#dorlene x reader
tiredofthehumanlife · 3 months
Hater? I hardly know her
Barbies: Dorlene x you (more so Marlene and you dating and Dorcas lusting from afar)
Word: 1.6k
Summary: Dorcas hates you and your girlfriend but is it actually hatred or just misspelled horniness
Warnings: YOU WEAR A SKIRT AND GREEN LACE UNDERWEAR no genital or gendered pronouns or words used though, you flash a crowd and shake ass, Marlene is Marlene, Dorcas is pissed you guys are so hot, you and Marlene are very comfy with pda, tabletop dancing, broom closet shenanigans, I sleepy I think that's it, definitely not inspired by Lunch by Billie I don't even know where you would get that idea from you're crazy you're acting crazy rn
Dorcas hated you. And your stupid girlfriend, Marlene. At first, she just thought you were both pretty and then she realized how fucking annoying you both were. Was it truly necessary for Marlene to flirt with her during quidditch practice? Did you really have to wink at her every time you made eye contact? Not to mention the fact that you two were so far down each other’s throats all the time she was shocked either of you knew it was day. She hated that you were both so attractive and knew it. You both needed the strongest serving of humbling she has ever prescribed. Dorcas decided that’s exactly what she would do, humble y’all bitch asses.
Every time Marlene flirted, Dorcas insulted her. As harsh as she could. She snarled at you every time you looked at her. However, this seemed to backfire. Her rudeness seemed to make you both like her more. Marlene was even more flirtatious and you tried multiple times to start a conversation with her. She hated the both of you with a strong passion.
You and Marlene picked up on her bad vibes. You both just assumed that you had done something wrong. Your attempts to rectify the problem only seemed to make it worse. Marlene wasn’t a quitter. She decided you all would become friends or more if it was the last thing she did.
With the latest quidditch win under the Slytherin’s belt, Dorcas was excited for the following party. Barty had triple her excitement, he loved parties. The crowd gave him attention, unlike his father, and booze. Barty also liked kissing his boyfriend in the dim lighting. Evan enjoyed parties in the way someone might enjoy baking; it’s nice every once in a while, gets tiresome if frequent, and you get a treat at the end. While he didn’t get a cookie at the end of every party he did get an extra cuddily Barty. Pandora enjoyed them less. They were quite loud and she preferred to stare out the giant glass wall to watch the fish. If Pandora’s enjoyment of parties was in the basement then Regulus’ enjoyment of parties was in hell. He hated them. Too loud, too many people, too much B.O., terrible music, and stupid people became stupider with alcohol. Normally within the first hour Regulus and Pandora had snuck off to the Black Lake, party be damned.
Dorcas was enjoying her time at their party, glad her hard work in practice paid off. She danced with Evan and Barty. There was a massive grin across her face. Until she heard cheers on the other side of the room. Not an odd thing, usually means someone did a fancy trick with their dancing or someone fell, but something about these cheers made her uneasy. Dorcas scanned the crowd, snagging on the two heads over the others. You and fucking Marlene. Dorcas was a hater through and through. As a verified hater, she knows if you want to do it right you have to see your victims’ highest point so you can bully them as it happens.
Dorcas left Barty and Evan, weeding through the crowd. Eventually, she was standing right up against the coffee table you and your girlfriend were dancing on. It was sickening how good you both looked. People shouldn’t be more attractive just because they were standing on a piece of furniture. Marlene was standing behind you, her hands traveling more than they should in such a public space. Your arms were stretched over Marlene’s shoulders, your back pressed to her chest with your head thrown back. One of Marlene’s hands was resting just under your belly button while the other was on the side of your neck. Marlene’s head was turned to your neck. All the while both your hips were moving with the beat.
Your position reminded Dorcas of a vampire and their lover who is also into biting. She snarled at the thought of you both enjoying this. As if she sensed her hatred, Marlene's eyes shot open, meeting Dorcas’ immediately. Dorcas clenched her jaw and tilted her head up. Dorcas saw a flash of Marlene’s grin pressed to your neck before she pulled back. You pulled away from each other, somehow dancing apart was more attractive than together. Dorcas didn’t think much while watching the both of you prance on top of your lofty 16-inch tall coffee table. Well not much other than ‘fuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyou’.
With the new song, you both seemed to regain your lust for one another, meeting each other in the middle of the table. Your hands were grabbing and pulling each other, hitching the hems of clothing up just an inch. Dorcas wasn’t sure which one of you she hated more. Marlene with her band shirt and tight leather shorts. Or you with your stupid short skirt, and shirt that was very shirty. Dorcas was losing her vocabulary that’s how bad your dancing was, defentily wasn’t Marlene’s ass peaking out the bottom of her shorts.
Before Dorcas’ mind could catch each of your movements you were bending over right in front of her. Marlene flicked your skirt up, though it was already very revealing. Marlene leaned foreward and rested her elbows on your back before dropping one hand to sit in front of one elbow while her other hand held up her face. Marlene made a bored face while she shook back and forth from your hip movements. Dorcas wanted to be better than the boys cheering and screaming behind her but your ass was fully in her face. She glanced, not stared, fine she glanced for a long time. Dorcas commited the image to her memory.
You had on green lacey underwear. It made her eye twitch. Even worse, it was a little difficult to see with all the shaking but she noticed a slightly faded hickey to the left, and on the right side avoiding the hem of your underwear was her jersey number. Drawn around it were tiny little hearts that looked eerily similar to the ones she saw Marlene doodle on her page.
Unfortuentually Fortuneally, it ended quickly. Marlene stood up. She slapped your ass. Dorcas noticed how for a split second she squeezed it. You took this less as an offense and more as a signal, standing up and spinning around. You glanced down at Dorcas, winking at her before pulling Marlene in to you. You must've gotten bored with dancing because you jumped off the table. You helped Marlene get off the table before you both dissapeared into the crowd.
