#drowning accident
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[Nickname: BOUN]
[Nickname: PREM]
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 months
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"DROWNS MAKING TRIP TO ORGANIZE STRIKE," North Bay Nugget. May 9, 1934. Page 2. ---- Officer of Rouyn Lumber Union Dies When Canoe Overturns ---- Rouyn, May 9. - On their way to the camp of the International Paper Company to organize a strike among log drivers, Albert Deschenes, organizer for the Industrial Lumber Workers Union, was drowned and two companions narrowly escaped with their lives when their canoe capsized in rapids about a quarter of a mile from the junction of the Ottawa and Kenojevis Rivers.
Borrowing a canoe here the trio set out yesterday for the lumber camp. Swollen by spring floods the waters, twenty-feet higher than normal, were particularly dangerous at the rapids where the fatality occurred. When the canoe capsized, a short distance from their starting point, Deschenes struck out for shore. He had almost reached it when he disappeared below the surface. His two companions clung to the boat and an hour later were picked up by a party of Indians.
Owing to the height of the water it was impossible to make any attempt to recover the body.
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everysongineverykey · 2 years
very pleased to report that i tried literally counting sheep last night and got my first full night's sleep in like a week in a long period of sleepless nights!!
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ilynpilled · 4 months
hi guys i was in an accident and had to be in the hospital for a while but im home now
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mollysunder · 3 months
Turns out a Coral Crown is also a type of narcissus flower. I can totally see Narcissus overhearing Scylla's song look at his reflection and squeal, "This song is about us!!!".
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
I accidentally drove my mom's car into the river. I didn't want to drive and there were no signs telling me to turn or any barriers. So in addition to being scared I was going to drown, I sued the city and lost.
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lazyapperence9754 · 11 months
all current existing AUs I’ve made
if curiosity gets to you, just ask about any of them.
Dark (gore, suicide, body horror, blood, violent themes, etc.) :❗️
Mild (Mixed) : 🌀
Happy (no dark themes) : 🔅
1 SillyKel!au ❗️
2 Supernatural!au ❗️
3 VeryBadEnding!au ❗️
4 TheTwoBirdsWhoFell!au ❗️
5 DogFight!au ❗️
6 SelfInsert!au 🌀
7 BurningStar!au ❗️
8 TheTwoOfUs!au ❗️
9 Drowner!au 🌀
10 Nuclear!au 🌀
11 Flower!au ❗️
12 Hikikio!au 🌀
13 Aquatic!au 🔅
15 HollowKnight!au 🌀
16 Mermate!au 🌀
17 Unidentified!au ❗️
18 Storybook!au ❗️
19 Disfigured!au ❗️
20 God!au 🌀
21 Apocalypse!au ❗️
22 TheStakesThatSpearHim!au ❗️
23 MagicalGirl!au ❗️
24 Religion!au ❗️
25 KelVerse!au ❗️
26 Omoverse!au ❗️
27 Hellmori!au ❗️
28 Alleyways!au ❗️
29 FaceStealer!au ❗️
30 Watcher!au ❗️
31 Runaway!au ❗️
32 MentalFacility!au ❗️
33 Pidgin!au 🌀
34 SomethingChanged!au 🌀
35 Caretaker!au ❗️
36 Ballistic!au ❗️
37 Winged!au 🔅
38 Animal!au 🔅
39 TheCursedLake!au ❗️
40 Doll!au ❗️
41 BlackSpaceTakeover!au ❗️
42 Experiment!au ❗️
43 Nymph!au 🌀
44 Cellar!au ❗️
45 Home!au ❗️
46 ColorTheory!au 🔅
47 BadHero!au ❗️
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indatsukasa · 1 year
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Bon voyage avec les âmes du monde sous-marin!
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grimm-haven · 7 months
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Beginning of Lemon Gen // Previous // Next
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syncope-syndrome · 1 year
Because @whumpprentice and I keep getting recommended car blogs... car whump!
Seriously, where amongst my #cats, #nature, #pretty people fainting do you think I'm interested in cars, Tumblr?
being trapped in the trunk of a car left out in the sun. they've slipped out of the restraints a few minutes ago, but the metal's too hot to safely touch, the heat exhaustion is weakening them, and there's not a sound from the outside. sweat makes their hands too slick to grab onto much securely and dripping into their eyes, mingling with the tears forming at the thought of them baking alive in this car, alone, and no one coming until it's too late.
sitting in the front seat next to their captor, the whumper's hand heavy on their knee as a reminder to stay quiet. the whumpee stares helplessly at the officer checking the car's registration, handing it back to the whumper with a smile and bidding them both a good day and a warning to go a little slower next time. there's triumph in the whumper's responding laugh, and the whumpee's heart sinks into their stomach as their potential savior walks away.
