#dogs in strollers
surreality51 · 2 years
Tell me where you’re from without telling me where you’re from.
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panic-flavored · 1 year
robotnik taking merman stone for a walk (or rather, flop) on a leash lmao
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this is the dumbest thing I have ever spent time on anon I hope you're happy
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jarognieva · 4 months
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When random lady during a walk says you're the prettiest dog in the world and you have "wise eyes"
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hyperlexichypatia · 25 days
I almost asked someone whether her human child was a service dog. How's your day going?
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erasabledinosaur · 11 months
Happy Birthday!
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thank you! feeling this whole being 38 things so far
(the only face pics im ever posting.)
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teethburger · 1 year
floyd and teeth raising animal together reminds me of that one john mulaney skit about taking his pug out in a stroller
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comicdiaries · 6 months
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I wish I'd bought the stroller sooner because we only used it twice before she decided she'd rather walk on her own feet again. But it was worth it if it got her back out of the house!
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muffinapologist · 2 months
shoutout to the border agent who thought I was smuggling a baby from Canada into the US when actually i'm just weird about my dog
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possumtailpark · 2 months
parallel play with the friends over vc this evening. my favorite! peace and love on planet earth
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messy-does-cosmology · 3 months
Hey dog owners! Here's a fun tip. Don't bring your dog over to look inside a cat carrier and point out the cat to them when they're off the leash! Most people learn this as very small children, because dogs chase cats and will bite them if they're not trained to be cool around them!
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fayeandknight · 1 year
Took Forte to train outside the Ren Faire today.
He was a little overwhelmed coming right out of the car. Even though we got there a half hour before it opens there were still a ton of people in the lot and half of them were changing into costumes. So I alternated between letting him just take it and rewarding for check ins and simple obedience (I use sit, down, sit, spin, treat a lot) to gauge his readiness to work.
We stayed in the parking lot for about 10 minutes before he was ready. He kept pace with me nicely on the walk from the lot to the actual fair grounds. I was pleased with him ignoring the crowds around us given that we had to pass really close to others at times.
We saw some really cool costumes including a person with a big mushroom hat, someone carrying a prop sword that was bigger than me, and a stroller decked out in bells to look like a fairy wagon.
He alerted to a hr spike and did DPT across the street from the entrance. There was a huge crowd waiting at the entrance and there was a lively opening speech complete with loud cheering. And while he was interested/clearly watching he didn't stop tasking.
At one point a pair of character actors dressed as royal guards, each holding a spear, saw on the ground and approached. They stopped a respectful distance away and asked if I was okay. I thanked them and told them my service dog had it covered.
When I was ready we wandered around the area, went over a wooden bridge that squeaked, and did more simple obedience. Then we went back down the path to the car for a water break. It was more crowded now and we were going against the flow of foot traffic, but he still kept in a loose heel and paid no mind to the people.
After getting water we went back up towards the entrance. I stopped by the trail end and put him in a relaxed down so he could practice being settled near heavy foot traffic. He checked in consistently and was paid for it.
As I was debating going all the way to the entrance or calling it a day, he did get startled. Two people, each pushing a stroller, came down the hill towards us while squealing at the top of their lungs. I don't think they even noticed Forte until he popped up and barked once. They were most likely trying to entertain the kids in said stroller.
He recovered quickly and laid back down on his own but I took that as a sign he about done with the outing. We'd already been out for an hour and a half and it was starting to get too hot out. So we went back to the car. I had another internal debate about putting his cooling vest on and heading back up or just leaving. Part of me didn't want to end on our only bad note and wanted to go back for some pictures.
But ultimately I decided against it. He'd stayed at a calm pace on the walk back and didn't balk at any of the other strollers we passed. So I'm counting it as ending on a good note actually.
Picture of the good boy who is now tired.
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aidenwaites · 6 months
Anyway. Post walk ice cream snack :)
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obsidiannebula · 5 months
I cannot believe it is only 1230 in the afternoon. I feel like I've been busting my ass all day
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kikinom · 9 months
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Me and @theood took my old pup on a walk today!
