#don't drink caffeine at 4 am
macksartblock · 2 years
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Am actively manifesting a Harley Quinn moment
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no facepaint version below
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californiaquail · 1 month
reading about how people think bang energy drinks are too strong and apparently what people in the military drink because they have so much caffeine and i had actually opened the thread looking for things with more caffeine than bangs because it takes one of those after a caffeine pill to get me through a day at my 7:45am - 3 pm not that insane job. ok 👍🏻
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daz4i · 9 months
the good news is i feel like i finally got enough sleep after who knows how long. the bad news is it's 4 pm and i need to wake up relatively early tomorrow and have a p long and taxing day. wish me luck falling asleep tonight 😭
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productivefairy · 4 months
Your guide to waking up early.
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So, you are struggling to wake up early or maybe just wanna try waking up early to improve productivity, health or to meditate? I got you.
Dont set your expectations too high. If you wake up at 10 am then the next day, you cant just wake up at 4am. Its okay to take things slow.
Set your alarm 30-15 mins earlier each day. For example on Monday you woke up at 9am then on tuesday set your alarm at 8:45 then so on. After a week you'll be waking up at 7am.
Take atleast 8 hours sleep atleast. I know you are busy but sleep is gonna help you have healthy body and mind.
Play your fav game or watch tiktok for 20 mins to keep you awake. And you can use app blockers to block those apps just after your allowed time. After a week or so you can change this thing with a novel or intresting book.
Now, we have talked about general tips and we will spilt the following into two sections THE NIGHT BEFORE and THE MORNING.
The Night Before:-
1. Switch off all your devices atleast 45-60 minutes before sleeping.
2. Restrict your caffeine intake for atleast 6 hours before bed.
3. Set your alarm somewhat faraway from you. (not that far that it's unable to wake u but not beside ur bed).
Also you can download one of those shuffling alarm apps.
4. ready your clothes and plan an exciting breakfast.
5. Make your bed before sleeping.
6. Follow a night self-care routine. It doesn't have to be magnificent just do ur skincare, write journal and meditate.
7. Manifest. or just repeat "I wake up early." "I love mornings". and don't forget to say thankyou for all u have.
The Morning:-
1. After switching off the alarm, Drink water first thing in morning. You can sleep with a water bottle too.
2. Play a game or read a book that keeps you awake. (but in a limit)
3.Stretch. You can do light cardio or pilates from YouTube on your bed.
4. Make bed. This is small yet so beautiful act of self-care to you.
5. Do your morning routine and turn off your phone in morning please.
And just take it easy. Don't be mad at yourself cause' you overslept a day. Enjoy the journey to the better version of yourself.
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pencildragons · 1 month
ty for tagging me tessa @clayvedevs !!!!!!!!!
1. Do you make your bed?
NO. making the bed is evil and also too hard
2. Favourite number?
uhhh UHHHH 12 ? 12 is a good number i liked being twelve. 67 is also a good number !!
3. What's your job?
divine prophet of The Bog (extremely unemployed)
4. If you could go back to school, would you?
yes !!!! i lovee school i lovee learning & my hs? extremely chill
5. Can you parallel park?
yes fire emoji fire emoji fire emoji
6. Do you think aliens are real?
I feel like the possibility that there AREN'T aliens is extraordinarily low, even if they haven't evolved yet or would be completely unrecognisable as a form of life to us. the universe is still comparatively so so young so i feel the chances that at some point in the next quadzillion years that the circumstances of earth won't be replicated at least in part is hugely unlikely
7. Can you drive a manual car?
technically? i learnt to drive in a manual ute that is ABSOLUTELY not roadworthy but i did not get a manual licence :( sort of regret that but im sure if i got back in a manual i could do it again. probably
8. Guilty pleasure?
thinking in depth and forever abt my girl in middle earth oc hobbit fic that i havent properly written since like 2021. she means the WORLD to me i could make it sooo good if i just got over the evil puritans in my head telling me it is cringe
9. Tattoos?
soon!!! one day!!!! trust and believe!!!!!!!
10. Favourite colour?
loveeeeee yellow i love yellow so much soo much. unfortunately i am ginger.
11. Favourite type of music?
idk if i have a favourite TYPE of music persay? but ive sort of been bouncing between a mix of folk rock and Silly Power Metal and i will hit up the odd soundtrack also. wait actually this is untrue i am, embarrassingly, really into hyperpop (UNDERSCORES I LOVE YOU)
12. Do you like puzzles?
yeah! they're kind of evil and i am not great at pattern recognition and they hurt my back. but also v satisfying to do
13. Any phobias?
ants i fucking hate ants i HATE them (i stood in a bullant nest when i was 2) + also maybe thalassophobia? idk though that may have also been cured by the time i played 130 hours of subnautica in a week in december
14. Favourite childhood sport?
touch footie!!! i was very good at it lowk and i miss playing it terribly
15. Do you talk to yourself?
LMAO YEAH. when im thinking about writing especially. or doing literally anything. i will talk to myself
16. Tea or coffee?
TEA I LOVE TEA I LOVE TEA SO MUCH. i cannot drink coffee because The Side Effects + caffeine does not seem to have the intended effect on me, so i don't really drink caffeinated tea that much either? i absolutely LOVE rooibos with honey in it though one million out of ten
17. First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
i wanted to be a scientist because i was under the impression that scientists blew things up and that it was exclusively their job to do that. i still want to be a scientist tbh but for different reasons
18. What movies do you adore?
im so normal and regular and fine about the hobbit extended edition trilogy. so normal. no but fr i love unexpected journey i have watched it more than twenty times total and. five times in the last week and a bit LOL
@sithfox @hastalavistabyebye @patchmates @rockcattomato and anyone else who would like to !!!!
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lu-lus-dicks · 6 months
You all need sleep and I may not be the best sleeper but here's some tips. these especially go out to @xxx-angie @nunalastor and @the-aprilfools-bitch . I will be in your closets making sure you all get good sleep >:(
rest your eyes from tv and phone. Just blue light in general. instead you could listen to music or podcasts. those are much better.
try sleeping between 2-4 PM at the latest (which means either that or EARLIER). your body produces the most melatonin (the thing you need to sleep) at those times. It will be much harder to fall asleep later than that
Take a warm bath or shower. If I didn't have a bad relationship with liquids, I would be doing this all day. the warmness helps drop your body temperature and generally lower temperatures signal to the body that it's nighttime and consequently bedtime.
no coffee if you drink some, unless you got ADHD (angie). I've heard caffeine works backwards for people with ADHD
If you grew up in a home with the TV on constantly or just generally had some noise around you in your childhood whenever you went to bed, TURN ON SOME NOISE. It is what happens with me and I can't sleep without some noise.
It would be nice if your bed was only used for sleeping, but I know that's not happening lmao
midgnight snacks disturb your sleep. try to avoid those, since your body starts metabolism during nights. it doesn't need more food to process. but if you must grab a snack, it's best to choose something that's easily digestible and maybe even increases the production of melatonin. some of these are milk (obviously), bananas, nuts, eggs, tea, vegetables and such.
