#dp x smallville
sykloni · 2 months
DP × Smallville
12. Runaway
(Dani counts as a kind of runaway, right?)
Dani has noticed something is not quite right with her and when flying over Kansas her ghost form becomes unstable and she drops down from the sky. To her luck she falls straight on the path of a woman who has been through this before.
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Smallville and DP:
I think there's a lot of potential with this crossover! Let Clark be a cool older bother to Dani. Let him have a little sibling who he can show his powers to and play sports with. Let Dani find parental figures who love unconditionally. Let her find a home. I think Smallville is just strange enough place for her to feel like fitting in.
But also, here my thought was that the timeline diverges from DP canon right before D-Stabilized, so Dani is NOT fine. Her form is unstable. She doesn't know if Danny would have a cure for her in Amity Park. She doesn't know if there even exists something that can help her or if she is destined to end up as a puddle of goo like her siblings. Is there a cure to be found in the middle of Kansas countryside? Does someone with a lot of money and influence show up offering one?
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azulhood · 1 year
I want Dan to be a farmer.
Like redeemed Dan goes through therapy, takes one look at the world filled with spandex wearing heroes and monologuing villains and just goes "Nope, I'm gonna go be a farmer."
He didn't really have a chance at living a peaceful life in the last timeline since he had Danny's job of keeping the peace (and then turned evil) but now that Danny's doing Danny's job, he's got a chance to go off and do his own thing.
So, he moves out to a nice little town called Smallville, right next to a lovely couple named the Kent's.
And he enjoys it.
It's pretty peaceful, nobody bothers him (bar from a few visits from Danny and Dani, and also the weekly phonecall from Jazz)
It's just nice.
Now if only the heroes could stop crash landing on his property, that'd be great.
Like seriously, Superman! He just planted that corn!
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cinturon-cadena · 11 months
I suddenly deeply understand all the DPxDC headcannons that kryptonite is crystalized ectoplasm. Like, at first I was like "Oh yeah, bc they're both green and semi-glowy(?) and it's a fun plot point for the crossover!"
But now?
In Smallville it straight-up gives people powers. And not just any powers, but powers associated with whatever that person happened to be exposed to/obsessed with at the time of exposure! It's extremely emotionally reactive, just like (headcannoned) ectoplasm!!
It all makes sense now!
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finemealprompt · 4 months
DP x DC Prompt #56
Clark Kent was in the locker room, the last one to finish getting ready for the football game against Smallville's rival: Amity Park.
That's when a dark haired teen came sprinting in, looking around wildly before meeting Clark's eyes.
"Hide me!"
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 2 years
(Had this idea and it wouldn't let go. If there's already a fic that exists with this idea, please link me!)
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Escape to Smallville
Danny's identity gets discovered by the GIW on one of Danny's patrols. They out him to his family when they go to capture him for experimentation and pretty much shoot him while he's sitting at the dinner table. His parents stand up for him and pretty much go to war with the GIW right then and there.
Jack hauls ass with an injured Danny in his arms while Maddie covers them from behind fast enough to barricade themselves in the Ops Center then turns to Danny to patch him up as best and quickly as possible. After him and Maddie do as much as they can, Jack then looks Danny in the eyes and tells him he needs to run. He straps a fully stocked travel backpack with plenty of extra bandages on Danny's back, hands him a prototype signature blocker, a map, and a location to go to. Danny is shocked at what the signature blocker means and his mom and dad reveal to him that they've know for a year or two already, at least right before Jazz headed off to college. They tell him they love him regardless of if he's alive, a ghost, or a bit of each.
They split up from there. His parents take the Ops Center and lead the GIW on a wild goose chase across the Midwest, while Danny secretly flies as fast as his injured state will allow. He tries to pace himself but anxiety and a sense of urgency push him to keep going and don't stop. When he finally finds the location his dad told him about he almost immediately drops from the sky and crash lands in a corn field in the middle of nowhere in the state of Kansas.
