#dr everheart
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Rule #17: Male scientists are not permitted to wear a dress to formal events.
art by: @rabbitjaguar
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O.W.C.A.'s Going Down vs. All the Convoluted Reasons We Pretend to be Divorced
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homefryboy · 5 months
I like the random dumb villain names in phineas & ferb
-Prof. Kevin Destructicon
-Dr. Diminutive
-Mitch (but some ppl call him Big Mitch)
-Prof. parenTHEsis
-Prof. bannister
-Dr. Bloodpudding
-Dr. Bringdown
-Dr. Killbot
-Dr. Bainbridge
-Prof. Mystery
-The Regurgitator
-Aloyse Everheart Elizabeth Otto Wolfgang Hypatia Gunther Galen Gary Cooper von Roddenstein
-Super super big doctor
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Memorio Occultae, In Nubio Occultas- Intro post.
My first OC work!
Dr. Adrian Everheart would himself say that he is one of the luckiest people in the world. A fulfilling career at a young age, a name that commands respect, a loving mother. What more, he would ask with a smile, would a man want?
Nothing more. And yet, as time goes by, all the happiness in his life seems to be slipping away, lost in the ghosts of the past.
Dr. Adrian Everheart: A budding neuropsychiatrist, specialised in geriatric psychiatry. 27 years of age.
Ms. Alazne Everheart: Adrian’s beloved mother, a writer. 60 years of age.
Dr. James Sinclair: Adrian’s mentor. 53 years of age.
Dr. Marissa Greengrass: An esteemed older colleague of James and Adrian. 68 years of age. Credit to @dreamer-in-sleep for this lady’s name!
Trigger Warnings:
Please pay attention to this list.
Mentions and depictions of dementia.
Confused/disoriented character
Heavy emotional distress (character breaking down/panicking)
Loss of memories/identity
Please do not interact with this fic if such topics are your squick.
Taglist: @dreamer-in-sleep
Please let me know via DM/comment/ask if you want to be added to/removed from this list.
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lotsadeer · 1 year
How do I even put into words what happened last night.
tl;dr Trans Family Support Services Director of Operations reacted aggressively to criticism about the Executive Director being a cis woman, and threw a glass of water at Máni, the founder of Trans Pride in Huntsville Alabama.
The longer story is here under the cut.
Kathie Moehlig (Executive Director of TFSS) invited all of the organizers to a thank you dinner at a local brewery. Somehow the two people she removed from the project (myself and the ex committee chair) also ended up invited. We decided to go as moral support for Máni, who was planning on confronting Kathie about how planning this year had gone.
The dinner is tense and awkward for the most part. After an hour or so Kathie makes a small speech thanking everyone for their hard work and that TFSS is excited to start working on next year's pride event.
When she finished, Máni took that as an opportunity to segue into what he needed to say. He had it written down, because his anxiety would have made it difficult to say what he needed to say off the cuff.
He planned to bring up their lack of transparency, communication, and ability to listen to the local community, and tell them that he had no plans to work with TFSS ever again.
It very quickly devolved into Kathie cutting him off and speaking over him once he started bringing up his employment with TFSS (he was fired from the organization back in April). She said that she could not legally respond to anything he had to say about it and Máni, myself, and multiple other people at the table told her she didn't need to respond, she just needed to listen.
She refused, and continued speaking over Máni. He finally called her out on being a cishet white woman speaking over a trans person on trans affairs, and Aspen Everheart (Director of Operations for TFSS) got up, leaned over the table in a quick and aggressive manner as though he were going to punch Máni, and then threw a glass of water all over him and stormed out.
The situation devolved further and all members of TFSS left the dinner after saying we were inappropriate and this was not the place to have this discussion.
Some context for why Máni chose to speak then and not in private. Kathie repeatedly, in private conversations with Máni regarding these things, has spoken over him and twisted the conversation away from any critique of her organization. Máni felt he had no choice but to speak in a more public setting for her to listen.
We were all shocked that they would react that way to this criticism, accusing us of attacking Kathie and being aggressive. And even going so far as to accuse Máni, myself, and a few others as trying to be the sole voices of the trans community here in Huntsville.
