#eden mir
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ariesimping · 8 months ago
As Cale give names to these children is also the day these beings seen Cale as the one who gives them meaning.
Raon Mir [ Joyful Dragon ] (to live a joyous life)
Dodam Mir [ Proud Dragon ] (growing up healthy and strong)
Eden Mir [ You are you/Whether ] (whatever you are, you are you)
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theobliviousunluckybastard · 2 months ago
Congratulations on finally being born, Eden !!!
🎉🎉 🎊🎊
Also, congrats to Cale on the birth of his new baby, who's 900 years old , XD.
Finally, the egg was completely broken. - Human, it's born! The moment Raon shouted like that. -oh! 'hmm!' Cale and Raon were both surprised. Paaaaah! A bright light emanated from the egg. -It's real light. As super rock said, real light, not the light created by Raon and Erhaven, poured out from the egg. It was so dazzling that Cale closed his eyes without realizing it. But in the midst of all this, something faintly appeared in the center of the light. He reached out his hand without realizing it, even though he had his eyes closed. Soft. Something touched my hand. He realized that it was another front paw. When Raon was young, he was a little softer than usual, so Cale noticed it right away. He gently grabbed its front paw and pulled it. Then something came into his arms. The invisible Cale. He knew what to do before this bright light ended. He gently stroked the soft, smooth back and then lifted the small creature that fit in his two hands up high above his head. And the light went out. - Human, this is Eden Mir ! Cale and Raon, who have become invisible, were inside an aurora made of brilliant platinum powder. They could see a small dragon in the center. Eden Mir was half-human and half-dragon, but now appeared as a baby dragon. The dragon, small enough to fit in Cale's two hands and safely supported, slowly opened its eyes. The dragon bowed his head as if he knew who was supporting him. “… …”. “… …”. Cale and Eden Mir looked at each other. And Cale was startled. Because he saw dark brown eyes just like his own. A black body like Raon. But the golden patterns embroidered on its body reminded him of the Milky Way. And two small purple horns sprouted out. Half-human, half-dragon, possessing light and time. Eden Mir.
Raon's round eyes drew a crescent moon-like smile at Cale.
A voice that sounds like magic.
Although the voice was very young, it was Eden Mir.
-I like the name.
Belatedly, Eden Mir expressed his gratitude to Cale.
Imagine being so cute that even Cale and Raon are stunned!! We have another cute and adorable baby dragon now!! 🥳🥳
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jslmasaysmoneyisbest · 6 months ago
Batman x TCF AU
SO like
Cale and his kids transport there
they get settled
Headcannon:Cale is a Batman fan
(just makes some things easier on me)
the kids wander off
Bomb the joker
they then say their father is looking for them
but they the kids look like they have been rolling around in garbage for weeks.
The bomb was made in a hurry with some things they found around because they are genius
their clothes are torn because they fell from a height but you know Cats land on their feet and Raon was raised around cats (:
so the bats think they are abandoned and take them to the wayne house saying he can take care of you
do a quick change and welcome them in
(They have foster care? on speed dial)
Cale searches for them
finds Eden(DHB) who has just hatched from his egg and missed Cale and Raon and teleported to them
then 3 days later an angry and worried
Cale comes aknocking
after hearing about what his children did
because A. he knows Joker and that creep reminds him of WS and Cloph combined
B.They deliberately wandered off
C.The Waynes tryin to keep his kids!!!
So at this point the story could go either way
Bruce could either adopt Cale(he does have adult children plus grandchildren)
Bruce and Cale could fall in love
Bruce is probably around 40s? in this world
which would work with Cale who is mentally almost in his 40s
and probably more reasonable is if this is after they defeat the hunters and slacker life time so Cale body is now physically in the 30s and BAM it fits
honestly this is what my brain thinks up during class......I missed so many notes ): XD
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fallloverfic · 3 months ago
Me @ Eden Mir:
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cippicat · 8 months ago
What happened to Evie and Jacob Frye after Syndicate and JTR's DLC ?
Following the defeat of Crawford Starrick, Evie and Jacob continued to operate in London.
