#do i tag this as a vent post a school thing or a picture of me??? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
panb1mbo · 6 months
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i'm halfway done with my program + i'm finally on break i would sound excited but i don't fucking want to
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edenfenixblogs · 6 months
What are you doing to help black people?
Several things! (A Note on My Personal Limitations: I am not black. I am unable to protest for health reasons. I do not have much money at all)
I elevate black voices whenever I can
I joined an anti-racism book club where I can learn how to be a better ally and unlearn as much systemic prejudice as I can
I do not tolerate anti-black racism from anyone in my life for any reason. I call it out every time, publicly.
I donate (when financially possible) to several causes devoted to both long term and immediate aid to to black people including: various bail funds in my current state and my home state, the southern poverty law center, the Homeless Black Trans Women gofundme, the ACLU, and others.
I consistently educate people in my life about the goals of BLM — including defunding the police — in order to reduce their knee jerk reactions and foster better understanding.
I shut the eff up unless I can help. I’m no savior; I know this. I don’t break into conversations that don’t involve me. I just listen. Most of my public advocacy is amplifying black voices on issues that affect the black community without adding my irrelevant opinions as white-passing person.
Privately, I have and continue to reach out to the several black people in my life to let them know I support them and that I am listening. I listen to them vent to me about their pain and suffering. I let them tell me if I’ve fucked up somehow without getting defensive. Then I apologize sincerely and onboard the new information and don’t do whatever the offending action was again. I have not had anyone tell me I’ve fucked up in that way in over a decade, though. I did, however, realize (during my continuing journey of learning how to be anti-racist) that I’d held problematic opinions as a teenager (nothing crazy. Just ignorant teen bullshit borne from growing up as a liberal in a red state and thinking I was more progressive than I actually was at the time) and proactively reached out to the black friend I’ve known since my teenage years to say that I know I was an idiot back then and I’ve learned a lot since then and I will continue to learn and to apologize.
My work involves public communications. In my role, I continually advocate for anti-racist, black-affirming language in our company guidelines and publicly disseminated materials, even when that means confronting my boss—who is a white man.
I vote in every election in which I am able, researching every politician and bill thoroughly from multiple sources and voting as leftist as possible and educating people in my life about these bills details and the politicians platforms and records.
I am not perfect and don’t claim to be. I only claim to try my best to continually improve.
I don’t make a habit of sharing private communique and am only doing so now because this post asks for receipts. Here are some excerpts from conversations had during 2020 when tensions were a little higher. I decline to share receipts from more recently, as those conversations include more private and more identifying information. The pictured conversations involve friends I’ve had since pre-school, high school, and college. Again, this is not something I would normally share, because saying “I have black friends” is tacky and gross. But I am trying to respect your request for my commitment to the black community, which does of course include my friends. It feels wrong not to mention them in this context, even though I feel awkward saying it at all. Im also sharing only the start of longer conversations, as my friends’ pain and concerns are not for public consumption.
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Idk if replying to your question alerts you, so tagging you just in case. @phantomdiebe
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 3 months
could you please do a headcannon of the Hawthorne brothers but like with a younger sister? idk I think that would be really cute.
the hawthorne brothers if they had a younger sister head canons
hope you like these <3! (not proof read, again - literally none of my posts are)
nash would most definitely teach her how to ride horses
he'd also buy her cowboy hats and cowboy boots
when she got her first boyfriend, nash hired a PI to learn everything there is to learn about him. she found out and got really mad at nash. she told him that she could take care of herself and she didn't someone else to do it. she got so mad nash actually got scared.
jameson and her love taking trips together. they've been to like every place in europe bc they love it sm (grayson tags along sometimes and takes pictures of places, jameson, and the younger sister).
this girl is literally so obsessed with avery, max, and libby. she's so happy she has girl friends.
once, there was this guy at school who was really creepy and was kinda scaring her and the four of them went behind her back and scared the living shit out of him (they would send him creepy messages, call and threaten him, would follow him home, etc). she got mad (again) bc she's so tired of men thinking she isn't capable of taking care of herself.
xander and her love hanging out and doing face masks, make up, etc. they're always gossiping.
grayson taught her how to take photos bc she wanted to learn.
she helped nash plan the proposal
grayson feels most comfortable venting to her
hawthorne fans literally love her sm. they love her more than the brothers.
whenever she gets sick, the four brothers are always doting on her (she pretends to hate it but she actually loves it)
one time, this guy tried to kiss her without her consent and grayson beat the shit out of him. the guy managed to get in a few punches though. that was the one of the only times she'd ever seen him look less than perfect.
when they were younger, jameson loved scaring her. he'd creep up behind her, plant little traps in her room etc. when she became old enough, she started doing the same. to him.
she lovessss horror movies. she's always forcing xander to watch some with her (xander is secretly scared of them and has nightmares.
when she was younger, she thought there were monsters in her closet, so she always got nash and grayson to check it before she went to bed.
when she couldn't sleep, she'd either head to grayson or jameson's room.
she was a hugeee disney princess fan growing up.
for halloween, she'd always get jamie to dress up as a disney princess while she dressed up as a knight (one time, she got grayson to dress up as a princess)
jamie used to read her bed time stories
when tobias would say smth shitty to her (like when he'd tell jamie he wasn't as incredible as his brothers), the four of them would rebel against tobias (one time they destroyed all of his important papers)
she's a romance book lover but she prefers fantasy (preferably with a romance sub plot)
grayson takes her book shopping (he reads classical books)
whenever she's sad, jamie cheers her up by taking her on walks or watching a movie with her (basically just simple things that show that he cares, and that he's there for her)
she lovesssss coffee (like gigi). her and gigi are best friends and can't go a day without seeing each other (grayson is exhausted)
she loves thrifting her own clothes. she sometimes thrifts some clothes for her brothers.
she is always the best dressed at galas/events. fans have fan pages dedicated to her outfits and stuff.
this one time, a fan commented on one of her post saying that she was literally in love with her. that commenter received hate comments like (omg you're weird, that's so embarrassing, etc), the younger sister destroyed the haters and invited her to meet her irl. they're now really close friends. (that fan really loves robotics and loves spending time with xander, he loves to spend time with her too)
she's an overthinker. she gets extremely anxious. nash and jamie are always trying to comfort her (nash by reassuring her verbally, and jamie by taking her out on excursions and stuff).
she loves dancing in the rain (sometimes gray joins her)
she has a very subtle southern accent that she got from nash.
her father is a wanted criminal (idk why)
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caramelcuppaccino · 2 years
lunlun's autumn studying challenge! #studyingunderthefallingleaves
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Hi and hello everyone! Welcome to my blog and my studying challenge! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧ My name is Lunlun. I am creating this challenge because my uni started on October and I want to motivate myself and keep track of my studies. I hope you will participate and enjoy the challenge too!