Don't rely too much on meds, otherwise your body will get used to it and will depend on it for you to go to sleep. Instead you could try pavlov effecting yourself with something similar that can always be available. For example, before going to sleep, perform a certain action (I used this method in school and my version was patting myself on the head or touching my cheek with the hand opposite to it). once you've done this enough times before sleep, your brain will associate that action with sleep and you'll get a little sleepy if you do it again. This takes a long time though, A month maybe I have stopped doing this, but if nothing else works this can be an option. Though this isn't perfect lulu side rant: tried to condition myself with a ring once. was really bad with doing homework on time, so everytime I was doing homework I would switch a ring I wore to my forefinger. And this was only used for that situation. I never moved my ring to my forefinger for any reason at all. Thought this would work, but the only conditional response I got was that everytime I moved that ring to my forefinger I started thinking about homework and not really doing it.
If that doesn't work, try changing your enviorment. It doesn't have to be drastic. for example: sleep backwards. lay your head where your feet usually are and your head where your feet usually are. or maybe try sleeping on the floor. I am paranoid about sleeping in other peoples houses but this is the reason I tend to fall asleep anyway
If your lack of sleep is caused by anxiety (like intrusive thoughts or thinking about the future), try listening to a mindless podcast or a youtube video. It will help distract from your thoughts and give you something to focus your mind on, plus most content these days tend to try and turn your mind off to get that sweet sweet watchtime.
If all else fails, you can try to tire your brain out I guess. that's my method for extemely bad sleepless nights. I start reading because that's the most tiring activity I can do in bed and usually I fall asleep in the middle of it.
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16th & 17th September 2024, Monday & Tuesday
day 22+23/50 productivity challenge - condensing 2 days into one because: ALL NIGHTER :) *sigh*
💤: 7 hrs - unintentionally k
🕒 1 p.m. - woke up
planned my day to literally focus on nothing but completing this fucking syllabus and revising english. also i don't have school on monday for some holiday (i forgot why)
some english revision (ngl it was barely anything)
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studied + made notes biology ch: cell: the unit of life (completed)
took bath
studied + made notes biology ch: cell cycle and cell division (so much to memorise 😭 tell me how i actually like biology again?? like enough to wanna pursue it in the future???)
studied + made notes biology ch: structural organisation in animals (not fully) (why is animal anatomy kinda fun to learn about??)
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🕒 7 a.m. - let's consider this the official start of the next day.. surprisingly i wasn't very sleepy at all the entire night even though i didn't drink any caffeine beforehand!! i'll prolly end up getting really low later but i just have to push though today to achieve the long awaited reward: SLEEP!! remind me not to do this ever again
🚰: 4 glasses - don't even say anything
took bath
morning skincare
🕒 8 a.m. - left for school - tuesday
didn't do well on my biology practical exam. i mean i did the experiments, spotting & writing part more or less ok. i'll prolly score most of the marks there but the viva voce part i tanked. she asked basic stuff which i knew very well but because i wasn't prepared at all i was nervous and spluttered my way through the minutes. i can't make the same mistake with my next practical exams!
🕒 1-6 p.m. - got back home and fell asleep...
re-planned the next few days
extended duolingo streak
practiced playing keyboard (who knew 2 off days would make me this rusty wow but it's ok i was forced to make my own associations and practice chord progressions) (yes i am VERY much a beginnerTM)
folded laundry (no one is surprised atp)
succumbed to doomscrolling & cried a shit ton for no reason guys pls don't be like me
ate dinner and realized that this is technically the only meal i had today and that's become a habit of mine
completed chemistry lab record
night skincare
studied + made notes biology ch: structural organisation in animals (not fully)
🕒 2:30 a.m. - ecstatically went to bed
🚰: 4 glasses - trying to consciously drink more, it'll be a slow journey that's for sure
🎧: someone to you - banners
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bettertwin1 · 1 year
Hello again!
I did this lil silly survey a long while ago :)
I wanted to ask if you would mind to answer a few of my questions again :3
If not, that's totally fine! No pressure!
How many hours do you sleep per night?
How many hours are enough to get through the day and how many are a lot for your standard?
Is caffein (in any form) part of your morning routine or your 'last resort'?
How do you feel over the day before and after consuming caffein (if you consume any)?
For example: sluggish, foggy, awake, exhausted, grumpy, just tired, etc.
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Thank you a lot for (maybe) participating!
If you want, I can add you when I post the results, but I can also leave you out :)
Oh jeez okay,
How many hours do you sleep per night?: On average? Zero? I usually don't sleep until it's around 8 am - 1 pm, the next day, but when I do sleep, I guess it would be around 4-12 hours. Like just being literal, I don't sleep at NIGHT, I sleep in the mornings/afternoon (and i get the SCOLDING OF A LIFE TIME)
How many hours are enough to get through the day and how many are a lot for your standard?: About 4 hours, which is what I'm usually running on, a lot would be anything higher than that...
Is caffeine (in any form) part of your morning routine or your "last resort"?: Part of it! Caffeine doesn't do anything to me in terms of making me any sleepier or energetic, plus I just like drinking tea~
How do you feel over the day before and after consuming caffine? Tired.. maybe a little anxious too, sweaty without the sweat???? Caffine is WEIRD. All I know is that i'm definitely not feeling energetic, more just like Alert and Tired.
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cosmicanamnesis · 2 years
everybody loves a coffeeshop au pt. 3
[part 1] [part 2] [part 4] [read on ao3]
October 11th
"I have returned with spoils!" Eddie announced, carefully pulling the door of the tattoo parlor open as he balanced six drinks in his arms, using his chin to keep them from moving around too much. He was immediately rushed by the receptionist, Barb, who held the door open and took the top drink carrier from him to lighten the load. "Thanks, B."
"No problem," she smiled. 
"One of those is yours," Eddie nodded as they set all the drinks on the front desk.
"The one with the teabag in it?"
"Oh, I would imagine," Eddie grabbed the large latte and moved it over to the other drink carrier to run everyone else their drinks.
"Ed-man! Thanks bro, sorry to make you do the caffeine run again," Argyle, his boss, yelled as Eddie made his rounds.
"Hey, it's no problem. I gotta do something while I'm here," Eddie dispersed the drinks to everyone, giving Argyle his weird fancy latte thing first.
He'd been officially working with the Three of Cups crew for all of nine and a half hours and he'd already done the coffee run twice. He was newer than their other apprentice, whom he had apparently relieved of this particular duty.
Yesterday it was whatever, he expected to be doing menial work before he actually got to learn or practice anything. Today was… different.
"Hey, Barb, question," Eddie said, sliding back up to the front desk and pulling his hot chocolate out of the carrier. 
"Hm?" Barb hummed, sipping her drink.
"The baristas at the Waystation. You know any of them?"
"Not personally. Why?" Eddie leaned against the desk and sipped his hot chocolate. It tasted better yesterday. "Eddie, you're blushing."
"Hm? Am I?" Eddie felt his cheeks with the back of his hand. Sure enough, his face was very warm. Barb laughed.
"Is there a cute barista over there or something?" she giggled.
"Yeah… Or something." This time Eddie could feel his face flush. 
"What's her name?"
"His name, um… Oh my god, I don't know. I didn't catch it." 
"Well," Barb said, laughing hard. "I'm sure they'll send you back out tomorrow."
Eddie looked forward to the caffeine run every single day after that.
October 15th
"His name is Steve," Eddie said as Barb held the door open for him.
