#doug riddle
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bondpix · 11 months ago
The Q Boat is hoisted in the air for some adjustments before continuing the chase in Royal Victoria Dock. Doug Riddle, who designed the jet boat, is looking at the engine. Behind the scenes of "The World Is Not Enough"
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fountainpenguin · 3 months ago
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FOP: A New Wish: "Teacher's Pal"
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ungoliantschilde · 2 years ago
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“When Riddled by the Riddler…”, by Don Newton, with Inks by Alfredo Alcala, Letters by Ben Oda, Colors by Adrienne Roy, and a Script by Doug Moench.
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xtruss · 2 years ago
Sharecropping: Slavery Rerouted
Though slavery was abolished in 1865, sharecropping would keep most Black Southerners impoverished and immobile for decades to come.
— Published: August 16, 2023 | By Jared Tetreau | The Harvest: Integrating Mississippi's Schools | Article | Sunday August 20, 2023
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Sharecropper's children. Montgomery County, Alabama, 1937, photographer Arthur Rothstein, Library of Congress
“The White Folks had all the Courts, all the Guns, all the Hounds, all the Railroads, all the Telegraph Wires, all the Newspapers, all the Money and nearly all the Land – and we had only our Ignorance, our Poverty and our Empty Hands.” — an anonymous Sharecropper, Elbert County, Georgia, ca. 1900
On January 1, 1867 in Marshall County, Mississippi, Cooper Hughes and Charles Roberts entered into an agreement. In their contract with landowner I.G. Bailey, Hughes and Roberts, both formerly enslaved men, agreed to work 40 acres of corn and 20 acres of cotton on Bailey’s land, along with “all other work…necessary to be done to keep [the farm] in good order,” for the duration of 1867. In exchange for their labor, Hughes, Roberts and their families would be “furnished” with stipends of meat, a mule for plowing, a plot of land to grow a garden, separate cabins and one-third and one-half of the corn and cotton crops respectively.
On that first day of 1867, Hughes and Roberts joined a growing number of newly freed African Americans turning toward a new agricultural arrangement in the South. It would come to be called “sharecropping.” In the decades that followed, sharecropping would grow into what scholar Wesley Allen Riddle called the “predominant capital-labor arrangement” in the region, defining how hundreds of thousands of Black Southerners made a living and supported their families. But once up and running, sharecropping itself would deny the formerly enslaved their rights and liberties as free American citizens for nearly one hundred years.
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Sharecropper "Mother Lane" Pulaski County, Arkansas,1937, United States Resettlement Administration, photographer Ben by Shahn, Library of Congress
What is Sharecropping?
Sharecropping is a system by which a tenant farmer agrees to work an owner’s land in exchange for living accommodations and a share of the profits from the sale of the crop at the end of the harvest.
The system emerged after the Civil War, when the southern economy lay in ruins. With the Confederate monetary system wiped out, farm land decimated, and slavery abolished under the 13th Amendment, access to labor and capital was extremely limited among Southern landowners. For former slaves, federal proposals to redistribute land fell apart in the 1860s, leaving millions without the promises of full citizenship guaranteed to them by the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments.
Pitched as a solution for both groups, sharecropping was presented to the formerly enslaved as land ownership by proxy. It put an end to work in “gangs” under an overseer, while keeping Black workers within the agricultural sector, preferably on the same land where they had been held captive, and incentivizing high crop yields, benefitting landowners. But even though the old plantation system had changed and some day-to-day activities were delegated to sharecroppers, sharecropping proved a fundamentally unequal arrangement, organized to keep Black farmers from ever achieving economic or social mobility.
As writer Doug Blackmon notes, many white southerners after Emancipation were determined not to pay for something they had once had for free—Black labor.
Many landowners at the end of the Civil War were furious at the idea of paying Black workers whom they’d owned only months before. As a result, landowners developed systems adjacent to slavery. On the plantations, this took the form of sharecropping, though the transformation did not happen overnight.
Black Americans in the South were eager to exercise their newfound freedoms after the war. As historian Wesley Allen Riddle writes, “the most basic and symbolic” of these freedoms was “mobility” itself. The formerly enslaved left their plantations in droves, some looking for work in the South’s devastated cities, while others looked for—and were given by the Union Army—vacant land on which to raise a farm. But work in cities was hard to come by. Only about 4 percent of Freedmen were able to find work in southern cities after the war, and many who came there were relegated to shantytowns of the formerly enslaved. As for those that were given vacant lands by the army, they were forced out when President Andrew Johnson canceled Field Order No. 15 in the fall of 1865, returning these properties to their white owners.
While many formerly enslaved did leave the plantations after the war, many others could not. Those trying to leave faced horrific violence and intimidation from their former owners. As Union General Carl Schurz reported in his testimony to Congress in 1865, “In many instances, negroes who walked away from plantations, or were found upon the road, were shot or otherwise severely punished.”
With land ownership all but closed to them, and urban service work extremely limited, many Freedmen had little choice but to return to the plantations by the end of the 1860s. Their motives for this were mixed. Though economic pressures were strong, many wanted to reunite with loved ones who had been sold during slavery, and saw some appeal in working in an agricultural sector that they were familiar with.
Twenty to 50 acre plots, a cabin to live in and farming supplies were promised to them, all in exchange for about 50 percent of their harvest. Freedmen envisioned a self-sustained life working a plot of land, raising a garden, and providing for their families as they wanted. But these hopes were dashed as the pitfalls of sharecropping quickly became clear.