• How to participate?
Just reblog this post! You don't need to follow me or anything like that. And do not forget to post your posts with the hashtag #studyingunderthefallingleaves so that everyone can see your posts! You do not need to start at a certain date. I wouldn’t even mind if you started the challenge during summer :] Just try to enjoy it and make sure you’re taking breaks and taking good care of yourself!
• Prompts:
Day 1: Welcome! Let’s start with a simple question: What is your major/What do you study?
Day 2: Share your goals for this challenge. What do you want to accomplish by the end of it?
Day 3: What does autumn mean for you?
Day 4: Share a song that has autumn vibes with us.
Day 5: Why did you choose your major/what you study?
Day 6: Are there other languages you learn besides your native langauge? If so, which ones?
Day 7: What is the best place to study for you in autumn?
Day 8: What do you like to drink while you study? You can share the recipe if you want!
Day 9: Do you have a memory, which happened during autumn, you remember with a smile on your face?
Day 10: What is your favorite thing about your major? Why?
Day 11: Which one of your courses do you like the most? And the one you just can’t like no matter what you do?
Day 12: Do you have any studying methods you use? If so, share them with us (please *sobs*)!
Day 13: Which one do you prefer: Digital devices and online platforms or notebooks and books? And why?
Day 14: Share a picture of your favorite pen/pencil!
Day 15: You’ve finished the half of the challenge (for now as more prompts will be added), so let’s look back at your goals. Are you getting closer to accomplishing them?
Day 16: Share an article you’ve read and enjoyed recently.
Day 17: What is your favorite thing about having a studyblr blog?
Day 18: Share a YouTube channel and/or a podcast you like to watch/listen that inspires you.
Day 19: How was your day? You can talk about anything; vent or share a moment. I personally am willing to hear!
Day 20: Where are you from and how is the school system in your country? As a prospective teacher, I like to hear about different education systems. For example, in my country, we have a 4+4+4 system where students study elementary, middle school and high school (seperately) for four years. Most departmens in universities are also for four years; however, medicine students, for example, have to study for six years.
Day 21: Share a random fact you know.
Day 22: What is your best feature according to you?
Day 23: Okay, you have to praise yourself with at least two sentences. Go! I am listening!
Day 24: What do you think about homeworks? Do you think they are necessary or just burden for students?
Day 25: What was your favorite subject as a child?
Day 26: What advice would you give to people who want/will start to study your major?
Day 27: What book are you reading right now? Do you like it so far?
Day 28: Share a playlist you listen to while studying.
Day 29: What is your favorite autumn food?
Day 30: It’s been a month already! How are you feeling? Is keeping up with the challenge tiring? Have you enjoyed it so far? Please share your thoughts!
• From Lunlun: I will add more prompts later, probably for 30 days again. I am posting this part for now as if I try to write more now, I know it’ll take more time for me to share the challenge and don’t wanna miss autumn!
Tag List (let me know if you’d like to be tagged!):
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cherrysmokesaconha · 3 months
Hello Eddsworld fandom. Could u guys help to warm a little heart?
Hey. This is basically a request post. Ik lots of people won't see it, but idc.
Today at school was a day. A bad day. I cried a lot today and I was demotivated to draw vent art (I still am)
So um, if u guys don't mind, I wanted a request! I'm making a post cuz more people will see it (or maybe not).
If u guys can, please draw 2004/Christmas Special Tord (or 2005/Zombeh Attack Tord, or even both) saying that "everything will be fine" or even holding a board or paper that says the same thing. Basically a positivity post. It doesn't need to be that exact phrase, any positivity is fine.
Here's their pictures for reference.
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And also, please know my boundaries. ↓
- I don't like when people draw 2004 Tord (left photo) with horns. If you're going to draw 2004 Tord from the left photo, please don't add his hair horns to him (if it's 2005 Tord/right image, then it should be fine, u cab draw him with horns);
- And that one teenager headcanon makes me hella uncomfortable. I don't like when people draw 2004/2005 Tord as a teenager or even with pimples. Please draw him as an adult if you're going to draw my request (if you're comfortable with it ofc, I won't feel offended if u don't want to draw this).
And also. I don't mind how you're going to draw this. I won't care if it's just a sketch, a complete drawing, or even a quick and poorly done drawing. I just need comfort. I need my comfort character to tell me that everything will be fine.
You don't need to draw this if my boundaries bother you, I will totally understand. If you don't want to draw, reblog for other people to see and possibly be interested in doing it.
You can tag me in a post or even send it to my askbox, as long as you send me the drawing.
Thank you for reading this. <3
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We’ve never made (& never planned to make) a pinned post of frequently asked questions (FAQs) or important info but...here we are. After an influx of new people, I think it might be time to make a proper introductory post.
Heads up that this will be long because I don’t want multiple parts. I’ll drop a read-more line after the basic info so you can choose whether to read the rest.
¡Hi! We are the Void Galaxy (that’s a D.I.D. system name). We are a traumagenic system with D.I.D. Welcome to our blog.
We’ll start with basics, go over a lil history, & then have terms, tags, side blogs, rules, & FAQs (in that order).
So here is a masterpost for all of the info that y’all may need on our page.
Note that I’ll elaborate on in rules/boundaries: We don’t mind “spamming” likes & reblogs. It’s completely okay to do so on this blog or our side blogs 💜.
Profile Picture (PFP): ¡We didn’t make the art in our PFP! We got it from @nightcatssketchbook 💜
Body’s age: 24 years
Pronouns: he/they collectively, but headmates vary & we’ll attempt to remember to include pronouns with names when someone new posts.
We’re also all for being thrown a curveball (unexpected) pronoun, as long as it’s not she/her (very much doesn’t fit us) or it/its (doesn’t fit us). We may not like every one people use, but as long as it’s used in good faith, we probably won’t mind. Unless it’s a headmate who requests otherwise, or it’s Serenity (who uses they/she, making her the only headmate who still uses she/her at all; they’re open to curveball pronouns except for he/it), most pronouns are fair game. So...¿surprise us?
Gender Identity: We usually say nonbinary-ish man. Our lover offered boyflux / manflux and that’s the best specific label we have.
(We tend to explain our gender day to day very differently. Sometimes queer man, sometimes wizard/sorcerer, sometimes abstract concept, or something genderless/agender. It doesn’t stay still. The only thing we are not (even including Serenity, who is feminine-ish nonbinary)) is a girl.)
¿AGAB?: The biological sex we were accused of at birth is none of your business. We were convicted as a nonbinary-ish man as an adult and that’s what matters.
¿Number of Headmates?: We are polyfragmented and honestly I’ve lost track at this point 😭
¿When did we discover we had D.I.D.?: The journey began with undeniable evidence in early 2019. We were first medically confirmed in June of 2020.
