skinsolutionz · 7 months
Explore expert tips and recommendations for maintaining a consistent skincare routine that promotes healing and hydration, ensuring optimal results for those struggling with eczema.
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fairiencarnate · 1 year
Y'know #skinneutrality and all that but some days I just really wish my skin didn't hurt, itch, or make others think I don't wash
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anielskaaniela · 1 month
Top 10 Best Moisturizer Soaps for Face & Body Care
In this post , you will discover 10 best mosturizer soaps for dry , sensitive or eczema-prone skin. Check out my japanese products [here]. When it comes to skincare, choosing the right soap can make a significant difference, especially if you have dry or sensitive skin. A moisturizing soap is essential to maintain your skin’s hydration, prevent dryness, and protect the skin barrier. In this…
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metropolitant · 7 months
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dr-twl · 1 year
As a dermatologist, these are the 3 most critical skincare mistakes I see and what to do instead
1. Stop performing extractions for pimples
Use Hydrodermabrasion tools!
Derms generally don’t recommend extractions—this causes worse inflammation and scarring. K-beauty popularised medi-facials which are a form of microdermabrasion (hydrodermabrasion) that exfoliate and infuse nutrients into skin simultaneously.These days home facial devices can mimic certain technologies well—microdermabrasion and radiofrequency for instance in hand-held devices. Chemical peels with gentle fruit enzyme peels like papain and bromelain are safe even for sensitive skin to use at home when formulated correctly.
2. Exfoliating dry skin
Focus on healing the skin barrier by layering skincare instead
Start with serums, then lotions followed by emulsions and moisturisers.
3. Paying for expensive facials
Have an at-home facial regimen instead
The Korean medifacial utilises a blade or spatula style device with sonic pulsations to effectively dislodge micro particles such as PM2.5 airborne pollutants and also exfoliation to enhance skin cell renewal. Most clinics incorporate this as the first step in cleansing, which may or may not be followed by hydrodermabrasion. This is quite easy to replicate at home
Skincare workshop you’ll receive instant glow tips from me every week.
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infostylerave · 2 years
The Best Body Lotions For Eczema-prone Skin That Truly Works
Eczema gets pretty embarrassing, we know! Here are a few of our best body lotions for eczema prone skin to tackle it once and for all
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Even with certain misconceptions surrounding it, unrefined Witch Hazel Seed oil is already well-known in the skin care field. There are several forms of Witch Hazel available on the market, some of them are produced using alcohol and other chemical ingredients. Moksha's Witch Hazel Oil is made by infusing it with various oils, making it suitable for all skin types. It contains ingredients that soothe swollen and irritated skin. It has the potential to cure inflammatory skin disorders such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It is especially beneficial for acne-prone skin since it cleanses pores and reduces the likelihood of outbreaks. Because of its astringent effects, it is also beneficial to older skin.
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micahulrichdraws · 1 month
i was saving up for a tattoo but ur answer to that ask where u mention the stuff that goes into ink made me go down a rabbit hole and now i think i wont be getting a tattoo until ink is regulated... aside from the ink being full of stuff i know im allergic to my family is very cancer prone and im reading that tattoo ink may have a correlation with increased skin cancer risk. i feel like this should be talked about more. feeling sad about it but im glad u mentioned something about it otherwise i wouldnt have known
Yeah, as someone who's allergic to everything, has eczema, and a family history of cancer, I feel that. If you have a good artist whom is open to using inks that are either carcinogen-free or at least better tolerated it's not the end of the world, and I never want to discourage someone from doing something they want to do, especially art-related! That being said, I had some similar asks so I'm gonna use yours as a quick info-dump, so I apologize in advance!
I do want to be VERY clear: this is NOT a 'tattoos bad' wall of text, it's a 'art good but hold businesses and individuals accountable because right now everything is a trust system' wall of text. Everyone I know and love has tattoos, I just happen to be an artist who was pulled into the industry fairly out-of-the-blue 8 years ago, and have gotten to learn the intimate ins-and-outs of it because of that. This isn't ragebait, and it is strictly my reasons as to why I feel that the industry could benefit from some regulation and standardized education now that it is a very, very mainstream industry that the majority of individuals in my age range engage with but aren't privy to the details on. If you love tattoos, great! If you don't love tattoos, great! If you're an experienced professional in the industry, this is all stuff you've probably bounced off of once or twice, and can understand why it's frustrating.