"Steve, huh? That's a pretty boring name for the alleged single prettiest man you've ever seen," Barb said, putting air quotes around the last part.
"God, he's so hot, B." They had started developing a regular dance with the coffee order, Eddie going around delivering drinks to their owners and coming back up to the desk to gossip with Barb for a minute. This time, she was on the phone when he got back up to the front.
"Yep, you are all confirmed. Ah huh. Yup, no problem. Mhm, bye." She hung up the phone and turned to Eddie, pushing her glasses up. "Okay, I'll bite. Describe him."
"I'll do you one better," Eddie smiled, digging his phone out of his pocket. He fiddled with it for a minute and passed it to her.
"Eddie,” she scolded, taking his phone. “You snuck a pic- oh my god."
"No. Oh my god. Eddie, do you know his last name?"
"Are you kidding? I barely know his first name."
"Fair. But I'm pretty sure this is Nancy's high school ex."
"You're fucking joking. No way."
"I promise you I would not lie about this. Hang on. Send me this picture, I'll ask her."
Eddie hadn't met Nancy yet, but he'd heard about her. She was Argyle's boyfriend's other partner, and she and Argyle were "the very best of bros" according to him. Barb was Nancy's… Something. Eddie wasn't sure, given the situation, if they were romantically involved or just long-time best friends, and he didn't feel like he was in a position to ask. Either way, it was this game of relationship telephone that had Barb working as the receptionist at Argyle's tattoo parlor.
He did as she asked and sent her the picture of Steve. It was a nice picture, Eddie had to admit. He wasn't a photographer by any means, but it was a clear side profile of Steve prepping espresso shots. It was probably the nicest picture he'd ever taken of anyone.
Barb, still staring at her phone, started tapping the desk to get his attention.
"I knew it! She says yes, that's Steve and yes, he's bisexual so go ahead and shoot your shot."
Eddie almost choked on his hot chocolate.
"Woah, B, I think you might both be jumping the gun there," he said, clearing his throat. Barb set her phone down and looked at him incredulously.
"Please, Eddie, you practically had hearts in your eyes when you came in." 
"I- I did not," Eddie stuttered, face growing warmer with every passing second. Barb was just staring at him, one eyebrow cocked.
"Okay, Eddie, sure."
November 18th
"I literally have no idea what's happening." Eddie had done the coffee run basically every day for a month and every signal he got from Steve was contradictory to the last. 
"Do tell," Barb asked. Nancy was standing behind the desk with her today, just visiting. Eddie had met both her and Jonathan a few times by this point, and god he was glad she was there today.
"I don't get it. He is always the one taking our order. And I keep thinking I catch him looking at me, but he never says anything! And I think he might be dating one of his coworkers? They're like, weirdly friendly with each other. But then he smiles at me like… I dunno. And sometimes he'll grab the door for me if they aren't busy… Nance. Level with me. What the fuck is he doing?"
"Well," Nancy laughed. "I'm pretty sure he isn't dating anybody right now, but I haven't actually talked to him myself in years so I could be wrong. If he's flirting with you, he's being very subtle… Maybe he's worried that you're straight! It's not like you go around waving a pride flag or anything."
Eddie thought for a minute, holding his cup to his lips but not actually drinking from it.
"I mean, okay, that's fair. What do I do? Barb, how can I make myself look more gay?"
Barb stared at him for a long moment, flicking her gaze over all of him that she could see from her side of the reception desk.
"Hang on," she said, getting up and sliding past Nancy, heading back to the break room. Eddie and Nancy shared a moment of confusion while Barb was gone. She came back a minute later and walked right up to Eddie, pinning something to his vest.
"Oh, yeah, that might do it," Nancy nodded.
"What? What did you just put on me?" Eddie pulled at his vest, looking for the new pin.
"Pronoun pin," Barb said, tapping on it. Sure enough, there was a small red button with He/Him in white lettering sitting amongst the rest of his collection.
"Why did you have this?" Eddie laughed.
"I volunteer at the Pride center at the college. I've got every pronoun you've ever heard of and probably some you haven't on a pin in my backpack."
"Huh. Alright."
"It might take a while for him to notice," Nancy warned. "If he really has been checking you out, maybe sooner rather than later, but be patient with him. He had a couple concussions in high school."
"A couple?"
"Yeah. Sports, and he got into a lot of fights."
"Lost a lot of fights," Barb corrected.
"I mean. I think he won… one or two, maybe, but yeah."
It took almost no time at all, in fact, for Steve to notice the pin. A few days later, the next time Eddie's coffee run overlapped with Steve's shift, he caught Steve's eyes flick down to the pins on his chest while he dropped his change in the tip jar. Eddie tried to flash him his sweetest smile, but he wasn't exactly a naturally charming guy. Nevertheless, even though Steve kept up his streak of not saying anything, he could barely keep his eyes off Eddie to the point that he nearly burned himself cleaning the steam wand. Eddie politely pretended he didn't just watch the whole thing happen. 
December 3rd
"He talked to me," Eddie said, almost shaking with excitement but determined not to drop anything.
"Oh yeah?" Barb smiled as they went through the routine.
"Yeah! Is it supposed to snow today?"
"I- Okay, I promise it's related, hang on." Eddie had never handed everyone their drinks so fast. "I don't know what version of Steve Harrington you guys knew in school, but this Steve is kind of a dork."
"You say with all the love in your heart, I'm sure," Barb smiled, leaning back in her chair as Eddie came around to stand behind the desk with her. "I just checked. Yes, it's supposed to snow, but not till tonight."
"Steve says sooner."
"What, does he dabble in meteorology or something now?" Barb chuckled.
"Nah, he just asked if it was snowing yet because I guess all the early bird old people with trick knees have been bitching all morning."
"He talked to you… About the weather?"
"Yeah, see? Dork! But it was like, a whole conversation, and he started it!"
“Alright, a win is a win I suppose,” Barb shrugged as the phone began to ring. Eddie took that as his cue to actually go do his job.
About half an hour later, Barb spun around in her chair and yelled at him to get his attention.
"What?" Eddie looked up at her. She smiled, pointing out the front window as fat snowflakes started lazily drifting down.
"Snowing," she added, in case he didn't get the message.
"Well, I'll be damned…"
After that, making small talk with Steve seemed easier. It was never anything serious, always "how's your day" and such, but they were talking. To Eddie, talking to Steve felt as natural as breathing. It never felt awkward or embarrassing. Something about him just drew Eddie in. Steve has that effect on people, Nancy assured him.
December 15th
"Dude, I swear on my mother, if you don't ask him out, I will do it for you."
Eddie was lying on Gareth's bedroom floor telling him for the hundredth time about his crush on his regular barista. Gareth was sitting on his bed, trying in vain to do homework.
"It's not that simp-"
"Oh, shut the fuck up with the it's not that simple crap! It really is that simple! Give him your number, say you wanna hang out!"
"Oh, and what, bring him back to my house so Wayne can scare him off?"
"I don't know, go see a movie or something! Jesus, Ed, it's like you've never dated anyone before."
"I've never been the one doing the asking, no!"
"Oh my god you're gonna give me an aneurysm."
December 30th, Morning
Okay. This was it. Today was the day. He had a plan. He was gonna give Steve his number and invite him to the party. Easy peasy. Nothing was going to stop him.
Except Steve not being there.
Well, shit.
