💛Throw kindness like confetti💛
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Ri | 18+ | Hufflepuff | she/her | HP | Devours fanfics | I write sometimes | DP: gifted by the lovely @crazybutgood
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curlyy-hair-dont-care · 2 hours ago
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Happy Remus day 💫
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curlyy-hair-dont-care · 6 hours ago
Slide | 583 words | @wolfstarmicrofic
"Oh no." Sirius heard an echoing voice from within the slide. "Fuck, I'm stuck."
He slapped a hand over his mouth, trying not to laugh as he picked Harry up.
A little boy was peering down the slide in front of Sirius. "Daddy, what's wrong?"
"Don't worry Ted, it's fine. It's just a little small."
The kid's lip did that little pre-cry lip wobble. "I sa-- sa--"
"No, no, darling it's okay. It's all right. Daddy's just a little to big to do the slide."
Sirius didn't know whether to laugh or help.
Well when the kid burst into tears, his mind was made up for him. "Oh, hey, hey, Teddy, right?" Sirius bent down with Harry still on his hip. He was currently wiggling around, but what if this kid got stolen or something because his father somehow got stuck in a slide.
"Stranger! Daddy! Daddy! Stranger!" He was taught well at least.
"Oh, no! I'm not a stranger. I know your Dad. I'm Sirius, like the star in the sky."
The man in the slide probably was horrified his kid would be kidnapped. "Um... yeah Sirius! Teddy, I know Sirius from work. It's okay. Silly Remus, getting stuck in the slide."
"Man Remus, always doing silly things, huh?" Sirius set Teddy down. "Here, how about you hold Harry's hand. He's my nephew. And you two will be buddies so I can help your Dad." Sirius set Harry on his feet.
Harry looked up at the older boy and then latched on to him. Hmm, maybe Sirius needed to work on stranger danger. Anyway...
"Hey, mate, are you closer to the bottom or top of the slide?"
"Ah, bottom, I can see the opening... just can't get there." He laughed awkwardly.
"Okay. Teddy, Harry, we're going down to the bottom of the slide. Teddy, have you done the fireman pole before? It's pretty cool."
The kid nodded before he started for the pole. Sirius followed after him, picking Harry back up. Teddy was already down on the ground by the time Sirius got to the pole -- which he managed to slide down holding Harry. He had managed to getting good at a lot of things holding Harry somehow.
"To the front of the slide!" Sirius led the way to the slide. "Harry, Teddy, you're going to stand right here." Sirius pointed with his toe to a spot right next to the slide. He figured he would be able to keep an eye on them there.
"Okay." Teddy nodded and took Harry's hand again once he was set down.
Sirius looked up the slide and he could see the man's long legs. "Can you move at all?"
Remus' hum echoed in the plastic slide. "A little. I think if you pulled my legs, I should be able to get out."
"All right then." He gripped both of Remus' ankles then pulled
It felt like he was starting to move. "Can you push?"
"Yeah, yeah."
Sirius gave one more hard yank and Remus was freed. But maybe the yank was a bit too hard because Sirius ends up on his ass with Remus on to of him. Oh. He was cute.
"Thanks." The man was breathing hard. "Let me buy you and your kid ice cream as a thanks."
"ICE CREAM!" Teddy shouted as he and Harry ran over to them as Remus stood up. "Daddy!"
"Yeah. I could go for an ice cream." Sirius grinned, noticing the man didn't have a wedding ring.
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curlyy-hair-dont-care · 10 hours ago
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my lovely gays.
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curlyy-hair-dont-care · 14 hours ago
hey sexy. I can tell by the frequency of your blog updates that you are once again avoiding it all
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curlyy-hair-dont-care · 18 hours ago
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(Okay, this is the THIRD try. Tumb, please, don't block me🙏)
Drаrry's essence is for you🤍
C0mss for @ghostofnoir 🙇
My favorite artwork to date🥹
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curlyy-hair-dont-care · 22 hours ago
Sometimes I love the internet, actually. Incomprehensibly huge place but also so small. Saw a video on Instagram where Crayola was announcing they’re coming out with a box with some limited edition previously retired colors, including Dandelion. This video had hundreds of comments and almost all of them where “omg where’s the dandelion crayon girl she’s going to be so happy” and it was such an unimportant thing, but it was just cute
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curlyy-hair-dont-care · 1 day ago
Lady of shallot. Lady of onion. Lady of garlic. Lady of chives.
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curlyy-hair-dont-care · 1 day ago
Ice Breaker
For @drarrymicrofic prompt: ice
"Alright. I'm heading out." Ron stood from the table, leaving Harry and Draco looking at him bewildered.
"It's been five minutes, mate," Harry furrowed his brow.
"Yep! I'm leaving. You've been Parent Trapped." Ron grinned and did finger-guns at them. Harry groaned, his cheeks flushing.
Draco looked even more confused. "What does that mean?"
"It's a Muggle movie," Harry said, narrowing his eyes at Ron. "Mate, what the—"
"I'm tired of this." Ron hardened his jaw, placed both palms down on the table to lean over them, and tried to give them both his best Intimidating Auror look. "I hear you—" he pointed at Draco, who blushed—"pining and going on about him at work. And you—" he pointed at Harry, who blushed even more, "pining and going on about him outside of work and I can't take it anymore!" He huffed. "So. This is a date. I've broken the ice. You're both welcome. Goodbye."
With that, Ron turned and walked out of the pub, whistling happily, acting as if he was leaving Harry and Draco to their own devices.