Dorcas returned to where she left Barty and Evan, finding them making out next to a wall. Dorcas gripped the back of Barty’s shirt, pulling him back. Barty whined. Dorcas sighed, slipping between the two of them.
“I just got flashed.” Evan groaned.
“Someone I know?” Evan asked. Dorcas shook her head.
“It unfortunately was a little hot.” She muttered, hoping it got drowned out by the music. Barty sloppily patted her shoulder in sympathy.
“The worst kind of flashing,” Barty said, a little too loud in Dorcas’ ear.
With the party slowly dragging on, she started to notice the lack of you and Marlene. Dorcas wanted to judge you vocally to your face how could she do that with you not here? She assumed you both left, maybe flashing a whole crowd was enough for one night. Dorcas watched in disappointment as a rowdy student flung a glass vase at the wall. She sighed as she left the commonroom to get a dustpan, already envisioning someone weilding a shard as a weapon. Dorcas swung the broom closet door open. She froze when she saw you and Marlene.
Marlene had your back pressed against the wall. Her lipstick was smeared across your mouth and neck. Dorcas glanced down. Marlene’s hand was shoved down your green underwear, the fabric bunching around Marelene’s wrist. Dorcas let out a deep sigh, ignoring you both staring at her. She reached around Marlene pulling out the broom and dustpan.
“You can join.” you whispered. Dorcas paused, slowly flickering her eyes to you. She thought about it more than she should’ve. A quiet moment passed before she quickly spoke up.
“Ew, no.”
“You sure? We can go to not a broom closet.” Marlene offered, her hand slowly slipping up to your belly button. Dorcas stared at you both.
“Are you guys serious?” She made a snarl but the more she thought of her jersey number on your right ass cheek and Marlene’s hands traveling on her body the more she started to lose her strength.
“No, I’m Marlene.” You smacked Marlene’s shoulder. Dorcas shivered at Marlene’s bad joke.
“You’re absolutely insane if you think I’d ever sleep with you dickheads, I do have a few standards.” Dorcas said, rolling her eyes. Marlene grinned at her. You stared at her with those stupid convincing puppy eyes.
“Would you join if we said pretty please with sugar on top?” Marlene asked. Dorcas reached out and bonked her on the head with the dustpan.
“Pretty please with sugar on top?” You flashed Dorcas your pretty smile that made her give you the answers to a test months ago. Dorcas stared up at the ceiling letting out the groanest groan of all time before meeting eyes with you both again.
“I’ll consider it.” Marlene quickly raised her hand for a high five, your skirt falling back down. You shook your head. Marlene switched hands, and you happily high-fived her.
”Hey Cassy, why did you-“ Barty paused as his head popped over the edge of the door. He looked between you three. You awkwardly waved. Dorcas patted his shoulder, handing him the broom and dustpan.
“We’ll talk. Soon.” Dorcas said, winking at you on her way out the door. She shut it behind herself, pushing Barty back towards the commonroom. Dorcas most definitely did not hear Marlene squeal as she left and she was most definitely not cut out for the hating business.
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july 2nd - prompt: lies - @dorlenemicroficprompts - 170 words - warnings: homophobia, internalised homophobia 
All lies, Marlene thought as she lay back in her bed. 
Liars, that’s all they were. 
She scoffed at the word as though her own father hadn’t spat it in her face a few hours earlier. 
“We’ll always love you-” 
“-accept you regardless.”
Liar, liar, liar, lies, she thought. 
“But now that you’re one of them nasty queers-” 
I suppose that is what I am. 
“-leave this house.” 
“Gladly,” Marlene hat shot back, grabbing Dorcas’ hand to drag her out with her. 
But now? 
Now, Marlene had left her girlfriend alone to cool off by herself, one of her rock records playing in the background.
Her parents’ words felt like a forced sip from the goblet of self loathing. 
She knew it was wrong. It had felt wrong from the beginning, but Dorcas’ touch and love was her liquor and Marlene was the alcoholic, addicted to the taste, stuck like a fly in a spider’s web.
But how could their love be a lie when it felt so good?
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morwap · 2 years
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Dom!dorlene, sub!reader,
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You three are laid back, clean and dry now. Dorcas on one side and Marlene on the other. you felt the sheets get put over you and Dorcas as Marlene got up for a minute to gather the clothes that sprawled across the room.
“You alright baby?” Dorcas asked, moving up next to you and trailing her finger along your arm. Her body heat was getting you all toasty.
“Mhm, m’good, what about you?” you asked, feeling worn out and tired and you could tell Dorcas could see it by how you talked and looked. She smiled at you.
“Im good babe, you were so good for us, we're so proud of you” she whispered in your ear as she kissed your cheek. Marlene crawled into bed after folding the three of your clothes and putting them on the dresser, she snuggled up to you, the three of you warming each other up.
“You both did so good” you mumbled, Marlene giggled in your ear.
You let your eyes close as you felt Marlene get comfortable with her leg over yours and Dorcas' arm over you with her face close to your arm. You three talked about random things before each of you drifted off to sleep one at a time.
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@bunnyweasley23 @b-aobao
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vampbloodbunny2 · 1 year
Girls Remus
,, it's that time of the month"
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when every fic is smut...
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rosabeetroot · 8 months
It’s so hard to find a marauders character to crush on I love them all but I simply can’t break up the thousands of ships: jegulily, Jily, jegulus, wolfstar, dorelen, nobleflower.
there’s so many how do we come up with them but keep up the good work
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neonlight2 · 1 year
Marauders era Headcanons
I’ll be adding to this throughout the storyline
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Sirius Black:
- Partially Deaf, because there is no way he came out inbred and totally unscathed.
