#eddie is everything when he’s little
soupnwaffles · 8 months
any little!eddie munson headcannons? you almost never post about him besides cameos ;(
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oooooh i love eddie so much you don’t even know— biggest sibby vibes from him!! i haven’t done headcannons in a bit, so here you go :3
the chaotic older kid of the party. eddie’s a flip (w/ no particular lean), and his headspace isn’t as mapped out as everyone else but he’s around 6-7
that being said, he acts different depending on who’s around— older, more ‘taking you under my wing’-way with stevie + the younger kids, but like a total baby when nancy and wayne come around
obsessed with dragons. you thought it was bad when he was big? now everything has to relate back to them, and every dragon he sees has to be immediately fawned over and discussed !
he chews his nails bad, and whenever someone catches him, he switches over to gnawing at the ends of his hair
suuuper into wayne’s old records when he’s little— they remind him of the past, and wayne’s always happy to turn them on to see his boy’s smile :)
always trying to sneak something he’s not supposed to !! everything just seems to be ten times better tucked in his pocket than sitting all alone
he’s a rock collector— toddling around the trailer park looking for the super-duper-coolest-ever rocks to show off to the party !!
a total troublemaker.
really, he never fails to wind up in the corner or having to write lines, or some other thing nancy’ll make up so ‘the lesson sticks’
he’s a clinger when he’s feeling fuzzier than usual, and whenever he goes down as far as that, eddie trails around his carers, hiding under shirts, and hanging off of them like a koala
he’s a sensory seeker already, but being small increases that by tenfold !! he’s rubbing up against his favorite textures, and spinning just for the heck of it :3
he’s always coloring or doodling, pages on pages of scribby dragons and other mythical creatures he tries to recreate from his figurines
just about everyone’s got a dragon or two tucked away with eddie’s name on it somewhere in their room. he gives them out like business cards
he’s nightmare prone obviously, and when things get particularly bad, he’s knocking on the door to the mayfield trailer so max can entertain him till he falls back asleep
and when susan’s in better shape, she silently leaves a few of those triscuts and cheese cubes eddie likes so much on max’s dresser
he’s all about being loud, loud, loud !! loud, stimmy stomps, loud outside voice inside the trailer’s thin walls, loud, dramatic reactions when he doesn’t get his way—
when he’s sick, he’s a monster, but god forbid he be little and sick at the same time. nothing but complaints and whining and a causing a scene. and all for a common cold.
just. a buzzing ball of energy !
eddie is sooooo fun to hc stuff for so super glad for this ask !! he’s a devious little curtain climber, and i love him for it :3
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warpedpuppeteer · 3 months
Y'all ever cry when you think about how everyone in Eddie's life assumed he'll make a terrible parent without even offering him the help he needed to prove himself except for Buck?? He hears about Eddie's struggles with parenting and doesn't think 'you're a bad dad' he just thinks 'you need a bit of help' and then proceeds to make that happen for Eddie.
Calling Bobby to get permission to have Chris with them because Eddie doesn't get the time to, introducing Carla to go through the shitty red tapes he's been struggling to figure out, driving him to pick-up Chris after the earthquake, throwing a surprise Christmas party so that Eddie can be with Chris, and being the person Chris can turn to when he doesn't feel like talking to Eddie.
I don't think Buck realizes how much Eddie probably values all the things Buck has done for him to allow him to be the parent that he's always been capable of being. Buck downplays the things he does and probably thinks it's not much but for Eddie it's everything. It's everything Eddie didn't get from his partner or his parents. Buck just... does it for him, as easy as breathing.
This is why it was so, so easy for Eddie to choose Buck as the legal guardian for his Will but it was a shock for Buck. Buck doesn't know how integral he's been to Eddie being a good dad. For Eddie, it's easy because be knows Buck is already capable of stepping up. For Buck, it's surprising because doesn't think all the things he does matters.
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tommystummy · 2 months
Gonna be so controversial and say this might be the first time I’ve considered that Eddie might not be 100% gay.
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findafight · 1 year
Wait hehe.
Modern au where Eddie has a decent following in social media and is known as both a guy who does ttrpg with a few friends and does cool metal covers of different song genres. He's weird, sure, and will also post two minute video monologues but it's done while camera is mildly unfocused on a worm on the wet pavement, or he'll rant about prog rock and then two minutes later go "I'm sorry my statements on Keith Emmerson were inappropriate and I guess" *pauses and looks off camera* "he totally deserves to be in the rock and roll Hall of Fame" like it's a hostage video and someone made him say it because he looks like he's having a terrible time about it.
