#researcher skye
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Rule #17: Male scientists are not permitted to wear a dress to formal events.
art by: @rabbitjaguar
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umbreoncomplex · 3 months
aa1-5 rise from the ashes was so polyamorous and for what. angels multiple boyfriends. whatevers between mia and lana paired with mia and godot. whatevers between lana and jake paired with the dating implications between jake and angel. jesus
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rainbowangel110 · 2 months
Guys I am so sorry for dropping off the face of the earth, it will happen again
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mistfallengw2 · 5 months
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Finally made Lenorey in game, and she's already ready for mischief (stealing your stuff and eating it).
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skyloftian-nutcase · 9 months
Hi new here! In love with LU for a while but just discovered your healthcare au and I'm head over heels it's so good <3 I love all the details you put in. As soon as I started reading it on ao3, I was like "oh this person is a healthcare worker for sure" lol.
I just saw a post where you said Four thought about being a biomedical engineer and my heart went eeeeeee bc I love Four and am currently working on my PhD in biomed engineering so if he has questions about stuff he can ask me;) I build medical imaging systems and am collaborating with a soft tissue surgeon at our university's vet school and it's sooooo cool!
My dream job would be to work as a research engineer at a hospital, maybe do a postdoc...any openings at Hyrule Hospital lololol
Yoooooooooo this is so cool! That's awesome that you're studying biomed engineering!! There's absolutely room for you at Hyrule Hospital! :D :D
Four has considered biomedical engineering, but for now I think he's settled in his position as an ICU nurse. Flora, on the other hand, is absolutely planning on doing biomed engineering, so if you have any tips for her, she'd appreciate it! She's coming fresh out of the military with all kinds of baggage, it's gonna be fun introducing her to the story!
I'm so happy you're enjoying the healthcare au! :D
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etherealyoungk · 11 months
fighting for my life to finish this assignment
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goldiipond · 2 years
autism win stranger said my essay was 'really well explained'
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heaven-s-black-box · 10 months
Wright Anything Agency + Prosecutors Office= Chaos chpt.5
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Recovery date: May 29th, 2020
Description: The WAA's air conditioner breaks during an LA summer, so they go to the only place they can think of... the prosecutors office. Chaos ensues led by the youngest members of the Wright and Edgeworth families.
Notes: A entry series involving a descendant of a traveler, following the death of her mother it was determined Sky would be better off staying with Miles Edgeworth. This is an OC insert, the fantastical technobabble is just for looks
Related works: Miles adopts Sky, Trucy meets Sky
Chapters: 1 2 2.5 3 4 5 5.5
Word count: 2 096
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“Beach Day!” Trucy, Athena, and Kay cheered.
It was still rather early, so the beach was pretty empty. They had decided the only way to get decent spots on such a hot day was to get there as early as possible. While it had been on rather short notice, everyone from the WAA and prosecutor’s office had decided that a beach day was a great idea. Not that there was much else to do today, court proceedings came to a halt due to the heat. No one really wanted to be inside right now anyways. 
“Trucy don’t forget your sunscreen!” Wright called before Trucy could get too far.
“Coming back!” She yelled, turning around.
Edgeworth handed her the sunscreen and she passed it between everyone. Meanwhile, Wright set up an umbrella and towels. Everyone was spread out, setting up on the beach by the boardwalk. The Edgeworths and Wrights were sharing one spot, and to their left, Athena was sharing a spot with Kay, Sebastian, Juniper, and Simon. To the right of them, Apollo, Ema, Nahyuta, and Klavier were set up together. Franziska had refused to be anywhere near the chaos and was set up further from the boardwalk then the rest of them, and Godot was not allowed out due to being a convict. Kay had also set up a small area for whenever Gumshoe and Maggie arrived. 
Once Wright was sure his daughter was safe from the sun, he waved her off. She bolted towards the water with Athena who was dragging Juniper behind her. Klavier had gone out into the water with them soon after. Wright settled under his umbrella to keep an eye on them. Edgeworth sat beside him reading some really heavy book. He had jokingly said this was supposed to be a relaxing day and Edgeworth had just ignored him. Simon was hiding under his umbrella despite Athena’s efforts to coax him out earlier. Sebastian had tried to do the same but was pulled out to build sand castles with Kay. Apollo, Ema and Nahyuta were catching up on Khura’in. Sky had managed to drag her aunt towards the water to hunt for seashells.
“Daddy!” Trucy yelled from the water. “Come join us! It’s nice!”
“Ya Mr.Wright!”
“Maybe later, I’m enjoying the beach!”
“I don’t think hiding under an umbrella counts Phoenix,” Edgeworth mumbled, flipping a page.