- Genderfluid because he’s an indecisive bitch
- Loves when his hair is braided no matter how much he says otherwise (also likes his head scratched)
- Paints his nails just to chip them cause he thinks it looks hot (same thing with smudging eyeliner)
- Calls Lily ‘Evans’, until she and James get together then he calls her ‘Mrs. Potter’
- annoyed he has to share James
- Fidgets with his hair and finger/rings constantly, because he definitely had ADD
- Makes this claw thingy with his hand when he’s nervous (if you know where this is from ily)
- Can dance REALLY WELL (ballet), because of that pure blood privilege, and does the stance naturally
-Can play the violin but is embarrassed so learns guitar so if someone asks him if he plays an instrument he can just say that instead
- Sexuality = Hot people aka Remus Lupin ( he’s just a whore idk what else to say)
-Touch starved/attention whore
- Such a fucking G, this man would riot for anything his friends ask
- If you walked into his closet you would think two people put their stuff in there, no, just him
- Speaks French
Remus Lupin:
- Poor boy is depressed
- And actually poor which is why he sells weed or other muggle things (he hustles the shit out of the students at Hogwarts by saying everything is ‘exotic’ and they believe him because everyone thinks he’s smart)
- Touch starved but doesn’t like to be touched (if you know you know)
-Bisexual panic. All. The. Time.
-Oblivious as hell to the fact everyone wants him— I mean everyone
- Loves tea. SO. MUCH. TEA.
- Has a book club with Lily
- Got a ton of piercings and tattoos over fifth year’s summer, but people rarely see them cause he’s always wearing sweaters or covered up some how
-His whole closet look like it should belong to an old man, yet he still slays
- Bites his lips and inside of cheek a lot, so James carries around lip balm for him
- When he’s high he’s chill
- But he’s hysterical when he’s drunk
-Can read multiple languages, but his pronunciation is god awful (Sirius makes fun of him for it)
-Has Chocolate on hand at all times because once he didn’t and he threw Snape across the classroom
-Man is an uncoordinated tree
James Potter:
- Both the Mom and child of the group somehow
- Takes lots of naps
-Sorry to say but Gryffindor is his personality
- Foot taps
- Holy shit this guy is ADHD
- ‘Bambi’ is his other nickname, and he thinks it’s cute until he watches the movie
- The healthiest mentally of the group
- Golden retriever vibes
- If James hasn’t seen Sirius within 30 minutes and he doesn’t know where he is, he gets panicked
-Has a thing for Youngest siblings apparently (Lily and Regulus)
-Obsessed with Babies
- Definition of himbo sometimes
- He’s good at every sport he tries
- Queer
- Trained Sirius not to say Mudblood throughout first and second year
Peter Pettigrew:
- Trans (I’ll go more in-depth later)
- Ace
- if Social anxiety was a person
- Bakes like an absolute KING
- Chews fingernails, so Sirius got him leather gloves to matches his own to get him to stop
- Knows random shit/facts
-also knows everyone’s business because no one pays him any attention
- Short king
- Hilarious, practically makes the group piss themselves when alone in the common room
- Loves everything fuzzy
- Has been in love with Mary since third or fourth year, but hasn’t said anything because he knew about her and Lily
- Has family trauma too, but he doesn’t thinks it’s enough to complain about because of what he’s seen with Sirius
- Was the first to master turning into an animagus
-As bad as Sirius and James with worrying about his hair, just less loud about it
-He knew about wolfstar before James
Lily Evans:
- Politics Queen
- As sassy and sarcastic as Sirius
-Stress cleans
- the Left corner of her forehead twitches when she’s mad
- Thick girl (her thighs are HUGE and James practically drools over them 24/7, respectively ofc)
- Short 5’
- the others have to keep her within arms reach because she gets lost easily in crowds, her hair is the only thing that helps
- Human calculator (she gets perfect marks on every subject EXCEPT DADA, which is the class Sirius and James do; it annoys her to no end)
- Most likely to actually throw hands
- Fangirls openly about book characters (with Remus)
- Can’t sing to save her life (poor babe just wants to sing abba, but she just ends up being made fun of)
-Vowed to not cut her hair until she graduated, so around sixth year she had to start braiding it because if she didn’t she’d sit on it
- Can forge a signature/handwriting very well
- Is actually really insecure about her magical abilities because of the rift it caused between her and Petunia
Marlene McKinnon:
-The only person to actually make her question her sexuality is Remus, and that’s because it’s fucking Remus Lupin
- During fourth year when her and Sirius were ‘dating’, they were just teaching each other how to flirt with girls/guys and they’d kiss just to practice
-Obsessed with Piercings (begged Remus to give her a couple after he told her about how he had the supplies)
- One of the best players on the Gryffindor Quidditch team/ uses it as anger management (Beater position)
-Her and Sirius have an agreement to tell each other the weekly outfit plan so they don’t wear the same thing or color (red or black mostly)
- Roasting people is her platonic love language
-Can play every band instrument
-She looks like a tough, rocker chick but is a softie for Dorcas
- Intimidates everyone because she’s low key buff (can bench more than James and Sirius combined) and super tall (looks like a giant next to Lily)
-Can’t speak in front of Dorcas at first, yet Dorcas understands her
-Big on PDA which leads to Sirius gagging obnoxiously
-Her and Sirius “fighting” is for show so people stop shipping them together/ teasing them
- Dyslexic so Lily and Dorcas read to her if there’s anything important (which leads to them doing it even if she’s not around)
-Simps for James Mum (but who wouldn’t)
Dorcas Meadowes:
- Part of the Slytherin skittles
- Non-binary
- Dark humor and it’s worse when she’s around Regulus and Barty
- Nyx is her first girl kiss in my oc story (Marlene probably was for every other story)
-Big softy when it comes to Marlene
-Resting bitch face
- Amazing artist/ sketching Marlene constantly
- Makes jewelry (Marlene and her matching rings, and friendship bracelets/ necklaces for the others that they can never take off— she warns them before hand)
- Will go batshit crazy if she stays up after 12 am
