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hptriadfest · 1 year ago
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Hello everyone! Welcome to the FIFTH Annual HP Triad!Fest <3
It is now the OFFICIAL start of this year's creative works fest, and our mods are super excited to celebrate with you all!
Today is the day! Prompting begins NOW!
Click HERE for the Prompting Form!
Once you have completed the form it will give you the option to enter again, and again, and again!
If you want to enter the fest with your own created prompt please hold on to your prompt and submit it on the claiming form when that is posted here and in the discord server. For questions contact [email protected] or join the Discord community to talk to the mods directly!
** Please remember the restriction to stories is all characters in the main pairing must be 17+ and there are to be no adult/minor pairings allowed within the story even as a side pairing. **
**For this Fest you have a wide range of mediums available to you the creator; you can create writings of all kinds (poetry, stories etc), Art, Moodboards, Photomanipulation (as long as models/celebrities are over 17 in the photos, so please make sure)**
If you have any questions, or to be added to the email subscription list email [email protected] Below are all the important dates:
Prompting Closes Dec 4th Claiming Begins Dec 7th Claiming Closes Feb 7th Works Due March 14th 2024 Posting Begins April 2nd 2024
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years ago
for the ask game: Draco/Harry/Neville? 👀
Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
It’s very hard to not ship Neville with people?? I think I went what if and my mind went ding ding ding
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Neville brings a calming and grounding energy to Harry and Draco <3
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I’d like to talk about soft yet firm dom Neville and his little brats and the fandom needs to get ready for it…..
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curlyy-hair-dont-care · 3 years ago
My Microfic May - 2022
This was my attempt at writing for Microfic May 2022.
26 pairings, 31 short fics and lots of fun!
I experimented with various pairings and tropes. And had an absolute blast! Thank you lovely mods.
And an extra hug to @crazybutgood for her encouragement and support 💛
I've added warnings at the beginnings of the chapters where necessary.
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postjentacular · 3 years ago
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Hearts and kudos to @kinkuary for running this smuttiness.
Full tags on AO3
Quietening The Brats
Drarryville » E » 960 words » Gagging
Neville's brats had been bickering all day; the poor man just wants some quiet (and cock sucking).
Two Minutes At A Time
Harry / unnamed male / unnamed male » E » 1071 words » Voyeurism
Harry likes to watch 'strangers'.
Trussed Up
Drarry » E » 300 words » Sensory Deprivation
Like a bloody Christmas turkey.
Ginger Is Ginger
Charlie/Audrey » E » 718 words » Impregnation
What Percy doesn't know won't hurt him.
Wolfstar » M » 350 words » Collaring
There was nothing subtle about Sirius Black. Well, almost nothing.
Red Cards
Drarry » M » 581 words » Coming Untouched
Quidditch had had many firsts over the years, but both Seekers being red carded wasn't one anyone had seen coming.
The Naughty Peach
Pansmione » M » 351 words » Impact Play
Pansy's gets an unexpected customer
Teaching The Next Generation
Teddy/Harry/Draco » E » 987 words » Age Difference
Harry encourages his prodigy.
Gift Shopping
Oliver / Percy » M » 354 words » Lingerie
Oliver just wanted to shop in peace.
One Step Closer To The Edge
Jeddy » E » 733 words » Edging / Orgasm Denial
James is in a rush.
Teddy isn't.
Lucifer's Snare
Draco/Plant » M » 100 words » Tentacles
Dub con
Unspeakable Malfoy and the day he ignored the rules.
Sitting Comfortably
Pansy / Ginny » M » 120 words » Face-sitting
Pansy gets a new chair Throne.
Thursday Night / Friday Morning
Drarry » M » 200 words » Sex Work
Harry didn't need the money – he told himself he did it just because he liked it.
Friends Help Friends Move House, Best Friends Help Friends Move Dildos
Jegulily » M » 352 words » Sex Toys
There are somethings a brother just doesn't need to know.
Kiss And Make-up
Drarryville » E » 471 words » Rimming
Neville never lets his boys go to bed on an argument.
Coming Home
Wolfstar » E » 992 words » Tattoos
Twelve years later, Sirius gets a warm bath and a comfortable bed.
Inside Job
Drarry » E » 1162 words » Hands
Mild Dub Con
The DMLE's evidence lock-up had been breached again, and there was only ever the one suspect: Auror Draco Malfoy.
Hermione/unnamed » E » 100 words » Choking
...and breathe.
Drarry » M » 477 words » Watersports
Bantz on a night out with the lads. Proper legend.
Hermione/Ron/Blaise » M » 608 words » wildcard (shibari / exhibitionism)
The Daily Prophet was incensed. No, not incensed, Scandalised.
