#maybe they stayed in el paso
i need them to put eddie in a coma so he can have his own little coma dream realization
#like can you imagine#maybe he didnt reenlist#maybe hes got that perfect little romantic life he keeps thinking he had with shannon#maybe they stayed in el paso#or the three of them moved to la together when shannons mom got sick#and maybe eddie isnt a firefighter maybe he went into contracting or landscaping because he likes to work with his hands#or maybe he went into nursing because he likes helping people#but hes living a perfect little life with a son and wife and their white picket fence but he cant shake the feeling that something is wrong#he pulls aside for a firetruck on his way to work and something about it makes him feel funny like he misses something#and so he asks shannon when he gets home#hey did i ever apply to the fire academy#and she says no why would you have done that?? as she places a warmed frozen lasagna down on the diner table#he watches chris pick at his plate and swears that chris loved lasagna#and maybe hes out on his lunch break at the park and he hears a woman cry and run to find a man collapsed on the ground and shes panicking#so he tells her to call 911 and he starts compressions#the fire department shows up and hen and chim take his place and he fills them in before stepping back#youre good under pressure buck says from beside him#and eddie just kinda looks at him for a second because#he feels right#this feels right#being right here beside this man with a crooked grin on his face feels right#but eddie just shrugs and says well i was in the army kinda came with the territory#and then bobbys voice crackles through the radio buck i told you to stop flirting on calls get in the truck now#and buck returns an ay ay captain and winks at eddie before hopping in the firetruck#he watches engine 118 drive away and thinks he should be right next to buck in that truck#okay i got carried away but i need it#like there are so many possibilities for eddie coma dream and like#tim listen to me i need you to do think i need eddie to be put into a coma so he can realize that his life now is everything hes needed
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ayyynne · 4 months
Eddie's house is gonna be too quiet. Too empty. Too everything is missing is nothing feel right. No one staying up past their bedtime to play more videogames. No movie nights. Just too much quiet.
So Buck starts coming over more. To check on Eddie. To cook him some real food. To being some noise and laughter and something to the house. Even if it's not all the right noise, it helps.
Meanwhile Buck's rent is going up, and we all know that loft is ridiculous. He only has to mention it in passing for Eddie to respond with "just stay here."
And we have Eddie and Buck roommates era. Buck was going to take over Chris's room, but Eddie had been sleeping in Chris's bed ever since his son went to El Paso. He's not giving it up. So Eddie has Chris' room, Buck has Eddie's room. They carpool to work, the split the bills and the chores.
Chris eventually calls his dad again. He's back in therapy. So is Eddie. Eddie tells him Buck has moved in, but that doesn't mean Chris can't come back whenever he wants. They'll make it work.
Eventually, a few weeks after Chris left, and after an espeot physically demanding call, Eddie finally realized that maybe Buck was right and a fully grown man sleeping in a twin size bed is not ideal. Buck had already offered to buy a full size bed and put in Chris's room, but for that first night after that rough shift they just shared Eddie's bed. Neither of them ever bought a full size bed. And neither of them ever slept anywhere else.
Summer in El Paso has been great, but he doesn't want to start over at a new school. He wants to come back to LA. His room is still there, basically just how he left it. And down the hall are Eddie and Buck, who finally admitted what they are to each other. It only took six years of friendship, multiple near death experiences, being dead for 3 minutes and 17 seconds, a hot pilot awakening a sexuality, and emotional affair with a dead wife doppelganger, a teenage son leaving for the summer, an overpriced loft, and being roommates for a couple months for them to finally figure it out.
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andavs · 2 months
Nope, still thinking about it.
Shannon comes back around Halloween and Eddie says they haven’t seen her in “almost two years”. The show timeline generally lines up with real life, so Eddie would’ve started at the 118 like early September? He’d been working there for about two months by then.
LAFD training is 22 weeks (or it was, apparently they shortened it a few years ago) which is like five months. Looks like there are academy classes starting in January and April, and April is the latest he could start to finish by September, and that’s basically graduating one day and starting work the next.
But April is a weird time to up and move a seven year old to a new school, just a couple months before the year ends. I don’t know if he would’ve moved in January for Chris to start at the new semester, but he probably moved prior to April to get him enrolled and get their new place somewhat set up before he started at the academy. (Unless they lived with Isabel at first, which I love the idea of, actually.)
All that right there is almost a year. So that leaves about a year before he moved to LA where he was back in El Paso alone after Shannon left.
Adding a cut because this got long.
Whether his parents helped him out financially for part of it or not, that’s just one year they gave him to not only adjust to suddenly being a single parent, but to try to cobble together the equivalent of his military salary with a high school diploma, alone. While also readjusting to civilian life and employment. And probably still recovering physically from getting shot three times. And losing the insurance he had through the army that was covering Chris. With untreated PTSD to cap it off.
And who knows what Shannon was doing in LA. It seems like her mom died at some point and she was too paralyzed to come home after (grieving, guilt, etc.), but I assume she had a job? If she inherited enough from her mom to be able to live on it for over a year, and she didn’t send any of it back home, that would be a serious dick move. But they were still legally married! I don’t know how it works when your spouse is in another state, cut off but also working, but I’m assuming that factors into things if Eddie tried to file for any kind of government programs or assistance.
That’s one year they gave him to navigate all of that alone before his parents tried to take Chris away.
Eddie was doing everything “right” before he got shot. He had a solid job, he was providing, they had two cars and a mortgage, he had insurance for Chris, Shannon could be a stay at home mom—she didn’t want to be but financially, she could be. As far as we know, that was all on Eddie. It seemed like Helena helped with Chris (even when Shannon didn’t want it) but it didn’t sound like his parents were contributing financially. Eddie was doing what he thought was his part and providing all of that.
And then he got shot. He got discharged from the military. Shannon left. And the five years it took to build all of that fell apart within a few months.
And instead of helping him get back on his feet by giving him a minute to breathe and get his bearings, his parents watched him struggle for a year and then tried to take his son.
It sounded like Helena was caring for Chris quite a bit while Eddie was working, but Ramon was a petroleum engineer at the same company for forty years. He made enough to raise three kids on one salary and send (presumably) all three to Catholic school. He was still working well after Eddie moved to LA. They couldn’t have helped him out financially during that year so he could actually spend time raising his own son? Maybe only work two jobs while he tried to figure everything out?
Nope. “Don’t drag him down with you,” Helena said, while she watched Eddie drown, only caring that Chris was safe with her.
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ithilien-writes · 3 months
yet another chris pov post-s7 fix it fic, and in this one i even somehow managed to squeeze the 'there was only one bed' trope into a totally PG family road trip, so. enjoy!
Title: not a demon, there's a reason Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: Buck/Eddie (pre-relationship)
Summary: Chris finds Eddie's high school journal while staying with his grandparents in El Paso and eventually comes to grips with the idea that maybe parents are people too. Featuring a lake, a roadtrip, and Buck being Buck.
Word Count: 11,600
Read it here on AO3.
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buddie-buddie · 4 months
"I'm so excited you're here" for buddie 🙏
"I'm so excited you're here," Christopher says, grinning up at Buck in the way that never fails to set his heart on fire. 
Buck smiles, tousling the curls on top of Christopher's head fondly. "You didn't really think I'd let your dad have all the fun, did you?"
Chris laughs at that, and for the first time since Buck watched him walk out Eddie's front door two months ago, it starts to feel like maybe everything is going to be okay again. 
It's not that Buck ever doubted Christopher and Eddie would find their way back to each other again. It wasn't a shock to him that Chris wanted to come back to LA– that he wanted to come home– nor was he surprised when Eddie dropped everything to get on the next flight to El Paso as soon as Christopher said he was ready. He never doubted that any of it would happen. 
Some selfish part of him just wished it hadn’t taken as long as it did. 
He knows it’s what Christopher needed, and he knows that Eddie did the right thing in letting him go. It just hurt, is all. Worse than he ever could have imagined. 
It felt like Buck’s chest had been cracked open, a piece of his heart ripped off, torn out. And as much as time helped to close the wound, it still ached with each breath he took. He still spent the last two months walking around like a piece of him was missing. 
And maybe it was. 
He and Eddie had gotten together not too long after Chris left, and Buck had spent the majority of the flight fretting over how Chris would react to the changes that occurred in his absence. Somewhere over New Mexico, Eddie had placed a hand on Buck’s bouncing knee, the familiar warmth of his touch instantly grounding. It washed over him like a balm, instantly soothing the restless hum beneath his skin. 
“Baby,” Eddie had said, his voice low so as to not disturb any of their fellow travelers. “It’s going to be fine. Great, even.”
Buck had let out a tiny sigh, trusting Eddie and yet still finding it hard to shake the last of the stress away. “Wh-What if he changes his mind?” he asked, the words bitter on his tongue. “What if he refuses to get on the plane? What if he– if he wants to stay with your parents? Eddie, I– I’ll never forgive myself if I’m the reason you lose him again, I–”
“Shh,” Eddie’s hand moved from Buck’s knee to take his hand, lacing their fingers together and giving Buck's hand a reassuring squeeze. “He’s over the moon,” Eddie reminded him. “Has been since we told him.”
Which was true. They’d kept it a secret for nearly a month– from Christopher, from the 118, from everyone. There was something special about it, keeping their relationship to themselves. Something almost sacred about walking around with Eddie’s heart in his chest and being one of only two people in the world who knew it. 
As special as it was, nothing came close to how good it was once they decided it was time to share it. 
Christopher had been their first call, with Eddie assuring him that if it wasn’t something he was comfortable with, they’d end it. The thought alone had Buck’s chest aching, his stomach turning. He only just got Eddie, only just started to feel whole for the first time in his life. The fear that accompanied the thought of losing that– of losing Eddie– was nearly paralyzing. But it wasn’t one he had to sit with for too long. Christopher had broken out in a huge grin, mumbled something that sounded a lot like “Finally.” 
