#dragon 017
httyd-art-requests · 8 months
Hii!! I absolutely adore your artstyle. I’d like to request a flightmare, I love them SO much. 💙💙
Hii! ^^ Thank you so much and thank you for being here 🩵 Ngl I'm very very happy with this one, making things glow or sparkle (or both) is just always a fun time
Dragon #17 - Flightmare
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(He looks like he's doing lizard push ups and it makes me very happy)
210 notes · View notes
draconicdaily · 8 months
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36 notes · View notes
dragon-a-day · 8 months
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the potato harvesters
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ohisms · 4 months
↪     𝑺𝑬𝑻𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺 , HISTORICAL 〳 FANTASY edition !   (  a  collection  of  25  settings  based upon the period 〳 fantasy genres ; meant  to  inspire  drabbles  or  be  used  as  prompts . WILL be updated .   )
001. the interior of an elegant carriage .
002. seated at a large dining table set with an elaborate meal .
003. the shadowy corner of a lively tavern .
004. the top of a light house during a raging storm .
005. along the dimly lit corridor of a large manor .
006. the damp , dark brig of a pirate ship .
007. the ruins of an ancient structure lost to time .
008. a theater hall brimming with attendees .
009. the bustling streets of a market town .
010. a sun - drenched vineyard .
011. along a boardwalk overlooking the sea .
012. a moonlit cemetery full of weathered graves .
013. on horseback , deep in the woods .
014. a luxurious drawing room smelling of tea .
015. a sprawling dragon roost , hidden atop craggy mountain peaks .
016. a war - torn battlefield .
017. a beautiful cathedral bustling with churchgoers .
018. within a crammed opera box during a performance .
019. an elegant tearoom serving afternoon refreshments .
020. a lakeside pavilion on an especially hot day .
021. a sprawling network of underground catacombs .
022. a hidden glade in the middle of the woods .
023. the deep , dark dungeon of a castle .
024. a market square full of fruit and fineries .
025. a baker's shop smelling of wonderful pastries .
026. the quiet stables of a large estate .
027. on the outskirts of a magnificent water fountain .
028. in a dimly lit library , hidden amongst the books .
029. among the high walls of a hedge maze .
030. at the front desk of a warm , homey inn .
031. under the protection of a gazebo as it rains .
032. on the landing of a busy train station .
033. a gambling hall alight with raucous laughter and drink .
034. a pristine infirmary , mostly empty .
035. on board a huge ship making a long voyage .
+   20  more  setting  prompts :    6 / 01 / 2024
036. in a sunlit garden adorned with blooming flowers .
037. at the edge of a serene forest lake under a starry sky.
038. within a quiet corridor of a castle during a lavish ball .
039. in a bustling blacksmith's forge , sparks flying .
040. on a rocky cliffside overlooking a vast ocean .
041. in a quaint village square during a festival .
042. within a secret chamber hidden behind a bookshelf .
043. in the grand atrium of a luxurious hotel .
044. along a narrow brick alleyway in a crowded town .
045. within a busy marketplace in a desert town .
046. on a tranquil beach at sunrise .
047. in a cozy cottage with a crackling fireplace .
048. at the helm of a majestic airship soaring through the clouds .
049. in a grand library filled with ancient tomes .
050. on a bustling harbor dock as ships come and go .
051. within a magical forest where the trees glow softly .
052. in an apothecary's shop filled with herbs and potion .
053. at a secluded cabin by a dangerously quick river .
054. within the opulent throne room of a powerful ruler .
055. in an enchanted glade where fairies dance in the moonlight .
742 notes · View notes
novaursa · 1 month
Where Honor Burns
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- Summary: After the tragedy Above the God's Eye, you decided to go to King's Landing, in hope to prevent more bloodshed. Even if it means your death.
- Paring: targ!reader/Gwanye Hightower
- Note: reader is referred to as Y/N, is younger sister of Rhaenyra and was bonded with Silverwing. These events happen right after The Chains We Break. To read all parts in chronological order visit my blog. The list is pinned to the top. Also, in this AU Rhaenyra never sized King's Landing.
- Rating: Explicit 18+
- Word count: 5 017
- Tag(s): @deniixlovezelda @duck-duck-goose2 @aadu2173 @holdingforgeneralhugs @sachaa-ff
- A/N: you guys liked this so much I've decided to push next part out early again, since I have the entire thing finnished already for some time and I feel unfair to keep it from you, as it's very well recived series. There will be one more part of this posted, then it's done. Enjoy. ❤️
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The day dawns with gray skies, heavy with the weight of impending rain, as if the gods themselves mourn what has been lost. You stand at the edge of Dragonstone’s cliffs, fingers tightening around the rough parchment in your hand. The inked words smudge slightly from the salt in the air—or perhaps it is the tears you refuse to shed.
Daemon is dead.
The news is sharp and bitter on your tongue, like ashes. You should feel grief, yet what blooms in your chest is nothing more than an emptiness edged with relief. Daemon’s death severs the last frayed threads binding you to him, a marriage that was doomed from the moment it began. The years of ambition, control, and quiet disdain have left scars deeper than any sword could carve. The day you and Rhaenyra agreed to release Gwayne to Otto—sealed your doom as Daemon’s wife. He never forgave you for that. 
The sound of footsteps draws you from your thoughts. Vaeron approaches, his brow furrowed, his usually confident stride hesitant. He’s grown into a fine young man—strong and determined, the fire of Old Valyria running hot in his veins, a fire that no doubt still confused him, born as he was not of Daemon’s blood but of Gwayne’s. The tension between them had only worsened in recent months, yet Vaeron was still the same boy Daemon had taken under his wing, raising him as his own.
“Mother,” Vaeron’s voice is tight, the pain behind it unmistakable. “Is it true?”
You nod, unable to bring yourself to repeat the words. “Daemon and Aemond both perished above the Gods Eye.”
He inhales sharply, running a hand through his hair, full with the silver of his true heritage. “He was a fool to challenge Aemond alone,” he murmurs, but there is no triumph in his voice, only a deep-seated sorrow. Despite everything, Vaeron still sought Daemon’s approval, still yearned for some semblance of affection from the man who had twisted the role of father into something cruel and cold. 
You reach out and place a hand on his shoulder, feeling the tension beneath his skin. “He made his choice, just as we all have,” you say, your voice soft yet firm. “This war has gone on long enough. Too much blood has been spilled, and more will be if we do nothing.”
Vaeron’s gaze sharpens as he looks at you, the young warrior ready for battle in his eyes, but beneath it lies uncertainty. “What are you planning, Mother?”
You straighten your back, steel in your voice as you declare, “I’m going to King’s Landing.”
The words hang in the air like a thunderclap. Vaeron’s eyes widen in shock, a flicker of fear quickly masked by anger. “You can’t! They’ll kill you the moment you set foot near the Red Keep. You’re the one who crippled Aegon at Rook’s Rest! They’ll flay you alive for that alone!”
A bitter smile touches your lips. “Perhaps. But we cannot keep hiding behind dragons and armies, waiting for a decisive blow that may never come. Rhaenyra has the right to the throne, but we cannot burn the realm to the ground for it. Someone must act before there’s nothing left to rule.”
“Mother, please,” Vaeron’s voice breaks with desperation now. “If not for yourself, then for me. You’re all I have left.” 
You feel the sting of tears prickling at the edges of your vision, but you blink them away. You’ve made your choice, and there is no room for doubt. You cup his cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin under your palm, and see the boy you once cradled as a babe, a child of love born in secret. “I am doing this for you, Vaeron. For you, and for the realm. The bloodshed must end, and if it is my life that brings peace, then so be it.”
He looks at you, eyes shining with unshed tears, his jaw clenched. “You can’t do this alone.”
“No,” you agree, your voice softening. “But I must be the one to start it.”
For a moment, neither of you speak. The wind howls around you, the sea crashing violently against the rocks below. Vaeron pulls away, shaking his head as if trying to ward off the inevitability of it all. “I’ll go with you,” he finally says, determination hardening in his voice.
You shake your head gently. “No, my son. You’re needed here. If things go wrong, Rhaenyra will need someone she can trust—someone with a clear head. You must protect your family, no matter what happens.”
He clenches his fists, trembling as he battles between wanting to protect you and knowing you’re right. “I hate this,” he whispers, his voice trembling. “I hate all of it.”
“So do I,” you reply, your voice breaking. “But sometimes, we must do what is necessary, even if it costs us everything.”
You lean forward, pressing a kiss to his brow, and for a fleeting moment, you allow yourself to hold him close, the way you did when he was small, and the world was far simpler. When you pull back, his face is set in a mask of determination, so much like yours when you were younger, filled with dreams and desires that have long since turned to ash.
“Stay strong, Vaeron. For our family. For the future.”
With that, you turn and walk back toward the fortress, your steps heavy with the weight of what you must do. Behind you, the wind carries the sound of your son’s quiet sobs, a painful reminder of all that this war has taken and what it will still demand before it is over. 
You do not look back. You cannot afford to.
You have a realm to save.
