxy, something to be sure of; something he had to assure himself of; to know I was okay and taken care of above all else.
My mouth was slightly agape as I held his stare the best I could, my arms reaching to lock around the back of his neck. Pulling him down as close to me as possible, I never wanted to lose him. I would simply lose myself if I came close.
The thought would’ve scared me senseless in any other moment. But I was too far gone to think about how easy losing each other actually could be.
John sunk himself into me once more, deeper this time, with a bit more fervency. My body reacted before my mind could catch up, my back arching, chest lifting upwards. Another soft moan fell from my lips. If I could’ve been any closer to him, I would’ve been.
I needed John like I needed air.
“Oh, John…” I murmured against his open mouth as he leaned in to kiss me, my leg moving to hook around his.
He leaned up just a bit more to gain better purchase, beginning to thrust then. He was slow and calculated, his hand on my thigh to pull me closer as I held my leg around him. I bit into my own lower lip, tugging on it in another attempt at keeping quiet as he carried on. His stare burned right through me, intense and full of a love I’d never seen in anyone’s eyes before— no less staring back into mine.
My breathing seemed to escape me, his own chest beginning to heave. And every time he buried himself between my thighs, my heart felt as though it might stop. Needy fingertips found any flesh they could then, gripping onto him, nails running along his body as I became plagued with the urge to touch, to be touched; to encourage every movement he so beautifully made into me and against me.
The pleasure was so immense, the connection between us so extraordinary, that as we found ourselves irrevocably entangled within one another, my eyes seemed to grow wet on their own. There was no situation I’d ever been in before in my life that felt as striking and deep.. as perfect as this. I was awash with an emotion that, for once, even I wasn’t sure how to navigate.
John’s voice was a gentle growl in my ear as he leaned closer again, his pleasure deriving from me, all me, only me, as he bit into my neck. It was gentle, yet full of haste, my only response being a moan and a show of just what my nails could do to his solid back before wrapping around his broad shoulders.
Though the moment was full of sensuality, vulnerability and broken down walls, I’d never felt more safe.
My hips began to meet his, the blissful friction within my walls radiating wave after wave in all the right places. I was already hot to the touch with him, easily aroused and even easier to get to the finish line. No matter how badly I wanted the moment to last, it was impossible to keep the pleasure at bay. The way he picked up his movements just fractionally so, I got the sense that he was in the same situation.
The minutes felt like hours in the most sublime way as they passed by; as I fought to keep time stretched forever. But when John shifted, his taut member caressing already sensitive spots within me, I felt my control leave. My chest rose and fell, hands exploring his now hot flesh. His hand reached behind my head, and his fingers tangling in my hair with an instinctual ease that didn’t surprise me as he pulled at my roots lightly.
While I reacted to his pleasure, he reacted right back, acting accordingly to my every dead give away. My release was right around the corner, and as I felt the way he thrusted into me just a little harder; just a little quicker, I knew we were on the same track to beautiful oblivion.
His soft grunts mixed with my quiet moans, both of us becoming just a little louder, no matter how badly I wanted to cry out for him. My walls tightened around his throbbing shaft, my swollen bud spiking each time his hips rubbed against mine. The stars seemed to cast their shine a bit brighter over us as he held my gaze, his light eyes burning through me. There was a romance to the moment that I immediately knew I’d never have again.
Not with anyone else, anyway.
The inside of my thighs were coated with my arousal for him, his ease of gliding in and out sending me straight to the heavens. I finally cursed, gasping as I reached out for him again, taking what was mine and claiming it. There was nothing I ever wanted more than to feel every last inch of him, than to have his strong build smother me in the affection he so willingly offered with no sight of being released from it. And when I felt his body tense, his thrusts grow sloppier, more animalistic, carnal, I lost all control I had left just as he did.
When my name fell from his lips like a prayer, I’d never felt more idolized. I only hoped he felt the same as I returned the sentiment, his name leaving a sweet taste in my mouth each time I murmured it back to him.
My mind drew a blank as the knot in my stomach finally pulled free. There was nothing driving me any further other than John and the way he so spectacularly sent wave after wave of ecstasy coursing from my core outward, the sensation washing over every limb as goosebumps rose on my flesh and my breath left my lungs.
My walls drew him in with a euphoric ease, craving him all on my own, the wetness I’d already felt between us only growing as he continued to push through his climax. I rolled my hips beneath him, suddenly shifting into wanting nothing other than to satisfy him just as much as I was being satisfied, to heighten every sizzling nerve ending that connected within him.
His voice was a velvety rasp, his brow furrowing. His breath was hot against my skin as he leaned back down, his lips brushing against my own, suffocating me beautifully with the love we held so deeply and vulnerably for each other. His mouth moved downward, kissing and nipping at my jaw, my neck, as my frame moved with his.
I cursed happily, my voice a saccharine moan. Unable to catch my breath, my body trembled slightly beneath him as I felt another point of pressure building once more. I wondered just briefly if he could handle it to continue, but without much more time to think, I slid back into another peak, my back arching at the pleasurably painful overstimulation. Even if we’d truly been alone, the entire universe might’ve heard the way I wanted to scream, anyway.
My voice was louder this time, though probably still quite quiet in the grand scheme. His eyes met mine again, and I could see the satisfaction written all over his features as he absorbed every ounce of emotion and ecstasy I showed him— that he caused me.
While I wanted to grip onto the comforter, I couldn’t bear the idea of my hands leaving him. I couldn’t tolerate even thinking about being disconnected from his person. And as I rode out my second climax, my walls gripped his length relentlessly, no doubt over stimulating him right back. But he carried on, the look in his eye needing to satisfy me, needing to allow me any pleasure he could, deriving his own pleasure from it.
If I could collect a thought or two, I’d blame the stamina on being a Spartan.
The feeling was blissful as it sizzled into a slow burn, its radiant spread through my veins and under my skin retracting back to my entrance once more like molasses. I was still thoughtless, and John was still very much focused on the task at hand as he slowed to a stop. We were both breathless, entangled within one another as though parting might destroy us and all that we were.
He pulled himself from between my thighs carefully, almost reluctantly so. While the eye contact was still intense, there was something softer about it. Something warm, and sweet. It was as though we were both being dipped back into the world we were in, unhurriedly, deliciously, together. Something had changed, wonderfully so. Where I’d certainly felt like we were two halves of a whole, I now felt like there were no longer any halves at all.
We had simply meshed into one.
Thoughts began to ease their way back into my mind, though hazily so. And I could see the coherence return to him as he caught his breath— much easier than I. It was when a hint of a smirk touched his lips, that I felt myself smile in return.
I allowed my hands to drift from his jaw, down his biceps, dancing lazily over his muscles, absently in awe of what had just happened. I never wanted to move from the spot we were in. I wanted to relive it over and over until we were both spent— and then I wanted to relive it again.
After another beat, John scooped me up into his large arms, pulling me close with him as he laid on his side. We faced each other, his arm draped over me, both of us still coming down from the highs we stunningly inflicted on each other. The minutes felt timeless all over again as we savored what remained, not another word between us.
My eyes fluttered shut just briefly as his hand reached up to brush a few strands of -what I was sure to be matted, now- hair from my face. But as he began to smile, really smile, I felt my heart leap in a million different styles behind my rib cage.
I wasn’t sure I’d seen a full blown smile from him before. It was dazzling, completely infectious. It felt like a secret, or like some kind of hidden talent that the rest of the world was forbidden to see. I smiled in return, and he leaned in to kiss my forehead, the tenderness I was beginning to enjoy shining through.
