#do i tag this as medical malpractice
liminalweirdo · 3 months
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dreamhubproject · 1 year
ESIS #1: Pre-study commentary
I'm going to begin something I'm calling the "excess serotonin intake study" (ESIS) tonight. I wanted to begin on Sunday, but every time a Sunday rolls around I always end up forgetting or putting it off. Unfortunately I'm gonna have to sacrifice neatness for getting the damn thing started, so it'll run from Thursday 3/30 to Wednesday 4/12.
I've been dragging my feet because I'm kind of nervous about the whole thing. This is technically not medically sound (so obligatory /do not do what I'm about to do/ for legal and safety reasons), and if I messed up my math then either this session is going to end too quickly or I could end up poisoning myself a little. Still, I made sure that every dose is well below the fatal limit for someone of my age/size/metabolism.
Actually, I'm more worried that I'll forget somehow right near the end of the study and fuck up my results. The longer I wait to write my dreams down in the morning, the less accurate it might end up- and there's every chance I could just forget to take the fluoxetine. Hell, the whole stash of it I have is from the days I forgot to take it in the morning.
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house-md-imagines · 6 months
ok so uh hmmm
something with cheese.
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i hope this is what you were looking for, anon....
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kurtdotkelly · 25 days
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I SAW THIS AND KNEW I HAD TO. sketch under the cut
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worstwolverinesbf · 2 months
cuddy and house are like two angry cats and wilson is the old sheep dog who keeps trying to herd them but it doesn’t work ofc
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battiegutz · 1 year
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man i dont even know what happens in the mutant apocalypse arc yet. i sure do have Thoughts fr my rewrite tho
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rowenabean · 6 months
oh dudes. dudes. i am vagueposting but today I saw someone say "prescribing birth control for period pains is bad because they might have underlying cause of period pains like endometriosis or fibroids that need treating"
please listen to me. first line treatment for both endometriosis and fibroids is birth control.
you do NOT want pelvic surgery if you have ANY possibility of avoiding it it is fairly notorious for being one of the worst surgeries for CAUSING chronic pain (spinal surgery is the other) (some people DO need pelvic surgery! That's fine and ok! But you really want to exhaust other options first!)
birth control can have side effects for some people (but is usually safe) and it is not a solution for everyone but it is very actively an appropriate place to start
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cassie-darlin · 4 months
its deeply unfortunate that a portion of the trans community has contracted the same brain fungus that makes certain detransitioners believe that their experience with transition is the only one and anyone who claims otherwise is lying.
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hajihiko · 2 years
your izuru looks so Frankenstein’s monster… i know why he has the head scar, but why the wrists?
I get this question surprisingly often so I'm just gonna tag for it and henceforth direct ppl to the tag;
In the anime he was shown to be in restraints during the project. It's also implied that it took a while (guess they didn't have Ryota's magic anime yet), and that he wasn't exactly happy during it, so that's basically it; restraints, increased strength, and distress all combined.
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hauntingblue · 6 months
#zoro once again sacrificing himself to fight.....#komachijo cant die.... enough people with names starting with a k have died... (kiku kin and kanjuro) maybe its a curse....#who's who was a marine.... WHAT IS THAT cp9 too..... OHHHHH 13 YEARS AGO SHANKS STOLE THE FRUIT!!!! FROM THE GOVERNMENT!!!!!#SHANKS LORE SHANKS LORE!!!! I CANT WATCH ANOTHER EPISODE TODAY FUCK!!!! I WILL GO INSANE TONIGHT AND GET ANSWERS TOMORROW I GUESS#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1039#nami promoted zeus aldjsksjsk#the info he stole?? who?? and who is dead?? oh whos who.... he can die i guess he already told jinbe#the heart pirates saying luffy doesn't have a pulse and a smash cut to jinbe saying he is alive 😭😭#jinbe and luffy retrospective.... i love them so much.... best thing to come out of marineford.... .#jinbe saying he doesn't want to speak with him ajdkajsk slay......#nika mention.... omg.... the sun pirates of course... I AM TELLING YOU!!! NIKA IS URANUS THE THIRD ANCESTRAL WEAPON AND THE THREE OF THEM#WILL BRING THE GYOJIN TO THE SURFACE (TO THE SUN!!) <- me when i connect two dots#jinbe got tired of the racism. BEAT HIS ASS!!! BREAK HIS NECK!!! LETSGOOO!!!!#he got him by the tail.... is the secret technique a gyojin haki special????#episode 1040#yamato furry??!?!?!? damn ace really got the whole deal jesus.#informed consent akdhaka here we dont do medical malpractice lmao is he scared of needles???? lmaooo#this sounds like a me in my gf's ear audio akdhaksjsk#now just noticed that the franky shogun robot has chicken legs just like franky 😭😭#the fucking helicopter tryceratops..... what the hell..... and what is what sword.....#luffy dead on his pirate doctor friend's boat but there is no doctor on board akdhaksk#episode 1041
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twilightarcade · 8 months
anyway who wann ahear aboutr that shitty debate bill YOU do .