The tattoo industry sorta has had one foot in the super lax, counterculture boat while also having the other one solidly in the corporate, capitalist yacht. While the studies that come out of the industry relating cancer risk to the ink content always stick strictly to skin cancer risk being 'negligible', it's important to note that the ink isn't going into your skin - it's going into the fatty tissue below the skin. The ink breaks down in that tissue over time, and gets filtered out by your body - the contents of the ink aren't on the top of the skin, they're being filtered through your other organs or pushed up to your skin. (I know this is an ultra-super-simplified version of what happens, but I don't want to give everyone a migraine with details.) I work with a ton of inks, paints, and pigments, and the pigments that are used in some inks aren't stuff I'd willingly handle with my bare hands, but I'm paranoid about that stuff. However,I absolutely wouldn't eat any of the pigments that are used in the creation of the ink used for tattoos, and none of it is stuff that I'd want in my liver or kidneys. I have a parent who's had cancer for 10+ years, so it's a pet topic of mine that I've had the opportunity to discuss with professionals whom work in the industry. The few times I've gotten to chat about inks used in tattoos, the response is the same as the public PR team's response. The standard on-record response is to cite skin cancer risks, and when asked about other types of cancer, specifically liver/kidney/reproductive, often it is deflected to some version of 'our customers are risk takers who live life on the edge, and don't conform to societal norms, and that demographic always has a higher rate of cancer.' The reality is that they intentionally don't test for that, because best case is the optics that they were selling something that they weren't that confident in, and the worst case response is a wall of lawsuits. Obviously, all that sounds ominous and shit, and while I doubt there's anything massive hidden there, my problem is that the corporate side regulates itself, which in the history of everything has never ended in ethical decisions and only ones that increase profit margins. When pressured, however, companies will lean into the 'it's tattoos man, don't be a downer' - but these are large, industrial corporations, not the dude down the street making art out of their garage. They have the money to test their own products and choose not to.
The other half of the problem is that foot in the pseudo-counterculture, lax, independent artist culture. There's no barriers to entry, minimal qualifications required, and so you can have people who have no business putting permanent ink on folks doing just that, en masse. Tattoos became a major fashion thing in the last 10 years, so we saw an explosion of tattoo studios with literally no experience in the industry kicking out tattoos. These same folks don't have experience in the arts (in a lot of cases) so they'll lift someone else's work as theirs to get a sale, which leads to someone having a design that may be associated with a group they do not wish to be associated with (IE: ultra-nationalist found out that his reaper design was from some ACAB shit I made, and he was not thrilled, even though I thought it was hilarious.) Additionally, a lot of the more questionable studios engage in super controversial sales tactics pressuring clients to move forward on projects when they aren't 100% comfortable (ie: you don't get to see the tattoo until you're in the chair, strictly to save time as to maximize profit on a permanent work of art, and to avoid your client changing their mind.) Back when I was starting out, a lot of the freelance work I received was coming up with designs to help fix those botched jobs, while sending folks to a credible artist, so I had the unfortunate experience of hearing every nightmare story ever. However, like any market that was opening up to big mainstream cashflow, the market ended up flooded so the skill of the average tattoo artist fell like a brick. Only in the last 6 months has the bubble popped with a ton of studios have had trouble staying afloat because the industry reached critical mass. I literally have more options in tattoo studio within a 10 block radius than grocery stores. Mind you, I'm talking about the large group of studios that engage with these practices, and that does in no way mean that I am specifically talking about your studio or your artist. If you work in the industry, you know the folks I'm talking about, and I'm so sorry they make your job so much harder.
This all comes together into a major shitstorm: under-qualified individuals offering a subpar product driving down prices, shoving out the actual qualified professionals, while operating in a legal gray area. Combined with the industrial ink companies that aren't keen on giving straight answers about the contents of their product leaves the entire industry in an absolutely dogwater spot, getting the worst of both worlds. This is not touching on the disgusting potential abuse of power that some individuals choose to take advantage of within these situations. With literally any small amount of regulation, the entire art form would be infinitely easier to get for individuals without having to do a background check on the entire operation. I hope that answers some questions, and I apologize for any typos in my incomprehensible wall of text!
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arctic-hands · 1 year
I'm like a bad role model for disabled and sick people. I know, rationally, that my response to people asking invasive questions about my cane, my scars, my frequent and long potty breaks, my still wearing a mask, whatever the fuck the nosey assholes are interrogating me on, should be "Mind Your Own Damn Business"
But also I've been grieviously ill since I was three and on death's door on multiple occasions since, and I'm so used to doctors and probing questions from people of authority and being forced to give school presentations on every condition I developed (protip for teachers, making a nine year old explain to their peers that they have I Shit Too Much disease is not the destigmatizing learning experience you somehow think it is), and having every aspect of my life scrutinized by professionals and lay people alike,
and I am completely immune to feeling embarrassed about anything and will gladly and enthusiastically talk about the state of my bowels or how I had my head cracked open and became a cyborg, or how my periods are more painful than my kidney stones, or the how I got my heart zapped and short-circuited just a few months after my heart stopped when I was eight, or how this medicine has this side effect, or how my eczema flares so bad in winter that sometimes it oozes, or how my immunocompromised body is prone to various skin infections so my skincare routine is solely about powdering every fat roll with lotrimin, oh and speaking of have I told you how my brain surgery went smoothly except for the fact that I acquired a staph infection on my breasts in the recovery ward?
The lesson here being: don't ask people about their medical conditions. Either you're going to be told off for the asshole you are, or you're going to meet someone who has been sick twenty-seven years out of their just barely thirty year life span who no longer Gives A Literal Shit about anything medical and is just going thru life and constant doctor's appointments and will gladly answer all the questions you ask, loudly and in public
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prettyebonylux · 4 months
I realize I do better with flexible routines because they give structure but can be adjusted for my ADHD. So, I will list all the routines I need and why they are essential. In another post, I will break down each routine and what will be in mine.
Skincare (I have dry, uneven, sensitive skin that gets inflamed very easily. so it's important to control that)
Hair care (I have kinky hair with a dry scalp and want to learn how to maintain a healthy, clean scalp and keep my kinky curls moisturized and soft.)