They’d told everyone else after that, and Christopher wasn’t the only one whose reaction to the news included a wide smile and the word “Finally.”
And when Chris had texted this morning and said he wanted to come home, Eddie booked two tickets on the next flight out while Buck threw their things in an overnight bag and grabbed his keys. 
Buck struggled to get the words out. “I know,” he let out a long, shaky exhale. “I– I just–”
“You’re worried,” Eddie, as always, knew exactly where Buck’s head was at, even before Buck did himself. “Because you think you’re not going to be enough for him. You’re afraid you’re not enough to make him want to stay. And you love him so impossibly much, that even the thought of possibly losing him again makes your heart break all over again.”
Buck nodded, swallowing around a lump in his throat. “Yeah.” He took a deep breath, trying to will away the hot tears pricking at the back of his eyes. “How’d you know?”
Eddie sighed, squeezing Buck’s hand in his. “I feel it, too.”
Buck's eyes shone with unshed tears. He brought their joined hands to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to Eddie’s knuckles. “What a pair we make.”
Eddie had taken his phone from his pocket, pulling something up before passing it to Buck. “I feel it,” Eddie repeated. “But I’m not too worried anymore. And this is why.” 
Buck looked down to see Eddie’s text conversation with Chris. 
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Buck’s heart swelled in his chest. He didn’t know if he’d ever be used to the feeling, to being loved like this. 
“There’s more,” Eddie said, scrolling down to newer messages, the time stamp indicating they were exchanged just before takeoff. 
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Buck lost the battle then with the tears welling in his eyes, the first one slipping free as he smiled down at Eddie’s phone screen. The tears blurred his eyes until the messages were nothing but blue and gray blurs. 
Eddie had taken Buck’s face in his hands, wiping away the tears with his thumbs. And then he met Buck’s lips in a soft, sweet kiss, one that said more than his words ever could. 
“Nothing to worry about,” Eddie had said when they parted, calm and reassuring. “Except maybe the javelinas.”
Buck grinned, blinking back the last of his tears. 
“What are you smiling about?” Eddie teased. 
Buck nodded at Eddie’s phone in his lap. “I think you have something to ask me.”
The corner of Eddie’s mouth tugged up into a shy smile, his eyes bright. “Will you–”
“Yes,” Buck didn’t even let him finish, too eager to get the word out, to dive into the next chapter of his life with Eddie. “Yes,” he repeated, grinning as he closed the distance and kissed Eddie again. 
“Yeah?” Eddie breathed, equal parts hopeful and hesitant, the word coming out just shy of incredulous. Almost as if he couldn’t quite believe it. 
Buck nodded, never more sure of anything. “Yeah.”
And now, they’re standing on the front steps of Eddie’s childhood home and Chris is laughing and wrapping his arms around Eddie and Buck is watching them with a smile so wide his cheeks are starting to hurt.
And then Christopher looks at Buck and goes “Buck do you want to see a javelina tomorrow?” and Buck feels like he just won the lottery. 
“Absolutely,” Buck says. 
He’s the luckiest man in the world.
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inell · 28 days
Omg inell that's amazing congrats!!!!!!!! I would love something spicy if you are so inclined!!! 🎂😊😊😊
No Regrets
Buck/Eddie. Adult. WC: 4800
Buck and Eddie’s relationship changes with an impulsive kiss during a rerun of Chopped. It’s now a few hours later, and Buck wants to make sure that Eddie doesn’t have any regrets.
When Buck leaves the bathroom, he’s surprised to find that his bed is empty. The blankets are piled up at the end of the bed, the sheets disheveled, and the pillow is still indented from where Eddie’s been sleeping on it. Maybe he shouldn’t have gotten up to shower? If he’d stayed in bed, Eddie might still be there sleeping. Since Chris is still in El Paso for another couple of weeks, he knows Eddie has nowhere else he has to be right now.
There’s a slight feeling of panic that grips Buck as he stares at the pillow, a knot of fear forming in his gut as he grabs his discarded underwear off the floor and steps into them. Thoughts rush through his mind. Did Eddie get freaked out waking up alone and leave? Did he have second thoughts about their relationship and sneak out when he had a chance? Did Buck push too much or get too needy too soon?
Read here on AO3!
Here’s something spicy for you, Charlie! I hope you enjoy this! @playinginthunderstorms
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fairlyang · 8 months
Thank you 🕷️
spider-man saves you
w/c: 3.1K
pairing: miguel o’hara
tags: 18+ smut. getting robbed, getting saved, then getting chased, saved, a spider-man kiss, then surprise visit, blowjob, almost getting caught
I was walking back home after going to the bodega to get some snacks when I was suddenly pulled into the alley by some man, followed by two others. "Let me go!!!" I yelled but then a hand quickly went over my mouth.
My heart was beating at a very alarming rate and panic surged my body but I couldn't think of how I could escape. I was still yelling and wiggling about trying to escape but it was no use, this man was big and so were the other two. I was a goner.
The man grabbing me had one hand over my mouth and the other around my waist, one of the other men had snatched my purse and bag of snacks. So fucking infuriating.
I have no fucking cash and all they're going to get are takis and sour skittles-
Suddenly the last guy disappeared and was pulled up so fast I stopped my theatrics and looked up to see the man webbed to the wall. Could it be?
My eyes widen when the second guy is snatched up and thrown to the floor. He is then webbed down and the guy holding me quietly gasps, his grip on me getting harder.
He then removes his hand from my mouth and went down to his pocket but before he could take out what he wanted, Spider-man finally popped up and webbed his hand to his pocket.
The man lets me go and tries to get his hand off but obviously struggling, crazy how that was his first priority.
I run towards Spider-man and he steps in front of me, watching the man struggle to get the webs off. I breathe in then out, thank god.
Then I hear scrambling but couldn't see considering Spider-man was big and tall. Not what I expected, at least he doesn't look this big on tv..
Spider-man quickly took a few steps forward and punched the mugger in the face then webbed him to the floor multiple times. I sigh in relief and feel my breathing calm down.
Spider-man turns around and looks down at me, "are you alright? Hurt at all?"
I nod, still feeling a little shaken then speak up, "I'm okay, but thank you-"
"It's no problem, just doing my job." He says making me smile.
"Well thanks anyway." I say as he walks over to the second man that he webbed up.
He goes through the webs and digs up my purse along with my bag of snacks. He then walks over to me and hands them back, "assuming these are yours..."
I nod and take them both, "thank you again-"
I get cut off by hearing the familiar sound of police sirens nearing us. I turn my head to the head of the alley seeing the lights blare through but the car wasn't in sight yet.
I turn to spider-man but he was gone, then I look up and see him just stuck to the wall above me. "Stay safe, and yell if you ever need help again." He says making me laugh.
"Can do!" I exclaim and hear the sirens getting closer and now hearing the car as well.
Spider-man swings out and I turn my head to look at the cop car that was driving towards me. The car stops in front of me and out comes the captain looking over the scene. "What happened he-"
"Mija?!? Que haces aqui- estas bien?!? Que te paso?!?" My dad rushed over to me and I just laugh while he checks me for any wounds. (Dear/honey, What are you doing here- are you okay? What happened to you?!?)
"Estoy bien papa! Unos hombre me quisieron robar pero el spider-man me salvó!" I say and smile as he raises an eyebrow at me. (I'm okay dad! Some men wanted to rob me but spider-man saved me!)
I motion to the guys webbed up and he sighs then cups my head, "estoy bien." I reassure and give him a small nod. (I'm okay)
"Mira tal ves el no está tan mal-" I say but he shoots me a glare. (Look maybe he's not that bad-)
He then sighs and nods, "nomas por hacer esto." (only for doing this)
I nod back and then hug him, "me llevas a la casa?" I ask and he laughs. (take me home?)
"Claro que si, mi niña." He whispers hugging me back tightly. (Of course, my girl. its endearing!)
I didn't think that I'd be in any trouble after getting saved by spider-man because surely getting mugged would only happen to a person once right? Wrong!
Apparently the guys that mugged were a part of a gang or was it the mafia? Who knows but they got mad that I apparently sent their men to jail-
Because who else could they blame? Not spider-man as if they would be able to just find him and beat his ass up.
Now I was running the streets downtown as I was being chased by like six huge men trying so hard to juke and lose them but all of them were on my ass.
My legs were growing tired and I wish I hadn't decided to take a walk for fun. Especially by myself. And at night...
But still I ran as fast as I could and quickly ran in the direction of a park I knew nearby. Hoping I could tire them out and try to hide as best I can, I speed up and run straight to where there's loads of trees.
I run deeper, hearing their yells way back but I stop and start climbing a thick tree. I climb up fast and get high enough to where there's a thick branch that can hide me well enough.
I hold my breath and look down, hearing many sets of footsteps near me until I hear all of them stop one by one. I cover my mouth and try to calm my breathing down when I hear a noise I heard a few days ago.
I then hear some groans and grunts then pure silence. I sigh and start climbing down, looking around carefully as I slip down the tree to see the men scattered all over the trees.
But no sign of him.
I get off the last bit of the tree and peer through trying to find spider-man but to my luck he was gone. Until I felt a breeze behind me and there he was hanging upside down, scaring me half to death.
I jumped and held a hand onto my heart feeling it thumping hard. "Jesus fuck-" I mutter and roll my eyes.
"No thank you this time?" He teases making me laugh. Ah so he had a sense of humor too?
I shake my head and chuckle, "not anymore." I say looking up at his masked face and smile. "Jump scares aren't very nice." I joke and pout.