"How'd it go?" Barb asked, already at the door.
"It didn't," Eddie grumbled.
"What do you mean?"
"He wasn't there."
"What? Why? He's normally there on-"
"Yeah, B, I know. He wasn't there."
"I wonder if he's sick?"
"He seemed fine yesterday… Oh, great, thanks Barb, now I'm worried something happened to him."
"Sorry," Barb gave him a sympathetic smile and sipped her drink.
Eddie did his best to combat any anxious thoughts that came up during his shift and go about his day as normal.
"Eddie!" Barb yelled, almost a moment too late as Steve walked past the shop about halfway through Eddie's shift. 
When Eddie looked up, Steve was backtracking, looking in the window directly at him. He flashed Eddie a smile that made his heart skip and waved before going, presumably, to the Waystation.
"Argyle, can I-"
"Hit him with your best shot, lover boy," Argyle said, holding a thumbs up to him from across the room, not looking away from the client in his chair. Eddie bolted immediately, grabbing his coat out of the back and rushing out the door.
He stopped just out of view of the coffee shop to steady his breathing. This was it. It had to be. 
Alright, Munson, go time.
And oh god he actually flirted a little bit on purpose. Success.
Except, no. He was halfway back to the Three of Cups when he realized he forgot what he originally went in for. Shit. 
When he finally got back to the tattoo parlor, he pressed his back to the front door, counting his breaths. Barb raised her eyebrows at him. He couldn't help it, he broke out into a grin that made his cheeks hurt and nodded at her, their silent conversation probably confusing the hell out of the clients waiting in the lobby.
He checked his phone once he'd shed his coat in the break room and found a text from an unknown number. He texted back right away and saved the contact.
my coffee guy<3
appreciating all the love, guys <3 i am accepting title suggestions somebody please help (this will go up on ao3 once i have a name for it lmao sorry)
tagging: @original-cypher @avacrebs @dangdirtydemons @rainydays35 @changenamelater @phantypurple @alienace @renaissan-vvitch @krazyperson @dreammetheworld08 @steddiereid @kittsu-makes-glass @i-must-potato @jaywhohasthegay @steveisabicon @henderdads
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shytastemakerthing · 2 months
hello can i have an mha matchup please (romantic)? (if theyre still open)
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: demisexual/demiromantic
Star sign (if that helps-): Leo
Personality type: INFP
I use emoticons a lot as you'll see :>
Favorite colors: Purple and black especially since they work so well together
I'm a huge animal lover and I love cats and dogs. I have one cat and two dogs and they're my children :>
My cat is kinda cold but I love picking him up and cuddling him. I treat him like my child even though he gets silly sometimes :>
I love playing fetch with my dogs too and walking them around and just getting them excited and hyper because they're kinda silly when they get like that :)
Very much a night owl as I hate waking up in the mornings. When I wake up I actually just lay in bed for another 30 minutes before actually getting up. Sometimes it tends to annoy people
I love caffeine and am told that I might have a slight addiction to it. For that reason I commonly get coffee whenever I see a starbucks or some coffee shop. Even then I tend to get drinks quite a bit (not alcoholic as I don't drink) like smoothies or tea and such. Not a huge fan of energy drinks but I do like caffeine so eh.
Personality: I typically go with the flow of things and am laid back for the most part. Although with that being said I do have a rather chaotic side that does come out quite often. Taking any dares and challenges which can tend to get me in trouble at times. When I'm also chaotic I tend to make the most out of pocket jokes and say the most random things that tend to surprise people
I also hyperfixate on the most random things ever. I could see something for a minute and the next thing that you know I'm all over it for the next few days or weeks. They can even last years before i tend to want nothing to do with it. I also tend to be quite drained after a hyperfixation. I am am quite all over the place as a person getting distracted by anything and everything in the entire world if I find it even slightly interesting
I'm a creative person as I write quite a bit about random things and ideas that I come up with. I also do it to blow off steam or just think about things and put them into perspective. I usually do most of my 'philosophical' thinking when I am writing and it can get quite all over the place.
I do have very bad anger issues. If I'm having a bad day I snap at others quite quickly and tend to make rude jokes or comments to them and I regret it badly later on. Also I can kinda be angered easily by others and tend to hold grudges quite often especially if I don't think a situation was resolved properly. Even if the situation doesn't involve me and it involves my friends I'll get involved just to help them out and I tend to get quite defensive and once again say a bunch of horrible shit to the other person.
I've been told that I'm terrifying when I'm angry. I tend to throw things and break things along with shout at others. I also give the silent treatment quite often and don't listen to the other person at all even if I feel as if I'm wrong.
I'm also a sarcastic person. Especially with my friends. But if I feel like they're actually getting uncomfortable with it I'll stop and try and switch it up. My humor also differs depending on the people that I'm with quite often.
When first meeting someone I tend to be very quiet and polite really scared with what they think of me and I try to be as respectful as possible. But as time goes on I'll warm up quite quickly depending on the person and become louder and slightly more out of pocket.
Moral alignment: true neutral
Aesthetic: Dark academia-ish along with some glitch core because i just really like the look of both
Hobbies: I've been playing the violin for about 4 years now and I'm kinda good at it. It takes quite a bit out of me but I love it so much. I'm basically in love with the sound and the technique that comes with it. I also read a lot. I can finish a 400 page book in a day if I really try. But typically it takes me 2-3 day to finish a 400-500 page book. I read quite fast.
I also take a martial art and have been taking it for about 9 months now. I'm not very good and I've been taking a break for a while because of school but I do love doing it and actively participating in it.
As mentioned before I do write as a form of thinking and kind of venting and just considering everything and putting it into perspective. I find it quite relaxing even if I haven't really written anything in a bit. I draw also a few things. Mostly my hyperfixations and even though I'm not that good I am studying the anatomy quite a bit now and trying to start over in terms of knowledge and really learn everything.
Music is honestly my passion in some ways. I love listening to it and I do it all the time. When I work out, study, read, write, I always listen to it. I also average about 20,500 minutes on spotify every year as its one of my favorite things to do.
I commonly binge watch tv and chill too. I can binge watch a whole show in a day. Also if I really like something I'll watch it a shit ton of times and then just analyze the fuck out of it and post my findings online. I just find symbolism and the whole film stuff so interesting. I wanna be a director so if that has anything to do with it :>
ALSO- I'm in love with greek mythology. I find all of the stories so interesting and I find the way they put things such as death, hope, and rage so interesting to study and then see how they compare it to other things. I also study their gods quite often because it shows how they thought of certain things like how they praise Athena but despise Ares.
Back on the topic of tv I watch horror quite a bit and the series' like scream and such. I'm in love with slashers and mysteries because I like trying to find out the killer and putting everyone in a room seeing their motivations and such. I love the analyzation aspect of it which is why its one of my favorite genres. I also am into musicals if they have good music. I've watched Hamilton, the greatest showman, encanto, and a bunch more or which I cannot name right now.
