#don’t look at these tags either
saltavenegar · 2 months
So one of my players has a thing for the Rictavio. How do I tell her 👀
(Bg by giaonp)
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virulent-scum · 2 months
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When your summer days come tumbling down and you find yourself alone
Then you can come back and be with me
Just close your eyes and I'll be there, listen to the sound
Of this old heart beating for you
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bloos-bloo · 2 months
I’ll take any excuse to draw my Narinder and his endless pile of unwanted emotions. YIPPEEE
I’m gonna add a little bit of lore under the cut :D
In my AU, Narinder’s crown never spoke to him. The other crowns spoke to their users, but the red crown refused. It would sometimes open its eye whenever Narinder had strong emotions or when he was in his domain, but nothing else from that. It’s kinda why Narinder believed he chose the wrong domain.
He begins to question himself, maybe he has to rediscover? Branch out? Hell- Even Leshy had his crown working with him before his induction ceremony. (He’s older?? How the fuck??)
Narinder’s jealousy got in the way of him bonding with the crown and took away from him figuring out his ruling. When Emery gets it, it obviously takes them a while to start speaking with the crown. (even with their vocal cords being shattered, the beginning of the cult was very rough- using sign language to talk sucked sometimes) The difference between them is the fact that Emery didn’t start questioning her role, Narinder did.
At least he believes so, maybe the crown never picked him? Who knows.
I wanna write more- but it’s spoilers ;)
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oobbbear · 7 months
My old art teach who taught me so much and helped me prepare my college portfolio now full on supportive of AI art and videos they even opened classes dedicated to it, they post oh so proudly of how fast the students in their ai class ‘improve’ and how ‘efficient’ they draw. They’re a great artist I looked up to them since middle school but now they don’t even draw anymore all they post is AI stuff because it’s “where the future is headed traditional art is not worth it anymore” I don’t know how to feel maybe disappointment but mostly just hollow
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dekusleftsock · 3 months
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I’m making a longer post about this chapter, but I thought these cheeky little parallels were silly. I know what you are Horikoshi.
Like ignore the togachako gay ass part of this… it’s the fact that Izuku is the one looking at her now and she isn’t looking back. Their friendship is so interesting y’all omg (not in a shipping way. Like in an unrequited love/unrequited friendship way. Like they do make me a little ill to think about bc wym by that this gayass can’t get it through his thick skull that this girl liked him for the longest time and doesn’t understand why she isn’t treating him in the not-platonic care way anymore. Like that’s crazy. Izuku bbg you are so interesting and so so silly)
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emily-mooon · 3 months
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Nancy Wheeler the shoujo manga protagonist you are what with your love triangle and everything about you my pookie <3
#the fake shoujo manga chapter divider in a shoujo magazine is complete!#this took me like three days to finish and needless to say I’m proud of it 😌#ok maybe apart from Steve I’m not too happy with how he came out#everytime I draw his s1 hair apart of me wants to explode cause of how confusing and hard it is to draw#I imagine that this (fake) manga starts off as a regular shoujo romance but slowly escalates into a sci-fi horror#I’d like to thank Betsumas online archive for giving me references of shoujo from the 80s and 90s#ngl this would have flopped without it#I took some inspo from the many different art styles I saw in my betsuma refs and added aspects to my already pretty anime style#I also stylized Jonathan’s hair differently to how I usually do it to go more in line with how I think it would be stylized#in an actual shoujo#same with Nancy too#I also did more softer shading and tried to make it look watercoloury as alot of the shoujo mangaka I like use it for more fancy art#in relation to their work#i don’t think it comes across that way but hey it was worth a try!#I’m either proud of the title of this fake ST manga or ashamed of it idk I can’t decide#anyways I might do a part two to this? idk it was originally my intention#hope y’all enjoy!#stranger things#nancy wheeler#jonathan byers#steve harrington#barbra holland#jancy#I’ll add the jancy tag cause this piece has the pairing in subtext (lmk if i should remove it at all cause this isn’t an obvious jancy thing#)#cw eyestrain#tw eyestrain#<-adding these tags cause I think this could cause some eyestrain
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imthursdaysyme · 1 year
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It’ll pass series 1/5: ronance