That's where he's found by a very distressed Mama Kent.
Up to you to decide what Jack's, and therefore Danny's, relationship is to the Kents. Are Jack and Martha siblings? Cousins? Is Jack another Kryptonian? Is Danny half Kryptonian and half ghost? You decide!
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riversmoke · 2 years
DP × DC Micro Idea #1
Kryptonite was a naturally occurring crystal of varying colors on Krypton that were able to affect Kryptonians either mentally or physically. The original colors were blue and red. Platinum was accidentally made from blue kryptonite in one of the Science Guild's labs, but due to no non-Kryptonians being near it, none of the scientists knew what it did.
From the death and destruction of the Kryptonians, a massive amount of ectoplasm was created. This fused with some of the stones. Some blue taking on a greenish tone and some red turning pink. A small amount of the platinum turned gold. After landing on Earth, some were able to modify these stones further.
Due to the kryptonite being ecto-contaminated, Danny Fenton (Phantom) is able to remove the radiation from it which would then return them to their original states.
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stars-burn · 2 years
Lex Luthor gets POV as a treat to me personally
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 49
Danny and Ellie are the same age in this. So people who don’t know them assume they are twins
One day Ellie gets found out. The GIW take her. Danny saves her. Danny gets them both out but at the cost of his identity.
It’s no longer safe for Danny or Ellie in the human realm. Bounty’s are up. People are trying to exterminate them.
They nope off into the infinite realm. Along the way to frostbite they get sucked into a natural portal.
They crash land on a farm. Danny is super fussy over ellie asking if she’s okay. Then kinda flying up to get his surroundings.
He had absolutely no idea where they were. It wasn’t the ghost zone.
Then two older people try to approach them. Danny nopes it out of there with Ellie. Flying them away.
They end up exploring this place called smallville. They were back human now. While Danny was being overly cautious, ellie wasn’t. To quote it wasn’t the first time someone tried to do experiments on her.
Ellie befriend a guy around there age named Connor. He has good vibes according to her.
By the end of the afternoon they have somehow been roped into join him and his adoptive parents for dinner.
It’s the same farm. They apparently have an older son as well. Seeing how there was a third with them. He introduced himself as Clark.
Ellie is immediately engaged in conversation with the older couple and Connor. He can’t just leave again. They couldn’t know who they were right.
Clark keeps trying to talk to him. Danny’s not here for it. He’d rather be leaving.
That can’t even happen now. Ellie “accidentally” let it slip they didn’t have a place to stay for the night.
That night Danny tries to tell Ellie this had to be a set up. But she didn’t believe him and went right to sleep.
One night became a week.
The a week into a month.
Somehow along the way the whole clone thing comes out and the fact that they were basically sentenced to death back in there old dimension.
Danny still thinks it was a set up
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the-witchhunter · 1 year
DP x DC: Silver Kryptonite
So there’s a couple of posts about Kryptonite working on Danny or even ectoranium being a variant of kryptonite. So let me direct you to a less well known variant 
Silver kryptonite
Prized my occultists for its mystical properties, it has a rather... interesting effect on Kryptonians. It gets them high. Direct quote from Wikipedia “causes Kryptonians to suffer from altered perceptions, loss of inhibitions and extreme hunger cravings” 
Sometimes it’s shown to cause hallucinations like it did in the Supergirl TV show, in Smallvill it made Clark paranoid, but still, it basically acts like cannabis
So if this rock, prized by mystics, also affects Danny, just imagine the chaos.
Just Danny instantly giggly and happy and trying to eat things he shouldn’t while some serious occultist is trying to get him to do something. 
“Stop eating the candles!”
Then more chaos when a Super shows up and is also affected. Kon would be my vote, he seems like he’d be chill. Clark just gets stressed and has a bad trip. Kara might be cool.