After her betrothal to Henry, Evie eventually relocated to India and became affiliated with the Indian's Brotherhood.
Did they have children? Yes, because in the Assassin's Creed Descendants (a group of assassins that operated and were based in London, in the 2010s) one of the members named Jackie O'Connell, is Evie's descendant.
I think that Evie and Henry had at least one daughter.
In 1888, afterr returning to London, Evie converged with Inspector Frederick Abberline, who brought her up to speed with the serial killer Jack The Ripper and the rest is history.
After the events of the DLC, Evie and Henry decided to move back to London.
I think that they took this decision because (these are my speculations):
They lost the favour of the Crown after queen Victoria's death
The first world war was approaching
The Templars were re-conquering power in London
We have several informations about Evie but what about Jacob ?
As Evie married Henry and moved with him to India Jacob remained in London to continue leading the Rooks and reinforce the Brotherhood.
I think that Jacob fall into a great depression after Evie's departure but he started healing after the birth of his son, Emmett Frye*.
Who is his partner ?
We have no informations so I made up some theories:
A fellow member of the Rooks
A childhood friend from Crawley
One of his apprentices
Where is she? I think that she died from childbirth and Jacob raised Emmett on his own. Jacob tried hard to be a better father than Ethan.
Emmet is the spitting image of his father but he is a shy and sweet kid. But when he wore his hood and hidden blade he became a great Assassins just like his father.
Probably Jacob sent Emmett away (to protect him) during the events of the DLC. The boy was still a teenager at that time because Lydia was born in 1893 and the events of the DLC took place during 1888.
After the Autumn of terror, Jacob suffered from PTSD but he recovered thanks to Evie who returned to live in London with him.
In 1893, Jacob became a grandfather and raised and trained his granddaughter Lydia to be an assassin (with the help of Evie).
Lydia Frye helped Winston Churchill to protect London from german spies and Templar agents during the first world war.
Lydia's fiancé, sam Crowder, asked Jacob first for her hand. Jacob wasn't impressed.
How the Frye's twins died ? Of old age surrounded by their grandsons and granddaughters.
*I don't know if this is Jacob's son name but I read this name in the fandom so I decided to use this one.
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 1 year ago
A Collection of the Most Gorgeous RC MCs
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I’ll expand this list as I play more books!
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lemonhemlock · 2 years ago
eden by cacharel being such a hit with the masses, getting me compliments at the office, yet my bf seems to be the only one who doesn't like it!!!!! shame!!!
so the way i envision this is that it's a hot, humid day and you're riding around in your all-terrain vehicle and ursula stanhope outfit, you break hard so the rubber heats up and you stop to smell the most exquisite wet white flowers in the background amid all the sleepy greenery
it's the rarest garden scent & really comes alive on a boiling, watery day!!!
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murasaki-cha · 4 months ago
Tcf part 2 chapter 373
“Human, I must see to it that they are born!”
How fierce that tone was.
Of course, Raon's reason for doing so had one clear purpose.
“I'll watch it with my mom!”
The black castle still resides in Apitoyu. And the one person who cannot leave the Black Castle within a certain radius is the former Lord Sherritt.
The dragon half-bloodd. Eden Miru has the heart of one of Sherritt's two children. In some ways, they could be considered enemies but-
'Almost like a child.'
Sherritt's feelings for the dragon half-breed had grown beyond resentment to affection. Raon, Sherritt, and Eden Mir are definitely a family now, no matter what.
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pommedepersephone · 1 year ago
Buck up, Hamlet! or how Aziraphale and Crowley's blocking helps communicate the evolution of their relationship
Can we talk about the blocking?
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Specifically, I have been rewatching S1E3, one of my favorites. I love how the development of the relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley is shown through these little vignettes. There have been some great explorations of the costuming and dialogue, but what always strikes me is the BLOCKING. The way their placement and movements add such depth and tell the story of living as a queer person, having to communicate in coded language.