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Honestly really glad that my store allows non-service dogs because there's nothing better than having a shitty, chaotic day at work and someone's angel of a pooch is there to greet you.
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eva-knits12 · 5 months
Morning Walk
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Trigger warning: twin toddlers/twin terrors, Jake Jensen, morning walk, coffee, Subway, fluff
Summary: You and Jake take the twins, Anna, and Elsa for a morning walk at your favorite pedestrian mall.
Jake is already up, and is making the coffee. The girls are still sleeping. They're 16 months old, and it's been an amazing five years. I've been trying to lose the baby weight, but there are times when I feel like I can't. Jake has been nothing but supportive. He will shut down anyone who tries to shame me for it. We went through a lot to have our girls, and I wouldn't change it for the world. We struggled with infertility, it only brought us closer.
"Honey bun, the girls are our reward for having to go through a lot to get them," said Jake that morning, when I was feeling self-conscious. I had on jeans, a t-shirt, and a cardigan. I had thrown on my favorite necklaces-my gold, herringbone chain, and a hammered, gold circle that's open, on a gold chain. I smile, because Jake doesn't let anyone shame me or shame him for going through infertility, and struggling with it. I had just showered and dressed, and Jake fed Anna and Else their oatmeal and fruit.
Jake prepares me a cup of coffee the way I like it, with two creams and two sugars. I go to fix myself some toast, but Jake stops me.
"Honey bun, let me make you breakfast," says Jake.
Jake fixes me toast, but I'm still skeptical. He has managed to make oatmeal for the twins without burning it, and he made me toast without burning it, so Jake is making improvements in the kitchen.
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"It's a nice day, so why don't we just go on a nice walk today? It will be just us and the girls today," says Jake.
"Then, we'll go to Subway and get that meatball/pepperoni sub you love, Jake," I say.
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"We can split that," says Jake.
"Good, the girls can get that pizza that they love," says Jake.
"Do you have the stroller ready?" I ask.
When we found out we were having twins my parents and his parents split the cost and got us a double stroller. The stroller cost an arm and a leg, but it was perfect. The stroller converts from an infant stroller to a toddler stroller. You and Jake didn't need the Mercedes of double strollers. All you cared about was that Anna and Elsa were happy and safe at the end of the day.
"Yes, honey bun. I also have the diaper bag packed. There's plenty of wipes, plenty of bottles, plenty of water, plenty of toys, plenty of everything," says Jake.
"I can't wait", I say.
It seems like the only times we leave the house is to take the twins to the park, to Mommy and Me or Daddy and Me, grocery shopping, to toddler time, to the playground, or just shopping in general. Even for a shopping trip, we have to pack everything. Plus, the twins go through clothes. Just when they grow into their clothes, we have to buy even more clothes for them.
"MAMA!" says Anna.
"MAMA!" says Elsa.
"Mama! Yum!" says Anna, who tries to feed me some of her fruit, and I take it.
"Mama! Yum yum!" says Elsa, who also feeds me some of her fruit, and I take it.
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Mario was just sitting there, near the door, waiting to be taken out for his walk.
The girls were giggling, and trying to get Mario to come to them.
"Ario", says Anna.
"Rio" says Elsa.
"Come on Mario, let's get you ready for your walk today," says Jake.
Jake fills Mario's food bowl with some kibble, and fills his water dish. Mario eats some kibble, and he drinks the water.
Mario was our rescue that we adopted at a shelter. Mario is grown dog, but still has that puppy energy. He's always near the girls. Even when I was battling infertility, he would always lay his head on my stomach. When Jake and I found out I was pregnant with the girls, Mario would lay his head on my stomach, and he never left my side. It's as if he already knew that the girls would be here.
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Fast forward to this spring. The girls reached all of their milestones. They rolled over on time, crawled on time, started to grab on time, took their first steps on time, learned how to pull themselves on time, walked with assistance on time, and their first word was Dada. They even cut their first tooth on time.