“I’ll protect you with my life,” he murmured, his expression solemn again.
Be it that his life’s mission was to protect, to potentially die for his objective, or that the seriousness in his tone was unlike anything else I’d heard him say, that sentiment felt even heavier than the ‘I love you’ we shared before our rendezvous. I nodded ever so slightly, my hand reaching up to rest atop his as he held it on the side of my head. I squeezed his hand gently.
“I would die for you,” I expressed softly in return, my tone just as heavy, just as sincere.
And I meant it.
I really did.
Tags: @allthelovefromstylesxx, @grimistangel, @guiltgoldglory, @laurenstacy610​ 
thank you guys so much as always!! it means a lot that you look forward to my lil story! ♡
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mixed-kester · 7 months
AITA for not giving this guy another chance after he mistreated me?
I (22) have been pining over this person (500+) for over three years now, but it reached a breaking point and I gave up.
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I was the one who pursued him because he seemed lonely and lost and he always rebuffed my attempts at making friends, but like the utter dumbass i am, I tried and tried; i even went up to his mom's house and got killed because I wanted to enact revenge for him.
And yes, when i said I wanted to make friends with him, I mean it in every sense of the word. I tried to reason with him, to be like him so he can have someone to relate to. Hell, I even tried to join his weird-ass cult before it dissolved. That's how obsessed I was with him.
Emphasis, of course, on was.
I started having dreams of another guy (24) who's just like him-- only this time, he's a bit kinder. A bit more softer. A bit less like a monster, and more... humane. Well, time "passed" inside that dream and I realized that I liked this person more than I liked that guy, so I wanted to stay with him forever.
Alas, dreams aren't meant to last, and I woke up as a consequence of a botched attempt to repair that asshole's consciousness. (EDIT: Lesser Lord Kusanali gave me admin access. Y'all can't see what it is because I signed an NDA.)
Of course, it's back to this person and not the kind one-- but this time, I knew. I didn't tolerate shit from him-- but when it came to too much and tore a love letter right in front of my face, I had enough and told him to fuck off and die.
So, i hereby contacted an insider from the Akademiya and slept in a medically induced coma for a year. (EDIT: a more accurate term is Dendro-hastened slumber, thanks u/akademiya-tighnari!) And yes, that meant I get to be with that other guy more!
…but for some insane reason, another year with him got cut short by-- you guessed it-- the same asshole who mistreated me. I gave him the cold shoulder, as I did the year before I slept, and told him to fuck off repeatedly when he kept following me like a stray cat. (EDIT: no, I did not have a chance to file a restraining order to the Matra-- he's a nobody in every sense of the word. no records, no anything. I don't even think I knew what his name is.)
He kept trying to talk to me about giving him another chance, but I told him that that bridge isn't even burnt, he dropped an atomic bomb on it and blamed me for making him do it, and told him once more to get lost and get out of my sight.
However, my therapist thinks I should give him a chance as he was her former client as well, and she can see that he has changed. (EDIT: No, I did not force her to violate her patient-doctor confidentiality, stop spamming comments.)
My other friend (26) confirmed my therapists observations. I usually trust his judgment, but I'm not sure I should trust this one. He has a propensity for embellishing truths.
So, am I the asshole in this?
image source
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princeblue · 1 month
I’ve been having a writers block and I scrolled some prompts and created this thingie you’re about to see, it’s less than 1k words so I’m posting it here but I didn’t edit this so just!! Take it as you will. I literally just slapped it together to get any creativity out of my system. Also listened to a lot of country making this so now I’m just thinking about cowboy genya.
“From the day you were born, I knew I’d hurt you eventually.” His brother whispers one day. When the air is warm but not sticky, when the breeze is cool but not biting.
The curl of the fire had made the air taste like ash, a taste so intimately familiar to Genya that his tongue went slack in his mouth, but refused to move his body away from the flames and burning logs.
Because Sanemi had sat close enough for their shoulders to touch, the most he’s touched Genya since he woke up in the Butterfly Estate, split from his head to his toes and wondering if he was in heaven or if he was in hell.
The boy bites harshly on his tongue, the words from his older brother as sharp as a blade. And the blood mingles with ash and it’s like he’s in uniform again.
“I swore I would never do it, though.” Sanemi continues, avoiding his brother's eyes, but it’s not like he really had to try to.
Genya wasn’t looking at him either.
“Swore I’d never be him.”
Him. In a way it was always traced back to him, maybe if he had been a better man, he wouldn’t have fallen to drinking and drugs, to gambling to poverty to rape. Maybe if he had been a kinder father, his boys wouldn’t have grown up so angry. Maybe if he had used his terrifying strength for his family, their family would still be alive.
Him, that they didn’t even have to mention by name to know who he is.
Warm, fed, happy, comfortable.
Married to nice girls and boys.
And yet Genya cannot imagine that, he cannot imagine his family bigger than the corpses he buried in the ground. He cannot imagine being bestowed peace without bloodshed and death.
Immortal rivers, Shinazugawa stood for.
“What a load of shit,” Genya thought with a humorless chuckle. The silence so heavy he wonders for a brief moment if he heard his mother’s chastising voice in the flames, telling him to not think such naughty words.
“But I still did, not as bad. I could never- do what he did to mom to others, but I hurt you. I hurt you so fucking bad Genya.”
And Genya closes his eyes, pretending that the smoke is what’s making his eyes water.
It isn’t, but Genya was always more imaginative than people gave him credit for.
Because his brother did hurt him, horrendously, horrifically, and Genya forgave him each time.
There is no resentment burrowed in his chest to keep warm.
He just aches.
“It doesn’t matter.” Genya croaks, eyelids parting and watching the way his brothers face crumples. How he looks like he would rather do nothing than throw himself into the fire before them.
Fire was supposed to be cleansing, according to the legends.
“It doesn’t matter anymore.” He repeats, his voice no more firmer than moments before. “I’m tired of living in the past, I’m tired of walking on eggshells around you, I’m tired of existing in a limbo.”
Genya looks, really, looks at Sanemi. Sees the way fear cradles in the violet eyes, and wonders how his brother lived every day being so scared, he sees the expectation of rejection, the expectation of hate.
The acceptance of loneliness.
He cannot fathom how after all of this time, after everything Genya did to be with his brother again. Sacrificing his body, his life. Sanemi believed himself too dangerous and unworthy to be loved by him.
He still kept chasing after him when he tried to blind him, and Genya still would have felt alongside the walls to get to his brother.
“Either love me or don’t,” Sanemi crumples even more at the words, at the prospect of Genya believing Sanemi doesn’t love him.
Knowing the extent of his love is longer than the cycle of life.
And yet understanding why Genya would think that, and hating himself so viciously for it.
Each pinnacle of change from Sanemi’s bloody life was always a little boy with a snaggle tooth and the sun in his smile and hair kissed by the moon's endless black night.
A celestial gift and yet Genya thought himself lower than dirt.
The plea is wobbly, Genya no longer blames the wetness of his eyes on the smoke.
“Just don’t leave me alone again.”
How painful it is to be childish, to crave nothing more than to be small again and to fit into his brother's lap and feel safe enough to sleep without worrying about Kyogo, or the next time they’ll eat.
Genya isn’t small anymore, but Sanemi still wordlessly reaches out for his brother and drags him close to try.
He doesn’t fit on his brother's lap anymore, hanging awkwardly off and on the furniture while their legs become a tangled wire of limbs while Sanemi’s hands cradle Genya’s head to his chest.
“I won’t,” he promises, again and again. Each “I won’t.” Punctuated by the gentle kisses to the crown of Genya’s head.