“Papa’s right. If I could, I’d pick you up and drop you into the water, but I can’t. So instead I’m just going to push you until you get up,” Sky said, popping up behind him. As promised she started pushing on his back to try and move him.
“I’m not moving Sky,” he let out a small huff and smiled. Then the pressure left his back.
CRACK! He jumped. “Phoenix Wright. Go join your daughter.”
“Why did you bring your whip?” He exclaimed frantically, looking up at Franziska who was now running her Whip through her hand.
“That doesn’t matter, go swim,” she said.
“Fine. I’m going. I’m going,” he said, raising his hands in surrender.
“Yay!” Both girls exclaimed. Sky grabbed his arm, dragging him to the water.
“Why is Miles exempt from this?” He grumbled.
“Because papa can’t swim duh,” Sky said. “Now go.” She shoved him towards the water, then ran in herself.
“Well don’t they look like they’re having fun,” Apollo said, looking over towards the water. If he didn’t know any better, he might think everyone was trying to drown Mr.Wright.
Him, Nahyuta, and Ema had been talking about the Khura’inese legal system since they’d met up this morning. Mr. Wright had reminded him this was supposed to be a relaxing trip, and Athena and Trucy had threatened to bury him in the sand if he tried to talk about work all day.
“Are you sure? It appears young miss Wright and miss Edgeworth are try to drown Mr. Wright.”
“Ya, they're just playing. Honestly, I’m surprised they haven’t actually done him in yet,” Ema opened a bag of snackoos and offered some to the two boys, “I couldn’t imagine trying to raise Trucy, let alone both of those girls.”
Nahyuta looked at her quizzically, “Since when has Mr. Wright adopted miss Edgeworth?”
“Oh, he hasn’t. Yet,” Apollo said. “We have a bet going on for how long until mr Edgeworth and mr Wright get married.”
“And you’re participating, why?” Ema asked.
He gave her an incredulous look, “Have you seen their trials?”
“I have not. Did they discuss marriage during one of their trials? That does not seem very professional.”
“Please, I don’t think half of our cases can count as professional, but no. They just keep flirting… like, excessively.”
“Hey! Are we gonna do lunch?” Kay yelled from her spot on the beach.
It’d been a while and the beach had filled more. Klavier had gotten dragged off somewhere by his fans, so he wasn’t in their area anymore. Kay and Sebastian were still on the beach and had been joined by Juniper and Athena. The girls had buried Sebastian in the sand up to his neck after they’d tried to drag Simon out from under his umbrella. Trucy and Franziska were making a sandcastle by Wright and Edgeworth, while Sky was sharing obscure facts with Ema and telling Nahyuta about current trends. Apollo had left to find Klavier some time ago, and with how busy it had gotten, no one wanted to try and find him.
“Lunch sounds cool!” Ema piped up.
“Boardwalk food is the best!” Sky yelled, some people looked their way and Sky covered her mouth, slouching over.
“Seconded!” Trucy yelled, accidentally knocking part of her sandcastle.
“Thirded! Wait! That’s not a word,” Athena yelled. Everyone started laughing.
Everyone got up and split into groups. Franziska had no interest in the chaos of the boardwalk, so she decided to stay and watch their stuff. She’d moved closer to the group once people started arriving, not wanting to be rude. Athena, Juniper, Kay, and Sebastian went together with Simon to the far end of the boardwalk. Athena wanted to show Juniper and Sebastian a restaurant she liked at the far end, and Simon was going to make sure no one got lost. Kay was also a fan of a restaurant down that way, so she went with them. Sky and Trucy were going with Ema and Nahyuta to give their dads some time together. Gumshoe and Maggie hadn’t shown up yet, and when Kay had texted him, he’d said they were lost. Trucy made sure Apollo knew to grab lunch as well.
Apollo 5:03 A.M For the love ofgod It’s not even a work day This beach day better be worth it 12:33 P.M We’re going for lunch Grab lunch before coming back Did ya find your BF
“So, what do you two recommend from here?” Nahyuta asked.
“Hot/Corn Dogs!” Trucy and Sky cheered at the same time before glaring at each other.
“How about we get both, Prosecutor Sahdmadhi can pick which he wants,” Ema said before the two could start bickering. The girls shrugged.
“I should ask papa if we can play some boardwalk games later. Look!” She pointed to a ring toss game, “They have a giant plush racoon!”
“Don’t you already have a ton of plushies?” Trucy asked.
“Plushies are to me what magic is to you. Hey! Wanna hear a fun fact about racoons and buttholes?”
“I’m sorry what?” Ema asked, clearly taken aback. 