Also I'm learning spanish as of right now and I like to think that I can understand quite a bit of it as of right now. :>
Pet peeves: People who actually can take a hint or can and just don't care or respect it at all. I find it really disrespectful and rude and in general and ignore them for the most part. I also find just stuck up people annoying as even though they act like they're better they're really not. I also don't like it when people chew in my ear and I tend to move away from them. It just triggers something in my brain that makes me want to get away from them
Love language: I love quality time with others and I love giving them gifts just to show that I care for them. I tend to get smaller things for them just so I can get them more stuff :>
As for physical touch I'm not a big fan of it. I'm fine with some hugging and cuddling but I can't handle holding hands for long periods of time, constant hugging and or touching. I like my personal space so there's that. I'm fine with shoulder touching and people grabbing me every now and then though. Just not constantly or for long periods of time.
Appearance: tan skin with dark brown eyes and hair. i wear glasses sometimes but dont usually because theyre not fit properly and i keep trying to get them fir but it never works so ive just given up-. honestly i mostly wear softer clothing such as sweatpants, leggings, or sweaters/sweatshirts. but sometimes i wear jeans and actually style myself although i usually just keep it casual.
Hello and thank you so much for your request as well as your patience while I work on getting all of these requests out at last! I hope that you enjoy your match-up! Have a wonderful day/night!
Request: MHA match-up
I match you with........
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Shinso Hitoshi
Chances are the two of your first met when seeing a stray cat out on the streets one night and it honestly just kinda clicked from there
He isn't exactly the most social person or the most approachable, but you know Shinso, and his dedication to become a hero to prove others wring about his quirk
Speaking of his quirk, he was a little taken back the first time you mentioned that you rather liked it and had commented on how useful it could be in certain situations, especially with the vocal modifier
Yes, that is a blush on his face
Yes, he tried to hide it
No, it did not work
He is perfectly alright with you not being a fan of physical touch, he understands that it's not exactly everyone's cup of tea and is perfectly fine and content with just being in the same room as you. Simple quality time is perfect for him, especially when the both of you could be so busy with school, training, and internships
So any bit of time that you two have with one another is fully taken advantage of
Which is often used for watching some of the movies that the both of you happen to be into and share similar interests in
Granted, he has fallen asleep more than once but you understand, the poor boy is completely worn out half of the time with all that he is doing
Shinso would absolutely help you out with martial arts
Given the nature of his quirk and knowing there are chances that it may not work on an enemy as it only works if they respond to him, he has had to learn more offensive tactics hence his training with binding cloth. It's a win-win for the both of you
When it comes to your anger issues, Shinso knows first hand just what to do when it comes to help in that regard without making them worse for you and everyone else who may be involved
It is much appreciated on your end
Just know, that as long as you are with him, he will do everything in his power to help you, keep you safe, and to show you just how loved that you are
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Thank you for your request!
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Staying Awake!
The name can be misleading. It sounds like being aware of your environment but no. This post is literally about staying awake. Obviously not during the day but at night.
Let's say you have a lot of work to do and you want to stay awake all night but it is really hard for you even with coffee.(You will be very happy to know that there are ways to stay awake without coffee and even better ways.) You might deduce that I am writing this post while trying to stay awake all night and yes, you are right. Let's see what we can do for long night study sessions.
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Coffee is one of the best drinks for a lot of people. It can help you stay awake and be more focused. But if you use it wrong, it can cause even more sleep and you would just consume coffee for the sake of consuming. Let's see some ways to use coffee.(Or any drink that has caffeine.)
1-How to Use Caffeine
First, we have to understand how it works. Normally, when you don't ingest caffeine and stay awake for long hours, adenosine will interact with receptors in your brain and make you sleepy. So, if you want to block adenosine and stay awake for long hours, you would ingest caffeine and that way adenosine won't interact with receptors. But after caffeine starts to decrease, adenosine will come at once and it will make you sleepy very fast. Especially if you ingest caffeine after you wake up. So, what can we do about that?
Don't ingest caffeine in the first 90-120 minutes after waking up. This will help you to avoid afternoon crashes and you will get more benefits from caffeine. Also, if you use it frequently caffeine won't be able to block adenosine so, you would just ingest caffeine and wouldn't get any benefits. For that, you can take a nap in the afternoon and then ingest caffeine.
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If you just sit all night and try to stay awake, that would be very hard because your body wouldn't get any signal to stay awake. You have to move regularly, even if it just means you take a 5-minute walk. Walk, run, do some push-ups, boxing etc. Just move. You will be more energetic and focused.
I would like to write it separately because it is an amazing tool. You can do it on the wall or free. It increases the blood flow to your brain and that way all of the blood on your legs from sitting for long hours spreads through your body. Eventually, it increases focus, energy and overall mood. Give it a try when you feel sleepy and you will see the power.
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4-Do not eat too much
If you eat too much, your body creates signals for sleeping and it becomes very hard for you to stay awake. If you have to eat, choose some snacks rather than a whole meal. Fruits and protein bars are very effective choices. They also consist of healthy sugar so your brain will get some glycogen and work more efficiently.
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5-Taking Breaks
If you feel tired after working for so long, take some breaks. But be careful when you lie down because you can fall asleep. To avoid that, before lying down, do some exercise and use alarms. Your purpose is not to take a nap but rather to rest your brain, eyes, ears and other body parts you have at your disposal.
There are a lot of amazing tools you can use but to keep it short, I will share them in separate posts. Try these and see how it goes. If you have any questions, send them. For now, that's all. See you.
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hexgaywire · 1 year
"Stress Packing (and Airport Coffee)"
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»»————- ☾ ————-««
Pairing: Hex Haywire x (GN) Reader
Warning: Hex calling you darling once, mentions of anxiety and anxious behavior, probably some swearing too?
Word count: 684
Authors note: Listen y'all the last time on of my oshi's went on break they were gone for a month. I'm not saying by any means that they shouldn't take breaks!!! Rest is important for them and I'm always happy when my oshi's give themselves the time and space to relax. However that doesn't mean I won't miss them. AKA I'm mentally ill and coping rn LMFAO
»»————- ☾ ————-««
He stressed packed all night. He was up so you were up. "I know it's only for a short trip but like what if I get super cold?" Hex asks, shoving yet another coat into his already packed bag. "Sure sure, and are we planning to get any sleep before your flight in...." You check your phone's clock. " 4 hours? Or am I gunna need to drop you off with a coffee in my hand? " You ask smugly. " I already told you to get some sleep." He fired back, but you know how he gets before trips. Anxious. You weren't just gonna leave him like that.
Hex was on the floor packing at the foot of the bed while you peered down from him at the edge of the bed. He sighs heavily before ripping the coat that he just shoved in, back out tossing it over his shoulder alongside numerous other items you know you'll be picking up once he's gone.
"Hex you're gonna be fine. You said to yourself, it's only a short trip. This is supposed to be relaxing." You pat him on the head. He takes your hand and places a gentle kiss on the center of your palm. " You're gonna miss me right?" You melt, the look in his eyes is almost enough to force him to cancel this whole trip all together so he can stay with you. "Silly, you know I will. I'll be right here for you when you get back." He smiles before going back to fussing with his luggage. "Besides who's gonna pick you up from the airport when you're back if not me?" He paused and looks back up at you." Ver? Or maybe Doppio or Mel-" you wap him on the shoulder.
The next few hours are a blur. Watching Hex pack and unpack again, and it almost lulls you to sleep... Almost. Hex stands finally. "Satisfied?" You ask sleepily. "'I think so. I'm gonna make myself some tea really quick. Would you like some darling?" You nod. Hopping the caffeine will hold you over for the next hour before you have to take him to the airport.
