I've Been Taeken
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taeken-my-heart · 6 months ago
Just popping back on for a moment because I neeed validation in my excitement 😂😅 Anyone know Josh and Ollie from KoreanEnglishman? Ran into them today in London and I’ve got no one to tell! I said hi to Ollie and he was kind enough to wave goodbye when they left (with Josh and Luke who were not with Ollie when I said hi), but otherwise I left them alone.
Please someone be excited with me 😂
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taeken-my-heart · 11 months ago
Hi! How are you? It's been so long since we have known about you, I hope that everything is going well 💜
Everything is great! My scans are good, the tumors are mostly gone and so now it’s just maintenance. I’m actually in Korea right now so feeling really happy! I hope you’re well anon. 💜
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taeken-my-heart · 11 months ago
It's nice to hear from you that you feel much better. I hope you are healthier in the future as well. Praying for a fast recovery 🙏
I have no idea when you sent this in, but thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers! I’ve had many miracles in my life. Because it’s stage lV cancer I’ll have to take medicine for the rest of my life, BUT last time I got a scan the tumors were almost completely gone. I’m getting another scan in May so we’ll see how that goes ❤️❤️ So far my prognosis is really good!
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taeken-my-heart · 2 years ago
Hello, I hope you're doing well, I send you a big hug 🫂💜
Thank you lovely! I'm sending you a hug as well 💜 I'm doing well. Two of my four tumors are gone and the other two are really tiny! I finished chemo back in May and now my hair is growing back. Summer is a great time to have very little hair, haha.
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taeken-my-heart · 2 years ago
Sending you love, comfort, happiness and motivation 💛💛💛💛💛
Thank you so much, anon! I've got my next chemo infusion tomorrow so definitely needed! 💜💜💜
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taeken-my-heart · 2 years ago
In case you're forgotten,
Your posting stuff makes me smile 💓💓💓💓💓🥺
I'm so happy to hear this 🥰🥰🥰 Thank you! 💜💜💜
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taeken-my-heart · 2 years ago
If you’re reading this please be nice to yourself today because you do matter 💜 be happier and healthier 🌻
Love you sweet anon 💜💜 You take care of yourself as well!
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taeken-my-heart · 2 years ago
hi nora! i know you don't really write anymore but i periodically come back and read moirai since it's one of my favorite stories. i just saw the news about your health and i'm wishing you well! i have so much faith and confidence that you will beat this thing! i'm rooting for you babe!!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
I'm so happy to hear that! I've thought about coming back and editing Moirai so that there aren't so many mistakes etc. At the time I was just impatient to get out the chapters and didn't edit as much, but so far I've left it as is. So I'm happy to hear you still love it.
I'm still writing, though! Right now I'm working on a fantasy novel that I've had in mind for many years and feeling excited about it.
Thank you for the well wishes! At my last appointment my oncologist said my original tumor has shrunk by half so there's some good news for you 💜 I'm a believer in God and feel very confident He will heal me of this disease. Too much life left to live!
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taeken-my-heart · 2 years ago
Hi Nora, I hope that you're feeling better! I was thinking about a fanfic from you, the one where Hobi is our bff and we love him but he loves our sister. It was so sad but I just love it! I will always be grateful with you because you introduced me to the world of fanfiction 💜
I'm so glad you like that one! Angst is hard for some people so I wasn't sure who was going to like it, but I loved writing it. Thank you for sending me this sweet message 💜💜
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taeken-my-heart · 2 years ago
i missed your news, i'm sorry that i'm just now seeing it. i hope everything goes off to a good start tomorrow, i'll be thinking about you 💜
Thank you, sweet friend! I'm hoping so too 😅 Feeling nervous and dizzy today. The site where they put my port is really hurting this morning but not much I can do until it heals. By the way, love the new name!
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taeken-my-heart · 2 years ago
i hope you’re well and healthy. i hope you’re able to stay strong through your hard times and that you have lots of support :)
moirai was honestly one of the first (if not the first) bts fanfic i read years ago and it got me interested in fanfics in general and eventually got me to the point of posting my own stories so just know that it’s a story i cherish!
lots of happiness to you
I'm so happy to hear this and thank you for the well wishes! I start chemo tomorrow and am cutting my hair tonight. Dreading it. Hope you're well!
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taeken-my-heart · 2 years ago
Hello Nora, how are you doing? I am not sure how to start but well, first I hope for your complete recovery from cancer and you to be completely free from it, I had no idea, you are in my mind..
Secondly, I would like to express my appreciation to your writing, of course, this is not a priority for you and I don't intend by anyway to push, I just mean to say how I appreciate your mind, I would like to say that Morai is one of my favorites soulmate aus (my favorite genre), I love how you made it, I love the complexity of Jk and y/n! I love how sweet you made it!!!
Another story of yours I am in love with is Revenant, you have such a gift for comedy, really! I am waiting for this 12 hours connection more than 36 hours without any sleep in the airport and you made it fun, I was giggling because of you, you shift my mood for the better, you are really funny... I loved it so much!
I read Morai from time to time and I recently found your tumblr... I hope your days are good, and I pray for you healthy... I hope you all the very best 💜
Hello sweet heart! Thank you for such kind words 💜 It's been a rollercoaster of many doctors appointments over the past two months and many more to come, but I'm hanging in there.
I'm so glad my stories bring you joy and help you pass time well. I hope you had a safe flight ✈️
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taeken-my-heart · 2 years ago
Also, I just need to reblog this real quick because I cannot. He's drool worthy.
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taeken-my-heart · 2 years ago
my fucking god I hope u are doing well, i don't really know you but i did enjoy ur writing a lot, hope everything turns for the better and that you can beat fucking cancer🤟 all my good energy to you💜🙏🏼
Love you sweet anon! I have all the faith in the world that it'll all work out ok. 💜💜
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taeken-my-heart · 2 years ago
Hello! Probably surprised to see me in your feed, huh? 😂😅 Well, I've just come to let you all know that I've been diagnosed with breast cancer but am doing well 💪🏻 If you're going through tough times in your life, just know you're not alone and it will get better!
Love to you all ❤️❤️
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taeken-my-heart · 2 years ago
Hope you’re doing well darling! Was thinking of you today! 💗
Missing you! 😘😘
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taeken-my-heart · 4 years ago
I will miss you so much, your fics introduced me into the world of fanfiction. Hope the best for you 💜💜
I'm already follow you on AO3, you're a great writer 💜
I will miss you too! This has been such a great place to be and to write. I’ve had so many doubts about this decision, haha, but I think it’s for the best. Definitely reach out and say hi on ao3 (or even wattpad) anytime you want! <3
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