The boy closes his eyes, letting himself melt against Sanemi’s body.
And lets himself believe.
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vilandel · 4 months
Morning Mist & Night Traffic
Chapter 1 – Frustrated Spring
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A/N First chapter is now here. This story already got over 50 reviews on Ao3, how is this possible? I'm really happy. Thank you @f-oighear, @kalolasfantasyworld and @mamavino for your kind reviews on the prologue ♣️ 💘
Ao3 link
Lavender just couldn’t understand why Lord Rosecliff still looked at her like this. Yes, he had been harsh, but she had been the same towards him, if not even more. She truly regretted telling him back then that his pain and perspective didn’t matter. She had refused to understand that day.
Now she did.
And yet, lord Rosecliff still didn’t glance at Lavender with hatred. She didn’t understood. He should, after what happened. Lady Undina was just waiting for an occasion to talk her down and to put herself up into his esteem. It was the perfect opportunity for lord Rosecliff to pay back.
But nothing like this was happening. Lavender didn’t dare to look into his eyes, even though it was difficult to do so usually, given this unique turquoise colour of his orbs. She was afraid of what she could see in it, since it wouldn’t be any disgust or disliking towards her. But she could still feel his glance upon her, kinder than she would have ever expected. Why was kindness more unbearable than disgust?
“That is because Finnegan came to understand YOUR perspective, Lavender cutie. And he was never interested in that bitch Undina in the first place. Even less so after he found out that she knew about what that jerk Ignacio wanted to do to you. Oh right, you don’t know that yet, it’s not yet revealed in the story from your point of view.”
Vanessa swallowed the last bits of her apple as she continued her reading. She would have loved to lie down on her bed instead of sitting, but sadly her cat Rouge has decided to take a nap on her lap.
And when Rouge was napping, it was always very long. Not to mention that he hated to be moved while he was snoozing. End of story, she was stuck in this position for a while. At least, she had some books to read. One of the rare classics she loved, Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen and her other current favourite literature, Roses & Lavender by that mysterious writer N. A. Steel, whom people only know the name. Well, whoever that was, he or she wrote amazing novels since a few years and Vanessa practically own almost each one of the books of this author.
There was also two books recommended by roommate, different genres than what Vanessa was usually reading. Apparently to force her a bit out of her reading comfort zone, but she had yet to give herself a grip and start trying them.
The first one was a spooky fantasy novel, Pure Within The Mirror by Nero Bird. Vanessa usually didn’t liked spooky stuff that much, but Dorothy always said that this author was great and there was no reason so far to doubt her.
The second book was from the romantasy genre, which might be more to Vanessas romantic taste. Emerald Snow by Nymphea Silber, a writer who had been extremely successful years ago according again to Dorothy, but who hasn’t written since over a decade.
Vanessa snickered. Nymphea Silber, N. A. Steel and Nero Bird. If those three had something in common, except having names starting with N, it was also that except their names and their books, no one knew anything about them.
The Three Word Mysteries of Clover, as they were called. But it was still speculated if anyone of them was really from the city of Clover. Sure, their books all where from Clover Editions, but those authors could also be from another city, like Diamond, Spade or Heart, maybe even from a small village. And why not from Raque, their countries own film industry and sea holiday town?
Dorothy loved to speculate about it a lot when she wasn’t busy being sleepy, but Vanessa wasn’t that interested. N. A. Steel was one of her favourite authors, on par with Jane Austen in her books when it comes to romance, and maybe she might try the other two novelist as well.
Caressing a purring Rouge, Vanessa continued her reading.
“Lady Lavender,” lord Rosecliff suddenly spoke. Lavender flinched at how gentle his voice sounded. How could she ever have thought that he was cold?
Vanessa flinched as she looked up, but thank goodness it was only Dorothy who appeared at her doorframe. Who else would it ever be, no one else was living with them.
Dorothy must have done some groceries, given the full bags she had with her. There must have been some catnips in, because Rouge immediately woke up, freed Vanessas lap and started to go around the bags while meowing.
“Yes, you little rascal, there is also some goody goodies for you. I didn’t expect to see you here, Nessa. Didn’t you have a date today?”
“Not anymore.”
“Oh. Did you got dumped again?”
“It was obviously his attention, but I dumped him first. Which upset him a lot, apparently I insulted his pride or something stupid like that. Gosh, why did I even tried with that jerk? And he even had the audacity to claim that I’m not pretty enough for him to try… you know what. Kicked him in the balls for that.”
“He probably deserved it. But what I don’t understand is why you are still trying to find a boyfriend when you only complain about your dates. Blind dates definitely don’t work with you, maybe you should stop?”
This was true and Vanessa also know that Dorothy might at least suspect her reason already. They were both coming from the same town, after all…
But Vanessa didn’t want to talk about that. It was behind her once and for all (she hoped), she lived now in Clover, had a roof over her head, more than one hobby, two small but good jobs that still leave them enough freedom, especially one of them was also home office mostly, she had friends.
Sure, she couldn’t forget her past… But it was behind her and she didn’t need therapy. Why would anyone need therapy when their life was fine?
Still, Vanessa would love to find someone, to fell in love and truly this time. One reason was her past and this was history. One other reason was her first crush that was the closest experience to love she ever had. A lost duckling crush on which she clinged upon was her only experience with love. She had to change that. Last reason was her romantic joyful side that still was longing.
It would have sounded like therapy might help… No, Vanessa didn’t need therapy. And she couldn’t let Dorothy suspect anything.
Vanessa sighed dramatically as she fell back on her bed, holding her two current favorite books in front of her as if they were some most important evidences during a trial.
“I can’t help it, Dotty! Jane Austen and N. A. Steel have put the level of being a wonderful man onto such a high level that I automatically have too much expectations for any potential boyfriend! But the only thing I get at best are jerks, not Darcys, colonel Brandons or Rosecliffs!”
Dorothy giggled, which could either mean that she was amused or kinda frustrated. “You do have a romantic soul, Nessa.”
“Yeah, maybe that’s the reason why I can’t get a proper boyfriend. But I don’t want to date a macho anymore! Why are gentlemen so out of fashion today? Maybe I was born in the wrong time period.”
“Aren’t you a bit overdramatic?”
“Maybe? I don’t know. I knew I shouldn’t have started to drink less wine.”
It didn’t sound like an easygoing joke and Vanessa knew that this wasn’t normal for her.
Dorothy as well, since she was now looking at her almost frowning, a vague worried glance in her bi-colored eyes. Sometimes Vanessa had the feeling that Dorothy was able to know people even through sleep and dreams.
Time to change the subject quickly.
“I promise I will read those two books you recommended me. But I had to read Roses & Lavender again. I love this story so much! N. A. Steel is just an amazing writer and so good at history stuff. Even when he or she invent a country for a novel, it is so believable! Especially the novels about the witch hunt period, fantastic!”
“Ha, of course witch hunting period is appealing for the two of us, right? Now, coming back to your romantic live-“
“I don’t need therapy!”
“I wasn’t going to tell you that?”
Probably not, but Vanessa acted more upon instinct than anything. Dorothy shook her head before she sat down on Vanessas bed, letting Rouge turning around the grocery bags with purrs and meows.
“I know you love romance, Nessa and you’re always so supportive of helping others with their love lives. But I have the feeling that you’re not really put your heart into it when it comes to your own.”
“How can you be so sure of that? You were never interested in dating, as far as I know.”
“Have you noticed that many of the guys you tried dating are merely pale copies of Yami and that only on a superficial level?”