Through the episode, we get 4500 years of history - Eden, Mesopotamia, Golgatha, Rome and Wessex - to see Aziraphale and Crowley standing on their opposite sides. Aziraphale always on the right, Crowley always on the left. But after the Arrangement, their blocking changes drastically and becomes much more fluid and nuanced. Each scene after this is distinct but the scenes in at the Globe and the Bastille have the most development, and I find myself rewatching them A LOT. Here is what I see. 
All the World's a Stage
This is the first meeting we see that isn’t a chance encounter, though the two try to stage it as such. It takes place in a theatre - and they are acting, playing their roles as demon and angel. Even the humans are complicit in this performance, with Shakespeare stepping in to address the two "in your roles as the audience." Oh, delicious.
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But once it's been firmly established for anyone watching that they AREN'T friends, they DON'T know each other (cough cough) the following moves are clearly choreographed and have been played out many times before. Crowley sashays to the right, opening the dance, and Aziraphale accepts the invitation to dance with: “What do you want?” 
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“Why ever would you insinuate that I might possibly want something?” Crowley is just playing his role as cheeky demon offering up a temptation - but his position to the right of Aziraphale speaks to the fact that they are both very complicit in this performance.
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“You are up to no good.”  “Obviously. And you are up to good, I take it? Lots of good deeds?” Just standard character establishment, here.
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“No rest for the, well, good." Ah, this line, the inversion of the well known idiom. Because the line between good and evil (and between angel and demon) maybe aren't so distinct, and Aziraphale acknowledges this with his words. We are moving into negotiations now. "I have to be in Edinburgh at the end of the week. A couple of blessings to do, and a minor miracle to perform. Apparently, I have to ride a horse.”
“Ah hard on the buttocks, horses. Major design flaw, if you ask me. I’m meant to be headed to Edinburgh too this week. Tempting a clan leader to steal some cattle.” The way Crowley moves AROUND Aziraphale here, intimate but also careful, watching for his reactions.
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“Doesn’t sound like hard work.” Said with a little sideways look, because Aziraphale can see where this is going. And he's open to suggestion temptation.
“That was why I thought we should… well, bit of a waste of effort. Both of us going all the way to Scotland.”
“You cannot actually be suggesting what I infer you are implying?” A little bit of pretense, because Aziraphale has to pretend to be tempted, right?
Crowley presses. “Which is?” Because he is willing to play the part of tempting demon, but only if it is clear this is a farce, that this is indeed mutually agreeable. He is making sure they are doing the same dance.
"That one of us goes to Edinburgh and does... both. The blessing and the tempting."
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Yes, they are doing the same dance, and what is left is the formality of concluding the dance - a moment of Aziraphale expressing his concern for Crowley, the coin toss - they both know how it ends. It's a ritual, an act of give and take.
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But if it were ONLY the Arrangement, a simple quid pro quo, it would have ended there. It doesn't. Instead, the two offer each other a more intimate exchange - "It'd take a miracle to get people to come and see Hamlet."
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Aziraphale doesn't even have to ask with words, just a look, and Crowley happily agrees. That is the final part of the dance, a small acknowledgement that this isn't just about making their jobs easier.
A Free Man in Paris
Paris is something else. This is a HUGE step beyond making sure that audiences like a show your angel is particularly fond of. This is a stolen dangerous moment, an OUTRAGEOUS flirtation that takes place outside of time, conducted in clear view of others but beyond their understanding. Isn’t that how their entire relationship is now conducted, hidden in plain view and so clearly affectionate? 
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And look, Aziraphale is BITCHY in this scene. Peak That Bitch. He's just purchased a bookshop, he's creating a very permanent place for himself here on earth - Aziraphale is feeling quite proud of himself. In fact, he's preening a bit that he has figured out how to exist, even in some small limited way, as himself within the confines of the system of Heaven. Buuuut he may have gone just a bit too far, and gotten himself in a spot of trouble. He has landed in a prison, threatened with "death" and stuck because he's already gotten a warning about being frivolous with his miracles. Oh jolly good that Crowley is here to save the day!
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There is something raw being communicated here here, where both Aziraphale and Crowley are presenting themselves to the world in ways that are dangerous. Aziraphale's reaction tells us that Crowley's look is doing things to him, but also in a way that it is NOT socially appropriate. Aziraphale may have showed up in all the trappings of an English aristocrat, but here is Crowley as a French royal sympathizer. NEITHER of these are safe choices in the middle of a revolution. The costuming is so critical to fully appreciating this scene, so check out the amazing clothing overview with @cobragardens.