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crazybutgood · 4 years ago
The Perfect Gift
Happy birthday Neville and Harry! Here is the finished product of this Drarryville WIP, featuring a nervous Draco trying to decide on the best gifts for his boyfriends. Thank you @curlyy-hair-dont-care for the amazing and quick beta and your encouragement. Thank you fantalf for cheering me on through my frustration (much of Draco's exasperation here definitely mirrors my own 😬) while I folded these stubborn cacti 🙈
Here's the bulleted list of my HC, followed by the image of the origami I folded at the end (please click on image for better quality!) :
Draco has a YouTube channel, posts videos feat. fun creative artsy stuff he likes to do including makeup tutorials, origami tutorials, sometimes with voiceovers. 
Draco's too worked up over thinking of a perfect gift for his boyfriends, Harry and Neville, and before he knows it, there's a week remaining. One night when Harry's cooking a lovely dinner for them, as Draco soaks in the comfort and domesticity of the night, he plans to make something handmade for Harry and Neville's birthday because it's more special and what to get two people who can buy whatever they want? Plus the two also like to occasionally give handmade, heartfelt gifts to Draco too and he wants to do so as well.
With 5 days remaining, Draco films a video to post later, a bday special for his boyfriends: folding an origami cactus. The video has a voiceover. He talks about how the origami part of this gift is a throwback to the paper cranes he folded for Harry back in school, amused at the thought of how they used to fight often then and the antics he did to gain his attention, and now he had it. He goes on to talk about how there used to be animosity between him and Neville too, and how far the three have come from that time, fondly speaking about some memories of how their relationship progressed. He mentions how the cactus part of his gift is because of Neville's love for plants. 
His recounts are interrupted with a few curse words and slight yells of frustration as he tries to get the folds right. He knows he's going to have to edit these out later.
A few hours later, Draco pauses his filming, grumpy, hungry and upset. He's got the cacti alright, but he struggles to fold the flower pot. Along the way of his journey down memory lane, he was inspired to use one of the small candle holders that Harry had placed candles in during their anniversary dinner to use as a makeshift flowerpot. He threw in small stones that the three had collected from their vacation together at the beach.
4 days remaining, Draco tries again to fold the pot and succeeds. He studies his handiwork and can't help the gnawing feeling that this video special and the cacti gifts are inadequate. He's a perfectionist, and doubts if this is good enough for Harry and Neville.
The last few days before 31st, Draco spends miserably overthinking if his gift is ok and gives in and hits the shops to buy Neville actual exotic plants, throwing in a cactus as well. He buys cookbooks for Harry which include cuisines he mentioned he wants to give a try. Draco skims through the book and throws in seeds for some of the herbs needed for some recipes in the gift pile—they can grow those in their thriving garden.
Harry and Neville are delighted by his gifts, which Draco is relieved about. He's secretly sad about not being able to give them the origami cacti. Harry and Neville pick up on Draco's off mood, trying to lighten it with reassurances that his gifts are lovely and also with their usual banter. When it barely helps, Harry asks what's wrong, making a quip about Draco being as prickly as the cactus.
Draco snaps and fires back that he hopes Harry pricks his finger on the stupid cactus, and cacti are just hard to deal with, ok? Lord knows they gave him paper cuts when he— Draco stops talking, realising his slip up about the paper cut, stammering out a half-hearted cover up.
Harry and Neville pick up on it and realise that Draco must've got a paper cut while folding something. While Draco waves off their mild concern about the minor injury, they ask him if he'd actually folded a cactus too?
Draco hesitates before admitting that he did. He goes to retrieve the paper cacti, in their flower pots—one made of paper and one a makeshift pot using the candle holder—and sets them down in front of Harry and Neville, quietly explaining what he'd actually planned to do, and that he didn't think it was good enough. 
Neville cuts him off with a firm yet gentle reassurance about how Draco shouldn't doubt himself and his abilities, and how could he think that Harry and he wouldn't like anything Draco got them? The fact that Draco went through the whole process of making something for them made it all the more special. 
Draco is sniffling a bit and is largely relieved as he's enveloped in a hug from Neville and Harry. Harry lightly jokes that Draco is actually a softie, and he can't believe that Draco was going to keep this secret from them and they've got to watch his video now. Draco lets out a watery laugh as he smacks Harry's arm but agrees to show it to them.
The two absolutely melt over the video and suggest doing a cameo appearance at the end where Harry and Neville tease Draco about being a sap but also seriously say how much Draco's gifts and the man himself mean to them, and it's just a short soft session of the three reminiscing about the past a bit, light-hearted witty banter, and teary declarations of love.
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Image description: a picture of two origami cacti, one tall and one short, folded using green paper. The tall one on the left is placed in a candle holder with the quote 'Continue to keep the flame alive.' The cactus is surrounded by colourful pebbles in the candle holder. The short cactus on the left is placed in an origami pot folded using brown paper and a bit of the crushed cream coloured paper balls intended to resemble pebbles are peeking out from the pot.