You hear Hex move around the kitchen. It's gonna be awfully quiet the next couple days. You've lived alone before for sure, but something about sharing a space with a person you care about and hearing them move through their day is comfortable. You just hope Hex can actually take this time to relax and not worry about his other responsibilities. Otherwise all this built up anxiety will be for not.
Hex enters the bedroom again shortly after with two cups of tea in hand. He passes one off to you before plopping down next to you, taking a much deserved drink of his tea. "I just realized... I think I actually am gonna miss you." You stare down at your tea. Hex snorts before feigns offense. "I cannot believe the audacity you have to say that to me, your ass better be standing on the tarmac waving a handkerchief as I leave or I'm gonna be pissed. " He wipes fake tears from his eyes. You lean your head on his shoulder giggling." Yeah yeah, you know what I'll be the one controlling the stick things out on the tarmac." "I'm now terrified for my flight, thanks." You both laugh.
You sit there still on Hex's shoulder as the two of you finish your tea. "About time yeah?" He asks. You nod, going to stand up but hex tugs you back down. Wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. "Take care of yourself while I'm gone, yeah?" You laugh. "Hex, baby girl, don't go stealing my lines." He squeezes you tighter and places a kiss on the top of your head. "I will definitely update every chance I get, of how relaxed I am." You breathe in the smell of his clothes one last time before parting from the hug." I know you will. Now come on, I've got an airport coffee calling my name; and you have a flight to catch."
»»————- ☾ ————-««
Psst my request are open still 🫰
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teeswrites · 2 months
C.L- Never be the same
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: airports and dirty dancing
November, 2023
Newark, New Jersey, USA.
She couldn't hate anything more than she hated airport's lounges. Why wait so much to catch a plane? Why do they always say "come 3 hours earlier to check in" if check-ins take less than 3 hours to be done? Stupid airlines. At least she had company: Lando Norris. They were in Newark, New Jersey, he was heading to the United Arab Emirates, she was too, her winter vacation was going to be hot in Dubai that year. Their meeting wasn't an accident, Lando informed her about his stopover in the city next to hers, and she, for some reason, booked her flight to that same airport. They didn't get the same plane, tho. Her flight time was an hour later than his but they had a little time together at that insignificant airport lounge."Seems someone isn't here today" his voice called her. She didn't move from the spot she was staring at "If you are alright blink once. If I must call the ambulance because you got paralyzed don't blink" she tilted her head and turned to him "if I were paralyzed how would I blink?" "Exactly" she chuckled "hey, you are socializing!" "Sorry" she sniffed, "Just wanna get into the plane and sleep like a rock" "if you want to start your adventure now..." he sat closer to her "... My shoulder is all yours" she smiled without showing her teeth, warming his heart, he loved when she was sincere. She hasn't been very sincere lately "thank you, mr. Norris" she stood up and kissed his face "I will hop into the cafeteria first. Want anything?" "what are you having?" "Iced coffee" "how do you intend to sleep if you are taking coffee?" "I am immune to caffeine" "so why drink coffee?" "Tastes good" she shrugged, he laughed "you're very complex person" "I know that" I would like a latte and a doughnut, please" "Which flavor?" "Jelly" "okay, be back in a minute”
"Porte quatre, porte quatre..." Pierre mumbled to himself, struggling to find the correct gate, so when he saw Lando, sitting with his headphones in his head, he felt nothing but relief "please tell me this is gate 4" the British man places his headphones on his neck and opened a bright smile "Gate 4 and driver number 4" "Enfin!" Lando chuckled "Are you good, mate?" "I am now" he placed his bag on a chair and tugged in there his passport "Is not easy to find a gate on a foreign country with a Japanese lad hanged on your hair" "Yuki?" "Yeah" "Where is he?" "What do you mean?" the French guy turned around to see his former teammate knelled on the floor, wearing a shoe he probably lost on the way "cette putain de merde..." Lando laughed to the scene of Yuki running with his bags to reach Pierre and the other standing with his hands on the hips, a feet tapping the floor quickly and repeatedly "I told you to stay close to me" "sorry, it was my shoe" "seems like you become a father" "I think so" "it was an accident!" "Why haven't I been invited to the party?" She showed up with a Starbucks cup in one hand and Lando's latte in the other with a bag between two fingers on the other "the party just started" "This is Pierre. She's Daniel's girlfriend's friend" "I thought I was your friend too!" "You are, for now" Pierre turned to her, stretching his arms to a handshake "Hi, nice to meet you" "Salut, plaisir. Comment allez-vous?" "Tu. S'il te plaît. Je suis pas mal. Et toi?" "Bien. Pourquoi t'es pas mal?" "Could be better" he came back to his bag "What happened?" "We got a bit lost" "We?" he stepped to the side "that's Yuki" he smiled like a child and stretched his hand out "nice to meet you" she shook his hand "I would say the same but you just placed your stuff where I was siting so..." he widened his eyes "oh my God! Sorry, I- I will take this out and..." "I am kidding! Is nice to meet you too" "but you were sitting here" "I can stand or sit on the floor. No big deal" "I can't let you..." "She can sit on my lap" Lando said. The trio looked at him "at least you rather sit on my lap, I think you can take the chair, Yuki" Pierre and she laughed "alright" Lando pulled her onto his lap, she giggled "Your doughnut. It only had glazed" "No problems. Thank you! Tell me how much it was so I can pay you back" "No, no. You don't have to" "Come on! I insist" "that's your problem. You don't have to pay me back" "Are you sure?" "Yeah" she could tell Lando was disturbed with that "You buy me something next time" "okay" his face muscles relieved "coffee?" "I am good, sweatheart" "okay" "Doughnut? "Sure! Glazed is my favorite flavor" "And it happened to be the only flavor left, huh?" she giggled "I swear to you" he smiled,  she wrapped her arms around his shoulders as they both carried on listening to the Alpha Tauri's and Alpine's pilots argue like a married couple while shared the doughnout.
Charles had his eyes off the phone for less than a second and the first thing he saw was her. She was smiling, laughing of something and the place she was sitting on didn't make him any happy. Nor her behavior with her new "chair". His gaze landed at Lando's hands: one was resting on her soft thigh and the other feeding her with a doughnut. Huh, disgusting thing. The doughnut and the scene which became even more worst when he noticed her fingers running through the McLaren's driver hair, caressing his curls as it was an ordinary thing. 
He couldn't feel less dirty: on his phone screen he had his girlfriend wishing him a good flight along with heart emojis and a warm 'I love you' and even so he was jealous of a person who didn't belong to him but he would give up of tons of things for it to be the opposite. And it got even uglier when he replied Alex with the same warm 'I love you'. Did he really mean that? The truth was he had been exchanging messages with her during the past 6 months. Without having any guts or rights to invite her to do something. He also knew Lando have been stopping by way too much in NYC which made him even more furious.