“Damn, it’s that obvious? Finral said something similar as well.”
“Of course, he did. You should listen to your best friend, Nessa. It is only obvious to people who know you well and only if observant. Plus, like I said, those were pale copies only, so I didn’t connect the dots immediately. But the fact is, buff and rough, some even smoking, it is a vague description of Yami. Weren’t you over him?”
“I moved on from him, really… But I can’t forget my huge crush on him. You know the reasons. Shouldn’t he be my type somehow?”
“Don’t get yourself blinded by types, most of the time they’re never what we believe they are. I don’t why you focus still on guys that are only very vaguely like Yami, but maybe you will have more luck with men if you start thinking outside the box a bit? After all, you love the gentlemen in your books. Why not trying that for reality as well?”
Vanessa frowned a bit. What Dorothy said make sense, but somehow, she still wasn’t really convinced by it. Or didn’t she want to be?
She couldn’t continue to wonder about her rather unusual thoughts, as Dorothy continued, “This can also mean that you don’t need to search for a boyfriend if you don’t want to, you know. All I ask you to is to take a different approach. Maybe you don’t understand yet yourself what you want.”
“You know I’m wary of changes and I think I know at least a bit what I want.”
“Aw, your so cute when you are pouting. But come on, you are always so daring and proud, I am sure that you will overcome your current romantic frustration.”
“Romantic frustration,” Vanessa couldn’t help but snicker. Dorothy had sometimes the weirdest description of things.
“Come on, how else would describe your current state, you silly- No, Rouge, this fish is not for you, come back here!”
While Dorothy run out of the bedroom after the cat, Vanessa lied down again and watched at the ceiling without really seeing it. Dorothys words might have triggered something in her, but it was too sudden for Vanessa to take it seriously yet or not.
Should she really think outside the box? Pragmatically speaking, it shouldn’t be such a bad idea, given that every guy she tried to date ended up being an asshole, sadly proving her mother’s point about men-
No, stop! This time was behind her and Vanessa refused to ever think about it ever again! Even though maybe it was one of the reasons why…
Vanessa looked out of the window, where a few pigeons were flying by. The spring sun was shining through the glass, giving her patchwork curtains a bright touch. She liked the view she had from her bedroom, it was right in front of the Clover Parc, one of the most beautiful parcs in the world, with the trees and the flowers and the paths. Sometimes, Vanessa could even see the romantic belvedere from afar.
Not that she ever got something romantic at the belvedere, even though it would be so great. Gosh, it was spring, the season of love and if Dorothy was right, she had a romantic frustration. What a time, really.
Well, spring holidays was almost over and the school where she worked as a helping nurse (although not a nurse in the classical way, so the term was maybe not fitting) would be open again and maybe it would help her to distract herself from that frustration or help her having clearer thoughts about her stupid situation.
She wondered if the teachers and students, plus others, were doing fine. She had seen some of them in the city during the holidays. The trouble trio Asta, Magna Swing and Luck Voltia have caused some problems in the parc just two days ago, when she got for a walk with Rouge, but Vanessa knew them, they never mean any harm. Okay, you could never be so sure about Luck, though.
Others had been away. Mimosa Vermillion had told her that she would be in Switzerland during the holidays, with her parents and her older brother. And her cousin Noelle Silva went to her family’s secondary villa with her oldest brother.
Hopefully it had been alright for the poor girl. Vanessa had quite some sympathy for her. She was able to recognize when a household wasn’t doing fine, due to her own experience. Family Silva didn’t seem like it was a loving family. Vanessa might not know the signs and she hadn’t met Noelles brother yet. But she knew the signs and she did hear that he was more like a cold man. But she also knew that Noelles brother went to school with Dorothy and Yami. Could she judge him without meeting him?
Vanessa still didn’t like him. Or at least, given the Silva household, she wasn’t sure yet if she could like him.
But little Noelle seemed to have some strong affection for him and according to Mimosa, he cared deeply for his little sister.
It didn’t explain why the Silva family wasn’t working well, but this at least spoke in his favor. Vanessa just hoped that it was true affection between Noelle and her brother, not something that was abusive.
Well, Vanessa dared still to assume that Noelles brother wasn’t into romance. He was a rich man and if Vanessa knew something about rich people in Clover, it was that they don’t believe in love.
Why would he be different?
At the same time, why would he be the same?
Well, one thing for sure, Vanessa would never try to date a rich guy. But this sudden thought surprised her still.
Noelle took a huge bite from her salami sandwich. It was so good, the servants of the secondary residence even roasted the bread a bit and were generous with the butter. It was almost as good as Charmys sandwiches. And way better than those thin wannabe sandwiches they got in most train stations.
At least, from what Noelle knew about those wannabe sandwiches. She never tasted them before and the only one who always talked or rather complained about those was Magna. Given her classmate’s tendency to hyperbole when he was complaining about something, Noelle didn’t if she could always believe him.
She wondered what Asta had to say about…
Now she was thinking about that idiot again, while she managed to have banned him from her mind during the integrity of the spring holidays! More or less, but this was a detail. And to be fair, her brother and her were currently on their way home to Clover, so she will see that idiot again soon.
It was the end of the spring holidays, school will start again like tomorrow and her brother needed to return to work as well. Okay, needed was a strong word, since they were Silvas and one of the three richest family in the city who descended from nobility. According to Nebra – and she tended to overreact – Silvas didn’t need to work.
But Nozel took his job seriously, unlike many rich people in Clover. Too serious some would say, since he didn’t allow himself many holidays, just a day off here and there at best. The fact that Nozel proposed to her to spend the spring holidays, just the two of them for two weeks, at the secondary residence of the Silvas, had been a huge surprise for Noelle. But at the same time, it made her really happy.
Not only was it an opportunity to avoid Asta during the holidays after… that happened, but spending two whole weeks alone with Nozel was always more than welcome. He was the only one she was close to within her family.
Noelle looked at her brother, sitting on the other side of the picnic table between the birches, eating his own sandwich and a small salad, reading a book absently. There was often silence between them, but Noelle didn’t mind. Over the years, this kind of silence became very agreeable and even understanding. Okay, sometimes she was still not sure how to act around Nozel, but it was the same for him around her and they were never stopping trying. At least, it was clear to both that they truly care for each other and even though Nozel could seem cold and distant for other people – which he was for anyone outside of the family and closest people – Noelle loved her oldest brother a lot.
She sighed silently. Oh, those two weeks with Nozel were great, but she was also happy to come back home. She missed the city of Clover, she missed her school – okay, not everything – she missed her classmates and friends, even Asta and Mimosa… somehow, she missed a lot of people and she missed the family cats. At least, those two who remained in Clover, only Canelle came with them on the trip.
But her family… Maybe Noelle missed them a bit, but mixed feelings were a norm in this case. She was never close to her sister Nebra – Vanessa sometimes felt more like an older sister than her own sister – even though they didn’t hate each other. It was just… distant in a strange familiarity. It had been worse in her childhood, but that changed. At least, Nebra was never like Solid.
Noelle never got along with her brother Solid, which made her sad, but given their childhood and how mad Nozel had been after that incident when she was five, it was probably for the best. Maybe one day, they could get along… but Solid was too much of a jerk.
Still, Solid was better than their father and the less Noelle met that man, the better. She didn’t know yet what exactly broke their family apart when she was still a baby. Noelle wasn’t close enough to Nebra and Solid to ask them, as for Nozel… he never show anything, but there were always tears shining in his eyes when it was mentioned and Noelle didn’t want her brother to suffer. Whatever happened, it had shattered him. So, Noelle might be wondering, but she would never ask. Their family was already unstable enough and she didn’t want to be distant with her older brother.