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halfagone · 2 years
Danny Moves to Smallville
You know what, screw it- New DP x DC prompt, here we go:
The Fenton's get into a terrible car accident that (for once) was not Jack's fault, killing Jazz and Maddie as a result. Heartbroken, Jack decides to pack up their bags and move back to his home town of Smallville, bringing Danny along with him.
Danny is, understandably, upset by this at first. He was just hit by the loss of his mother and sister, and now he's been separated from his friends as well! But... Obviously his dad is hurting, and when they sold the house, Jack made sure to pack up the lab and turn off (even possibly completely destroy) the portal. So it's not as if he has to worry about ghost attacks.
He decides to go along with it (as if he has any choice) and thus, they move to Smallville. It's a small town, lots of farmland. But there is a school for Danny to go to, and, you know what? It's actually kind of nice? Definitely a slower pace than Danny's used to, but he actually starts to enjoy it.
His dad is also oddly popular here? Everyone knows everyone, and they're all commenting on how Jack hasn't aged a day or- Oh! Is that your son? My, isn't he a charming boy? Danny doesn't like the attention of being the new kid around, even worse the 'city' kid, but then he meets a teenager named Connor that comes by to visit the Kent farm.
Danny isn't really sure how the guy gets here and back from Metropolis, but Danny chooses not to question it. However, he can't help but tell that there's something noticeably off about this guy. If only he could put his finger on what it was...
Kon, meanwhile, is completely losing his mind. Who are these people, and why do Ma and Pa know them so well? The father is really friendly, and the teen isn't horrible either, if a little more reserved. He actually reminds Kon of Tim a little bit- Okay, maybe a lot, but Kon isn't about to tell anyone that. Especially considering his fat crush on his friend.
And, of course, there's the fact that sometimes he doesn't breath and his heart doesn't beat, and obviously this guy is a meta. Of some kind. Maybe that's why he's so good looking...
The two become friends, seeing as they've been experienced the city and can kind of relate to each other that way. Over time, they become closer and closer until one fateful day, the two share a kiss.
Uh oh. It looks like Kon's got two crushes now instead.
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jadedwolf18-blog · 10 months
Ok, so! I came across this post and had a thought.
It’s true not a lot of people in the Dp x Dc fandom are aware that there are multiple types of kryptonite. Or if they are they aren’t using it to it’s full potential. I know many enter this fandom from DP and not everyone has consumed every DC piece of media and some of you stumbled across this black whole and got sucked in with no knowledge of either fandom or cannon. So this is why I’m making this post.
For example, everyone knows Batman carries around a small chunk of kryptonite in a lead lined pouch on his utility belt. But everyone assumes or goes with the most common green. Which as we know cause pain aside from just stripping Superman of his powers (or does it just cause so much pain that he is incapable of moving? I forget). Batman may be all for contingencies but would he really want to cause so much pain to someone he considers a best friend? Or Tim and Damian in the cases of Conner and Jon. No, I don’t think so. Green Kryptonite is a last resort but in the case of mind control or other things out of Supes control I think Batman would use Blue Kryptonite instead. It strips Supers of their powers and renders them as dangerous as any human, which would be easier for any other powered human or Batman himself to subdue.
Specifically the Smallville version of blue kryptonite. Though there is a version that says it heals kryptonians but I prefer the Smallville one.
Think of medical uses, would they really use green kryptonite to treat a downed Super? Causing more pain, no matter how small, in an attempt to help? No, blue kryptonite has the same results with no pain. It can be used for medical needles, cuffs and anything really, that’s needed to subdue a Super.
*addition-there is such a thing as clear kryptonite which is basically neutralized and is harmless kryptonite, it has been rendered powerless but it can still pierce kryptonion skin but does not have any adverse effects. This would be perfect for making medical tools needed to treat kryptonions. *
I know the other types of kryptonite are rare but you can’t tell me Batman doesn’t have samples of all of them… some he probably stole retrieved from Lex Luthor.
