devilishtear · 2 months
One thing about me is I suffer from depression and when it's dark, I really struggle.
A few months ago I found a spoken word poetry who captured a lot of my feelings in a few of her poems. I ended up buying one of her books that doubled as a self-help journal.
Reading back through some earlier pages now ... I'm feeling very Stolas coded 🤔
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anthonyamadeo · 9 months
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Gabe Dorta by Anthony Amadeo
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ladysc · 1 month
I want someone to chase after me
I want my movie scene in the pouring rain
I want sunflowers because they’re my favourite
I want someone to show up at my house unannounced
I want hands held
I want the love letters
I want poems written about me
I want songs sung together
I want to sit on a beach and watch the sun setting
I want stargazing
I want to be missed when we spend too long apart
I want nights in together
I want nights out together
I want planned futures
I want playful fights over whose eye color our babies will have
I want pictures of us laughing
I want the last slice of toast because it’s always my favourite
I want the right side of the bed
I want ‘I love you’s traced on my back while I’m half asleep
I want someone who can’t take their eyes of me in a crowd
I wanna be made to feel special
And I just want someone to love me
poem by Isabella Dorta
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gebo4482 · 11 months
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Overwatch 2
Artist: Allison Yu / Armando Gonzalez-Dorta
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k1dstfu · 1 year
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versacethotty · 1 year
miss yanka kinda wiped the floor with kandy during that lip sync no shade
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thelegacylegacy · 1 year
Eduardo Legacy-Harris
(Human, he/him, heterosexual, deceased)
Alma and Jeb's only child, Eduardo moved in with three girls and had a very chaotic love life. He married Elisa Dorta and they had two children together.
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anthonyamadeo · 9 months
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Gabe Dorta by Anthony Amadeo
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crazyspookies · 1 year
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gebo4482 · 1 year
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Overwatch 2 by Armando Gonzalez-Dorta
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itwamtv · 2 years
i know a person shouldn’t be
your only source of happiness
but the absence of someone
seems to be my only reason
for unhappiness
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radiogornjigrad · 8 days
Dorta Jagić: SOPRANI
SOPRANI . U pjesmi svojoj za kraj pita nas, pita te pjesnikinja Mary Oliver najstrože pitanje – Što ćeš sa svojim divljim I dragocjenim životom? Mary, dići ću ga. Ubiti pa dati okolo, tu izmorenu, divlju zebru kad opet oživi. Napraviti od njega kruh i ribe. Pravo je pisanje istina. Znači – dići uvis lako život koji je težak. Podignuti s tla, pokazati svima. a što drugo. Užasna je ona jedina…
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nikkupsticks · 4 months
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“deluded a guide to situationships”
-isabella dorta
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filmsandbicycles · 8 months
I think you hate yourself
For who you are
And who you’re not;
I think you wish
You were everyone else
And no one — Isabella Dorta
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anthonyamadeo · 9 months
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Gabe Dorta by Anthony Amadeo
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incorrectdnb · 2 years
Theoretical Expunged: It’s a heavy burden being a man of science.
Dortas: I know what you mean, Theoretical. That’s why I decided early on to sabotage my highly scientific mind with cartoons and sugar.
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