 "When did this happen?" he questioned himself "When did I become that person?" he continued, before greeting Pierre and Yuki. He knew that he must forget about it, but he couldn't  help but feel annoyed with them acting like that "where's Esteban by the way?" "He left yesterday" Pierre said, quite relieved "Oh! What about Daniel?" "I have no idea" Yuki answered focused on his videogame. She stretched herself "hey, Charles, am I invisible to you now?" "Oh, I wish" he thought "no! I was just about to greet you. Both of you, beautiful couple" he leaned and kissed her face, tapping Lando's back, friendly "we aren't a couple" she defensed herself "sure" he said with a disbelief tone "we really aren't" "I believe you guys" "she is taken already" Lando joked. Charles' heart stopped "With her job, of course" "That's true" Charles exhaled the air he was holding and said "Yeah! Me too. Not with my job, with a girl. A woman..." "we already know that..." Lando continued "yeah, just reaffirming" he talked in a rush, he sounded breathless, like he had ran a marathon, but it was only the anger taking control of his body in the same pace her nails lightly scratched Lando's nape "Charles, are you okay?" "Yeah!" he said almost shouting, out of control "I just had too much Redbull" " "Are you drinking RedBull?!" Lando asked, incredulous"yeah?! I just need to sit a bit" he placed his bag on the floor and sat down. "Hey" Yuki started "hum?" "will you be joining us in Abu Dhabi?" "Not Abu Dhabi, Dubai" "what are you doing in Dubai?" "I decided to take my ass to vacations" "so you are going on vacations and decided to spend your time with 4 guys in an airport lounge?" "I didn't ask for that" they looked at her "I mean, the lounge and waiting part, I like you guys" "why don't you join us at a night out tomorrow?" "What night out?" Lando asked "the one I am inviting you to. Pierre?" "I am there already" he said while ate his peanuts "What about the two of you?" "Well, I heard is close to Abu Dhabi" she grabbed her phone "Oh! Very close. Count on me, I'm a party animal, babe" "if she's joining, I'm in" "Charles?" "Hum… oui! Porquoi pas" Yuki looked at Pierre "Oui is yes, right?" "Yeah" "Great!".
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Why has he agreed with that? "Terrible idea" he looked himself in the elevator’s mirror, he could tell hundreds of reasons for not accepting. And he couldn't regret more when he saw her walking through the hotel pool, wearing a nice bubblegum-pink top tank blouse and ripped white jeans shorts and a pair of golden glittery flip flops. Her breasts were like perfect and firm pillows. No bra. Nipples were showing under the blouse. Her not too much but still toned thighs looked so squeezable and he prayed, oh he prayed, to not be seen by her. Sometimes it feels like Jesus, Buddha, Ali, Shiva, Dalai Lama, Papa, The Queen of England, Santa Claus, any sanctity, didn't exist cause the first thing she did was to direct her gaze to the bar behind him. Damn! He should have hidden. She smiled and waved, walking towards him. He smiled back and walked into her encounter as well "hey!" "Hi!" she hugged him, she smelled like vanilla ice cream and strawberry lip gloss the one he found at that club's floor in Miami. The one he would adore to taste. Directly from her lips. "you look nice" he let her go against his own wishes. He turned around showing his look, he wore a white shirt and beige shorts with a Lacoste salmon slip on shoe "thanks! You too" "Merci, monsieur" "De rien, mademoiselle" she got weak hearing him speaking French, it hurt more than anything on her core. She smiled, tho, when he offered an arm "Puis-je avoir le plaisir?" she tangled their arms "Sure!" he giggled. They walked to the bar where Pierre, Yuki and Pierre's girlfriend already were "Hey! There you are" "Where's Lando?" she asked, Charles frowned "I'm right here" he appeared from behind her and pulled her for a hug "I'll order some drinks. What do you want?" she thought "Something that tastes like Strawberry "I bet your lips does" Charles thought "Alright. Anything for you" she giggled "Can I join you, Lando?" "Sure, Char".
"So? Are you guys dating?" "What?! No. We told you" "Hooking up, then" "Not yet" "Lando" Charles leaned on the bar's counter "Can't you flirt with other girls?" "What?!" "There are so many girls that would like to be in your bed, can't you make them happy?" "Why can't I flirt with the girl I want?" "I don't like when you flirt" "Why not?" "I..." he cleaned his throat "I just don't like it. I know I have zero rights to say something like that but I just dislike it" Lando sighed "It's because of it that you freaked on the airport?" he nodded "Does your girlfriend knows?" "Not a single clue of her existence" "I see" "We are not doing anything but... I don't know. I don't have a clue why I asked you to not flirt with her. Just forget about it!" Lando touched his shoulder "I definetly won't stop flirting with her. At least not while you still have a girlfriend and she's out there single" That's fair" "But if you decide to flirt with her even in your condition... I won't put myself in between tha two of you" "Are you teeling me to..." NO! No, no, no. I ain't telling you to do anything. I'm telling you that I don't have a problem if we both hit on her. If we do, she's the one who should choose, you know? And if she chooses you, I can't do anything about it" Charles nodded "Okay" Lando poked the shouder he had his hand on , then turned to the bartender to grab the drinks leaving Charles with his mind poisoned by his ideas "Give me some help here, bro" "Sure"
 That night something happened. Something new for her: she saw a slightly drunk Charles. Maybe tipsy only. But one thing she was sure about: he was a very weak person for alcohol. "Bonsoir, madame 'je suis très ivre pour me souvenir de ton nom'. Comment allez-vous?" "I'm excited, mr. Lord Percival. And you?" he giggled "Moi, j'étais perdu, mais j'ai vous trouvé. Le feu dans ma noirceur" she giggled "You're too sweet" "And you are excited, hein? Why?" "I love a night out every now and then! Don't you love it?" "Ouais... De temps en temps" he stared at nothing. She smiled, he looked so cute when he got lost inside his own head "revenons à la drague..." she gasped "what?!" "Puis-je m'asseoir ici?" "That's your chair, Charles" "Sure... In this case, I'll sit here" she giggled "Ok" "Would you like a drink?" "Already have mine" she lifted her glass "Thanks anyway" "Je vous en prie" he lifted his own drink, sipping it "donc... Avez-vous quelqu'un dans votre vie?" She grinned "I don't. My job only. And you already know that" "Can you please play my game!?... S'il vous plaît?" she smiled "Ok. And you, do you have someone in your life?" "Oui. J'suis pris déjà" "So you can't flirt with me" "But I ain't sure if I'm happy in this relationship" her smile faded away, she frozen and her hands got cold "Anyway, do you have a girlfriend?" He nodded "So you don't flirt with me!" "Ok, ok. Je te drague plus" she sipped her drink "You said you are not sure, huh?" "Eh... I'm but from time to time I don't. We both spend so long apart... Well, that's complicated" "I see" "Anyhow... Would you like to dance?" "Yeah! Let's go" he gave a big sip on his drink "Alright, let's go!". At the dance floor, Charles couldn't be more lost "I never danced reggeaton before" "It's very easy. I teach you" she paused to think "You just have to move your hips like Shakira" she showed him "And rub your body on your dance partner's body" "Like that?" "Yes" he slightly rubbed his hips on her ass, she closed her eyes, feeling her legs shaking "What about now?" "Place your hands on my belly" he did "Like this?" "Exactly. And now we move" they did "Et voilà! We are dancing latin music" "That's nice. You're a good teacher".