I can say, for myself, that I will not be working with TFSS in the future. I will be working with my local community to make Trans Pride next year an event of community pride, love, and effort.
Obviously draw your own opinions on what has happened.
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dailybuglenow · 1 year
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The Bugle is the first to report that an explosion was called in on 5 April 2026 in Midtown, Manhattan at the Avengers Mansion. The explosion appeared to originate on the first floor of the Mansion, but no source has yet been identified. According to first responders onsite, the scene was catastrophic. “This was no normal explosion,” said NYFD Captain Dan Lee. “There were body parts on the floor. Anything that can blow up a superhero is bad news.” Although the press has tried to get into the Mansion for exclusive pictures and content, Mayor Luke Cage has made strict warnings that the crime scene is potentially contaminated. Captain Lee did point out a high level of radiation at the source of the explosion, leaving many to wonder if this attack came from a superpowered source.
Due to our prominence in the field, the Bugle has obtained a list of killed and injured parties. Walking away from the tragedy are Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (Earth-199999), the super lawyer Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk (Earth-199999), Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (Earth-616), Clea Strange (Earth-616), the Avenger’s member Valkyrie (Earth-616), Dr. Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange (Earth-616), Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Earth-616), the Scarlet Scarab (Earth-199999), Moon Knight (Earth-199999), S.H.I.E.L.D.’s newly minted Director Daisy Johnson/Quake (Earth-084) and the Vision (Earth-616). Mount Sinai hospital in Midtown admitted a new of heroes with injuries ranging from broken ribs to concussions, including Scott Lang/Ant Man (Earth-199999), Wakandan royalty Shuri/Black Panther (Earth-199999), Mockingbird (Earth-616) and Rosalind Solomon (Earth-616).
Unfortunately, the day was not without tragedies. From Earth-199999, the press has received confirmations of death from Hope Van Dyne/Wasp, Kate Bishop/Hawkeye, Spider-man, Sam Wilson/Captain America, Shang-Chi and Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange. From Earth-616, losses include Clint Barton/Hawkeye and Tony Stark/Iron Man.
It is worth noting that a number of mutants were also at the meeting. The nature of the gathering has yet to be disclosed, leaving many to wonder why mutant and Avengers came together in such a high profile meeting. Reported alive at the scene were the Earth-616 mutants Exodus, Charles Xavier, Emma Frost, Hope Summers, Kate Pryde, Logan Howlett/Wolverine and Scott Summers/Cyclops. The mutants were not without their losses, however. The once villainous but now reformed Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto, and the X-Men members Illyana Rasputin/Magik and Jean Grey.
While a tragedy like this would normally predate a memorial service, the recently announced Phoenix Foundation has released a statement that they would kick off the project with the resurrection of those killed in the Avengers Mansion blast. “This truly is Jean Grey’s baby,” Emma Frost said in an exclusive interview, “but since Jean was unfortunately a victim in the Mansion bombing, I speak on her behalf to state that we are thrilled to use our resurrection protocols to help return these valiant heroes to life. We expect everything to be completed by the 7th of April. The Phoenix Foundation normally functions to save those overlooked by society, but even the wisest of men will you tell that there are times when exceptions must be made. After that, we will resume our normal operations.”
This announcement has come with questions from the public. Where the mutants got the D.N.A. needed for the resurrections has been posed multiple times, but the information has not been disclosed. 
The Bugle will continue to report as need be.
— Christine Everheart, Daily Bugle News Senior Reporter
slut4cyclops: scott summers was single again for 2 days and i missed my shot AGAIN. guess i’ll wait for the next time his wife dies 😆
krakoakid: i heard a rumor they found jean grey in pieces. mark my words: this is a cover-up job and not some “explosion”.
hennyking: rest in pieces, heroes (get it???)
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forgottenpnffacts · 2 years
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-There is a show in the PnFverse called Horse in a Bookcase that is about a little horse stuck in a bookcase
-Lawrence, Phineas, Ferb, Major Monogram, and Rodney enjoy watching Horse in a Bookcase
-Linda does not enjoy Horse in a Bookcase, and Doof has never seen the show
-Despite being fairly popular, Horse in a Bookcase was cancelled after a nineteen-year run
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pnfaesthetic · 3 years
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themurphyzone · 7 years
Ficlet: How to Succeed in Your Schemes If You’re An Evil Cartoon Capitalist
Ok so we all something lighthearted after the feelsfest that was Island of the Lost Dakotas. This one is an X-over for P&F and MML.