¿Who is fronting for / writing this post?: My name is Nicolás Carriedo, but everyone calls me Nico and I usually tag myself as Nico on this blog. You can usually identify me from español being slipped in to posts, purple emoji hearts 💜, & sometimes ¿? ¡! and other tone tags (others use those sometimes).
I’m an age slider (my age varies from stress), but I’m usually 18 to the body’s age. (Sometimes I’ll be 5 or 7 or 9 or otherwise a little for a bit. (Similar to age regression, except my body in headspace slides to match and I forget everything that happened after that age, and it’s a D.I.D. experience & because I also age regress sometimes.)) As far as roles, I’m a frequent fronter right now, but I’m also a protector and trauma holder.
(Please do nOT call me Nick, I hate it and that’s not my name, & I won’t respond to it. My name is español / de España. I also have two dads and an older brother in system with me.)
History / where & when this blog began:
This blog began as a reblogging and sneaky backdoor-into-the-internet blog back in 2011 (was not supposed to have Internet or computers, so we used school computer labs and libraries), and became a fandom and shenanigans page back in 2013. In 2019 to 2020, it also became a bit of a healing journey & mental health page as we ended up with undeniable evidence that we were plural and needed a place to vent those feelings and discoveries that our biological (bio) family, and especially our bio parents, would not find.
Now it is becoming a mix of shenanigans and reblogs, and actual advice and knowledge and theories and discoveries, and sometimes a place where we mention or discuss witchcraft and polytheism. (I don’t know when it officially became a blog that people followed for the reassurance and theories and advice, but here we are.)
• Plurality / Multiplicity (noun / adjective): refers to the fact that one brain & body has multiple people in it, whether they have OSDD-1 or D.I.D.
• System(s) (noun): the collective people sharing a brain & body, or identifying as a unit. This can be two people or many. A system is a single group; systems refers to multiple bodies who experience plurality. Some systems also have subsystems, groups within the same body/mind that identify as or are considered somehow separate from the main system.
• Headmates, Headmages, Mindmages, Mindmates, etc. (noun): these refer to the people in a plural system. Each individual person is a headmate, mindmate, etc., including the host(s) &/or gatekeeper(s). The term in the DSM is “alters” but that refers to ‘alternate personalities’, which treats us as facets of a whole, like some monstrous Frankenstein’s monster, that doesn’t actually exist. Headmates/mindmates is akin to calling them roommates (we live together and share a space; we can be friends or family, but can also be strangers who never meet or strictly business partners or acquaintances or etc. & don’t automatically get along, so roommates encompasses all possibilities for us). As for mindmages/headmages, my keyboard auto-corrected to this once and I stared at it and laughed, and started actually using it because I loved the idea of magic & fantasy being interwoven with our existence. The most common term you’ll see us (& some other systems) use is headmates.
• Fronting/Fronted (verb - to front): the act of controlling the body & interacting with the outside world. This can be the person writing/typing, speaking, doing chores, taking care of the body, etc.. For some systems, this is like puppeteering from a distance, and others it’s like a computer or video game console, and there are likely other ways this is represented (all systems are unique).
• Front (noun): the physical/mental place from which we front (verb). This can be a blank space for some systems, or a house, or something more complicated. Our fronting space is currently a room that has computer screens to see outside (3 screens; peripheral vision (2) + central vision), and we control the body via PS3 remote controls like a video game. Sometimes there will be multiple people stealing one remote or passing it around, and sometimes there will be multiple remotes as we share control of the body & voice. There's a city around the building and all the buildings are made of a reddish brown brick. (I have a very vivid imagination so we have a vivid headspace that I built to make the space more comfortable.)
• Co-conscious (co-con) (verb / noun (place)): when a mindmage is conscious of the outside world, near enough to the fronting space to observe what the others are doing, but not in control of the body.
• Co-front(ing) (verb): when two or more headmates front together. There might be a primary fronter with others co-front, close enough to control the body &/or speak, or there may be 2 or more headmates splitting the controls.
• Mindscape, Headspace, Mind Palace, etc. (nouns): the physical place inside our mind where we go when we dissociate. If we dissociate a little we see the fronting space, but if we switch out or dissociate to co-con we can see different parts of it. Some people have a blank space or no visuals, and some have vivid &/or complex headspaces. Our mindscape is complex and vivid.
• Roles: these are the jobs that headmates may be assigned. They describe the tasks that person usually does. This can be a person remembering trauma the other(s) can’t handle (trauma holder), the person protecting the system or a headmate from further trauma (protector, persecutor), the person taking care of the physical body or helping the body cope through heavy emotions or flashbacks (caretaker, caregiver), or more.
• # ~Nico, # ~Jack, or other # ~name tags — these are fronting tags. We may forget sometimes but are trying to consistently tag whoever wrote or reblogged a post in the post &/or the tags.
• # original art, # original photography, # original character, etc. - these are photos, art pieces, & characters we designed. They may be reblogs from our other side blogs, but they are ours. Unless marked, any photography or characters we reblog don’t belong to us. However, other people’s art with be marked with # not my art or # not our art
• # Liliana, # Liliana 🐱, # Lili, # Lili 🐱, # our kitty, # my kitty - We have a calico kitty named Liliana (nickname Lili). Sometimes we talk about her or share photos 💜. These tags mark when a post is about her.
Side Blogs:
@void-galaxy-art-stuffs - ¡art we’ve made! Some of this may contain triggering content / topics though, so scroll at your own discretion.
@void-galaxys-photos - photos we’ve taken. These are all taken on cell phones (most recently (past 3 years), Samsung Galaxy S8, Samsung Galaxy S21, & Moto One 5G Ace (Motorola)). We often take pictures of nature, especially clouds.
@note-to-self1119 - these are notes we need, directed at our younger self, but they may be helpful for others
@teaquotes48 - these are quotes I’ve found on tea bags when we drink cold/flu tea. Some of those quotes were just worth sharing 🤷‍♂️☺.
@wpffw - this is where we share writing prompts that are quotes or scenes from stories. Two or three are from our creative writing class in high school, two or three are ideas, and we occasionally reblog prompts/quotes, but the rest are quotes & scenes from our own writing. We hoped someone else may benefit from prompts in this style, after we discovered a lot of prompts were too vague or too specific or just...not inspiring or giving us ideas and that we write easier from lines out of books and TikTok videos and songs than we do from those. The blog name stands for Writing Prompts For Fictional Writers. It's a couple years old and has around 170 prompts. Prompts are primarily around fantasy & magic and queer & trans characters, & of course plenty of trauma & comfort trope scenes/quotes, with some exceptions.