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moondraconis · 4 years ago
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florist/tattoo artist au is so 2016. now we have sex shop owner/landscaper/cremator au — it’s the 2020s, babey 😎
for blissember day 15: rom-com! inspired by the destielputinelection mess 🤠🤟
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drarryruinedme7 · 4 years ago
okay... but...  drarryville??? i MUST know!!! please 🥺
Ahahah quite a few of you asked about this @eva-eleanore and @caroll-in looking at you👀 you must know drarryville is my OT3, I discovered them thanks to @keyflight790 and my first and only drarryville is Discipline Is the Key to Success (read the tags throughly) — which I absolutely adored!!! 
So then I asked keyflight to give me a Drarryville prompt because I wanted to write something else but more light-hearted :3 This is kinda silly but I was loving writing it 🤣🤣
“I see the party’s not finished here.”
Harry didn’t have to open his eyes to recognise Malfoy’s drawl. Neville froze under him, quickly scooting back and pushing Harry away.
Harry turned to scowl at Malfoy, who was leaning against the doorframe. Was… wow, was Malfoy really flushing? How long had he been there?
“Like what you see, Malfoy?” Harry spit back, just because he still liked to rile him up, even if they signed the truce at the beginning of their eighth year and were on kind of… friendly terms lately.
Neville huffed next to Harry, murmuring, “Harry, please,” when Malfoy crooked his head, an amused smile on his face.
“Sure, it’s just... new. Neville here confessed only a couple of hours ago that he has never kissed anyone, so—”
Realisation downed on Malfoy’s face and he clapped his hands as his eyebrows scooted up towards his hairline. “Oh, oh! Please Longbottom, don’t tell me this is an ‘oh I’ll teach you how to kiss’ situation!”
At that Harry and Neville exchanged a look, heat quickly spreading on their cheeks. Malfoy seemed pleased when he spoke again. “Oh Lord. Well, Potter’s definitely not the guy you’re looking for. A very bad kisser. Or so they say. You should have asked me!”
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aibidil · 5 years ago
OK listen you all know my longstanding desire for Zach Miko as Neville Longbottom.
Look what Zach just posted on his ig:
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Please consider: drarryville, and Neville shows up in this one evening
Please tell me your take on Harry and Draco's reactions
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hptruefan-cheekytorah · 5 years ago
Do you remember
—that time when when Harry and Draco were making faces at each other during their O.W.L. Charms practical, and Draco got so distracted he smashed a wine glass.
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The Trans Potter Auction
Hi, hello! 
We’re glad you’re her. We are guessing that you found your way to us because you are - understandably so - outraged, hurt and absolutely disgusted by what the author-who-must-not-be-named has recently put out on her twitter feed. 
As are we!
For that reason, we have decided to sell/auction off our Harry Potter Merch! Not because we want to get rid of it necessarily, but because we feel that helping and supporting trans rights (and especially black trans rights) is more important than having 45 house mugs. 
Here is what we do:
- we post our merch on here and then YOU can make a bid (send us a message or comment how much you would be willing to give) 
- you can either send us the money directly via PayPal or donate to the charity directly (please note: the prices are without shipping. As much as we’d love to send you the merch for free, we cannot afford it so we would have to check how much shipping would cost to your place and that would go on top of your price. Which we would need via PayPal as to be able to use it for shipment)
- we will then send you the merch via post and donate 100%(minus the shipping) of the proceeds to our charities of choice (you will find them if you scroll down a bit!)
Which Charities are we going to donate to?
- Mermaids UK
- Black Pride UK
- The Trevor Project 
How long will this auction be online for?
We are planning to sell as many things as we can until the 31st of July (Happy Birthday, Harry!) And will donate the proceeds on this day (and of course share the receipts with you)
We would be so so so happy if you would parttake in this and/or share it with your followers! Let’s show the world what Harry Potter stans are made of! Potterheads for Trans lives, can I get an amen?
Thank you!
xx, CallMeHopeless & friends
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cassiaratheslytherpuff · 5 years ago
Kinktober Week 2
Day 7 - Aphrodisiacs
Pairing: Drarryville
Summary: The plant looks innocent enough, Harry thinks, though what Neville had said the evening before still rings in his ears. "Do not, under any circumstances, eat the berries. You'll be crazy with want." Harry thinks he doesn't want anything more than being crazy with want.
Day 8 - Hate-Fucking
Pairing: Dron
Summary: Draco can’t help the shiver that goes through him. He hates Weasley, he really fucking does, and yet… Something about fucking someone he loathes as much as the ginger in front of him seems temptingly wrong. Wrong in the way that makes his cock ache and his skin tingle.
Day 9 - Bondage
Pairing: Drarry
Summary: "Malfoy. Want to pair up?"Malfoy's eyes widened and Harry grinned.