"Couldn't help myself." He admits and I see the outline of a grin through his mask.
He had a really nice voice...
"So does trouble usually follow you or...." He asks and I scoff.
"No! And if anything this is your fault-"
"My fault-"
"Yeah!! They got mad you beat their friends asses and needed someone to blame." I say and playfully glare at him.
I bite my lip trying not to laugh and cross my arms against my chest as he just chuckles. "Hey does your head not hurt when you do that?" I ask earning me a laugh.
He shook his head and I shrugged, "just curious."
"Somewhat nosy-"
He snickers making me groan and roll my eyes, why did it feel as if we've known each other for years?
Who would've thought New York's very own hero would be easy to talk to?
"So really no thank you?" He teases again and it was now my turn to laugh in his face.
"Why are you so desperate for a thanks Spidey?" I ask and bite my lip wanting to break down laughing. Was this really happening? This didn't feel real...
He shrugs and I could practically hear and somewhat see him smiling as he spoke, "just to feel appreciated." He says sarcastically and I couldn't hide the smile that slipped through.
"Aww need some appreciation then?" I tease and he slowly nods.
He then lowers himself down, his face directly facing me. I instantly made the connection and couldn't hide the warmness that crept onto my cheeks. Oh my...
I mean how could I say no?
I take a step forward and slowly bring my hands up to his neck. Finding the end of his mask I slowly bring it down his throat, chin, then his lips. Of course he had to have pretty lips.
Bet he was fine underneath as well-
I ignore my thoughts and just lean in, I move my hands to cup his cheeks and close my eyes as I kissed him softly, him kissing back instantly. I felt a shiver run down my spine and I unfortunately smiled through the kiss.
As embarrassed as I was, it made me feel better when he did as well. I pull back then peck his lips a few times then stop, letting our lips be millimeters apart while I grinned ear to ear before pulling away completely. I grab the ends of his mask and bring it up to his lips then over to conceal the rest of him.
I lean in and quietly whisper, "thank you."
I let go of the mask and walk away feeling my heart face and my cheeks grow even warmer. Wow.
I was fortunate enough to have gone a week with no trouble or anyone bothering me.
Which on one side was a good thing because I wasn't getting chased or mugged but on the other I wasn't getting saved by the spider.
I couldn't get that kiss out of my head and that voice-
It wasn't my fault I had a thing for nice voices... If anything it was his fault for sounding so hot...
But I wanted more and it was getting so hard to control my thoughts when I was home alone or in general. My dad took notice of this and was getting annoyed I wouldn't tell him why I was so distracted lately.
How could I tell my father that I couldn't get spider-man out of my head? Bad enough he only barely tolerated him now and ONLY because he saved me. Otherwise he'd still be anti-spiderman.
Even then he stills complains about him but tried not to do it to my face considering I'd tell him how thankful I was that he saved me, twice.
Mom said third times the charm and I'd get a kiss and before I could respond my dad started choking on his food. So that immediately was something I knew I wasn't going to admit to them. Ever.
Now I was on the roof of our apartment building looking out into the starry night sky and tall building while somewhat falling asleep on the lawn chair I was in.
The only reason I hadn't knocked out was because the sounds of the literal crickets were keeping me awake. Very quiet but I could still hear them and it was a good thing because I'd be getting yelled at if I were to accidentally sleep up here.
Or for what I was about to do...
I was dozing off again when I heard footsteps behind me which made me jump and go into panic mode assuming it was my dad. "Papi te prometo que no me estaba durmiendo-" I say quickly and whip my head behind me only to see spider-man. (dad I promise that I wasn't falling asleep-)
"De verdad? Porque creo que tus ojos estaban cerrados..." his now familiar voice teases and I blush. (Really? Because I think your eyes were closed....)
Spanish? Oh god I'm fucked-
I clear my throat and cough, what the fuck-
"Well I uh- hmm.. just wanted to chill up here." I say and scratch the back of my neck.
"What's your excuse? Are you stalking me?" I tease and turn my head facing the buildings again.
I bite my lip and feel my face grow warmer like never before. God at least he could hide his face and reactions under that mask...
I hear him chuckle and feel his presence now next to me. I turn my head to the right only to be met with his crotch to my face instantly making me whip my head right back around in embarrassment. Oh my god he's going to kill me- unknowingly too-
"What would you say if I was?" He whispers, barely audible, and I feel my breath hitch. Oh shit-
" I'd say you're crazy...." I mutter and clear my throat, finding newfound confidence.
I turn my head then tilt my head to look at him, "I'd say it looks like you want a proper thank you..."
I bat my eyelashes at him and I could almost swear I heard him groan. Didn't look like i misheard him based off the way he was tilting his head back. I breathe in and smile up at him, "so which is it?"
He looks down at e and grabs a hand down to cut my cheek. He rubs his thumb against my skin and I could swore I felt like I was going to melt. "Enséñame que tanto estás agradecida de lo que hice." He whispers and I nod, subconsciously squeezing my thighs together. (Show me how thankful you are for what I did)
I then bring my eyes down to look at his crotch, his bulge already popping through his skin tight suit. The shape itself was enough to send me into cardiac arrest and maybe pass away.
He was so thick.
I gasp and gulp before placing a hand against him, slowly rubbing him through his suit. He hissed and bucked his hips forward making me giggle. "Con calma.... Trust me I won't be leaving right now..." I say and look up info his eyes I continue my slow movements.  (With calmness)
He moans and bucks his hips towards me again, I giggle and stroke him faster. "Nomas quisiste esto?" I tease and he groans. (You just wanted this?)
"Usa esa boca para algo más nena." He murmurs making me look up at him with wide eyes. (Use that mouth for something else baby girl)
Holy fuck...
Nonetheless I paid attention, I pull the bottom half of his suit and he had some boxers on, which was a bit surprising. "Di menos." I mutter and bring the boxers down making his cock spring up to his stomach. (Say less)
My mouth hung low and I squeezed my thighs together again, for any kind of friction . I took his shaft in my hands and gathered a good amount of spit in my mouth before spitting on his dick having it go from the tip and down to bis balls.
I licked my lips and felt my body shake in articulation as I leaned in and left a small kiss to his red leaking tip. I then left little kitten licks on it as I collected all his precum in my mouth. I slowly start stroking him and taking more of him in my mouth as I heard his moans above me.
I felt his hands go down to grip onto my hair and couldn't help the whimper escaping my lips when he pulled on my hair. I go down deeper feeling myself gag on it a bit before even reaching halfway and pull out. I continue stroking him as I catch my breath and moan when he makes me take him in my mouth again.
I take him in my mouth happily and bob my head up and down making sure to have his tip hit the back of my throat. "Fuck- that's such a good girl- asi mami no te muevas." He moans out and slowly starts thrusting his hips forward. (Just like that baby don't move)
I bring my hand down and just let him fuck my face, letting him choose his own pace as he was now doing deep thrusts. I closed my eyes, feeling them swell up  but not giving a care in the world.
"Your mouth feels so good baby- so fucking good." He purrs as he now moves faster, not caring if I can breathe properly.
His thrusts become more rapid and deep and I just let it happen, this was all too hot and I was just thinking with the ache between my legs.
I usually prefer receiving but with the way he's letting out all these noises I wanted to always be there to please him.
"Such a good girl for me- shit!" He moans and suddenly I feel him throbbing in my mouth.
He's now thrusting a bit slower but still making sure to hit the back of my throat as his orgasm hit. He grabbed my head with both hands and made me go all the way down that I felt his happy trail tickle my nose. I moaned and felt my legs shake as I tasted and swallowed all of his warm cum.
I opened my eyes and looked up at him with his head tilted back and the eyes on his mask closed. His hands drop to his sides and I slowly slip his cock out but then quickly take it down my throat again earning myself the hottest whimper I've ever heard.
I squeeze my thighs together and now actually slip his cock out of my mouth. It slips out letting out a nice 'pop' before he finally looks down at me and smiles. "Thank you." I whisper looking up at him with innocent doe eyes making him groan.
He then brought himself down and propped himself to my level before bringing his mask up revealing his lips and without a second thought, kissing me.
I kissed back immediately and wrapped my arms behind his neck as his hand went down to my thigh. He traced circles I've fit and slowly started going up when he stopped and pulled away.
Quickly scrambling to pull his boxers and shut up while I look at him confused. He then leans down giving me a quick kiss that I couldn't reciprocate when he runs off the roof jumping off and swinging away.
I frown and look at the spot where he just was, where I just took him in my mouth. Then I heard the roof door open and my eyes shoot open. Shit.
"Mija ya es tarde! Vente a dormir no mames." My dad scolds and I just stand up and nervously laugh, walking on over to him. (It's late! Come to sleep don't exaggerate. but literally means 'don't suck')
If he knew what I just did I'd be dead-
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co6kiesvr · 2 years
do you write for neymar? if so can you please do one where he’s jealous and they fight and sleep in separate rooms and he comes back and it’s fluffy after
maybe i do like them touching me. at least they actually pay attention to me.hi love! sure!!
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genre: angst to fluff
quick a/n: this was written in spanish, i didn't know he mainly speaks portuguese! im so so sorry!!
┍━━━━━━━━━━ ⚽ ━━━━━━━━━━┑
you and neymar’s friends were actually quite close, at first they didn’t really like you. but now, you were all great friends
in neymar’s view, you might have been a little too great. don’t get him wrong, he likes that his friends like you and there aren’t any problems between you two. but, sometimes he wished you weren’t that close
today was the day he finally snapped, you were with his friends, laughing and joking around. it was all okay at first, until they began touching you. one touching your shoulder, the other your arm, one of them touched your hair too
who the hell told them they were allowed to touch what’s his?