Anyways he's an internet funny little man and one day he posts a tiktok or what have you labeled "tfw ur bf is sitting in his platonic soulmate's lap instead of yours" and it's just of Steve sitting sideways across Robin's lap on someone's couch chatting and smiling with her before turning to Eddie and giving a little finger wave.
This is of course met with internet hullabaloo because is that Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley? Famous indie music duo who are also starring in a popular new tv series? Social media weirdos? Beloved and popular and bizarre and memeable? Queer icons RobinandSteve? Was Eddie serious? He was dating thee Steve Harrington?
An hour later Robin tags Eddie in a post that is a video obviously taken from slightly under Steve as the angles are a bit weird, and Eddie can be heard saying "oh my god how could I have forgotten you're, like, really famous how'd I do that Steve! Babe, Stop laughing! It was supposed to be a silly relatable post! You're no better Buckley-hey why are you filming this? My mortification isn't funny!!" While the video is just shaking of Steve curling in on himself and Robin trying to focus on Eddie and you can hear them both cackling over Eddie talking. She captions it "tfw ur QPP's bf forgets you two are famous and that most ppl don't know they're dating. Or didn't, at least"
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shitouttabuck · 2 months
what if i wrote a twisters au……….
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hitlikehammers · 8 months
intimately entwined
rating: e (but not how you think) ♥️ cw: the deepest intimacies in the most unexpected places knocking someone on their ass  ♥️ tags: established relationship, care-taking, casual intimacy, fluff, relationship development, slice of life, idiots in love
for @steddielovemonth day three: Love is wanting to do everything with someone, even if its nothing special
and yes, again: these boys probably grow up to star in the rockstar-husbands-with-the-sex-toys fic je ne regrette rien which will have a sequel flavoured revival via @subeddieweek in April whaaaaaatttt
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And the way it’s said: it’s almost fucking expectant too, Jesus Christ, this man.
“You’re sure this is okay?”
Because, like, Eddie needs to know it is. He needs to check, then double check, then triple check because…because this feels like a wholly different step, y’know? This feels like crossing a kind of line they haven’t even dared to tiptoe near just yet, wholly different from all the other lines they’ve navigated, both reckless and careless but together, always, and that helps, in theory. It helps to know that no matter how they’ve fumbled or triumphed in this, between them: it’s been hand in hand. Before, and during, and after.
Still, though. This is…this just feels very fucking different. The kind of boundary with implications that feel heavy and expansive under Eddie’s ribs. Maybe it should seem less monumental compared to other shit they’ve done, and most of that with far less deliberation and hesitation for them, at that. But this does, it…Eddie genuinely believes this pumps weird and novel through his veins, because it is different; and incredible for it, no question. Terrifying. Wholly beggars belief, honestly, and Eddie never really understood that phrase meant but.
He thinks this thing fits it, to a T.
“I said it was, didn’t I?”
Eddie blinks, recenters: was it okay?
And this, this…brilliant perfect little shit: Eddie can hear the smirk in his voice without even looking. He can hear the amusement as much as the loose-ends of frustration. Like Eddie is being absurd here.
Which: what the actual fuck; seriously.
Like, like: goddamn seriously.
“Yeah,” Eddie answers, a little hesitant, a lot fucking dazed; “yeah you did,” because…he did. From the beginning, from even before they settled int to start this: Steve had been…vocally enthusiastic. Not that Eddie hadn’t been! He’d mostly just, he’d just been—
“You think I’m fucking with you?”
Again: without having to see Eddie clocks the eye roll, the not-even-subtle challenge in it.
Alongside the nugget of genuine hurt held for if it turns out true and that: no.
No, Eddie will not fucking have that, so.
Okay, he won’t have that, but also first:
“I mean, yeah—“ because umm…their sex life is a little undeniable.
Steve snorts; how. How
“Here and now, jackass,” he snipes back and Eddie…Eddie really and truly doesn’t fucking know what to do with this. How cal, Steve is. How focused and dedicated to the task. How monumentally and profoundly, just…
How this is sitting in his chest as so much more than the rest of it somehow in a way Eddie cannot wrap his mind around to understand and it’s frightening. Not understanding something so clearly and intimately important; so clearly fucking intimate.
