#economic analysis
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my-autumn-soul · 1 year ago
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new semester just started and we're coming strong with economic analysis
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kesarijournal · 1 year ago
Money, Myths, and the Modern World: Unraveling the Economic Tapestry from a Modern Monetary Theory Lens
**Welcome to the Grand Economic Theater!**Picture the global economy as a grand stage, where the U.S., Australia, and China play the leading roles, each grappling with their own economic scripts. But what if the script they’re reading from is due for a rewrite? Enter Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) – the understudy that’s been waiting in the wings, ready to challenge the status quo. Let’s embark on…
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eninrac-consulting · 1 year ago
Eninrac Store | Exploring Faridabad City: PEST Analysis, Key Industries, and Investment Opportunities
Explore a comprehensive industry overview of Faridabad City, featuring a PEST analysis and in-depth analysis of key sectors including Agro-Based, FMCG, Leather Units, Breweries, Cotton. Discover investment opportunities in this dynamic city.
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financeprozone · 1 year ago
Massive £3.5K Tax Hike Looms for UK! Shocking IFS Report!
UK households are bracing for a substantial tax hike, with an average increase of £3,500 per year anticipated by the next election, marking the most significant fiscal burden over a parliamentary term in over seven decades, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), the country’s foremost economic think tank.
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For more visit: financeprozone.com -
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i-news-you · 1 year ago
📉 Is the United States' Credit Rating in Jeopardy? 📈
In our latest video, we dive deep into the potential consequences of an impending government shutdown on the US credit rating. Moody's Investors Service has issued a warning, and it's a wake-up call for all of us.
Join us as we unravel the intricacies of this critical issue, shedding light on how political polarization and fiscal challenges are impacting the nation's financial stability.
Discover the ripple effect of a credit rating downgrade - from Treasury bonds to your mortgage rates. We've got all the insights you need to make informed financial decisions.
Stay in the loop with the latest in finance and economics. Watch our video, like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell to stay ahead of the game!
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subsidystadium · 2 years ago
The Washington Commanders/Commanders have officially stopped screwing over Richmond, Virginia
The year is 2012. The city of Richmond at this time was dealing with “revenue shortfalls” that “forced (public) schools to cut millions of dollars … forcing scores of layoffs, furloughs and other job cuts”. What better time to help out a billionaire sports owner. That year, the Washington Redskins (Commanders will be used from now on) announced that their training camp would move 100 miles south…
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onceafanalwaysshallbeafan · 9 months ago
It's not you that would be breaking the law, it would be the sites you visit.
More importantly, the way it is currently written, if the services have servers in US, they would need to impose its provisions on everyone, everywhere, no matter what IP they appeared to come from.
This would have a devastating impact on foreign users' willingness to use US-based services, which would cause revenue to and investment in the US tech service sector to drop.
I have a question regarding KOSA-like bills, are we able to use a VPN? if so will we be able to switch it over on other devices? I'm in FL and our dumbass governor hates everyone who isn't white or anti-lgbtq.
i did some research and from what I found, I think that it will work. But also the government can ban VPNs.
I think it would be breaking the law tho, idk about that part
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afterthelambs · 3 months ago
It's morbid how the Kiramman family profits off of essential utilities. It's revealed that Cassandra had their family's private architects build the ventilation system that allows Zaun to breathe. That means it's privately-owned infrastructure, evidenced by the fact that they control it directly (i.e. Cait doesnt need clearance to use it for chemical warfare). Cassandra framed it like a benevolent deed (and i see a lot of the fandom believe this) but they don't pay for it out-of-pocket otherwise they'd go broke. So instead it's a source of revenue for them. Like how public utilities (water, electricity) can be controlled by private companies
S1 was vague about the councilors and why they didn't care about helping the undercity so I'll take any info I can get. Based on this, I think Cassandra's indifference is because she benefits from it being polluted. If the air from industrialization remains poisonous, there will forever be demand for their ventilation system and they can profit off of it forever.