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Sharecroppers, Pulaski County, Arkansas. 1937, photographer Ben by Shahn, United States Resettlement Administration, Library of Congress
Life as a Sharecropper
By design, sharecropping deprived Black farmers of economic agency or mobility. Although they were no longer legally enslaved, sharecroppers were kept in place by debt. As their income was dependent on both the profits from the sale of the crop and the whims of the landowners, sharecroppers had to find means to sustain themselves during the rest of the year. They were forced to purchase food, seed, clothing and other goods on credit, typically from a plantation “commissary” owned by the landlord.
At the end of the harvest, when revenue from the crop was “settled up,” the sharecroppers’ portion of the profits was calculated against their debts. As a result, sharecroppers often ended the year owing their landlords money. What could not be paid off was carried into the next year, creating a cycle of indebtedness that was often impossible to break.
Sharecroppers in debt to their landlord were subject to laws that tied them to the land. If they attempted to move, any new tenancy contracts they signed with other landlords could be voided by their existing ones. If they ran away, they could be brought back to their landlord in chains, and made to work as a prisoner for no pay at all.
Even if sharecroppers did not try to leave, they still faced massive obstacles in achieving any kind of solvency. For instance, many Southern states limited how and to whom sharecroppers could sell their part of the crop. In Alabama, cotton had to be sold and transported during the day, and could only be purchased by a state-defined “legitimate” merchant. As sharecroppers couldn’t afford to lose a day’s work to take their crop to market, these laws curtailed their ability to sell their product at the best possible price.
In addition, individual freedoms were crushed by tenancy contracts, many of which included arbitrary clauses forbidding alcohol consumption, speaking to other sharecroppers in the fields or allowing visitors on rented land.
Black sharecroppers could not seek redress through the political system either. Despite the ratification of the 14th and 15th Amendments, the southern “Redemption” that followed the withdrawal of Union troops from the South in 1876-7 ensured that the federal government would not enforce Black voting rights. Black elected officials disappeared from Congress and state legislatures, and attempts at organizing Black voters were brutally suppressed, as in New Orleans in July of 1866, where a convention of Black voters was attacked by a white mob under police protection that killed an estimated 200 people.
Educational opportunities were also sparse. In 1872, white Southerners pressured Congress to abolish the Freedmen's Bureau, a federal agency designed to provide food, shelter, clothing, medical services and land to newly freed African Americans. With the dissolution of the Bureau, few resources remained for the approximately 80 percent of Black people who were illiterate.
Sharecropping, with its prohibitive restrictions on physical and economic mobility, its use of violence and intimidation and its emphasis on maximum production, denied Black Southerners the ability to gain wealth, to exercise the freedom granted them by Emancipation and to gain the education they were deprived of during enslavement. The system existed, in conjunction with other institutions, to exploit Black labor at a minimum “relative loss” to white landowners while keeping the Black population underfoot.
As Black sharecropper Ed Brown said of his experience, “hard work didn’t get me nowhere.”
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Sharecropper's cabin, Southeast Missouri Farms. 1938, photographer Russell Lee, Library of Congress
Sharecropping’s Decline and Legacy
After dominating the southern agricultural economy for decades, sharecropping was, like most other farming practices, upended by the rise of new technologies. While these changes were delayed by the Great Depression, sharecropping had become obsolete in many areas of the South by the mid-twentieth century. With increased mechanization, white planters’ demand for Black labor dried up.
Also during this time, Jim Crow obstructions to Black enfranchisement, as well as state-sanctioned violence against Black people, were directly challenged by the Civil Rights Movement and the landmark legislation it helped enact. The Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 deconstructed de jure segregation across the South in housing and public accommodation, while empowering the federal government to secure the right to vote for Black Southerners.
As scholars Paru Shah and Robert S. Smith note, enfranchisement, desegregation and the decline of sharecropping weakened “the broader agenda of White Supremacy to crush African American socioeconomic mobility,” but did not destroy it. The effects of centuries of Black economic and social oppression, represented in part by sharecropping, are still felt today. Limited access to capital, to mobility, and to representation during Jim Crow and before it denied Black Americans the ability to save, invest or accumulate wealth, concentrating inherited fortunes in the hands of white families and shaping the present class makeup.
For nearly a century, sharecropping defined Southern agriculture and hindered Black economic advancement. The system reflected a multidude of attempts by the white power structure to keep Black workers stagnant, achieving this through intimidation, physical violence and exploitation. Ultimately, aided by organized action, shifting technological and economic conditions and the determination of sharecroppers themselves, the oppressive reality of sharecropping ended. But in the endemic inequities of American political and economic life, its legacy persists.