“Not exactly,” Eddie ultimately settles on speaking rather than continuing to gape, continuing to stew in his terror as his heartbeat picks up but speed, it comes out more choked than he’d been hoping; less convincing by a mile as a result. “I don’t think you’re fucking with me like, like it’s something intentional,” and Eddie seeks out Steve’s gaze directly then because that’s it, that’s the hurt part he needs to root out and not crush to bits because he doesn’t crush any part of the man he loves, ever; no.
No, Eddie needs to root that out so he can draw it into the pounding in his chest warm and safe to be cradled and adored until it snuffs itself out in contented fucking joy, for being loved right. Like it deserves.
Which might be part of the problem in the present case just: this time it’s a problem for Eddie.
“Like not mean or anything,” he reiterates, to make absolute sure of this part too; “I just…”
Steve watches him as he struggles to put any part of it into words, can’t even move, or fidget like this: caught, and kinda giddily so underneath everything else, and maybe he needs to lean into that base sensation, see if he can chart his way out from the center versus stumbling around the sides:
“It can’t be, like, enjoyable,” is what he ultimately settles on saying as clear as he came because honestly, that sums up the bulk of it.
Plus he’s learned by now to trust Steve to reach around his rougher edges and find the heart of his meaning, or else, and probably more often: hold his hand as the send out a search party between them for the right words.
Because that’s still it, isn’t it: together.
And of everything else, Eddie doesn’t have to even pysch himself up to trust in that; it just it. It comes natural like breathing.
“Umm,” Steve draws out, a little incredulous; “why not?”
Why not? Why isn’t this exchange clearly one-sided?
“Because,” Eddie tries to find his words, or at least some of them: “I guess, what do you get out of it?”
Steve’s the one glancing to lock their gazes and Eddie…Eddie doesn’t feel ashamed where he might have early on. But he recognises the similar dive where it still lives in his stomach for the gentle warmth that Steve stares into him. Like he sees Eddie’s question, and loves Eddie enough that he won’t dismiss it.
“One more,” Steve instructs confidently, just-shy-of-demands.
“If you hate it we never have to do it again,” Steve counters; a compromise; “promise.”
“That’s not—“ because fucking hell, as if Eddie could ever hate it.
“One more,” Steve reminds him with the patience of a saint and…Eddie’s moving almost without any thought for it at all, like his body runs the way of his heart and moves for Steve be rote, which.
Kinda, yeah.
“Blow,” Steve’s instructing and Eddie’s doing the moving-by-instinct-because-Steve-says thing again; knows he’s blinking owlishly as he purses his lips and does as he’s asked.
Blows. Ever-so-gentle.
“Okay,” Steve assesses and then grins: “okay, that’s it. Perfect.”
Eddie won’t fucking argue. Not least because it’s true.
Though he’s more invested in the perfection looking up at him like this.
And okay, Eddie thinks maybe he has words now, at least inside his head: intimacy wasn’t something he’d ever had before Steve, and frankly was never something he was hanging hopes on ever getting, again—before Steve.
But it wasn’t just because he didn’t have other options that Eddie banked on intimacy equalling sex, either. Because once he did have Steve, it just shifted to the idea of sex as a way of showing love. The more of himself he could give to Steve, the more intimate they’d become: the more of him that was Steve’s for the taking, the more of Steve he look reverent into himself, body to body: that was intimate. That was a relationship, how it looked as it grew. First time Steve came inside him. First time Eddie licked him open. First time he fucked Steve’s gorgeous goddamn thighs.
That kind of thing.
But Eddie’s not sure even the heaviest, headiest sex has ever left his heart as much of a thumping, fluttery mess as just this, which doesn’t feel like just anything: Steve. Sitting in front of him. With a bottle he drove out to Indy to get just for Eddie. Because Eddie wanted it. Because Eddie would like it. Because it might make Eddie happy and it did, it really really did, and—
Steve’s just painted his fucking nails the most gorgeous shiny black, only the slightest bit straying off on the skin, too, and it’s somehow hitting Eddie deeper than the first time they fucked, the first time they stretched each other open, the first time they 69’d in the sheets.
This is apparently what knocks Eddie on his ass for just how deep the love goddamn goes.
“Hmm,” Eddie hums, blinking back to the moment where he was busy getting caught up in the new revelation of what intimacy looked like, not to mention caught up in admiring his nails: “what’s ‘that’?”