“Mr. Random, Mr. Verliezer, my name is Dr. Polski and I will be counseling you today on how you can succeed in your plans after being defeated by a group of kids. But for the purposes of this session, you can call me Jenny. So let’s begin. Who wants to go first?” 
Both of them pointed to each other, crossing their arms and looking at anything in the room that was not a human being. 
“I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 100. Whoever is closer won’t go first,” Jenny said. 
“Zero,” Verliezer said quickly. 
“A number between 1 and 100, you brainless sheep,” Random scoffed. 
Verliezer glared at him. “Who are you calling a sheep, you pig? At least I’m not the guy whose scheme was so stupid that the universe decided to turn him into a warthog! Out of style swimsuits? In what sane world are you gonna find a market for those?”
Random stood up and jabbed a finger into Verliezer’s chest. “At least I had a cool secret fortress (made by Random Swimwear) where I could abuse the thing I was trying to exploit without interference! I saw your video footage, you were dumb lucky only one kid saw you electrocuting that robot backstage!”
Before a fistfight could escalate, Jenny blew a whistle. They sat down sullenly, the retorts dying on their tongues. “That’s enough. Now, pick a number between 1 and 100.”
“34,” Verliezer growled. 
“78,” Random muttered. 
Jenny pointed to Random. “My number was 47. Now, what do you think caused your defeat?” 
Random rubbed his hands together, hunching over in his chair. “I was going to make millions off bringing back old-timey swimsuits. But THEY ruined everything! My fortress, my men, my knock-offs, it’s all gone because some kids decided to dispute that STUPID fact-based song category! They will RUE the day they stole what was rightfully abused and exploited by me! This evil post-defeat monologue brought to you by Random Swimwear.” 
Jenny nodded. “Thank you, Mr. Random. Your turn, Mr. Verliezer.” 
“My ex-business partner Clyde turned my robot against me! Feeling pain, making souffles, juggling-oh the incessant juggling!” Verliezer yelled. “He couldn’t be a good little A.I and do as I command. Humans are vastly superior to any machine! They are subservient to us! But no, those kids were convinced C.I.D.D needed ‘help’, so they stole it from me! I could’ve sued for copyright you know! And win!” 
“I see the first obstacle,” Jenny said. “First, you need to take responsibility for your actions. You exploited nonhumans for profit, and these kids acted on what they believed was the best interest for your target, which you perceive as ‘stealing’. Now, the question is, how do you avoid making the same mistake twice? Well, I would begin by making sure the next group of children you relentlessly pursue aren’t the main protagonists.”
“Dramatic pause brought to you by Random Swimwear,” Random said. 
Verliezer groaned. “Would you please learn better product placement?” 
“Would you learn how to make better products?” Random shot back. 
“Would you learn to make products people would actually buy?” 
Before Jenny could interject, there was a knock at the door. They turned around to see a bald head poking in. “I have an appointment with Dr. Klein. Is she in another room?”
Jenny shook her head. “Sorry, she’s in the ‘how to conquer the world without killing everyone so you’ll have subjects to enslave you moron’ department. It’s on the other side of the building.”
“Moron?” he declared. “You dare call the great Aloyse Everheart Elizabeth-”
Random and Verliezer burst into laughter. “I can see why you need this place,” Random snickered. “Kids make fun of you in school, Elizabeth?” 
His nostrils flared, but several bulldogs in fedoras quickly appeared to haul him off to the right department. “Ow, my clavicle! Not so hard, you mutts!” 
“See you around, Elizabeth!” Verliezer shouted. 
Jenny waited for the laughter to die down before continuing. “You chased the main protagonists of your respective shows. That alone is a recipe for disaster. If you must pursue someone in the future, make sure it’s extras who have little fighting ability and willpower.”
“Yes, ma’am,” they muttered. 
“One more thing before we conclude today’s session,” Jenny said. “If you must declare the public are nothing but sheep-”
“But they are!” Random protested. 