-Gets super competitive when playing Quidditch
- Rants about how much she loves pockets every 20 minutes
- Instinctively moves closer to someone she knows when she’s in public
- More introverted than the rest, would rather stay in the common room and chill
-makes a ton of your mom jokes
Mary Macdonald:
- Pansexual or Polysexual
-She loves to embroidery/making clothes, so if anyone needs something made or tailored they go to her
-Hypes everyone up all the time, ‘don’t disrespect yourself’ vibe
- Has the best alcohol tolerance in the group
-James potter triggers her for a multitude of reasons; they have a banter relationship
- She always has what you need in her bag— like Mary Poppins
-Lily was her first love and friend
- SUCH a good listener (like I know canon Remus and Lily would be the best listeners, but I think it’s Mary)
- Both her and Remus had a glow up fourth year and everyone wants to either be them or be with them
- Loves dancing, will do it randomly while doing absolutely anything
-Hates cold weather, she’ll literally wear five jackets DON’T play
-Has had or does have a eating disorder because of societal pressure of internal judgment; not to mention people definitely paint her out to be a ‘slag’ because she happens to be more open about her sexuality (and they don’t do it to Sirius because we live in a fucked patriarchy)
- Will scream “fuck the police” or “fuck the Patriarchy” when running away from an authority figure (or just Lily/Remus)
-Extroverted (loves to be around people/hates being alone)
Regulus Black:
- Asthma (again, can’t escape inbreeding completely)
-Has permanent dark circles, yet he still looks beautiful??? Looks like eyeshadow to be real
- Demisexual
-Scratching his knuckles is a severe nervous tick of his
-Writes poetry and short stories
- Plays the piano
-Started playing quidditch to interact with Sirius more and to impress him (but as he got older he didn’t really give a shit anymore)
-Speaks French and Reads Latin
-Really into Astronomy
- He had a crush on James in fifth year but didn’t pursue it because he still somewhat resented him for having Sirius all to himself (and he knew Sirius would get mad)
-Cusses a lot when around his friends
-Best poker face, could lie to anyone and get away with it
-Photographic memory
-Nice to all the House elves (and all the Marauders except Sirius and James)
Pandora, Evan, and Barty
Evan and Pandora are siblings
Everyone in the Marauders and Slytherin Skittles have agreed that Pandora has to be protected at all cost
What they don’t know is that this girl is lethal (Carries around potions she’s created that could burn through steel)
Barty is hella gay, psychotic, and a bit of a pyro
Barty is also low key obsessed with Regulus
Evan is in love with Barty
Rosekiller is a thing, and it is toxic (don’t we just love it)
I’ll probably add more for Barth, Evan, and Pandora later
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wolfstarlesbian · 2 years
I am seriously (pun intended) thinking abt writing a marauders muggle au where they are 1d and lily is taylor and they suffer with the industry and regulus is an actor with the usual black brothers angst a shit ton of gay with wolfstar minor jily major jegulus dorlene rosekiller (maybe, possibly) and marylily
Would someone actually read it???
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gabriels-golden-kazoo · 5 months
Seen a lot of posts about people unsure of commenting on fics, people if you have something nice to say please say it.
Would have given up on my fic a month ago, but instead thanks to so many nice and encouraging comments I’ve just hit over 30,000 words.
That is the longest fic I have written and it’s still going.
@samss-lost-shoe was kind enough to write an au for me as a birthday present, they admitted that they were going to give up on it but the day they went to tell me I basically told them it was one of my top fics this year. They are now still writing it.
Comments mean the absolute world to writers such as me and my friend, they are so sweet and leave me literally jumping off the fucking walls, I’m sure my friend would agree.
So please, write those comments, even if it’s just the word kudos because you have already left kudos on the fic. Even if the comment is illegible and is basically you just frothing at the mouth over how adorable the chapter is, the writer will absolutely love you for it.
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Happy birthday to the boy who didn’t know how to swim AKA Regulus Arcturus Black.
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 6 months
Hi! I’m working on a project for an independent study before graduation that focuses on the Marauders era. I’m focusing on the queer community in the fandom and how we have built our own community that is maintained through fan channels. I was hoping you guys would fill out this survey- there are more details in the survey!! I would also appreciate if you could pass the survey along!!
Hello! Thank you for sharing this, of course I’ll fill it out! 🫶 what an interesting subject and good luck with this project ✨
I’ll share the link below, please consider filling it out!
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july 4th - prompt: colour - @dorlenemicroficprompts - 186 words - no warnings
“I’m sorry, baby.” 
“It didn’t actually hurt.” 
Dorcas rolled her eyes. She was currently sitting behind Marlene, brushing her girlfriend’s hair. She had begged Dorcas earlier to help her dye her hair and give her red highlights. 
“At least sit still if you want me to help you,” Dorcas muttered teasingly. 
“Can’t, I have to mix this stuff.” Marlene replied, shaking the bottle with hair dye.
“I have no idea what I’m doing, though.” 
“How about you just read what it says?”
Dorcas laughed and shook her head as Marlene handed her the bottle with the hair dye. She separated some strands of hair before squeezing dye into her hand.
“You sure this is the right colour, love? Looks like curry or something.” 
“Yes,” Marlene whined impatiently. 
“C’mon, get on with it.” 
Dorcas rolled her eyes jokingly and started coating the strands of hair with hair dye. 
“The things I do for you,” she muttered as she did the last one. “And now we wait.” 
Marlene let out a happy squeal and turned around to kiss her girlfriend on the lips. 
“Thank you, baby.”
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1-c-4-rus · 6 months
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Do I wanna know??