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When Crowley arrives and stops time, he and Aziraphale find themselves situated facing one another, but angled so they aren’t facing straight on. Interestingly, from Crowley’s perspective, he is where he is supposed to be - the left of Aziraphale. But Aziraphale, from his perspective, is also to the left of Crowley. It was Aziraphale after all who initiated this situation, who put himself in danger by being too… Aziraphale. It’s dangerous to be yourself when you don’t fit into heteronormative social expectations, isn’t it? Still, the two keep up a very flirtatious banter as they discuss the situation, and Crowley maintains his very-intentionally-unbothered sitting position up until Aziraphale goes too far and thanks him for coming to his rescue.
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While Crowley is also flirting with danger in the way he is dressed, he also didn't just pop over for a nibble dressed this way. And whatever he might have been up to was interrupted so he could rescue Aziraphale from the consequences of his own reckless authenticity. After removing the chains, Crowley pushes Aziraphale to reconsider his honest expression of himself in this exact place and time - for the sake of survival.
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Aziraphale, willing to risk himself alone, rather quickly adopts a more acceptable appearance when it might impact Crowley. It is only after Aziraphale is safely disguised and returned to his proper place to the right of Crowley, ONLY then does Crowley restart time. They can go enjoy lunch now, with the proper precautions and masks in place.
For these two particular human-coded occult beings, this is also such an honest moment. They both showed up damn authentically - Aziraphale so fabulously ostentatious, focused on chasing down some pleasure (in this crepes) and Crowley wrapped in a clear protest against the current violence. Just as Aziraphale indicated with his "Oh good LORD" as he looked the demon up and down with obvious thirst, Crowley's request to Aziraphale to change his appearance and mask better is done in such a way that affirms that Crowley LIKES who Aziraphale is without the mask.
The scene is so playful on the surface, the body language and dialogue flirtatious. It's something so familiar to the queer experience, making light of the absolute danger that we must sometimes navigate just to exist. The more I watch it, the more obsessed I become.
A Spot of Bodysnatchin'
It is worth remembering that we didn't get this scene in S1.
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I am going to go through it soon, because again they dance back and forth beautifully in this minisode, but suffice to say we all know... it didn't end well for Crowley.
No Walk in the Park
The moment in St. James Park is brief, and it wasn't until S2 and the meeting at Edinburgh that we got the full context for this meeting. But even without this, we can clearly see that things are weighing heavily on Crowley. The scene in the Bastille took place in a prison, with the threat of execution over their heads. The juxtaposition of this conversation taking place in a park - a place that is not only NOT inherently dangerous but looks lovely and welcoming - only highlights the change in Crowley's attitude. He still attempts to be playful, but he's afraid. Look at that paper, it's a bit crumpled, he's been carrying it around for a while.
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They are firmly entrenched on their assigned sides for the entire conversation, both very stiff. It feels uncomfortable to watch. When Aziraphale refuses his request, and indicates whatever is between them is just "fraternizing" with the enemy, we get a glimpse of how fearful Crowley really is. In none of these flashbacks has Crowley ever spoken to Aziraphale with the anger we see here. When they part in anger, it feels wrong.
Take Me to Church
So there is a long break between meetings now. But then, ah, the church. The place Aziraphale realizes his feelings. (Look, if Michael says this is where Aziraphale realized he'd fallen in love, I am not here to argue.) What I love is that again we see Crowley and Aziraphale swapping sides. Crowley is here to save his wayward angel, AGAIN. Despite feeling the ill effects of walking on consecrated ground, Crowley is here to save his angel and defeat Nazis. It's definitely not remotely evil intentions.
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It isn't like the Bastille, but some of the parallels exist - Aziraphale failing to grasp the risks of his actions. And the silliness of his little dance coupled with just how deadly serious this situation is harks back to their flirtations in the prison.