I would love to see more of the effects of other kryptonite and see it more in the Dp x DC fandom. Like how do they affect ghosts? If kryptonite is candy what are their flavors. Is green grape or weed flavored kryptonite candy, do they have emotions associated with them like red kryptonite is rage/irrationality or random power addition.
Here’s some general sites with a list of kryptonite types and different abilities based on different strains of comics, films or series of DC.
Go forth and disregard canon as canon disregards itself! Use this knowledge to create unhinged fannon against the originals!
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azulhood · 1 year
Jon Kent's imaginary friend.
Ghostwriter was in Smallville for a book signing that one of his favourite (currently alive) authors was at.
So of course he had to be there, he even had a human disguise and everything. He even told Phantom he was going on a mini vacation so that the Halfa wouldn't spoil his fun.
And fun he had.
He met his author and an another up and coming writer who was just starting out but had so much potential.
He now had five books that had just hit the shelves to add to his library.
It was a good day.
When he was about to leave the town he stumbled across a young child attempting to fly on their own.
Very badly.
At first he was confused.
Was this a newly formed ghost? If so, wouldn't the surrounding ghosts help them find their feet?
But the child didn't feel like any of his kind.
Another Halfa perhaps? No, the Ghost Zone would immediately know if another half-ghost popped into existence and they didn't feel the odd way Phantom did.
He had heard that some of the living had the ability to fly without dying first.
But where were the child's parents? Shouldn't they be supervising and assisting their first flight?
Ghostwriter winced as the child hit the ground for the eleventh time.
Surely it wouldn't hurt if he were to give some advice? Invisible of course, Phantom would be displeased if he brought outside attention to their own small town.
And with that, Ghostwriter spent his afternoon teaching a young boy how to fly safely (which was harder than normal considering the child couldn't phase through any dangerous obstacles)
At least until the boy's parents picked him up.
Ghostwriter may have also promised to visit the next day.
Clark and Louis thought that Jon having an imaginary friend was cute.
It was a little weird that the imaginary friend picked apart every piece of writing in the house, but Jon was the son of journalists so he was bound to opinions about literature.
It wasn't til Jon said "Ghosty said that dying hurts and that I shouldn't do it for a long time." That they started getting worried.
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DP x DC prompt #66
When Jack and Maddy are in Smallville, Kansas on a vacation away from ghost studies with their daughter Jasmine, they weren't expecting to find a space pod fall out of the sky or to find a baby in it. Hey, they have been talking about having a son.
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cinturon-cadena · 11 months
DP x DC Smallville
Okay, I've been forming this theory for a while now, but this scene just cemented it:
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The bottom of her boots? Fenton F??? There is no way you can't tell me those aren't Fenton-grade boots!
Hear me out. I have other evidence.
The principal in season 1 is a man of Asian decent named Kwan. Who else do we know named Kwan?
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And to top it off, Smallville's Kwan has a son named Danny. Now obviously, his son isn't Fenton/Phantom, BUT assuming at least the class and maybe the entire town of Amity Park learns Danny's secret, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary that some of his classmates grow up and name a child after their town hero. Even if they never learn Danny's secret, Danny Fenton himself did lead the entire class against Ember and Youngblood, as well as exhibited other noble qualities, so it's not out of the question that at least one of his classmates had a child whom they named 'Danny'.