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King’s Landing reeks of decay, the stench of rot clinging to every breath. Gwayne Hightower stands on one of the parapets overlooking the city, the once-proud banners of the Greens fluttering lifelessly in the breeze. His gaze is fixed on the distant horizon, where storm clouds gather ominously, but his thoughts are elsewhere—always elsewhere. No matter how far he tries to distance himself from the past, it haunts him relentlessly, like a ghost that refuses to be exorcised.
It has been months since his return to the capital, and yet every corner, every shadow in this city, reminds him of her. Of Y/N. His beloved, and the sister of the woman the Greens have fought so bitterly to keep from the throne. He grips the stone ledge tightly, knuckles white as he remembers the day he was brought back, humiliated and paraded like a traitor, a stain upon his family’s honor. 
He had expected death. He would have welcomed it if it meant sparing him from the hollow gaze of Ser Criston Cole, who had demanded his execution for treason. The memory of Cole’s cold sneer, his self-righteous fury, still makes Gwayne’s blood simmer. The man had practically salivated at the thought of executing him, of making an example out of the “traitorous” Hightower who had saved Rhaenyra’s sister from the flames at Rook’s Rest. He would never regret that decision. Not for all the power, gold, or prestige in the world. 
But it was not Cole who held Gwayne’s fate. It was his father, Otto, and his sister, the Dowager Queen Alicent, who intervened, silencing Cole’s demands with a forceful refusal. Yet, they had not been merciful. No, they had allowed the rotting head of Silverwing to be mounted for all to see, a cruel display meant to drive a wedge deeper into Gwayne’s heart. Silverwing, Y/N’s dragon, who had died protecting her—left to wither and decay like a forgotten relic. It was an injustice that Gwayne bore like a festering wound, a humiliation barely concealed beneath the mask of duty.
He shuts his eyes, and her face comes to him unbidden—the softness in her eyes that had never wavered, not even in the face of Daemon’s cold disdain, or the harsh realities of war. He remembers the warmth of her hand in his, the way her voice had soothed the fear in his heart, even when the world around them was crumbling. How could he not have saved her that day? How could anyone expect him to do anything less when it was her life at stake?
The rustle of skirts and the subtle scent of lavender and rosemary pulls him from his reverie. Gwayne opens his eyes, finding his sister standing beside him, her expression unreadable. Dowager Queen Alicent still carries herself with the grace of a woman who has shouldered too much, yet refuses to break beneath the weight. Her once fiery determination has dulled into a cold resolve, a woman shaped by grief and loss, and the endless machinations of court.
“Brother,” she greets softly, her voice carrying the echoes of weariness. “It’s been too long since we spoke.”
He offers her a tight nod, forcing the tension from his jaw. “It has, Your Grace.” The formality is deliberate, a barrier between them. Though they share blood, the distance between them has grown insurmountable over the years. 
Alicent’s eyes flicker with something—regret, perhaps?—before she turns her gaze to the city below. “I’ve heard whispers that you’ve been restless of late. The men say you spend too much time brooding alone, staring into the distance as if searching for answers the gods have hidden from us.”
“I am where I am needed, as you and Father commanded,” he replies curtly, unwilling to entertain her probing. He knows what she’s doing. She’s always been good at drawing out what’s hidden beneath the surface, even when he wishes she wouldn’t.
She sighs softly, a sound filled with unspoken words. “You blame us for what was done to Silverwing.”
Gwayne’s grip tightens on the stone again. He doesn’t deny it. “It was a needless cruelty. She was a noble creature who died protecting her rider. Displaying her head like that—it was an insult to the memory of what she represented.”
“An insult, perhaps,” Alicent admits, her tone carefully measured. “But it was necessary. The people needed a symbol, something to remind them of the cost of defiance.”
He scoffs, bitterness curling his lips. “Defiance? Is that what you call saving someone I love?”
The admission slips out before he can stop it, the rawness of his emotions slicing through the air between them. Alicent’s eyes widen slightly, surprise momentarily breaking through her composed mask. But she recovers quickly, her gaze softening as she studies him. “You still think of her.”
“Every day,” Gwayne says quietly, the ache in his chest tightening. “I think of her every godsdamned day, and I regret nothing. You can have me stripped of titles, cast me into the black cells, and I would still choose to save her.”
For a long moment, there is silence between them, broken only by the distant clamor of the city below. Alicent’s eyes are misty as she watches him, her lips parting as if she’s searching for words that won’t come.
Finally, she speaks, her voice barely above a whisper. “Love makes fools of us all, Gwayne. It blinds us to what is prudent, to what is wise. I once knew a man who would have risked everything for love, but time and circumstance have a way of teaching us that such devotion often leads to ruin.”
Gwayne meets her gaze, defiance burning in his eyes. “Then let me be a fool, Sister. I would rather be a fool than a coward who sacrifices what is right for what is safe.”
A flicker of pain crosses Alicent’s face at his words, but she doesn’t flinch. “I pray that the choices you’ve made do not bring you to ruin, Gwayne. We’re all caught in this web of power and bloodshed, each of us trying to hold onto what little we have left.”
Her words linger, heavy with the weight of their shared burdens. Gwayne looks away, his heart still tethered to thoughts of Y/N, of what might have been had the world been kinder, had fate been less cruel.
But the world is what it is—a place of suffering, where even the most noble acts are punished and love is a weakness to be exploited. Yet, even knowing that, he would still choose her. Every time.
“I suppose it doesn’t matter now,” Gwayne says after a long pause, his voice thick with resignation. “Daemon and Aemond are dead. The game we’ve all played has grown cold, and soon it will be Rhaenyra or Aegon who claims the last move.”
“Perhaps,” Alicent murmurs, though her eyes are distant, as if she’s looking at something far beyond this moment. “But war has a way of devouring everything in its path. Whatever happens next, we must be ready.”
Gwayne doesn’t reply. His thoughts drift back to Y/N, to her strength and the resolve she must be clinging to now. He wonders where she is, if she’s safe, and if she ever thinks of him the way he thinks of her. 
But such thoughts are a luxury he cannot afford. He is here, bound by duty, trapped in a city where his only solace is the memory of what once was—and the unshakable knowledge that he would do it all over again, consequences be damned.
The clouds overhead break, and the first droplets of rain begin to fall. As the chill seeps into his bones, Gwayne turns away from the edge, leaving the ghosts of what might have been behind, even if they’ll never truly leave him.
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The streets of King’s Landing are thick with discord, and the air hums with the whispers of the crowds. The cobblestones are slick with grime and spilled wine as people press closer to watch, their eyes gleaming with morbid curiosity. The moment you arrived at the city gates, there was no ceremony, no dignity—only the iron grip of Ser Criston Cole’s men as they dragged you from your mount, jeering insults trailing in their wake.
“Look at the whore! Just like her sister!”
The words sting like poisoned arrows, yet you hold your head high, refusing to break. The crowd surges, pressing closer, feeding on the spectacle of your humiliation. You’ve been paraded through the streets like a common criminal, Cole’s grip never loosening as he drags you closer to the Red Keep, his eyes alight with vindictive satisfaction. It’s clear he’s been waiting for this moment, to claim victory over the woman —Rhaenyra— who once defied him and the family he serves so devoutly.
He stops abruptly before the gates of the Red Keep, turning to the gathered throng with a sneer curling his lips. “Behold! The dragon’s whore, sister to the pretender queen, come to grovel for mercy she does not deserve!” His voice carries, cold and mocking, inciting the crowd further. They howl their approval, eager for blood—yours or anyone else’s. It makes no difference to them.
But you do not bow your head. You meet Cole’s gaze with icy defiance, refusing to let him see how your heart hammers in your chest. The memories of Silverwing’s rotting head flash in your mind, a stark reminder of the cruelty that awaits you here. But you force yourself to stand tall. You’ve faced worse than this.
You’re brought into the throne room, where Alicent Hightower and her father, Otto, wait. Aegon’s absence is notable, but you know the reason. The rumors speak of his broken body, of his delirious cries as the milk of the poppy steals his sanity away. The once-proud king is now nothing more than a husk, a shadow of the tyrant he once was.
Alicent’s expression is tight with a mixture of weariness and caution, her eyes flicking between you and Cole as if assessing the weight of this confrontation. Otto stands beside her, his face carved from stone, every line etched with ambition and ruthlessness. It’s clear they intend to wring every ounce of leverage from this moment.
“You have a great deal of nerve coming here,” Otto begins, his voice clipped, “knowing the crimes you’ve committed against this family and this realm. You crippled the king, threw the Greens into disarray, and now you slink back like a beggar, expecting what? Mercy? Forgiveness?”
You square your shoulders, refusing to cower. “I came to end the bloodshed. How many more sons, brothers, and fathers must die before you realize that this war has no victors? Only ashes.”
Alicent’s eyes darken, the mention of sons clearly striking a nerve. She opens her mouth to speak, but before she can, the doors burst open, and Gwayne strides in, his face a mask of barely-contained fury.
“Enough of this!” he bellows, his voice reverberating through the chamber. He moves to rush toward you, but Cole steps forward, his hand already on the hilt of his sword, blocking Gwayne’s path.