Crowley is to the right of Aziraphale from the time he arrives until the bomb drops. Then in the rubble, with the danger past, we see them on their assigned sides again. UNTIL Crowley hands Aziraphale the books he saved with a "little demonic miracle of my own." He then crosses Aziraphale, and we see the look of absolute adoration as the angel watches him walk away to the right.
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Sweeeeeet baby Jesus, baby girl has it BAD.
Always Crashing in the Same Car
This extremely heartbreaking scene has been dissected, chewed over, breaking our little hearts with it's sharp pieces.
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But it is purposeful that this scene took place in the Bentley. Being in the car is symbolic because Aziraphale is here making an offering to Crowley, in his space, something that he Aziraphale feels is WRONG which is highlighted by his placement to the left of Crowley. He is scared, acting against all his own desires, but he does it anyway because he cares for Crowley. It's simple, powerful placement. Need to hurt more? Yeah, thought so. Take a deeper look at the dialogue with @zionworkzs.
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disn3y-land · 27 days ago
FW Characters Name Meanings
I made this post because some of these are very accurate, like too accurate?? I'm assuming most of these hints towards what is to come, but I'm frantically trying to figure it all out. I hope you enjoy the essay I'm writing for this (this is not unhealthy I promise)
Violet - means "purple". It is associated with qualities such as delicacy, grace, and beauty, and has been used as a symbol of modesty, innocence, and loyalty in literature and culture. This one is pretty on the mark. No explanation really needed.
Xaden - Believed to symbolize a "Cleansing Beam of Light." This interpretation highlights the name's association with purity, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening. It's a unique and modern name that has gained popularity in recent decades, often chosen for its profound and meaningful connotations. "Cleansing beam of light"? "Purity"? Nope. I think RY just thought the name was hot and ran with it. I've seen a few people saying it means divinity or God in some other spelling, but truly I think the name was just chosen because it's very bad-boy esque.
Rhiannon - The name Rhiannon is a girl's name of Welsh origin meaning "divine queen". OKAY OKAY OKAY NO BECAUSE RHI IS CLEARLY MEANT TO BE DIVINE OF SOME KIND. The first time Violet meets her she compares her to Amari, the queen of the gods. Also, when she manifests her signet, Violet says something like "We haven't seen this kind of signet in a century" which leads me to believe she's going to be one of the six (seven??) most powerful riders to walk the continent again.
Dain - it translates to "valley dweller" or simply "from the valley." This reflects a strong connection to nature, grounding the name in imagery of serene landscapes and quiet strength. But Dain's story doesn't stop there. In Scandinavian cultures, Dain symbolizes resilience and wisdom. I agree with the last part of this, Dain is resilient and kinda wise?? I would love to know how RY came up with all these names.
Garrick - means "one who governs with a spear", or "spear king". Not much to say about this besides true. He doesn't govern, but he is a protector, and the name is very masculine so yep, this does make sense for him. Maybe we'll see him use a spear in future books?? Who knows.
Mira - In Latin, Mira means “wonderful” or “admirable,” which carries a positive and uplifting connotation. In Sanskrit, Mira stands for “ocean” or “sea,” symbolizing depth, vastness, and tranquility. Additionally, in Slavic languages, Mira is derived from the word “mir,” which translates to “peace” or “world.” I genuinely don't have much to say about this because it doesn't really make sense for her?? The admirable part is accurate, but the ocean and peace?? The two things Mira does not care for/is not. I don't know, maybe RY just thought the name fit so here we are.
Brennan - The name Brennan is of Irish origin and is derived from the Irish Gaelic name “Ó Braonáin,” which means “descendant of Braonán.” The name Braonán itself comes from the Irish word “braon,” which can mean “rain,” “moisture,” or “drop,” and is often interpreted as “sorrow." "OFTEN INTERPRETED AS SORROW" UM THAT'S A SIGN he's probably still mourning the loss of his life (Naolin). Nobody can convince me they weren't in love I definitely think Naolin turned for love, and whether Brennan knows about that particular part, he's still mourning the loss of his presence.