Body skin care (I have uneven, hyperpigmentation, eczema-prone skin, and want soft, even, glowy skin)
Foot Care (I have  Dry skin, my toenails break easily, and vertical lines on my toenails from acrylic nail polish that I want to fix)
Makeup (I want dewy, natural, glowy makeup)
Physical health (learn how to shape and arch my eyebrow, lashes, nails, and toenails.)
Lip Care (I want to work on my dry, dull, stiff lips and make them pump soft and hydrated. )
Nail Care (My nails break easily, so I want to make sure I strengthen those.)
Oral Care (I want to whiten my teeth and improve oral care overall.)
Feet Care ( I want to improve my dry skin, toenails break easily, and vertical lines on toenails from acrylic nail polish. )
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find-my-purpose · 11 months
The Basics of Skin Care
A 100 skincare tips for beginners:
1. Cleanse your face twice a day.
2. Use a gentle, sulfate-free cleanser.
3. Avoid hot water, as it can strip natural oils.
4. Use a cleansing brush or washcloth for gentle exfoliation.
5. Remove makeup before bedtime.
6. Double cleanse if you wear heavy makeup.
7. Don't over-cleanse; it can lead to dryness.
8. Exfoliate 1-3 times a week, based on your skin type.
9. Choose chemical exfoliants like AHAs or BHAs.
10. Be gentle when physically exfoliating.
11. Avoid over-exfoliation to prevent irritation.
12. Use a moisturizer suitable for your skin type.
13. Apply moisturizer while your skin is slightly damp.
14. Don't forget your neck and chest.
15. Consider using a humidifier in dry climates.
Sun Protection:
16. Always wear sunscreen, even on cloudy days.
17. Use a broad-spectrum SPF of at least 30.
18. Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours.
19. Wear protective clothing and sunglasses.
20. Avoid tanning beds and excessive sun exposure.
21. Use products with antioxidants like vitamin C.
22. Apply retinol at night for anti-aging benefits.
23. Consider peptides for collagen support.
24. Stay hydrated to maintain skin elasticity.
25. Get enough sleep for skin repair.
26. Drink plenty of water for overall skin health.
27. Use a hydrating serum or hyaluronic acid.
28. Avoid hot showers that can dry out your skin.
29. Limit alcohol and caffeine intake.
Acne Management:
30. Use salicylic acid for acne-prone skin.
31. Don't pop pimples; it can lead to scarring.
32. Change pillow cases regularly.
33. Maintain a balanced diet to reduce breakouts.
34. Consult a dermatologist for severe acne.
Skincare Routine:
35. Develop a consistent skincare routine.
36. Patch test new products.
37. Customize your routine based on your skin's needs.
38. Consider professional facials occasionally.
39. Clean makeup brushes and sponges regularly.
40. Avoid sharing makeup to prevent infections.
41. Choose non-comedogenic makeup products.
42. Remove makeup before going to bed.
Eye Care:
43. Use an eye cream to address under-eye concerns.
44. Be gentle when applying and removing eye makeup.
45. Get enough sleep to reduce under-eye puffiness.
46. Manage stress to prevent skin issues.
47. Get regular exercise for better blood flow.
48. Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke.
49. Limit alcohol consumption.
50. Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
Special Treatments:
51. Use a face mask 1-2 times a week.
52. Try sheet masks for extra hydration.
53. Consider facial oils for added moisture.
54. Use a lip balm to prevent chapped lips.
Skin Conditions:
55. Consult a dermatologist for skin conditions.
56. Use products with soothing ingredients for sensitive skin.
57. Eczema-prone skin should avoid harsh products.
58. Rosacea-prone skin should use gentle, non-irritating products.
59. Psoriasis-prone skin may benefit from salicylic acid.
DIY Skincare:
60. Be cautious with DIY treatments; research first.
61. Natural ingredients like honey and aloe can be beneficial.
62. Avoid DIY recipes with harsh or abrasive ingredients.
63. Test DIY masks on a small area first.
64. Get 7-9 hours of sleep for skin regeneration.
65. Sleep on a silk or satin pillowcase to reduce friction.
Hands and Feet:
66. Moisturize hands and feet, especially in winter.
67. Use sunscreen on your hands to prevent age spots.
Body Skin Care:
68. Don't forget to moisturize your body.
69. Exfoliate your body regularly.
70. Take short, lukewarm showers to prevent dry skin.
71. Shave in the direction of hair growth.
72. Use a sharp, clean razor.
73. Apply a moisturizing shaving cream.
Hair Care:
74. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner.