trying to slide their way out between two cars nearly crushing them, feeling the metal of the first car's bumper and the second car's license plate scraping and tearing into their skin with every little sidle.
a vital limb pinned down by crunched-up metal, the impact harsh enough to break bone. even if they wanted to move, they couldn't either way, trapped in by the wreckage and the intensity of their pain both.
a car sinking beneath the water, a whumpee's desperate struggle to try and shatter a window to escape. they bang their hand onto the glass until it's bruised, taking in a last-ditch lungful of air before they're completely submerged. finally, they find something sturdy enough to break the glass, but they have to pull themselves through the mangled window. every shard of glass that digs in or slices them brings a gasp of pain, and every gasp threatens the very little oxygen they have left.
a fever-ridden head pressed against the rain-cooled window, the passing streetlights and zooming cars a blur as the whumpee fades in and out.
trying to use anything and everything to keep the blood off the linen seats — the car's an antique, a rental, a friend's. if there was any other option, they wouldn't be in it at all... but there isn't. all they can do is smear more and more blood on their clothes, their blankets, even their bag in an utterly desperate and mispriortizing attempt to keep the car itself clean.
weaving through traffic with eyes on the rearview mirror, looking for the headlights of the car that's been following them for far too long. it's still there, even as they make a risky merge off the highway. it's still there, even as they make too many right turns through an unassuming neighborhood. it's still there, even as they run a red light to try and finally ditch them. relief floods their body as the tailing car stops, then there's a sickening, screeching crunch of metal on metal, and darkness.
rushing home after a bad date and an even worse dinner, struggling to focus on driving while working their throat hopelessly to keep their food from coming up again. their friend's voice drones on and on, blurring in the background as they lose the battle against their illness just as they pull into their residence.
a caretaker trying to hold a whumpee in place as the car swerves and weaves frantically towards the hospital. every sharp turn aggravates their condition, and the caretaker's voice is nearing overwork from the constant, reassuring whispers towards whumpee and the stern warnings towards the driver.
getting into a car after a party, stumbling into the arms of the all-too-eager-to-help driver. at the time, they think nothing of it, letting themselves lounge in the haze of a wild night out... but wait. they don't know this person well enough to get into their car like this. ... they didn't have that many drinks... this isn't their neighborhood... when they try to express this, their words slur to the point that the driver can't — or won't — understand them, and as their consciousness fades, the realization hits. that's not their friend's voice... it's whumper's.
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bestworstcase · 1 year
“seize the powers of their creators and perfect their own design” that’s how the tree works. that’s what the tree does. continual self-directed refinement towards the you you want to be. the gods slaughtered humanity for demanding their birthright
does she know
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lucidicer · 1 year
i kinda wanna add more context to my last edit about silje specifically because like genuinely shes suffered more than jesus and you all need to know that
so silje is the eldest daughter in the family of 8 kids, sióar is the youngest. silje was essentially a parent to them, not only to them but to all the little ones. she wanted to guide them and protect them, but sióar was a very childish kid and didn't take much of what she said seriously. still, she persisted. she was the type that if any of the kids had a nightmare she'd let them crawl into her bed and she'd massage their head to help them fall back asleep, she'd take them to the park when she knew the townspeople weren't all gonna be there, and hurry them out when they were. she'd bandage them up after it was their turn to cut off some flesh and kiss their wounds from falling down. silje struggles with dissociation a lot, her memory is a mess its like trying to look through the dirty lenses of a pair of binoculars and she knew it would never change if she didn't will her feet to move. despite everything, she loves her family and those kids mean the world to her and to leave them for what she sees as selfish reasons would make the freedom feel more like instead of being chained in place she's been allowed a ball and chain instead. she knows she can never be happy and live her own life in this town but naturally all those born there will die there. one night she just walked out of the house, with no idea of where she was going or what she was doing just wanted to keep moving her feet one in-front of the other. she came up to the lake, it was like being lured in when she stepped foot into the water just her ankles at first but then it rose to her knees and before she knew it she was engulfed by the current. she didn't intend to kill herself but she didn't intend not to. she just wanted to see where the water would take her, maybe it would let her at least rest someplace beautiful and away from the life she so despised. she could find peace and safety in death. instead, she landed at the feet of sióar.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"TWO LITTLE VICTIMS OF RED RIVER ICE," Winnipeg Tribune. November 12, 1913. Page 1 --- TWO LITTLE LADS SLIP FROM FRINGE ICE INTO RED RIVER AND DROWN ---- Four-Year-Old Jimmy Norton and Four-and-Half-Year-Old Charlie Randall Meet Death When They Go to River to Play ----- Tiny foot-tracks in the snow covered ice which led to the water's edge, and which terminated in a small gар, where the ice had given way, mutely, but in a vague way, told how Jimmie Norton, four years old, and Charlie Randall, 4 years old, were drowned while at play on the ice of the Red river at the foot of Matheson avenue, at about 11 o'clock this morning, when the parents and the police responded to an alarm spread abroad by Ernie McFadyen, 13 year-old, half witted youth who declares he saw the tragedy happen.