“What fact could possibly involve those two things?” Nahuyta asked with genuine curiosity.
“Well, A racoon can fit in a hole up to four inchs wide, and your butthole can stretch up to seven inchs. So technically you can fit two racoons up your butt,” she turned to them and smiled innocently.
“I don-” Ema started, “I think I’ll have to look into that.”
“I am not entirely certain of the proper response to that.”
Trucy, who had been giggling, just shrugged. “Look there’s the corn dog stand!”
“What did I tell you?” Athena asked as they walked back to the beach. “Best lemonade on the boardwalk! And that sandwich place was pretty good Kay.”
“I know! Detective Gumshoe told me about it.”
“I hope he’s okay. I wonder if he’ll be able to find us,” Juniper hummed, before taking a bite of her sandwich.
“Miss Faraday!” Someone yelled from the crowd by the boardwalk entrance. They weren’t the only people who looked over either, quite a few people had.
Running towards them, was detective Gumshoe who was dragging Maggie behind him. She was trying to keep her sun hat on her head. They stopped just in front of the group, with Gumshoe catching Maggie before she fell over at the sudden stop.
���I’m glad I found ya Pal!”
“Gumshoe-dono,” Simon bowed slightly.
“Detective Gumshoe,” Sebastian nodded before taking a sip of his lemonade and scanning the crowd for anyone else they knew.
“Do you guys need to get food?” Juniper asked.
“No, it’s okay. We already ate,” Maggie smiled at them. “We just couldn’t find your beach set up.”
“Well!” Kay cheered, nearly knocking Athena’s lemonade out of her hand. Athena scowled at her. “Just follow us then!”
“-and that’s why Corn dogs are the best!” Trucy finished.
Her, Nahyuta, and Ema had finished their corn dogs on the way to get hot dogs, and she’d begun to explain why they were the best. Sky was quietly munching on her tornado potato listening to the other rant. Nahyuta seemed fully absorbed in her reasoning, and Ema  just found it amusing.
“Oh hey! It’s Mr. Gavin and Polly!” She pointed towards a table where sure enough, the two were seated. “I’m gonna go grab them!”
“Cool! I want my hot dog!” Sky cheered and turned towards the stand.
“And I’m going with you.”
“What does Franziska want?” Wright asked as he and Edgeworth stood in line for funnel cake. Wright had refused to leave until they got some.
“She brought her own food. She wanted nothing to do with the boardwalk,” Edgeworth hummed.
“Burgers!” They heard a familiar voice yell.
“But Mystic Maya, I thought this place had good ramen?”
“Nope! There aren’t any ramen stalls here… unfortunately.”
They turned around, and they had to stand on their toes to try and see Maya and who they assumed was pearl. Once they spotted them, Wright waved and called out to them. Edgeworth dropped down and covered his face with a groan. The line started moving so Edgeworth dragged him along.
“Let’s just grab our food and head back,” he grumbled.
Everyone eventually found their way back with their desserts and drinks. Almost everyone had stopped for dessert after finishing their food. Ema had introduced Nahyuta to beavertails, and Apollo and Klavier were splitting a beavertail between themselves. Maya and Pearl each had their own. Kay, Athena, and Juniper were sharing a funnel cake, as Sebastian occasionally picked pieces off. Edgeworth and Wright split their funnel cake, while their daughter snacked on their ice cream sundays. Everyone else had skipped out on desserts, except Franziska who was sipping on a milkshake. No one was certain where she’d gotten it since she refused to approach the boardwalk until it cleared out, and she wouldn’t tell them.
The rest of the day was filled with laughter, and worried parents because some people had been stubborn about sunscreen. The day ended with Minor sun burns for Simon (because he’s pale), Trucy And Sky (they missed a few spots with sunscreen), Kay (She refused to put more on), and Maya and Pearl (they hadn’t brought any at all, and the only reason the burns weren’t worse was because Wright had made them put some on once they joined up). It also ended with most people asleep on their feet. After they’d eaten, Wright and Maya had challenged Edgeworth and Gumshoe to a game of beach volleyball, and Trucy had taken it upon herself to try to teach Nahyuta the basics while Apollo and Klavier laughed at him. The others had split up between the water and the beach.
“I’ll give this one to you Wright,” Edgeworth grumbled as he drove the Wrights home.
“What do you mean?” Wright asked, turning to him. He’d been watching Trucy and Sky sleep in the back seat. Trucy’s head was resting on Sky’s.
“Today was… fun, to say the least.” He paused before continuing, “In fact, this week wasn’t the worst. It was a pleasant break.”
Wright reached over and took Edgeworth's hand, “I’m glad.”