“mi amor, tenemos que irnos, ahora.” neymar said as he held your hand tightly (my love, we have to go, now.)
“what—but, por qué? Paso algo?” you said, furrowing your eyebrows as he began pulling you away even harder (why? did something happen?)
“we’re leaving.” was all he said as his friends stared at you two, confused, while you were feeling the embarrassment taking over
he pulled you away outside to the car, putting you inside, himself, then driving away.
the drive was completely silent, not one of you uttered a single word.
once you got home, you were quick to leave the car before him, and go to your room where you sat there quietly
he followed you into the room, staring at you for a second before speaking up
“what, you’re not gonna talk to me now?” he said, “i had no choice! you were certainly having fun with all of them touching you”
“you cannot be fucking serious right now!” you yelled, “me estabas mirando todo el tiempo, and now you’re jealous? you never trust me! you act like i'll cheat on you opr something!” you snapped (you were glaring at me the entire time)
“i wasn’t glaring at you, i was glaring at them! it’s like you were their girlfriend, not mine. y no les estabas diciendo exactamente que se detuvieran ahora verdad” he yelled back (and you weren't exactly telling them to stop now were you)
“what are you trying to say. hm? that i like your friends touching me even if i don’t want them to?! you know what? tal vez me gusta que me toquen. al menos en realidad me prestan atención.” you said, (maybe i do like them touching me. at least they actually pay attention to me.
“oh, now i don’t pay attention to you? okay, have fun getting the attention from them. buenas noches” he said as he walked out and went into the guest bedroom (goodnight)
“good, i will” you yelled as he walked away
and now here you were, lying awake in bed, trying to stop the tears from flowing. he had a right to be jealous, but he didn't have a right to act like you were enjoying it. he was always like this and you were sick of it, you're sick of him not trusting you. it hurts you when you feel like he doubts you.
you were so caught up with your thoughts you didn't realize the door was open now, you felt the bed sink, and stayed quiet.
"mi amor? are you still awake?" he said, "lo siento, Sé que no harías algo así. i was just stressed and barely seeing you was making it worse, especially if i see you with them more than i see you with me." (im sorry, i know you wouldn't do anything like that)
"i don't like it when they touch me, i only like it when you do it" you spoke up
"why didn't you tell me, cariño?" (sweetheart)
"you like your friends, i didn't want to ruin anything between you"
"you're better than all of them, querida" he smiled and hugged you tight, you turned and faced him, and he was quick to pull you close
"te amo, mi vida" he said as he leaned his forehead on yours (i love you, my life)
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seeminglydark · 2 months
Not to be kinda depressing on main, but does Mickey have a favorite memory of his husband?
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It’s ok, I’m about to be depressing on main in the next Chapter of Seemingly Dark, appropriately named The Haunted unless I think of something better in the next month haaa.
He does! Mickey lives in a house in the middle of the woods on the outskirts of Valleyridge. For those who may not know his whole story, he hails from Ciudad Juárez, moved to El Paso Texas and then to East Los Angeles with his mom and sisters. One of his dreams was to live in a peaceful place in the middle of the woods. He tells Reggie this when they first start chatting online, regarding it as a silly dream, but it’s easy to talk to a boy you can’t see.
He moves to Seattle to live near Reggie, and works as a Barista for several years, he’s not really been thinking of his little dream for a long time, he’s just trying to make ends meet and be happy in the situation he’s made for himself even if it is in another big noisy city.
One day Reggie comes bursting in his door saying LETS GO FOR A DRIVE, and he wants to take Micks car for some reason. So off they go on a little excursion to Valleyridge, the tiny town outside Olympia that Reggie and His dad came from. They make this trip often because Reggie’s little step sister Maddie runs a cafe there. Reggie is NOT an impulsive man, he’s the type to plan and plan and plan so much whatever it is he’s planning passes him by, but this time, he can barely contain his excitement and fear which is making Mickey increasingly nervous. Why would a trip to Valleyridge be nerve wrecking?
Because an older house went up for sale in the hills around Valleyridge, and impulsively without thinking, Reggie put a bid on it. And then realized MAYBE he should run that by Mick, MAYBE thats not a thing you just do, uproot your boyfriends entire life AGAIN and make him move somewhere new and start over.
Except this is Mick, the king of impulsive behavior. Mick, who dreams of a quiet life in the middle of nowhere. Mick who runs into the fixer uppers lawn whooping and hollering and lifts Reggie into the air because he ALSO realizes this means Reggie is ready to move in together, and make this little house their dream home.
He thinks of this often, so out of character for Reggie, so impulsive because he saw Micks dream might be in reach and he went for it fast before he lost it, for maybe the first time ever. He override his caution for the man he loved, and in that moment Mick knows he’s truly wanted and loved and has a home and family. Reggie’s smile that day, a real, true soul deep grin that was pretty rare for his beloved who battled with chronic depression, is something he pulls up in his mind on the regular.
And maybe, if we think about it this way, Reggie made a few other impulsive decisions in his life. Like adopting Rose.
And maybe, like staying.
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 6 months
Beneath Miles of Stone - Part Twenty - John Wick x Plus Size Fem Reader
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Summary: John has been in prison for nine months. He’s content to stay if it means appeasing the high table and keeping peace between the owners of each continental. However, he meets someone who erases that willingness. Peace be dammed.
TW: kind of kidnapping if you squint ; mentions of death ; violence ; angst ; nsfw kudos to @scarlettspectra and @lilspookymeh for being music gurus and basically inspiring my entire writing playlist ❤️
“John, I can’t stay here - I have work, Michael.”
“It’s not up for debate.” 
She scowls at the way he talks to her like a petulant child, looks over at Winston for help and finds none.
“You can’t make me stay here,” she grits.
He fixes her with a dark, mean look, clears the distance between them in one stride, and grabs her before she can think about running. “I can make you stay, but I don’t want to have to do that.”
He’s really just springing this on her. Because the death of Maria puts a target on his back and therefore a smaller one on hers, John thinks the best solution is keeping her locked in the safe house that is Winston’s massive hotel. No consulting her, no talking about options. Just cut and dry. Do as I say. She’s offered alternative solutions, even - “I’ll walk around with Victor’s - sorry, Viggo’s - bodyguards at my side!” - because, of course, her having a private little secret service of her own is now unnegotiable, too. Imagine that.
“You don’t have to do anything,” she retorts, voice quiet despite her lionhearted words. 
“I’m not speaking in metaphors,” John says, “you’re staying here. Either way. I need you safe.”
She tries to tear her arm from his grip, but it’s like attempting to wrestle with a gorilla. “So what? I’m just supposed to stay locked up in your gilded cage and forget I have a life?”
He loosens his hold a little bit, lets her puffy flesh spring back from bruising, and softens, hard rock eyes turning molten. Still, there is fire involved. “You can hate me if you want. You don’t have to look at me or speak to me, but I’m responsible for your safety, now. I need you unharmed.”
Ah, there it is again, that fucking pang in her heart that leaves her whole being bloodless and aching when he reminds her why she’s ultimately here - pity. 
Sure, he’s told her otherwise a thousand times now, and his actions are testament to how much he wants her, but that admittance is all she needs to start thinking she’s a charity case again. 
Tears swell her eyes. 
She can’t believe they’ve gone from bliss to this in such a short amount of time. And now what? She’s trapped here and humiliated? Pitied? 
“No, I didn’t-“ 
“Yeah you did,” she whispers, looking down at the shiny dark floor, watching little tear droplets accumulate on its surface.
He lets her pull away and gathers every ounce of his willpower to avoid following as she walks out of the room and into the bustling hotel. 
“That went well,” Winston comments, flipping through the manila envelope of witness statements.
His knuckles ache to punch something. Marcus isright here, downing scotch like it’s his last day on earth - maybe he thinks it is - one little punch wouldn’t hurt him. 
More willpower used up to not hit Marcus. He decides to leave the room instead. 
Marcus thinks he did it. Winston might as well think so, too. The eight witnesses that put him at the location say he did. 
The only person that knows he didn’t do it - because he was instead with her when he supposedly took a round trip flight to El Paso and fixed a bullet into Maria’s skull - wants nothing to do with him when the only thing he wants is to curl up beside her and lament. 
He needs an outlet. 
“You need to call the police,” Michael tells her. His voice fades away for a minute while she hears rummaging in the background. 
“I don’t want to get anyone in trouble Michael. It’s not like I’m being tortured or something.” 
“It wouldn’t matter.” 
“I don’t know, they could probably come get you out of there?” 
“I don’t think cops come here, Michael. I don’t think they’re allowed to be here.”
He pauses for dramatic effect, probably. She’s glad she called him. His usual antics calm her. “They’re not allowed to tear gas peaceful protesters either, but….. ”
“No, I think they kill them here.” 
“Sneak out,” Michael concludes. 
“That’s my next bid.” 
“Damn, your pussy must be god tier if this man is kidnapping you, though.” 
She rolls her eyes. 
“What?! I’m just saying!” She hears the no good grin and it puts a smile on her face. 
“I don’t know how I’m gonna pay rent, Michael. I told work, but they’re probably going to fire me - if they even believe me - and then I won’t have income to pay my share-“
“ Are you serious?” Michael sighs. “You’ve just been kidnapped and you’re worried about me ? Babe, stop.”
“We made a deal Michael, and all I’ve done is fuck it up.” 
“Worry about getting out of there, and we’ll sort it out once you’re free of crazy boyfriend.”
“He’s not crazy,” she tries, “he’s just… worried.” 
“Uh-huh.” Michael takes another pause.  “Anyway, what is this place called?”
“You are not coming here, Michael. You’ll get hurt.” 
“Why? I’m not a cop.”