But fact is, their father was not someone she missed and even though Noelle didn’t know everything, it was clear that this man should be better out of their lives completely. If only this could be the case… Maybe Nebra and Solid would have been real siblings during her childhood?
And then… there was mother. That far away person who was a stranger to Noelle. That picture that was like a reflection of her own appearance, but it was someone else. A person Noelle missed, but felt unsure what exactly to feel towards. She sometimes visited their mother at the clinic, but never alone, always with her siblings or her Vermillion aunt and it was always a stranger who didn’t seem to recognize them. Never a mother, shattered, still beautiful but shattered.
Out of her siblings, only Nozel visited mother often. He was the one who still talked to her, softer than even with Noelle, who always brushed mothers hair, who didn’t see a stranger. Sometimes, Noelle thought that it didn’t do Nozel any good to visit their mother, she often heard him cry silently in his bedroom after each visit and she had no idea how to comfort him. It was always heartbreaking to see her strong, proud and strict older brother like this. But at least, he visited her… unlike their father.
So, Noelle couldn’t tell if she missed anyone truly within her closest family. In the Silva household, it was the other two cats she missed the most. Especially Leviathan, who had been Nozels gift on her last birthday in November. A beautiful long-haired Nebelung with kind of an attitude like a stormy sea, but so affectionate. Silvas usually weren’t liked by animals, it was actually a miracle that three cats came to love them.
And maybe Noelle also missed Rosette a bit, Solids fiancée.
It was an arranged betrothal, like how it was still the norm for rich people. Noelle couldn’t understand that, it was the 21st century and even the middle ages weren’t that strict on marital topics like the rich society of Clover. She didn’t know how it happened, given the fights Nozel had with father about it, it had been certainly complicated, somehow things happened and end of story, the betrothed moved into the Silva household.
But Rosette Vitrail was not at all an arrogant bitch like Noelle feared at first. On the contrary, she was kind and polite to everyone, even to Solid, loved the three cats who loved her back, respected the servants, she never tried to slime in and at first it was almost like she was invisible. Noelle assumed that Rosette didn’t choose the situation either and decided to make the best out of it. Even though her fiancé was Solid. And she never felt that unhappy to have left her family already.
Maybe she came from a broken household too? Not a good change to live now in another one, but Rosette didn’t seem to mind. But she was still a bit a mystery, she just moved in just one month ago.
But Noelle liked Rosette at least a bit. She didn’t had a distant, proud and almost sad glance like Nebra or the jerk attitude of Solids. And certainly not the superior, arrogant and disgusted glare of their father.
“Are you alright, Noelle?”
Noelle flinched slightly. Like always when Nozel talked to her out of the blue. How much she would love to get rid of this habit. After all, it was her dear older brother talking, not Nebra or Solid. Or worse, father.
“I’m fine, brother. Just been thinking.”
“Are you happy to come home?”
“I admit that I am. Oh, those two weeks together were great, but I miss my friends still and school… And Waterlily and Leviathan too. But I don’t think that Canelle would like to see them again.”
It sounded like a protest. Noelle watched happily how Nozels lips went slightly up and she couldn’t help but smile as she turned towards the cat lying next to her. Canelle glared at her with her yellow eyes, like offended by the statement.
Canelle was looking so adorable with her heart-shaped head, her cinnamon brown fur, the white paws and belly, her big eyes and her rather tiny frame. But Noelle was sure that there was no cat with a personality like Canelle. She was the boss in their house, not only over the other cats, but in a way also of them. A few months ago, she had been quite sick and needed to rest. Instead of remaining in the cat chamber, she claimed Nebras bedroom all for herself and end of the story was that Nebra had to move into one of the guest rooms for two weeks until Canelle was better. One of the few rare times in their family were there had been some genuine laughs.
Canelle was not a cat of breed and this was already strange for a strict rich family like them. If any strict rich Clover family had animals, then of breed, please. The other cats of the Silvas were a Nebelung and a Ragdoll. But Noelle was glad that they got Canelle and even Nebra and Solid didn’t care that one of their pets wasn’t of a breed.
It was Solid who brought Canelle home and not even on purpose. This cat had been just a kitten when they got her, living on the streets and on one rainy day, she followed Solid for some reason, so close that she get into the villa the same time as him. And just decided to stay. After some time, Nozel finally decided that they should keep her, since she was determined to stay.
Given the colour of her fur, they named her Canelle, the french word for cinnamon. Noelles choice, as she was rather proud of her skills in that language.
Petting her head, Noelle remembered how Asta had been so excited when she told him about Canelle for the first time. He adored cats and his own, Liebe…
No, stop! Hadn’t she decided to not think about that idiot until they see each other again in school? And even there, if she could ignore him, but it was impossible, they were in the same class and just before the holidays, he had a date with Mimosa, her own cousin! This is what she got for crushing on a dense idiot and being in denial. Someone else got him and Asta couldn’t stop friendzone her and he didn’t even know he did!
Whoever said that friendzone wasn’t that bad was wrong. It was so damn worse than being hated! At least in Noelles books.
She heard that Mimosa went with her brother and her mother to Raque during the holidays. And she certainly invited Asta too. The mere thought of them cuddling at the beach… Or having fun in the sea…
Noelle sighed again. She hated feeling jealous. Mimosa was way too kind to be mad at, Asta was stupid but nicer than anyone she knew. Noelle couldn’t hate any of them and she wanted to be happy for them. After all, Asta didn’t belonged to her, he was free to choose who he would date and Mimosa was never mean to him, unlike Noelle.
But it was still a pain.
“Oh, sorry, brother. Did you say something?”
“No, but you seem thoughtful. Is something bothering you?”
Noelle bit her lips. Nozel might be the one of her family she was the closest to, but it was still difficult for the two of them to open to each other. Like any Silva, they had their own issues to deal with. It had been like this since she was a baby.
Oh, Noelle would love to tell Nozel about her love problems. But she didn’t know if he could be of any help or comfort, nor if he would be happy that she was crushing on someone out of their circles. Nozel still had a lot of pride, after all.
But he was still her brother and until she met Vanessa or Nero again, or waiting for Kahono to be back from her tour in Switzerland, Noelle had only Nozel to at least confide in a bit. Just a bit, she was a Silva after all.
Not something to be proud of, at least Noelle sometimes felt that way.
“I had… well, I had a difference with one of my classmates. Nothing important, though.”
Not quite the truth, not quite a lie. This should be enough.
“Did that classmate of yours insulted you? Shall I have a talk with that person?”
“No, no need to. But thank you still, brother. We didn’t had a fight and he probably… doesn’t remember our difference or haven’t even realized it. But I needed some distance and your proposition was a perfect opportunity for that. I will… see how it goes once school starts again.”
“If you don’t want to go to public school anymore, you can just tell me, I will arrange that.”
“I know, but there is no need. I still like my school and I’m happy that I can to go to the same school like you did. And Nebra and Solid.”
“It had been mother’s wish that we go to the public school and not a private one.”
“And it was probably a good idea. I have friends at least and there is Mimosa too. I want to finish school with them.”
“I’m glad that you have friends, Noelle.”
There was a tone in his voice that was almost sad. As if he wanted to say more or something else. Noelle always wondered if Nozel was lonely. Sure, he had friends, like Fuegoleon Vermillion or Vanessas roommate, Dorothy Unsworth. Such a small world. But still, even with friends, he could seem lonely.