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genderkoolaid · 4 months ago
So it is with Florence Hines, a Black singer and drag king who got her start on the stage sometime around 1891, when she began to receive particular notice for her performances with Sam T. Jack’s Creole Burlesque. When the show came to Paterson, NJ, on November 23, 1891, “hundreds were turned away from the doorway” before the Creole Burlesque was even scheduled to take the stage, according to the Paterson Daily Caller. In their review, they called out Hines in particular for being an “excellent male impersonator.” The Creole Burlesque was a standard minstrel show, featuring all Black performers, led by a white manager, giving skits, songs, and scenes that featured standard variety acts (everything from clog dancing to drag) set in a pre-Civil War Southern plantation fantasy. But within a few years, Sam T. Jack would launch The Creole Show, an important milestone in Black performance in America. For the first time, an all-Black revue was presented as a modern, staged performance — not as an “authentic” recreation of Black life. According to Whiting Up, a history of white face entertainment by Black theater historian Marvin McAllister, The Creole Show was “a major outlet for Black artists interested in… developing a comedic tradition that was racially grounded but not riddled with stereotyping.” In another important departure from tradition, instead of hiring a man to play the traditional lead role of interlocutor or master of ceremonies, Sam T. Jack hired Florence Hines. As a drag king, Hines performed a routine that made mock of the “dandy” — flashy, modern, young men who drank and dated openly, and wore the latest clothes. One of her most famous numbers was “Hi Waiter! A Dozen More Bottles,” whose first verse went: Lovely woman was made to be loved, To be fondled and courted and kissed; And the fellows who���ve never made love to a girl, Well they don’t know what fun they have missed. I’m a fellow, who’s up on the times, Just the boy for a lark or a spree There’s a chap that’s dead stuck on women and wine, You can bet your old boots that it’s me. Many white drag kings of the day also performed this song, and similar dandy characters. For these performers, the dandy was a way to needle the men in the audience. But for Black performers, taking on a dandy role was also a way of resisting degraded depictions of Black people that were common on stage at the time. As Kathleen B. Casey wrote in The Prettiest Girl on the Stage is a Man, “when worn by a Black performer, the tuxedo with tails, cane, cape and a top hat countered the image of the ragged, shoeless plantation slave.” Thus, Hines made a natural choice for a show that wanted to show an entirely new kind of Black performance. By 1904, The Indianapolis Freeman would report that Hines “commanded the largest salary paid to a colored female performer.” In their book, Out of Sight: The Rise of African American Popular Music, 1889-1895, Lynn Abott and Doug Seroff wrote that “Hines’s male impersonations provided the standard against which African American comediennes were compared for decades.”
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acetypeface · 3 months ago
The New Mutants Play DnD
They're still in my brain soup.
DANI: Is the DM. A fantastic storyteller, although she can be a bit of a stickler for the rules. Loves to prep days in advance, and includes as many elaborate schemes and puzzles as she can. Prefers to run a game that's evenly 50% roleplay and 50% combat. Brings lots of drinks and snacks so people (Roberto) won't leave the table mid-session with the munchies.
SAM: Plays a Human Fighter (Champion). Played the most basic character because he didn't want to challenge himself too much at first; has become the party's most talented member. Wants to be the leader of the party (no one listens to him). Somehow got knighted in their first session. The best at accents when roleplaying, but gets increasingly more southern when he gets frustrated during a session. Accidentally married a dwarven princess and can't figure out how to divorce her.
XUAN: Plays a Half-Drow Warlock (Great Old One). Has no idea what a drow is, just thought they sounded cool. Came up with an elaborate and tragic backstory for her character, which has fucked her over multiple times. Prefers deception and trickery to direct combat; has soothed over multiple of Roberto's accidental fights that way. Is really good at remembering all of the tiny things about each player's character. Is the resident healer of the party (the only one who remembers to grab important items, like food and healing supplies).
ROBERTO: Plays a Fire Genasi Bard (College of Eloquence). LOVES the roleplay aspect. Wants to be the face of the party, but tends to start fights. Talks a little too much; Dani has to remind him to give others a turn. Has successfully seduced the dragon. In charge of the party's money. Tends to power up when he gets too excited. Has "accidentally" led Doug into a trap more than once.
ILLYANA: Plays a Tiefling Paladin (Oath of Vengeance). Doesn't like to roleplay, but drops absolute bangers when she deigns to join in. An absolute beast in battle; has killed the most enemies to date. Was banned from being the party's face after starting an interdimensional war. Isn't afraid to engage in a bit of friendly fire. Has almost broken her oath several times. Gets really worked up and competitive during the tiny side quests.
AMARA: Plays an Earth Genasi Monk (Way of the Sun Soul). Loves elaborate descriptions of her character. Has already commissioned drawings of her character several times. One of the more cautious players; has saved Roberto alone upward of five times. Loves to dress up for each session, artful body paint included. Has mastered the eloquent speech of the fantasy realm.
DOUG: Plays a Human Wizard/Artificer (Order of Scribes/Alchemist). Takes too long choosing his spells and has to be reminded he would not be allowed to pause and contemplate mid-battle. Gets really excited by the terminology and world-building. Tends to have a panic attack when his character is about to die. Is known to "accidentally" cast area spells around Roberto. Loves solving all of the puzzles and riddles. Takes notes during the session, to the bewilderment of all.
WARLOCK: Is Doug's construct. Gets confused when they can't solve battles by talking things out. Is prone to running off to save Doug if his character is in danger. Incredibly distractable mid-game, but will always have his friends' backs. Gear hoarder who picks up absolutely everything, in case the party needs it later.
RAHNE: Plays a Human Druid (Circle of the Moon). Spends most of her time in Wildshape. Refuses to kill any animalistic enemies. Gets squirrelly whenever clerics or gods are mentioned; has been known to pray for forgiveness after a session. Gets genuinely frightened by some of Dani's descriptions. Strangely enough, is one of the party's best faces. Usually has a wolf following her at all times, and she cries if it dies.
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millylotus · 3 months ago
Duke's cousin Jay
His full name is Jayden Jackson, he's Doug's older sister Patricia & her husband Heaven's son.