Mario was with them through it all, even nudging them with his snout to get them to crawl when they would get in crawling position. Eventually, Mario taught the girls how to crawl.
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Mario was sitting by the door, eagerly awaiting to go on his walk. Jake was busy loading the double stroller in the car, and I was busy checking Anna and Elsa's diaper.
"Honey bun, I'll check Elsa. Just check Anna," says Jake.
Anna pooped a bit, so I change her diaper, and Elsa also pooped a bit. Jake changes Elsa diaper. Now, the girls have clean, fresh diapers.
"Geez, how can you turn oatmeal and fruit into that?" says Jake.
Elsa giggles, and Anna giggles. Anna and Elsa are excited because they get to play on the playground for a bit when you and Jake go for a walk.
Jake loads Anna in her car seat, and straps her in. He then loads Elsa into her car seat, and straps her in. Anna and Else were both in leggings, tees, and cardigans that I made for them.
I'm busy fixing some coffee for both Jake and I. I put Jake's in his Pac Man insulated mug, while I put mine in my black and gold insulated mug.
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I put the mugs in the cup holder of our Equinox. Jake and I bought the Equinox because we wanted a nice, safe car for the girls. Much to my family's chagrin, who always insisted that we get Chrysler Dodge vehicles, Chevy's were just safer. We weren't going to buy a Jeep, knowing that the Grand Cherokee killed Anton Yelchin, and other people, thanks to a faulty mechanism. Nope! My baby girls deserved better. Plus, the Equinox was reasonably priced.
Jake starts the Equinox and then puts in gear. Mario is hanging out in the back, and keeps barking excitedly.
"Soon, Mario," I say.
"Doggy" says Anna.
"Doggy!" says Elsa.
The girls just learned the word doggy. Jake and I couldn't be any prouder. We arrive at the mall, and Jake parks the car.
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I pull out the stroller, and Jake puts the leash on Mario. I load Anna in first, then I load Elsa in.
"DADA!" says Anna!
"DADA!" says Elsa.
Anna and Elsa said Dada as their first word. Jake has one arm around my shoulders, and the other hand has Mario.
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"Ario!" says Anna.
"Rio!" says Elsa.
Jake and I walk the girls in the stroller, and we go to the playground. Jake and I unload the girls, and they start to play. Of course, Mario wants in on the action, so he joins the girls while playing.
Mario is protecting his girls. Mario is NEVER away from his girls for too long. Mario is sitting where the girls are playing, and isn't moving. Dogs were allowed on the playground. I walk down to Starbucks, and get Mario a puppuccino.
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I get the girls a cake pop, and I get Jake and I those chocolate covered graham crackers that he likes. I get a pack for myself, too. I get some vanilla creme milk steamers for the girls. I don't let the girls have too much sugar, but Jake and I like to them milk steamers at Starbucks if it's around their snack time. They also get a cake pop, because well they like cake pops. I got cupcakes and cake pops for the girls first birthday. So, the girls love cake pops as a treat.
Ot ilky!" says Anna, who's excited when she sees me with the milk steamers, and the bag of treats.
"Ake op!" says Elsa, who sees the bag of treats, knowing that there's a cake pop for her and Anna.
"Mario! Come here, boy!" I yell, trying to get Mario's attention. He runs up, and sees the puppuccino, who's now even more excited when he sees me.
"Jake, I got you your favorite!" I yell. I hand Jake his graham crackers, I give the girls their cake pops.
Jake gives Mario his puppucinno, and Mario is just enjoying his puppuccino.
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We all eat our snacks, and the girls finish their vanilla milk steamers. We walk around for a bit, and the girls start to fall asleep. We walk around for a little while longer, and eventually, it's lunchtime. I stop at Lush, and get the girls some bubble bars. I thought it would be fun when they have their bath tonight.
Jake and I load the girls in their car seats, Jake then folds up the stroller, and I put the diaper bag in the stroller. We're now on our way to Subway. Jake tells me to stay in the car, and cracks open the window for me and the girls. The girls were still passed out, and Mario was in the back, not making a sound.