75. Avoid hot water when washing your hair.
76. Protect your hair from UV damage.
Hormonal Changes:
77. Adjust your skincare routine during hormonal changes.
78. Birth control can affect skin; consult a dermatologist.
79. Manage menopausal skin changes with skincare.
80. Be aware of allergens in skin care products.
81. Perform a patch test for new products.
82. Hypoallergenic products can be a safe choice.
Tattoo Care:
83. Follow aftercare instructions for tattoos.
84. Use a mild, fragrance-free lotion.
85. Avoid direct sunlight on a healing tattoo.
Skin Care Tools:
86. Cleanse skincare tools regularly.
87. Replace loofahs and brushes when they wear out.
Consult a Professional:
88. If you're unsure about a product, ask a dermatologist.
89. Consider professional treatments for specific concerns.
90. Use products with anti-inflammatory ingredients.
91. Manage skin redness with calming products.
92. Gently massage your face for better circulation.
93. Use upward motions to prevent sagging.
Eyes and Lips:
94. Use SPF lip balm to protect your lips.
95. Choose an eye cream with ingredients like caffeine.
Preventive Care:
96. Start a skincare routine early for preventive care.
97. Be patient; skincare results take time.
98. Embrace your natural beauty.
99. Avoid comparing your skin to others'.
100. Remember that skincare is individual; what works for one person may not work for another.
These tips can help you maintain healthy and radiant skin. However, always consult a dermatologist for personalized advice based on your skin's unique needs.
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femina-amare · 21 days
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Skincare tips
(... from a girl with incredibly sensitive skin)
Witchhazel extract kills bacteria and is a great toner to use before applying anything else on the skin
Honey and aloe vera gel can help heal scars
If you're prone to acne and scar deeply (like me) get an acne cream with benzoyl peroxide in it; it works like a charm and has not caused my skin any irritation
Jojoba oil has amazing benefits and is a fantastic moisturiser; your skin will feel like butter, it's amazing
Applying beef tallow regularly is the best thing I have ever done for my skin; it helps with acne, my skin is softer and glowier, and it is the only thing to have ever gotten my eczema under control
I combine my beef tallow with honey and olive oil but that is a combination that works for my skin in particular so do some research regarding what could benefit your skin to combine with the tallow if you want to
Beef tallow also helps soothe sunburns. Coconut oil makes sunburns worse.
Eating avocado makes eczema worse (especially if you have type O blood)
If you use products with natural oil bases (jojoba oil, for example) but your skin gets irritated, it's probably the essential oils irritating you. Try the natural carrier oil by itself.
You can make your own salt scrub with rock salt, a little fine table salt, olive oil and jojoba oil. Add essential oils if you want. Store in an air tight container.
BONUS: Rub and massage almond oil and jojoba oil into your scalp and hair to stimulate thicker hair growth, softer and more moisturised hair, and to prevent breakage. It leaves your hair pretty oily though, so I leave in it for a few hours on hair wash days.
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jamscandraw · 3 months
are HW Murph's hands' nerves still functioning? What kind of damage they present?
All their nerves and motor skills are intact, it’s mainly skin damage. I HC that Abominations are ever so slightly caustic to the touch - safe enough to handle for a short time with bare hands but if you’re going to be coming into contact with them regularly you should ideally wear gloves because repeat exposure stains and dries out the skin, leading to an eczema-like condition. Murph’s years of rigorous training as a teenager and their particular style of Abomination magic resulted in a lot of skin contact and their hands and forearms are the most damaged. The skin is very dry and prone to forming sores and they have to apply a lotion at least twice a day to stop it from itching or cracking
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satansaidnottoday · 5 months
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General appearance.
Info: Human AU, demon brothers.
Summary: Just a short description of how they look in my human AU.
Warnings: You can keep imagining them however you like if these don't fit your preference. Especially the heights, I know many won't like them.
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Half Japanese.
180cm tall.
Short straight hair. Black but with a few gray hair sprinkled here and there.
Dark brown eyes.
Always has deep eye bags.
He has a tattoo of Lilith's favorite toy on his upper arm. It's almost never seen.
Uses reading glasses.
Has a very elegant and classy style. Even his lounge wear is fancy.
Often dresses in dark colors.
Black, dark skinned.
185cm tall.
Long curly hair, bleached white. He circles between a few different protective hairstyles.
Light brown eyes that shine gold in the light.
Often wears sunglasses inside.
Has two lobe pricings and one eyebrow piercing.
Dresses in bright colors, mostly yellow, orange and green.
Has a very maximalist style, uses a lot of accessories and jewelry. It manages to remain cohesive somehow.
178 cm tall.
So pale that you can see the veins under his skin.
Prone to acne and eczema.
Can't have pricings, they keep getting infected.
Straight brown hair that he sporadically dyes purple. Used an anime cut through most of high school, but has graduated to a bowl cut as an adult.
Dark blue eyes, kinda washed out.
Uses permanent glasses because he can't see shit.
Dresses in baggy clothes. Usually anime merch.
Has a huge collection of graphic t-shirts.
Doesn't own any accessories.
Half Japanese, half white.
179cm tall.
Short blond straight hair.
Light green eyes.
Uses reading glasses.
Has extremely healthy skin thanks to Asmodeus.
He wears calm earthy colors.
Thrifts all of his clothes.
Grandpa aesthetic and he is proud of it.
Half Chinese, Half Northern European.
175cm tall
Medium length wavy strawberry blond hair.
Light brown eyes.
Has the perfect shiny spotless skin.
Has two lobe piercings.
Uses contacts because he also can't see shit.
On a daily basis he uses pretty conventional trendy clothes. When he gets ready for fashion school he is suddenly a walking high fashion mannequin.
Has taken over a great part of Beel's closet with his own clothes.
195 cm tall.
Very short ginger hair.
Has a sleeve tattoo he got for his eighteenth birthday. It's an abstract piece of art that has little things to represent all of his siblings.
Light blue eyes.