Lilith - Derived from Akkadian lilitu meaning "of the night". This was the name of a demon in ancient Assyrian myths. In Jewish tradition she was Adam's first wife, sent out of Eden and replaced by Eve because she would not submit to him. The offspring of Adam (or Samael) and Lilith were the evil spirits of the world. okay I'm kinda concerned?? The offspring are evil?? Maybe Brennan will follow the trend of the older brother being secretly evil but I really hope not because he's adorable. Her not submitting to her husband makes all the sense in the world because we all know Asher took her last name, and let's be real here, she absolutely topped him.
Imogen - refers to “maiden.” The word ‘inno,’ which means “beloved,” and ‘gen,’ which means “child,” may also have Greek roots. Imogen, therefore, means “beloved child.” Another one I can't interpret. Maybe she's RY favorite child?? Nothing to really analyze here.
Liam - It means "resolute protector" or "strong-willed warrior." I did not expect to cry today, but this one is right on the mark. He's a strong willed warrior, and Violet's protector up until the end.
Bodhi - Bodhi is a Sanskrit name translated as "enlightenment" or "awakening" which relates to a Buddhist concept, wherein Bodhi is synonymous with the state of nirvana, being freed from hate, greed and ego. This will be really funny if it turns out Bodhi is the other brother. But...yeah okay. He is described as the most reasonable so maybe he's just more awake than others? Maybe the awakening points towards his awakening if he was the one who turned venin?? Or maybe he's just a pure soul who goes through an..awakening (turning venin).
Ridoc - It is derived from the combination of two Celtic words, 'rid' meaning 'rider' or 'knight', and 'doc' meaning 'dark' or 'mysterious'. When combined, these words create a name that evokes a sense of strength, bravery, and enigma. HAHA well the first part is accurate, Ridoc is a rider, but I would definitely not describe him as dark nor mysterious. But Ridoc is a dragon rider, and violet's biggest protector in book 4 so sure <3
Jack - means "God is Gracious." Originally a nickname for the given name John. Jack is a classic and timeless name, often associated with qualities like strength and reliability. None of that makes any sense, so I'm just going to go with he's a basic bitch and leave it at that.
Sloane - It is derived from the Gaelic word ‘sluagh’ or derived from the Irish surname Sluaghadhán, which means ‘warrior’ or ‘raider.’ Okay yeah I can get on board with this one. It would not fit her in Iron Flame, but I think she is going to be a strong warrior by the end of the series like her brother.
Aaric - The name Aaric is of Old Norse origin and means "ever ruler" or "eternal ruler." It is a variant form of the name Aric, which is related to the name Eric. The name Aaric carries connotations of wisdom, justice, and strength. OKAY THAT CONFIRMD IT AARIC IS GOING TO END UP RULING. "ETERNAL RULER" YEAH I'M SCREAMING. basically what this told me is that aaric is going to take the throne, and he is reluctant to lead so even better. He is all about justice, wisdom, and he is strong so this one is right on the money.
Halden - means "half Dane" or "half-Danish." It's a unique name derived from the Old Norse words "hallr," meaning "rock" or "stone," and "den". Nowhere to really go with this, but maybe "half danish" means something like "halfway to the throne"?? I am completely making stuff up here do not listen to me I am grasping at straws.
Sawyer - The name Sawyer is of English origin and means "woodcutter." It is derived from the Middle English surname for "sawer of wood". Yeah, I'm lost. No clue. He's a metallurgist so the wood is not relevant whatsoever. It's a cute name and that's all I think it is. Not deep.
Catriona - The name Catriona is derived from the name Katherine, which means "pure" in Greek. Catriona is a beautiful and classic name that carries a sense of tradition and elegance. It's often associated with refinement and grace. Makes sense if you look at it from the whole princess point of view, but that girl is anything but pure. She is a raging bitch I love to death, but a raging bitch nonetheless. Probably just to signify her status.