“Right, right. You’re living the mystery novel life. Is it wrong that I’m a little jealous?” 
“No, I guess not. He just kind of makes it seem like he has to keep me here. I feel like a burden.”
“ You ? Feeling like a burden ?” The sharp sarcasm in his voice cuts. “Have you tried telling him that?”
“Well, no, but I’m scared.” 
Michael sighs. “Jesus, hun, I’m not sure what to tell you here. Sounds like he’s a little bit dysfunctional. Maybe he’s just not ready for a relationship. I mean, he has to know that holding you against your will isn’t okay.” 
She sighs back. It’s like their own little angsty language. “It’s not like I’m normal.” 
“Ah, so maybe the darkness in you calls to the darkness in him?” Michael sounds like he’s reciting breathy Shakespeare.
She laughs. 
The Continental is massive, shimmering, crystal chandeliers and intricate, antique carpets. 
Spotless, open, airy, a few delicate plants dotted about. Every room or hallway or lobby she enters feels too big - like she’s a kid again, tiny in proportion to everything else. Even the elevators gold and glimmer and loom.
Private clubs with massive polished oak doors to guard against entry, workers in perfectly tailored suits everywhere; one around each corner, in the bars and shops, diligent and watching. 
If she had any hope before of getting out of here, now she definitely doesn’t. Seems like every exit has an individual posted on it who would put Benny’s hulking mass to shame. 
She sees a woman who is taller than John, in a sleeveless tuxedo dress, muscles rippling over her shoulders and neck. She doesn’t think she has ever envied or admired someone so much. Despite the bodybuilder physique, this towering lady moves like flowing water. She just stares at her for a few minutes, entranced by the otherworldly beauty. How can he even think of liking her when women like this live and breathe? 
It’s easy to forget the outside world exists, here. But, she stills feels trapped - heralded off to some magical realm where everyone has a gun tucked under their shirt instead of a magic wand. 
She gets lost in the place, always expecting John to be waiting for her around corners or down a hallway. He’s not, though, instead leaving her alone like he said he would. That pisses her off and disappoints her a little bit; she wants him to follow her, fight for her, extinguish her flame of independence, which must mean there’s seriously something wrong here. He can’t just lock her up and then leave. 
Ignoring the empty John shaped space in her gut, she walks until she finds the library. Wall to wall shelves, rolling ladders carved in intricate, braided designs, a few cozy reading nooks. Librarian fantasy says hello. 
She scowls at the thought, goes to the fairytale section, lying to herself about thinking of John in this instance, too.
As chance would have it, someone she recognizes is here. The older woman from the bookstore in the mall, still sans reading glasses, squinting at the cover of a worn yellow hardback. 
“Do you need some help with that?” 
“Oh, my dear, nice to see you again.” There is an air of poise about this woman even in her shortcomings. She hands the book delicately to her rescuer, smiling softly. “Would you mind?” 
“Oh,” she thumbs the cover, feels the carved gold letters on the front. “This is Alice in Wonderland.” 
“Lewis Carroll?” 
“Yeah, I can tell you about this without even reading it.” She grins, cheeks puffing, pleased to have someone familiar here. 
The woman takes the book from her hands and sticks it back. “As interesting as Alice in Wonderland is, I’d much rather talk to you. You don’t belong here, do you? In a place like this?” 
She looks down at her feet. “Ah, no.” Really, she could pose the same question, but she finds herself unsurprised that nice stranger books in this hotel. Maybe it was the men in suits at her side. Maybe it’s because she’s used to this by now - fitting in nicely, snug as a bug in a rug. Meant for the underground. 
“So why are you here, dear?” 
They end up sitting in one of the lounges. She offers to go grab them both tea, paying for it and tipping despite hospitality, and then settles in to talk. This woman reminds of her of Winston, or like one of the kind, witty grandmothers from sparse foster homes. No matter how mean the rest of the family was, usually the elders were double kind to make up for it. 
She ends up telling her small things. Not too much, but more than she can Michael. This woman is already involved in the ancient crime world, so she feels like she can divulge more info. Plus, she’s confident that anyone here could just type her name into some imaginary database and bring up every detail about her, anyway. 
“Ah, John Wick, Boogeyman.” 
“People keep calling him that. I don’t think he’s that scary.” 
The woman laughs. “I don’t know, I’ve only heard. Never met.”
“Well, he’s actually nice,” she supplies, sipping her hibiscus tea. “Stubborn, but nice.”
“And he’s keeping you here to protect you, so he can’t be all bad.” 
“Yeah… we’ll go with that.” 
The woman laughs. “Oh, there is a fire in you. Misplaced, but a fire all the same.” 
“You desire hardness, outer armor, to be strong, but you don’t realize that your true power comes from your softness.”
“I’m tougher than I look.” 
“I’ve no doubt.” Her contemplative eyes assess the cementing posture. 
“Sorry, I’m just. I’m irritated that I have to stay here.” She drops her shoulders, relaxes her jaw. 
“You’ve got a free spirit. You remind me of someone I once knew.”
“Was it you?” She smiles again. 
“Indeed. Unfortunately, this old bird had her wings clipped long ago.” 
“Your wings are massive and amazing, still.” 
The elder beams at her. “You know, my children think I’m out of my mind.”
“Huh? But you’re not.”
She shrugs. “They want my empire. I suppose I am getting older - should probably relinquish it sooner rather than later.” 
Just like with John, she feels that deep dive questions would be too forthcoming and intrusive here. “So, they’re making up stuff to get it? Sounds like your kids aren’t that great.” 
“Ah, but isn’t that my fault if they are not great, then?” She sighs and leans back into cushions that swallow her small frame. 
This is a hard question. She’s spent a lifetime blaming foster parents for fucking her up so much. 
“See? You can’t argue with that.” Her crinkled smile widens. 
“Mistakes are mistakes. The past doesn’t define the future. You do seem lovely now, regardless of what happened when they were kids.” 
“What do you do for work, my darling?”
“I’m a nurse.” 
After talking for a long time with Ella, her mystery bookstore friend, she goes to knock on Winston’s study door, surprised she can even find it again. It takes a while, and she gets completely lost in the process. 
“Won’t find him in there. I think he’s downstairs. Do you need something?” She turns to find a tall, tattooed, beautiful woman folding linens onto a silver cart. 
“Oh, I just wanted to talk to him. Sorry.”
“You’re John’s girl?” She holds out a hand, gives a soft smile. “I’m a good friend of his.”
Why in the hell can’t she repress the jealousy raging inside her as she takes this absolutely gorgeous woman’s hand in her own? “Uh, yeah.” She resists asking how everyone seems to know what she looks like and who she belongs to. Maybe it’s just that distinguishable? John Wick with a fat girlfriend. 
Ouch . Back to hurting her own feelings again. 
“Oh, it’s really nice to meet you. A friend of John’s is a friend of mine. I’m a bell hop, trying to work my way up into bartender. They make more money.” She fixes her pile of cloth and then looks up as if forgetting something. “I’m Addie.” 
She’s at a loss for words, feels incredibly sheepish around this girl for no reason - exposed and open, ready for final judgement. Harrowing.
She introduces herself back despite trepidation and tries to give a warmer smile than she’s capable of right now. “Oh, that’s cool. You like bartending?” 
Addie laughs at some inside joke. “Oh, God no. Not in this city. But in the hotel, it’s great. Not many other bar owners will let you punch their customers for getting too handsy.”
She laughs. “Serves them right.” 
“I don’t mean to pry,” Addie smooths over a crisp sheet. “But how did you meet John?” 
Oh, the million dollar embarrassing question. “The prison. I was his nurse.” 
“Oh, that’s cute as hell.” Addie’s melodic giggle helps lower her raised haunches. “He hasn’t gone steady in a minute. I’m glad he’s happy. I’ve known him since we were kids, I mean, and he hasn’t been this sunshiny in a long time.”
Ah, another one of John Wick’s long time friends. “He’s a pretty good guy.” 
Addie nods. “Ah, we’re not passing the bechdel test.”
She chuckles. “You’re right.” 
“We will next time, promise. I gotta get back to work.” Addie gives her a wink and then she’s off. She calls back over her shoulder, “I’ll tell Winston you’re looking for him.”
“Thanks, but you don’t-“
“It’s fine.” Addie grins back. “He’s not busy.” 
She gets lost a few more times, maybe just maybe hoping for a tall, dark hero to come swoop her up and apologize. She’s more disappointed than she should be when that doesn’t happen. 
But, she does run into Charon again when she finds the front entrance. 
He gives her a small smile. “I trust you are finding the provisions here adequate, Miss?” 
She leans on his counter, emboldened by the lack of patrons in the lobby. “Could I ask you something?”
“I was in the library, and I saw the book with you in it. Behind the big glass display case, you know? You were in an orchestra in the pictures. Do you play… cello, right?”
“That’s correct. Well, was correct. I haven’t played in several years. Do you play?” 
“Ah, no.” She shrugs. “I just saw you in there and you looked amazing. Like really in your element.”
“Do I look.. out of my element now?” His head tilts, smile broadening.
“No, no, not at all.” Her eyebrows furrow. “Sorry, I just meant - you really looked like you loved it.”
“I did. It was exhilarating.” 
“Why don’t you do it anymore?” 
“I suppose I just got busy with other duties. I enjoy working at the hotel. The light of the stage was wonderful for a while, but I realized I was meant for a quieter fate. One with less excitement.”
“This is less excitement?” She gestures around. 
“Continental ground is sacred. We rarely have to take action against our guests for violence.” He pauses. “I know your experience has indicated otherwise.” 
She shakes her head. “Sorry, I didn’t-“
“There is nothing to be sorry for.” His pleasant smile still lingers as testament to that. “It’s alright to be curious. Ask me anything you want.”