Even after it was established that the two children were in the water in the vicinity indicated, for a considerable time it was utterly impossible for the police or the parents to do anything toward recovering the little bodies. The ice on both both sides sides of the river extended for a distance of about seventy-five yards, and its thickness decreased until at the water's edge it was a mere shell. Such conditions made the work of recovery impossible without a flat bottomed boat, and it was not until nearly one o'clock that such a vessel could be located,
One Body Recovered In a short while after the boat had been secured the body of the younger child was brought to the surface.
In a last endeavor to resuscitate the body of Jimmie Norton, the Pulmotor from the central fire hall was rushed to the scene post-haste. This arrangement was utilized for the first time in an accident of this nature and its operation was watched with great interest.
It was at about ten o'clock this morning that Jimmie Norton, Charite Randali, and another tiny tot named Tommy Adwin, started from the home of the two former children, 67 McAdam street, with the intention of going for a walk. As children do, they commenced running and sliding sliding on the city sidewalks. It was while they were at the corner of Matheson avenue that a minor accident happened, which undoubtedly save saved the third child's lite. Tommy slipped from the sidewalk into a puddle, getting his clothes wet and very dirty. He was too cold and uncomfortable to go any further with his playmates, and he accordingly went back home. He did not know what the plans of his companions were, but the last he saw of them was when they were going down Matheson in the direction of the river.
The only eye witness of the tragedy, apparently, is Ernie MacFadyen, a 13 year old youth, residing with his parents at 2 McAdam street. This boy, who on account of an accident which occurred to him some time ago, is not as bright as he might be, and necordingly his story is more or less incoherent.
He was standing on the water steps at the foot of Matheson avenue when he saw Jimmie and Charlie running to and fro on the ice. He stood and watched for a while and then saw Jimmie run right to the edge of the thin ice. Charlie was but a few feet away, when the fee e gave way beneath Jimmie's feet and he was plunged into the ley water. Without a thought Charlie dropped the stick with which he was playing and ran forward as if to assist his playmate, but as he reached the edge, the ice again gave way and without a sound he too dlaap peared.
It took young McFayden some time to grasp exactly what had happened, but soon it dawned upon him and he ran all the way to his mother's house and told her of the accident. Mrs. MacFayden at once notified the parents of the two children and in turn the police were notified.
When Sergeant Wilson and two constables of the city force arrived, together with Albert Norton and Arthur Randall, the fathers, away out on the ice as far as he could safely go was a mournful retriever dog, which, although owned by neither, was the constant companion of the two boys. Some difficulty was was experienced in obtaining a boat suitable for the work of recovering the bodies, and although the did all that was possible under the circumstances, it was not until nearly one o'clock that the work was commenced. Within a few minutes the body of Jimmie had been recovered and removed to the home.
The fathers of both children are employees of The Tribune composing room.
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saltiestbread · 1 year
moist bone
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angry boi
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enfinizatics · 6 months
the polish government is so fucking scared of israel and netanyahu that not only they abstain from voting for the ceasefire during an UN meeting, but even when israel literally targets a humanitarian convoy and kills one of our citizens all they fucking say is: “we don’t understand how this could happen but we will try to find the answers”. how the fuck can you say that when israel has been literally ruthlessly murdering palestinian people for the past 6 months and conducting an ethnic cleansing for 76 years. how can you say this shit when they mostly target civilian infrastructure, hospitals and most recently, refugee camps. how can you be so disgustingly oblivious to everything that’s been happening for the past few months.
not to mention the fact that bombing humanitarian relief is literally one of the tactics used to prevent any kind of help reaching the palestinian people.
the idf has come forward to call bombing the humanitarian aid a mistake but everyone fucking knows that targeting three branded vehicles was intentional, not to mention the fact that the route the volunteers took had been discussed with IDF before they targeted them. because all of that, polish people finally started to realize that it’s the israel who’s a terrorist here. finally the society is asking the right questions and starts advocating for the palestinian people and in return we’re getting accused of antisemitism by an israeli embassy in poland. very fucking frustrating it took the death of a polish white man (damian soból whom i respect very deeply as a human rights lawyer/activist and volunteer myself) for this to happen because there have already been several cases of palestinian-polish people trying to get out of gaza, and they had to wait ages until the polish people started advocating for them and then the government finally got them out. they had to wait because they weren’t white. fuck the polish government that licks israeli boots on a daily basis and fuck israel, a terrorist state that openly commits war crimes. i wish both of them to fucking die tbh.
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beldaroot · 10 months
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Recent words from Hisham Awartani, one of the three Palestinian college students shot in Burlington, Vermont (x)
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