"Shh, Mario, Daddy will be back," I say.
Mario is panting, waiting for Jake. Mario is sitting on the floor, near the girls, and starts barking, getting excited.
"Mario, I got you a pupcake," I say.
I went to the dog bakery and got Mario a pupcake. Mario gets a treat, too. I always say that Mario is our first child, Jake says the same. So, Mario gets treated like one of our children. The twins are definitely his siblings, and he's quite smitten with them.
"Ario! Eerio!" says Anna.
"Rio! Eerio!" says Elsa.
Anna and Elsa are trying to give Mario Cheerios. I can't help but laugh.
"Girls, here. Try to feed him a little of his pupcake," I say.
"EEEE! Upcake! Upcake!" says Anna.
"EEEE! Doggy ake!" says Elsa!
The girls always find ways to make me and Jake laugh. They start to feed Mario his pupcake. Mario is enjoying his treat.
Jake, meanwhile, is busy ordering our lunch. The girls will get their pizza, Jake is getting his sub, and he's getting the sub that we'll both split. I see Jake coming out of the restaurant with the sub and the pizza for the girls.
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"IZZA! IZZA!" says an excited Anna.
"IZZA! IZZA!" says an excited Elsa.
I grab the items from Jake, and Jake gets in the Equinox. Jake greets me with a kiss.
"Sorry it took so long, honey bun," says Jake.
"Jake, don't be sorry," I say.
"The girls were keeping me entertained," I say.
"DADA! IZZA!" says Anna.
"DADA! IZZA!" says Elsa.
"See, the girls are excited," I say.
Jake, the girls, Mario, and I go home. I see the cookie bag, and I get excited. Jake got two chocolate chip cookies, and the girls got some mini cookies.
Jake and I get home, and I get out of the car and remove the girls from their car seats. Jake takes the lunch into the house, and Jake comes back, and unloads Mario and gets him into the house. I go to pull down some plates, but Jake stops me.
"Honey bun, I'll get this," says Jake.
I get some sparkling water for myself, and I put some water in the girls' sippy cups. I decide to check the girls' diapers. They were probably in need of a change.
"Yep, you girls need a change," I say.
Anna and Elsa's diapers are really wet, so I knew that they peed. I lift Anna on her changing table, and I pull out a diaper, the wipes, and I pull down her leggings.
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"You doing okay, Elsa? Mommy will change you in a few minutes," I say, as I'm busy removing Anna's diaper.
I change Anna's diaper, and I kiss her forehead. I then lift Elsa on her changing table, grab a diaper and the wipes, then I pull Elsa's leggings down. Elsa's diaper is just as wet. I proceed to change Elsa's diaper. When I'm done, I kiss Elsa's forehead.
"Honey bun, are you coming in the dining room for lunch?" asks Jake.
"I'll be there in a few minutes, I'm on diaper duty right now," I say.
I put the diapers in two plastic grocery bags, and then dispose of them in the diaper Genies. I wash my hands, and I send the girls on their way. My mind flashes back to the time I found I was pregnant with the girls, but we didn't know it was twins.
"Jake, I love you, but if I don't get to a bathroom now, I'm going to pee my pants," I say.
I was holding it in so I could take the tests. By the time I got to the bathroom, I was holding my crotch. I was opening the tests, and I was about to burst. Luckily, I didn't pee my pants. I pulled my pants down, sat on the toilet, and took each test in rapid succession.
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Fast forward to almost two years later. I have the tests in the girls' baby books. I even wrote a journal to the girls, and so did Jake. We would write everything from the time Jake and I were trying to conceive, to the time I went into labor with the girls. I even wrote what I was craving. There's even photos that Jake printed, giving the stats of each day on a board, along with how big they are.
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"You two are getting so big! Right now, you two love to kick me whenever I'm taking a nap. You two also love to sit on my bladder whenever I'm taking a nap. Daddy loves talking to mommy's belly! He tells you how much he loves you, and to please stop kicking me, and sitting on my bladder all the time. Daddy's right-it's not nice!" That was one of the passages in the pregnancy journal.