#wordstag#copy npastes tags ->#medical shit on occasion like my friend s in debate right#and there was this HORRID bill#voluntary euthanasia in specific . and my lord.#notably thy used the GOOGLE definiton for euthanasia . which happened to include irreversible comas. which you may know as#as death . It's death . an irreversible coma theyre already fucking dead. [end coppypaste]#addiotionally they used liek... you know that quote first do no harm ? like they quoted that#which is not in the Fucking Oath mind you#THEN they took that FURTHER and were like . we're going to EDIT it out of the oath (of which multiple versions currently exist and are used#THEN to make it WORSE they went ahead and said the oath wasn't going to be legally binding anymore. it was never legally binding dipshit.#its just so general taht a lot of things are covered in law like medical malpractice ? not quite legal now is it#THEN they did the worst fucking thing possible and decided that if the individual wasnt capable of making that decision themselves#(idk if they specified but im assuming like . mentally unable. perhaps physically unable if they are stupic)#then we got . 6 different healthcare professionals. 2 primary care and i dont remember the rest#and THEY got to decide. which is such fucking bulshit to me#like if ANYTHING it would go to the family yeah ? the individual should get the final say but if you wanna add that in then#the individuals family would get priority . they didnt.#THEN GOD THIS BITHSGC#SHE FUCKING GOT . AN AWARD FOR THE BEST BILL. ABSOLUTELY SEETHING#god it was eloquently written but everything in it was just . completely wrong. like you did Not earn that.#whatever. kicking a rock. i dont care.#i couudl write a better medical bill on cod.
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larnax · 11 months
like ok lemme give you a fucking recap of my Dentistry Experience
>be me 9ish. go to dentist for first time since i was 3 bc my mom spent all our child support money on plane tickets. dentist says you have three cavities so big we need to pull your teeth
>they put me on anesthesia that i say doesnt work. it doesnt work so im in excruciating pain while they yank out the three teeth
>i get switched to second dentist and a few years later after x-ray am told my canines are growing into the roof of my mouth and i need surgery and braces to have them fixed. dentist then says i can keep on the braces after i get my canines fixed so my teeth will be straight. i tell him i don't care if my teeth are straight and i want them off as soon as my canines are in the right place
>get the surgery and start going to second dentist. he sometimes cuts pieces of my tongue off and after his visits im in so much pain i cant speak. when i ask when i'm getting my braces off he tells me to stop being impatient and refuses to give me an answer
>eventually he says that my canines should be fine and i say ok please take the braces off. he says no because my teeth aren't straight. my mom says no because my teeth aren't straight.
>dentist welds a metal bar to the top of my mouth. it's positioned so that it cuts into my tongue leaving me with a permanent bloody painful wound in my mouth for the several years it's in despite repeatedly telling him and mom what's happening and begging for them to take it out. they say no because my teeth aren't straight
>dentist welds a metal bar behind my bottom teeth with so much glue that after i finally got another dentist to remove it years later they weren't able to get all the glue off and it took several more appointments. also just to straighten my teeth
>YEARS LATER i get the dentist to remove the metal bar. it leaves a scar on my tongue that hasn't healed almost a decade later.