“-do so in private,” she finished. “Not in front of cameras or microphones for all the world to see. That’s how you were exposed. Because neither of you actually checked if you were being recorded. Rant to your diary, not the cameras. Anyways, same time next week. Thank you for your time.”
Random shook her hand and stepped out of the office. “This crossover brought to you by Random Swimwear.”
“Oh, put a sock in it already!” Verliezer muttered.  
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agentxthirteen · 7 years
Avengers: Infinity War confirmed/possible cast list as of 7/19/17
The Russos have said that there are 68 characters in the film and later said that wasn’t true and they were still in the planning stages. In recent months, Scarlett Johanssen has said that the film has 62 characters. So I went through some articles and consolidated what they came up with. 
Confirmed, in no particular order:
01. Steve Rogers/Captain America 02. Tony Stark/Iron Man 03. Scott Lang/Ant-Man 04. T'Challa/Black Panther 05. Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow 06. Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel 07. The Collector 08. Dr. Strange 09. Sam Wilson/Falcon 10. Peter Quill/Star Lord 11. Gamora 12. Rocket Raccoon 13. Groot 14. Drax 15. Nebula 16. Peter Parker/Spider-Man 17. Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch 18. Loki 19. Thor 20. Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier 21. Nick Fury 22. Clint Barton/Hawkeye 23. Mantis 24. Thanos 25. Vision 26. Bruce Banner/The Hulk 27. Cul Obsidian 28. Okoye 29. Sam Wilson/Falcon 30. Wong 31. James Rhodes/War Machine 32. M'Baku/Man-Ape 33. Sally Avril 34. Valkyrie 35. Corvus Glaive 36. Proxima Midnight 37. Ebony Maw 38. Stan Lee's cameo
Possible: Betty Ross Maria Hill (very likely) Hela Shuri Nova Prime Sharon Carter Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross Pepper Potts Happy Hogan Hank Pym (unlikely - Michael Douglas's contract was apparently only for one film, but he has stated he would be willing to come back) Luis MJ/Michelle May Parker Odin (very likely - seen on NYC set with Loki) Dr. Erik Selvig (very likely) Heimdall (very likely) Sif Volstagg Hogun Fandrall Peter Dinklage (unknown character but strongly rumored) Darcy Lewis (unlikely) Jane Foster (extremely unlikely, given her dissatisfaction (hate?) for Marvel at the present time) Rhomann Dey
Reportedly, Hope van Dyne/Wasp will NOT be in Infinity War Part I because Marvel wants to focus more on her origin in the Ant Man & Wasp film which comes out after Part I, but she is expected to be in Part II.
Markus has said that every living character in the MCU could make an appearance. Even Darcy's boyfriend from Thor 2. But it would be unwise to rule out flashbacks/hallucinations of Peggy Carter, Yondu, or Tony's parents.
The confirmed and the possible characters come to a total of 62 exactly. Obviously, there’s a lot of room for error. 
Also, I haven’t seen any rumors about them appearing, but I suspect we’ll likely seen the Cameron Klein character in at least a cameo, though I’m not sure it will be enough to confirm his name.
There’s also Christine Palmer, since it’s been a while since we saw her, but her role in Dr. Strange was so slight (and not written by Markus and McFeely) that I’d say it’s unlikely we see her. We might get a mention of her, but she might be harder to work in than many of the others.
There’s also Christine Everheart, who did some “news segments” to precede CA:CW. Again, that would likely be a cameo role.
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hugsforhobi-moving · 8 years
The always lovely @kae-popx tagged me to do this (thank you I needed a break omg ;3;)~
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better!
Name: Danielle
Nicknames: Dani, but don’t actually call me by that since I only let family members use my nickname.
Zodiac Sign: Taurus.
Height: 5′2″
Orientation: Bisexual
Ethnicity: White.
Favorite Fruit: Eh, not much of a fruit person(I have texture issues when it comes to food), but if I have to pick then apples.
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Book: Tbh I don’t really have one?
Favorite Flower: Peonies.
Favorite Scent: Lavender is my favorite omg. Also this is really random, but the after-rain smell in Albuquerque is DIVINE. If I could somehow get that scent made into a candle, I would be set for life~
Favorite Colour: I like blues, but specifically cerulean.