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comedicnne · 2 months
reading this new biography of sarah s.iddons and the fact that i've read/recognize/have on my tbr like half the bibliography is so validating 😂
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Who runs the DOS tumblr page?
Reply from Researcher Wylde:
The Everheart research team has been left in charge of running the official DOS tumblr page, because I and Researcher Skye have experience running social media pages. Answers to questions will mostly come from either me or Dr. E himself unless they're directed at someone specifically.
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New Music Video: "Tough Kid" - Skye Wallace
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maglorthecrab · 7 months
🌅 rainbowmiku Follow
Ok so who was going to tell me not ONE but TWO chief prosecutors for my district have been arrested for murder
💿 makosharko Follow
Hey op do you live in fucking night vale
🕰️ athelas Follow
I did the research for y’all in the notes going wild wanting to know where op lives (and also bonuses of being a law student yay) so the only area I can find where a chief prosecutor has been arrested for murder is L.A. then I reckon they said two because the present chief prosecutor for L.A. is Miles Edgeworth, who has been accused of murder twice but cleared of both charges
🔮 ghosthunters Follow
fellow LA denizen here, fun fact! chief prosecutor edgeworth is married to a defence attorney
🌅 rainbowmiku Follow
🎈skyrensics Follow
said defence attorney has also been accused of murder before.
🪜ladderhosen Follow
Oh yeah that defence attorney is Phoenix Wright btw- he defended me for a murder charge once
🎈skyrensics Follow
oh nice! he defended my sister once :) she got accused of murdering someone in her offices parking lot lmao
🛒guiltylove Follow
@skyrensics wait is your sister fucking Lana Skye
🫧 pearlescent Follow
The former chief prosecutor’s sister uses tumblr????
🦔 wrongbird Follow
*opens door of reblogs to whisper* the current chief prosecutor also uses tumblr folks
🐚 demaskmasque Follow
🍄 magisteel Follow
apparently he likes the samuraiverse! I wouldn’t be surprised if he was lurking in fan circles on here. Evidence btw- he has a steel samurai figure on his windowsill + a signal samurai keychain.
🌅 rainbowmiku Follow
these updates just get wilder and wilder. I’m learning more about my city’s lawyers than I ever thought I would.
🔮 ghosthunters Follow
everyone really skipped over the fact that it seems like half of LA’s legal system is on tumblr. god forbid they find this post
⚖️ calidistrictattorneysoffice Follow
🛒 guiltylove Follow
🌻 wrightandcolaw Follow
Is this a good time to say hello?
🌅 rainbowmiku Follow
never did I think one of my tumblr posts would attract the literal state of California prosecutors office or the wright and co law officef ashnduhjsjkkshg
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amnhnyc · 2 months
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Research alert! Two new fossils of a mouse-sized animal from the age of dinosaurs indicate that early mammals grew more slowly and lived longer than their modern descendants—rewriting our understanding of the lives of the very earliest mammals. An international study led by researchers at National Museums Scotland and published today in the journal Nature, compares two Krusatodon kirtlingtonensis fossils discovered decades apart in Scotland’s Isle of Skye. One of the fossils, the only juvenile Jurassic mammal skeleton known to science, was discovered in 2016 by Roger Benson, the Museum’s Macaulay Curator in the Division of Paleontology, and colleagues.
“These fossils are among the most complete mammals from this time period in the world,” said Elsa Panciroli, the lead author of the study and an associate researcher of paleobiology at National Museums Scotland. 
Learn how these small animals give us unprecedented insights into the lives of early mammals.
Image: © Maija Karala
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
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Hyrule’s kind of notorious for having a ton of items: Candles, bombs, a raft, a ladder, bow, boomerang, potions, magic rod, a Bible (English translation changed it to “magic book” but it still has a cross on it.) keys, magical keys, red ring, blue ring, power bracelet, magic sword, flute, letter, meat 🍖, magic boomerang, magical shield, Handy Glove, Hammer, Boots, a Cross (reveals invisible locations), Link Doll (that works like a fairy and revives him when he dies), Exp. Point bag,
Then there’s his spells- the notorious fairy spell that turns him into a fairy, his life spell (healing), his shield spell, his jump spell, his fire spell, his reflect spell, his thunder spell, and finally his “spell spell” 😂 which requires a lot of magic just for him to learn- it turns most monsters into “fairly harmless bots” and reveals secrets and hidden things when used in the right locations. Below is official artwork of bots and Link using “spell”. Oh and something not often discussed are the two techniques he’s taught- Downward Thrust and Jump Thrust.