2. As discussed in this post, the whole 'Kryptonite-is-crystalized-Ectoplasm' theory. Now some of the more meticulous (me) might be wondering, 'if this theory holds up and Kryptonite-Ectoplasm is giving random people in Smallville super/ghost powers, then why didn't Amity Park have the same activity?' Why thank you, Skeptical Voice In My Head! I'll tell you why. First of all, Smallville has had 12 years-worth of exposure to the Kryptonite-Ectoplasm, that's why! During the course of Danny Phantom's runtime we only get to see ~1 year pass. 2 if we're being generous. In addition, despite having a literal portal to Hell the Infinite Realms open basically 24/7 in the town, along with near-daily/hourly ghost attacks, the citizens of Amity Park themselves do not seem to regularly come into contact with any form of Ectoplasm. Unlike in Smallville, where people are handling the stuff almost daily - hell, dozens of people just casually wear it as jewelry, and I guarantee more than 1 person has at least a meteorite rock or 2 in their home, as a keepsake. There is also a potential argument to be made about crystalized Ectoplasm-Kryptonite being more potent than the ambient radiation/gas/liquid stuff we see in Amity Park.
3. There is literally a canonical town near Smallville called Amityville. Enough said.
4. Which brings us to number 4. The Boots.
I propose that it is highly likely that Danny's class grew up through the events of Danny Phantom (sin Phantom Planet), and that Smallville takes place somewhere around ~25 years after the Portal opens. Kwan grew up to be a teacher, then principal, and named his son after Danny (whether he knew Danny's secret or not). Fenton Works continued on in some capacity, whether it's still the Dr's Fenton going at it or if Danny/Jazz inherited the family business, and at some point made a line of Fenton-grade combat boots. Heck, maybe Sam had a say in their design (it is the kind of thing she'd wear).
In addition, if this is ~25 years later, then Amity Park would be full of Liminals right now - probably keeping their nature on the down-low so the rest of the world doesn't know, or being held under a Team Phantom (Foley/Fenton/Technus) or GIW-mandated blackout. Either way, the general world knows Amity ParkVille exists, but not that Liminals live there (unlive?).
And because their exposure to Ectoplasm was much more gradual and they would have had enough cultural exposure to ghosts, they would adapt to their newfound Liminality powers much more effectively than the poor flash-exposured citizens of Smallville who end up insane because they can't handle the sudden influx of power they're granted. The citizens of Amity Park have the tech and know-how to deal with weird ectoplasm-induced ghost powers. They've seen and interacted with enough ghosts that the idea of Obsessions/Purposes/insert-headcanon-here isn't far-fetched and they'd know how to deal with it in a slightly more constructive way (or at least, be able to handle the ghostly aggression that Liminals seem to have, if Smallville is any indication).
SO, In Conclusion, Danny Phantom's Amity Park and Smallville are in the same universe, albeit DP is ~25 years ahead of Smallville's setting.
Just Saying.
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 2 years
(This will be updated as I make new prompts. Asks are also open if anyone has questions or wants to pick my brain about a specific idea/prompt.)
DP X DC Prompts
#1: Lair of Mystery au (DP X DC)
Main Prompt
Side Prompt #1
Side Prompt #2
#2: Danny Gets Kidnapped Twice (DP X DC)
#3: Reaper of Heroes au (DP X DC + DP X MCU)
Main Prompt
Continuation #1
Continuation #2
Leslie the Lazarus blob art by me
Main Prompt
Side Prompt #1
Side Prompt #2
#4: Just a Shade (DP X DC)
#5: Lair of Mystery + Reaper of Heroes
(Convergence of my main two prompt ideas. Mainly DP X DC but has brief mention of the Avengers, which resulted in the MCU portion of the #3: Reaper of Heroes au)
#6: Escape to Smallville (DP X DC)
Continuation #1 (sort of)
Continuation #2 (sort of again)
#7: White Means Death (DP X DC)
#8: Radio Silence (DP X DC)
Possible Continuation
#9: Lost Children Saved by the Lost (DP X DC)
#10: The Sapphire Stone Sits Highest on the Throne (DP X DC)
#11: Love Never Dies (DP X DC)
#12: Friends in Orbit (DP X DC)
#13: Mistaken Species (DP X DC)
#14: Living in Technicolor (DP X DC)
#15: A Lonely Star Shines in the Night (DP X DC)
#16: Punchlines Aren't Supposed to Hurt! (DP X DC)
#17: Who You Gonna Call? (DP X DC)
#18: Handle With Care (DP X DC)
#19: Echoes of the Soul (DP X DC)
#20: To Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (DP X DC)
#21: Gotham's Phantom Royals (DP X DC)
#22: Bring on the Night (DP X DC)
#23: Bleed Me A River (DP X DC)
#24: Pen Pals (DP X DC)
#25: Family Reunion (DP X DC)
#26: Going Supernova (DP X DC)
#27: Visitation Rights (DP X DC)
#28: Chartreuse (DP X DC)
Below the Green Depths (DP X HADES)
#29: [no name yet] (DP X DC)
Other DP Crossover Prompts (NON-DCU/MCU):
TRIGUN Prompts
Feel free to take/build off of any of these ideas! Also don't be afraid to ask me questions about any of them. I may not know enough canon info to full-on write them myself but I have no problem with adding on more ideas for people to work with.