>YEARS LATER i get the dentist to remove the braces.
>after that they immediately give me a retainer they say i need to wear all day. i say for how long they say for the rest of my life. i say Why. they say because otherwise your teeth won't stay straight
>i do not wear the retainer because i already didn't care about my teeth being straight before all this happened and sure fucking didn't now. so my canines are still crooked so yeah all of that was for nothing
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xxdoctor-djdxx · 1 year
(Go here and pick which handwriting closest resembles your muse's!)
Font chosen: Delight Sunset
Tagged by:@staticsqueaks
Pharma's signature would look something like this:
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Pharma's handwriting is soft and neat. He would describe his signature as just simply "squiggly"and while it's not a lie, it's neat squiggles( a nice simple cursive style) simple yet fashionable.
He uses soft pressure in a quick motion.
Tagging: ever whom wishes to do this ( I highly suggest to because this is interesting 👀)
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dxppercxdxver · 2 years
not to get too real on this here *checks notes* personal private tumblr blog. but i'm genuinely terrified about the next thursday shift i have to work. with a full staff roster it's already hell on earth but my favorite coworker leaves next monday and another's looking for work elsewhere. and i have probable eds. and other undiagnosed health issues. that make it generally Unwise to stand on my feet for *checks notes again* ten hours in a day. so IMAGINE HOW IT WILL FEEL. WHEN [REDACTED] RESIGNS. AND THOSE TEN HOURS BECOME *checks notes again again* FIFTEEN. I'VE BEEN HERE TWO WEEKS
kitten rush is how i will die
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strawberry-barista · 11 months
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⚅— @fangedstories asked: —⚅
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⚅— "I've never told you this....but I was lobotomized in the HP during my induction after they kidnapped me." —⚅
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
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"That's... A touchy subject," Hanekoma glanced up from the reports he was writing and patted the couch beside him. "And it sounds like what happened to you was done carelessly. It couldn't be easy to live through. I take it you healed yourself? Something like that can really cause some damage if you're not careful."
For human history, it was a collection of malpractice and having too little of understanding on the human brain. There was a stigma around it now, but there were still rare instances where carefully conducted operations could help with very specific conditions. But this wasn't that, and Hanekoma felt like he was in for a story about torture.
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untolduttering · 2 months
Summary: Law does routine check ups on all the crew members, and decides to take advantage of the situation when it’s your turn.
Tags: nsfw, medical setting, inaccurate medical practice, I would say dubcon just to be safe, medical malpractice, vaginal fingering, piv, unprotected sex, female reader
Word Count: 3k
In order to keep a healthy and functioning ship, Law had each crew member do a monthly check up with him. Simple and short, it was merely to give anyone the chance to bring up possible ailments or small issues that may have gone under the radar. You hadn’t known about this routine when you first joined as Law wanted you to get comfortable with your new life on the Polar Tang. Now that months had passed and you were melding in smoothly, it was time for your first one. As you approached the infirmary, your nerves were getting the best of you, and now wished you had asked Ikkaku what you were in for.
Unsure what to do once at the door, you knocked, and heard Law call, “Come in,” right after.
“Captain,” you said as you gently closed the door.
“Y/n-ya. I’ll need you to strip down and put on the gown on the bed, if you’d please,” he gestured to it with his hand. “I’ll step outside while you do so.”
You froze, caught completely off guard. You didn’t know what to expect, so nothing should have really thrown you, but this was completely blindsiding.
“Strip down? Like take off… everything?” You asked.
“Yes,” he said as he got up. “Just the gown.”
You swallowed and nodded. “Okay.”
He nodded back as he passed you and left the room.
In the time you’d been on the Polar Tang, you had developed some sort of feelings for your captain. The idea of having to be nude in front of him left your skin buzzing, both in excitement and dread. But you wouldn’t be naked, you’d have a gown on. You picked up the said gown and rubbed the material between your forefinger and thumb. The material was thick like normal clothes, and so technically, you wouldn’t be naked in front of him at all.