Jay's always been a competent guy, physically inclined like his maternal grandpa and just as smart as the rest of his family. But the Thomas have never been particularly well off, so Jay never really got the chance to properly expand on alot of his talents and stuck to what would get him far quick enough & cheap enough.
One of those things was the Army.
After the loss of his parents in the bombing of Bludhaven he had nowhere to go. He wasn't going to bother his Uncle & Aunt, who where raising his baby cousin and caring for Granny Luci. He needed somewhere quick and cheap. He had nowhere else to go.
Nowhere to go but the Army.
At first they where going to use him like every other boy who'd lost people to attacks like the one on Bludhaven. Trauma riddled and gunning for revenge on anyone they where directed at, but Jay just didn't want to be a bother, and being useless was being a bother.
They saw just how good Jay was and in no way where they gonna lose such a useful asset. He learned quick & adapted to everything they put him through. And all those things they put him through where important, so important that Jay was put on teams that required code names and red tape for everything.
When Doug & Elaine went missing & Duke was put in the system Jay wasn't even aware until two years later, and even then he couldn't leave because he was still "fighting the good fight".
Eventually he gets a break, a couple months and with a payout on the bounds he'd stay quite and no one would get hurt. He ran to Gotham, got an apartment and found Duke living with the Waynes.
For a second he thought maybe Duke wouldn't want to live with him, the extravagance, the comfort, it was all Jay had ever dreamed of for his family. But his little cousin jumped right into his arms and suddenly Jay has split custody with Bruce Wayne of all people.
He adjusts to civilian life about as well as he adjusts to that of a soldier, but not quite. Just enough that it doesn't register to him that Duke met him in the middle somewhere between soldier and everyday life.
He'll be back with the special ops eventually, but he has a couple months left with all the family he's got. And by god is Jayden gonna milk every second of that.
I generally think of Jay as an easy going if not a paranoid and really awkward guy
I've decided he has anxiety that he just isn't acknowledging right now
He's between Dick & Jason in age leaning more towards Jason
But ya know that's just how it is sometimes
He's not a very high emotions type of guy, most of the people in his family aren't
The most you'll drag out of him is an overprotective streak when it comes to Duke
He fidgets with his dog tags often
He knows how to kill a man in at least 50 different ways
He was the rookie for a solid 6 years before ending up as basically the middle child of his team
He's not sure how he feels about the Waynes but he's willing to take as much child support from them instead of indebting Duke to the army by using their money to care for him
When he finds out Duke is a meta-human he takes that shit to the grave, no-one is using his cousin
Same thing when he finds out Duke is a vigilante
He routinely cries to 16 Carriages by Beyonce
His favorite artists are Beyonce, Adele, & India Arie
He frequently goes to art exhibits and has tried his fair share at painting but is to embarrassed to really share it with anyone
Chronic resting bitch face he gets from his dad
The army aged him and people sometimes think he's Duke's dad
Knows things he shouldn't
Not tired all the time, but definitely more mellow compared to when Duke last saw him years ago, he smiled bigger back then
He's dated one person seriously in his life and that was a girl in high school
A fling there, a tent mate over here, maybe even on old friend who might come back, he doesn't really know
Once tried to eat his dad's belt as a kid
Got Duke hooked on sweets as a kid, much to Elaine's chagrin and now they're both sweettooths together
His favorite subject was art history
He reads plays a lot because they where just in abundance everywhere he went for some reason, and also because he likes dialogue a little more than heavy prose
Only has his GED, never really intended to go to college, now the army gets in the way of that
Figured out the We Are Robin thing quick, the Signal stuff not so much
Lets the WAR kids crash at his place even when he's dispatched
Doesn't like loud noises or the sound of guns
This ruined a lot of his fav trap songs for him
His fave color is yellow
He's jealous of Duke relationship with the Waynes and Robins sometimes, especially Jason, but by virtue of Duke just being a loving guy those feelings never really stick for long
One time he was babysitting Duke and the little man got him hooked on TMNT
He still has his Mikey mask, and Duke still has his Raph one
He's kind of just a guy sometimes
He's my one of my favs now
Jay Jack is just that guy, no excuses
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askyuuandco · 6 months ago
Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quotes 23
OB! Malleus: All that effort and you still couldn- GN!Yuu: GrrrrHA! *hits Malleus with the Frying Pan* OB! Malleus: *holding his nose with his claws* GA- AHHHH!!! OB! Malleus: WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! ;A; GN!Yuu: That's called a Frying pan BITCH! D:< OB! Malleus: Ah Frying Pa- D:< OB! Malleus: How did it hurt so much? ;m; GN!Yuu: I have a lot of pent up trauma UnU OB! Malleus: That doesn't make any sense-ah... *lets go of his nose*
OB! Malleus: I'm Bleeding...*covers his nose back up* You made my nose bleed! D:<
OB! Malleus: OMG! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! D':< GN! Yuu: A LOT! D:< *hits him again* OB! Malleus: AAAHHHH!!! Everyone Else: o-o'///