“Stay back, Ser Gwayne. This is not your concern,” Cole snaps, his disdain for Gwayne evident in every word.
Gwayne’s eyes blaze as he turns his glare on Cole. “Not my concern? You dare speak to me of what concerns me when you’ve dragged the mother of my son through the streets like some common criminal? You’ve no right to degrade her like this!”
Otto’s eyes narrow at his son, but his voice remains calm, almost condescending. “You forget your place, Gwayne. This is not a matter for your heart to decide. The woman stands accused of treason, of crimes against the Crown.”
“I care nothing for your accusations, Father!” Gwayne’s voice cracks with the intensity of his emotions. “I will not stand by while you humiliate the woman I love—while you let her suffer when this war has already taken too much from all of us!”
There is a silence that follows his words, thick with the weight of what he’s just confessed. Alicent’s eyes widen slightly in surprise, her gaze softening with a flicker of sympathy as she studies her brother’s desperate expression. She’s lost so much—Aemond to the skies above the Gods Eye, Daeron at Tumbleton, and Aegon reduced to a broken shell. For a moment, her mask of cold resolve cracks.
“What would you have me do, Gwayne?” she asks quietly, almost pleading. “What resolution is there, when every path leads to more bloodshed?”
Gwayne takes a step forward, his voice gentler now, imploring. “Let me marry her. Let Viserys’ refusal be buried with him. If we end this cycle of vengeance, perhaps—just perhaps—we can stop this madness. Rhaenyra’s forces are strong, but even she tires of the bloodshed. The realm cannot survive more of this conflict.”
Alicent’s lips press into a thin line, uncertainty warring with her long-held beliefs. “Marrying her would be an insult to the Greens, to everything we’ve fought for. How can you ask me to allow such a union?”
“Because you’ve already lost two sons,” Gwayne says, his voice raw with pain. “Daemon is dead, and so is Aemond. Aegon is no longer fit to rule. You know it, Alicent. We’re fighting a war for a crown that no one truly wants anymore—not in the way it once mattered. The people starve, the dragons die, and for what? The Iron Throne is a curse, not a prize. Let there be peace. Let us find some measure of hope before it all crumbles to dust.”
His words hang heavy in the air, each one a plea, not just for your freedom, but for an end to the suffering that has stained this realm. Alicent looks away, tears glistening in her eyes as the truth of his words gnaws at her heart. 
Otto, however, is unmoved. “You would throw away every gain we’ve made for the whims of your heart? This woman’s marriage to Daemon was a slight to our family’s honor from the beginning. To accept her now would be to admit defeat.”
But before Gwayne can respond, Alicent raises a hand, silencing them both. Her voice is quiet, but it carries the full weight of her authority. “No, Father. Perhaps Gwayne is right. How much more can we lose before there is nothing left worth protecting?” Her gaze turns back to you, and for the first time, you see not just a queen, but a mother who has lost almost everything. “If there is a chance to end this, to save what remains of our families, then we must take it.”
Gwayne exhales shakily, relief flooding his features as he steps closer, his eyes locking onto yours. “Let me marry her, Alicent. Let this be the beginning of something better—something that might actually last.”
Alicent stares at you for a long, agonizing moment, weighing the choice before her. Then, finally, she nods, her voice laced with exhaustion. “Very well. The marriage will be sanctioned. But know this—if this decision leads to more chaos, more ruin, it will be on your head, Gwayne.”
Gwayne bows his head in gratitude, his voice thick with emotion. “Thank you, Sister.”
Cole steps back reluctantly, anger simmering in his eyes, but he knows better than to openly defy the queen. As the tension in the room finally begins to ease, Gwayne moves to your side, his fingers brushing against yours, a touch meant to ground you both after everything that has happened.
You meet his gaze, the storm of emotions within you barely held in check. This was not the path you envisioned, nor the life you had dreamed of, but it is the one before you now. And perhaps, in this fragile truce, there is a glimmer of hope—for your son, for Gwayne, and for the future you might yet carve from the ruins of war.
For now, you allow yourself the comfort of his presence, knowing that whatever comes next, you won’t face it alone.
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The room is dimly lit, the flickering light of candles casting dancing shadows on the stone walls. The scent of roses and herbs wafts through the air as the servants bustle around you, their hands quick but gentle as they prepare your bath. You can barely focus on their movements; your mind is still spinning from the events of the day, from the jeers of the crowd to the cold fury in Otto’s eyes. Your body aches, the cuts and scrapes from being dragged through the streets stinging sharply with every brush of fabric against your skin.
When you finally lower yourself into the steaming water, a hiss escapes your lips as the heat bites into your wounds. You bite down on the inside of your cheek to keep from crying out, determined not to show even the smallest sign of weakness. The water slowly works its way into your muscles, easing some of the tension, but your thoughts remain a tangled mess. You think of Vaeron, of what he must be feeling, and of Gwayne—the man who risked everything for you, who still fights for you.
The sound of the door creaking open draws your attention. You glance up, expecting one of the servants, but instead, you see Gwayne. His presence fills the room, his eyes blazing with barely-contained anger. The servants freeze, their hands mid-task, exchanging nervous glances.
“Out,” Gwayne says, his voice low and commanding.
The servants hesitate, torn between obeying their orders and respecting the strict instructions they’ve been given by Otto. But Gwayne steps forward, his gaze hardening. “I said out,” he repeats, more sharply this time.
The authority in his voice leaves no room for argument. The servants bow hastily, gathering their things and scurrying out of the room, leaving you alone with him. The door closes behind them with a resounding thud, and the room suddenly feels smaller, the air thicker.
You watch Gwayne as he strides toward you, his expression softening as he takes in the sight of you in the bath. But there’s still a dark fury simmering beneath the surface, a quiet rage barely held in check. He kneels beside the tub, his eyes raking over your body, lingering on the cuts and bruises that mar your skin. His jaw tightens as he reaches out, his fingertips grazing a particularly nasty scrape on your arm.
“They did this to you,” he murmurs, his voice trembling with barely-suppressed anger. “Cole did this to you.”
You can see the guilt in his eyes, as if he blames himself for not being there, for not stopping it before it happened. You reach out and touch his hand, trying to reassure him, but the moment your skin meets his, something shifts between you. The air grows thick with tension, a tension that has been simmering for far too long.
“Gwayne,” you whisper, but it’s all you manage to say before the words are stolen from your lips by the intensity in his gaze.
Without a word, he leans forward, cupping your face with both hands, his thumb brushing gently over your cheek. His touch is soft, almost reverent, but beneath it, you feel the tremor of barely-contained desire, of need and longing that has been held back for far too long. He moves closer, and you feel his breath against your lips, warm and ragged.
“I can’t bear seeing you like this,” he murmurs, his voice thick with emotion. “I can’t stand knowing what they did to you, how they hurt you.” His eyes darken, his expression raw. “You deserve so much more. You deserve everything, and all they’ve ever given you is pain.”
His words are laced with a desperation that pulls at something deep within you. You’ve both suffered so much, sacrificed so much, and yet, here you are, still drawn to each other with a pull that’s stronger than duty or fear.
You don’t know who moves first—whether it’s you or him—but suddenly his lips are on yours, and the dam that’s held back your desire for so long shatters. The kiss is not soft or tentative; it’s fierce, fueled by months of longing and years of denied affection. His hands cradle your face, and you respond with equal fervor, threading your fingers through his hair and pulling him closer.
The kiss deepens, turning frantic, as if you’re both afraid that if you stop, the world will tear you apart again. You can taste the salt of your own tears mingling with his as he kisses you with a passion that’s almost overwhelming. Your bodies move of their own accord, and before you know it, you’re both reaching for each other with a desperate urgency.
Gwayne pulls back just enough to catch his breath, his eyes searching yours, filled with a hunger that leaves no room for hesitation. “Let me have you,” he breathes, his voice husky. “Let me show you how much I need you.”
You nod, the words caught in your throat, and he rises to his feet, his eyes never leaving yours as he sheds his cloak and begins to unlace his tunic. You watch, your heart pounding, as he strips away the layers, revealing the body you’ve longed for, the one that’s haunted your dreams. There’s no more hesitation, no more fear—only desire, raw and unbridled.
He steps closer, helping you out of the bath, his hands warm against your damp skin. You undress him as he guides you toward the bed, your hands trembling with anticipation. The kiss is reignited the moment you’re close enough, fiercer now, more demanding. There’s no gentleness this time—only a primal need to feel each other, to claim and be claimed.
When he finally presses you down onto the bed, there’s nothing slow or tender about the way he moves into you. It’s not like the times you’ve been together before, where every touch was measured, every caress deliberate. This time, it’s raw, almost rough, driven by months of pent-up desire and longing. He thrusts into you with a desperation that makes you gasp, your body arching beneath him as you cling to him, meeting each of his movements with your own.
It’s frantic, unrelenting—a tangle of limbs and fevered kisses as you both give in completely to the storm that’s been brewing between you. Every thrust is a declaration, every kiss a vow unspoken. There’s no room for words, only the sounds of your shared pleasure, the feel of his body against yours as he takes you with a hunger that has no end.