On the other side of the door, Law was questioning his morals. No, this was not standard procedure. There wasn’t any point in making his crew change clothes, not when it was a ten minute check up. Ever since you joined, you had been this annoying itch in his skin. You sat deep beneath, somewhere he couldn’t reach, something he didn’t know what to do about. He imagined all the ways he could have you, either between your legs or in that special place in his chest. And so he gave himself this one thing, this one abuse of power, and that was it. He’d give some reason why the next time he didn’t make you change, that the first time is different, more thorough possibly. He just wanted to have the knowledge this one time that you stood before him with nothing beneath that gown. Just this once.
After changing into the gown, you folded your jumpsuit and underwear, setting them on the corner of the bed with both bra and panties buried deep inside the suit. You took off your boots and socks as well, and set those at the foot of the bed. Sitting propped on the edge with ankles crossed and hands pressed into your lap, you called out, “Okay. I’m ready.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to keep your gaze on his face, instead opting for his chest and the stethoscope around it. You missed his heavy lidded gaze, and wrote off the momentary jump his chest made when he inhaled sharply.
He was regretting this indulgence heavily now. Staring at your exposed legs, he was caught by the part of the gown that was hitched up, showing more thigh than he had anticipated. He felt ridiculous about how little he was getting riled up over. And still he needed more.
“Any concerns before we begin?” he asked.
You wracked your brain, but nothing ached, there wasn’t any lingering pain from past issues. Just the usual bumps and bruises that came with maintaining a pirate’s life. “No.”
“Alright. I’ll be starting with your heart and lungs. I’m just looking for any abnormalities, like an irregular heartbeat or a struggle with breathing. I’ll need you to lean forward so I can access your back.” He washed his hands as he spoke and put on a pair of gloves.
You did as he asked, staring hard at the floor as you waited. You watched his feet approach and stop to your right. The cold from the stethoscope made you jump, and almost like it was instinctual, Law lightly grabbed your knee, as if to steady you. Your heart began to pound wildly, and the heat began to grow in your cheeks. He’d know it was his touch that made you nervous, and then he’d ask you why, and you’d have to tell him that just his mere presence made you light-headed, and so of course your heart was going to explode from his hand. And then he was never going to come anywhere near you again. Your damned heart was going to ruin it all.
But he didn’t ask about your heartbeat. He only asked for a few deep breaths before he stepped back, taking the plugs out of his ears and resting the whole thing back on his neck. “Sounds good,” was all he said. He didn’t admit that your nerves pleased him, that it might mean you felt something towards him. But he tried to smother it. He was not something that anyone could possibly desire.
“Alright, now for your eyes. Similarly, I’m looking for any abnormalities, something like cloudiness or an irregularity in the iris or pupil.” He pulled a slim cylinder from his array of tools, and asked you to open your eyes wide and to stare at his right ear. He turned it on, and a bright light blinded you. You didn’t move, doing your best to do as he asked and be a star patient. You always felt the need to find some sort of approval from him, as he wasn’t the type to give it out liberally, and that made it even more worthwhile. He switched to the other eye, asking you to look to his left ear. He stepped back, murmuring, “Good, good.”
“Now I’ll be looking into your ears. I’m just looking for any irritation, anything foreign, blockage, or possible damage both to the ear canal or the eardrum.” He grabbed one of the many tools displayed across the counter. Softly, he grabbed your chin and tilted your head so that he could look. This sudden and continuous intimacy was overwhelming; he had never touched you before. It simply must be how it went with everyone else on the crew. With the way he usually spoke to you, it was clear he held no secret fondness just for you. This was just work. When he switched sides, his leg pressed against yours, and he kept it there. You didn’t know exactly what about this was bringing him so close, but you hoped it would never end.
“I have to check your throat now. If you could open your mouth and stick your tongue out, please.” Once again, you did as told. You expected him to reach out again for one of his tools, for him to just simply look in, but instead his forefinger and middle finger were pushed in and pressed down on your tongue. You let out a small and surprised yelp. You squeezed your thighs together, tight, against the shot of pleasure you felt, and grabbed onto Law’s coat.