------------------------------------------------------- Male! Yuu: I Don't have PTSD! D:< Male! Yuu: That is all just the Wizards curse! >n>
Male! Yuu: The wizard is my father *looking at Crowley* Male! Yuu: But that's-But That is not relevant >n> M!Yuu & Crowley: *glaring at each* Staff: oh boy. Family counseling it is. =v='/// --------------------------------------------------------
Lilia: Go...do a crime UvU *hands Baby Silver a toy sword* Baby Silver: YIPPEE :D *leaves to do silly kid things* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sebek: HOLD ON!!! (x3)
Sebek: AND WHAT WAS HER SISTER? A PRINCESS, THE WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST BRO! Silver: ....I'm gonna stab him =-= Sebek: YOU'RE GONNA LOOK AT ME AND TELL ME THAT I'M WRONG? AM I WRONG? SHE WORE A CROWN AND SHE CAME DOWN IN A BUBBLE DOUG! Silver: I'm not fighting with you (x2) =-= Sebek: GROW UP BRO, GROW UP! Silver: get educated. =-= ------------------------------------------------------------
Idia: Stick. OwO
Orthro: what did you come home with? >_>' Idia: A Wizard's Stick. OwO
Orthro: where did you find this thing? >m> Idia: Work. OwO Orthro: What do you mean at work? What do you mea- Orthro: What do you for a live? >A>'/// Idia: Trains. OwO Orthro: I thought you said you work with Trains? >n> Idia: OwO Orthro: >,>'/// Idia: Trains. OwO Orthro: I think your lying to me. Idia: Work Stick. OwO
Orthro: Your a Wizard Idia: I am now >w< Both: *laugh* ------------------------------------------------------- Ace: Grimace shake. Here riddle have some >w> Riddle: Thank you *drinks* Hey this is half ba- ---2 minutes later--- Riddles: *dies*
Trey: NO MY BOY!!! Cater: *patting Trey's back* ------------------------------------------------------ Trey: I baked you a Pie Yuu: Oh boy what flavor is it? :D Trey: Pie flavor >:) Pie: *explodes and another pie pops out*
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canonrpfinder · 7 months ago
Hello! I have 6-7 years of roleplay experience, literate, EST, looking for 18+ roleplay partners! I do NOT do NSFW. I don’t like romance plots. I type 3-4 paragraphs or more typically. I only roleplay on discord as well!
Most of my fandoms below and favorite characters to play are listed in parentheses!
Stranger Things(Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson, Argyle)
Wednesday(Ajax, Tyler, Yoko, Xavier, Kent, Rowan, Enid, Wednesday)
Scream(Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Charlie Walker, Ethan Landry)
Harry Potter(Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black. Fan cast characters such as the Slytherin boys - Theodore Nott, Blaize Zabini, Mattheo Riddle, etc.)
The Black Phone(Vance Hopper)
The Ranger’s Apprentice(Gilan, Will Treaty, Evanlyn aka Cassandra)
Marvel(Loki, Thor, Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Hela, most other male MCs)
Spiderverse(Hobie Brown, Gwen, Pav, Miguel O’hara)
RvB(Tucker, Church, Griff)
Twilight(Jacob Black, Seth Clearwater, Carlisle Cullen, Book Bella Swan not movie Bella Swan)
The Originals(Niklaus Mikealson)
Descendants(Harry Hook, Jay, Carlos, Chad Charming, Doug, Evie, Gil)
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yuurei20 · 1 year ago
Meet the Seiyuu: Neige LaBlanche
Neige is voiced by Nagatsuka Takuma. Today is his birthday!
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Nagatsuka talks about moving to the entertainment industry in a blog post from 2015 where he explains he believed that becoming an adult meant finding a stable job, so upon graduating from high school he started to work at city hall, even though he had been interested in acting since he was a child.
One day he saw posters for an actor training academy, and enrolled in weekend classes.
He says that he faced strong opposition from his family when he quit his job to pursue his dream of voice acting, but after his mother saw his performance in The iDOLM@STER SideM 1st STAGE ~ST@RTING!~ as Fuyumi Jun, she said she could die happy.
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Nagatsuka has had roles in over 70 anime and 30 video games such as Momokuri (with Floyd’s VA Okamoto), Katsugeki: Touken Ranbu (with Ace’s Yamashita, Chenya’s Hama, Riddle’s Hanae, Floyd’s Okamoto, Grim’s Sugiyama and Sebek’s Ishiya), My Hero Academia, Butlers : A Thousand Years and One Hundred Years' Story, Double Decker! Doug & Kirill,
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King of Prism: Shiny Seven Stars, Sk8 the Infinity (with Deuce’s Kobayashi and Lilia’s Midorikawa), Visual Prison (with Silver’s Shimazaki and Ortho’s Aoi)--Deaimon: Recipe for Happiness, Seraph of the End, On Air! and DANKIRA!!! - Boys, be DANCING!.
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Nagatsuka is also the voice of Dewey in the Japanese-language dub of Duck Tales.
Nagatsuka also participates in character song projects, appearing in over 50 different albums for THE IDOLM@STER, KING OF PRISM and more.
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PV for his original mini album, “dance with me.” ↓
Nagatsuka is also a big fan of tea and collaborated with Yokohama tea shop La Théière to release his own original tea blend.
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year ago
Happy Tuesday all. Yay for writers strike being over. Now we just need to get the actors a good deal as and we'll get our couple back hopefully soon enough. Or have some kind of premiere on the horizon. Till then let's continue on with our rewatch. :) Getting to the crux is this whole Stanton SL. Their moments get better as we approach the climax of this whole ordeal. We don't have a ton of content but its pretty solid what we do get. Off we go.