Jesinia - The name Jesenia is of Spanish origin and means "flower". It is an alternative spelling of Jessenia, which also has connotations of natural beauty, wonder, and vitality. It could also be related to the Hebrew name Jessica, meaning "God beholds". In Spanish, Jesenia is derived from the name Yesenia, which means "palm tree". Yesenia, in turn, symbolizes strength, resilience, and rootedness. I agree with all of this. She is as fragile as a flower, but full of wonder and vitality. She is rooted in who she is, and very resilient. I think the "Gods beholds" has some future relevance because after finding out Violet was dedicated to Dunne, there's no way the Gods don't play a larger role in this series.
Conclusion: I think some of the names are relevant and allude to the person of they past/future, but honestly I think some were picked because of how they sound, or how they look in the story. Thank you for attending my TED talk.
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ariesimping · 8 months ago
Dragon collector/namer
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gotholdladywithadhd · 1 year ago
Good Omens Song of the Day
This song describes Crowley so well its heartbreaking
"Lass mich los und lass mich fallen Es wird hell in Eden
Let me go And let me fall It's getting light in Eden
Fang mich auf und sprich ganze leise Sag mir, alles wird gut
Catch me And speak softly Tell me it's alright"
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Lyrics English and German
Hell in Eden/Light in Eden
Lass mich los und lass mich fallen Es wird hell in Eden
Let me go And let me fall It's getting light in Eden
Fang mich auf und sprich ganze leise Sag mir, alles wird gut
Catch me And speak softly Tell me it's alright
Immer auf dem Weg immer auf der Hut Immer einsam und doch nie allein
Always on the move Always on my guard Always lonesome And yet never alone
Immer auf der Flucht doch nie angekommen An einem Ort um mein Leben gerannt
Always on the run But never arrived Anywhere I've run for my life
Immer am Abgrund und weitergerannt Weiter und weiter die Zeichen verkannt
Always on the edge And carried on On and on Misread the signs
Weitergelaufen weiterverbannt Weiterversteckt doch niemand erkannt
Walked on Banished away Always hidden But recognized no one
Weitergezogen ohne Verstand Ich bin nicht mehr ich hab mich umbenannt
Moved on Without understanding I'm no longer me I've changed my name
Gestern und morgen immer gehetzt Worte verschluckt und Bedeutung verschätzt
Yesterday and tomorrow Always hounded Swallowed my words And misjudged their meaning
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jslmasaysmoneyisbest · 7 months ago
TCF Question
If The red Dragon Raon older brother had another chance at life
What do you think his name would be
Something to do with life? Survival?
idk its just something I have been thinking about
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fallloverfic · 2 months ago
Spoilers for Lout of Count's Family Part 2, Chapter 386
Oh no, Cale having feelings for Eden. Shocking. He's never done that before. /end sarcasm
Keep having feelings hehehe Show Eden all the things
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laylanatorseventeen · 2 years ago
OK, so exactly noone asked for this but I have been reading a LOT of bioshock fanfiction lately and I think there are some real gems on ao3 that I’d like to bring attention to. So here they are, mixed with some more obviously popular ones---
Bioshock fic recs GO!!!!
--Found Is Lost and Lost Is Found by thewickedkat-- “What if there had been a Little Sister who hadn’t wanted to be rescued?” REALLY GOOD, but heed the trigger warnings in the tags!!!
--results, not causes by cheloniidae “Diane doesn’t need a pretty face to fight in the war.”
--they shake the mountains when they dance by coricomile-- “Around her, the splicers scream.”
--Just Put (Me) To Work by rataplani-- “A tribute to the nameless protagonists of the Protector Trials.”
--Chasing Shadows by cloudeme--  “ She is the first Big Sister, and will probably be the last. She knows she's different, but she doesn't care. She does her job... and hates.”
-hey mister, don’t I know you? by presidenthomewrecker -- COMPLETE-- the one where Anna Culpepper runs Fort Frolic when you come through!!! a really great story that I really enjoyed. this author in general is worth checking out, they’ve written more than one awesome fic!!
-The Closing of Watchful Eyes by FOzziliZ3d-- COMPLETE--  “In which Mark Meltzer is saved by Subject Delta in Dionysus Park.”
-lay her i’ th’ earth by poppywine-- COMPLETE-- “ And I can teach thee, coz, to shame the devil—By telling the truth. Tell truth and shame the devil.”  Jasmine Jolene haunts Ryan’s bitch ass and it’s wonderful. 
