Sometimes life isn't about need, Barry. It's about want. indie Iris West-Allencomics/pre-n52 FC: Gabriella Pession Rules/Info can be found under 'Navi'
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I have!!! some unexpected houseguests for the next couple of days + class but i’ll be more active on friday!!!!
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Oh well if it’s to make the neighbors uncomfortable then it’s totally acceptable.
But you gotta look presentable sometimes.
Pssh– Mama please, we totally dressed like normal sane people
We just kinda gave up on the whole color matching thing Or style thing
We may own rainbow glitter splatter matching couple’s jeans to make the neighbors uncomfortable.
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So whats this about you and Hart dressing like clowns?
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also sidenote i have a relentless headache so im being kind of?? picky???? based on what my brain can and wont let me do but things WILL get done :’)
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okay but
looking at jenni and bart makes me so so so happy because they both look so much like iris and it kills me
it makes me so happy guys
the little things like how jenni has iris’ smile and how bart’s hair does the same fwoof thing that iris’ hair does?????
its the little things.....
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Nightshift. Iris hears that and she just slumps against him with a heavy sigh. Tucking her feet underneath her she curled her arms around one of his and nestled her cheek into his shoulder. “Yeah, mostly frustrating. Just a bunch of dead leads and contacts that didn’t follow through.” The pout was secured on her face, but maybe it would get better before he left.
“I’ll probably just nap with you after dinner or something.”

Barry can barely hear the door when Iris comes in, or her words for that matter. In fact, had the dog not awoken he wouldn’t have noticed at all. So he strides on over to the door and catches Iris, “Rough day?” the blond asks, taking a seat beside her after walking around to catch her.
“Dinner’s almost ready. I’ve got the nightshift again tonight so I’m going to have to go nap soon.”
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“Well I can probably tell you how to get to just about any coffee shop in the tri-county area, so you’re in luck.”
Something was oddly familiar, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. “You alright?”
“No ma’am I’m just a little– actually yes, I’m trying to find this coffee shop–”
Wait. Wait waitwaitwait. Shit. Uhh. Wasn’t this– “… Uh.” Eloquent.
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There were few things better than that electric smell that accompanied Barry when he came zipping in and even fewer things better than the kiss he gave her when he got home. It wasn’t long before she was securing her arms around those shoulders to give him another kiss.
Pulling back, the reporter slid his cowl back to shimmy her fingers through blond locks with a teasing smile in place.
“Took you long enough. huh?”
@flashwife liked your post
FINALLY. No more crime scenes to clean up, no villains stirring up a storm (literally and figuratively). This was his chance to beat the block and hurry home to his beautiful wife, whom he promised to watch a movie with. Just the two of them. Together. Peace.
The Scarlet Speedster wasted no time in rushing through the door, picking up his wife (bridal style), and giving her one humongous kiss, before pulling away to gaze into those beautiful sea green eyes.
“Honey, I’m home.”
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“You busy, babe?” A heavy sigh left her lips as she sank into the couch, hoping her husband heard her poor excuse of a call. “I could really use a neck rub or something--I’ve got the worst headache.”
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“Can I help you?”
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[ text ] If I said I liked your body, would you hold it against me ;)
[ txt ] no conner.
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“You okay over there, Fleet Feet?”
[ -heart eyes @ iris from across the room- ]
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MEME | Send “&” for a LOVING text.
Contact: Iris -- SAVE | ERASE | REPLY
[SMS] I might run out of text messages to send you, and I might run out of jokes too. My phonemight run out of battery, but my heart will neverrun out of space for you.
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Tldr I didn’t win anything but if I don’t have a thing with you and you want a thing with me while I fix my theme and stuff?
then like this thing
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I wanna post a selfie but I /also/ don't wanna post a selfie without a read more bc I don't wanna clog the dash
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alright heres the scoop
so. today. a little busy? finished my paper p much but i got an hour and a half commute to school coming up + an awards ceremony tonight(i’ve been nominated for something, prayer circle for me), but after that i have class till 10 pm est.
then im yours <3
so i’ll get to all owed replies either once i 100% my paper bc i need to site my book, or I’ll get to them after class.
im in the home stretch of school, i have like 2 weeks(i think?) and a small workload, i graduate may 10th. all of your patience is very much appreciated and youre all the cutest
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