She does. She asks who can stay here, who is not allowed to stay here, how long it’s been around, who built it. She asks him about the cello, if his hands got scarred, if he would play again at some point so she could come to his concert. 
Charon is infinitely interesting, sports the same dark humor that John does, and she chats with him until he gets customers. 
John stays gone. All day, all night. The more time goes by, the more anxious she gets. She should be angry, seething, but instead she just wants him to be okay, to come back to her. She’s grown so miserably attached to this elusive man, and the insanity that goes with that attachment is eating at her like swarms of locusts on fresh fields of grain.
He’s all bruised knuckles and blood flecked, sinew and tendon and vein. The smell of diesel and sweet liquor and heavy iron. She can’t help but peak at him from under the comforter while he undresses. 
“Good morning.” 
Of course he knows. He’s got sonic radar. She flushes, and doesn’t answer him. 
“I’d ask if you want to join me in the shower, but that would make me a bigger asshole.” 
“I don’t remember even saying you could stay in the same room as me anymore,” she grumbles, shifting under the blanket so a few of her toes peak from the end.
He resists tickling her. 
“You’re right. Let me take this shower, and I’ll book another one.”
“Are you rich?” She asks. 
“I have money.”
“Like, rich money?” 
He raises a dark eyebrow and looks far too good standing nude and bruised on the cold hardwood. 
“Does it matter?”
“I feel like you’re trying to buy me off.” 
He snorts, rubs a flexing hand down his abdomen and yawns. God, he’s fucking delectable. “Would it work?”
“Fuck you, John.” She tries to make her words hurt, but they’re half assed and weak.
He’s got a smile that makes her seethe and clench at once. Infuriating bastard. 
“Want me to fix that attitude with my tongue?” He offers, watches her toes curl up as she turns the other way and becomes a smaller mound under the covers. 
“I want you to go away.” 
He gives her credit for the control in her thickened voice. Saliva, always giving her away. 
“You got it.”
When the bathroom door shuts, she flings the blanket off and goes to get breakfast. For herself. 
Winston catches her in the dining room. “Do the clothes I sent up fit?” He asks. 
“Yeah, they do. Thank you. I appreciate it.” She looks distraught, out of element.
He hums and threads her arm with his, walking with her to the serving bar. “I’m sure he’ll take you to get your clothes and toiletries soon,” Winston promises. “I offered to have Charon escort you, but Johnathan seems to have faith in your ability to weasel away.” 
She huffs a laugh. “I’m not promising I wouldn’t try to escape.” 
“Are you angry with me?”
“No, I get it, he’s a bully.” 
“Ah, can’t say it’s entirely his fault. I’m concerned for your safety, too.” Winston sits with her as she orders cheesy eggs and toast and orange juice. 
“If he would have just explained it better, maybe I would have compromised.”
“Unless you know how to kill someone, I’m afraid there’s little compromise for you here.” Winston pauses, rubbing at the slick surface of the bar top. 
“I’m still mad at him.” She’s not sure why she feels so comfortable talking to Winston about her relationship problems, but the man is more than happy to chat and advise. 
“I can understand that. What can I do to make you feel better?” 
“Oh, no, Mr. Scott, you’ve already done so much. I’m sorry for being like this.” 
He smiles warmly, amusement cresting the crinkles of his face. 
Normally, she’s wary of being touched, but there is nothing except reassurance in Winston’s hand rested over hers. “My dear, you are human. Flesh and bone. Your feelings and emotions are your power, no matter how overwhelming they may become. Never forget that.” 
She feels a little like she has stepped from the mortal realm into fae territory. Everything shines and dazzles, wise figures give her hopeful advice, and there is a beautiful, inhuman man terrorizing her with a small grin from across the room.
She quickly looks away from John, and Winston of course notices the pick up in nerves. 
“Do you want me to kick him out?” He asks her. 
She giggles. “Will he leave?” 
“It’s worth a try.” 
Avoiding John Wick is kind of like being a moth who hates light. 
When he looks at her, she’s looking at him. And vice versa. She tries to eat, but feels too nervous to finish with coal eyes burning the endless fire in her belly, asks for a to go box and gulps the rest of her orange juice down. 
He watches her while she walks out, sipping his black coffee, unabashedly staring directly at her beautiful bottom. 
“I’ve thought about it,” Winston tells him, taking the seat across the table. “And I believe you.” 
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” John asks. 
Winston ignores his sour mood. “Someone is trying to frame you, Johnathan. Someone wants you dead. With eight witnesses, the high table will come for you. Especially concerning the public knowledge that Maria put a bounty on your head. This is a war that ends one way.” 
“I know.” 
“So, do something.”
“I’m sorry.” 
She turns around to find him leaning into the door jam.
“I told you I wasn’t good at this.” He motions between them. “But that’s no excuse to be an asshole.”
“I’m not good at it either, in case you didn’t notice,” she replies dryly. 
“If you get hurt, I’m not sure what I’ll do,” he admits. 
“But I can’t live like a clipped bird, John. And you’re just so forceful about it. I can’t get a word in when your mind is set. Michael has been nothing but good to me, and now I’m bailing on him. I like my job. It makes me feel like I have a purpose.”
“It’s not forever, just until I can figure this out.”
“Is it really that dangerous? If it is why did we start this in the first place?” That kind of sounds like she regrets the relationship, so she doubles back. “Sorry, that’s a stupid question. I would gladly meet you again and again, even if it meant more hardship, John, but I can’t just leave my old life.” 
He gives a deep, baritone sigh, running hands through his damp hair. 
She gets a little waft of the delicious shampoo he used, and itches to go to him. 
“Just give me a day. One day. I’m going to fix this, and I need you to trust me.”
She eyes him, makes him feel vulnerable - raw - with the power of her stare.
“Tell me what you’re thinking.” It sounds more like a plead than a demand, so she provides.
“Are you just doing this because you feel like you have to? Am I inconveniencing your life even more?” 
He looks at her for a very long time.
Then, pads over and tips her chin up with his fingers. “I live in a dangerous world. I’m scared to lose you in its chaos.” 
“But is it out of obligation or-“
“It’s because I need you.”
“You need me?”
He presses his forehead against her own. “Yes.” There is frustration in his voice.
She cradles the back of his head, inhaling spice and salt, quiet and still. Some kind of storm will rage and destroy her later, but for now she can keep it at bay while he is folding her up and pressing her into the bed. 
“This doesn’t solve anything,” she says, trying not to lose her resolve in the delicious wet of his mouth. 
“Tell me to stop,” he murmurs, lips trailing the sensitive bridge of her ear. 
She doesn’t. Lets him gather her hair back and lick behind her lobe, turn her into a quivering little mess of a human clinging to his sweatshirt. 
He can’t get enough of her in his mouth at once, uses his hands to make up for the loss, cups her tummy and groans at how soft she is. God, he could just sink right into her and never come out. 
“This is all I wanna do,” he says. “Every time I look at you, you just get more tempting. That cute little smile, pretty skin, soft little body. Who sent you here to destroy me?” 
“Th-the FBI.” She’s smiling that sunshine smile, animosity an afterthought, pulling at her new fixation which happens to be his velvet hair, rubbing her fingers into his scalp. 
His cock gives a little jump against her thigh, and he vibrates for her again. Ah, of course it’s the hair. 
“You like it when I play with your hair?” She asks, voice hitched high and tight as he sucks down her neck. 
“Yeah,” he admits. 
“I uh, yeah, l-like your hair, Johnny.” She sloppily threads a strand around her fingers, tugging just a little. 
And to think he was contemplating getting another buzz cut because of this mess always being in his face. Not now. Now he would never cut it again. Now it was his pride and fucking joy. 
He snakes his hands under her shirt, rubs at her bare tummy, pulls and feels and groans about how fucking pillowy she is - about how a bullet would probably just bounce right off of her. 
“Fuck, I love this,” he says, making her giggle and grab his fingers. 
“Tickles,” she tells him.
Immune to bullets, but not to soft fingers digging into her plump. He can’t help the hells grin while he indulges himself and makes her a giggly, frantic mess. “Where you going? Huh?” Chasing her up the bed, pressing her against the pillows, making her scream and curse his name. 
Only a little bit of fun, and then he’s kissing her ribs, pulling her bra up to let these beautiful tits flop in his face so he can nuzzle between them. Giggles into moans, the chant of her hips matching the rhythm of mewling sounds. 
“You’re so fuckin sweet.” 
Her hands make their way back to his hair.
Big cock pressing and grinding into her giving thigh, fingers running circles around her areolas to tease, mouth nipping at the tips of her breasts. 
He gets her begging, whining, needs her to ask him for it. 
“Pretty girl wants to cum on my tongue again, huh?”
“Yeah.” Little shimmering tears in her lashes, lips all puffy and big just like her nipples. 
“Tell me. Tell me, babydoll.” 
Flooding with hot embarrassment, biting her lip, trying not to crumble and break, she does her best for him, tries her hardest to make him happy. “John, make me cum. Please.”
It’s not good enough. “Ah, ah,” he scolds. “Make you cum on what?” 
“Y-your tongue. Want your tongue. Please, fuck.” 
“There you go.” And how could he ever fucking say no? 
How could he not spend a decade between these comfy thighs eating her sweet puffy cunt nice and slow. 
Fucking her on his fingers, tickling her little clit with his tongue and making her her hips spark up off the bed, giving her rug burn on top of rug burn while she pulls his hair and curses his wicked mouth. Sometimes it hurts, especially like now when she’s too drunk on his mouth to be careful or sweet - and he fucking loves it. 
He may never be able to convince her that he’s sorry with words, but he can still use his mouth to accomplish the same goal.