It makes Jinx throwing their polluted air back at them with the same vents used to exploit them even funnier. Anyone that complains would be a massive hypocrite because Piltover has been doing it for decades and no one cared until it negatively impacted them
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thisshitisridiculous · 4 months ago
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now that it's confirmed mustache = beard = disguise = eddie not facing himself in the mirror and denying himself, i'm coming back to this moment with bobby. bobby literally right on the money saying chris is still keeping his distance because eddie hasn't worked through the issues that got them to this situation in the first place. he's still hiding and denying himself and his feelings. in the shape of a throwaway joke! chris isn't home yet and it is because of the mustache !
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batfambyval · 1 year ago
Okay here’s the thing I’m really annoyed about concerning Tim Drake:
He didn’t remain CEO in more than name. He let Lucius take care of everything he just used the position to create his Neon Knights initiative. He isn’t running WE. He is however running NK. He’s traveling around the world setting up NK locations in cities with lots of at risk youth. He’s not running a Fortune 500 company he’s running a non-profit charity organization dedicated to protecting kids and getting more people on a stable path earlier in life. He isn’t out here dealing with rich, white, assholes so he can make money for himself! He’s doing it to better the world, he’s doing it for education and a safe environment for kids around the world! And he is facing a lot of resistance from the rest of the rich and powerful. He is endearing himself to no one in the business world because his ultimate goal is to dethrone them all by fixing the wage gap. He wants people to have choices so the rich and powerful can’t exploit them as easily.
Tim Drake is not a business man. He has the skills, the ruthlessness and the determination but not the desire. He uses his status and money to help people in need. And it’s a more realistic way of helping the world. You can’t just throw money at problems and expect them to go away. Donating money doesn’t help nearly as much as using money to create systems that help people get the skills and opportunities they need. It takes dedicated work and meticulous oversight and it’s not something that can be done casually. It’s a commitment, not a hobby. The world is to fucked up for any easy fixes. But Neon Knights is a great idea, a long term solution if done correctly. I’ve always thought that fixing education and making sure everyone has equal opportunity from a young age would fix a lot of the issues in the world. More educated people making smarter decisions, more diversity because everyone’s success in entirely merit based. Anyway I’m getting off track. Point is, Tim isn’t some business man with charitable contributions here and there. He’s dedicated his civilian life to the long term benefit of society. He’s not a slacker or a full time vigilante. He’s out there building an entirely new system, a global network of people and locations dedicated solely to helping kids have better futures.
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writesailingdreams · 2 months ago
Never been able to see the parallels between Usopp leaving the crew and Sanji leaving. I suppose they both fight Luffy but the reason and context is completely different. As far as I recall, Usopp is the only one who ever leaves by questioning Luffy's authority and saying he had been thinking about it for awhile e.g. that he couldn't keep up with the others (Luffy).
Yes I know there's more complexity to it than that, but he is explicit about the fact that he wants to leave. In comparison, when Robin leaves its "I have a darkness chasing me you can't understand so we must part ways"; with Nami its "we spent time together but it was never for the long haul"; with Sanji its first "gotta go deal with something, don't worry" and then its "you're beneath me, I'm a prince". In none of those statements do any of them expressively say "I want to leave and I will fight you over this issue that you are making a bad decision over"*
There's variety over how to understand what they each mean (with Robin it's figuring out where she stands; with Nami its just sticking around; with Sanji its forcing him to admit how he really feels). None of which would have worked with Usopp -- it seemed clear as to where he stood, sticking around for him was counter to what he was saying, and if Luffy had pressured Usopp to say how he really felt (if what he was saying wasn't what he meant) then Luffy would have dismissed Usopp's conviction to challenge him in a fight.
I could maybe see an argument that the situation with Usopp gave Luffy more insight when Sanji left, but on the other hand, it has more in common with Robin and Nami than Usopp -- someone vanishes without explanation and tries to drive the others away. That's not at all how Usopp left.
*which Luffy is ultimately right about
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nivenus · 5 months ago
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The thing about Joker 2's mutual rejection of the first film's fandom is it seemed perfectly clear to me when I finally watched the first film that Todd Phillips held nothing but contempt for Arthur Fleck.
He wasn't an anti-hero or tragic villain in Phillips' eyes: he was a pathetic sicko.
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The hysteria (which I participated in) about whether the film romanticized lonely angry men completely missed the point, as did fans of the film that claimed it was a sympathetic portrayal of mental illness or economic inequality: the film fit neither narrative.