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thotpuppy · 9 months
WIP Tag Game!
tagged by @dear-massacre ! AND @whimsicalmeerkat! WHIL i was writing my post lolol
This is sorta smth i track regularly? but i have it all sorted by word count akdgjkajdg it's part of my progress tracker server w some friends. Adding words is the easiest way to track 'working on a project' so that's what i do! I also have a (separate) doc in my drive folder that tracks just, general prompts, so when i have ideas i slap them in there.
Current (Teen Wolf) WIPs:
TriReign: Shepherd, Lamb, Wolf: small outline, chapters 1-4 complete, 5 wip - 16,575 - Sterek, Medieval Fantasy, Arranged Marriage, Omegaverse, Political Drama, Sex and Politics, Duty and Honor and Subterfuge, etc. my current current current WIP. Baseball AU: Collab? outline - 331. MOSTLY this is just. a Roster and some thoughts about a general plot concept. I want to illustrate this but i can't do a comic. It's also a Sterek concept. FratBoi Stiles x RA!Derek: 52 - this is just straight up a PWP with the prompt borrowed from a TWT moot that ive been meaning to work on for ages and just haven't yet. Higher Education 2: 2,821 Sciles, trans!Stiles, post-canon college AU. Also PWP, but also my gross unhygenic sloppy AU kinda. it's just. its grossnasty wet n sloppy porn. i wanted to finish this and then write a Third part for Sciles week this year and i didn't. whoops There's a Werewolf Tradition for That: 72 - Sterek didn't know they were dating AU. Alive!Hales but Werewolves are still a secret. Stiles and Derek are good friends and roommates, they're both idiots pining for each other, and out of the blue Derek's Mom sends them a formal invitation to celebrate their engagement. Stiles doesn't even know Derek's a werewolf. total ROMCOM, kinda inspired by My Big Fat Greek Wedding, but only in Vibes. Lone Wolf Wild West AU: Chapters 1, 2 posted, not outline - 3,670. Sterek, Lone Ranger!Derek, son of the sheriff Stiles. Mystery, adventure, romance. I miss cowboy...
Somewhere in here I will also put my Collabang fic and any other events i sign up for, because I'm gonna have to pause my major WIPs to work on them lol
1920's Mafia AU: Outline only - 1313 - Stiles is a city detective, the sheriff is the Police Commissioner, this takes place in Los Angeles. There are tunnels running all through the city, albeit underneath (real). There's been an uptick in gang activity lately. Stiles secretly 'runs' by which i mean, owns and protect, but isn't involved in Actually Running, an underground speakeasy in the heart of the city. He doesn't let any gangs runs their trouble on his turf. Until one day, a Hale is shot by an Argent right outside his doors. Sterek SuperBat ComicCon MeetCute: WIP One Shot - 1,049 Inspired by MultiE's art. nerd x nerd solidarity Sciles Ancient Greece AU: 192 - this is a friggin poem and is probably gonna stay a poem. New! Sex For Work: Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 - 23,228. Part 5? Sterek BDSM CEO x Personal Assistant AU. Originally intended to be kinky prompt fill series but Caught Plot. I meant to rewrite it last month to convert it into a standalone story, but uhhhh didn't. I DID do reformatting though. I just need to get writing on it again, but i tend to be kinda singleminded.