You’re both lost in it, in the release of everything you’ve held back for so long. The tension, the heartache, the desire—it all spills out in this moment, leaving you breathless, trembling with the intensity of it all. You give yourself over to him completely, letting him take you in every way you were once denied, and he meets you with the same fervor, as if he’s been starving for you.
And then, in the midst of it all, you reach your peak together, a wave of pleasure crashing over you both. The world narrows down to this single, perfect moment—where there is no war, no crowns or thrones—just the two of you, lost in each other.
Afterward, you collapse against him, both of you breathless, your hearts pounding in tandem. Gwayne wraps his arms around you, pulling you close as you bury your face in the crook of his neck. He presses a lingering kiss to your hair, his fingers tracing lazy circles along your back.
“I should never have let you go,” he whispers, his voice filled with regret.
You lift your head, meeting his gaze, and for a moment, the world outside seems distant and unimportant. “You didn’t let me go,” you murmur, your fingers brushing over his lips. “We were both trapped by the choices others made for us. But now… now, we have a chance.”
His grip tightens around you, a silent vow in the way he holds you close. “I won’t let them hurt you again,” he promises, his voice low and fierce. “No matter what happens, you’ll never be alone. Not anymore.”
You close your eyes, letting yourself believe in that promise, even if it’s only for this fleeting moment.
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madelynraemunson · 11 months
(Book #1 of the Hellfire Gentlemen's Club series)
(strip club owner!eddie x fem!exotic dancer!hargrove!x reader)
𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐍 𝐀𝐔 18+ minors skiddaddle pls
Chapter 009: Nina
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There’s a new girl at Hellfire and Eddie is seemingly wrapped around her finger. Meanwhile, Max makes a shocking new discovery…
* = somewhat smut
** = smut
↳ chapters: 001, 002*, 003** , 004**, 005 , 006 , 007* , 008**, 009, 010, 011, 012* , 013**, 014**, 015, 016**, 017, 018, 019, 020*
word count: 3.8k words
disclaimers & warnings — ⚠️ this is a verrrryy emotionally intense chapter. pls read at your discretion ; generational curses, physical altercations, profanities, throwing objects, heated arguments, implications of suspected grooming, shy girl being delulu, lmk if anything else
“Shouldn't have to listen to the shit you say.”
"C’mon... COME ON!" Dustin roars in frustration. "What starts with a T and ends with a C?"
Slow Monday afternoons call for Wordle with the Party.
With little else to do in Hawkins on your day off, you find yourself situated at DRAGON’S BREATH with Steve, Dustin, and Jonathan’s younger brother Will.
Figuring out the last Wordle is a daunting task. Thankfully Argyle has been periodically swinging by, his emotional support nachos being the only thing keeping you from ripping out your hair.
"Tunic," Will suggests.
"Tonic," Steve contributes. "Like tonic water."
"Topic?" you pitch in. “Like Hot Topic.”
This is taking all of your last brain cells combined.
"Topic was one of them, Shy Girl,” Dustin sighs irritably. “I said that already.”
You raise your arms, surrendering. It seems you’ve poked the beast.
It’s been hard for you to focus anyway. The hot and heavy night you spent with Eddie a couple nights ago is taking up all the space of your dirty little mind.
You think of Eddie. His moans. The O-shape his mouth made as he chased his own pleasure on you. How full your pussy felt with just his three fingers pulsing in and out, and how full your mouth felt with Eddie's cock ramming the back of your throat with no mercy. The taste of him. How shocked he looked when you swallowed. How rough he was with you, but oh so thoughtful at the same time.
Truly an experience from another dimension. And you’re already fantasizing about the next time.
But you still want to keep it on the down low. Considering Eddie might still be seeing his Lady Friend, and you're still getting shagged by his roommate whenever he’s not home, you can't exactly get mad at him for texting someone who isn't you.
“Pssst,” you nudge Steve while the others brainstorm. “I think Eddie is talking to Nina again.”
Confusion sets in on Steve's face. He raises his eyebrows. “What?”
“Yeah,” you smirk, trying to pretend that it doesn’t hurt. “Saw a message exchange between them a couple days ago.”
“Who’s Nina?”
“Isn’t that the Lady Friend’s name?”
“No…” Steve shakes his head. “Lady Friend’s name was Heather.”
It really has you wondering now... who is Nina?
"Yeah, the kukris are cool huh?" you hear Eddie's soothing voice come into earshot.
Odd. He stopped coming in on Mondays, you thought.
"That's the cool thing about owning a business,” you hear Eddie explain. “You get to choose where the money goes, when it goes, how it goes — at least most of the time."
Where have you heard that before?
Then Eddie comes into view, with a girl walking very closely behind him.
She’s stunning, standing to be about five-foot-two with a youthful face, petite body, and straight, long jet-black hair. Both conventionally, and legitimately beautiful, the girl looks to be at least 20 years old, dressed in cream-colored Chuck Taylor's, tattered booty shorts, and a playful white off-the-shoulder blouse. Scattered fine-line tattoos ornament her body. Her makeup has been flawlessly painted on, her lash extensions a hybrid between voluminous and wispy. And because you’re from Southern California, you can spot lip injections from a mile away.
A new dancer.
"This is where you clock in," Eddie explains to her. "I'll be sure to get you your punch in code by the end of the week. Over at the lounge we have Will, Shy Girl, Steve, and Dustin. Hey guys!”
Now you know why it sounds familiar. You received a very identical run down when you first started.
You're too shocked to wave so you feign a smile at your new colleague. Also, Eddie is too quick for you to react.
"We call the hookah lounge Dragon's Breath," Eddie continues. "And main-stage-slash-tip-rail is called Vecna's Lair."
They walk over to VECNA'S LAIR and you crane your neck to watch.
You observe Eddie give the girl a very familiar run down of Hellfire, using his arms to talk and eyes to listen.
She laughs at Eddie's charm, as anyone would. They talk for a bit more before he walks, what looks like to you, a predatory circle around her — a lion and a gazelle — and then spins her. Then Eddie does something that just about snaps your heart in half.
“MWAH!” he exclaims. “You are gonna do great. I just know it.”
The verbal kiss. The spin. The drowning her in compliments. Everything he did with you.
If Eddie’s gonna do his job, could he at least make every interaction with his employees unique? It all makes you feel betrayed. As if you were just another number in the factory.
"Traitor." you hiss sharply under your breath.
You abruptly stand up to start towards Eddie, hands balled into fists at the blatant disrespect displayed in front of you. You feel sick to your stomach, skin seemingly dragon-green with envy.
"That’s seven letters not five!" Dustin calls after you.
Eddie sees you in his periphery and waves. For the sake of keeping the peace, the smile you exude is fake to him, but friendly to the girl next to him.
"Hey, Hargrove!" Eddie smiles. "We've got a new person on board."
"I see that!" you exclaim. "Hi, I'm Shy Girl."
"I'm Nina," she introduces herself with a bright smile. "It's nice to meet you."
You two shake hands. Nina is just darling. Her eyes are so kind and bright, full of wonder. Her energy is warm. For a second there she was making you nervous.
“Y-you gonna be starting with us soon?” you investigate.
“Yeah, I start on Friday!”
“First dancing gig?”
Eddie shoots you a look, almost as if what you said was disrespectful. It wasn’t your intention. You were just wondering, after all. Nina looks really, really young.
“Uh, no actually,” Nina smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’ve been dancing since I was 18. So two-ish years now.”
Your soul hurts.
Eighteen is just a baby. Twenty is a fresh adult. Nina is only a year older than the kiddos and can't even be near POTIONS without redirection from Henry.
Now you’re disgusted with Eddie. Why would he ever get so close to someone so young? You thought teenagers at Hellfire made him queasy. Nina is 20 now, but still. What would she have in common with a 28 year old? What about her was so appealing to Eddie?
“Oh! That’s cool… I think?”
Eddie’s harsh lines deepen across his face.
“Nina, why won’t you put your bag down by the cubbies, sweetheart?” Eddie suggests. “Then I’ll have Argyle make you something to eat. My treat.”
“Okay!” Nina chimes. "I was eyeing the chicken wings."
"Done deal. Wings or flats?"
"Flats!" Nina says as she skips away. "Please."
Eddie's admiring eyes trail after her as Nina acqauints herself with Hellfire.
So many questions arise in your head. Is Nina who Eddie’s been texting all this time? Did she come in and audition like you did? Did he ask her out on an 'orientation' lunch/dinner that he apparently does with all of his dancers? It wouldn't surprise you. None of this behavior is new.
This jealousy feels icky. And most of all, it hurts.
"Ugh!" Eddie clutches his chest. He turns to you. "I love her already."
You remain stiff as a board as Eddie slowly leans into you. A part of you is aching to lean in as well, but you can’t give him the satisfaction.
Eddie hovers his hand over the small of your back because he knows Steve is watching. His eyes are out on a prowl per usual the way they burn into you.