-Watch Over Me by cakeisatruth-- COMPLETE-- “ Little Sisters can be cured in a matter of seconds, but it takes far longer for one to overcome everything she's been brainwashed to believe.” A really good fic from the perspective of a recovering Little Sister!! I especially love this fic. 
-Bei Mir Bist Du Sheon by poppywine-- WIP--  “ Brigid Tenenbaum has put the worst of Rapture behind her. That's the good news. The bad news is that a part of it is now standing on her porch.” As stated, this fic is still in progress, but the writing is wonderful, and I’m really excited to see where it goes!!
-With Friends Like These.... by gummysharksupremacy --WIP--- this one is actually about remorseful!Bad End Jack which I found intriguing from the start!! Basically he wakes up after the events of the game and is trying to make his way out of Rapture. Has some Infinite/BAS elements but I havent played either of those and it didn’t hinder my enjoyment of the fic. Honestly can be enjoyed as a standalone and is a really awesome fic!!
-Atonement for Bygone Sins by foorocks10-- WIP-- “Delta wakes in the ashes of failure. In the ashes of Rapture.Babylon has fallen. And yet Sophia Lamb seeks to build something greater and more terrible from Rapture's ashes.” I actually just discovered this one the other day!! 
-Here Comes the Sun by Riddle_of_the_sphinx --WIP-- “There are others I must help before this city drowns..... or, basically Delta decides that he’s going to save as many people as he can so they can see the sun.” This fic actually had me laughing out loud, Delta has such a sassy inner commentary. I’m excited to see where this one goes, as well!!
-There Is No Rapture by necroticboop-- WIP-- this fic is basically a fleshing out of Brigid Tenenbaum’s whole backstory and it is SOOOO GOOD omg. If you like Brigid please read this story and give the author some feedback because it is SO. GOOD.
-Underwater Eden by jadrea-- WIP-- “It is much to his surprise that Augustus Sinclair finds he's alive.” This one’s got MAPS and stuff like those really good fantasy books from middle school. Promising, I must say, LOL. 
-The Prodigal Son by malice-and-macarons-- WIP--”Atlas wakes up.Death, he thinks, would have been kinder.” I think this one is actually pretty popular amongst the Bioshock fanbase (small as it may be) but just in case you havent seen it, here it is!! 
Final note: I know we all love the instant gratification of already completed fic, and don’t like waiting for updates (I know, me too!) but I encourage anyone looking for something to read to give the WIP’s a try, and leave nice comments for the authors if you enjoyed the story! It’s hard to write when you feel like noone cares. If you want content, you have to validate the content creators!! 
All the fics on this list are awesome, and thanks to all the creators for producing and sharing these stories!!
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queersrus · 9 months ago
masc names similar to styx and eden please?
i hope these help!
Tumblr media
achlys, acheron, alfeios, aelo/aello, alyx brix/bryx cocytus, caron/charon, ceto
dione, diona eos, electra, eryx faber, fairy/ferry, fair
hydra, harpy, hades kishi ladon, lethe, leto, lyre, leven
mir nix/nyx oath
phlegethon, pallas, promise, pandora, perse river strix/stryx, sphynx/sphinx, siren, storm, static, scheol
tyche, thoe, truth, thia/theia whisp/wisp, wix/wyx, winx
Tumblr media
adam, aaric/aarik/aarick, ander, andrik, atticus, archer, amy, ava blake, boaz, brecken/bracken, ben, briar caleb, callie, cheriet, clover
daniel/danielle, daniela, david easton, eli, eitan, ellerd, eric/erick/erik, edwin, edwina, elliot/elliott, elias, elad, elisha, ella, eve, ede, erin, ebony
faith grace hope, heather, holly, harper
ilon, ivy, imee jude, justice, jordan levi, lyra, liberty, lauren, laurel, leah
mia, mary, micah noah, noam, nora, naomi, neve, nik phoepe, page/paige, peris
ruth, rowan sam, stellan, stiller, seth, shira, sasha taylor, trinity, terisa
yvonne, yuval zion, zeden
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