Lots of freckles.
He is the strongest one in the family. Basically a wall of muscle.
Owns about five different outfits he circles through.
Very simple, but stylish. Uses whatever accessories Asmo tells him to.
Has dark brown skin.
170cm tall.
Wavy black hair down to his neck.
Has a gray streak of hair right in the middle on his head. It's been there as long as he can remember.
If he could, he would exclusively wear fluffy pajamas. It's like a wearing a blanket.
Dark brown eyes.
Has a few big birthmarks scattered around his body. They are dark circular stains that look like spots. One starts on his neck and extends all the way to his left cheek.
When he needs to go out he wears comfortable baggy clothes. Doesn't care about aesthetics, but most of his clothes are dark.
Tried to have a lobe piercing but it closed off. He always forgot to put the jewelry on after his naps.
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Friendly reminder that Beel and Belphie are dizygotic twins, which means two different eggs.
Thanks for reading ❤️
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sirowsky-stories · 5 months
The Flowers Always Know
Chapter 10 - Coalescence
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Description: Refusing to let you go back to work until he'd seen that you'd returned to your normal, tenacious, strongwilled self, Marcus made sure you kept your mind on other things for the time being.
**Beware! Author chooses NOT to display warnings on the individual chapters of this story. Read at your own risk!**
Rating: Explicit 18+ONLY Word Count: 4145 (1988 words added) Masterlist (this story)
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   You woke up slowly, as though your brain and body were in disagreement over whether you were rested enough, until their argument got sufficiently loud for you to gradually become aware of yourself.    And the first thing you noticed was that something was making you uncomfortable, and you slowly learned it was due to being tangled in sheets with your blouse and skirt twisted around you.
   You didn’t remember going to bed in your clothes. You never did that, it always ended up waking you since you moved around a lot in your sleep.    And why did the bed smell like lilacs? Your detergent smelled only faintly of citrus.    Too much perfume in anything meant to rest against your skin had always made you itchy. Not because you were allergic or prone to eczema, it just irritated your skin.
   So, if the bed smelled wrong, it had to mean…
   You sat up with a jolt, making yourself dizzy, and you briefly wondered if you’d hit your head yesterday, before it all came back to you.    The room was small, filled with bookcases and trinkets. Lots of stuff Missy must have made when she was younger, and things she’d probably outgrown, but which they hadn’t gotten around to selling or throwing away yet.
   There was one large window to your right, and the blinds hadn’t been closed, so the daylight was coming in unhindered.    Daylight… not morning-light.    You scrambled to free yourself from the sheets, then jumped out of bed and hastily tried to pull your clothes into some semblance of order as you left the room.
   But you were momentarily disoriented when you stepped out into a hallway you didn’t recognize. It was long, probably stretching through the entire inner half of the house, and the room you’d come out of was in the middle of it.     Thankfully, at the end of the hall to your right, you could see a part of the kitchen and you did recognize that, so you headed there.    You walked in to find Marcus behind the stove, frying something which smelled really good, making your stomach wake up with a growl.
   “What time is it?” you asked, or more like demanded, and he jumped in surprise at the sound of your loud and gruff morning voice behind him.
   But when he turned around, he was smiling, looking over your rumpled state and apparently finding it cute, because he hummed in a giddy sort of way when he replied.
   “That watch on your wrist broken, or something?”
   “Honestly, I don’t trust it anymore,” you deadpanned, to which he chuckled and shook his head, returning his attention to the frying pan.
   “It’s almost midday. I’m maki-…”
   “What!?” you cut him off and then started frantically looking around for your shoes. “Marcus, what the hell? Why didn’t you wake me, I’m beyond fucking late!”
   “Cálmate, preciosa. You’re taking a sick-day, I called it in this morning,” he responded, perfectly at ease, not missing a beat as he flipped something in the pan.
   And completely unaware of how peeved you suddenly were, stopping your search to glare at him.
   “And what exactly gives you the right to decide that for me? Do you have any idea what I have on my plate today?” you accused, before something else occurred to you. “And why the hell did they just take your word for it, without checking with me first?”
   At first, all your saw was his broad back, seemingly unbothered by your little tantrum. But then he turned the stove off and moved the frying pan off the hot plate.    He turned around, and there was a gorgeous smile, mostly in his eyes, as he came over to you and put his hands on your cheeks, before he kissed you. Just once, but tenderly.    You were a bit too annoyed to appreciate the gesture, until he leaned back and spoke.
   “There you are, my feisty, headstrong hermosa. I’ve missed you.”
   It took you a couple of seconds, but once it dawned on you what he meant, you sighed and allowed yourself to fall forwards, and he let go of your face to wrap his arms around you instead.    The irritation vanished, but was instantly replaced by a sense of idiocy, because you knew he was right. You hadn’t felt like yourself ever since you’d taken the job, and of course he’d noticed even before you had.
   “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have raised my voice at you,” you offered, meeting his eyes to let him see how bad you felt about it.
   “Thank you, but please don’t worry about that. To be honest, I’d expected worse,” he replied, trying to lighten your mood, but you really did feel awful.
   “I crashed and burned, honey. Don’t let my mildly panicked morning mood fool you, I’m still way too tired for any elaborate comebacks,” you said, but he got a strange look in his eyes then, and you couldn’t work out what it might mean. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
   “Because you just… called me a nickname,” he realized, starting to smile as he continued. “You’ve never called me anything other than Marcus before.”