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jenosjarofjam · 4 months
Now, you're stuck with me forever
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Alpha jeno x Omega fem!reader
-Rivals/enemies to lovers
Requested ✔️ @no-romance-for-me-please
Word count: 2k+word.
Warning: smut,abo stuff, a lot I mean a lot of slick, squirting, knotting, cussing, biting/marking, mention of scent, nicknames(princess, good girl, etc...)
An note! This is like my first one shot and abo so hopefully this is not too bad🤞.(I took some prompts idea from Tumblr.)I didn't really dive deep into the rival/enemies part.
Playlist: collide-Justine Skye, Best lover-BiBi
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You took the same class with Jeno, both of you were the top 10 students in the whole uni. You vividly remember the first year you met Jeno, Jeno always sat next to you, taunting you when he got higher grades. On the other hand, you studied extra hard because of it, surprisingly Jeno still got a higher grade than you. This went on for months, until the professor decided to pair both of you up for a huge project, now you have no choice but work with him. You guys started texting each other, deadline of the project was approaching, you agreed on letting Jeno into your place to help on the project, another led to another, now he crashes into your place whenever he wants
9:34 a.m
Jeno: Can I come over I’m bored……
Y/n : Since when did you started asking?
Jeno:I’m just trying to be nice rn, I’ll bring you food.
Y/n:awwwwwwwwww are you showing affection to me rn?
Jeno: I want to wrap my hands around your throat, and choke you until the life in your eyes die down.
Y/n: kinky ;)
Jeno: stfu, u freak
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Jeno was sitting on the couch, finalising the project while you ate your food. The presence of him was distracting you , you seem to be confused about the reason… but hey no one’s complaining when there’s free food.
You noticed the sun peeking through the curtains, sun ray hitting Jeno’s face, highlighting his features. He’s skin glowed under the sun, his eyes shimmered hazel, his nose- “Hey! Are you even listening to me?Hello? Earth to Y/n?” A voice abrupted your thoughts, you realised you have been unconsciously starring at him, your face blushed in embarrassment about being caught. “Were you starring at me?” He cocked his eyebrow in disbelief, “no- no way why would I be starring at you! You’re.. ugly.” Well that was a lie….. “You’re avoiding eye contac with me? Why’s that?” He grins in enjoyment watching you suffer. “No. NO why would I do that.” “Maybe because you’re into me?” He said poking fun at you. “ wha-what no no no…” “well, you’re looking at me like you want to murder me but also like…you want me.” He smirked, seeing your widened eyes. "*cough* umm I'm gonna go uhh get some water." You said, as you quickly walked to the kitchen. You let out a sigh, feeling like you lost your breathe just the moment before. You felt... feverish, oddly... horny.
You went back talking with Jeno, it still doesn't help the fact that you're thinking about getting pounded by a particular person. The uncomfortable stickiness between your thighs was borderline painful, you tried to ease the pain by crossing your legs...it didn't work. You spaced out looking into Jeno's eyes. "Hey... You should take a rest, you seem tired today," "Yeah..um yeah sorry I'll uh go to my room and get some rest, call me when you need anything." You responded, feeling the awkward tension in the room rise up. Little did you know, your scent was flaring up like crazy, the mix of raspberry jam and cherry blossom was putting off Jeno, the sweet smell of slick was oozing out of your panties, making it awfully hard for Jeno to keep his instincts and not to fuck you senselessly. You scurried off to your room, feeling overwhelmed to the brim. You started researching about random heats, trying to find the reason the sudden neediness. You came across an article about spontaneous heats.
Spontaneous heats-Though rare, there is a phenomenon called Spontaneous Heat, which is when an Omega goes into heat outside of their cycle. The rare cases where it happens include meeting one's perfect match (at which point both heat and rut begin almost immediately)
No way Lee Jeno was destined to be your mate, but you can’t deny he is dreadfully hot, but you definitely didn’t stand a chance to be with him.
All these mix signals are just throwing you over the edge.In spite of that, all you should be worrying right now is about the fact that you’re craving the feeling of Jeno’s dick sliding in and out of you.
You had to find a way to relief the pain, ignoring the fact Jeno is probably outside your room playing video games, you slipped your hand under your panties, stimulating your clit. You bite down on your pillow, trying to muffle your moans.
Jeno was standing outside your room, the scent of a sweet aroma slipping through the door crack is driving him insane. The sound of muffled moans , made it obvious you were touching yourself. The thought of marking you, letting everyone know you’re his. The desire to breed you, filling up your pussy with his cum. How pretty you’ll look when he fucks you until you’re senseless . He feels his body burning, blood rushing to his cock, he couldn’t get you off his mind the entire day, he was just craving to fuck you all day long . Jeno couldn’t hold it anymore, he knew damn way he wanted you, all the pretending was driving him mad.
