#Connor and Clark both heard the commotion on the farm
tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 49
Danny and Ellie are the same age in this. So people who don’t know them assume they are twins
One day Ellie gets found out. The GIW take her. Danny saves her. Danny gets them both out but at the cost of his identity.
It’s no longer safe for Danny or Ellie in the human realm. Bounty’s are up. People are trying to exterminate them.
They nope off into the infinite realm. Along the way to frostbite they get sucked into a natural portal.
They crash land on a farm. Danny is super fussy over ellie asking if she’s okay. Then kinda flying up to get his surroundings.
He had absolutely no idea where they were. It wasn’t the ghost zone.
Then two older people try to approach them. Danny nopes it out of there with Ellie. Flying them away.
They end up exploring this place called smallville. They were back human now. While Danny was being overly cautious, ellie wasn’t. To quote it wasn’t the first time someone tried to do experiments on her.
Ellie befriend a guy around there age named Connor. He has good vibes according to her.
By the end of the afternoon they have somehow been roped into join him and his adoptive parents for dinner.
It’s the same farm. They apparently have an older son as well. Seeing how there was a third with them. He introduced himself as Clark.
Ellie is immediately engaged in conversation with the older couple and Connor. He can’t just leave again. They couldn’t know who they were right.
Clark keeps trying to talk to him. Danny’s not here for it. He’d rather be leaving.
That can’t even happen now. Ellie “accidentally” let it slip they didn’t have a place to stay for the night.
That night Danny tries to tell Ellie this had to be a set up. But she didn’t believe him and went right to sleep.
One night became a week.
The a week into a month.
Somehow along the way the whole clone thing comes out and the fact that they were basically sentenced to death back in there old dimension.
Danny still thinks it was a set up
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whalehouse1 · 1 year
The Separate RoTS Kon and Comic Kon AU
So this AU is basically part of my own extended DC universe (we all have one and mine is still very much in development), where Connor (Young Justice Superboy), Kon (Comic's Superboy), and Maik (Reign of the Supermen's Superboy) all exist concurrently. Kon is the first clone but it is the one with TTK and Lex as the other father (all three technically are in this scenario), and it pretty much plays out with ignoring him getting erased cause I'm not playing that game with DC. After Clark finally gets used to him being around, they find out about Connor, who, unlike Kon, has more Kryptonian abilities, mainly what he has in the cartoon, but I think he deserves heat vision and ice breath because I like them and he deserves something too. Clark is a lot worse to him than he was to Kon, if only because how does Lex keep getting his DNA and Connor is a tad more standoffish and he didn't feel like he was ever part of Young Justice here because, well Kon was already there and you don't need two Supers (stupid hypothesis I know, but what can you do?). Also unlike Kon, he does age, albeit slower than most people. Young Justice does keep inviting him to join (the team being from their original run plus M'gann and Kaldur, but he thinks it's just pity and ends up on the Outsiders. He still ends up with M'gann though cause it's a cute ship to me. After they get married and Jon is around 10 (no Bendis time skip and the aging is different because otherwise Lois would be having Jon at 75, and a key point of this AU is to fill Ma and Pa Kent's outside table with family), is when Lex displays the newest "invention" of Lexcorp, Superboy. Now, I never watched Reign of the Supermen and have very cursory knowledge about it, so this will deviate a lot more than the rest. Superboy (here-fore referred to as Maik due to later reasons), is made basically act how the music industry used Justin Beiber when he was a child, and he is 12 because he looked like a 12 year old when I saw him. He is literally a marketing ploy for Lex to show off he can mass produce Supermen who are more obedient and humans can trust since they're American Made. Lex uses him literally to show up Superman and even has him fight the other three Superboys to show how much better the man made ones are, always during disasters. One day during a disaster, he fumbles it hard, causing more destruction than should have happened (ignoring that Lex caused the disaster in the first place), Lex takes him to the lab to euthanize him with a kryptonite syringe. Kara was having lunch nearby with some friends and hears Maik screaming and crying and excuses herself and busts into the lab and sees Lex trying to pin Maik down to kill him and she goes feral. She burns Lex's hand so he drops the syringe and then gets up close and personal. The end of the fight being that despite being at least 100' underground, Lex is lands outside the hole Kara made and she keeps going, horrifying the onlookers until Maik finally climbs out (only super jumping, flight comes later) and tells the crowd what Luthor tried to do to him, but obviously, a human being turned into a squeak toy by a Kryptonian isn't good for optics, despite the youth's pleas. Luckily, Lois and Jon heard the commotion and Jon throws a rock at Kara who stops and realizes what she's doing, spits on Lex, grabs Maik by the hand and flies off with him. Clark, Lois and Jon find them at the farm with Ma making them sandwiches to eat. Kara and Maik explain what happened and afterwards, Clark says they need a name for him if he's staying. Given he's 12 physically and less than a year old legally, he has to stay somewhere and since Lex has a boner for both Kal and Clark, they decide he should stay with the Danvers who are okay with the situation but scold Kara for almost killing a person even if he deserves it cause she was raised better than that. They say they need to name him something and Kara has been teaching Jon, Kon and Connor some Kryptonian and Jon suggests Maik El, which I don't know if there is a Krypotonian language that's actually made-
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