"Looking beautiful as always," Eddie compliments you. "How are you? I haven't stopped thinking about you since Saturday."
He looks over your shoulder at the Wordle group.
"What was the last word?"
“Don’t know,” you huff. “You seem to have gotten it.”
“What?” Eddie questions cluelessly.
“With Nina,” you cross your arms. "And all your words that you've been wooing her with."
“Oh you’ve gotta be kidding me,” Eddie scowls. His hand drops back to his side. “You're mad because I... hired a stripper? Cause that’s kinda what I do.”
“I'm not mad that you hired a stripper, you literally own a strip club,” you shrug. “It’s just that…I didn’t know you use the same script with every new hire.”
"I'm sorry? Script?”
"You used almost the exact same words with me, Eddie," you explain. "Like you do with everybody I'm guessing.”
Disbelief sets in on Eddie's face, accompanied by an ounce of fear. Eddie is scared of something.
"Well, I don't know what you expected me to do when you first started," Eddie shrugs. "I'm not gonna come off strong and hit on you like some creep. Of course I'm gonna give you the same treatment I give everybody."
Eddie's got a solid rationale, but it didn't take away from the fact that you simply felt ordinary. When you compare the interactions side by side, nothing about Shy Girl stuck out from Nina.
"Why are we even having this conversation right now?" Eddie asks you. "We're not even together."
“I’m not trying to pick a fight, believe me,” you cross your arms. “I’m just disappointed is all. You made me really think you were falling for me.”
“Oh so all it takes is me walking with a girl to have all of my words not ring true anymore?”
Your tongue and stomach are in knots. All you can do is stand there and blubber like a baby. You’re making no sense, you’re aware. But why does it hurt you so bad?
Eddie paces back and forth. "I don't even know why I feel the need to explain myself, Hargrove,” he continues. “I’m not the one fucking the other’s best friend."
It's a reasonable standpoint. Still. You felt disgusting.
“Yeah but..." you argue softly. "How can you feel so comfortable touching…kissing…interacting with someone like that after being so intimate with me?”
Your boss can only release a chuckle, a baffled one at that. He shakes his head rapidly.
“Just because we hooked up over the weekend, you think you have a say in who I associate with or what goes on around here?" Eddie spews. “What, are you trying to take over Hellfire or something?”
Your lip quivers. “I never said that! Where did that even come from? Why are you so fucking defensive right now?”
Eddie’s nose flares angrily as he tries to keep himself collected. Suddenly, Nina calls out for his attention and he softens up again.
“Eddie!” the new girl cheers. “Argyle gave me some of his flats and it's so good! I think I’m gonna shoot for Creeping Death next!”
“Hey, nice!” Eddie smiles. “You like spicy, huh?”
It would be a lot easier to hate her if she did something to you. But Nina didn't do anything.
Eddie turns back around to face you, kicking at the ground before he thinks of something to say.
“Let’s not do this right now,” Eddie resigns, placing his hands over his hips. “You uh…clocking in?”
“No, I’m going home actually,” you respond. “It’s my day off.”
Eddie makes a face. You project it back onto him. For a moment, you two are staring at each other, appalled at one another's behavior. Being infatuated with the literal mirror version of yourself is hell.
“Hey Eddie!” Will calls. “Do you know a five-lettered word that starts with T and ends with C?”
Eddie’s eyes don’t leave you.
“Sure do,” he answers. “TOXIC.”
There’s a pause.
“BADA-BOOM!” Dustin hollers. “That’s the one.”
Eddie doesn't bother to chase you after your mini altercation. Just then, another pair of heels that don't belong to you click across the hard club floor. Chrissy comes into sight, holding a tray of slushees and her car keys in her hands.
“Hey guys!” Chrissy sings. “I got us some slushees from 7-Eleven. They're Cherry flavored...”
“I’ll pass,” you huff. “You can give one to Nina.”
“Ooh we have someone new?!” she chirps. “Where?”
Chrissy notices your shift in attitude when you walk away and Eddie’s stand-offish posture.
“What the fuck did you say to her?” you hear her snap at Eddie as you walk away.
“Bullshit. You look guilty as fuck.”
You stomp your way back over to your section and ask Steve to hand you your purse. It's obvious by the look on his face that Steve caught onto what you were feeling. He doesn't question it. He hands you your things.
"I'm not feeling too well, guys," you announce. "I'm going home."
You collect your trash and organize it neatly for Argyle when he comes back over with some waffle fries. Showing your appreciation for him, you thank him and give him a soft pat on the shoulder.
"Argyle, you should've seen the new girl," Dustin fawns. "She's so pretty."
"Yeah?" Argyle quirks up. "What's her name?"
"Was she hot?" he turns to the guys. "Byers, what do you think? Was she a 10 or what?"
Will, who never seems to pay the Hellfire girls any mind, eyes glued to his sketchbook instead of their sultry outfits, squirms around in his seat. He shrugs. "I-I don't know."
"She was pretty cute."
Your blood boils. Not her stealing Steve's heart too!
"Nina…” Argyle repeats. "How exotic. She sounds like a small feisty Latina woman."
“Bet Shy Girl can vouch,” Dustin comments. “Right, Shy Girl?”
Intrigued, the line cook turns to you.
"Well, Shy Girl? Is she giving chunti, chingona, or what?”
Steve encourages Argyle to stop as you walk away, hair covering the sides of your face on the way out.
“What?” Argyle sounds bewildered. “What’d I say?”
"Was I made from a broken home?"
A girls day with Max would surely take your mind off of the Nina situation. She always knew how to make you feel better. Lucky for you, she is home today, evident by her skateboard that is situated neatly in the garage.
You hear some commotion coming from your shared bedroom and go in to greet her.
"Hey girl hey!" you call out to your sister. "It's my day off so I was wondering if you wanted to go t-"
You pause in your tracks, horrified.
"Hmm," Max ponders aloud. "Last time I recall, stilettos and G-strings aren't really part of nursing home etiquette."
Propped open on Max’s bed is one of your unpacked suitcases, the one that you hid all your lingerie, heels, and the Hellfire shirt Eddie gave you when you first started in. Typically you lock it but you left it open this morning. Out of all days Max had to look through your room, it had to be today.
Max has a tennis racket in her hand, the handle acting as a hook the way it swept up a thong of yours so effortlessly. You feel your knees buckle.
"What are you doing looking through my stuff, you little shit?" you bark.
"Looking for my sports bras," Max replies nonchalantly. "Still can't find 'em."
She dangles the thong in the air like it's something she caught at the lake.
"Found some other goodies though."
"You couldn't have just waited to ask me?"
"I would've had to wait a day or two since you work nights," Max snaps. "Now I know why. And do I even need to ask where?"
Just what you needed. This is JUST what you needed.
You feel exposed. Violated. Disrespected. In every aspect and every situation. There was no safe place to turn. It makes you angry.
Fine. If people are going to disrespect you, you'll be disrespectful too.
"When is it EVER okay to snoop?" you hiss. "Have you any respect for others and their belongings? How would you feel if I started picking apart at your shit?"
"I wouldn’t care because I don't have anything to hide."
"That's not the fucking point, Maxine."
"Oh, not the government name!" Max exclaims, sassily putting a hand over her chest.
That really tips you over the edge.
"I should've known," Max proceeds, shaking her head. She chucks the racket back onto her bed. “You haven't renewed your CPR cert since you graduated high school. And you need that to even work as a caregiver. Didn't catch that loophole when you were LYING, did you?"
"I was lying to protect you."
"You still lied, Sis," Maxine argues. "You're missing the point..."
Oh, now she wants to mimmick you.
You're blind-sided. Tunnel-visioned. You are feeling all five stages of grief all at once. It’s all too much to bear. You feel the bomb ticking...
As much as you love your sister, it sure was a bitch to raise her. You spent most of the time explaining to Max what social cues are, what is acceptable and what is not. It often made you short-fused because what was common sense to you took ages for Max to understand. Like how you shouldn't look through other people's things.
Max learns best when she puts herself in others' shoes. You've learned that the hard way, over the years.
“How would you feel if I was looking through your drawers and shit?” you walk over to Max’s corner of the room, prying open her drawers and tossing whatever is in there out. “And just tossing your shit out onto the floor?"
“What the fuck?!” Max exclaims. "What are you doing?!"
“Or what if I just went to your side of the mirror and…” you knock her perfume bottles off from the dresser mirror in numbers and watch them fall onto the floor. "Knocked all your shit down because I was looking for my own things?"
"I get it now, stop."
“Or," you brainstorm. "What if I just started unpacking your vinyls and shit and just not care about the packaging?”
Max stops you right there. "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?! I said STOP."
How would everybody feel if you acted the way they did? Would they be mortified? Would they be disgusted?
Would Dad not hit anybody?
Would Mom have chosen to stay?
Would your first love never want to see you again?
Would Eddie be angry at your behavior?
Would Max think you're the worst sibling ever?
You would hope so for all the above.
Your heart couldn’t take any more pain.
"SHUT," Max screeches. "THE FUCK UP!"