Instead, Joker is a deeply cynical, almost voyeuristic film about watching someone who's already beneath contempt following an almost inevitable spiral into mindless violence, which the mob eats up because they're dumb sheeple.
Arthur isn't portrayed with empathy: we don't get a sense for who he is besides "sad" & "unhinged."* He's clearly creepy & unsettling even before he turns violent and the movie makes a point that his perspective isn't trustworthy. His fictional condition is used to make him inhuman, not relatable.
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The same is true of the film's alleged social criticism about inequality and mental health treatment: the film portrays those who are angry at the system as, at best, delusional, and at worst nihilistic. Sure, Thomas Wayne is an asshole but he's also normal.** Neither Arthur nor his fans are.
The closest the film has to a point of view is, IMO, Murray Franklin, the Johnny Carson like night show host who Arthur murders in the final act. He's treated as a voice of reason and his derisive rejection of Arthur is treated as "calling it like he sees it:" Arthur is a terrible comedian.
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Likewise, though this exchange has become memetic as a way of talking truth to power, I think it's perfectly clear in context Murray's shock and dismay is supposed to be relatable while Arthur's admission to enjoying killing is supposed to be monstrous.
The problem is... the movie is about Arthur & so the fact that he's such a vapid, uninteresting character means the film is also very hollow. Not only does it have little to say about mental illness or inequality but it also doesn't have anything interesting to say about violent psychopaths.
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So it's easy to see why people projected messages on to it the film doesn't actually support: because there's nothing actually going on underneath the surface, for all its obvious aspirations to "high cinema."
The movie gets by entirely on its trappings: it looks and feels like a 1970s Scorsese film and even if you haven't seen Taxi Driver or The King of Comedy that lends it a uniqueness that makes it stand out.
But scratch below that and there's nothing there.
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Ultimately, I'll admit to a certain schadenfreude with the second film bombing so terribly, because it honestly feels like what Todd Phillips' efforts deserve: a film where the only real ideas it had were that the mentally ill are contemptible and empathy is for the stupid.
*Also can we talk about the homophobic trappings of Phoenix's performance? I can't be the only one who noticed the effeminate mannerisms and gay lilt Phoenix and Phillips gave Arthur nor the way his obsession at Murray Franklin reads as homoerotic.
This, along with what I've read of Harley's (excuse me, "Lee's") portrayal in Folie a Deux gives me no sense that Phillips' contempt for Arthur has less to do with violent masculinity rather than a general abhorrence of the neurodivergent and those outside a straight, white male neurotypical POV.
**(Also worth pointing out that the central villainy of Wayne, that he had an affair with Arthur's mother and possibly fathered him, is revealed to be quite possibly all a delusion by said mother and not at all real.)
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wiserebeltiger · 4 months ago
I hope Trump puts Nancy Pelosi in prison for insider trading! I’d fucking enjoy that shit!
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racefortheironthrone · 1 year ago
It’s often said that poor people in developed countries are wealthier than medieval kings, but is that really true? Yes, they may not have had smartphones, or flat screen TVs, but they also would never need to worry about having things like food, or clothing, or shelter. If they got sick, the royal physician was a call away (figuratively speaking). Depending on the time and place, they might live in an armed compound and have armed men at hand wherever they went. How much of this is true for the poor today?
This comes down to a dispute over how one measures material standards of living - which, to the contrary of what economists sometimes tell the public, are wildly divergent estimates that depend heavily on weighting and the estimates that economists use to arrive at a sense of "purchasing power" and far from an exact science.
Notoriously, standard definitions tend to overvalue material possesions because they're easier to quantify, and undervalue services because they tend to be more qualitative and subjective in their value.
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This is particularly difficult for medieval kings, because a lot of their wealth was in services - namely, servants. These servants served the same functions that a lot of our "labor-saving devices" and other consumer durables. If a king needed warming up, they didn't turn up the heating, the servants started a fire or put a warming pan between the sheets or dressed them in warm furs. If a king needed cooling down, servants would fan them or bring them chilled drinks. If a king wanted food, they didn't call Doordash, they just snapped their fingers and food was brought to them from the kitchens, and the cleaning-up was done by scullions and the king probably never knew it happened.