   “Oh. Is that okay?” you nervously asked, suddenly worried, even though he looked happy about it.
   “Are you kidding?” he said with a laugh, before starting to count out all the ones he regularly used for you. “Hermosa, preciosa, querida, cariño…”
   You still didn’t know exactly what they translated to, and you didn’t care, because you loved hearing him say them. Still, feeling less stressed and more joyful, you playfully scrunched your nose at him.
   “Alright, so I might not have a dozen cute Spanish words to offer, but honey suits you, since that’s what your voice has always sounded like to me,” you admitted, and then thought about just how important that sound had been to you, for a long time. “Hearing your voice is the first memory I have of you, except for seeing your face at the hospital. And for so long it was all I wanted to hear.    I waited every day for your visit, hoping you’d find time for me, but I was still so surprised every time you showed up. I just couldn’t understand why I would ever matter to you. Why you would take the time to sit there with me, in that boring room with all those machines, with nothing to do.”
   His smile faded as you spoke, replaced by that look you’d only seen on him once before, and assumed you’d imagined.    Something like reverence.    But he didn’t seem to know what to say, or how to respond right then, which left you with a good opportunity, since he was clearly very emotionally open, to let him know just how much he’d come to mean to you. If you only had the courage to say the words.
   “I think I knew even back then,” you timidly started, searching for the right way to phrase it, while he curiously tilted his head and waited. “Don’t ask me how, I didn’t even know you, so it shouldn’t really be possible. But somehow, I knew… that I’d already fallen for you.”
   You weren’t sure, but he seemed to stop breathing then. And once again you were terrified you might’ve said too much, moved too fast.    How was it possible you could be so desperate for him to know, and at the same time so absolutely terrified of his reaction? It wasn’t that the two emotions were impossible to have at once, of course not. It was just that the intensity of them should be too much for one body to experience at once.
   Also, you felt so stupid and hypocritical, since you were the one who’d wanted to slow things down.    Yet here you were, declaring your love for him like some infatuated teenager, awaiting his response with the sensation of a lead-weight being wrapped around your neck, ready to pull you down through the ground and choke you if it turned out he didn’t love you back.
   He made you wait for it, probably just because he couldn’t speak at first, holding your eyes for a long moment before he finally managed to draw a jagged breath.
   “Te quiero, hermosa,” he finally whispered through a windpipe which sounded much too tight. “I know what you mean. God, I know exactly what you mean, becuase I felt it too. From the first time I walked into that med-chamber and saw you, I knew you mattered. I felt it so strongly it nearly made me panic.    I’ve wanted to tell you every day since then. Thought I’d go crazy while I waited to find out if you could possibly feel the same...”
   He trailed off when his voice faltered, and you could hear the overbearing emotions which were causing it.    Letting his arms tighten around you, as if he found strength in the sensation of your body safely tucked into his own, with a few breaths he seemed to find a deeper power, giving him back the usual honey smoothness of his timbre.
   “I love you,” he declared, and there was no tightness bothering him now.
   These words he spoke with the conviction of the leader he truly was, and all the power within his heart. Then he stood still and waited, looking for your guidance on how to proceed.    A declaration wasn’t automatically an invitation, but you’d never met a man who hadn’t treated it as such, so it took you a moment to grasp what he was doing.
   You’d never felt anything like the feeling that spread through your blood in those moments. It was warm and tingling and exciting, comforting and joyous and fucking scary.    But also, just… perfect.    You weren’t sure if his lips reached yours first, or if it was the other way around, only that once you felt those soft, hungry lips try to devour you, the heat inside you flared like never before, and you were suddenly absolutely certain that if he didn’t touch you, you’d spontaneously combust.
   Slipping your arms under his t-shirt, needing to feel his skin like a parched person needs water, you silently begged for relief, but it was nowhere near enough.    You squirmed in his arms, reaching down to his ass and holding him to you while you rubbed your sex against him, gasping with the intensity of feeling his hardening member grinding into you in eager response.
   Reaching for his hand, you pulled it down between your bodies, reluctantly pulling away from him just enough that his arm fit between you, placing his fingers over your mound, and he eagerly obliged.    He barely even needed to touch you, but his hand was perfect. In no time at all he’d figured out how to stroke you just right, so that even through both the skirt and your panties, he had you cramping in a matter of seconds.
   You couldn’t have spoken to save your life, but your throat was making all kinds of sounds, all on its own, and he apparently loved hearing it.    His fingers danced over your hyper-sensitive clit, and you unravelled. He kept his other arm around you, holding you to him so he could feel your orgasm against his body. And while it was strong, it was also more like a precursor than a full-blown release, and if anything, it only made you hungrier for more.
   Marcus watched you ride it out, wetting his lips repeatedly in the meantime, as if he couldn’t wait to taste you. Finally growing so impatient that he licked your neck and bit into the top of your shoulder, before moving back to look at you again.    And then as soon as you were starting to come down, he picked you up and without even waiting for you to wrap your legs around him, he started carrying you down the hall to his bedroom.