Law knew damn well this was not the right way to do it. He had those wooden sticks, neatly tucked away in a glass jar. But he needed to feel the warmth of your mouth, the slick of your spit wetting his fingers. His left hand immediately gripped your thigh as soon as that sound left your mouth. Law wasn’t really seeing, he couldn’t focus on anything but how you felt beneath his hands. He slowly dragged his fingers down your tongue, savoring the sight before fully removing them. He didn’t move away though, nor remove his other hand. He was incapable of it. Belatedly, he registers the hands gripping his coat. His eyes meet yours.
You immediately let go and leaned back, misreading his look as one of questioning and annoyance. Heat burned your cheeks as you held your mouth open, waiting for his next instruction.
He cleared his throat and managed to pull himself away. “You can close your mouth. Everything looks fine.”
Law turned away, and stood back in front of the counter. He looked to be contemplating something, staring at the items splayed before him without touching them. He rested his hands on the counter, a finger on his right hand tapping and tapping away. Nerves started to claw at your stomach.
“I’d like to do a vaginal exam,” he said suddenly. Your stomach swooped and your head felt light immediately.
“You can say no, it’s not necessary, it’s merely on offer, a precaution.” Law was cursing himself. He was being unbelievably stupid, he knew it, and yet he couldn’t stop himself. He stayed facing the wall, rigid and unmoving. It was a gamble and one that he immediately regretted. If you said no, it would marr the way you looked at him for the rest of both of your lives. It was too far of a jump from a regular exam, you’d see right through it and know him for the pervert he was. He was being gross and was crossing too many lines, all for the slim chance you might accept. And if you did, then what? What the fuck was he doing right now?
A different war was going on in your own head. It was an intimate and vulnerable suggestion, one that would bring him closer than ever before. Could you let him do something like that? What even would he do? Would he simply look, or would he stick his fingers in like he had just now? The thought sent another pleasant shiver through you, and the heat at your core was building once again. Fears and nerves and need made you so unsettled, and the need for him to touch you became unbearable all of a sudden. It was a professional formality, nothing more, and you were taking more from it than he was, turning it into something it wasn’t, but you didn’t care. He didn’t have to know you were enjoying it, that it was something you were going to use to get off to later, and multiple times more after that. It made you feel dirty but you didn’t care.
“Yes,” you said. “I’m okay with that.”
Law finally looked at you, the surprise clear on his face. For a second, you feared that you missed something, some queue that meant you were supposed to say no. But then his face cleared, he nodded, and placed himself in front of you.
“I’ll need you to lift your legs up. I can position them for you, if you’d prefer.” Law was barely keeping himself together. He couldn’t believe you agreed, and didn’t want to make the wrong move and ask for him to stop. His entire self was currently a sea of desire and self hatred.
“Yeah,” you said. “I’d prefer that.” Your voice was soft, anxious over spoiling the moment as well as what came next.
Law nodded, and pushed your gown all the way up your thighs. He was desperately trying to keep his hands still, to keep his composure and professionalism. But the more skin he exposed, the farther he took it, the more he started to lose it. He then gently grabbed both of your knees, and proceeded to lift them and push them to your chest.
All the air rushed out of Law’s lungs as you were now fully exposed to him. You could hear it as it happened, and as you watched his face for further reaction, you saw his tongue dart out to quickly wet his lips. It was not exactly what you had expected, but it was an ideal one nonetheless.
As he let go of your legs, pressed your toes into the mattress to keep yourself in the position he placed you in. Law’s movements seemed slower, and his eyes never left your pussy.
“I’m…” he trailed off, his emotions finally breaking through the barrier he’d placed. “I’m going to put my fingers in now, okay?”
You nodded, noticing that he did not give the medical reasoning behind it. It didn’t matter to you, as long as he touched you.
He slipped one finger in, emitting a small sigh from you. It went in easily, the wetness having already coated your hole. He curled the digit, just barely moving it in and out, feeling around your walls. Law placed his other hand just beneath your thigh, leaning in closer, terribly focused. He felt your walls tighten at his touch and proximity, and began to feel smug.
“Feels nice in here,” he said. It came out breathy, and a grin tugged at the corner of his mouth.