3x05 Lockdown
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We start out with our couple already in process of booking someone. Lucy is telling Tim that Stanton gave Jackson a blue page with leaving the drugs behind. She see's the guilt wash over him. She immediately stops Tim from blaming himself. Says it’s not his fault. Tim is riddled with guilt regardless and says it is. It was his fault because it was his idea to reach out to Doug's old rookie.
Then Tim sees Stanton enter the building and goes into aggressive protector mode. I’m here for it. If looks could kill oooh boy. That look in his eye is like a fight on sight clause. *fans self* Nothing love more than protective/aggro Tim. Lucy spots where his eyes are going. Quickly tries to deescalate Tim from knocking Stanton out cold immediately. Saying they don’t want to make things even worse for Jackson. Tim doesn’t hold back in the slightest when he comes up to Stanton. Asking if he wants to brush up on any arrest control techniques. Get em Tim. (Tim would've totally owned his ass if they had)
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First off I love Lucy trying to ground Tim by touching him. Bringing him back to earth by saying hey we’re on duty… let's go. Doing what she does best by de-escalating him in the moment. He is ready to throw down with this putz. He doesn't care the consequences at this point. Lucy is very aware of this and is trying to head it off as quickly as possible. Doesn't want to risk Tim in the war they are waging against Stanton. She is doing her damndest to protect him from himself in this moment. Then Doug makes his next mistake... Trying to incite Tim by using Lucy and saying very inappropriate things about her.
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Tim doesn’t have to step in because Lucy is gonna stand up for her damn self. Goes toe to toe with Stanton. Just like Tim does. Suddenly it's not just Tim. It's Lucy ready to take him down as well. Tells Doug he’s the one who is going to need rescuing. Whew lord This is getting good. Pass me the popcorn. Stanton is messing with the wrong couple. Separate they'll kick his ass. Together? Utter desolation. Fool of a man to try and take them on. Had no idea the hornets nest he just kicked.
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Lucy telling Stanton she has a great hair pull takedown she’s been dying to try. LMAO Amazing. Don't mess someone they care about. Tim then becomes the one to ground her with his touch. Having them walk away before either of them do something they’ll regret. The fact that both of them wanna kick his ass in this moment is *chef kiss*. Best part is their natural instinct to protect one another.
Could care less about themselves but always instinctively shield the other. God I love them. Let's talk about how casual and natural they are about the touching to calm each other. Especially in front of others. My heart. Friggin love how they both wanna take Stanton down but also want to protect the other. Lucy calmed Tim down and then when Doug went after Tim through Lucy he had to be the one to calm her down. What a pair these two.
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Tim can't help but give her crap about going after Stanton after she made him stand down. Lucy cracks me up with her testosterone line. How she got a contact high off of it LOL It was that and she was protecting both of the men in her life. The most important relationships to her. He threatened both in one moment and she was not going to have it. Ugh so good. Great opening scene for them hot damn. I will take this kind of content all day.
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They follow up with a hilarious scene with the girl they booked. She’s asking for the bagels she stole back. The balls on this chick my god. Tim tells her they’ve been disposed of. She goes on saying how bad that is for the environment. His eye roll and his head tilting back LMFAO. I love this man so much your honor. He's in no mood to deal with this person. Lucy steps in and offers some logic to her ‘whole ethos’ Adore her stepping in and trying to run interference for Tim.
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They’re both so over this girl by the end of their interaction I’m dying. They have much bigger problems today than her. She continues her obnoxious annoyance and says she doesn’t believe in money. But wants them to call her a cab. Sassy Tim arrives on the scene and he is most welcome. I’m laughing so hard at his reply. He is beyond done with this girl and her BS. Forever love how sassy he is now. Thank you Lucy haha
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Lucy turns around and asks Nolan how his exam was. He says he passed but doesn’t seem psyched about it. Lucy notes this and Nolan says Grey just confirmed he’ll never make detective. Tim does this deep chuckle that does things to my insides and says ‘You mean you still thought you had a shot?’ LMFAO He’s so mean to Nolan and I love it sfm. Legit brings me joy how constantly underwhelmed he is by John.
His body language the whole scene has me rolling. Legit tickled pink Nolan with his letter of reprimand thought he still had a shot at detective LOL It’s the giant laugh that proceeds his line that kills me the most. Tim can't believe John could actually think he still had a legit shot at it after what he did. He’s such a jerk to Nolan and it makes me happy. I’m a bad person I know haha
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They get pulled away by their freegan. She goes and gets herself arrested again by breaking into a car in their parking lot. John follows them out and quickly gets pulled away by a man in a van while they arrest her again. Nolan of course gets caught in a bomb threat outside the station. Leaving Tim and Lucy stuck there until the threat is neutralized. Hence the name of the ep. They're locked down till this mess is resolved.
They bring everyone in the lobby and in holding down to the parking garage. I love the chat they have about it. Lucy is voicing her concerns and anxiety for Jackson. Tim is instantly the calm presence she needs. He knows she is stressed because now they can’t be Jackson’s backup. Advises her the best he can till they are out of this current mess. The more they focus on the task at hand faster they're back out there to help him. I just can’t get over them being this united front to protect Jackson best they can. Makes my heart happy.
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Once they're out of the garage Tim and Lucy do some digging on Graham their bomber. They find out he has a GF Kelsey Adams. She set up a page to fund his medical bills. Yet they haven't asked for money. Another thing is she’s going under an assumed name and they have no pictures of her. She wasn’t home when Lopez tracked her address down. All their leads aren’t going anywhere. It’s not about money or about the convict this man pretended to want release at first. So feels like they're back to square one. All they know is Kelsey must be involved in this circus. That they're close enough for her to have a hand in this with Graham. The issue is figuring why they're both doing this.