And Steve’s smiling beatific, incandescent, as he pokes Eddie’s cheek, no, more specifically: as he pokes Eddie’s dimple.
“What I get out of it.”
And Eddie flushes hot under Steve’s touch, then, as it all adds up and seeps in strong enough to shake his core before reshaping him from the inside out as Steve taps the little divot in his skin playfully:
Which is how Eddie realizes full on and forever, probably something he already knew, just somewhere under the surface: the intimacy was the sharing of the joy. And in love, especially a love like this one: joy itself is the payoff.
Joy, like everything, is shared by default.
Eddie lifts his eyes, meets Steve’s smile so wide, and relishes the color on his nails as a sign of it for seeing; relishes the dizzy cadence pumping in his chest as proof for the rest of him, to feed and nurture this depth of loving for all the simple things, undimmed and forever until his heart stops doing anything at all. Because there is no pay off, even if there is always something to get out of it. Out of all of it.
Because love is them; together.
Intimately entwined to the goddamn cells.
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tag list (comment to be added): @pearynice @hbyrde36 @slashify @finntheehumaneater @wxrmland
divider credit here
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bludhavensbirdboy · 4 months
headcanoning that buck calls Eddie a twink to piss him off because buck is bigger than him. like Eddie is leaner body wise and is shorter and well buck in the later seasons is massive and got like the big muscles just so much body he looks so big. so give me buck starting to call eddie a twink and a bottom because i want the boyfriends to be both well versed in gay labels and annoying the fuck out of eachother.
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chronicowboy · 2 years
possibly my all time favourite moment in the aftermath of the tsunami is the most underrated one which is hardly ever mentioned. of course i love the ed sheeran lyric, of course i love christopher face planting into buck's stomach for a hug, of course i love eddie's rambling speech that says stop thinking what you're thinking and believe me when i say that you're one of the safest places in the world for both me and my son, of course i love the "and i know you do too" and "there's nobody in the world i trust more with my son than you", of course i love the thumb on buck's neck, BUT there's just something about that moment when eddie hesitates in the doorway and he looks down, takes a deep fortifying breath before turning his dangerous fucking doe eyes on buck and saying "thank you. for not giving up" in the motherfucking softest voice i have ever heard. there's just something about eddie pausing there and making sure that buck knows eddie is just as grateful for him as christopher is.
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buddiebitch · 4 months
call me crazy but i thought of a parallel i didn’t notice before
in the s4 episode treasure hunt, when they’re all teaming up to secretly look for the treasure, Eddie asks Buck to team up with him but he’s already teamed up with Taylor.
in s7 Eddie asks Buck to go to the bachelor party as Crockett and Tubbs, Buck doesn’t think for a second before saying absolutely, despite the fact that he’s currently dating someone he could wear a couples costume with instead.
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dreamofbecoming · 1 year
i love bisexual eddie munson, but specifically in like a shang from mulan kind of way, you know? like he knew he liked boys, that made sense. just another way he’s different from everyone else, just another reason he’s a freak. so why bother examining it? he’s gay, hawkins hates him, might as well lean into it. maybe chrissy was the first time a girl made him feel butterflies (or bats?) in his stomach, and it confused him so bad he didn’t know what the hell to do about it except make a fool of himself flirting with the queen. maybe he took one look at nancy wheeler with a sawed off and went “yeah ok holy shit i get it, i see why steve was willing to burn his life down for her and why robin keeps making moon eyes at her and why jonathan lost his mind and pointed his camera through steve’s window like an insane person.” like he’s still into steve, obviously. the man is swanning about shirtless and bloody in an apocalyptic wasteland like the embodiment of all of eddie’s weirdest fantasies, there’s no way he’s not into steve. but i just love the idea of eddie being the one going through an Upside Down sexuality crisis (TM) rather than steve. what is happening to him?? why does he suddenly want to kiss everyone??? get it together munson you are running from a goddamn mob!!!