Post prank Wolfstar
inspo @sugarsyrop on tiktok
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tiredofthehumanlife · 1 month
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Mk thanks bookies (I'd love marauders stuff but I'm also down for the umbrella academy stuff as of rn bc that last season 😷 oh god I would prefer if you just dmed me but if you're not comfy with that I'm also chill with just an ask)
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sasagehoes · 1 month
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐈𝐈;; 𝐈 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐈?⋆✴︎˚。⋆ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫.
⭒˚☽ ✴︎˚。⋆;;As you walk thes streets of Diagon Alley you feel the presence of a certain...someone(s) follow you around while shopping. Is this the start of a great friendship...a band perhaps?
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a/n: This takes place on the events before, during and after the wizarding war, this series is part of a series, which will tackle more of the events in the golden trio era, the reader is hispanic but i couldnt care less if you're not, this is for everyone! [translations will be given]. English is not my first language so i apologise for any grammar mistakes. I hope you enjoy!
wc: 4.9k
CW: foul language is all I can think of.. let me know if i missed something!
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“So you're telling me you three and another guy are part of some club..named the marauders?” you asked, munching on a biscuit whilst sitting on the living room floor.
“It's not a club per say but uh yeah!” James answered, you nodded slowly, still confused “And you just cause mischief around the school?”you asked bewildered, “It's basically our motto” Remus spoke.
“You guys must be hated by half the school then” you laugh, and Sirius only chuckled.”Kind of the complete opposite, but the Slytherins dislike us the most” his face had a very smuggish smirk, making you want to throw another magazine at his hair.
“What house do you guys think I'd be in?” you asked them with an arched brow, to be fully honest you didn't know yourself that well so you like when people expressed their first impressions of you.
They all thought about it for a second but Remus was the first to answer .”I haven't seen you in that many situations to determine that yet” he said after a long hum, you only nodded and looked at the other two “Obviously you're Gryffindor, only the best are there” James said with a stupid wink, in exchange you gave him an unamused face “Either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor for sure” said Sirius after analyzing you briefly. From what he's seen, you were pretty reserved and definitely studious enough to learn from an old blood magic transcript, not to say bold as hell for actually moving forward with casting one of the spells in said transcript. 
Remus on the other hand didn't want to make any assumptions from what he's seen so far, you could be as much as a loose canon as Sirius and James combined, or you could be as calm as Peter. After all it's only been a day and a half since the four of you had met.
“Y porque a la gente no le cae bien los Slytherins?” You ask James genuinely curious and he only scoffed “No son todos, but hell can some of them be absolute assholes” {Why do people not like Slytherin’s?}. {It's not all of them}
“Most of them are pretentious assholes, come from wealth, and are blood puritans” Sirius added, clearly having caught at least something of the conversation. His hatred for people who followed in his parents footsteps seeped through his very pores and his friends noticed.``But again, not all of them are like that, some of them are just snarky, none of the other shit” he added.
“If I land in any other house that's not Gryffindor, am I allowed to talk and hang out with you guys?” you ask in a worrisome tone. Remus only laughed “Yeah dove, it's not like we are all supposed to only socialize with people from our houses, we have a friend, Dorcas, she hangs around some Slytherins a lot, nothin’ wrong with that”
“Well, that's great!, got scared for a second”
The door to the house opened and Monty and Euphemia walked in, bags in hand
“We’re back kids, and sweetie we got you some stuff for your stay, just some essentials” Euphemia said. “Thank You so much, for everything” you say now standing, “Don't mention it, para eso esta la familia” {That’s what family is for} . James sighed and repeated the word ‘para’ to demonstrate how to roll the R better to his mum, “Deja a tu pobre madre quieta, she's trying” {leave your poor mother alone}. You laughed and Effy just shook her head and laughed as she walked to the pantry. “Don't make fun of your mother James, ese es mi trabajo” {That’s my job}, Monty shot a wink at all of you, and neither could resist the urge to burst out laughing. “What did he say” a confused Remus asked, looking at Sirius, he only shrugged “Don't look at me, i only know french”
As the night fell, Monty cooked dinner for everyone in the home while the three of you helped Remus pack to go back home in two days. “I don't know why you don't come with us to the station on wednesday,” complained the raven haired boy, throwing himself dramatically on the pile of freshly folded clothes, “Because, i would like to spend some time with my parents before i have to go, could be that dont ya’ think, coc oen?” {dickhead}
“Don't get all Welsh on me sweetheart, i'm not into that like Caroline” Sirius said with a mocking tone, earning him a shoe to the face.
“You shagged Caroline?!” whisper shouted James
“What?! Who said anything about shagging, we just snogged!” replied Remus in the same tone
“If by snog you mean almost eat eachothers faces off then yes, just snogged” Sirius added with a teasing smirk
You watched the whole ordeal go down asking to yourself “What the fuck does shagging and snogging mean?” sadly your thoughts seemed to have gotten out of said.. thoughts.
James looked at you trying to not laugh, and answered “Coger y besuquearse” {fucking and making out]}
you just deadpanned and started laughing. “You brits are weird” 
The rest of the night was filled with laughter and re folding half of the clothes Sirius had messed up, and the delicious food Monty had prepared.
 the following day Monty decided it was time to go shopping for school essentials, and gods were you blessed as soon as you left the room, Sirius had worn a leather jacket with band pins on the front and some small handmade patches on the back, he truly did look like those muggle rockstars, especially with the hair. Remus wore a jumper with a very funky pattern in red and yellow and some washdown jeans. Where the hell did James find friends this good looking?
Your outfit consisted of Effy’s clothes, a simple red shirt and a pair of blue flared jeans, and some old boots she had in your size stowed away in her closet.