And Noelle was worried for her big brother. She just had no idea how to help him. She was just a teenager, how could she help a full-grown adult?
There was not a lot she could do.
“Have you finished the last corrections on your manuscript?”
“Yes, I’ve sent it to Mr. Novachrono already. If everything goes like usual, it shall come to the market next month.”
“I’m looking forward to it, you write so well,” Noelle smiled and felt some relief when Nozel smiled back at her.
She was the only one in the family to know that secret of Nozel. She found it out some time ago and since then, it was more than just a secret between them, it was something like they were a bit like accomplices and Noelle loved that feeling.
Not to mention that she might be Nozels biggest fan and even though he never said it, her support meant a lot to him. She saw it in his eyes every time she talked about his works and what she loved the most.
Sometimes she wanted to share it with her friends, but this was not her secret to reveal. And it felt good to know something they didn’t, especially Astas arrogant best friend Yuno who was such a genius in everything.
And now she thought about Asta again, just like that. Why couldn’t she just stop? Why was Asta everywhere? She almost hated him for putting her in such a pathetic state, but then again, it wasn’t his fault and he didn’t know.
But Noelle still wanted to be mad at him, on principle. At least a bit.
Canelle suddenly stood up and hoped down the bench, patting her cat bag and looking at them with some impatience. Which meant in her eyes, it was time to continue to return home. And she would pester Noelle and Nozel until they got their things together.
“Seems that we have to finish our meal,” Nozel said as he stood up as well and put the rest of their picnic back in the bag.
Noelle sighed deeply as she looked at the two chocolate-banana muffins. They looked so delicious and creamy, the old cook back at the secondary residence backed them at dawn especially for them.
“We can still eat the muffins on the way.”
Noelle beamed. Nozel must have seen her ogling very obviously on those muffins and since he was a sweettooth too… Noelle grabbed the muffins plus the cat bag and followed her brother who carried the picnic bag, while Canelle was already at the car, waiting for them with a grumpy look. She certainly almost had a Silva personality, but at least she didn’t act like a spoiled princess like Waterlily or like a stormy sea like Leviathan.
When they reached Nozels silver Porsche, Noelle immediately opened one of the doors so that Canelle could just jump in and into her cat bag once Noelle put it on the back seat. Then she entered the car herself, sitting at the front next to Nozel who just started the car.
Well, time to go home. With a bit of mixed feelings still, but Noelle was grateful that she had still more things to look forward to back in Clover. Even though Asta was currently not fitting into one of the two categories.
Stop, Noelle!  Stop thinking about this idiot!
The siblings were silent when they left the picnic area and went back on the road. Even Canelle was silent, but maybe she fell asleep. That cat was always calm in the car, unless she had to be brought to the veterinary. Then the meowing would never stop and she would refuse any petting.
“Did you make nice photos during our vacation?” Nozel suddenly asked once they were back on the road.
Noelle smiled. As subtle as it might was, she was so happy that her brother supported her with her hobby.
“I think so, I’ll work on them once we get home. Thank you for helping taking pictures of myself too. Some of the servants also helped to-“
Noelle bit her lips. Maybe she shouldn’t have mentioned that. Nozel was never keen on befriending the servants back in Clover, it certainly also count for the once at their second villa. Noelle didn’t really understood why they couldn’t befriend servants, but she still hoped that it won’t destroy the fragile bond she had with her brother.
But to her biggest surprise, Nozel didn’t scold her. He just nodded and sighed, almost more to himself than to her, “It is wonderful that they helped. Those servants were always loyal to mother.”
Noelle flinched, like always when mother was mentioned. She still was curious, why would Nozel made an exception for the servants working at the secondary Silva residence? But she wouldn’t ask, mother was never a happy subject.
Nozel seemed a bit sad, so Noelle handed him one of the chocolate-banana muffins. Her brother smiled as he accepted it. Noelle relaxed at the sight and bit in her own. It was actually good to go home.
If only Asta…
And shit, now she was thinking about Asta again! Noelle was really fed up with those stupid thought. Okay, maybe she would stop if she would finally start to actively move on from her crush for him.
After all, it was just a teenage crush, nothing she would regret in a few days.
Charlotte opened the door to her appartement, she could hear a lot of yells and screams and laughs from the living room.
This could only mean that Luck invited some friends to play some video-games. Probably Magna and Asta, given how loud it was.
Hopefully they wouldn’t end up destroying the TV or anything else. Not that many of these things were irreplaceable, of course not. But Charlotte preferred to not put this kind of finances on her budget.
“HAHAHA! I got you Magna! Now fight me!”
“No, I’m not fighting you, stopping attacking me with the controller! And no, you didn’t got me! You just cheated!”
“How can anyone cheat at a videogame? Oh no, Magna watch out, your ship is going towards a rock!”
“UAAH! Phew, thanks Asta. Ah, shit, you two are already this far ahead of me! Oh hell no, I’m not going to lose!”
Charlotte took a look in the living room. Ah, yes, Luck and his two friends were indeed gaming. Sails of Waves, a newer game a bit like Mario Karts, but with ships instead and a setting that was a mix of Pirates of the Caribbean, One Piece and corsairs & pirates of the 17th and 18th century.
Thankfully this was a rather harmless game, in comparison. Charlotte knew the creator very well, she went to school with him and Jack had a habit of being very bloody and scary in the games he created.
To think that he also opened a toy shop & atelier years ago…
Charlotte sighed and shook her head. She just came home from her tearoom and given how some of her girls were either on vacation or sick – stupid spring cold, really – they only had been three to be here for the customers.
And Sunday was one of the best days for the Blue Rose tearoom. So she was exhausted and since she forgot to buy bread and milk on her weekly grocery shopping, Charlotte had to go to the only shop open on Sunday in Clover, the small supermarket at the train station, on the opposite of her appartement.
But she could live with that. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time something like that happened. But she had to meet Yami today on her way home.
Charlotte had a deep sigh as she put the milk in the fridge and the bread into the bread box. Goodness, why was she unable to spend even one day without thinking about him? One hour would already be a record.
Just one hour without feeling the heavy love that hasn’t left her for like a decade. Ten years living with that! Others were well able to move on from a one-sided love and crush more than once in such a period of time, then why was she unable to?
If her life would have been a fantasy story, maybe she would have been curse and falling in love with Yami would have lifted it. It was ridiculous, but it often felt that way for Charlotte. Maybe she read too much of Nymphea Silber’s romantasy novels in her youth. Rather pathetic for a grown adult woman, wasn’t it?
Why was she still so worked up about that stupid crush after ten years in the first place? It wasn’t like the rest of her life was hell in any way. She was independent from her family and their stupid business, not to mention she cut most ties with the Roseleis, her tearoom and little fencing school worked amazingly, she had a nice and big appartement, fought for and won her younger half-brothers custody… her life was pretty good so far.
If she could finally get a grip about that stupid crush, it would be perfect.
But how? By moving on? By daring to ask him out directly? By deciding if it was just a crush or something more?
Always those questions and Charlotte was unable to find a proper answer. She was really pathetic, wasn’t she.
Why did had to be him? And why did she not wanted to be anyone else than him?
Maybe this was the never ending hurdle of being in love with terribly dense man. Oh yes, Yami was dense, terribly dense, so dense that despite his claims to be good at reading people, he was unable to tell if someone was in love with him.
Oh, it was easy to put all the blame on him. But Charlotte was well aware and smart enough to know that she wasn’t innocent either. How many times had she been rude to Yami to hide her feelings? How many times had she – often with reasons – been frustrated by his carefree behavior in everything? And made him know? How many times had she told him that work was her only partner?