@say-it-with-me-affirmations - affirmations we have written down for y’all to look through and benefit from
Rules & Boundaries:
• We are not a medical professional, or licensed psychologist. There will be questions where all we can do is tell you to seek professional help.
• Asks (including anon) are open. If you have a question we may be able to answer, ask. The most we’ll do is say we aren’t comfortable answering your question, or reply privately to your ask. You will not be belittled, mocked, or bullied for what you don’t know, and we are comfortable answering most questions around our plurality (and some other categories). If we have the spoons you will likely get an answer. It’s also okay to use asks to say hi, or to let us know our content helped you in some way (on or off anon). ¡We also post ask games sometimes and would love it if people participated in those with us!
• That said, hateful or cruel asks will be deleted and blocked. We may also delete other asks at our discretion. We are not obligated to answer every ask, and may choose not to sometimes.
• Our ask box is not a space for donation requests. We don’t have money to help anyone, and it’s likely our followers don’t either. We may boost existing posts, but won’t start a new one from asks. We wish you the best in getting that help, but that’s not what this page is for.
• LGBT+ hate won’t be tolerated on this blog, or our side blogs. This includes bioessentialism, trans-misogyny, trans-misandry, transphobia, enbyphobia, aphobia (acephobia, arophobia), biphobia, etc. Your replies or asks will be deleted and you will be blocked.
• Sexism, racism, and other bigotry (-isms, -phobias) won’t be tolerated on this blog or our side blogs. Your replies or asks will be deleted and you will be blocked.
• Free Palestine (stop the genocide), BLM, ACAB, and anti-capitalism. If you disagree with any of those movements, please block us and leave our page. If you argue any of these points, your replies or asks will be deleted and you will be blocked.
• We are long overdue for a full-scale revolution (pro LGBT+, pro ‘cringe’ / weirdness, pro true freedom, pro neurodivergent, pro culture, pro choice & for people making medical decisions about their own bodies (medical gender transitions / gender affirming care, abortion or post partum care, etc.), pro (better) therapy, pro emotional maturity, anti-racist, anti-capitalist, anti police / ACAB, anti occupation/colonization, anti ableist, anti white supremacy, anti conversion/assimilation). Either get out of the way or join us.
• Please please please reblog from us. We don’t mind “spamming” likes & reblogs. It’s actually very fun for us to witness / be notified about. If you like our content, 100% ¡share it, reply to it, send us asks about it! Engagement is not at all annoying or problematic. 💜☺
Q: ¿What does “medically confirmed” mean?
A: We have not been told if we have a professional diagnosis on paper yet. But we have been openly acknowledged by 3 different licensed medical professionals and repeatedly told to seek a D.I.D. specialist for a professional diagnosis.
Q: ¿How did you get medically confirmed 3 times?
A: After a year of therapy (first time around; ended June 2020), our therapist said she “[had] met 26 of [us]” and that she highly recommended we got to a D.I.D. specialist. (We did not know how to find, or have money for, a specialist at the time.) That means a professional confirmed our existence. This happened again with our new therapist (began August 2023), who has already distinctly met 3 of us (me, Lucca, & Serenity). We know because we’re getting more comfortable openly presenting as plural; I usually wear blue (shirt + button up / flannel) with the body’s natural hair, but Lucca wore a wig that looks like his hair in headspace and a green outfit (shirt + flannel) and Serenity (they/she) wore a wig and a dress with a coat over it that covered up our chest (we agreed to let her not bind in the therapy room as long as they wore a coat to hide our chest elsewhere). Our therapist has also encountered (co-conscuious, has spoken aloud but wasn’t fronting) Jack several times, and this week she encountered Wolfe and Sylver for the first time. So that’s two therapists. And lastly, our psychiatrist asked about what the intake person had only noted as “hears voices” (I explicitly called it D.I.D. so that was rude), & I was honest. By the second check-in on meds, she explicitly asked us “who’s fronting today?” (she met me, Nico, before that but I was alone, & that time there were 3 others with me, no clue how she knew) & especially after that session (we were switchy and talking to eachother aloud) she agreed that she saw signs of D.I.D. and that we should seek a specialist when we can. Between all of those, that makes us triple medically confirmed. (Technically our current therapist has an intern shadowing her who has also seen and acknowledged our D.I.D./plurality, but she's not licensed yet.)
Q: ¿Do you believe that D.I.D./OSDD-1 has to be professionally diagnosed to be valid?
A: Absolutely not. Access to professional diagnosis is limited and often expensive. It can take up to 15 years (and sometimes several medications) to get the correct diagnosis, and the minimum is usually 3 to 5 years. I do think that self diagnosis should be careful and involve official research papers (using Google Scholar if needed, but preferably using scientific journals if you can access them), because (a) confirmation bias (believing you have something & ignoring any evidence to the contrary) & (b) there are similar disorders that may fit better. There has also been some stigma and misinformation spread on social media (and in movies) to be wary of. But I do believe that most self diagnosed D.I.D./OSDD systems are correct about their own experience and are completely valid.
Q: ¿Are there movies or TV shows where I can learn more about D.I.D. or see it represented? ¿Are there ones I should avoid?
A: Yes, if you take them with a grain of salt because they are still dramatized and may contain misinformation or stigma or other biases. Most systems believe Moonknight (a TV show on Netflix) is the current most accurate representation. But as far as avoiding representation, or being cautious to do high levels of misrepresentation or only representing dangerous & negative stories around plurality, please avoid or be careful with The Crowded Room, & Split & Glass.
Q: ¿Did you shatter/break as a child? / ¿How did you become plural?
A: (No.) The current most supported theory (supported by evidence with replicable results, but psychology is a newer science and not a hard science so not 100% proven) says that everyone is born with identity fragments. These fragments integrate with a single identity and memory at 9 to 12 years old, in healthy childhood. This creates a multifaceted personality, or the phenomenon of people being a different person with their family vs coworkers vs lovers. When a child forms plurality (D.I.D./OSDD-1), repeated trauma (mixed with severe trauma, or smaller trauma compounding) prevents these fragments from fully integrating their identity, memory, or both. These fragments get separated by amnesia walls (they forget about one another, forget about memories or separate identities or both, & can't access or integrate with one another), which then forces each individual fragment to form its own multifaceted identity. The difference between 1a, 1b, & D.I.D. is the degree of identity separation / distinctly different people and the degree of amnesia (forgetting trauma, day to day events, &/or switches). The identity & memory separation cannot be from religious or cultural experiences (e.g. shamanic practices or religious trances) and has to be persistent (the minimum observation time prior to professional diagnosis is one year). It's usually a covert disorder, but if someone discovers their plurality it can start to reveal itself in more obvious ways.