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Lucy then has an epiphany and says what if it’s meant to distract them? Since this isn't about money or releasing someone. That the real reason is to pull their focus outside the station. When it should it really be focused inside. Harper then asks what kind of crazy person would be inside while her BF threatens that same building with explosives? I love this beautiful look between them. Their silent communication at its finest right here. All she has to do is look at Tim and they have the same thought. Their Freegan who got herself arrested twice in one hour is crazy enough.
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They go to confront Freegan Freida and I love their dynamic. How confident they are and the back and forth they display. Trying to get her to break. Tag teaming it. Explaining how they caught her and her reasons why. Until they realize she’s not Kelsey Adams…. It was real good till then guys haha The real Kelsey takes off and breaks the keypad trapping them down there.
Harper is able to catch Kelsey in the evidence room and figure out why she’s there. They’re trying to get her fingerprints before they’re scanned into the system. Her ex-husband was abusive and has cops on his payroll. Why she was under an assumed name. Harper also finds out the bomb is a fake. Only needed them to think it was real to buy time. Also get him arrested so his medical care could be paid for in prison. With this mess resolved Tim and Lucy are finally able to return to their shift.
Lucy tells Tim about a text she receives from Jackson. Saying everything came to a head with Doug. That Jackson pulled his dad running IA card. That Jackson thinks he'll back off now. Hearing this sets Tim on edge. He wants to go find Jackson ASAP. He’s worried about what Doug is going to do since Jackson pulled his dad card. Say's he's not the type of guy you can back into corner and not react. Tim is afraid of what he’s going to do now that he is. Has them leave the station immediately to find him.
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Tim and Lucy hear a call come over the radio. It’s the exact situation Tim was worried about. He’s having him and Jackson go into an area where they should have serious backup. Doing a ‘premise check’ solo. Doug is up to something and it’s not good. Sounds like he’s leading Jackson into the lions den. Which is exactly what happens. They split up and Jackson gets jumped. He is overwhelmed by 4 guys. Makes a call over the radio and Stanton says he’s coming to help then leaves him there be beaten to death.
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Tim and Lucy show up on scene and run into Stanton and he “claims” to have lost Jackson. They quickly find Jackson and rush over to him. Tim calling in ambulance and RA. Beautiful thing about this moment is Jackson grabbing for his body cam. The cam footage that ends up condemning Stanton.
Watching Tim march over with Grey to suspend him. Phew lord Tim telling him 'Give me a reason'. Yum. Stanton gets the ending he so richly deserved. That ends quite an intense episode. Loved the United Front that is them in this episode. The way he fiercely protects Jackson the entire episode while keeping Lucy calm. So damn good. Not a ton like I said but enough goodies to enjoy especially the beginning.
Side notes none really this episode was truly intertwined. Glad to see Stanton finally get what’s coming to him. Awful that took Jackson nearly dying to get it done but glad he was finally removed.
As always thank you to everyone who supports these reviews. Been so fun for me to Analyze and share with you all. All the likes/comments and reblogs mean a lot ❤️ see you all in 3x06
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fountainpenguin · 5 months ago
Context: In my fanfic universe, T.U.F.F. Puppy takes place in the same universe as The Fairly OddParents, but in the future.
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Cursed liveblog experience I had tonight
Bonus Panel:
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she-karev · 1 month ago
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📚January Book Review📚
4/5 Stars! ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️
“Whatever he says, whatever he does, you need to remember that you are a brilliant, amazing person. You bend over backwards to please that man, and if he doesn't appreciate you, if he doesn't realize how special you are, then you just have to do whatever you need to do to protect your heart.”
Hey guys so for my birthday month I decided to finally read this on my TBR since I loved the cover and the sci fi story that challenges toxic masculinity and empowers women to escape from abuse. As The Companian movie draws closer being released on January 31st, I decided to read a book that shares similar elements of toxic masculinity with a futuristic setting and a female companion robot named Annie as the FMC. It’s safe to say this book took me by surprise in good ways as I continued reading it. There are brilliant explorations of ownership disguised as love that pushed my levels of discomfort but also allowed me to see that self-prioritizing is important especially when you’re in an abusive relationship like Annie and Doug’s. This is shown throughout Annie’s relationship with her human owner Doug who’s shown to be misogynistic and controlling over Annie that heightens as the story continues. The domestic prison she lives in is riddled with toxic masculinity as her life is quite literally in Doug’s hands who flaunts his control over her repeatedly. Greer’s prose is compelling as her details are attentive from Annie’s point of view as she breaks out of her monotonous existence and seek the thrill of human excitement. All in all this is a book you should read if your looking for a girlfriend experience mixed with future robots.
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rphunter · 18 days ago
Hello! 34M here! I'm looking for some Disney-adjacent RPs! Verses like Descendants, Twisted Wonderland, and Dreamlight Valley!
Muses I rp are:
Descendants- Red, Gil, Doug, Cerin (OC, son of Dr Facilier), Hal (OC, son of Happy), Tink (OC, Child of Tinkerbell), Claudia (OC, daughter of Frollo), and Everilda (OC, daughter of Esmeralda)
Twisted Wonderland- Vil, Riddle, Leona, Jamil, Cyrus (Cinderella based OC), Finn (Rapunzel based OC), Farin (Fairy Godmother based OC), Nasir (Genie based OC), and Amir (Jasmine based OC)
Dreamlight Valley- The Forgotten (I play them as male, and have a small story written up for him)
I am open to shippy/nsfw rps, but all muses must be written as over 18 for those types of rps.
