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askyuuandco · 14 days ago
I said this once and I never heard the end of it.
She has spent too much time around shadow
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askyuuandco · 20 days ago
Awwww poor little buddy. I believe in you Drifloon. You just got to work on your core strength and strings >X>
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good luck little drifloon ! ✧o(•̀⤙•́o )
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askyuuandco · 22 days ago
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book 7 continuing what book 6 started aaaaaaaaaaaaaaoouuughuguhuguhghghgh despair despair despair despair despair
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askyuuandco · 2 months ago
give me some!
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manic pixie dream grandpa
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askyuuandco · 3 months ago
Okay so what if your kids from the future come and visit you in your timeline what would you do?
Yuu: High key. I'd probably first have a panic attack. Yuu: Then I'd try to figure out how to send them back, because they can't stay here because it ruins the space time continuum and I don't want to deal with that. Yuu: but there's no way in hell that would happen in a million years...right? o.o'/// Yuu: I'd probably freak the f*ck out if I'm going to level with you. I would crumble under the pressure! Idk if I'm even a good mother or not! Please don't do that to me! OAO;///
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askyuuandco · 3 months ago
yeah that was fault on you Riddle sorry.
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askyuuandco · 3 months ago
What was it like taking care of Malleus when he turned into a baby dragon?
Yuu: if I were to give it a 1-10 hardness level. I'd was an 8. Yuu: not saying he was a super bad baby to deal with. On the contrary he was polite at times. It's just taking care of a baby is hard so taking care of a baby dragon was harder to say the least. Yuu: When he cried it he'd freeze Grim because Grim was bullying him. When he sneezed fire would come out and I'd had to make sure he didn't burn something by accident so any he sneeze I put him right near the fire place to breath fire there so it didn't spread to the house. Yuu: He didn't really let people near me unless it was Lilia or Silver. He normal kept everyone in a 10 foot radius from me. Mainly because he was scared and didn't know them. When it was Sebek he looked bored, huff, and then go sit somewhere so Sebek can't reach him. Yuu: he still loved gargoyles and ice cream. He'd do a little dance for both those things and make happy dragon noises anytime he was near them. He'd sometimes whine when I told him to come down to eat because he didn't want to be away from his new friends, when there was ice cream he's share with no one hissing at anyone who would try to take his ice cream bowl. He also collected many coins or shiny objects and put them in his special corner. Yuu: he kind of remind me of a budgie the way he'd act sometimes. When there was music he'd do a little dance and get curious looking at the record player, he'd throw his toys mainly balls up in the air and when they dropped he do the same thing again, he'd sometimes play with his food and since he was small dragon he'd always fall in his bowls and when there were plates it hit his head causing him to cry. Yuu: he also reminded me of a kitten in behavior because he liked cat toys, he was scared of almost anything and would run and fly around in the house panicking, and I'd to calm him down telling him it's okay, he scratched and bite people he didn't like but he also playbite with people he loves, he'd screech loudly when he was hungry, or when he wants to be with me when he can't come in the room, or just to talk to me because he didn't know how to talk. He even tricked me into feeding him twice because Lilia feed him the first time! >.> Yuu: He mimicked everything I did. Like if I wash the dishes he'd pretend to wash the dish in his imaginary sink, when wrote something down he'd write something down, When I brushed my hair or teeth he'd copy that to despite not having hair in his dragon form, if I cried or was sad he'd cry to, If I was mad at anyone he's attack them even though I didn't want him too (don't worry I scolded him for it), when I was happy he was happy. You know it was cute.
Yuu: As for when he turned back to his normal age...he was in his true form....and he couldn't even get out of my house he was bigger then my room and his tail was leading out of my room. He almost crushed me. He asked if I was okay and I just gave him a thumbs up. his arm broke my bed and he was holding me like a teddy bear. Yuu: he was so very embarrassed by all of it ad when I told him about his baby antics he got even more red and just sat in the corner of the room when he turned back into his elven fae form. Honestly I didn't mind because I saw a new side of him that day his shy and happier side. lol
Yuu: and from here on out I call him nugget and he gets embarrassed and hates it/loves it. =v=
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askyuuandco · 3 months ago
Awwwwww ;w;
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next to joking that Ruggie would go for a big hyena lady me and my friend also thought Kalim has a fiancee (picked out by papa Asim) that is the total opposite but her daddy is their biggest business partner. Also she's the lamp get it
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askyuuandco · 4 months ago
Oh so I was right he was making gargoyles actually XD
Since nobody else has pointed it out that I can see
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No, really. Look
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This mf is straight up MAKING gargoyles my god. Impressive. Probably easier because of his strength.
"Nobody joins Malleus' club because they're scared of him." Have you considered that people are scared of hard manual labour. In that pretty outfit. In the library. At night. With Malleus.
I'm sorry it's just so funny to me, he's making gargoyles in the library in the middle of the night ANSNDNDDN
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askyuuandco · 4 months ago
Cat on Cat Violence
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where's my vignette about cat on cat violence
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askyuuandco · 4 months ago
lol 💀
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askyuuandco · 4 months ago
i wish i could move my legs =m='///
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askyuuandco · 4 months ago
I would love to but as you can see... I am also stuck in place and can't go anywhere U.U'
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askyuuandco · 4 months ago
oh. =.='
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askyuuandco · 4 months ago
How did you even get here? <.<
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askyuuandco · 4 months ago
All I can say is....I'm Disappointed UmU
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askyuuandco · 4 months ago
okay if our kidnapper starts to feel bad for you idk what to say.
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