Yes, she was quite to blame as well for her frustrated romantic situation. Would it have been sorted out much earlier if Yami wasn’t dense and less carefree? But would she be in love with him if he was any different?
Love was complicated and like hope, not rational at all.
Charlotte looked up and saw Briar on the table, looking at her with some impatience within her beautiful green eyes. Briar was one the three cats Charlotte and Luck had, a beautiful tortoiseshell cat with a black and orange fur.
“Hello, Briar. I know that it is time for your dinner, but I think we had agreed that you shouldn’t jump on the kitchen table.”
Briar seemed to pout, but still jumped of the table, sitting down in front of her bowl and waited. Charlotte smiled as she took Briars favourite food, a mash with chicken flavour. Seems that someone was really hungry.
And of course, as soon as Briar started to eat, Lightning appeared suddenly in the kitchen. She was also a tortoiseshell cat, but unlike Briar, the eyes were amber and the fur was black, grey and white.
“Okay, okay. I will give you your dinner as well. Dry food with fish for you, right?”
Lightning meowed happily, while hoping up and down. She was almost as excited as Luck. After giving Lightning her food, Charlotte left the kitchen to join the boys in the living room. It felt good to feed the cats, they were always distracting her from her unresolved romantic frustration with Yami.
And now, she thought about him again. Why was it so easy to think about him and so difficult to stop?
Charlotte sometimes wondered if she really had puberty completely behind her.
When she entered the living room, the boys were still playing their video game. Given the image on the TV, they were currently on the storm level of the game. Luck and Magna were even jumping. Asta might have done it as well, if it weren’t for the long-haired grey cat napping on his lap.
Ah, there was their third cat. Charlotte and Luck did receive Queen as a kitten roughly six months ago, from a great-aunt who spent most of their time traveling the world and who didn’t cared that Charlotte cut ties with most of the Roseleis or that Luck was an illegitimate child, born out of an affair.
Queen was the only breed cat they had, a beautiful Russian Blue with the characteristic blue-grey fur and green eyes, and very affectionate. Asta seemed to love her too, as he sometimes put his controller aside to pet Queen a bit, even though his own ship lost some speed. Yes, he was a kind boy and Charlotte was glad that Luck was friends with him.
She didn’t had quite the same feeling about Magna, though, he and Luck were always fighting a lot, plus Magna was kind of almost a delinquent and even more or less proud of it. Not something Charlotte appreciated. But at the same time, it was mostly Luck who provoked Magna, not the other way around and this boy still had his heart at the right place. And Yami trusted him.
Yami again… She just couldn’t stop thinking about him. Maybe was it because of spring? This season was always considered the lovers season in Clover. Great, now she started to believe those stupid traditions of people.
She needed another distraction, right now.
“Hello, boys.”
“Bis Sis, you’re back!!!”
“Luck don’t jump on me, you little fucker… Oh shoot, hi, erm, I mean, hello Mrs, no, Miss Roselei! I wasn’t insulting your brother, I swear!”
“Hello, madam Charlotte, sir!”
Charlotte almost laughed as Asta somehow tried to salute. With the controller in his hands and Queen on his lap. She couldn’t blame him, she probably appeared like some kind of strict military officer when Luck brought him home for the first time. Which she was probably still a bit for him.
“Did you have fun playing Sails of Waves?”
“Yes, madam Charlotte, sir, I mean-“
“Asta, please, just Charlotte for you. How many times shall I tell you that?”
“But that wouldn’t be polite, madam Charlotte, sir… Oh no, I shouldn’t say sir to you, I apologize!”
“Don’t scream like that, Asta, you’re scaring the kitty!”
Magna said while yelling himself. But Queen was a calm cat, she just yawned before turning around and continuing to nap.
“How was your day at the tearoom, Big Sis?”
“Rather exhausting. It’s Sunday, not to mention spring holidays, so we had a lot to do at the tearoom. Especially since most of the girls were either sick or on vacation today. We were only three, let’s hope there will be more next week.”
Charlotte really hoped that, because one of the most productive seasons will just get started for her tearoom and the Blue Rose couldn’t be with just three waitresses every day during that season.
Not to mention that it was also a season were a lot of couples, from teenagers to old people, to have dates at the tearoom, which wouldn’t help Charlottes current mental state of romantic frustration concerning Yami and…
And she did it again. What has she ever done in some potential previous life to deserve this?
“Hey, Big Sis, if you want I can help you out sometimes!”
“Only if you promise to not attack costumers out of the blue. Remember what happened last time? If you want to help me, please behave?”
“Not even a little kick between the legs?”
“Ah, but okay.”
“Maybe we could help you too!” Asta said with a big kind grin. “I never worked in a tearoom, but sister Lily always said that the more experience I have, the more I can go far in life after school!”
“I’m not that much into tearooms, but if you need manly help, maybe I can jump in?” Magna added, forgetting the game for a moment and not noticing that his boat was trapped into a maelstrom. “I’m helping out three times a week at the Black Bulls Motorcycle Garage, but I’m sure captain Yami will agree that I help one of his old classmates. After all, captain Yami is great!”
“Oh, you work with Yami? And you call him captain?”
“Yeah, it sounds manly! Oh crap, what is happening to my boat?”
While Magna tried to save his ship under Lucks laughs and Astas encouragement, Charlotte took a deep breath. Oh yes, Yami did mention that sometimes students were helping him out at his garage. He did this to help young people and give them a chance, as he said and this was one of the side she admired about him.
If only… If only…
Yami won’t leave her thoughts, wouldn’t he? Even if she hadn’t met him to day after doing her groceries, he would always haunt her mind. Gosh, their meeting today hadn’t even been long, he just teased her and she fled, like always.
This couldn’t continue like this! But at the same time, Charlotte had no idea how to change her whole romantic mess of the mind. Maybe she needed therapy? No, it couldn’t be that desperate. But nothing else came to her mind.
Well, then she needed to try distracting herself again, even though it never worked really. But what other option does she have?
“Can I play with you, boys?”
“Really, that’s so cool of you, Big Sis!”
“Here, sit next to me, madam Charlotte, sir! Oh, sorry, I said sir again!”
“We’ll show you how it works, maybe we can start all over again. That’s the neat thing with this game, it’s not a bother to start all over again. First, you need to design your own ship.”
Under the explanations of Luck and his friends, Charlotte tried to use a controller and to create her own ship. Next to Lucks Thunder Goods Boots, Magnas Crazy Cyclone and Astas Black Meteor, a new ship was now ready to sail.
Prickly Queen.
It was only when a new race started that Charlotte realized it. She gave her ship the very nickname Yami always gave her. 
When Lital woke up, there was a tongue licking all over her face. A tongue that didn’t belonged to her boyfriend, but to a flame red stripped cat.
“Hello, Salamander. What’s the big idea to wake me up in the middle of the night, you little rascal?”
The cat just meowed, before making himself comfortable on the pillow next to her. But the other side of the bed was empty.
Not that Lital could see much. First, the lights were off. Second, her bangs weren’t braided and like always when loose, it covered most of her eyes.
But Lital could feel it still. It was empty, but the sheets were still warm. Which means that he was still here. Of course he was.
“Fue, where are you?”
“Right here, my dearest.”
Pushing some of her bangs away, Lital saw Fuegoleon standing at the window, only wearing his shorts, his hair unkempt but still so softly looking. The lights of the city coming from outside barely came into the room, but it was enough for Lital to admire his muscles, the wonderful red of his hair, his proud back, his big and elegant hands, one of his arms leaning against the window frame, looking outside without really seeing the lights of Clover or the night traffic, which noises sounded like coming from far away.