By the sounds of it, she, at least for now, forgives him.
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exhuastedpigeon · 5 months
As amazing and satisfying as Eddie's season 5 arc was, him realizing he's queer during that arc would have made SO much narrative sense and in my opinion we were robbed of that storyline.
Eddie's season 5 starts with him having a panic attack over the idea of his long term girlfriend being called the mother of his child. A literal doctor tells him 'it could be repression' about his panic attacks. He dumps said long-term girlfriend in a disaster zone of a kitchen by telling her "maybe you should go home".
They could have had the latter half of season 5 for Eddie stay pretty similar, but show him being petty and bitchy to Josh not just because Josh tells him what to do sometimes, but because Eddie is resentful of Josh being a happy, out, gay man.
They could have had the therapy still be about his PTSD but dived even deeper into his childhood trauma. That line to Buck when he says he's worried he'll never feel normal again? That should very easily be about both his war and firefighter related PTSD but ALSO about his religious trauma and his fear of 'not being normal' because he's queer.
The conversation he has with his dad in El Paso, where he says he isn't just getting better for Christopher he's doing it for himself? That could have been a moment where he tells his dad that he's not straight and we could have had a beautiful and complex moment where Ramon Diaz, a man who does truly love his son, has to reckon with the fact that his kid hated this part of himself because of how he was raised.
Season 5 makes sense for Eddie to have discovered this part of himself, even if he keeps it quiet. Hell, him not telling people but knowing it about himself makes his season 6 attempts to date women and feeling like he's performing even richer.
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medieval-tea-gremlin · 3 months
9-1-1 Season 8 Predictions:
Easy(most likely):
Gerrard gets fired
Henren get Mara back
Tommy and Buck break up
Someone gets seriously injured
Multi-episode natural disaster/terrorism arc
Medium(could happen):
Taylor Kelly appearance during Gerrard/ortiz takedown(either one, doesn’t have to be both)
Bobby is more traumatized by the fire than he thought
Madney baby #2(maybe through adoption or fostering after they help with Mara)
Buck gets a dog
Hard(shots in the dark):
Eddie goes to El Paso to get Chris to come back, Buck goes with him
Hen is seriously injured while doing something heroic against orders(either going in to save someone or investigating something) and ends up with a medal/promotion
Chimney loses his Dad and he spirals after finding out he was left money/shares or something and considers becoming a stay at home dad for Jee-Yun and any other kids along the way(eventually determines he’s a good enough dad even when he’s working)
Athena and Bobby become targeted by the cartel again and have to go into hiding temporarily, it’s hard on the team
Ravi begins(I really just want more Ravi this is a wish)
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The finale has me irrationally angry at Chris. I know and understand he is a child and it was traumatic to see Kim, but he’s also 13 not 5. When Eddie went through his PTSD arc they had Chris ask if he was the one who made him sad and Eddie assured him he wasn’t. This episode they had Chris act in a manner designed to inflict the most pain and sadness on his dad. He called up his grandparents rather than buck or his aunt who live nearby knowing his Eddie’s relationship with them. He asks to leave Los Angeles, his friends, his girlfriend(s) to go stay in EL PASO with grandparents who constantly shit on his dad and deceased mother? Then to have Eddie’s parents not be like cool down before we do something we can’t take back they do the opposite and encourage Chris to flee his problems?
Maybe it’s my need to defend and protect Eddie at all costs, even with he makes bad decisions, but he acted the way he did out of grief. Chris and his parents seem to be acting out spite.
Also, Buck should have hugged Eddie. Eddie is always doing that thing where he kinda hugs himself; he is yearning for affection. Will no one offer this man some physical comfort.
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Urban Wyatt x Reader : DANCE RECITALS
Requested & ideas by my buttercup 💚 @harlowcomehome
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Your daughter Cassie, your niece Mia and your nephew Ezequiel were part of the school's dance recital. They each had their own little five minute moment to do their performance.
They picked the songs themselves and the school dance teacher would help them with the cherograpy, but most of it the kids would be doing their own thing.
Ezequiel of course picked one of Jack's songs, which was What’s Poppin. Mia had chosen one of her moms song which was Wow BB. Your daughter had chosen your song Dolores, and she would incorporate a camera to represent Urban.
Cassie was the last one to perform and she did such an amazing job. You couldn’t be more proud of her. She’s usually a shy little thing, so to see her come out of her shell, it brought a huge smile to your face and even some tears.
Urban- who had arrived with Jack and Jessica was standing in the very front row recording the entire thing, cheering her on.
Once Cassie was done, the curtains closed and you all clapped for your babygirl and for all the kids who had performed.
“Our kids will be taking our careers in the future.” Jack says jokingly.
“We definitely have our hands full with them.” Urban says, joining you all.
You were waiting for the kids by the stage since the principal requested the parents to stay in their seats and not head backstage, just to avoid a crowd.
“Tio Urb, daddy.” Ezequiel comes running towards you all.
“What’s up? Where’s your sister and Cassie?.” Jack asks him, turning around quickly at the panicked sound of his voice.
“Come, go.” He’s out of breath. “Someone made Cassie cry.”
“WHAT?” Urban yells.
“Let’s go.” You say and follow behind Ezequiel.
Once you make it to the backstage area, you see Mia holding a crying Cassie, comforting her but glaring at some kids.
When Cassie sees you two there she automatically runs to Urban so she could be picked up. “What’s wrong baby?” He hugs her tight against his chest.
“Que paso mija?” You rub her back.
“Can we go homes?” She cries out.
“After you tell me what happened baby, so we can try to make it better.” Urban tells her.
“Nino, some kids said that you and Nina don’t love each other and that you don’t love Cassie. They laughed at her, saying her dance was ugly.” Mia explains.
“Who said that, which kids?” Jack asks.
Ezequiel points to four kids who were standing with their moms. So you and Jess make your way to them.
“Excuse me.” You interrupt their conversation.
“Yeah?” The woman looks at you up and down.
“It seems like your kids made rude comments and made my daughter cry.”
“Who’s your daughter?” The other lady rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, fully giving you attitude.
The women look at each other and chuckle, “Well now it makes sense.”
“Excuse me? Listen lady, if your kids don’t have anything nice to say, maybe teach them to keep their comments to themselves.” Jessica tells them.
“Whatever it is that they said, I’m sure it was for a reason, right kids?”
One of the kids nods “Not my fault Cassie mom and daddy don’t love her.”
“My mommy and daddy ALWAYS go places together. Cassie's parents don’t, we saw.”Another kid says.
You and Jessica are shocked by what these little shits just said. You could only imagine what they say to Cassie when no one is around.
“Que no está gringa es la que le está poniendo los cuernos a su marido con el director?”
Jessica gasps, “Oh my god, si es ella.” You both start laughing.
“We’re not in Mexico, we speak English here.”One of the lady’s snaps.
“What the fuck?” Jack comes quickly to stand by Jessica.
“Say that shit again.” Urban says, standing next to you now.
The women look up at both Urban and Jack. “Oh my god, you’re- we're big fans of the both of you.”
“Cut the shit, you just disrespected my wife.” Urban snaps.
“Wife? Aren’t you two separated?”
Urban, who is still holding a crying Cassie, pulls you to his side and wraps one arm around your waist. “She’s my wife and your little shit kids made my daughter cry.”
“Everyone calm down, settle down.” The principal finally makes an appearance and stands next to the two ladies. “What’s going on here?”
“Seems like we need to reconsider where we put our money into Xavier.” Jack glares at the principal.
“Wh-whatever is going on, we can fix it.”
“I don’t think they can be fixed. These kids made my goddaughter cry and then these ladies said racist shit to our wives. So tell me Xavier, how do we fix this?” Jack asks.
“Mr Harlo-“
Jack snaps his finger, “Oh I know.” He looks at between the two women and their kids “I want them expelled.”
“Mr, Harlow please, if we could avoid the dramatics.”
“Jackman, baby, are you sure?” Jess asks.
“This won’t look good and you know how the press is, they’ll make a story out of this.” You add.
One of the women smirks, “Listen to your wives, because we’ll tell everyone.”
Jack and Urban share a knowing look. “Then I’ll tell everyone about your racist comments and that you enjoy making kids cry. I have it all recorded.” Urban flashes them his camera.
“Come on, we're leaving.” Jack grabs a hold of Jessica's hand. “I’m not kidding Xavier, fix who you have in this school or everyone will know what happens between parent conferences.”
You smile, “Next time think twice about who you’re coming after.”
“By the way, my daughter was amazing. You little shits are the ones who sucked.” Urban glares at the kids.
“Urb.” You let out a chuckle.
“I don’t care, I’ll fight kids, especially if they make my baby cry.” He shrugs and you three walk out of the school.
“Are you feeling better mamas?” You ask Cassie, as soon as you make it outside by the playground and tables, meeting The Harlows there.
“Mhm, I think.” She whispers out, you can definitely tell she’s still upset so that makes you sad because today was supposed to be a fun day for her.
“Cassie bear.” Mia runs to her and hugs her tight. “Don’t listen to them okay?”
Ez nods, “Want me to beat up the boy?”
“Ezequiel.” Jack warns him.
He shrugs, “They made her cry, they were big meanies.”
“I know baby, but we don’t put our hands on people, that’s not nice.” Jess tells him.
“Fine.” Ez rolls his eyes as he goes to hug Cassie. “Let’s get ice cream?”
“Can we meet you guys there?” Urban asks Jack, “I want to talk to her for a bit.” He motions at Cassie who is still in his arms.
“Yeah, take all the time you need.” Jess kisses Cassie on top of her head. “Hiciste un buen trabajo mi niña, I’m proud of you.”
