#eclipse 23
lastoneout · 9 months
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I wasn't able to actually look at the sun, but I still got some really cool indirect pictures of the eclipse!
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echoingkarma · 1 year
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@emrystheblue has been working so hard on our MerMay AU Seaform Stars!!
We fell behind a bit with the art due to illness, so here’s a dump of all the ones we did to catch up!!
Reblogs are appreciated! Please go read the fic!
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DAY 23
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eyenaku · 2 years
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eclipse can have a birthday too, as a treat (even if he wasn't revealed same time)
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greenesmyfavcolor · 5 days
What year does Little Shop of Horrors take place?
Alright, as you can tell from the title, Imma bout to dissect which exact year LSOH takes place since there’s never been any concrete answer from an official source to my knowledge and lemme tell ya, it’s harder than you think lol
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Ok so we know that Audrey II came to earth on September 21st/23rd (21st in the stage version and 23rd in the movie version) during the 1960’s “in an early year of a decade” but they never tell us the exact year.
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However we do know that Kennedy was president during the events of the movie as he is mentioned on Seymour’s radio and his presidency lasted from 1961 to 1963.
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And in the directors cut (which I consider canon to some extent), Jason and the Argonauts is shown to be playing in a theater during Don’t Feed the Plants and that movie came out in June of 1963 so that must mean LSOH has to take place after that date. So the year has to be 1963 if Kennedy is still president and that movie is playing in theaters.
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However Audrey II mentions during Feed Me that Seymour could be on Jack Paar’s radio show and that ran from 1957 to 1962.
So now it can’t be 1963 as Jack Paar would have already ended by then and it can’t be 1962 as Jason wouldn’t have been playing in theaters yet.
However LSOH can still take place in both years. Who’s to say that Audrey II didn’t take over the world until the year 1963? It could have been 1962 when the events of the film started but by the time Audrey II gained enough power to start to destroy NYC, a few months could have passed for it to be 1963. And the film does begin in September which is late into the year so it is plausible.
But here’s when this whole theory really starts to fall apart lol.
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Before the shop is renovated, there’s a calendar in the back that’s very hard to read but based on the positioning of the dates, it matches up with the year 1964 as the first day of the month starts on a Tuesday. And it’s shown at the very beginning of the movie so the solar eclipse has to have happened in 1964 which goes against everything else that has been brought up so far. Although the year the calendar says doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the actual year, it’s kind of a long shot to assume that they would have the wrong calendar year hung up.
Also neither the 21st nor the 23rd of September fall on a Thursday in 1964 which is the supposed day of the week the eclipse happened according to the same radio broadcast that mentions JFK.
Also also I looked up what exact month Jack Paar’s radio show ended and it just so happened to end in March of 1962 so LSOH can’t take place in 1962 if it starts in September.
So right now, it may sound like we’ve officially hit a dead end. But the thing is, I’ve mainly been listing off things that show up in the movie which isn’t the original source material. That would be the 1982 stage version. We have to remember that anything in the movie that contradicts what year it takes place in in the stage version is not solid evidence because that’s not what was originally intended. So technically, we only have to go off what the original stage production states if we want to figure out the year.
So in the stage version, it’s still mentioned that it takes place in the 1960’s “in an early year of a decade” and that Jack Paar had a radio show before 1962. The only things the movie brought up were the argonauts, Kennedy, the calendar, and what day of the week the eclipse happened. If you want to go ahead and count anything in the movie as canon evidence as to when LSOH takes place, be my guest but there’s so many things that contradict when it does happens that I’m just going to go off the original stage production.
Because of this, my bet is that the events of LSOH start on September 21st, in between the years 1960 and 1961.
I wish I had more of a solid answer so if anyone has any more evidence that suggests what year it might take place from either the stage or movie version, lmk cause I’ve been thinking on this for way too long 🥲
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 4 months
Ruin: What stuff do you like?
Eclipse: I don’t know.
Ruin: Do you like candy?
Eclipse: Candy?
Ruin: Here! *tosses candy through the barrier to him*
Eclipse: I don’t see why I’ll like this, it’s just sugar- *tries the candy* Oh my god, this is…amazing! I love this! What is this stuff? Candy? I love candy!
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khaotunq · 8 months
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i'm so confused that your ask didn't appear in my inbox but instead appeared only in my notifs. wild. ANYWAY I LOVE THIS GIF I'M KISSING U ABOUT IT
EDIT ur ask didn't actually appear on my dash when i posted it so i have cunningly screenshotted
ANY-ANYWAY. Since I'm a liar who said I was going to bed and then didn't, how about AkkAyan dressing up? It's THEMATIC. Also I made that little gif for my ask to you and ended up rewatching the Our Skyy eps in the background, then remembered I wrote this!