As you were approaching your high, you closed your eyes and focused on the climax. Yougot so lost in the pleasure, you didn’t even notice that someone was standing in front of your doorway.
"Always so needy for me, having fun without me huh?" You quickly cover yourself, your face burned up in embarrassment, you stared at Jeno and his very prominent erection, the size of his bulge was huge , the sheer thought of it already makes you mouth water, you wondered how it’ll feel in your hand,or even in your tight pussy. “What you looking at?” Jeno interrupts your line of thoughts, but it doesn’t make it better. He's low raspy voice sends chills down your spine. He slowly walks to your bed, kneeling down and staring into your doe-eyes, you quickly turned your head away from his stare, he quickly leans closer, closer to the point you feel his breathe against yours " I asked you y/n, what are you looking at?”. Jeno realises how stupid this is, and pulls away, before you pull him by the collar, his lips crashes into yours, the hunger you both crave for each other is finally getting satisfied, his hands naturally went around your waist as he pulls you closer, goosebumps swarming every part of your body. He pulls away "do you want me to stop?” he asked, trying to reassure you wanted this. You hurriedly answered, longing for more “just the opposite, please” He pushes you on to the bed, now you’re under him.
“Submit yourself,” he demanded, “jeno-” “What did you call me?” he abruptly shouted, making you jolt from the unexpected behaviour. “I’m sorry, al-alpha.” he slowly pulled down your flimsy shorts along with your pink panties, the cold hands made you squirm away from his touch. He quickly put his hands on your hips and pull you in, “Let me take care of you, let me make you feel good, let me make you mine,” he whispers into your ears before he forcefully lifts your head up, now you’re staring at him. He’s eyes filled with lust, the dark orbs felt like they were burning holes in yours. He takes off his shirt, his toned abs, arms bulging with veins, looks just like a wet dream in sight. He spreads your legs further apart, slotting his head between your legs. He started licking your hole, not letting a single drop of slick going to waste, before adding two fingers into your leaking hole, slick dripping to his chin, his nose bumping onto your clit adding the extra sensation, making you moan like crazy. “Fuck, you taste so sweet, taste like mine,”he mumbled, the sound of slurping echoes in your ear, your hand naturally find its way down to his head, you grip firmly on his hair, tugging it slightly letting him know your getting close to your climax. The high he brought you was like shockswaves crashing into you, you arch your back gripping harder onto his hair, you let a breathy gasp as you came all over his face.
“I’m not done with you, yet." His eyes darkened as you reached your hands towards him, freeing his cock out of his confinement, it spring out hitting his abdomen. It was huge, far from the ones you've taken before. He slowly lift your legs up, pushing the tip in you, the stretch was painfully good, you unconsciously clenched around him making him groan, your slick coating his dick making it easier for him to fit. He gave you time to adjust to his length then he slowly thrusted into you. “Fuck- take it like a good omega that you are.” The new feeling of adrenaline came rushing in, your eyes rolled back when he hit the spot that made you see stars. He lets out a low breathy grunt , your creamy velvety walls sucking him in deeper, the tight fit making you feel every inch of him, every single veins dragging in and out of your pussy. He started thrusting in a merciless rhythm, he grabbed your jaw and kissed you roughly, his tongue swirled against yours, the passionate kiss turned into a messy make-out session. His warm lips taking over you, pussy gushing over his dick. "Alpha, I'm close-" you choked out "please, fill me up please.", you feel like time slowed, each thrust felt so sensitive, so good, you feel your vision blurring, the knot in your stomach snapped, you let a long lewd moan as you cum on Jeno's dick. Jeno kept thrusting, ignoring your whines. "Hmm, too much?? Too much for my omega? You were begging for it, you were begging me to fill you up right?? Good girl's keep their promises baby." The sensitivity was too much, you feel your eyes tearing up, you kept clenching on his girth, forming a creamy white ring around the base of his cock.