She tosses an acrylic storage box at you. It hits you and you yelp in pain. When she realizes what she has done, Max punches the pillow on her bed. Physically aching for the last word, you take it upon yourself to chuck your empty Hydroflask at her. Thankfully, it misses and the ear-piercing CLINK sound is enough to startle her. Max shrinks herself down in fear, trying to process what you just did.
You regret it immediately. You didn't want to hit her. You mainly did it for intimidation.
It puts you to shame. You are toxic.
Suddenly, Max inflates again, her entire face extending to her ears redder than her fiery amber hair.
"YOU," Maxine growls. "ARE JUST LIKE BILLY!"
You take a look around the trashed room. Never did you think you had it in you to be someone like your brother. But of course, the Wolf who is fed the most prevails.
The amount of hurt and anger you actually harbored was way more than you thought. You can’t take back the fact that you’ve exploded on everyone you love now. But at least you can hold yourself accountable.
"I didn't mean that," Max mumbles. “I’m really sorry.”
"No, Max," you sigh. "You're right. And I'm sure you've been wanting to say that for a while..."
But Max refuses. “NO! I just wanted the last word again. Like I always fucking do even when I know it’s never worth it.”
You and your sister join each other by sitting criss-crossed on the floor, pushing the debris off to the side to be handled later. Max leans her head on you and you let her, combing through her knotted hair with your trembling fingers.
"We have a lot to unlearn, don't we?" she sighs.
You nod. "Oh yeah..."
She grabs your hand.
"Are you safe at least?" Max questions. "At work? Any creeps I gotta beat up for you?"
A laugh escapes you. "Nah, someone's already got that covered. Bones snapping and all."
Max flinches.
"That's how you got all that money real fast, huh? Stripping?”
You nod to confirm. "I did it for you. Well, us."
You watch as Max takes out her phone and shuffles through her camera roll. Her most recent in the gallery are videos of her shooting free throws at the Y and playing tennis. She cancels out some apps for more storage, one of them being Messenger. The tab reveals that Billy was spamming her again.
You both shudder. Max puts her phone away.
"Because of you I have a membership," she beams. "And I have a safe place to rest my head and I have money to do what I want and I have food on the table."
She hugs you.
“I hope you know how grateful I am for you. For putting my needs before yours. For throwing yourself into something so terrifying just so I can have a better life than you did growing up.”
“I never thought for a second you were being ungrateful,” you hug her back. “And no matter what I say or do, I’m sticking by you no matter what.”
“Even when I’m being an asshole?”
“Even when you’re being an asshole.”
Max giggles. “Thanks for the reassurance.”
Suddenly your door swings open, causing you and Max to jolt in place. Thankfully, it’s just Robin and Vicky, both worried and confused about the state of your room.
"ToTo," Robin says. "We're not in Hawkins anymore."
"What tornado rummaged through here?!" Vicky exclaimed. "Guys. Are you okay?"
You and Max burst into laughter.
"Yeah, we’re good," you nod. "Just Hurricane Hargrove passing through."
As long as you have Max and your sisterhood with Robin and Vicky, you know you're going to be okay.
You refuse to mope around for the rest of the day, so in the evening you go bowling with Max and your roommates, loading yourselves up with carbs and soda. You ignore Eddie’s “can we talk?” messages, along with Billy’s routine “where the fuck are you” texts followed by rage-calls without a care in the world . Towards the end of the night, however, when the “Sad Boy Hours” hit, there’s a text from a man you simply can’t ignore.
Maybe: Henry
Hey 🧍🏻 it's Henry from work. Can I ask you something? Pls be honest.
tag list: @battymunson , @the-fairy-anon , @ali-r3n , @corrodedcoffincumslut , @bebe07011 , @mmunson86 , @eddiesguitarskills , @chelebelletx , @imonhereforareasonsadly , @eddies-trailer-babe @hideoutside , @motherfckerrr , @jxpsi i , @munson-magic , @lindseyj23, @sidthedollface2 , @manda-panda-monium , @elvendria , @micheledawn1975 , @hereforshmut , @siriuslysmoking , @nymphetkoo , @m-chmcl-rmnc , @justinelittlewoodsworld , @ahoyyharrington , @keepittoyourselftellnobodyelse @kellyxo1 @emsgoodthinkin @winchester-angel @chloe-6123
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odddesignz · 3 months
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Now evolved, this fearsome creature has gained more passion. Although it can easily lure prey in with a false sense of safety, it prefers to let itself get pulled along in festivals.
(Named after fengzheng)
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huntthemouse · 8 months
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Dragon Mickey
017/365 #hunt the mouse
@gayruledge suggested this one, went in sort of a spyro direction for this one as opposed to like a grander dragon. might revisit that other direction i didnt take
I am making 365 new versions of Mickey Mouse for the public domain and releasing them under public domain all year long.
You can join the initiative to #hunt the mouse or suggest a theme yourself via my ask box.
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astarab1aze · 2 days
➥ Sunset Flash
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⸻Technical Information. // Face, Voice, etc.
001 Faceclaim. Ichigo Kurosaki [ Bleach ] 002. Voice Claim. Johnny Yong Bosch
⸻Profile Information. // Name, Age, etc.
003 Name. Yuuya Kei [ a play on the word 'yūyake', meaning 'sunset' ] 004 Alias. Yuu, Legendary Swordsman of the Black Isle, Blade of the South 005 Sex. Male 006 Gender. Male 007 Age. 542 008 Birth Date. July 7th [ Cancer / Hexbreaker ] 009 Blood Type. Sub-type HDO- 010 Race. Half Magma Dragon, half Wildling ; Shattered Isle by nationality. 011 Marital Status. Single [ Multiship ] 012 Orientation. Biromantic Demisexual 013 Residence. He has a semi-permanent home on the Black Isle, a mysterious hidden island in the Shattered Isles said to be the home of the Southern Drakes ; A cottage made of dragon glass, black sand, and volcanic rock.
⸻Physical Information. // Body, Equipment, Family, etc.
014 Physical Description. Yuuya stands at a plain 5'10", but is otherwise lean, muscular, and built for a fight. His hair is a shaggy but vibrant sunset orange and can be altered at-will, usually thick with some amount of volcanic ash that he naturally produces. It feels a bit strange under the fingertips, like faux suede. His eyes are hazel-orange, like a cloudless sunset in the desert, angular and keen. There are some patches of non-iridescent red, orange, and black scales all over his body, particularly on his arms and legs, and on occasion, he may have a single bone-white horn. His body is littered with scars, though perhaps not as severely as others, and he's a story for each and every one of them, even the smallest and least noteworthy ones. He tends to wear Yuureian garb - that is, black hakama and a tattered black haori, given the time he spent there training under Satra. He may or may not wear shoes, usually Yuureian sandals. His fingers are clawed, fingertips and palms more like this in texture but more fine. He does also have a tail, ridged, spiked, and layered with scale plating of the same color as the rest, though it isn't terribly thick and he tends to hide it when it suits him, like his horn(s).
015 Equipment. He will always have his sword, Safyra, with him no matter the circumstances and he's very uncompromising about this; As well as various metals in the form of shavings or dust, crushed dragon bone, singing stones, an infinite pocket pouch full of rubies, topazes, and magical treasures fit for his hoard, 016 Occupation. He's a wandering fighter first and foremost, interested only in the thrill of battle and becoming stronger through it. 017 Job Performance. Lazy as sin and hard to convince at first, but there is no more terrifying a swordsman...
018 Parents. His mother, Safyra of the Xanthean Wildlings, who died of natural causes in her 40s, and father, Dragon Demiurge Vulkaris, current leading sire to southern drakes ; He is 74th in line for the Demiurge position. 019 Siblings. Many, none he knows by name.
⸻Personality Information. // Likes, Strengths, etc.
020 Likes. Dragon glass, volcanic rock, obsidian, blackstone, metals of all kinds, ash baths, ruby, topaz, magical trinkets, weapons, and armors, avulisk eggs, beholder flesh, fire lilies, dragon's breath, fighting, training, war drums, stuffing his face, money, tinkering, challenges and competitions, traveling, exploring, etc. 021 Dislikes. Cowardice, dishonorability, trickery, lack of action, having to sleep, big words, larger pure-blooded dragons, vegetables, rot smell, frankenleeches, pointless theatrics, blue, undeserved arrogance, lack of understanding, widows, canaemery, gryphons, chimeras, summertime heat, etc. 022 Positive Traits. Resilient. Determined. Somewhat principled. Honorable. Loyal. Sincere. Serious. Brave. Earnest. Hopeful. 023 Negative Traits. Prideful. Arrogant. Greedy. Volatile. Somewhat lazy. Dense. Singleminded. Hot-tempered. Desperate. Reckless. Hardheaded. 024 Goals. To amass as much power as possible, particularly in the area of swordplay and his magic. 025 Desires. To at last earn his father's approval and pride, to do his mother's memory justice. 026 Alignment. Chaotic Neutral...good?