Favorite Animal: Dolphins! I will be a very happy person if there is ever a dolphin Pokemon.
Favorite Beverage: Water and Diet Dr. Pepper (it’s not about the caffeine, I love it for the taste).
Average Sleep Hours: 4-9 hours depending on what I have the following day.
Favorite Fictional Character: Oh, um...Squirtle.
Number of blankets you sleep with: 3. One is for pressure (I should invest in a weighted blanket tbh), one is for texture, and one is for added warmth.
Dream Trip: ...I’d honestly just be happy to get out of Texas.
Blog Created: Believe it was June or July 2016. I really can’t remember right now since my brain is fried.
Number of Followers: It says 83, but it’s actually 78 (I actively keep track since I don’t want ghost follows...).
People I tag: @floral-hobi @bi-hoseok @blushguk @hobiconfetti @happyhobii @phelan-jaeger @sope4one @my-happy-sunflower-pill @everheartings @btshatescishets @hobskitten @j-houba @bea-t-s @effervescence-peach @hopesbangtan @daehdream @kainks @yoo-n @marqueximena @hinamore
(as per usual, y’all totally don’t have to do this if you don’t want to~)
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Will this blog be text only, or will there be the occasional image attachments too?
Reply from Researcher Wylde:
There will be images sometimes! Image responses are more difficult because we have to get them approved before we can upload them (to ensure no confidential information is leaked) but if it makes sense to have an image attached, there will be one!
To illustrate (lol), here's a picture of me and Dr. Everheart, from my OnlyFans account. I post pics on OF of Dr. Everheart passed out at work, go follow it!
Edit from Director Holleman:
Plugging non-work-related social media pages is against DOS guidelines. Link to OnlyFans account has been removed.
Art by @wolfen-arts
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c00kieknight · 7 years
Marvel characters
Tony Stark                               Pepper Potts                       Groot
Obadiah Stane                        Christine Everheart            
James Rhodes                        Natasha Romanoff              
Happy Hogan                          Peggy Carter
Jarvis                                      Jane Foster
Phil Coulson                            Darcy Lewis
Nick Fury                                 Sif
Ivan Vanko                               Frigga
Justin Hammer                        Maria Hill
Steve Rogers                           Maya Hansen
Bucky Barnes                           Sharon Carter
Red Skull                                  Gamora
Colonel Phillips                         Nebula
Howard Stark                            irani rael
Abraham Erskine                      Meredith Quill
Arnim Zola                                Wanda Maximoff
Dum Dum Dugan                      Dr. Helen Cho
Gabe Jones                              Laura Barton
Union Jack                                Friday
James Morita                            Cassandra Lang
Jacques Dernier                        Hope Pym
Thor                                           Maggie Lang 
Heimdall                                    Maria Stark
Odin                                          May Parker
Loki                                           Miriam Sharpe
Dr. Erik Selvig                           Ancient One
Volgstagg                                  Christine Palmer
Hogan                                        Mantis
Fandrall                                      Kismet
Laufey                                        Michelle/MJ
Clint Barton                                Liz Allen
Jasper Sitwell                            Karen
Bruce banner                             Hela
Thanos                                       Valkyrie
Aldrich Killian                             Topaz
Trevor Slatterly
Sam Wilson  
Alexander Peirce
ian the intern
Peter Quill         
The Collector
Corpsman Dey
Howard the duck
Peitro Maximoff       
Baron Strucker     
Scott Lang        
Hank Pym                     
Darren Cross               
Baron Zemo        
Everett Ross
Peter Parker
General Ross
Doctor Strange     
Mr. Harrington
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You lost a subject at sea?? Did you ever find them?
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Reply from Researcher Wylde:
Unfortunately, it was before my time, so I don't know all the details.
Apparently, they found him recently, so I know he's alive, but we're not allowed to discuss the details, to avoid gossip and false rumors.
Dr. Everheart asked him repeatedly to come back as a subject again, but he always refuses.
I went ahead and answered this one even though Dr. Everheart probably would have been able to answer better, because he's currently... unavailable. Sorry about that lol
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Have you guys had any big breakthroughs in your research recently?
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Reply from Dr. Everheart:
My work lately has been very specialized for each individual subject. There are rarely any breakthroughs that would apply to objectoids as a whole...