Once everyone was downstairs, a ‘plan’ was set if you were being honest it felt unnecessary  how you all needed a plan to just go buy school supplies. How wrong you were
“Ok, so you three only need this semester's herbs and books and Y/n needs that and the rest of the essentials” Euphemia said, making a mental note of everything needed and how much time it could take
You leaned in to whisper in Sirius’s ear 
“Why do we need a plan, we are just going shopping, no?” your question made him scoff,
“Diagon alley gets really full after New Years, Ils deviennent tous fous” he answered
Before you could get a translation to what the hell he said, Monty interrupted
“I'm sure none of you get sick while apparating right?” oh how you hated apparating.
You shook your head nonetheless and so did the boys. “Well, that settles it, off we go”
Euphemia took you first, once you held her arm the world around you warped into a blob of mass and so did your body followed by Euphemia’s. In less than a minute you found yourself in the famous Diagon Alley, now you understood why you needed a plan to shop.
“Sirius wasn't playing when he said this place got busy after new years” you say not really to anyone, admiring the bustling streets. Effy just laughed “I'll be back soon so don't move an inch,alright dear?” you nodded and she left. Not much after Monty showed up with Remus which looked dazed, clearly not taking the apparating trip that well.
“You alright Rem?” you ask, a hand on his shoulder, not really registering the nickname you had given him.
“Yeah love, i'm fine” he coughed violently just after saying that, “If you say so buddy” you 
Hit his back to alleviate him from the coughing.
“That happens when you smoke to your heart's content, Moons” a voice spoke from behind you, turning to see who it was, your eyes met with her. She had red hair, fair skin and a face littered with freckles. She was really beautiful. Like the paintings from the Renaissance era your mom had hanging in the manor when you were little.
“I rarely smoke Lils please” he smiled, walking up to hug her, returning the action she noticed you standing there. “I'm so sorry I didn't see you, are you a friend of Remus?” she asked politely with a smile 
As you opened your mouth to answer, the Potters showed up with Sirius and James in tow.
James instantly lit up when he spotted the red head and went to hug her tightly “How have you been Lilypad” he asked as he pulled away from the hug 
As that exchanged unfolded Sirius hooked an arm around your shoulder
“This is a common occurrence, he’s been head over heels for her since our first year” you giggled not having seen James like this since his crush on a girl called Elnora in first grade
Llily said hello to Monty and Effy and turned to you once again “Im Lily Evans, nice to meet you” her hand extended to greet you, you shook her hand and introduced yourself “Oh the Rouge family, i think James mentioned you to us back in our second year if i'm not mistaken” she stated. You really hadn't grown used to being called from the Rouge family after so long and to say that it bothered you was an understatement, but she couldn't have known. “I'm surprised he even mentioned me, we had not talked in years” your laugh was as natural as it could have been, but for some reason, Sirius hand, which you had forgotten was still on your shoulder squeezed it reassuringly. 
“How could I not? You are like one of my favorite people on the planet” James said with a cheeky smile, at that Lily’s smile dropped just a smidge making you feel like his feelings were not unreciprocated. 
“It was nice seeing you Miss Evans, yet we do need to get going, you could join us if you want” Monty said and Lily smiled. “Thankyou for the offer Monty but i already found everything i needed, my parents are waiting for me at the train station”
“If that's the case, see you around then dear” 
She hugged everyone and said her goodbyes, and as she was leaving a bright “Nice meeting you!” was directed your way.
James was sulking as she walked away and you couldn't help to copy the grin Remus had on his face 
“I knew we should've left earlier” James spoke all sulky, Sirius just palmed his back “Better luck next time you poor sod”
Who knew attending a wizarding school was going to be so fucking expensive? The first stop in Effy’s spotless shopping plan was Madam Malkin’s. Just the price of three robes purchased there made you shiver, how could that be 50 galeons?..outrageous! Yet Effy swore they would last until you graduated.
You both met back with Monty and the others in the Apothecary, once entering the place you almost gagged, the smell was wretched, no surprise there though, they did sold things for potions afterall, some herbs and some vials of premade start up potions all added to the price of 30 galleons, which wasn't that bad knowing it was for all four of you, Remus had tried to pay with his own money but the Potters wouldn’t take no for an answer. As the lot of you were in the register paying, you looked behind you and saw a head of blonde hair quickly hide behind a shelf of pre made potions, you brushed it off as some curious kid but it was still odd to say the least
The third establishment was the Magical Menagerie, the display window had cats and owls in cages, once you entered the lady at the desk greeted both you and Mrs Potter, they started talking about something along the lines of how the upcoming war has been delaying shipments and all that, looking around you felt just as you did at the Apothecary, watched. You looked outside through the display window, and you saw her again, a blonde girl not much older than you, if not younger, staring right back at you before instantly running away. 
What the hell was her problem?
“...dear are you listening?” Effy asked, “Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention.” You reply embarrassed  “I was asking if you'd like a cat, an owl, or a rat” she spoke slowly.
You took a look around the pets available and there was an owl that intrigued you, it was pitch black the eyes almost camouflaging with the rest of its complexion if it wasn't for the dark red hue that they possessed, it was truly beautiful..until you saw the price tag, there was no way that feathered thing cost 70 galleons!
“Dearest, if you like that one, i'll get it for you, it's not that much money” she said with a reassuring smile you only looked at her as if she had a monkey hanging from her face “Im grateful truly, but i'm not making you pay that much for an owl Effy” you whisper shouted 
“Don't tell me what to do with my money young lady, we’ll get you that bird” her hands were on her hips and smirk decorated her face “But-” “No buts! Its final” you deflated at her answer and she could only laugh, once the bird was paid for and in its cage you thanked her with a hug
“You don't have to thank me sweetheart, if i couldn't buy you this, i wouldn't have offered, now lets run along we still have a couple of stores left to visit”
You exited the building, owl in hand and Sirius commented how off putting it looked, to you it was beautiful, even the most scary beings can come to be alluring. “What are you naming your owl?” asked James, trying really hard to not look at its piercing eyes. “Circe” you said admiring your new companion's beauty.