Cassie smiles just a little bit “Gracias Nina.”
After they all leave, it’s just you and your little family.
“Cassie.” Urban pulls her aside and sits her down in the middle of you and him. “I need you to know that your mommy and I love you so much. You make us the happiest parents ever. You were amazing in there.”
“But why you and mommy not get here together?” She whispers.
“I was at a meeting, baby, and your daddy was working with your Nino.”
“I love you and your mommy so much.” Urban kneels in front of her, grabbing both yours and Cassie’s hand. “You two are the most important people in my life. Mommy and I are just taking time to get our thoughts together. But we still love each other, but most importantly, we love you and we always will.”
You give Urban’s hand a squeeze, smiling at him. “Those kids are just jealous because you’re the coolest girl with the coolest parents.”
Cassie smiles nodding. “I have coolest parents”
You and Urban laugh at that. “Yeah you do, but we have the most amazing, beautiful and talented daughter.”
Cassie smiles and she turns to look at you then at Urban. “We get ice cream now.?”
“We’ll get you all the ice cream your heart desires baby.” You tell her, standing up.
“Okaiis, let’s go.”
You three are walking to the parking lot, hand in hand, and it’s just your luck that you’re parked next to one of the ladies who you had an argument with.
“Straight into the car Urban.” You warn.
“Babe.” He chuckles, “Tell that to yourself, you’re shaking.”
“Mhmm, she’s lucky there’s kids around. That’s all I’m saying.” As you unlock your car, the woman is staring you and Urban down, but you decide to be the bigger person and ignore her.
“Hey you meanies.” Cassie yells as Urban is buckling her into her seat. “My parents do love me and thems. You just suck.”
The little boy gasps and hides behind his moms legs.
“That’s right, you tell them baby” Urban chuckles.
“And I’m getting all the ice creams. My mommy and daddy are coolest, yous suck.” She continues.
“Cassandra, ya mija.” You love that she decided to stand up for herself just then, but you don’t want her to be mean and lower herself to their standards.
“I’m done pomise.” She giggles.
Once you’re all buckled up and ready to go, Urban turns in his seat to look back at Cassie. “When we get home do you want to build a fort and watch your dance?”
She gasps, nodding “yes please.”
“It’s a date then my little star.” He smiles.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree
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144 sentences omg.
OKAY let's get going.
“I hurt you.” Eddie reminds him. 
“You didn’t mean to,” Buck replies, entirely confident in this assessment. Without letting go of Eddie, Buck pulls his head back and looks him in the eye. “I know you didn’t mean to.”
He hadn’t. He would never. Not on purpose. It had taken him so long to get control of himself. 
“I’m so sorry,” Eddie exhales shakily. “Buck, I’m so sorry.” 
Buck, still crying, shakes his head. He reaches a hand up to hold Eddie’s face, cupping his cheek. Eddie sinks into his touch, body buzzing. His head falls forward a bit, and Buck’s own sinks to meet it. Their foreheads press together gently. 
Eddie feels breathless. All the want in him comes bubbling to the surface. They’re so close their noses are touching. A slight tilt of his head and their lips would be touching. It would be that simple. Every yeaning question in him, not even an inch away from being answered. Eddie has worked so hard to reclaim his inhibitions, but surely he could abandon them for just a moment? Not all of them. Just some. 
Buck’s breathing is rapid and uncertain. Like maybe he is stuck in the exact same question which now traps Eddie. Eddie lets a hand slide down to Buck’s waist. Buck’s hand applies a little more pressure to Eddie’s cheek, guiding them closer. 
For a second, Eddie thinks they’re really going to kiss here, in the woods, when moments ago, Buck had a knife to his throat. He really thinks the answer to more than six months of brutal silence will be this. 
And then he has a very sobering thought. 
“Buck, did you marry my sister?” 
Buck pulls away from him. Eddie feels a sudden wash of cold. 
“You think I married your sister?” Buck asks, baffled. 
“She’s living with you. You went to church together. You were wearing a ring.” 
Buck groans. “Nobody has any faith in me.”
Eddie frowns. “Well I had enough faith to hope you wouldn’t slice up my jugular.”
“I didn’t marry Sophia, Eddie,” Buck replies shortly. “I’m not sleeping with her either.”
Relief surges through Eddie. 
“Oh,” he breathes. “Good. That’s good.”
That still doesn’t really explain any of what he saw, though.
“Sophia moved here to help me,” Buck continues, tone somewhat lecturing. Clearly this is a point of contention. Eddie kind of stepped in it, clearly. “Also, h-how long were you watching me?”
“Two days,” Eddie answers. “To help you? With what?”
“With everything,” Buck answers, voice a little wild. “Getting Chris back. Searching for you. I mean, she’s the only other adult that knows the damn truth, I-”
“Getting Chris back,” Eddie repeats, cutting him off. “What do you mean? Where’s Chris?”
Buck exhales heavily. “He’s flying back Thursday.”
Eddie’s knees go a little weak. Thursday? That’s soon. That’s so soon. That’s… That’s the day before his fourteenth birthday. Eddie could weep. Oh. Well, come to think of it, he is sort of weeping. He wipes his face with his sleeve. 
“Yes! And none of that would have been possible without Sophia’s help, so it’s sort of a huge slap in the face when everyone thinks she just-”
Buck stops mid sentence, realizing the state Eddie is in.
“I… I can see him on Thursday?” Eddie asks.
Buck’s shoulders drop. 
“Yes. Just a few more days, okay? He would have come home months ago, but with our restriction zone in red, the judge said he had to stay in El Paso.”
Eddie can hardly catch his breath. 
“Does he think I’m dead?”
“No,” Buck assures him. “I told him as soon as I could. Just him and Sophia know. Though people suspect, based on what happened to, uh, me… And the lack of your, well… Body.”
Eddie’s head spins with information. He can’t process it all.
“Does he think I’m a monster?” 
“No,” Buck says firmly. “No. He misses you. We all just miss you, Eddie.”
Eddie can’t handle it. He’s a second away from falling over. 
“I need to see my son, Buck.” It’s hardly more than a whimper. 
Buck steps forward and hugs him again.
“You will,” Buck promises. “You will.”
Eddie lets his head rest against Buck’s shoulder. His mouth is close to Buck’s neck. A dangerous place to be, all things considered. And though no part of Eddie will ever not want it, it’s so low on his current list of priorities, it’s hardly even an itch. 
“I have spent every day since you left trying to bring the two of you back together,” Buck whispers, thumb stroking comforting circles on the back of Eddie’s neck. “Just don’t go away again, and I will make sure you see him very soon, okay?”
There is an authority in Buck’s voice that Eddie doesn’t remember. A confidence.
EDIT: I counted to 114 instead of 144 because numbers get easily fucked up in my head I'm so sorry
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snowviolettwhite · 6 months
Several Sentence Sunday
Tagged by the lovelies @anewkindofme and @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
This is from my upcoming 9-1-1 early 2010s Alternative Universe Fan-Fiction.
It is going to be called "don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up" from the song Matilda by Harry Styles
Where Buck, Eddie, Shannon and baby Christopher runaway from home to California. Buck and Eddie join the fire academy and soon after the 118, Shannon is studying to be a therapist and they are all roommates barely, adults at eighteen years old and raising Chistopher and coming into adulthood together.
There will be bi Buck, demisexual Eddie and bi Shannon and yes I will being making them neurodivergent .
don’t have to be sorry for leaving and growing up
Made a mood-board too, look how cute teen Buck, Eddie and Shannon and baby Christopher are.
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It is June of 2011. Public schools across the nation of The United States are all out for summer vacation from Hershey, Pennsylvania to El Paso, Texas.
Evan Buckley, Buck is the blonde, blue eyed rascal. He is always getting himself hurt and in trouble. He was on the football team and got straight As. He made a lot of friends but never got close enough to let his walls down. He is the baby of the family but the only person who ever pays attention to him is his big sister Madeline, Maddie Buckley. He does not know what he wants. He just wants to be happy and be loved and find his passion and stability.
Edmundo Diaz, Eddie is the young teen dad who got his best friend turned girlfriend pregnant. He is the middle child and is the only boy in his family. He was the sanest compared to his sisters which, pulled away the attention of the fact he struggled a lot in school. He excelled in other areas like sports and arts and a lot of hands-on things until this past year. He just wants to be left alone in peace with his best friend and baby boy.
“Edmundo, how could you let this happen? You and Shannon are still kids. You cannot even take care of yourselves. How are you supposed to take care of a baby?”
Shannon Macdonald is the young teen mom and upcoming psychology major freshman at University of California, Los Angeles. She wants to be therapist when she grows up and hang out with her best friend and baby and start a new life and make new friends and find new interest away from all this chaos and stress. She is the best friend of Eddie Diaz and mother of Christopher Diaz and in another state for college orientation. When she gets back to Texas, Eddie and she are going to try to talk like mature grown adults about what they are going to do without his insane overbearing family. She thought maybe she bring them with her. They can stay with her mom until they can afford a cheap apartment.
They say if you want to be treated like an adult act like an adult. How are supposed to act like an adult at eighteen years old, haven’t been out of high school even a month, being dragged home by the cops and being scolded at the front door or being at by your parents yelled in your childhood bedroom to the point of tears and clutching your clutching your worn-out stuffed animal dog or getting into screaming contest with two middle aged adults to the point your voice gives out and wanting your mom to make it better.
“You’re too soft! You need to grow up!”
“You’re too soft! You need to grow up!”
“You’re too soft! You need to grow up!”
Sometimes this makes you want to run away.     
Inspired By This Photo:
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Tagging But No Pressure:
@lochnesswriter @kingofdarkness00 @aroeddiediaz @lemonzestywrites
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