Once he was outside, however, he ducked behind the windows, rushing around the side until he was certain he wouldn't be noticed. Then, he stayed crouching down but slowly rose up and peeked through the window.
It hadn't taken long. They were already smiling at one another. Harry slid his hand across the table and Draco laced their fingers together.
Ron grinned to himself, straightened up, and continued home. His work there was done.
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curlyy-hair-dont-care · 1 day ago
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aww, i love myself too
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curlyy-hair-dont-care · 2 days ago
written for @drarrymicrofic prompt: ice
wc: 120 | no warnings
"I can’t believe I used to think of you as the Ice Prince of Slytherin," Harry chuckles.
"Of course, you did," Draco murmurs. He pulls at his sleeves, covering his hands completely, as he holds the sparkling rainbow mug of hot cocoa.
"That’s what I wanted you to think." He pushes his bare feet further under Harry’s bum. 
Harry tucks a stray lock of soft blond hair behind Draco’s ear. Draco leans into his touch, closes his eyes. 
There’s a little bit of whipped cream on Draco’s upper lip. He leans in to kiss it off.
"I like you a lot better like this," Harry murmurs against soft lips. 
"Mhm," Draco hums, blushing a gentle shade of pink. "Me too."
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curlyy-hair-dont-care · 2 days ago
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Spiderman kiss>>>>>
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curlyy-hair-dont-care · 2 days ago
"Education" - Jegulus microfic @into-the-jeggyverse - 307 words
“Reggie,” James whined from where he was sitting on the bed.
“James, I need you to stop,” Regulus sighed, putting down his pen and leaning back in his chair.
James moved to stand behind him, heavenly hands resting on Regulus’s tense shoulders and gently massaging them. Regulus let out an unintentional moan at the feeling. He had been studying for the last five hours for an upcoming exam, only getting up to go to the bathroom. James, the fucking godsend he was, had been bringing him food and drinks, knowing Regulus himself would forget.
James’s mouth started moving in tandem with hands and Regulus knew he was fucked. His boyfriend’s lips targeted the spot on Regulus’s neck, just below his jaw, that always unravelled him, made him squirm and let James do whatever he wanted. Which is why, before he could get there, Regulus pushed James away.
“No,” Regulus said sternly. “I’m working.”
“Yes, and you’ve been working for hours, angel,” James pointed out, reaching for Regulus’s hand. “Sleep is important. So is hanging out with your boyfriend. Who you love. And who loves you. And who is very tired of the empty bed.”
“My education is also important,” Regulus added.
“More important than me?” James asked with a playful pout, wrapping his arms around Regulus’s neck and kissing his head, his cheek, his jaw, whatever he could reach. 
“Yes,” Regulus breathed out, his hands instinctively moving to grip James’s arms, nails digging in.
“See, I’d be upset,” James told him, kissing his jaw before continuing, “if I believed you.”
Regulus did not protest this time, just let himself lean into James. He really was tired…
Regulus was sure that James Potter would be the downfall of his education. He wasn’t sure he minded, and hated himself a little bit for how soft he had let himself become.
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curlyy-hair-dont-care · 2 days ago
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thinking about @littlewinnow drarry profs...
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curlyy-hair-dont-care · 2 days ago
dungeons - jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - word count: 341
Of all the places to have Prefects' Rounds, Remus hated the dungeons the most. He'd never tell any of his friends this, of course, but he found the whole place creepy. The looming shadows, the dripping stone ceilings, the unidentifiable noises...he'd rather be assigned anywhere else. Of course, the Head Boy and Girl currently hated him because of all of the times he was 'sick' and had to skip Rounds, so he ended up assigned in the dungeons quite a lot.
Even worse, tonight Lily was actually sick, so he was doing his patrols alone.
Grumbling and reminding himself that he was a bloodthirsty monster himself, that he had no reason to be afraid of the dark, he walked through the dim corridors and made a note to himself to talk to his friends about pulling a prank on the Head Boy and Girl as revenge. Maybe James-
"AHH!" he yelled in surprise before jumping back, heart thrumming in his chest as he strained his eyes to figure out who, or what, he'd run into in the dark.
"Ah!!" Someone far too familiar yelled back, flailing his arms wildly and letting out high-pitched noises.
It only took Remus a few seconds to figure out who it was. "James?" He asked incredulously, narrowing his eyes. "What're you-who's behind you?"
He watched in wonder as Regulus Black walked out from behind James, looking like he wanted to melt into the very ground they were standing on.
"What the fuck?" he mumbled, completely taken aback. "What are you two doing down here together?"
"We just ran into each other!" James said loudly, eyes wide.
Which would have been an acceptable excuse if Regulus had not said at the exact same time, "Going to practice brewing a Potion," before turning bright red.
It was then that Remus's wandlight flashed over Regulus's neck, where a lovebite was visible. "Holy shit," he whispered, mouth falling open.
"It's...not what it looks like?" James asked, completely unconvincing.
Remus could only laugh. Perhaps Rounds in the dungeons weren't so bad.
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curlyy-hair-dont-care · 2 days ago
"smile for me, moony"
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curlyy-hair-dont-care · 3 days ago
"I can't believe I’ve been rambling this long," Sirius said, his eyes widening in horror as he noticed the sky deepening into dusk. A flush crept up his cheeks as he turned to Remus, sheepish. "You must’ve been so bored."
Remus’s gaze softened. "I adored you."
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curlyy-hair-dont-care · 3 days ago
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sintahan. belated valentines
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