Wat threw a costume party. That’s how it had started. That was the reason all of Ayan's friends were mad at him.
  In his defence, Wat clearly hadn’t thought through all potential permutations of a costume party for his birthday. He’d given them the prompt of old Thai movies and left them to it.
  It had surprised Ayan how little convincing it had taken to get Akk into the ridiculously tight shirt and pants that predominantly made up his costume. He'd rolled his eyes and fussed and turned his single syllable nickname into a three second groan, but he'd let Aye pick, and he'd certainly voiced no complaints when Ayan had pointed out he’d be wearing something similar, just in black.
  It also shouldn’t have been possible to look good in a ridiculous all-yellow outfit. That was part of Ayan's defence too: nobody but nobody should manage to pull off being dressed head to toe in banana yellow in lieu of gold.
  Akk could, it turned out. Akk did. Ayan was man enough to admit that at least half the reason he'd taken the black outfit was that he knew he'd be entirely unable to control himself around his boyfriend in form fitting black. Akk, at least, could usually be counted on to act appropriately.
  Anyway, it was Wat’s fault. All of it.
  It was Wat's fault they'd even heard of The End of the Red Eagle in the first place. Ayan would have never paid it any mind were it not for Akk insisting that their friendship with Wat depended on it. Ayan did sleep through most of Wat’s suggestions and although Akk ragged on him for it, he thought Akk enjoyed it when he was curled up sleeping in Akk's arms rather than awake and pointing out logical fallacies in any given film just to annoy him.
  So, Ayan had little to no real idea what the plot of Red Eagle was, but Akk hadn’t seemed overly fussed when Ayan suggested the hero and villain as their costumes.
  Ayan suspected Akk had also fallen asleep. He did it more than he'd ever admit to, because Ayan had woken up to him fast asleep under him several times while one of Wat's recommendations played on his laptop next to the bed. Akk would never admit to it, and Ayan found it too endearing to challenge: he knew Akk's phone browser was full of tabs on for various movie pages so that he could refer to them if Wat ever asked.
  By the time they arrived at Wat's, Ayan had reevaluated every choice he'd ever made that had led to that moment. He loved Akk for far more than his physical attributes, but the costume was serving as a brutal reminder of many of those attributes. He loved Akk's legs, which were normally a mile long anyway but were at that moment torturously accentuated by the bright yellow fabric clinging to them.
  Akk's body was already something Ayan was used to thinking about - and wanting - but the frankly obnoxious belt Ayan had picked out had turned his hips and waist into features specifically designed to test Ayan’s ability to keep his hands on the wheel on the drive over.
  Ayan had to unclench and clench his fists several times to get circulation flowing through them again after they’d parked up.
  Akk caught him staring a couple of times and had just laughed at him. He’d leaned in as they waited on Wat’s doorstep and reached around to check Ayan's mask was secure, using the excuse to run his fingers through his hair.
  Akk had started it. That was for sure. It was all Wat’s fault, but Akk had started it by flirting with him so openly. Ayan would have been just fine if Akk would have just kept his hands to himself.
  Whether that was true or not, nobody could prove anything.
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weirdenbyferret · 7 days
Day twenty three, Urchin and sea horse dragon
Anyway decided to draw the urchin prompt. In the middle of sketching I was like 'wait urchins eat kelp...and leafy sea dragons look like kelp.........'
Ngyeh heh heh
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Basically Eclipse being a living thirst trap and the trap is working very well lmaaoooo
Nothing malicious or anything happening here nope no siree
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thedenofravenpuff · 7 months
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hetaczechia · 3 months
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bambroot · 9 months
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haunted-stars-au · 1 year
Bit of a odd question but, Eclipse do you wish you had siblings or do you like being a only child? I know you have Vanessa, but I feel like a sibling dynamic can be quite different from a friend's dynamic
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echoingkarma · 1 year
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Its Mermay!! Writing a fic and doing art with some of my friends, here's the art for the first chapter. Bonus baby concepts below the read more ^^
Read it here!
Prompt: Fish
Reblogs are appreciated!
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naffeclipse · 2 years
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i cant stop laughing at this it popped into my head and i had to share
Narrator: It was, in fact, an offer they could refuse.
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seven-thewanderer · 1 year
So I made a drawing based off of a moment in the SAMS episode “Sun vs Eclipse in VRCHAT”, and it took me so long to finish it
but I did indeed finish it (just now)
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ask-samseclipse · 1 year
Omg I leave for a bit and the scrimblo has a new look. You look very dapper, Eclipse!
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