There was a time about five years ago when I was working towards understanding the oxygen intake of full-body objectoids (those whose entire body is made of an inorganic material), but my research was cancelled after an incident at sea resulted in the loss of the subject (not death, mind you), and I've been struggling to get anything particularly interesting approved by the board ever since.
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The Everheart Amendment 51-75
Dr. Everheart is known to follow the DOS rules and regulations to the letter, but no further. If there isn't a rule against a specific action, he sees no wrong in doing it. Because of this outlook, there is a set of rules in the DOS guidelines that were implemented specifically because of him and his team (particularly Researcher Wylde). This ever-growing list of do's and don't's (but mostly don't's) is known colloquially as the "Everheart Amendment." It consists of rules put in place by the board of directors after having witnessed Dr. Everheart or his team members perform, plan to perform, or suggest/threaten to perform the actions mentioned within them.
Previous - Next
51. The board of directors are not to be referred to as the “fun police.” 52. Excessive use of brass instruments will result in said object being confiscated and possibly destroyed. a. This goes for woodwind and percussion instruments as well. 53. The Floor Is Lava is prohibited, excluding occasions where actual molten lava has been spilled on facility grounds. 54. Researchers are not allowed to disguise themselves as head scientists in order to access the head scientists' lounge. a. Nor is Dr. Oslac Everheart allowed to dress a researcher up as himself in order to avoid meetings. 55. DOS personnel are prohibited from telling civilians that birds are “cameras that work for the government.” 56. Nerf Guns are only permitted in the testing rooms for approved testing purposes. a. As are genuine firearms. 57. Dr. Oslac Everheart is not allowed to pose as Dr. Jude Everheart on any occasion. a. Nor is Dr. Oslac Everheart allowed to enlist Dr. Jude Everheart to pose as him so he can avoid meetings. 58. After the repeated incidents and mishaps, personnel are now banned from bringing baked beans to the facility. Editor's Note: I hope the Reddit Gold was worth it, Wylde. 59. New employees are not to be described as any species of simian. 60. Researchers are not allowed to edit the audio of test footage. a. They are especially prohibited from attaching sounds from "Ed Edd N Eddy" to test footage. 61. Dr. Oslac Everheart is not allowed to refer to any of his facilities as "The Land of Oz." a. Nor are any researchers. 62. Researchers are prohibited from writing “that’s wild” in the comment box on official data analysis documents. a. “That’s wylde” is also prohibited. 63. Vehicle objectoids are prohibited from being driven in facility halls. 64. Head scientists are not allowed to intimidate interns by claiming they will, "piss on your cat," "harvest your teeth," or "eat your girlfriend." a. Nor are head scientists allowed to tell interns to "say goodbye to your eyelashes." b. Nor can they threaten to "steal your bone marrow." c. Oslac, be nice to the interns. 65. Male researchers are not allowed to post "Girls Only" signs on the entrances to DOS facilities in order to get time off. a. Nor are they allowed to post "No Boys Allowed" signs. 66. Head scientists do not, and shall not, keep the heads of previous head scientists cryogenically frozen in the research center's basement. 67. Researchers outside of Dr. Everheart’s team are not “normies.” 68. “Wouldn’t you like to know” is not a proper response when asked about test or experiment results. 69. Dress code violation is not an assertion of dominance. 70. Scientists are not allowed to smuggle Nature Valley Crunch Bars into testing sites. 71. Board meeting guests may not bring wooden planks with faces drawn on them. 72. Head scientists may not purposefully "ghost" the board of directors, especially when they know they are doing something wrong. 73. Researchers are not allowed to run an OnlyFans account consisting of: pictures of Dr. Everheart asleep, pictures of Dr. Everheart from behind, pictures of Dr. Everheart drinking energy drinks, or pictures of Dr. Everheart pointing at the camera. a. Nor are they allowed to have an OnlyFans account consisting entirely of Dr. Everheart’s left hand. b. Researchers are no longer permitted to have an OnlyFans account. 74. "Ask for forgiveness, not for permission" is not the motto of any DOS research team, nor should it be treated as such. 75. The Cupid Shuffle is not an authorized mobility test. b. Nor is the Cha Cha Slide.
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