#hades crossover
mugi-sktch · 2 years
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A little inuokko/hades crossover i did for a secret santa exchange! Thanatos!Toge can have my soul.
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 2 years
(This will be updated as I make new prompts. Asks are also open if anyone has questions or wants to pick my brain about a specific idea/prompt.)
DP X DC Prompts
#1: Lair of Mystery au (DP X DC)
Main Prompt
Side Prompt #1
Side Prompt #2
#2: Danny Gets Kidnapped Twice (DP X DC)
#3: Reaper of Heroes au (DP X DC + DP X MCU)
Main Prompt
Continuation #1
Continuation #2
Leslie the Lazarus blob art by me
Main Prompt
Side Prompt #1
Side Prompt #2
#4: Just a Shade (DP X DC)
#5: Lair of Mystery + Reaper of Heroes
(Convergence of my main two prompt ideas. Mainly DP X DC but has brief mention of the Avengers, which resulted in the MCU portion of the #3: Reaper of Heroes au)
#6: Escape to Smallville (DP X DC)
Continuation #1 (sort of)
Continuation #2 (sort of again)
#7: White Means Death (DP X DC)
#8: Radio Silence (DP X DC)
Possible Continuation
#9: Lost Children Saved by the Lost (DP X DC)
#10: The Sapphire Stone Sits Highest on the Throne (DP X DC)
#11: Love Never Dies (DP X DC)
#12: Friends in Orbit (DP X DC)
#13: Mistaken Species (DP X DC)
#14: Living in Technicolor (DP X DC)
#15: A Lonely Star Shines in the Night (DP X DC)
#16: Punchlines Aren't Supposed to Hurt! (DP X DC)
#17: Who You Gonna Call? (DP X DC)
#18: Handle With Care (DP X DC)
#19: Echoes of the Soul (DP X DC)
#20: To Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (DP X DC)
#21: Gotham's Phantom Royals (DP X DC)
#22: Bring on the Night (DP X DC)
#23: Bleed Me A River (DP X DC)
#24: Pen Pals (DP X DC)
#25: Family Reunion (DP X DC)
#26: Going Supernova (DP X DC)
#27: Visitation Rights (DP X DC)
#28: Chartreuse (DP X DC)
Below the Green Depths (DP X HADES)
#29: [no name yet] (DP X DC)
Other DP Crossover Prompts (NON-DCU/MCU):
TRIGUN Prompts
Feel free to take/build off of any of these ideas! Also don't be afraid to ask me questions about any of them. I may not know enough canon info to full-on write them myself but I have no problem with adding on more ideas for people to work with.
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
We have Nico, and then we have Reyna, and then we have Silena and Ethan and Luke-
I'm offering my soul to @blackcat2907. I'm serious. You're a savior.
People, if you're anything like me - aka: love Nico too much and like Luke more than you should and are just happened to be interested in Hades game - then this is for you. (Also works if you want to see Reyna kicks Jason's butt---)
Srsly in a million years, I have never once expected I could see something like this. There're Luke & Nico & Zagreus and it's just a bunch of sarcastic dudes ajdhsakjda and then Silena comes up and my lesbian brain is not doing okay and and and---- I've lost my train of thought.
Capture the Flag by BlackKat2907
Anyway, highlights and spoilers ahead!!! This is just me venting about the fic srsly---
Please, the moment Luke shows up I just scream. And their dynamic is so fun jashdakjda Luke just complains to Nico about Zagreus.
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Silena with Aphrodite's boons is frying my lesbian brain. Please I'm on my knees----😭😭😭 (Also wholeheartedly agree with you there Sil)
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Ok ok but do you have any idea how this affects me??? Because Zagreus is the God of Blood if I'm not mistaken??? I absolutely have no idea what he does with that but just think. Zag training Nico. oh now I believe he definitely does. And thus Percy's bloodbending has less effect on him asdadkansdsa gosh the potential----
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SKELLY!!!!! Now you mention it, Zag has Skelly and Nico has Jules. They're truly brothers.
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And finally, this: HELP PLEASE I'M WHEEZING SO HARD MY RIBS HURT----- 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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This is absolutely a delight.
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• After @nemzs bought Hades with joy and honor, the idea of ​​this random crossover with our OCs [And Julian & Muriel] thought when we were in class.
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cloudyfenrir · 2 years
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“You’ve been overfeeding Cerberus, so your dad put me in charge.”
Drew some Hades!Cloud, attempting to mimic the shading style
CSP feels so nice to draw with, gonna draw more this year
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plaguedpriest · 4 months
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just updated hades ii and this new npc just dropped hello ??
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ghostbsuter · 3 months
"My cousin," Wonder Woman nods at Danny during their meeting, once everyone gathered.
Flash, confused, asks. "From... your mother's side?"
Sharing an amused glance, WW shakes her head. "No, from my father's side. Danny is a son of Hades."
"Another demigod then." Batman states and they nod on that.
Why yes, when Danny met Wonder Woman in a dire situation, desperate to get away, he jumped right along her idea.
The idea of faking his own origin, in a way to explain the half death-ness without raising the suspicion of the bat (or anyone for the matter), pretending to be a son of hades.
Is this absolutely batshit insane trying to trick the god of the unworld? Yeah! He's having fun.
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vonnietheinvisible · 2 months
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Come on Will, he's friendly! :D
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emacrow · 1 month
The jealous child, Three Sisters, and Consequences of a foretold prophecy
"I was supposed to be the youngest, I trained all through my childhood to save you all and yet I wasn't the glorified prophecy child that the Three Sisters foretold." Zeus snapped as he thrown his lightning at a poor mountain icy snow top above Olympus, cracking the top of it in half.