As you walked through the streets the sights only got more interesting, the moving shops, the awesome displays, it was all so magical, never in a million years did you think you would be able to experience this.
The walk to the next store was a rather long one, being located almost at the end of the alley, Flourish and Blotts, the adults decided to leave you all to your own devices, big mistake since the second they were gone, Sirius and James ran up to get quidditch supplies while Remus went after them, saying they won't take too long.
You decided to make good use of your time and entered the bookshop and went straight to the 5th year section, grabbing the books you saw on your list on the way. As you walked through the halls trying to find a book about potions. That's when you saw her again. 
Pandora was browsing through a book about seeing abilities when you approached her. “May I ask why are you following me?” She nearly jumped, “I'm sorry who are you?” she knew you had caught her staring at the Menagerie but tried her best to alleviate your suspicions, to no avail.
Your eyes only narrowed, “Don’t play dumb,this is the third time I've seen you, in a row. What do you want” your voice became more stern. She sighed, “My name is Pandora Rosier, my intentions were never to make you feel any type of discomfort, i was simply curious, seeing a new face and all” she had placed her book back to its corresponding place and extended her hand to greet you “Well, miss Rosier, next time you could just come up to me, i don't bite” you laughed and she smiled brightly back at you. She seemed harmless enough to let your guard down.
The bell on the door rang and you knew that was your friends. “Hope to see you again soon” you waved at her and left in a hurry. “Oh believe me, you will,” she said barely above a whisper,  going back to get a different book.
“There you are, Panda, did you find all the books you needed? Barty is waiting for us at Knockturn Alley, that bastard finally got off his ass” a blonde boy said as he held his new books in hand
“Yes brother i found everything i needed from here don't worry” she said, now gazing outside the window, looking at the marauders chatting with you
“Panda, you sound so dreary when you speak that way” Evan said with a weird look on his face, she just laughed it off and walked out the store with him.
Once the twins found themselves in the sketchiest place in Diagon Alley, they went into Burgin’s shop and sat to wait for they’re friends,not long after, the bells rang and they ran to the door.
“Regulus!, so glad you managed to make it!” The girl hugged him tightly and he reciprocated rather stiffly “Glad to know you're alright Pandora” he replied, his thoughts somewhere else entirely. She knew what he had probably gone through all those days locked away in summer at his house, afterall the eyes are the windows to the soul,as she liked to say. And his were bleak and dull, just like the ones of a porcelain doll, whose only purpose is to be on a shelf, to be displayed.
“Where’s the degenerate, you call your beloved?” Regulus asked Evan, peeking his head to the side. Evan only rolled his eyes “No fucking clue, he did say to meet him here, I assume you also got his flamboyant invitation” he mocked, moving his hands very dramatically up in the air.
Just as if he was summoned, he arrived, “Sorry to keep you all waiting, i know you all crave my attention” Barty’s voice boomed through the store, he ruffled Regulus’s hair and hugged Pandora only to throw himself onto Evan making him yelp “Get the fuck off me Crouch!” the blonde yelled, hitting the others back while Pandora and Regulus laughed in the back. “You know you love me Rosie” Barty said in a sultry voice and just as he got up from him, Evan looked straight into his eyes “ Go to hell” and kissed the other's forehead. Barty’s face dropped for a second before a big smirk overwrote his features and the bickering began once again.
Regulus could only sigh, “Do you know if ‘Cas is coming?” he asked Pandora, she sat down and answered “You really think her parents would let her come all the way here? And be seen with us? Not a chance in hell.” 
“Oh! I almost forgot to tell you all” Panda clasped her hands together, making Barty and Evan stop their bickering to pay attention “She’s here” her voice was bright and joyous
“Who is here? - Pandora dont start with this shit again” Evan rolled his eyes. “Be kind asshat” Regulus spat out, “Who’s here?” he asked her. “Our rouge star dear Reggie” Evan only groaned “She's been spouting this nonsense since the summer started” he said annoyed 
“Don't disregard my visions Evan, I know what I saw!” she exclaimed
He never disregarded what his sister saw in her visions, but this last one was insane. Hogwarts never gets any exchange students, especially not in their 5th year!
“I'm just saying! It's outrageous” he continued, his arms up in the air defensively.
Barty groaned, “What vision ‘Dora?” 
“I saw a star, she was lost but found her way to us, you know the constellation that we are a part of?”
“you mean the one we made up in our 2nd year…for shits and giggles?” Barty asked once more
“Yes! That exact one!” Pandora almost jumped in glee, she loved when people got her obscure visions, no matter how complicated they were. And her friends got the job done..most of the time at least.
“What makes you so sure it's her?” Regulus popped in to ask
“I'm so glad you asked dear Reg” she stopped and thought for a hard second and nothing
“No reason then?” Evan said
“Intuition!” Said Pandora, exasperated.
“Guess we'll have to find out then” said Barty as he clasped his hands before continuing “Where is this rogue star of ours?” Pandora’s smile extended from ear to ear. They left the store and went around the alley once more in search of their new wondering star in Pandora's vision
“Please tell me we are almost done, my feet are aching” you whined, the list still had so many more things that were not crossed out and you were growing agitated
Having recognized your voice Pandora almost ran up to the location of said voice, yet Evan stopped her, grabbing her by the arm
“Panda, you will spook her, let's just stare from afar” he said and Regulus scoffed
“Yes, cause that’s totally not worse than going up to talk to the poor sod”
They all followed Evans' idea and hid behind a wall to observe you.
“We are almost done dear, just two more stores, mainly for herbs the apothecary ran out of” Effy said with an empathetic smile.
“Alright then..” you let out a long sigh but quickly felt a very familiar feeling..a Rosier type of feeling, just now more intense than earlier. Your head snapped to the wall the four creeps where staring from. Almost all of them flinched except one who just offered a shit eating grin.