#drawing#art#stranger things#robin buckley#nancy wheeler#ronance#look I’m sorry for this series#it’s all sad#and I’m sad#bc I don’t have a funny story to put in the tags ☹️#but I like to think they were like together#enjoying each other and the closeness of being around someone simply but never going too far#I think that Robin would say it first bc she loves so easily and so much that how can she not let Nancy know that she loves her?#how is robin supposed to keep her feelings to herself when she always felt so unloved as a child? how could she refuse to let someone know#that they were loved?#and sweet Nancy with her walks built up high and tight with guards stationed round who grew up with people yelling her they loved her#and never meaning it#so she sees beautiful Robin and her nervous smile and easy confidence in her declaration of love and thinks that she’s either lying#or soon Robin will see Nancy with her walls down and see her unguarded and think oh#this isn’t what I expected behind the walls you built up#and leave#so robin loves too much and Nancy is scared that she’ll not be enough for that love so she stops her heartbreak sooner than it can start#even though telling Robin it’ll pass is a heartbreak in itself bc Nancy fell and didn’t even know it#robin has already seen glimpses behind Nancy’s wallls and thinks it’s the lovely#but alas no communication happens#and so they part and Nancy always wonders if rob would have still lived her with her walls down#and Robin will always wonder why her love wasn’t enough#anyway#digital art
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like-dogs--shianni · 1 year
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Variel Lavellan: Ean’tusahnelan, Herald of Daybreak
I was so lucky to snatch this commission from @deeplord of my canon Inquisitor!!! I looove how this turned out and it’s magical to be able to see her captured so well. 🥺 Thank you again!!
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thasorns-archive · 8 months
I cannot shake my thoughts about this and I’ll know I’ll keep this drama close to my heart. The fact that Myung ha’s ‘sunbae’ opened the riff to the world with the question “would you change it for me?” Also the fact that Myung ha’s alternate universe/game world started with the sound of an ocean tells already a lot about it but we won’t know until Episode 8 why. Throughout the series we watched Myung ha doing everything in his power to make Yeo woon happy while he himself couldn’t rely, couldn’t trust, couldn’t open himself up to him. We know the phrase of his ex gf “you don’t know how to love anyone.” left a deep scar in his soul which he carried with to the alternate universe/game. I try to think the system errors which occurred during the game was a way to change Myung ha’s mindset to not make the same mistakes and/or go on with his habitual habits he did in his life before he drowned himself. Also the different tasks was it actually for Myung ha to realize that he’s the one who makes Yeo-woon happy (which he didn’t). He retreated himself from Yeo woon because he couldn’t choose between the most important persons in his life as we saw his grandma died in real life which makes me think if he also knew that because in one sequence in the game/au it asked him if he wants to bring back some memories of Myung ha’s life. Also the last I love you from Yeo woon was the cherry on top to let the system completely crash where he distanced himself from Yeo woon. “I want to spend my remaining time making Yeo woon happy as best as I can. But it seems the more I try, the more unhappy I make Yeo-woon.” Which Myung ha remembers what Yeo-woon said: “whenever I see you, I both feel good and want to cry. I feel so much about every little thing. But I’m not happy at all right now.” Which again I try to think it is about why Myung ha doesn’t rely more on him? Why he doesn’t open himself up to him? A relationship is based off of trust, give and take… etc. but Myung ha goes into this relationship with deep rooted traumas which causes lack of self love. If one loves not itself enough how can they expect to love someone else which what explains Myung ha’s last phrase in the same scene so much. “Why did I think I could make you happy?” It’s as if he doesn’t think that a loner like him could be the one to give him love and happiness. What follows after is that he choses Yeo woon’s happiness even if he’s not his happiness… which again brings me to the beginning where Myung ha thinks “but I prefer lonely supporting characters to happy protagonists.” In this case he’s the lonely supporting character to our happy protagonist Yeo-woon. “But being fated to live that kind of life… is just so unfair.” He knew/knows how cruel life can be so he chose his happiness over everything and got vanished from the game. He realized by now that Yeo-woon is/was more important than he wanted to admit. Yeo-woon is/was a glimpse of happiness in Myung ha’s life. What brings us to the tragic backstory of his life and how he lived. All the obstacles he endured and went through led to his drowning (at this point we saw Yeo-woon’s obstacles in the alternate universe/game at least in my opinion). This is the turning point for Myung ha. “I was hoping if you saw yourself from someone else’s perspective, you would learnt to love yourself. I thought if you learned to love someone, you would be a little happier.” I want to make a reference here to the title itself “Love for Love’s sake” because all the sacrifices he did and cared more for others than himself… but he found happiness. In Yeo-woon. And he chose his own happiness for once. It’s the way he chooses all these things for himself, to open himself up for him, to rely and be cared for. “It would be nice to have someone. Someone who cares by my side. Someone who gives me chances when I fail and feel hopeless. It would be nice to have someone who always gives me love.” Which they found both in each other.