"With me?" he asked, looking bewildered.
"Yeah. I've been waiting for you to make a move, but I only have so much patience."
Malfoy smirked. "Lack of patience might make bondage hard."
"Or it'll make it brilliant," Harry argued. 
Day 10 - Hair-Pulling
Pairing: Drarry
Summary: Harry’s mouth fell open in a soft gasp as Draco’s fingers tightened a little in his hair. “I like that. Your hand in my hair, I mean. It feels good when you pull it. And I like kneeling for you like this. I like that you’re in control.”
Day 11 - Object Insertion
Pairing: Romione
Summary: Hermione sighs, turning over in bed and rubbing at her clit in slow strokes. She always misses Ron when he’s off on long Auror missions, but today’s a particular challenge because she’s so horny she can hardly breathe.
Day 12 - Rimming
Pairing: Scorbus
Summary: "I dreamed that I held you down and fucked you with my tongue until you were so far gone you couldn’t even beg for my cock anymore. It was so hot Albus, fuck. By the end, you were dripping with spit, come and lube, and so fucking spent you fell back asleep.”
Day 13 - Creampie
Pairing: Drarry
Summary:The mirror fogs as Harry breathes heavily against it. He’s on his hands and knees, moaning and gasping as Draco fucks into him. In the mirror Harry can see the man behind him, biting his lip and thrusting his hips hard and fast. 
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upthehillnsfw · 6 years ago
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Neville x Draco x Harry for @keyflight790​ and the @growing-neville​ fest! ☆  Chris has also written a fic for this piece - make sure to check it out here! :)
Full version on Pillowfort / on AO3
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curlyy-hair-dont-care · 3 years ago
@microficmay Day 29: Saturninity + Alt 2: Crisp
Neville is responsible for bringing them back into each other's lives- College sweethearts who'd drifted away.
And yet, Neville can't understand why he feels so saturnine. He's done the right thing, afterall.
He's out on the bench, breathing in the crisp evening air, fiddling with his cuffs, trying to clear his mind when he hears cheers and fireworks go off. Must be midnight. Gran always said, 'A wish made at midnight always comes true.' He closes his eyes and wishes. Warm breath ghosts his cheeks. Soft lips press into them. His eyes flutter open to find Harry and Draco flanking him, with identical soft smiles
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postjentacular · 3 years ago
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Quietening The Brats
Kinkuary 2022 Day 1: Gagging
Author: postjentacular
Word count: 960
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Neville Longbottom/Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Warnings/Enticements: Gags, Oral Sex, Face-Fucking, Dom Neville Longbottom, Light Choking, a dab of humiliation
Summary: Neville's brats had been bickering all day; the poor man just wants some quiet (and cock sucking)
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keyflight790 · 5 years ago
Top 5 favorite fanfics (that you wrote)
Oh my lovely friend, thank you for this ask!!!
Favourite Drarry: I just want to be fucking, happy? (E, 10k, Drarry)
Favourite Dron: Checkmate (E, 4k, Dron)
Favourite Triad: Small Comforts (E, 3k, Drarryville)
Favourite Rarepair: Tugging on my Heart(strings) (E, 2.5k, Herbtamer)
Favourite Femslash: Chance (E, 3k, Pansmione)
Thanks for the ask Cissy!
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jisungjuice · 5 years ago
Drarryville(Draco/Harry/Neville) and🌸? Thank you!
🌸  Headcanons
The sweetest relationship 
Though, there’s always room for angst
Draco still struggles to believe he deserves Neville and Harry after everything that happened between them in school
And they all have their own trauma and problems to work through, but despite everything they have made it work
Draco is fiercely protective of them and jumps at any chance to defend them
Harry tries to be the rock in the relationship and hold everything together even when it seems difficult
Neville it’s just... so head over heels in love with them, he’d do anything for them
As three Hogwarts professors, they’re lucky to be so close to one another all the time, but it’s still hard to have a private life when you’re in school all the time
They still try and despite having separate offices and bedrooms, they also have a place for the three of them where they can be together whenever possible
McGonagall is 100% supportive and tries to make them comfortable
Hagrid has them over for tea at least once a week
The students, in general, don’t really know they’re together so it makes for some hilarious misunderstandings
“I saw Professor Longbottom and Professor Potter leave Professor Malfoy’s office yesterday.”
“Oh I bet they planned a nasty prank on him. My brother says they’re still rivals but pretend to be friends for our sake.”
They take regular trips to Hogsmeade to meet with friends and family
And some nights they sneak out of the castle to have dates by the lake or in the forbidden forest
They think no one ever notices and just love acting a bit reckless and feel young again
McGonagall knows, though. She sees everything. But she lets them have their fun even if they break a school rule or two
After all, they deserve it
Send me poly asks!
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