Jeno used his strength and flip you around, his big hands holding onto your hips, “ass up princess.” You obeyed, feeling a sharp slap on your butt, he swify pushes back in with a one quick thrust. "Plea-se knot- in me al-pha, please, wanna be full of your pups." You pleaded, the thought of being by each other's side everyday, carrying his child, was the best fucking dream ever. "Fuck- You want me to knock you up- huh? Such a slut, such a slut for me. Fuck I'm cumming." He grunted. Jeno grabbed your hair pulling it aside, exposing your bare neck and collarbones, Jeno put his nose on your neck, inhaling your sweet aroma. "Can I mark you- princess, wanna make you mine-" He asked, waiting to get a permission to forever mark you his. "Mark me please, alpha mark me!" Jeno licked the side of your neck, and bit down on it, he licked the blood that was oozing out of the mark. You screamed in pain, but the idea of being his was enough for you to bare the pain. Jeno kept thrusting in you, you feel like your were about to pass out, a new feeling rushed in, not like your typical orgasm. Your now breathy moans echoed the room along with the slapping sound of the skin, you screamed in pleasure as you squirted all over his abs. "S-shit , that was so hot, I'm so close princess." He growled, liquid dripping down your thighs. His thrusts became more sloppy, the raspy low grunts was starting to become smoky moans. You feel his dick twitched in you. He held you closer, gripping onto you harder. With a final push, his knot inflamed, hot white cum covering your walls, you whimpered from the knot's pain. The feeling was way too addictive that you can barely feel the pain now. Jeno lays on you for a few seconds, you can feel his warm breathe against your neck. It took a few seconds for him to recover from his orgasm, he finally broke the silence
"How are you feeling?" He asked genuinely, "Tired and confused...I thought you never liked me..." "Idiot, why would I not like you." "No shit Sherlock, you acted like you hated my guts." You argued
"Well now you're stuck with me forever."
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bagelbun333 · 3 months
The death penalty in Ace Attorney | The fandom’s biggest misconception
Capital punishment is something we all know is a real consequence when it comes to murder in Ace Attorney, but do all culprits who commit these crimes actually get the death penalty? That’s what I’m going to go through in depth within this post!
CW and TW: mentions of death, execution, murder, suicide etc.
Also major spoilers for basically all the mainline ace attorney games!
To start off with, what exactly warrants a death penalty in Japanifornia? Murder has been referred to as a capital crime that deserves a capital punishment, which in turn led people to believe that all murder convicts get the death sentence. However, there is a slight mistranslation within that statement and it should say “murder is a charge that risks the death penalty.” “Risk” is the keyword here. While yes, it is possible murder charges can warrant the death penalty, that doesn’t mean every culprit will get executed. Like, this isn’t Danganronpa 😭 What people don’t think about is the different kinds of murder charges there are, and the differences in sentencing this can create.
Murder charges can go from:
1st Degree Murder - Premeditated/long time planning
2nd Degree Murder - Not premeditated but the intent is there within the moment/deliberate killing
3rd Degree Murder - Deliberate reckless behaviour resulting in death
Aggravated Murder - Murder when an aggravating circumstance is proven (such as kidnapping or torture)
Voluntary Manslaughter - Intention to kill but is not guilty of murder due to provocation or mental incapacity
Involuntary Manslaughter - Killing without intention within the heat of the moment
Self Defence - Killing for defence of oneself
Consensual Homicide - Assisting a suicide
Attempted Murder - Planning and failing to kill
In Japan (the country this series is initially based on) these charges have different kinds of sentences depending on circumstances. So naturally, Japanifornia must have punishments very similar to this. These are the sentences for these crimes in Japan according to my research:
1st Degree - 5 years to life imprisonment
2nd Degree - 5 years to life imprisonment
3rd Degree - 3 to 5 years imprisonment
Aggravated Murder - Death penalty or life imprisonment
Voluntary Manslaughter - 1 to 15 years imprisonment
Involuntary Manslaughter - 1 to 15 years imprisonment
Consensual Homicide - 6 months to 7 years imprisonment
Self Defence - No imprisonment
Attempted Murder - 5 years to life imprisonment
Death penalties are usually passed in cases of multiple murders, although there are exceptions where individuals have committed a single murder that have been executed because it involved torture, extreme brutality or kidnapping with a demand for ransom. It is punishable by five years to life in prison, and with the death penalty if aggravating circumstances are proven. The only exception is for juvenile offenders since the minimum age for capital punishment in Japan is 18.
With this, we can work out what kinds of charges each of the ace attorney culprits will be given. (Mostly for the Phoenix Wright trilogy since I can’t recall much beyond aa4.)
(For clarification’s sake: a “/” is used when a crime could be one or the other or both, while the “,” is used to separate different crimes.)