(Spirit (one of our headmates) actually wants to combine these into one label, something along the lines of ‘traumatic amnesia with plurality’, & (similar to autism) have what is now separate diagnoses be scales under a single label (degrees of identity & memory separation), but unless that happens they are considered three separate and related disorders.)
If you actually read this far, thank you so much, and welcome to our page! 💜
¿What song, band, or playlist saved your life when you were at your lowest?
(¡tell us asks, replies, or reblogs if you want to!)
(My answer: Citizen Soldier (Let It Burn, Would Anyone Care; ICU, You Are Enough), but also sometimes Simple Plan or other bands/songs.)
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tylovesmushrooms · 11 months
I realized that I never made one so here we go!
Hi, I'm Ty (no, it's not short for anything)
I go by he/they but am good with neos
I'm a minor
I sometimes reblog nsfw jokes, but only jokes
I am some arospec queer identity, but I don't care enough to find/use a specific label lol
I am a punk and I mainly listen to punk, metal, goth, and folk
I'm proudly transmasc and I present a WIDE variety of ways, sometimes very fem. If you don't like any part of that, fuck off. I have no time for terfs, transphobes, or exclusionists of ANY KIND.
I am autistic and my special interests are mycology (study of fungus), botany, foraging, and jumping spiders. If you want to hear about these or tell me fun facts about these or interact with these with me in any way PLEASE reach out! Also I LOVE identifies fungi, plants, and jumping spiders so please send me images of any you find! There is a better chance I can identify things if you take close-up and farther away pictures for multiple angles.
I am proudly disabled, both physically and developmentally. I use a cane. If you are ableist FUCK OFF. I am also a lot of other things outside of being autistic but I don't feel comfortable sharing those.
I recently started tagging posts I reblog with undescribed image or image not described, and image described in alt text, when they apply. If I forget to tag a post that needs one of these tags please tell me.
I only speak English fluently, but I am learning Latin for school
I live in the southeastern part of the US
I am a leftist, I am really doing my best to learn about different ways of life and perspectives. If I say or do something that if not okay/offensive/rude please tell me. You don't need to educate me if you don't have the energy, I can do research on my own if needed
I am an artist and I work in many mediums, feel free to ask about my art, I love talking about it!
Whether or not we're mutuals, feel free to reach out to me! I'm not great at socialization, but love people when I'm feeling social. My only rules are no nsfw, no venting/trauma-dumping without warning if we don't really know each other. I will let you know when I am comfortable having you vent to me.
I won't always respond immediately, even when I'm online. This doesn't mean I don't want to talk to you, I just often have a low social battery or forget to respond to things. If it's urgent you can remind me to respond an hour or two later, just don't be rude about it.
If you need me to tag any topic or type of content for any reason, please tell me! I want people to feel safe on my blog (unless you're a bigot, then you are not welcome here in any way shape or form)
I am usually happy to answer RESPECTFUL questions about my disabilities or identities. This is not true for everyone (so don't just question random people) but it is true for me
I think that's it, love y'all, bye!
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bunny-hoodlum · 1 year
☆ Share 3 fun facts about you, then pass this to three of your mutuals! ☆
Wow, I've been tagged four times! @alexis513, @littlemonstert-blog, @mrs-messy and @mysummerchoi, thanks for tagging me. :3
@mysummerchoi, I feel the exact same way. 😭 Plus, I'm not used to supplying info about myself when asked, haha. That stuff always evaporates from my head. ( . _ . )
I might have maybe almost died when I was three or four? Just kidding, but my mom thinks so. It was a day at a Californian beach, I was buried up to my neck in the sand for a picture and I guess they buried me too close to the water, so when a wave washed over me, they completely lost me in the sand, like either I sunk in deeper or sand washed over my head. My uncle just scooped me out like shwoop! lol. Without a picture, I won't know if it was a bad as they thought it was.
I can be clumsy and hurt myself and for whatever reason I never get scared or feel pain with this happens. Sometimes it feels predictable or like it's happening in slo-mo and I just go 'damn' before it happens. Like, at my old job working warehouse, I tripped on my ankle I think? And I just neatly fell forward like a feather, like I just knew not to resist or I'd hurt myself more. Try to imagine a lego man but with bendable knees. Now picture how you would use that lego man in a stop-motion film. It was like that. And it was so weird too that I thought it was funny. Sometimes when I derp and hurt myself it is actually pretty damn funny, but if it happens too often I get severely frustrated and devolve into a 5-year-old. Another time we got rear-ended twice near the offramp to Santa Barbara, and before the second impact, I just relaxed expecting it -- cuz you know, shitty drunk drivers survive because they literally can't tense up or do something worse like move to look behind them (you will hurt your neck doing that) -- But… But..! Try to get my attention when I can't see you, I freak the fuck out. This was probably more than one thing, but I think it's all related to each other lol.
Maybe this is too personal, but I always find psychology and whatnot very interesting, so from that perspective I'll share this bit of dumbassery: My attachment style has improved but is still pretty damn fucky. I just recently remembered how I had a crush on this boy in middle school (our middle school had 3 separate schools attached, so only time you could mingle with students from another jr high was after school clubs and we met in art club and bonded over FLCL), and I didn't know I liked him until the following year, but then I couldn't do anything about it because he was already dating someone else, a witty Korean-American girl (and I also had a complex about not being Asian enough). Time skip three years and he's finally a freshman, so I get to see him again. (We were same age but he had to start school late). I ask if he's still with her (because I still got some feels leftover) and he said she moved to Canada and had a girlfriend. And fuck if I know why cuz... I don't. My initial reaction wasn't 'Oh goody, I get to try again!'. No. I thought 'She's bi?! Why didn't she have a crush on me?!', like in that split second I wanted to be HER girlfriend instead of this other person. How dare this totally cooler than me girl that grabbed my crush find her own super cool girl to be with, like, first I'm not good enough for him, now I'm not good enough for her, I can't even begin to imagine how cool her Canadian GF must be, blah blah blah, she must be unsurpassably cool because she was chosen by someone also unfathomably cool and that's just how that shit works, blah blah blah-- sigh. The silent screams of my pathological need to be important, everyone. And that is why I will no longer do vent posts, because I feel super ashamed whenever I get validated for my bullshit. ; u ;
Haaa, alright, pick three mutuals. Hm. Feels like everyone got tagged tbh... @peppercornpress @char-lotteral aaaand @spaciousignatius 💖
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shatterthefragments · 5 months
✨ End of Year Questions ✨
Tagged by @ongreenergrasses 💖
I also didn’t think I created much this year, and. To be completely honest, I didn’t really make much new art, and what I did I didn’t really post here. Most of what I’ve done this year is really continue writing snippets of lyrics/verses/poetry in my notes. Hoping to make more time for a lot of things this year!
What is the favourite thing you created?