Feeling bold, he added another finger, and reached deeper. You rocked your hips forward and let out a whine.
At this, Law finally meets your gaze. He looked to your mouth and leaned in close. His eyes flit back to yours, to your mouth, and then your eyes again, asking. His eyebrows furrowed. Pleading. You barely nod before his lips are smashed against yours. Law is a starved man, and he devours you greedily. He pulls his fingers out and rips off his gloves, desperate for that skin to skin contact. You buried your hands into his hair and moaned into his mouth. It was messy and heated, kissing until it became a sloppy make out. You parted your lips to let his tongue in, and Law did not hesitate to explore your mouth. His hands had moved to grip your thighs, keeping them in position and kneading them as he did so. They moved lower and lower, teasing. He inserted his fingers into you again, and started properly pumping them in and out. You pulled away to breathe and moan, and Law took the opportunity to latch onto your neck.
It was divine to finally have those skilled doctors fingers inside you, working you open. He scissored them as he went, his palm hitting your clit again and again, and it was better than all those daydreams. His mouth was hot where he sucked on your skin, and each playful scrape of his teeth made you groan.
Law kept a fast pace, his fingers hitting that spongy sweet spot again and again, but it wasn’t enough, you wanted more.
“Law,” you breathed. “I want you.”
He lifted his head and pressed his mouth to your once again, muttering, “You want me? Say what you want.”
You whined again before saying, “I want your dick. I need you to fuck me.”
He hummed and said, “You do?”
He could be so frustrating, such a tease. Huffing, you said, “Law, please.”
He finally obliged, taking his fingers out and licking them clean before working his belt undone and unzipping his pants. He pushed them and his underwear down just enough to pull his cock out. Law dragged his tip through your folds, coating himself in your fluids and relishing the way his actions made you squirm. Right before you were about to complain, he pushed himself inside, taking it slow to let you adjust. It wasn’t all that thick, so the burn of being stretched was pleasurable, but it was long, and he was deep by the time he bottomed out.
“You feel good, pretty girl?” Law asked.
“Yeah.” You took a deep breath. “Yeah, I feel good.”
Law pulled himself out, till just the tip was still barely inside, before slamming himself all the way back in. You cried out, your back arching, and Law kept fucking into you, setting a brutal pace. Every accidental brush of your hand against him, every longing look he gave you when you weren’t paying attention, and every ache that Law felt when he was near you was put into each thrust. He wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you close, until your chests where flush against each other. To have you so close to him was making him wild, and to have you mewling and crying out into his ear made him go positively insane. That added with the way your walls squeezed around him made him want to never let you out of his sight ever again.
Your own thoughts were completely filled with Law. It was impossible to think of anything else. The way he held you so close and slammed into so wantonly, your skin making lewd slapping sounds and the wet squelching of your cunt being fucked, that it was him filling you up so nicely, it all was so overwhelmingly good that it made tears prick at the corners of your eyes. Incoherent sounds spilled from your mouth, and as the heat started to build in your lower stomach, you whined out Law’s name again and again.
He reached down between you and started rubbing your clit with his thumb. You moaned out at the new sensation and gripped Law’s shoulders harder, nails starting to dig in.
“There you go, baby. There you go,” Law murmured, sounding strained. “Just let go for me.”
Your brain had gone blank at this point, focused on nothing but the man before you and the heat building in your core. Your words were slurred as you chanted out a “please, please, please.” The feeling built until it suddenly snapped and you came with a cry.
“There it is, just like that, so good for me.” Law’s words came out all strung together, talking you through your orgasm just as much as he was talking to himself as his own came closer. He kept rubbing your clit as he fucked you through your high, pushing you close to overstimulation. At a final pulse from your pussy, Law came inside you. He removed his hand and pulled you close again, his hips stuttering as he finished.
Law rested his forehead against yours, both of you panting and trying to collect yourselves. Once you caught your breath, you broke the silence.
“Did I pass?” you asked.
Law groaned and rolled his eyes as you giggled. He pressed a kiss to your mouth before saying, “Yeah, you did.”
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