027 Personality. Yuuya is something of a complete idiot - rather, he's incredibly singleminded, simple, and dense. He's not going to pick up on any complicated emotions and he's not exactly going to be tactful in stressful social situations, especially if there isn't any single combat involved. He is so devoted to his cause - amassing power, earning his father's affection - he will occasionally derail conversations, prattle on about old battle stories, challenge folks to a match in passing, or always engaged in some form of fight without many exceptions. He loves the heat of battle, throwing down with the best of the best and growing stronger for it or inspiring others to become stronger as well. He is, however, in part, truly doing it for the purposes of earning the Demiurge's love, his favor, not because he hopes to take Vulkaris' place, but because he is lost and alone without his mother. He's honestly sort of a big kid in many respects, just in need something or someone constant, someone strong enough to keep up with him - be it in mind, body, or spirit.
⸻Sorcery Information. // Affinity, Talent, etc.
029 Affinity. Earth & Fire - masterful manipulation and sourcing with certain elements depending on the circumstances. 030 Shapeshifting. Innate Dragon Shape, natural anthromorphic presentation, and human form - he is capable of changing into multiple forms to best suit his environment, as most dragons are ; Despite his mixed blood, he was luckey enough to have been born with full-blooded capabilities. 031 Utility. Telekinesis, barriers, curses, Silence, Dispel, alteration, charms, enchantments, seals, alchemy, beast communication, summoning. 032 Specialization. Magma & Metal-based magic - not unheard of for an individual to possess, though his particularly brands are both uniquely fine-tuned to his body, and such elements will react to his will as he enacts it. 033 Graduate School. Not applicable, however he did study swordplay under Satra Shen for some 20 or so years, following the killing of Dessudora. He took his lessons to heart and adopted some aspects of Satra's unique version of the Shikabane Style into his own. 034 Classification. Anthromorphic Dragonkin, 74th Heir to the Demiurge throne.
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⸻Background Information. // Past to Present.
Yuuya was born in an... we'll say, unholy union between Demiurge Vulkaris and the Wildling Safyra of Xanthe. Through no fault of his own, he was loathed by his father, just another heir to vie for the position as Demiurge of the Black Isle produced by yet another Wildling woman - but even as a hatchling, that was never what Yuuya wanted. For the most part, he was raised by Safyra, taught how to somewhat navigate the tricky language barriers between dragons and Wildlings and how to act like a Xanthean Wildling. He grew quickly, from a hatchling to young salamander, and though his mother wasn't particularly nice to him, she was kind to him - encouraging him along in her ways toward achieving all the little and big goals he had, even if that meant ravenously eating all day.
But a few years pass in a blink of an eye for a dragon. Some 15-20 years after Yuuya was born, Safyra came down with a fever she ultimately did not survive. Black Isle dragons usually aren't susceptible to sentiment - what is natural is natural, so there is no point in wallowing in the sorrow and grief of it - but Yuuya was different. He depended on her in many ways, needed her guidance, her help, because in the end, he didn't want to be a dragon. He wanted to be a Wildling like his mother. Strong and hardy, built like a stone wall and a champion of many fights, fair and just and kind and- loving. But of course, he was still only a juvenile, a boy, thus these feelings, these wants, were twisted into something else. A vie for power of his own, and the recognition of his father - his love.
Shortly after his mother's death, he pleaded with Vulkaris for- something. Attention, a path to approval, standing, just to be seen as his son. But he was turned away by the drakes at the foot of the mountain, and he took that as his answer. If he didn't have his father's approval, then he wouldn't have the approval of his kin either. So, for some time, he wandered the Black Isle, attempting to survive on his own. Some larger, meaner drakes came upon him and attacked him, and such was a relatively common enough occurrance - until he got sick of it and started fighting back. Alone and alienated, he decided to put all that quiet time to good use and got to work, beginning his journey to becoming a dragonkin mage that would surely win Vulkaris' favor. Training day in and day out, transforming his body, bathing in the lava flows the drakes left unguarded, and he took on every one that tried to break him.
That first fight, however, was when he discovered his love of it. Didn't so much like the killing part, though.
Reinvigorated, feeling invincible, he approached the mountain again, this time wrangling the drakes at the foot without issue. Forcing his way down volcanic tunnels until at last he made his way to Vulkaris' magma chamber, where he...foolishly, challenged him to a fight. The Demiurge obliged, and in a few short moments, the battle was over with Yuuya defeated. This loss was predictably crushing, and to add insult to injury, Vulkari uttered only cruelty in the fledgling's ears, giving him false hopes contingent on success in gaining power and skill - a 'reward' for his attempt.
Ever since, Yuuya's been traveling between the Shattered Isles and the main continent in search of honing his magical skill and combat prowess. It wasn't until he managed to reach Yuurei that he first picked up a sword, and upon hearing rumors of his cousin Dessudora's defeat, he made his way to the man who felled her - Satra Shen, the Panther of the East, whom he studied under in Southern Yuurei for a small handful of decades, steadily incorporating aspects of Satra's wild style into his own. While he didn't quite study or train under too many others, he did go on to learn a little something from each person he fought in the interim, or from the fights themselves, growing and growing as the centuries went by.
He's still...he's still doing that. Like, he hasn't stopped. It's been 500ish years and he's still--
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To the other world - Page 017
My comic in English translation
ICE Dragon
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cupiditis · 2 years
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001 . former delinquent reader helping gray yeon out in a fight
002 . shape shifting dragon alex go and human reader
003 . commanding knight alex go coming back from a battle and merchant reader
004 . the union members as pirates and an underling reader
005 . guardian ijin yu and exorcist reader
006 . alex go and reader on a double date with ben park and his date at an arcade
007 . wolf keum headcanons on pre-romantic relationship and how he asks you to be with him
008 . wolf keum headcanons on how he deals with romantic relationship issues
009 . two matchups
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drafts / ideas
001 . wolf keum after he gets out of the union
002 . wolf keum confessing
003 . historical-ish donald na with a sickly lover
004 . detective ijin yu and a murdered reader where he tries to unsolve their death but sort of lives their life for them while looking for clues
005 . kenny ji and reader who he meets through younger jake ji
006 . restaurant dancer reader and donald na
007 . hwangmo joo and a reader he brings along to do union work because he didn't wanna ditch their date
008 . jimmy bae breaking off a relationship
009 . royalty reader and thief character
010 . gray yeon and him walking you home in the rain and confessing
011 . alice in wonderland themed series ( ? )
012 . reader who lives across the motorcycle garage wolf keum works at
013 . juwon lee and a beach confession
014 . character going to fight a monster and getting killed and reader following them and trying to avenge them ( fantasy )
015 . gerard jin coming back after leaving you ( it's a draft and this is the simplest way to describe it )
016 . detective donald na and detective partner reader
017 . dead street racer character and reader buying their old car
018 . guitarist gerard jin and reader going to a concert of his for the first time
019 . holding an umbrella open for wolf keum in an open bus station while being strangers at first
020 . characters helping reader with a necklace or bracelet
021 . jimmy bae trying to help reader tie their hair
022 . highschool sweethearts reader and character being reunited
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duhragonball · 2 years
Dragon Ball Super 017
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It’s baby time!
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It's baby time
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It's baby time It's baby baby time
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It's baby time It's baby time It's baby time
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Baby baby baby time!
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So it’s been about six months since Vegeta left to train under Whis, and Videl has given birth to her daughter, Pan.  As a dutiful grandmother, Chi-Chi brings over a big trashbag to their house. 
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Then she sees Gohan and Mr. Satan playing with the baby.  When I say “playing”, I mean “Gohan wears his Great Saiyaman costume and he playfights with Mr. Satan while they toss the baby back and forth to each other.”  Pan loves this, and they apparently do this every single day, but Chi-Chi is horrified.
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This leads to an argument between Chi-Chi and Mr. Satan over Pan’s future.  She’s part-Saiyan, so getting tossed around is actually healthy for her, and Satan has big dreams of Pan becoming his successor as the World Champion of Martial Arts.  But Chi-Chi wants Pan to be a great scholar or whatever, and Satan (rightfully) asks who put Chi-Chi in charge.  So Chi-Chi barricades herself, Pan, and Videl in one of the rooms of the house. 
Okay, so this is really the first time there’s been any conflict between Chi-Chi and Satan, and it kind of ends in a standoff.  Satan doesn’t know what to do, and neither does Gohan, so they call in Goku, Krillin, and Bulma to help.  Bulma offers to play peacemaker if Krillin will tear up the ticket he wrote Bulma earlier in the episode.  But Krillin’s a cop now, so he won’t do it, because he only cares about eating donuts now. 
What I’m getting at here is that this might have been a chance to settle what would happen if Chi-Chi and Mr. Satan fought.  I’m pretty sure Chi-Chi would win.  I think most people agree on this, but I think Mr. Satan could make it competitive.  I guess what I’m saying is that we might know Chi-Chi has an edge, but they don’t know who would win.
I’m not saying they should have settled this with a fight.  Chi-Chi’s whole point is that there’s more to life than fighting, so settling this with violence sort of undermines her position.  And Mr. Satan’s too savvy to suggest it at this point.  I guess I’m just pointing out that this isn’t like when Chi-Chi or Satan deals with anyone else, and there’s an obvious power imbalance. In terms of physical strength, they’re somewhat evenly matched.  Anyway.