A sailboat reduction print (lino style but on a literal disposable plate)
Which work are you most proud of?
Honestly, either that same sailboat print or some of the poetry/lyric snippets I’ve written this year. Or the leather medicine pouch (also created for my class final project)
Is there anything you’re proud that you achieved this year?
I’m proud that I created anything at all outside of class requirements (I took one art centred course at the beginning of the year, which my sailboat print was created in)
Did you explore anything new this year?
Not so much for creating, but I did get stickers made of some of my previous work to sell at fairs and whatnot.
Wait no the leather medicine pouch - I haven’t done much leatherwork yet though I really want to create super long lasting functional pieces and textiles is very new to me and is a way of connecting to my grandmothers’ past. And I also joined a sewing/quilting club at school (which doesn’t seem to be running this year but I have no time anyway this semester so that’s fine) (I have not finished the sewing supply bag project we started)
Which work gave you the most difficulty?
Anything finished haha. I am still striving to fully finish and edit and refine some of my lyrics into songs (eventually to try to record and produce with whatever free and/or cheap software I can find).
Also some of the more unusual custom cake requests at work were difficult to do but they worked out.
And textiles can be. Frustrating.
What was your biggest creative challenge this year?
Finding time to create. I definitely took this as a year to go and do things that I. Had to go to. And while I probably could’ve brought a mini sketchbook with me, I didn’t usually.
Which work brought you the most joy?
A birthday card I did for a friend. It’s a pen sketch of their favourite beach (at least the view I got when I took a quick visit and picture of it)
Which of your works do you think people should check out?
…from 2023 nothing is posted unless you’re on my personal instagram or something. (Unless I did post my year of the water rabbit watercolour paintings? In which case - those.)
Otherwise my Creating Awl Together story/series (once I make time to create more for it 😅)
Do you have creative plans for the new year? Is there anything exciting that you’re working on?
Oh always 🥺💖✨
I accidentally made a new years resolution to record one of the songs I’ve written,, but also I want it to be. Better than the literal middle school vent lyrics I’ve written.. so we are. Trying to write some new stuff and upgrade to… mid twenties vent lyrics… (and some like!?! Joyful lyrics too?!?!) (I’m actually excited and terrified and don’t really play any instruments right now and what I played on flute isn’t really necessarily the vibe for what’s in my head?? But it could have a place so I’ll probably play again and if need be I could probably rent a tenor sax for a day or so.) so. Next up is learning (or throwing together) a bit of music production (I am currently gathering royalty free free samples from anywhere I find them more or less)
I really want to draw a lot more this year!!
And paint more again!!
And of some of these drawings I want to transfer them to be lino cut or dry point and do them as prints!!!
I have several quilts I want to make!! I’m going to start really small though to. Learn how to sew them haha 😅 But I hope my first quilt is a lovely sea turtle themed quilt for one of my best friends’ cat. Or a lap quilt for mum. I. Realistically I don’t think I’ll get to this before the end of the year.
I want to paint more ceramic pieces at the paint your own ceramics place (I have. Several pieces that I just need to finish painting)
More cards that I drew on~ I have a bit more energy than last year despite everything it seems right now so I am hoping I can continue to draw on cards for my friends 💖
This shall be the year I finish my dogs out doodle (barefoot ship life!!!)
Lastly, any words of wisdom or advice to share?
To myself: just try. Just try. Just do. It can be whatever. Just create something. Just create anything. Joy, catharsis, one single line. Anything you can.
Given how late I filled this out I’m not tagging anyone 😬
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artisticmenace · 1 year
Other DNIs below.
Hello, dear friends and accociates.
hiii. I'm tabs. I'm suuuper gay(asexual panromantic). I'm also an artist. Any scorn or prejudice will be promptly ignored. Criticism will be looked over as long as its constructive.
if youve ever seen the mummys voice video.... yeah.....
About me:
I have a bunch of OCs, and I'm writing so many (unfinished)books... Yeah, that's right. I like to suffer and die creatively TWICE!! I can not be helped. I'm just goofy like that sometimes. I hate most non canon ships for fandoms im in, but I'll probably just go "ew" and leave you alone(depends on the ship, really). I haven't been tested for autism or ADHD but enough things line up, so I'm like 80% sure. The 20% is self-doubt. I like to dress fancy, and my general look is deep woods cottagecore that has recently drank from the lake of maximalism. You won't see pictures of me, probably, because my room is NOT clean. Sometimes, I vent on here, but that's because I am the only demographic this blog needs. I love you, too, but your feelings are only being considered a little bit.
Those Days:
I'm gonna be making a comic called Those Days about a small town old gay couple, Scott and Rodney, telling their life's story. They've been friends since their sophomore year in high school, and they've seen a lot. Scott was a punk, to say the least.
For the actual comic, you'll need to thosedayscomic, the blog I made for the comic.
^^ I'm currently working on the first issue. I do have lots of art of them though.
Tags for my comic:
those days, those days comic. also any character names first and last.
Current Fixations:
Camp Here and There (Waiting for S2)
Welcome to Night Vale (all caught up)
The Magnus Archives (help)
The Magnus Protocol (CAUGHT UP WHAT THE FUCK)
I love interaction! I will always discuss my interests, and l o r e when asked. In other words, PLEASE TALK TO ME !!!
If you want to use my art for your pfp go ahead, just credit me.
Don't repost my art. Please and thankies.
Art Requests/Asks: Open!!
Art Trades: Open!!
DMs: Open(as long as you arent a creep or an asshole obviously)
(cant do commissions because the world hates me but dont be shy to trade me. not particular on what i get back as long as i made someone happy. cause it feels amazing to see something i did made someone happy)
If you're an asshole or I have a good reason to, I will block you.
DNI LIST because I'm a little hater:
Hazbin/helluva fans (character design is ass, problematic, writing is also ass and is just meant to be as cancerous for your morals as possible)
proshippers (what the fuck. what the actual fuck. another morally fucked over group)
racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, etc
18+ blogs (a whole minor)
those problematic "sexualities" (ex. super straight, MAP, zoosexual)
people who fake disabilities/mental illness
people who actively misuse the words "psychotic" and "delusional"
people who continue to mistake being "deppressed, anxious and paranoid" with having "depression, anxiety and paranoia" and things like that, perfectly informed
Here's my sick tags:
artisticmenace - anything that is a post by me
menaceartisticity - art and art related things
themenaceuseswords- text posts. i say shit sometimes.
themenacerants - my new tag for when i lose my shit
menaceencouragement - words of solace and encouragement from me
menacepoetry - poetry/songs yeah. probably sad stuff cause im miserable sometimes
menacescrawling - writing. oh buddy boy.