Yawning, Lital stood up, took his undershirt that was lying on the carpet floor and put it on, before joining Fuegoleon, hugging him from behind. She still wasn’t quite sure on her feet and he must have felt it.
“Have I been too rough with you? I’m sorry.”
“Not at all. I’m just still very tired. It is just passed midnight, after all.”
“I didn’t want to wake you up.”
“It wasn’t you, but Salamander.”
Lital heard him chuckle and it seemed like he turned his head to look at the bed.
“Salamander, how many times have I told you to not wake up my beloved in the middle of the night?”
Lital and Fuegoleon just laughed softly at the protest of the cat. But sadly, it was short lived. And she knew exactly what was bothering the man she loved.
“I’m sorry that you had this fight with your grandfather today.”
“It was bound to happen and it is certainly not your fault, darling. I just wish I could have gone through him. But you know how stubborn he is. And he probably already forgot about our little fight already. Like with everything that doesn’t fit in his views.”
Well… that sounded very much like Achilles Vermillion, from what Lital heard of him.
Fuegoleon sighed. “I still care for my grandfather. But I fear it becomes more and more difficult for me to really love him. Mereoleona was right to just leave, cut ties with him and do her own thing.”
“She didn’t cut ties with a lot of the family and your grandfather is still too afraid of her to cut her out of his will.”
“Yes… I really thought that I could try to persuade him, after he was such a good mood about that contract with this rich family form Diamond. But… Augustus had to be with him today. And Nozels father. I don’t need to tell you that my rather liberal request came at a bad time. I wasn’t even direct, you know why.”
Lital couldn’t help but hug Fuegoleon even tighter. He really didn’t need to tell her. She knew exactly what this meant for them.
“We still have to be in secrecy for a while longer.”
It wasn’t a question, just a fact. Fuegoleon didn’t answered, but he still put a comforting hand on her arms.
Lital sighed deeply. She wasn’t surprised, but still terribly sad. It was just so unfair and so stupid. This was the 21stcentury, marrying out of duty, power or money should be a thing of the past since so long already.
Too bad that the majority of the rich society in Clover was somehow more strict than the middle ages about that topic.
It wasn’t her fault she was born in the slums, it wasn’t her fault that she was illegitimate. This didn’t determined who she was. But enough for many people in this town to consider her unworthy for one of the heirs of the Vermillion family, one of the three most powerful rich families in Clover.
At least, they would say that if they would knew. But Lital and Fuegoleon kept their relationship in secrecy so far. Only a handful of people knew and after ten years, their love just grew stronger and deeper.
But Lital didn’t want to be in secrecy. She wanted to be at Fuegoleons side for the rest of her life and show it to the world. She wanted to marry him, grew old with him. Simple things, but so important and yet still considered flimsy by this stupid rich society.
Fuegoleon wanted it as well. They have talked about it so much more since a few months. Their wish really wasn’t too much to ask for and yet…
Lital felt like she would start to cry. It was just so frustrating. And after today… It would have worked if Fuegoleon would have managed to convince his grandfather. But circumstances played again against them.
She was very close to not consider spring a happy and romantic season anymore.
Fuegoleon suddenly turned in her arms and cupped her face, brushing her bangs away. His beautiful purple eyes just showed the same sadness and frustration she was feeling, but there was still hope in them, this familiar resolution to not give up.
And the love he had for her.
“I’m as upset as you are, Lital. But do not give up. I certainly won’t. We haven’t come this far for nothing. We’ll continue to fail until we succeed. I love you and I won’t let one defeat take everything away.”
Lital couldn’t help but smile. This man could always feel the right words to comfort her. No wonder she fell in love with him all those years ago.
She leaned against him, savouring his presence, his strength, his determination. It was good to know that they won’t give up, that they could lean on each other each time they felt down. Lital closed her eyes.
“Fue, don’t you have sometimes the feeling that we are a couple from like a fantasy or a historical romance novel? Something like that.”
“Rather ridiculous, isn’t it? We are in the 21st century, after all.”
“It’s not us who made the situation rather ridiculous.”
“I know.”
There was silence again, more comforting this time. They just hold each other, the noise of the night traffic sounding from far away. Lital felt a bit ashamed that she felt so quickly frustrated for a moment. Almost as if it wasn’t worth it.
But it was worth it, she realized it every day again.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The next moment, his lips were on hers for a short, loving kiss. A bit desperate maybe, but determined and so sweet. Just as fiery as all the passionate kisses they shared a few hours before.
When their lips parted, Fuegoleon rested his forehead against hers. “Let’s forget about our worries for tonight, my love. Tomorrow is another day.”
“Can I have cuddles before we fell asleep.”
“As you wish.”
Fuegoleon carried her up bridal style towards the bed. They cuddled and kissed a bit before falling asleep. Fuegoleon fell asleep first and Lital felt her own eyes closing quickly as well, when a thought crossed her mind before slumber took over her.
I hope no other couple will have the same difficulties we are facing right now.
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thedevillionaire · 2 months
✍🏼 🌞 💘 😶 😎 !!
✍🏼 Describe your writing process in a way that makes sense to you
I watch movies in my head, and when a scene happens that I particularly enjoy, I mentally rewind and replay it over and over. And some of these movie parts become replayed enough and insistent enough to want to be put into permanent words. So, I write grabs of conversation and any particular critical points of import as notes, write either the opening line or the closing line first, and then fill the rest in. The order varies. I print out the first final draft because I edit better in hardcopy. Then I put the final version away for at least a day - often more - before rereading it to make sure it does, in fact, make sense. Vet it for typos. I don't use spellcheck so I watch the typo factor veeery closely, lol. And done.
🌞 Do you need a specific environment to write? Like music, a certain time of day, a certain type of place? Place is anywhere but I need to be alone. Music has to be lyricless, otherwise I'll get distracted by it. I'm way too stupid in the mornings to write; the bulk of my writing is done late at night. Or at work. I regularly come up with the "that's it! That!" phrase I've been looking for when at work, or shopping, or doing some other damn thing that isn't a good time for writing. I try to take notes of these and get to it properly later on. I write either on my laptop or with pen and paper. I have never written a damn thing on my phone and never will, lol
💘What are some of your favorite things you’ve written and why? Snz specific, presumably! Snz wise, my personal fic fave as an entirety is probably The Twentieth, just in terms of hitting a bunch of Things I Like A Lot buttons, haha, but I'll give a little shout-out specifically to the fit in Four Days, Mostly, which is, uh... You know. One of those scenes I kinda have to walk around the house about.😅 I'm always a bit "maybe this one... No, this one" about favourites, because it varies depending on my mood. But since this is focusing on writing, specifically, I was honestly damn happy with the forestmorph scene in Illusionary, and the Immerse and Possess scene in Panacea.
😶 Is there anything you’ve been wanting to write that you haven’t gotten to yet, or that you don’t feel comfortable tackling at this point in time? This is always a clear-cut answer for me, and will be until I get it done, but... When Cerberus loses his closest friend - or, more specifically, his breakdown after he tries and fails to bring him back. This is a scene I've wanted to write for a very long time, but I continue to find it just too damn emotionally taxing to manage it.
😎How long do you wait to post fics you’ve completed? Do you post them immediately? Do you want a few days? I reread an online and a printed copy of any final version several times, and with at least one night's sleep between readings, before posting. If I post and notice an upfucking, no matter how minor, it will annoy the living crap out of me. I'm much kinder on other people's typos than my own.
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