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So, while Bulma commiserates with Chi-Chi, she mentions that Vegeta went to train under Whis six months ago, and Goku overhears this and flips out.  He wants to go too, but he has to wait for Whis to come back to Earth, as Bulma has no means of contacting him.  So he keeps bugging the shit out of Bulma, asking if she’s heard from Whis yet. 
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Then Whis finally shows up, and Goku bugs the shit out of him.  He doesn’t start behaving himself until Whis warns him that Goku might not be trainable if he can’t show a little more restraint than this.
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This raises Chi-Chi’s ire, as she thought Goku and Bulma were planning a surprise party or something, but it turns out Goku’s looking to skip the planet to train again.  She scolds Goku and puts him in some kind of joint-lock while their kids try to convince Chi-Chi to let Goku leave.  Then Whis gets up to head back home, and Goku runs off to grab on to him before he goes. 
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And as soon as Goku’s gone, Chi-Chi is suddenly fine with it, like “Well, it’s Goku, whaddya gonna do?”  She asks Bulma about having an actual party and Bulma’s like yeah, why not.  In space, Goku assures Whis that his home life will be just fine, saying that Chi-Chi understands him better than anyone.  So I guess she just nags him for no real reason?  Like, is this a kink thing?  Don’t answer that.
I’m serious, don’t answer tha
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moth-thief · 10 months
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Veemon BT16-017 C <03>
Rookie | Free | Mini Dragon
[[Digivolve] [DemiVeemon]: Cost 0]
[Your Turn] (Once Per Turn) When one of your other Digimon is played or digivolves, if that Digimon has the [Free] trait, gain 1 memory.
Inherited: [Your Turn] This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
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ngnwnchstr-arch · 1 year
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*   "   𝐍𝐎   𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑:         A   NEGAN   WINCHESTER   PLAYLIST      (   PART   ONE.   )         𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃𝙴𝙽   𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙴.         (   ©️   )
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001.  how'd  you  like  me  now  by  the  heavy.      i’ve  been  a  bad,  bad,  bad,  bad  man    &    i’m  in  deep.        002.  game  of  survival  by  ruelle.      who’s  in  the  shadows?    who’s  ready  to  play?    are  we  the  hunters  or  are  we  the  prey?        003.  everybody  wants  to  rule  the  world  by  lorde.      even  while  we  sleep,    we  will  find  you.        004.  chosen  one  by  valley  of  wolves.      i  know  what  it  takes  to  be  the  king,    be  the  song  everybody  wanna  sing.        005.  the  river  by  blues  saraceno.      evil  comes  if  you  call  my  name;    the  wicked,    they  shall  rise.      006.  running  up  that  hill  by  placebo.      and  if  i  only  could  make  a  deal  with  god,    i’d  get  him  to  swap  our  places.        007.  unholy  by  sam  smith  /  kim  petras.      a  lucky,  lucky  girl,    she  got  married  to  a  boy  like  you.    she’d  kick  you  out  if  she  ever,  ever  knew.        008.  fairly  local  by  twenty  -  one  pilots.      what  i  shouldn't  do,    i  will.    they  say  i’m  emotional;    what  i  want  to  save,    i’ll  kill.    is  that  who  i  truly  am?        009.  i  will  not  bow  by  breaking  benjamin.      now  the  dark  begins  to  rise.    save  your  breath,    it’s  far  from  over.    leave  the  lost  and  dead  behind.        010.  feelin'  good  by  muse.      it’s  a  new  dawn,    it’s  a  new  day,    it’s  a  new  life  for  me.        011.  love  song  requiem  by  trading  yesterday.      emily  will  find  a  better  place  to  fall  asleep.    she  belongs  to  fairytales  that  i  could  never  be.        012.  black  black  heart  by  david  usher.      i’m  on  fire,    i’m  rotting  to  the  core.    i’m  eating  all  your  kings    &    queens.        013.  radioactive  by  imagine  dragons.      welcome  to  the  new  age!        014.  9  crimes  by  damien  rice.      it’s  the  wrong  kind  of  place  to  be  cheating  on  you.    it’s  the  wrong  time,    she’s  pulling  me  through.    it’s  a  small  crime    &    i  got  no  excuse.        015.  (don’t  fear)  the  reaper  by  blue  oyster  cult.      and  it  was  clear  she  couldn’t  go  on.        016.  empire  by  alpines.      i’m  building  an  empire.    i’m  building  it  with  all  i  know.      017.  everybody  loves  me  by  onerepublic.      head  down,    swinging  to  my  own  sound.        018.  crazy  train  by  ozzy  osbourne.      maybe  it’s  not  too  late  to  learn  how  to  love    &    forget  how  to  hate.        019.  black  by  kari  kimmel.      and  the  demons  all  around  you  waiting  for  you  to  sell  your  soul.
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captainpetebradshaw · 8 months
Movie Diary 2023
Now that the new year is in full swing I finally have the time to go over my personal stats :D I've watched 145 movies this year (excluding rewatches) which is just 4 movies shy of my high of 149 movies from 2017 but I didn't even try that hard lol
Shoutout to the roosmav discord with which I've watched many Tom Cruise and Miles Teller movies and which definitely was part of the high number this year - love you guys!
Full list under the cut, my favorites are bold:
001 Legend
002 Emily the Criminal
003 The Banshees of Inisherin
004 The Swimmers
005 Cyrano
006 Thank You for Your Service
007 The Last Samurai
008 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
009 Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
010 Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio
011 National Theatre Live: No Man's Land
012 Strange World
013 21 & Over
014 All Quiet on the Western Front
015 National Theatre Live: Prima Facie
016 Teen Wolf: The Movie
017 Puss in Boots
018 Elivs
019 Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
020 Rock of Ages
021 Causeway
022 The Quiet Girl
023 National Theatre Live: All About Eve
024 Triangle of Sadness
025 Minority Report
026 Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
027 American Made
028 The Fabelmans
029 Fire of Love
030 The Fabelmans
031 EO
032 Get a Job
033 Cocktail
034 Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
035 Batman Begins
036 Knock at the Cabin
037 Taps
038 Spiderhead
039 A Few Good Men
040 The Whale
041 Apocalypse Now (The Final Cut)
042 Women Talking
043 Miss Americana
044 Devotion
045 Operation Fortune: Ruse due Guerre
046 Tetris
047 Field of Dreams
048 Knight and Day
049 Missing
050 Shazam! Fury of the Gods
051 Days of Thunder
052 65
053 After Yang
054 Suzume
055 Serial (Bad) Weddings 3
056 Vanilla Sky
057 Cocaine Bear
058 Ghosted
059 Eyes Wide Shut
060 Amsterdam
061 Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
062 Renfield
063 New Gods: Yang Jian
064 I Am What I Am
065 Man on Wire
066 Independence Day
067 The Super Mario Bros. Movie
068 The Firm
069 Polite Society
070 Air
071 The Blue Caftan
072 Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
073 Mary is Happy, Mary is Happy
074 Joyland
075 Anything's Possible
076 Murder on the Orient Express
077 Kinky Boots
078 Mission: Impossible II
079 Schwimmen
080 Firebird
081 Mission: Impossible III
082 4th Man Out
083 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
084 Bulldog
085 Cruel Intentions
086 John Wick: Chapter 4
087 Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One
088 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
089 Extraction 2
090 Nimona
091 Deep Sea
092 Barbie
093 Die Concorde - Absturz einer Legende
094 The Flash
095 Jumbo (2020)
096 Only the Brave
097 Joy Ride
098 Kill Boksoon
099 Oppenheimer
100 The 355
101 Legend (1985)
102 The Monkey King (2023)
103 Elemental
104 Wham!
105 Heart of Stone
106 Saint Omer
107 Eldorado: Everything the Nazis Hate
108 Past Lives
109 Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken
110 A Million Miles Away
111 Theater Camp
112 Bottoms
113 They Cloned Tyrone
114 Asteroid City
115 Saw
116 Race to the Summit
117 The Last Voyage of the Demeter
118 No One Will Save You
119 Brightburn
120 The Skin I Live In
121 M3GAN
122 Event Horizon
123 Bones and All
124 When Evil Lurks
125 Gran Turismo
126 Knuckle Girl
127 Tom Cruise: The Last Movie Star
128 The Last Black Man in San Francisco
129 The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes
130 Blue Beetle
131 The Creator
132 Napoleon
133 Mark Rothko - La peinture vous regarde
134 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
135 Linoleum
136 Wish
137 Quiz Lady
138 Pain Hustlers
139 Leo
140 Big
141 No Dogs or Italians Allowed
142 Violent NIght
143 Trading Places
144 Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire
145 Journey to the West (2021)
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timandbash · 2 years
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Better watch out Tim, this dragon has a long memory…
Tim and Bash 🔥 Comic Issue #017
Did you know you can cheer Bash up by buying him a bag of dragon food? 🐲 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/timandbash
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