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 months
BILL SKARSGARD MENTIONEDDD!?!?! I literally love him so bad. When I saw you post I almost screamed because I’m literally writing about him rn. Can we bring him back fr😩🖤
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that man was SO FINE. the cataclysm of my mainstream vampire obsession, my blood kink, my knife kink, etc. probably one of the most toxic men that’s ever had a hold on me 🫠 BUT THATS OKAY!!
fun fact: this account was originally just a bill skarsgard account. i was in the trenches.
still am, clearly, sometimes.
we’re not even gonna talk about all the kas!eddie smut ive also fantasized about with inspiration from roman’s scenes
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warpedpuppeteer · 2 months
Do you ever cry when you think about how Eddie was probably a gentle soul when he was younger? Shy and quiet, loves to listen to people talk with sparkles in his eyes and a sweet shy smile that made his dimple pop, loved helping his abuela and mom and sisters at home. Then everything was destroyed when toxic masculinity was forced onto him and Eddie has never since been allowed the chance to ever be as soft or as gentle as he was before? How this poor little baby was sent off to war, breaking him in ways he couldn't even imagine. How since then all he's done is be afraid and confused and angry and frustrated.
Because nothing feels right even when he did all the things he was told he should do.
Be a man when I'm not around son. Be a man and marry her. Be a man and provide for your family. Be a man and kill for your country. Be a man and forget about your PTSD. Be a man and take care of your child. Be a man, be a man, be a man.
And he did! He did all of it like everyone told him to! But then why isn't he better? Why is he still broken??
But he's not. He's healing. All the cracks in his soul are being filled with gold. Like kintsugi. He's learning how to be whole again. He's found the 118, a family not of blood who loves him the way he deserves. He's found Buck, who accepts him as he is; all his flaws and imperfections; everything that makes him Eddie.
It's a slow process and sometimes it's painful but he'll get there. Eddie Diaz is not broken. He's a piece of art, beautiful and loved, his scars lined in gold.
He will learn to be gentle again; to himself most of all. He will learn to be soft; to ask for things. He will learn to be honest; to express his needs. He will learn to be Eddie once more, slowly.
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eddiegettingshot · 4 months
tbf every single time this fandom has predicted a buddie divorce era 2.0 they've been wrong so 😂 let's hope that pattern continues
i’m swinging wildly between optimism and pessimism but honestly half the spec on this seems to be coming from a place where the op themself is really angry at eddie and expects buck to be too 😭
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I'm frightened of you knowing who I am but, could you possibly give me your frank frankly theories pretty please idc if you only have like 2.1 I want them regardless of how many you have.
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ah man i wish i had some to give! i think all of my Frank theories (at present) are tied into other theory posts! he simply doesn't have a lot to chew on yet
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missingexaltation · 2 years
Before Season 4, Eddie was a tentatively harmless) little shit and you can't tell me any different. Wayne's aware of his shenanigans but he's happy to let Eddie make his mistakes and face the consequences himself. (he was the same at his age)
He can hotwire a car. Sure he said he dad taught him as a kid, but to do it so smoothly and confidently under pressure? That boy's done a lot of joyriding, idk what to tell you.
He's a dealer. Chances are he's been arrested for it and talked his way out of it at least once. I'd bet he knows the law to the letter so that he can get away with more than he should. That boy has the gift of the gab, and it's not usually worth the headache dealing with him.
He's living in the trailer park with his uncle so I'm guessing he's poor as shit. I'd also bet that he's a bit of a petty thief. Nothing from people, but from bigger businesses? You betcha. He'll take that t shirt or ring or candy and shove it in his pockets. He'd pay if he had the cash, but he just doesn't.
He's also pretty good with people. (In canon anyway.) If a jock shoves him in the hallway, Eddie's conveniently in the next class flirting with their girlfriend. Weirdly enough, damn successfully. Want a guy to leave you alone? Befriend their girl. 'Johnny just leave him alone'. Etc. (Sometimes he charms too much and he ends up when their number and a very hush hush hookup. Bonus, but his lips are sealed if asked.)
He's not above abusing the prices of his drugs either. Some jumped up rich boy comes to him at a party, half drunk? Getting charged thrice the price at least. Supply and demand. He has the supply AND makes the demands. It's not his fault they're not up for negotiating, and he feels zero guilt. (The ladies usually get discounts though, he's not made of stone.)
Steve, Nancy and Robin are appalled when they find this out post-Vecna. They're all well behaved when they're not saving the world, but Eddie's been arrested. He has a criminal record.
(If Steve gets all hot under the collar when Eddie brings up something he's done that's mildly illegal then no he doesn't, shut the hell up).
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vulpinesaint · 29 days
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they are so fucking silly it might be terminal
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