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ongreenergrasses · 2 months
🔥 🔥 gimme your annie AND your finnick thoughts, whether it’s them together or apart idc
mmm. well.
i simply think that people don’t understand trauma and don’t care to learn about it. I think that’s what all of this boils down to. i think that Annie, although she canonically exhibits symptoms of psychosis, is probably highly functional when she’s at home in her space and able to keep to a routine and a life that makes sense for her. even if she is also experiencing psychosis then. I think she is first and foremost a survivor, and that means that she has created a life for herself where she can do more than survive from day to day, but actually thrive, because basic survival comes naturally to her.
i think that Finnick matured very quickly and is also very capable, and the reason that he completely loses it when Annie is gone is yes, because he loves her, but also because he’s gotten attached to her to an unhealthy level and losing her is also losing his own safety and sense of self. he’s deeply traumatized and she’s become his safe person. he is absolutely obsessive about her safety and that has most likely led to massive issues in their relationship because Annie almost certainly doesn’t want him to go to the lengths that he does to protect her. to some extent, him being that overprotective is him also protecting himself, because he’s poured so much of himself into her that keeping Annie safe is also keeping himself emotionally and psychologically safe. because the physical safety element is a wash.
also we all know I love their relationship and I think it’s very sweet but friends. it is not healthy
🔥 asks
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aurosoulart · 9 months
HELLO if you have a graphic design portfolio and are interested in some freelance work pls send it my way 👀 we are hiring juniors to do various social media graphics for Figmin
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communistkenobi · 7 months
My friend, Please tell me what you are studying, for I greatly desire to study it too. With many thanks, A frustrated philosopher
I’m assuming you’re asking after seeing that Adorno post lol - I don’t wanna get too specific but my dissertation work is on fascist movements in north america! the first text I encountered that really made me want to study it (in addition to just like observing and experiencing what’s happening in the world, especially as a trans person lol) is The Authoritarian Personality by Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswik, Levinson, and Sanford. I think it’s a pretty flawed text for a lot of reasons but it + some of Adorno’s other work are pretty formative for my research interests and understanding of the social world. I’m deeply indebted to it intellectually and it’s a landmark text in western studies on fascism (so it contains all the issues of western thought on fascism in general in addition to Adorno’s flaws and limitations as a thinker more specifically).
It’s a thousand pages long so if you wanted to read parts of it, I would recommend finding a pdf of the 2019 edition and reading Adorno’s critical reflections on the work written after it was published (it’s inserted as a preface in the 2019 edition) + the introductory chapter. The intro outlines the context and rationale for the study (basically: why did people support Nazi Germany, what motivates antisemitism in the modern day) and describes the methodology of the study. The methods section is incredibly interesting, the authors talk about how they go about collecting fascist sentiment from the public while basically deceiving their participants, since one of the methodological problems they (and prior research) run up against is that most people do not publicly and openly declare, even on anonymous surveys, their support for fascist governments, so you should instead measure their support for the underlying rhetoric and sentiment of fascist beliefs without explicitly telling people they’re being polled on how fascist they are (their unit of analysis is the potentially fascistic subject, not necessarily explicit fascists - they wanted to, in addition to outright fascists, measure potentiality for fascist support and were interested in people who might reject explicit fascist talking points but still agree with the underlying logics of fascist thought). The study is very heavily wedded to psychoanalysis, which I have a lot of problems with, but I think they capture something legitimate and real with their psychological framework. Part of Adorno’s defense of their psychological approach is that personality is the medium through which ideology gets expressed (essentially his claim is that you are your beliefs about the world, and that you become a different person when you believe different things, an argument I find basically compelling), so measuring personality ‘traits’ of a person will reveal their potentiality for fascist support, possibly even moreso than their publicly stated beliefs. Again I think generalising from this framework needs to have a lot of qualifications attached to it, but despite my many reservations with psychology I don’t think this is a totally illegitimate approach.