Thank you, I love you.
going to collect these things because why not
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credits, top to bottom:
cowboyinternist (2)
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universalsatan · 2 years
obligatory introduction post
hi guys i'm mando. (my father and abuelo are nando).
i'm trans in a hyper-macho/repressed way (han solo, dean winchester, indiana jones, you get the picture), bi in a very gay way (i have been pining over the same idiot for the past 5 years, which might make appearances in tags), adhd and autistic in the sexiest way possible (oscillate wildly between golden retriever and spock). i also stream on twitch sometimes, under a pseudonym you totally can't find by snooping through a music link included in this post.
this account is literally whatever i feel like (occasional 18+ humour, follow under your own discretion etc etc). the only thing i properly tag anymore is vid so i can find them again easier, and "personal" if i gotta vent or whatever (for potential tag blocking purposes). i still update the star trek blog, my dean aesthetic blog, and my bfu one (once in a blue moon), but they are products of past hyperfixations (which i may or may not return to on occasion).
i do a lot of writing (give it up for escapism as a coping method 🤪), particularly on my ao3 (+pwp account), of which i'll post updates on my writing blog as well.
fanfic-wise, there is always a lot of variation, so your best bet at prediction (especially considering my chronic exhaustion as a deterrent) is the fandoms list on ao3 or the stuff i've been posting on this blog. original work-wise, i tend to write comedic satire. i currently have one published work, but it is in my university's anthology, and i will not just dox myself so easily lol. once my exhaustion clears up and i start to submit to magazines/contests again, maybe i'll start sharing that too.
i am also an academic (ewwww). i am planning on going to med school and doing research (and have been considering writing papers in the near future too), but am also a huge nerd in both musicology and english related stuff, ESPECIALLY media analysis. (i don't tend to post a lot of media analysis, but i might pop off in tags if my meds freshly kick in)
autism fixation is definitely music (as in, way too much music history—eg. i was obsessed and even crushed over classical composers in elementary school; am always in a handful of music ensembles and own 20+ instruments atm; musicology in the sense of theory and how different songs/genres function and how we as people interpret them; music in cultural anthropology ie how it has affected history in a broader sense and the societal impacts of things such as the western teaching of music (bad), how music has been used as a voice or for protest and to convey different messages, the effect of music in film, my beef against terms like "jazz" or "folk" because (for jazz) like 95% of music can fall under the definition).
ANYWAYS. you can look at my playlists (shoutout to bad taste in music (real, not fake) ), but since a lot of them are messy/outdated and i mostly rely on albums/already-made playlists, feel free to follow my spotify for the sole reason that you can see what i'm listening to (or whether i'm actually having a good taste for once or i'm going insane listening to heinz baked beans the who or megalovania on repeat for 7 hours again)
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swueesharts · 1 year
For Misery Loves Company
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-A Picture I took this evening, after seeing some acquaintances I know take pictures of the same scenery. Guess my photo diary habits did influence others
Today, was a day that leaves no mark in my life. Well, it does. But not in a way that leaves me satisfied. I am utterly chagrined with myself. I tried to improve myself more and take a step closer to a better me; I planned to study art from P5R(Persona 5 Royal), I wanted to do some figure croques. I also wanted to organise the vocabulary that I accrued over the years to expand my repertoire. But alas, my media addiction took ahold of me. I wasted 5 hours of my life on Netflix. Although while impressive and relatable, binging blue period wasn't on my agenda.
It's funny how terrible you could feel from realising the damage you did to yourself. I currently feel like someone took a cutter knife, stabbed it deep into my heart, and left it there. Watching as it weighs down my heart, slicing it deeper, and deeper. While a gruesome allegory, I believe it best describes how I feel witnessing my unfolding misery. But you know what they say, "Misery loves Company". I ran a quick google search and absorbed the information that the phrase is used to explain how those who share similar pains would try to connect to each other. My misery also wanted company. I thought perhaps meeting new people might help, so I went around snooping for some online communities where they talked about formalities and etiquette. I desperately wanted to share my desires to reborn again. But my efforts were futile. A discord bot wasted me 3 hours of troubleshooting its captcha only to find the place unwelcoming of my prescence. The bot mocks me with its corporate flourish.
Taking a step back, perhaps it is expected to take a positive twist on this. Today is the last day before... the last day of school. So maybe it is supposed to be a day where I could wind down a bit and take things slow. Maybe I've been looking at my current social life in the wrong light. Perhaps instead of looking for new, I should instead keep in touch with my old connections and check up on them. I also now know Discord has an issue with the captcha feature on mobile phones.
To add further, perhaps I should look into support groups instead of finishing schools. I feel as though I am not "emotionally stable" enough to brush up on my social grace yet. Perhaps I should connect with those with life wisdom to help me form a better version of myself. I also should check on how my "brain" is doing after ignoring it, but that's another confession I'll cough up later once it allows me to.
Anyhow, sorry for this dull and gloomy blog entry. This post is a way for me to let off some steam in a composed manner. If any of you lizards and afros know how to tackle my situation, hit me up. I'd appreciate some solace and support. I know I'm not alone, and that is what's gonna push me forward.
ps. A side tangent if I might, but I do adore discovering animal foortprints on leftover snow. Makes you wonder what journey they were taking, and where it leads them. Exciting, don't you think?
#vent #emotio- (ah right, tags don't work this way in tumblr haha.)
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willpupbite · 2 years
will [🗺️]
he/him | 24 | grayromantic bisexual | factive
header by norma_2d on twitter!
boundaries/about me, tagging system, and userboxes under cut.
our collective blog: @stonedstevie
system blog: @originssystem
my sexual impulsive thoughts blog: @amindfilledwithhotair
please ask before reblogging system related posts.
psa: i’m not annoyed or upset, this is just how i type, haha.
i’m a dogboy (otherkin/dogkin).
i will post about weed and getting high, and i do not tag it.
interests to chat to me about: animals, silly ones especially (special interest in cats, shiba inus, moonlight jellies, and rats/mice). memes. old school webcore. poetry. minecraft. the sims 4. music (mostly arctic monkeys).
my spotify playlist — pronouns.cc
tagging system:
#will.txt -> talking tag
#will.rb -> reblogs
#will.save -> favourite posts/saves
#will.bites -> asks
#will.sys -> system related posts
#will.ify -> songs i like/listen to
#will.irl -> photos i’ve taken of the body while fronting
#will.writing -> stuff i write
#me :3 -> stuff that looks like me!