"Mommy and I kept trying. Nothing was happening. Mommy was diagnosed with an invisible illness called endometriosis. That's why it's been hard to conceive. We never thought that it would happen, but now, it's happened. Mommy and I are so happy that you two exist. This was our dream, a dream that was slipping away each day. The stress, the frustration, the trying, doing everything to conceive. We were trying medicine, seeing a special doctor to help us. We even tried home remedies, oils, even spending romantic nights and weekends together. We never thought it would happen, but now, our dream has come true." That was written by Jake.
I come into the kitchen, with the girls. The girls are walking and holding hands, and it just looks cute. Mario follows them to their high chairs. I place Anna in her high chair, and Jake places Elsa in her matching high chair. Jake serves the girls their pizza, and they feed themselves a few bites. Jake and I eat our subs and chips.
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Jake and I give the girls their cookies, and they eat them. I clean up, and Jake reads them a story so they can settle down before their nap. He reads them their favorite story from the Sesame Street Story Book, a book that I had when I was a baby. I have a lot of story books from when I was a child that I placed on the girl's bookshelf. The girls are out. Before bed, I'll read them a story from the Sesame Street Bedtime Story book.
Jake puts the girls in their cribs, and Jake sits in the nursery reading Ready Plyer One. I sit in the nursery next to Jake, and I work on the socks that I'm knitting for myself. With my leftover yarn, I often make socks or headbands for the girls.
"Honey bun, can you make me a dad sweater, when you have time?" asks Jake, giving me his puppy dog eyes.
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"Oh, my sweet goof ball, I'll knit you a sweater. What color do you want it?" I ask.
"Pink," says Jake.
"Not because my niece is on the Petunias, because I'm a girl dad," says Jake.
"Brown, cream, and navy would be nice, too," I say.
"So would light blue. But they're typical dad sweater colors," says.
"You're not a typical dad, you're not a cool dad, you're a computer and video game nerd dad," I say, giving Jake a quick kiss.
I check on the girls, and they're still sleeping. They barely stir. Jake barely stirs when we sleep. When Jake and I moved in together, I quickly learned about his habits, and his wardrobe choices. Grandpa cardigans and flannel shirts were a must. So are hoodies. He learned about my yarn stash, that my sweaters and cardigans are 95% hand knit, and that all of my blankets are knitted and crocheted.
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I have the perfect pattern, so all I have to do is go to the yarn shop.
"I'll be back, Jake. Just keep an eye on the girls," I say.
"I love you, Jake," I say.
"I love you, honey bun," says Jake.
I drive to the yarn shop, and get the yarn in pink. I'm making Jake a cable knit, shawl collar cardigan. I pay for my purchase, and I head back home. I also got some yarn to make the girls a nice, summer cardigan in some lightweight cotton. Jake doesn't question my purchases on the credit card, and I don't question Jake's. Jake loves playing video games, but that has fallen by the way side. I stop at Target, and get some items to make chicken tacos for me and Jake, and I get some items to make chicken bites for the girls. I also found some really cool cake pops that the girls will love. Dessert for me and Jake will be churros, since I also found some ready made ones that I just have to toss in the air fryer, and make the dipping chocolate.
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I arrive home, and Jake and the girls are playing with Mario in the backyard.
"ARIO! ATCH!" says Anna.
"RIO! ATCH!" says Elsa.
"MAMA!" says Anna, who toddles up to me, and wraps her arms around my legs.
"MAMA!" says Elsa, who also toddles up to me, and wraps her arms around my legs.
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"Let me help you with that, honey bun," says Jake. Jake grabs the Target bags, and I grab the bags from the yarn shop. The girls see the Target bags, and get excited.
"ARGE!" says Anna.
'AGET!" says Elsa.
What can I say? Anna and Elsa LOVE Target. I give the girls the stuffy of Bullseye, the Target Mascot. The girls are freaking out.