   Once there, he set you down right by the bed and in one fluid motion, ripped your blouse clean off. You hadn’t even had a chance to react to that before he quickly followed up with your skirt, discarding both the ruined garments by throwing them over his shoulder.    Right. Super-strength.    He’d never really flexed that side of himself in your presence before, but now that he did, you found you liked it. A lot. You had lots of blouses and skirts, after all.
   Clearly very eager not to waste time on anything trivial, his own clothes met the same fate right after. Although, while he’d kept your underwear intact, his own was shown no such mercy, leaving him bare and exposed. But he seemed perfectly comfortable with it.    When he reached for you again, his hands were soft, removing your bra slowly, obviously worried the tight-fitted fabric might burn your skin if he ripped it. But you also felt certain it was to give you time to object, should you feel uneasy.    You didn’t, though.
   He slowed down then, caressing your breasts, exploring their shape and softness, first with his hands and then his mouth, and every second that passed seemed to deepen his desire.    Especially when his efforts drew sounds from you, making you gasp and moan involuntarily with the intense pleasure he gave you, even with the smallest and simplest touches.    It spurred him on and he righted himself so that he was flush against you, his now fully hardened length pushed into the little gap between the tops of your thighs and your pussy.
   Pushing back until he could put one knee on the bed, he then slowly lowered both of you down, while keeping your body pressed against his.    As soon as your back was on the mattress, you reached down to rid yourself of the last bit of cloth between you, to show him just how much you wanted this, and he lifted his hips up to give you more room.
   But before your panties were even half-way down your thighs, you felt the weight of his torso lessen, before he sat up to reach the obnoxious fabric and quickly ripped it on both sides, relieving you of having to try and shimmy them down your legs.    You stole a better look at his cock while he was seated upright, feeling yourself grow wetter with the anticipation of having him inside you. And when he caught you admiring him, that excitement only intensified.
   He moved slowly, probably to tease you, but definitely also to prolong this wonderful feeling you knew he was experiencing just as intensely as you. It was practically written on his face while he caressed your hips, massaged his way up your sides, sliding over your chest and then around to the backs of your shoulders when he dropped his elbows to the mattress to support his weight.
   You let your own hands roam along with his, tracing the muscles of his abdomen at first, then as he dropped lower, caressing the length of his spine all the way up to his shoulder-blades, where you wrapped your arms as far around him as you could, and then tried to pull him down heavier on top of you.    He kissed you with such heat, you could’ve sworn you heard purring somewhere deep within his chest, content to finally taste you, but also desperate for more.
   Rubbing his shaft firmly against your slit, he was making your entire body tremble, while coating himself in your wetness. Of which there was a lot by then. There had to be a minor pool underneath you already, you craved him so badly.    Growing dizzy with desire, you slipped your hands down the length of his back, lightly clawing at him along the way to the enticing curve of his ass, where you pulled him down harder against you, and he immediately took the hint.
   He didn’t even need to use his hands to guide him, there was no mistaking the heat and slick which was practically oozing out of your entrance.    As he pushed the head of his cock inside you, you both gasped as your bodies reflexively tensed with the overload of sensations, and he had to stop there for a beat, just to remember how to breathe.
   When he’d regained some of his composure, he tried to push further, and seemed to utterly lose control of himself. His arms moved as if operated by someone else, snaking further underneath you to wrap all the way around your back, squeezing you about as hard as you could take, while his hips relentlessly drove forwards even though he was trembling with the effort.
   And you? You had the curious sensation of hanging on for dear life, but devoid of all fear, instead experiencing the most intense pleasure anyone could ever imagine.    Your limbs seemed strangely detached, each one tingling and sparkling in its own way, but at the same time saturating your nerves system with so much vibrancy it was robbing you of all your higher brain-functions.
   The way he was holding you meant he couldn’t support his own weight, leaving your tightly held torso to carry all of it, and oh, how you loved the feeling of him pushing down on you, as he slowly stretched you and went deeper.    Once he was buried inside you, all he had to do was flex his hips a tiny amount, and your entire core clenched in on itself.
   Your abdomen constricted so much it forced your back to curve against the massive hold of his arms. He growled deeply against your cheek, and then you felt his forehead drop to the mattress above your right shoulder, as he tried to ride out your reaction.    You were starting to tremble with the sheer effort your muscles were being made to expend, and you could feel drops of sweat trickle down the backs of your thighs, down your neck, and even along your ribs.
   There was no thought involved with any of this. It was purely physical. Both of you lost in a world created by the other’s body, to which only the two of you had invitations.    But somewhere in your mind, you knew you’d never believed it possible to feel this much. And while your body was practically ripping at the seams with the need for release, the only thought you were aware of having, was just not wanting it to end.
   God, had you ever actually made love before? It had sure as hell never felt anything close to this with anyone else.
   Marcus was so relentlessly captured by your internal walls that all he could do was stay buried all the way inside you, and just grind his base against your opening in small circles. But that was also all it took.    You would’ve thought it impossible for your core to constrict any more than it already had, but it did. A lot more.
   As you tumbled over the edge, you lost all control of every muscle, tendon and nerve. Your abdomen drew so harshly in on itself that your entire upper body actually lifted clean off the mattress, even with your partners added weight on top of you.    Then it unclenched to let you fall back down, again entirely out of your control, only to repeat the motion a second later when the next wave rolled through you.    Your knees drew upwards as well, your legs clenching hard against his hips, and you couldn’t have let him go if you’d wanted to.