(Similarly, medieval living standards are hard to quantify because many people weren't in the market, but were largely economically self-sufficient. This is especially true for lords and kings who had hundreds if not thousands of peasants doing free labor for them to produce goods that they didn't have to pay money for.)
That sort of stuff is very hard to quantify, and yet it was a huge part of living standards in most of the world until around the 1920s.
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jellyfishfingernail · 1 year ago
Fun thing I noticed in inscryption
So, when I was in geography we started learning about the 4 main types of industries. And I feel like it fits the four Scrybes PERFECTLY.
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Get ready for my nerd rambling, because I have a lot to say.
So, there are like 4 types of industries. The first type is called primary industries. They are industries where the product is resources taken from the earth. Fishing and mining are good examples. Which is exactly why I think it fits Leshy so well. Literally, the angler if a fisherman, prospector is a miner, and the pelt making man (I forgot his name) collects fur.
The second type of industry takes the resources from the primary industries and shapes them into something new. So basically all manufacturing. The dredger literally takes random trash from the ocean, the melter forms them into different shapes, and the inspector inspects them.
The third type of industry is all things service. So like your doctors, cashiers, customer service, and funeral directors (Cough cough Grimora cough cough). Most jobs people work in are service jobs now, because it usually requires less education and is actually very important. Respect customer service, people! They do so much for us.
Lastly, we have the 4th type industry. This one is actually a type of service, but is so important that it has it's own section. And it's also very new. This industry the collection and sharing of information. So like researching, most lab jobs, and education. Which is exactly why magnificus is the 4th industry, because he shares information on how to work with magic to his poor pupils.
So yeah, that's my random nerd ramble. Honestly, imagine how cool inscryption would be if all four of them just worked together. I mean, literally the way their world works is built off each other in an economic way, too. I doubt Daniel mullens intended on the similarities between the four Scrybes and the four types of industry, but it works like soooo well.
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pathetic-gamer · 4 months ago
Hi! I loved your fashion in fodlan post, it's so detailed that I was super into it. I hope I'm not bothering you but how do you know so much about those type of clothes?? did you read it in a book or you just researched it little by little?? Also if it's not too much to ask, do you know what the type of collar Mercedes wears in the time-skip outfit's called?? I'm trying to do more research but it's hard with english not being my main language haha Thank you so much! <3
Thank you so much!!! The history and production of textiles is a niche interest of mine, so clothes and fashion fall under that general area by necessity, so I've accumulated a fair body of knowledge over the years! (I wouldnt characterize it as broad, but it's there.) I wish I could point you to some specific books, but there aren't many in particular that I can vouch for. The one I can recommend is a companion book to a museum exhibit called Painted Cloth: Fashion and Ritual in Colonial Latin America.
(Also, in another life (aka college) I was a budding historian, so I do really enjoy researching obscure historical topics, which helps when I'm trying to find out things I don't know lol)
For those interested, Part 1 of the series Anon is talking about can be found here
Now for the question of Mercedes, which is a GREAT question:
It's hard to find a direct answer because honestly, I think it's meant for Vibes. Since character design in video games, especially fantasy, is about vibes more than anything else, the historical influences are going to be very broad and are meant to give you a general idea of the character's whole deal. (There is always the possibility that I'm missing a really obvious real thing, so anyone is welcome to share corrections!!)
In her case, it pulls from a number of sources to give the impression of religious habits, but like. fun and funky. You will note that Mercedes's outfit, like most characters, is based on one of her canon classes, in this case the priest.
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The religious vibes of the base uniform come from the combo of the hat/veil and collar, which are vaguely reminiscent of some of these:
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The circular collar in the illustrations above is called a guimpe. There have been a number of different garments through the ages that fulfill a similar purpose (filling in a low neckline or covering the neck and shoulders), like pelerines, chemisettes, and partlets.
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Pelerines are a type of shawl. Chemisettes would have been worn under the dress, and partlets, whether over or under, would likely be secured around the underarm, as seen here:
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The other inspiration seems to be puritan collars, which are very basic and come from, as you may have gathered already, puritans.
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So anyway, I suspect the reason that its been hard to find a clear name for it is because there isnt one! It's an amalgamation of these various things. But that's just a guess!
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