"Honey bun, I'll watch the girls, while you start dinner. Then, I'll take the girls for their walk, just stay here, and relax," says Jake.
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I go to fix dinner, and Jake is keeping the girls entertained. Jake and the girls watch Bluey, and Jake puts Elsa on his feet while Anna builds a tower out of blocks. She was crying when it fell over, and Jake and Elsa were helping her rebuild it. Instead she got frustrated and gave up.
"Oh, Elsa. Anna's in a bad mood. You know what this means?" says Jake.
"Anna, you can rebuild your block tower, but be careful!" says Jake.
"Smash!" says Jake.
"EEEE!" says Elsa.
Anna starts to laugh, and runs to me.
"MAMA!" says Anna.
"Anna, Mama can't play with you right now. I'm in the middle of making dinner, but I'll play with you later, okay," I say.
Jake helps, and he prepares the soft tacos and chops up the lettuce, tomatoes and onions. He then pulls out the salsa, cheese and sour cream.
"Thank you, my sweet goof ball," I say.
The girls forget about Anna's bad mood, open the cupboard, and pull out pots and pans, and climb in. In their world, they think that Jake and I won't find them, but we always do.
I pretend to search all over the kitchen, and Jake is busy putting the chicken in a bowl, while he puts the diced chicken and veggies on Anna and Elsa's toddler plates, and sets out their toddler forks.
I find Anna and Elsa.
"There you are, girls!" I say.
Jake and I put the girls in their high chairs, and Jake and I give them their chicken bites and veggies.
"Yum!" says Anna.
"Yum Yum!" says Elsa.
Jake and I enjoy our chicken tacos. Mario is enjoying his kibble.
"Girls, dessert will be ready! I just have to put it the air fryer, and then we'll have it," I say.
Jake goes ahead, and fixes the chocolate, and I go ahead, and prepare the air fryer and the churros. The girls are excited, and they love to snack on mini churros every time we go to Target.
"Urros!" says Anna.
"Urrios!" says Elsa.
For some reason, Elsa always mixes up churros with Cheerios. She made up her own for it, which are urrios.
"How's the chocolate coming along?" I ask Jake.
"It's coming, I just need to place it in a nice, soup bowl," says Jake.
"Here, place it in one of the coffee cups that I just use as soup bowls," I say.
Jake places the chocolate in the green, white and gold mug, I coat the churros with the cinnamon sugar mixture. Jake puts a spoon in the chocolate, and Jake arranges two churros each for the girls. Jake and I talk, and we then get the stroller ready to take the girls on their after dinner walk. I grab several plastic grocery bags and Mario's leash. Jake loads the girls in the stroller, and we go for our nightly walk with the girls.
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We come back from our walk, and I undo Mario's leash, and dispose of the poop bags. Jake gets the girls out of their clothes, and gets their story book ready. I come in, and the girls are wearing nothing but their diapers. I go and run the water, and test it. When it's at the right temperature, I crumble up the bubble bar. I let it get all nice and bubbly, and Jake removes the girls' diapers. We deposit them in the tub, and the girls start giggling. After a while, we put shampoo in their hair, let it sit, and wash them. We rinse them off, and drain the tub. Jake and I dry off the girls, and we get them in their diapers, and then I read them their bedtime story. The girls are out, and Jake and I put them in their cribs. Jake and I each kiss them goodnight, and kiss them on their forehead.
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Jake and I get ready for bed, and crawl in. Mario is sleeping near the girls, the girls are out until they cry, indicating that they need a change. Jake is busy reading Ready Player One, while I'm reading the Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder by Joanna Fluke.
Jake and I steal a kiss.
"I love you, Jake, my sweet goofball, video game and nerd dad," I say.
"I love you, too, honey bun, my amazing wife who loves to knit and crochet," says Jake.
Jake and I sleep until the girls cry. When they do, they need a change, and the girls are out, until I wake up to start the coffee. This all feels perfect. I have an amazing, sweet goofball, dorky, computer nerd husband, and two amazingly, sweet, funny girls.
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