Other Fandom WIPs:
Big Blue Boyscout: 47 - Superman x Nightwing, xenophilia fic. "He's Big and Blue in more ways than one..." Bruce Wayne Visits Smallville: 685 - I got distracted while bingeing smallville for the first time and haven't gone back, but this was just supposed to be a one shot but my outline grew legs DP/YJ Crossover: 220 - this is more of a concept than a real specific fic, but i REALLY like comparing danny phantom to specifically the young justice animated series, and i wanted to try and come up with a cohesive clone comparison plot, rather than just making it a lil joke. Maybe it'll be Danny x Conner because himbo tee shirt conner is my baby boy baby boy Not So Blushing, Not So Virgin: 40 - SuperBat role reversal where everyone expects clark to be this sweet inexperienced things and then he absolutely blows bruce's back out.
Hiatus Projects:
Universal Law of Gravitation: Chapter 1 WIP, significant outline - 3,080 - Sterek Lifetime fic. I wrote out this huge long super comprehensive timeline and got super caught up in it. It's supposed to be about how, despite their best efforts, Stiles and Derek just can't stay apart, so there are a ton of messy breakups and fights in between. I just never put together an actual proper Plot, so when i started writing it, i got SUPER bored. It has a playlist! and i made a bunch of pseudo-science chapter titles hehe A Fever You Can't Sweat Out: Chapter 1 posted, Chapter 2 WIP, significant outline - 9,911 - Sterek, Marrish, Scallison, post-canon AU, surprise mpreg! Similarly to ULG, i wrote out a huge big timeline and outline and got super nitty gritty into the details, but literally Chapter One i went Off Track and it just killed my motivation. It's HUGELY ensemble, and i picked out jobs and hobbies for like 12 people to all live in a big ol estate together. It also suffered from "world building but no plot", but i DID try to make a plot, it just. wasn't good haha. The entire concept is, Lydia gets pregnant which makes Allison baby crazy so she gets pregnant and Stiles wants a baby so, so bad, but he's dating dating/married to Derek and therefore would have to adopt or something, but he wants it so bad he magics himself up a contraception.
Derek is moody, Stiles teases him about the fact he like, never smiles. Kisses him on a whim to get a rise out of him. And then proceeds to have a existential crisis after because "oh shit did he just kiss DEREK".
Werewolf!Stiles’ Pavlovian Pleasure Response to Scott’s Click (iykwim)
Stiles x Jeep crack smut oneshot
Post Nogi stiles is having trouble feeling like himself again. he feels a sharp disconnect with his Self that he didn't used to have, like he's lost touch with his humanity. He needs someone to remind him how it feels to be human.
unspecified/platonic - In this kind of weather, it makes more sense to stay inside. Or rather, stay inside somewhere else. Stiles sets up shop in a bookstore's cafe to while away the time warm espresso, a good book, and his own company. Until Someone/Something Else comes knocking.
Supernatural Boarding school (circa 2005-2009 role-play forum vibes)
Bastard Prince Jackson and Freedom Fighter Stiles (see doc)
Stiles’ mythology professor bites off more than either can chew - The Great Beacon Hills Custody Battle
“Teenage Dirtbag” Loser!Stiles Sterek fic
all of my prompts literally only exist in a single document where i put Ideas i like adkgjakjg everything in wips has a dedicated doc, but most of them dont have much written yet.
There's also 1 absent prompt here that im now saving for the collabang so ive omitted it from my counts because its technically a wordcount of 0 until i get to start working w my artist (:
no pressure tags! @renmackree @lavender-lotion @like-lazarus @geekmom13 @endwersed
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