   Marcus didn’t really have a choice but to topple over along with you, as no one could have held off against that much pressure, squeezing, rolling, and demanding his release.    But while your orgasm was quite literally taking all the breath out of you, your partner’s reaction was the opposite. He cried out when he spilled into you, with a completely involuntary, raw and almost animalistic sound, which was honestly the sexiest damned thing you’d ever heard.    There was something primal and pure about a total loss of control.
   The waves of pleasure kept rolling through you for what had to be a good minute, continuing to force your torso to push up against him, while clenching down on him to milk him of everything he had.    They lasted long enough that your abdomen was seriously hurting towards the end, having been cramped up as tightly as it would go, and then some.
   But when they finally ebbed out and soothing dopamine began to replace the harsher edges of the craving, you quickly became completely limp underneath him. Your arms and legs fell to the sides and you felt as though your bones had turned to jelly.    You felt the same thing from your partner as he seemed to grow droopier, slumping down heavier on top of you with each passing moment. But even now, when you were pleasantly exhausted, you didn’t mind his weight on you.
   The way his broader frame almost enveloped you made you feel safe, and after a few minutes, when he turned his head to press light kisses into your neck, you were glad he didn’t rise back onto his elbows or hurried to roll off you.
   “Holy fuck, woman. What the hell are you made of?” he said with a strong exhale, still noticeably affected by what had just happened.
   “I could ask you the same,” you countered, blissfully languid but also just as taken as he clearly was.
   “So… this wasn’t a normal experience for you either?”
   “Hell no. Not even the same ballpark,” you admitted, and then something occurred to you. “Could your powers have affected us somehow?”
   “No, I don’t think so. At least, they never have before, and if they were, I didn’t even notice it.”
   “Does that ever happen, though? Have you ever used your powers without realizing?”
   “Sure, on a few rare occasions. Usually if I’m really stressed or pissed off.    But never like this. Not even close.”
   “Hm… Maybe we’re just super-compatible, then,” you joked, smiling as you turned your head to meet his eyes.
   “Now that’s a theory I could get behind,” he grinned in return, before kissing you softly.
   When he pulled back, he took a deeper breath and managed to muster enough strength to drag his arms out from underneath you, making it more comfortable for your back. But you quickly wrapped your arms around him to make sure he stayed on top of you a little longer.    And you were ridiculously pleased when he not only remained in place, but also jutted his hips forwards to make sure he wouldn’t slip out of you yet.
   “You do realize this means I’m never letting you go again, right?” he wondered once he’d stilled, his face now directly above yours.
   You noticed that there was an edge to his voice, though. As if he was worried about something, needing to confirm he hadn’t misunderstood anything. Which felt utterly illogical to you, after what you’d just shared.    But he really seemed adamant about not making any assumptions, which made you wonder if he’d been burned before after moving too fast or maybe just not communicating well enough.
   “We’re… together now. For real, right? I get to call you mine?” he continued, and you couldn’t help but smile at the notion that he could be so insecure, even after such an amazing experience.
   But he was seriously asking, so you gave him as a clear of a response as you could come up with.
   “Yes, Marcus. I have professed my love for you and then consummated it. We’re practically married. Of course, I’m yours.    And you’re mine,” you added, which wasn’t a question but a statement, and you could tell he really liked hearing you make such a claim to him.
   He kissed you again, and when you reciprocated, letting him taste your devotion in the way you let your lips linger on his, asking for, and offering more at the same time, you felt him stir inside you.    And even though it should’ve been impossible, given you were still fucking spent and couldn’t move right, the heat somehow sparked within you again when he started slowly rolling his hips, working the sensitive nerves around your opening to get you to release a bit more lubricant for him.
   “I’ve made a decision, honey,” you hurried to tell him before you lost the ability to think again.
   “Hm. What’s that?” he hummed, already getting lost in the fresh volleys of pleasure.
   “From now on, all rights of decision-making concerning my sick days, fall to you,” you declared, and he smiled in a way which made his entire face light up, happy, giddy and definitely mischievous.
   “Careful, mi amor. Or I might just make you lose your job on purpose.”
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csuitebitches · 2 years
how to find my signature scent? I'm having trouble picking one out because idk what are the criteria for this. currently all my stuff is vanilla but im looking for a change. how do I find out what scent specially suits me??
Picking a scent isn’t just a matter of which scent you like. It’s taking into account your body as well.
Your PH level, hormones, body temperature, diet and even a hangover can affect the way a perfume will smell on you.
If you’re acidic (<7 PH level), perfume will not last long on your body.
If you have dry skin, perfume will not last long either as it will on oily skin.
The warmer your body is, the more intense a perfume will smell on you.
How do you figure out your PH?
Rule of thumb: ideal pH for skin is 5.5
If you have eczema, your PH may be greater than 5.5.
If you have acne, breakouts and inflammation, your PH may be less than 4.5.
After you have an idea of your PH, skin type and average body temperature, research perfumes that will match those attributes. For instance, I know I’m more on the acidic side because I used to have acne, I have more oily prone skin and I’m warmer because I live in a hot climate - I would therefore search for “perfumes for acidic PH and oily skin”, and then its just based on your personal preference.
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