#will.neg -> venting/ranting/generally negative
#my darling -> tag for stevie :)
#r u mine? -> tag for kace :)
boundaries/about me:
hello, chat! it’s will from the origins system. i am a factive of wilbur soot, the streamer/content creator. do not disrespect me because of this. i am not my source. he/him pronouns please. i am grayromantic i think! men and women are beautiful, and everyone between, although i experience attraction infrequently. i’m also bisexual. romantic and sexual orientation are not the same! look at that, haha!
please do not use me for my source. i’m pretty far source disconnected overall for reasons you’d find appropriate. flirt with me if you’d like, though i’m not really looking for a relationship (and i’m greyromantic and am already dating someone)! it’s all flattering either way. i accept “feminine” compliments like ‘pretty,’ if that was a wonder of anyone’s, ha (i quite like compliments, actually, to be fair). sexual jokes are okay! no nsfw towards me here though, not unless we’re close.
i love talking about my appearance and such. not in a conceited way, but more so like in a way it helps me feel like myself more! like remember who i am and shit. it helps a lot. i will show pictures upon request, but i do look a lot like my source depsite our other obvious differences.
i’m alright with personal questions, though i will put an end to ones i’m uncomfortable with. i will delete things or simply say no to you. dms are off limits to strangers who i’ve never spoken with before, so please do not dm me.
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eulbkrad · 3 months
Another year. Another year avoiding FB. It feels like hiding 😶‍🌫️ It maybe 🤔 un-admitted shame of not doing enough but just venting.
If you are reading this, I choose to share with you.
But I didn’t. I choose to share with void. With someone who just simply stumbles accidentally because of tags 🏷️, or g-d knows what else .
Today I no longer can separate acceptance from giving up. But I don’t want to leave room for any misinterpretations on what “giving up” means here. It is damn hard to explain it on paper with clarity when you’re out of practice. And yes - I don’t want silent 🤫 judgement or words of encouragement. So I’m back here, in my safe place, on tumblr.
I always hold high hopes that for M to succeed just enough awareness and acceptance needs to be in place with a slight addition of support; far from what he is getting at school. That I can’t give up.
Self-talk anywhere and everywhere for no reason and to self-soothe
No attempts to make friends or to keep the ones who reach out
* Recording subway 🚇 tunnels
* Watching 2hr long videos of subway tunnels
* K-5 level cartoons
* RTVi along but resistance to learn Russian
* Talking pretend Russian to people who don’t speak 🗣️ a word of the language
* Visits to Times sq to record trailers available on YouTube for months
I used to try to redirect or mask 😷 (big negative word in ASD community that seems to me extremely self-indulgent, coming from people who don’t deal with complexities of being adult on a lower end of the spectrum). I tried to tap into whatever inappropriate and give it a spin that would bring it closer into fitting into what in foreseeable future will be societal norms.
I accepted defeat and just let it be. Sometimes it backfires badly in public and otherwise; most of the times it’s ignored if noticed. Of course, I can’t ignore it. Sheer for the fact for needing to be alert 🚨 enough to step in when it hints danger ⚠️ levels or awkwardness overload. Like with the rest of this quirky and unpredictable life, the unpleasant reality became mundane and normal. Well… MY normal. I can’t ask anyone to subscribe to it because once in blue moon 🌖, I get a day of respite into the actual normalcy and it still hurts to return into the ASD routine. Not like a bleeding 🩸 hurt more like a paper 📄 scratch that takes annoyingly few days to heal.
I almost gave up on
* not having a conversation that hasn’t been played out gazillion times already
* having hard time between picking favorite, even when it is obvious (like picking cake 🍰 over sandwich 🥪)
* Mistaken pronouns (I am not MY mom but YOURS) and preposition (the cup NOT at the table; it is ON the table)
* And general silliness of your sentence structure and thought 💭 expression
* …
I started this post yesterday after a long day of brewing thoughts 💭 of what and where to write ✍️. It’s 5:30 am and M already woken up ⬆️ like he always does regardless whether it’s a school day or a weekend. I should’ve done soooo many things yesterday but I chose to write until I crashed into sleep 😴
it’s April 2. I write every year on Apr 2. It is silly as I don’t quite believe in traditions. But in a similar vein as I can’t forgo Christmas tree🎄for New Year, I can’t skip ⏭️ and not post today. On the eve of Apr 2 I’m reflecting more than any other day. Again I’m reflecting on acceptance: personal and general. Nobody forces me to write. And yet I hold some slight hope that this is something that someone needs / needed to read. Exactly as I wrote TODAY (which for all I know might not be even the day or month or year). I read so many encouraging posts and they helped. I read so many despot cries and they help. This one is neither. But, if you read thru the end and now feel a feather 🪶-bit lighter, I’m glad for both of us. Hugs 🫂
P.S. dedicated to the lack of regular emojis bank 🏦 -lol… I used to ace social stories with pictures. I thought 💭 that in 14 years the options for OOTB emojis would expand a lot, given the number of spectrum folks and their supporters in the industry. Oh well… here is to another ten 🔟 years 🥂
🔵🟦 🌀 🗣️ 🖌️ for Ⓜ️ 🩵🌐💙
(In all seriousness, social stories what helped a lot us with transition and training for public events. Do that. It’ll be the easiest thing today you’ve done ✅ to help yourself and your kid. )
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caitlin-makes-stuff · 4 months
Hello and welcome to my art blog! My name is Caitlin :) I have been making art for a very long time, and basically went to art school for 12 years (literally). I have been trained in "traditional" art, specifically painting and drawing, with some printmaking as well.
🌟What you'll find here: Currently, a lot of fanart. I also post original work, and sketchbook pages.
My main interests are narrative and emotion. I really love when the viewer has an emotional reaction and connection to my art. This is really the goal i strive for. I typically make representational art; it's very rare that i make abstract work. This doesn't mean that i see it as valueless, it's simply not my main way of expressing things.
My art often deals with heavy themes, especially mental illness, including self-harm and suicidality. I will tag those specifically (see under the cut for tags). Earlier work may not be tagged; for some reason Tumblr won't let me edit tags on older work.
🌟Currently posting: #1 is Yu-Gi-Oh brainrot (a lot of Puzzle Boys, so if it's not your ship, you may want to block the "puzzle boys" tag), with a side of The Locked Tomb, and sometimes Tolkien's works. Not a lot of original work right now, since i'm having fun with fanart :)
☕️If you'd like to leave a tip, you can do so at my Ko-fi page. Thank you so much!
🈲️If you are a dick in my notes, asks, messages, you will be blocked. Being a dick includes things like racism, mental illness stigma, any kind of queerphobia, etc. I'd like to think you get the picture from a handful of examples.
🌟.。*゜ .*.。🌟.。*゜ .*.。🌟。*゜ .*.
tags under the cut:
general tags
original art
vent art
self harm tw (old tag)
self harm
suicide tw (old tag)
suicide (includes suicidal ideation)
fandom tags
lotr (The Lord of the Rings)
puzzle boys (puzzle-/blindshipping tag)
sorry buddy ("Atem is going through it" tag)
the locked tomb
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