They danced for 20 minutes "It was funny!" "That's true but I'm very tired. Might call it a night" "okay" he said disappointened. After saying goodbye to Pierre, Kika and Yuki she called herself an Uber "That's sad I can't say goodbye to Lando" "I deliver your message if I find him" "Thanks. You're an angel" but Charles was anything but an angel, he knew exactly where Lando was and made very sure that she wouldn't find him"Voulez-vous que je attends votre voiture avec vous?" she giggled "What?" "You" "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?" "When you're drunk, you speak french. Formally" "I... I am not that drunk anymore. The dance made me feel better" she smiled "I would love if you waited with me" "Good" They had a silent ride till the hotel lobby. A true walk of the shame. "Sorry for flirting with you" "It's okay. You were just kidding, it's fine" "Yes, but..." she stopped in front of a glass door and he approched her "I wish it wasn't" she blushed "Char, I..." the tension between them could be cut with a knife "I've gotta go. Thanks for the night, have a good rest of it" she leaned up and kissed his cheek "wait" he held her arm. He felt guilty and she felt cheap. What was the worst? He hitting on her? Or she almost bending to it? "I..." "Charles, no" "Please... I'm sorry. So so sorry" "you have nothing to be sorry for" "I do have. I'm taken, I was drunk, had hit on you... I shouldn't have. I'm really sorry" "/ should be the one apologizing. You have a girlfriend, I knew that from the beginning. I don't know what happened, I would never dance like that with someone already taken" he locked his gaze on hers "but danced with me" "yeah..." She looked away "that's exactly why I'm so ashamed of myself". He reflected for a few seconds "Fine. We're both ashamed, both sorry, I accept your apologies, do you accept mine?" "Of course..." he exhaled "that's good" "But..." "Oh, no, no, no. No buts" "We should stay away from each other" "No..." "Yes. I ain't going to be in between your relationship, Charles" he looked to his feet "Charles..." "Hum?" "You know I care about you" "I care about you too. That's exactly why we shouldn't distance from each other" "it's exactly why we should" he sighed "I don't agree with that. I will text you as soon I land in Monaco" "who said I will reply?" he smirked "You will, I know you will. Tu peux pas résister à moi" she blushed "well, I..." He smiled "just keep an eye on your phone" he winked at her "bye, Charles” "Bye…” he waved at her before she opened the door and left. He wanted to walk out the door but his girlfriend's face kept him from doing that. Instead, he tucked his hands in his shorts pockets and made his way back to the elevator, pressing the button without being sure of anything but where he was going to spend the rest of the night: at the bar.
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what if some common medicine for humans was deadly poison for yeerks? like if SSRIs make them explode/discombobulate. is that anything
I don't know too much about medicine, but I'd wager there would have to be some human medications that are poisonous to Yeerks. It would be weird if there weren't - I mean, they're allergic to freaking instant maple and ginger oatmeal! With that in mind, I think it makes perfect sense other things could mess with Yeerks too.
Now, keep in mind I'm not a doctor, I'm only a nerd, so I'm probably missing entire classes of medications that might work. However, if I had to guess which drugs would be most likely to screw with Yeerks, I'd go with things that affect the brain one way or another. It could be something straightforward like SSRIs or sleep medications, but it doesn't have to be. Maybe a host who has to take Benadryl for their allergies or is prescribed Tylenol #3 after a dental procedure finds the Yeerk reacts poorly to those medications. Maybe anti-migraine medication like Fioricet could do something to Yeerks - it's got three different things that affect the brain in different ways, including Caffeine. Maybe a large enough dose of Caffeine is enough to screw with Yeerks, and they avoid drinks and medications with Caffeine as a result.
One thing I am almost certain would mess with Yeerks, though most people don't think of it as a medicine, is alcohol. Alcohol is technically a drug, and it has all sorts of effects on the brain. Other recreational drugs may also have an effect, and we even have one case in the books to look at - Edriss 562 is implied to have been exposed to cocaine, and she certainly deviated from her mission quite a bit afterwards. Maybe there's something in that field which can affect Yeerks?
However, you could also look at things which don't affect the brain. It could be that an anti-parasitic drug might work against Yeerks, although getting the dosage right by accident would be weird. It could be something that doesn't even go in the body, like sunscreen around the ear that gets on the Yeerk as they enter/exit and screws with them.
However, no matter which drugs the Yeerks find they have trouble with, it's almost certain they would find out before the Animorphs enter the war. The Yeerk invasion of Earth is 4 to 5 years old by the time Jake et al walk home through the construction site - plenty of time to figure out which drugs are bad for Yeerks and find ways to limit their hosts' exposure to said drugs. If you're looking for a medication which would affect the Yeerks and happen during the time the Animorphs are fighting the Yeerks, then my best guesses would be either 1. A drug that builds up in or degrades Yeerk tissues over time, or 2. A new drug that just hit the market, sorta like how the oatmeal incident occurred.
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idletype · 6 months
get to know me tag! :0
was tagged by my beloved b @weizhiyuan <3 many moons ago and i just remembered this is in my drafts. but thanku!!
do you make your bed? i wait until i absolutely HAVE to be out of bed to get up so i don't usually have the time or see the point
what's your favourite number? 7 or 9 (my bday)
what is your job? i work at a tutoring academy :D
if you could go back to school, would you? i am currently in school and Suffering but i still plan to (hopefully) go to grad school in the near (hopefully) future!
can you parallel park? in theory yes in practice yes but with a lot of adjustment and anxiety mumbling
a job you had that would surprise people? i've only had 2 other jobs besides my current one so i don't think so
do you think aliens are real? yes and if they're reading this rn pls call me pls give me ONE chance
can you drive a manual car? no and everytime i see it in movies or videos i am very confused
what's your guilty pleasure? i was raised catholic so all of my pleasures are guilty 👍 but fr i wouldn't say i have any, cringe is dead, life is too short, we should all enjoy the things we enjoy without shame (as long as it isn't hurting anyone ofcourse), etc etc
tattoos? none but i've many ideas about ones i really want, both silly and serious
favorite color? green (and yellow and blue and brown but mostly green)
favorite type of music? soft indie sad girl music, 2000s emo/pop punk, musical theatre, noisy kpop ... mostly those 4 wildly different genres
do you like puzzles? yes but i don't do them often, i should really do more puzzles. love the nyt games tho
any phobias? bugs especially cockroaches, this is specific but not being able to wake up from a dream/not being able to tell if i'm dreaming - i'm a very floaty spacey person so i'm scared of suddenly losing my sense of what's real
favorite childhood sport? i do not sport and have never sported. swimming and gymnastics but i'm not very good at both. swimming is still p enjoyable now
do you talk to yourself? constantly
what movies do you adore? dead poets society is my all time fav, wolf children, greta gerwig's little women, stephen spielberg's west side story.... i recently watched bottoms and it was SO good
coffee or tea? both, i probably drink coffee more nowadays bc i'm a caffeine fiend but tea is very comforting to me
first thing you wanted to be growing up? a princess/singer/actress probably. i have childhood photos of me wrapped in a curtain putting on a concert in the living room
tagging @qt-qtoey @petrichoraline @distant-screaming @serene-skies @benzatthanin unless u have already done it hehe
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My mom is in the hospital. ICU.
I feel useless. A person used to serving but unable to serve.
I am trying to read but they have the sound on the TVs in the ICU waiting room.
I am trying to not go nuts with food. Or drink. Or caffeine.
I am trying to remember self care principles.
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I hate that my gifs don't show up big enough to see. Stupid.
Food yesterday:
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