"I was supposed to be praised to lead everyone to greatness and glory that would have mortals worshipping us for eons but yet here we are split away from the mortal realms due because Pandora and that blasted human who killed our only remaining hold on the living world!" The clouds trembled deep grey as the sounds of thunder rumbled and crack, before the rains fell hard as Zeus nearly broke the stone table with his fist as he fell onto his knees.
"But even before I knew as time past on, I had cause the very downfall of Olympic Empire that the Sisters foretold if I kept what I'd done hidden away for all these years..."
Nearly all the Gods and Goddesses couldn't believe their ears, most were too shocked or disappointed to move beside Hades who steadily walked toward Zeus.
Hades help him get up from his defeated looking form before speaking.
"You have carried this secrets since the very beginning and I have only eight things to say." He said before, grabbing Zeus by his throat and literally choking the near immortal life outta of him as his black hair nearly ignited in a deep rosey red fire.
"You Cocky Fucking Jealous Son of a Bitch!" Hades growled menacingly as he topple on Zeus helding him to the ground.
"You mean to tell me that Everything we have gone through, all the crap you put everyone through with your terrible Decision making, tragical unforseenable and judgements, most of our demigod children killed or suffer a terrible fate and being trapped along here severed from the mortal realms beside the underworld could have all been avoided if you haven't killed our youngest sibling because you were jealous that you weren't the last born." Hades nearly spate hellflames as the very air cold into negative degrees while Persephone let him take his long held anger out because even her distant mother would agree that was lower then a diseased rat to do such a thing.
Meanwhile Shazam was having the most painfully split migraine, chewing on caramel popcorn as he was writing down some notes on what he was listening on from the Gods and Goddess. To later tell the other heroes about then.
Part 5 << >> Part 7
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slasher-art · 3 months
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💜 Smol cyberpunk AU in which Charon's body is destroyed and the only thing that can keep him alive are cyber prostheses. He is a talented mechanic and installs them himself, as well as helps to install or remove cyber prostheses from others.
Hermes delivers spare parts to his boss, and also knows where to get rare parts or information: nothing in this city will escape his curiosity. He is the only one who stayed with Charon next to him, and despite the fact that every year there is less and less of a human in Charon, Hermes sincerely loves him. 🧡
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belfry-ghost · 1 month
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finally finished jason so i can post the hades art i mentioned here lmaoo
i'm more of a silly doodle kind of guy so fully lined/rendered stuff.... aigh
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aj-acent · 5 months
Putting My Favorite Characters in Hades Part 1: Danny Phantom
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More info below!
Okay I REALLY like this style and so i’m excited to do a lot more characters but here’s what I’m thinking:
The upgrade Danny would give Zag would be sorta a mix between Zeus’ and Dionysus - like a fire charge that would hurt the monsters for a bit after the initial strike. Think the magma damage, but green.
ALSO CUJO AS A CHTHONIC COMPANION !!! He would do similar damage as Megara, but it would be a Ghostly Wail that damages all foes in a cone shape.
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also also better look at King Danny :D
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If you made it this far, comment what character I should do next!
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 2 years
(The only reason this prompt exists is because I'm obsessed with both Danny Phantom and Hades (Video Game) at the moment. I also looked on AO3 and there are zero crossovers involving these two fandoms. Let's try and change that. My brain absolutely demands this itch be scratched.)
(#) = Notes at the end of post
(*) = Just me building off of other ideas
Below the Green Depths
Danny gets blasted into the deepest parts of Ghost Zone after a fight with one of his more powerful rouges (1) and winds up stranded in the middle of Tartarus. Not really knowing what to do, he wanders around until he runs into trouble in the form of the more violent spirits who roam the Underworld.
Not for lack of trying to avoid it, he becomes seriously injured(2) in trying to find a way back home and is extremely exhausted to the point of collapsing in the first chamber he comes across that has zero enemies popping out to carve him to pieces. This being one of the chambers that Chiron uses to sell his wares to Zagreus on his way through.
Not really knowing what to do with the strange, unconscious boy, he calls out to Thanatos. As soon as Thanatos shows up and sees Danny, unconscious and heavily bleeding from multiple wounds, he recognizes the strange boy. The one soul he wasn't allowed to reap because of the circumstances of his soul being perfectly stranded between the realms of the living and the dead. Not only that, but he recognizes Danny's potential claim to the throne of the Ghost King.
A little frantic, he gathers the wounded boy gently into his arms and makes the hasty decision to bring him to the House of Hades for healing. It gets a little hectic from there.
(1) Which rouge was he fighting? Skulker? Vlad? One of the more volatile Ancients? Who knows.
(2) Does Danny get weaker in Tartarus or is it just the unending hoards of shades attacking him while he's out of his depth that allows him to get so injured?
(*) Considering Danny's status in the ghost zone, i.e. -halfa and potential successor to the Ghost King's throne, does this make him related to the Chthonic Gods? Is this another "Danny becomes a god" kind of fic? Probably. Would Danny basically be Hypnos and Thanatos' many many many times removed cousin? Or like, a relative through marriage sort of deal? How would Zagreus react to a half-human/half-ghost roaming the halls of his home? What about Hades himself? Nyx? Persephone?
(*) What would be the hierarchy between the Greek Gods of the Underworld and the Ghost King be?
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
I just found a PJO x Hades fic starring Luke Castellan of all people and Zagreus and I’m———
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gardenveela · 4 months
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boys in hades artsyle cus why not
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dream--interrupted · 6 months
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Started as a random crossover between Proseka and Greek mythology/PJO. Then it went out of control. And then halfway I got lazy.
My personal favourite is Shiho's design. And Nene's, but does it really count as my design if half of it is literally from the game?
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