Frank Sahwit: 2nd Degree Murder
Redd White: 1st Degree Murder
April May: 1st Degree Murder (Accomplice)
Dee Vasquez: Self Defence/Voluntary Manslaughter
Yanni Yogi: 1st Degree Murder
Manfred von Karma: 2nd Degree Murder, 1st Degree Murder (accomplice, planned out)
Joe Darke: Serial Murders (technically spree murder, guilty on five counts)
Damon Gant: 1st Degree Murder, 2nd Degree Murder (Serial Murders)
Lana Skye: 1st Degree Murder, 2nd Degree Murder (Unwilling Accomplice in both)
Richard Wellington: 2nd Degree Murder/Involuntary Manslaughter
Mimi Miney: 1st Degree Murder
Morgan Fey: 1st Degree Murder, Attempted Murder (Accomplice in both, planned out the crime)
Acro: Attempted Murder, Involuntary Manslaughter
Matt Engarde: 1st Degree Murder (Hired a hitman), Consensual Homicide (driven a woman to unalive herself)
Dahlia Hawthorne: 1st Degree Murder, Consensual Homicide, 3 counts of Attempted Murder, and 2nd Degree Murder (Serial Murders)
Luke Atmey: 1st Degree Murder
Furio Tigre: Either 1st or 2nd Degree Murder
Godot: Voluntary Manslaughter/Self Defence (defending someone else)
Iris: Voluntary Manslaughter (accomplice)
Kristoph Gavin: 2 counts of 1st Degree Murder, Attempted Murder (Serial Murders)
Those who canonically got the death penalty:
- Joe Darke
- Dahlia Hawthorne
- Terry Fawles
- Simon Blackquill
Those who canonically got the death penalty but didn’t get executed:
- Terry Fawles (he died anyway rip)
- Simon Blackquill
Those who are most likely to get the death penalty but never canonically stated:
- Manfred von Karma (not explicitly stated but heavily implied)
- Damon Gant
- Matt Engarde
- Morgan Fey (vaguely implied)
- Kristoph Gavin
- The Phantom
Those who don’t get the death penalty:
- Frank Sahwit
- Redd White (he would if his blackmail victims got leaked)
- April May
- Dee Vasquez
- Yanni Yogi
- Lana Skye
- Richard Wellington (could be a chance that he would considering his victim was a police officer)
- Mimi Miney (unsure considering her accomplice is implied to be on death row)
- Acro
- Luke Atmey
- Furio Tigre
- Godot
- Iris
To recap, the death penalty in Japanifornia is reserved for the criminals with absolutely no hope for rehabilitation, and for those who have aggravated murder charges/serial murder charges. Even people like Redd White will not receive the death penalty.
After all, Redd White did plead guilty to Mia’s murder specifically because getting arrested for one murder would be safer than having his list of blackmail victims get leaked to the press. It would be strange to confess for his own safety if he was just going to get executed anyway.
In the later games it is shown that the law is changing, and the death penalty is even less involved when culprits are convicted of murder. (Not counting charges in Khura’in, that’s different.) So it is very possible that the punishments can change overtime for those who were already convicted; meaning there’s a chance that they can be given a lighter sentence later on. There’s even a culprit in aa5 who was planning a murder but ended up killing someone else accidentally, and they were released from prison mere months after the trial. If they can released for that then surely a lot of the other culprits deserve the same treatment.
Speaking of Khura’in, that is actually more of a parody of what the fandom thought Japanifornia’s death penalty worked like. Even then, after the ending aa6, it looks like that judicial system will change for the better too.
And that’s pretty much it! The reason I wanted to go through this topic is because the whole murder = death penalty ideology is taken way out of proportion, and has been treated as a fact for far too long when it’s actually not completely true. This is just what I’ve managed to research and you can feel free to believe it or not, but I really wanted to share a new perspective on this subject. I, for one, wanted to share some hope for people; especially because I know a lot of these culprits have a lot of fans, and they deserve to have a brighter perspective on these characters. I definitely want some of these characters to return and this research really helped me feel confident that some of them have the potential to make a comeback.
Plus with the HD release of, not only the Apollo trilogy, but the Edgeworth collection in the same year, it’s more than likely that aa7 will bring back old characters! The reason a lot of these old characters didn’t make a reappearance sooner is because Capcom stood by this “no spoiler” rule for the players who may have missed out on certain games in this series. But now that we have all the mainline games in the series getting a HD release on all modern platforms, this “no spoiler” rule will most likely not be necessary anymore!
No more of this “if they’re guilty they’re never coming back” bs, let’s be more hopeful! It’s actually less likely that all culprits would get executed than the majority not getting executed. Let’s bffr!
And even if they don’t come back in aa7, we now have a more clear understanding on this messy topic, and you can feel free to use my analysis as a way to explain ace attorney culprits being able to leave prison in fanfictions, roleplays, fanarts etc. Don’t let the fandom tell you what to do >:3
Unrelated but I think this has been my first analysis post I put on tumblr and it was very fun to delve into! I may make more if anyone is interested :3c
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