I rp on Discord and do para+ RPs.
If you're interested, please reach out and we can discuss something whenever I'm free to respond.
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mare-sanguis · 1 month ago
I was tagged by @thedevildeer 💫 to post nine books I want to read/finish in 2025. (you got me back on tumblr with that tag)
i'm a slow reader, especially currently so hopefully i will in fact get to finish 9 books. lets see how that goes 🙏🏻
Slewfoot by Brom
currently in the midst of reading and it's honestly so interesting, i just love how its written. set in colonial new england in 1666 connecticut, it centers around recent widowed outcast abitha who has to go against her puritan colony. mixed in with mythology, paganisms, mystery and fairytales it's the perfect book for anyone who loved "the witch" (2015 movie)
Lapvona by Ottessa Moshfegh
started reading it some while ago but had to drop it due to circumstances cuz it's so messed up. a year later now, i swear i will finally finish it. taking place in a corrupt medieval fiefdom, it centers around a 13 y/o deformed boy. when he commits a crime, the cruel fiefdom lord demands the boys father to hand him over as reparations. that's all i'm gonna say 😭 who ever decides to read this better read the triggers cuz there are a LOT and i mean it.
Dont let the forest in by CG Drews
was recommended to me and now i need to get my hands on it somehow. centering around high school senior andrew perrault who finds refuge in the twisted fairytales that he writes for the only person who can ground him to reality. its queer and dark (academia themed) which makes it double the must read in my opinion
The good son by Jeong You-Jeong
it's been a while since i read this book up in english but now i want to give it a try in german 🙏🏻 don't want to spoil much but it's basically a classical crime story but with an unreliable narrator at the center. it's that book that resparked my love for the unreliable narrator narrative. still waiting for it to get turned into a kdrama cut i know it'll work amazing
Heaven by Mieko Kawakami
gotta love me some story that takes me back right to my school days... yeah. so anyway, it tackles bullying through the eyes of a 14 y/o student who's subject to relentless torment. in the midst of it, he finds comfort in a female classmate who goes through the same. it's definitely not an easy read that's for sure but i think it's a great help for anyone who has suffered under bullying once in their lifetime to realize we're never alone in this. i'm sure it can also open the eyes of the perpetrators themselves.
S/Ship of Theseus by J.J Abrams/Doug Dorst
its more than just a book. its got 3 key figures: the book (ship of theseus), the writer (straka), the readers (eric and jennifer). "a young woman picks up a book left behind by a stranger. inside it are his margin notes, which reveal a reader entranced by the story and by its mysterious author. she responds with notes of her own, leaving the book for the stranger, and so begins an unlikely conversation that plunges them both into the unknown." i love books like where you gotta have to use your braincells a little bit more so i can't wait to gets my hands on it soon, hopefully
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
"a young family moves into a small home on ash tree lane where they discover something is terribly wrong: their house is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside" - its not just a book but also a riddle and a challenge. along with the story the structur of the book also plays with you. i always loved interactive books as a young kid so i know i'll eat this one up like a starving victorian child
The fall of the house of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe
i think we all know that story and i do too but honestly there are just so many variations of it i need to read them all. i specifically want the limited/decorative edition with the little extras inside
Good girls don't die by Christina Henry
always loved her books so of course i also have to read this one. its one book with three different stories: the 1st story about a woman who finds herself in a house that isnt hers with a husband she's never seen before and a girl who claims to be her daughter, the 2nd story is about friends traveling to a cabin, visited by a stranger at night and the 3rd is about a 12 women forced to participate in "the maze"- a high obstacle course
won't tag anyone cuz i got no one to tag 😭
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Malevolent eps 11-12 liveblog
ooh jeez. that was intense
John literally gives the shitiest pep talks but somehow I feel like they'd work on me
Are they thinking what I'm thinking? Disguise time?
ook so John had something to do with the cult/the king in yellow in the past
who dis? Does he have an eyeball demon as well?
What the Fuck!?
we're in big trouble now boys I can feel it
Doug the cult leader. I love it
Hey! Are those like. the questions that the patreon gets to vote on or whatever??
Petulant child!!! you're one to talk buddy
oh my goddd the monsters in this show fuck so hardd
Arthur is now wearing a thigh length cultist robe. btw.
Laundry chutes coming through as always
Ready for our boys to Sam Gamgee this fucker. but like, if Sam had a gun.
oh. oh my god. not to me. not if it's you. i'm gonna fucking die. these two will be the death of me.
somebody's jumpy
he's facing the other way! Such an idiot I love him
*turns on phonograph* hello Jo(h)n
ooh dreamlands!! Fun!
the audio distortions when the doctor is talking are creepy as fuck
it's a riddle about the mirrors dummy. Ok they got it
God that's so creepy, I love it. Doing nothing for my fear of elevators
ahhhhh so coool something something lost carcosa
John eat a snickers. John.
the sounds this man is making
ewww gross
Cassilda!!! Hey queen!!
buddy they're not talking to you
the power of love wins as always, tho they're probably fucked now. Also listening to this while trying to stay quiet and not wake my roommate was physically painful
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