“I'm gonna check something over there really quick Effy” you say still staring at them, she just hummed in approval and off you were. They stayed in their place awaiting the confrontation
“Amazing plan Rosie” said Barty 
“Shut the fuck up Bartemius”
“I see you brought friends with you this time Rosier, what the hell do you guys want i don't like getting stalked” you looked down at them,  the look in your eyes not kind in the slightless
“No reason” said Regulus, stoic as ever
You took a deep breath “Then stop it, or i will dissect you all, be normal and introduce yourselves or something,”
“You'll have to earn that, treasure” Barty added only agitating you more, “Don't test me you piece of shit” you say pointing at him with your finger, he only looks at it, then back to your eyes,and lets out a cackle, tilting his head to the side he says, “Where’s your wand at sweet cheeks” 
You crouch down to reach his level, “Don't need a wand to end up in Azkaban, princess ” you answer back with as much vermin in your words as his. “Make sure this is the first and last time i find you guys stalking me” and with that you turn on your heel and leave to go back with James and the others
“Pandora strikes again, she's our star” Evan says with a sigh. “I told you didnt I?” a proud Panda said, looking at her brother with an arrogant smile.
 “Id let her dissect me any day she wants” Barty says, enthralled not by your body as it walked away from them, but by the insults you spouted earlier
“Watch what you say you wanker, or that star is dying before she even sets foot in those corridors” Evan says, hitting him in the back of his head. With that Bartys’ hands instantly cradled the blondes face “You can dissect me and so much more Rosie”
“You guys are making me sick” said a very annoyed Regulus followed by a “They sure are something” by the blonde seer.
You finally reach Your friends back at the center of the Alley, your face in a frown, who the hell do they think they are?! Seriously, one thing is being curious, Another is being outright disrespectful and creepy.
“You alright there?” James asked as he saw your face scrunched up in something on the edge of disgust. “Yeah I'm good Jamie, where to next?” 
“Well dear, you have everything now except a very important thing” Monty added “Your wand, the shop is just around the corner, you can go in. We’ll wait outside for you” you cocked your head in confusion “Are you guys not allowed in?” you ask. Effy just smiled “We are dear, but this is usually a very personal moment, we just want you to live the experience, but if you want any of us to go, we can” 
“It's ok no worries, just wondering, what should i ask for” this was so confusing. “Just trust your gut, and either way the old man will help you with the wand picking” Remus said with his arms crossed, you nodded and left for the store
You walked into Olivanders and instantly saa hundreds of boxes with countless numerations at the bottom, all of them cluttered in dust clad shelves, so much dust made your eyes itched.
“Exchange student I assume?” a voice called out from behind the wooden counter, “How'd you know?” you ask, skeptical. He chuckled and grabbed a key to open some drawer in the desk, “I remember every face i've sold to, and the wand that left with them, i've never seen you, nor a wand leave with you in tow” 
He walked closer to you to examine your features and for a moment you saw his eyes widened
“You look just like your father,” He said just above a whisper,before trailing off. This man was either a fraud or a nutcase you thought to yourself. Your father never stepped foot in England, he always said he hated the climate.
“Sure buddy” you say, moving away from his gaze to look at the wands. “I see, you've never had a wand, let me see what i can find” he left to go look for a wand in a shelf hidden away at the back, when he came back he had three boxes with him.
“Try this one” he said as he handed you a wand with a violet hue, it smelled of lavender and felt silky to the touch. You held it awkwardly by the handle, not really used to a wand. Flicking the wand up only caused for the lights to shatter, making the man hide his head under his arms “Sorry..” you say ashamed
“No need..lets just put that away now” he replied, taking the wand from your hands and putting it in his respective box, this happened with two more wands, one was gray with a transcript engraved on its handle, and the other had vines carved onto its sides. By the end of it all, the store looked like it was wrecked by a hurricane. He thought for a while and went to the back once again without a word. You stayed there wondering if wand magic just wasn't for you.
“I didnt think id be giving this one away just yet, but this one might just be your match” He said as he emerged from the back of his store with a wand in his hand, the wand was black yet the handle had some carvings that almost resembles fish scales, and in between the incisions a reddish hue could be seen
“I'm sure he'd love to let you have it” his smile was kind yet sadness was strong in his voice. You flicked the wand and nothing catastrophic happened, making you and him smile. “That settles it, it's yours!” 
“How much would it be?” you are worried about how big of a dent this would  make on the Potters pocket. “Ronan would haunt me if i made you spend a single penny, just take good care of it” He spoke with a calm tone and a smile, before you could ask any questions a boy walked into the store with his mother, interrupting the two of you. “Duty calls, good luck” with that he was gone.
You left the store, wand in hand and went up to your friends “Guess who has a wand now!” you say showing the wand to them, they all laugh and James claps. “How much was it dear?” Monty asked, you shrugged “The man said that some dude named Ronan would haunt him if he charged him” Monty’s eyes widened at the mention of that name “I gotta say, that guy is a nutcase, he said i look just like my father..that man has never set foot in England” you scoffed. “Let me see that wand” Monty said almost in an instant, rushing up to you and inspecting the object.
His breath hitched in his throat as he kept looking at it, Euphemia  knew something was wrong with her husband, he rarely behaved like this, yet she couldn't pin down what it was. That was until she got closer and saw the wand up close. “Is it broken?” Sirius asked, as confused as the rest of you. “No!, no just admiring the amazing craftsmanship” Effy said hitting Monty slightly as a way to snap him out of his trance
“It's really pretty, can't wait to learn how to use it properly” You smiled brightly, the brightest he's seen you smile since you were a child.
How he wished both of them could see how happy you were now.
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rosabeetroot · 1 year
there’s nothing like the feeling of imagining yourself in every book you read, how you’ll look, who you are with .
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