anyway lol going a bit long but I hope that answers your question !
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56thingsinaname · 3 months
Guys I had a dream!
So Prompt I guess
Ok so we all know about the explosion of nasty burger, how it killed pretty much everyone Danny ever cared about.
In the twisting of my mind, I saw a vision.
Instead of clockwork making him go fight his future self, he lets it happen for the most part, except only the adults died.
In my dream Jazz wasn’t there for it but afterwards she was grieving and clockwork came.
Oh wait, he also manipulated it so that Danny was at nasty burger too.
So anyways everyone thinks Jack, Maddie, Danny, Sam, Tucker, and Mr. Lancer all died in the explosion.
So Jazz is grieving the deaths of her entire family. And clockwork appears to her and gives her baby danny (deaged, ghost powers sealed, and without his memories at all) telling her to move elsewhere and things will work out.
She’s still grieving(obviously) but she holds onto Danny as her support.
She moves to another city and places her roots.
Vlad thinks Maddie, Jack and Danny are dead. So he isn’t chasing after Danny. But he still extends a hand to Jazz inviting her to stay with him, his hopes are because she’s still Maddie’s child, they can connect about their deaths.
I’m not sure exactly his role in things, but she moves to another city instead.
My dream starts fast forward 14 years. Danny is 14 again, he’s struggling again with homework and school. But he slowly starts regaining his ghost powers.
I think I want his memories to be attached to his ghostly side, because Clockwork didn’t want to erase them entirely and knew that the reminiscent feelings of his life would help direct Danny’s ghost side to good.
So he also starts getting feeling like there should be other people around him that aren’t. And clockwork starts with his sticky notes.
Then while he has a friend over, a giant ghost zone portal opens in the sky. Which the eyeball guys use to descend upon the earth to ‘find Danny’ because they find out that clockwork didn’t actually kill him at the explosion. And they think he’s probably evil.
I kinda want it to be ghost king Danny too, but it doesn’t have to be because it didn’t explicitly say that in my dream.
But he’s with his friend in his rooms, which the friend is unusually chill about the whole thing. Danny is kinda freaking out because “is that an alien invasion?!” “Are aliens really real” he’s excited but a little scared. And yknow residual memories make it so the portals look similar.
Throughout the story he’s trying to connect the dots of these feelings and tidbits of memories but he doesn’t know how to transform into his ghost side, so he can’t fully access his powers or him memories.
But then he looks back down at his desk (it’s against the window, which he’s looking out of to see the portals) and it’s covered in green stick notes and notebooks/journals from his past.
in my dream there was even a model of his room, but I think it’s work better is after seeing the stuff he looks back at his friend and instead he sees Tucker sitting on his bed in his room from before and he rubs his eyes and he’s in his room now again but it’s still Tucker.
And he’s confused because he barely knows who this Tucker should be, but he knows he’s one of his best friends.
Tucker, like the friend is just chilling on the bed on his phone.
And he sees passages in his journal about someone named Sam, and different parents and him calling his sister Jazz annoying.
He recognizes the handwriting as his own. And it all feels true. So he’s reeling.
I woke up at this point :(
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listening to rqg 159 and alex describes how zolf would recognize wilde’s “eeerrghhhhh it has to do with touchy-feely emotions” face. yeh
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starswirly · 4 months
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[ * remembered I can draw whatever I want? Yeah ]
(Nightmare -> Jokublog, Killer -> rahafwabas)
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thegreatcrowdragon · 6 months
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I genuinely did not notice at first but they swapped his eyes around? I know it’s concept art but I’m curious on why
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