#dix sept
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les-portes-du-sud · 1 year ago
Dix Sept. 26.08.2023
Dix-sept marches et il est à l'autel. Dix-sept seulement. La mairie est inondée de soleil, de fleurs et de rubans partout, et d’une lueur insupportable. Le cœur bat dans la poitrine jusqu'à devenir assourdissant, comme si le son interne des tambours coupait tous les sons externes. Un piano à queue se dresse à droite de la salle de cérémonie, ses côtés laqués blancs étincelants. Le couvercle est ouvert et son ventre sans fond scintille, il est plein de roses. Une jeune fille en robe de mariée blanche est assise sur une chaise près du piano : le satin et la dentelle luisent, soulignant les débordements nacrés de la peau délicate, sa fragilité et son impuissance. Une coiffure haute s'élève en vagues sombres sur un cou fin, comme un nuage d'orage sur un tronc de bouleau. Il ne voit pas son visage, car il s'approche de la pianiste par derrière. Il ne voit jamais son visage.
2. Dix pas, le piano se rapproche, invités et témoins se figèrent d'anticipation. Peut-être que la musique est bonne. Elle a dû les émouvoir, réveiller des prémonitions et des souvenirs dans leurs âmes. Amira était une merveilleuse pianiste. Le soleil perce les épaisses baies vitrées en les irisant. Ici, ils sont allongés sur le piano avec deux bandes écarlates, le barrant, les notes posées sur le pupitre, les touches se rapprochant des doigts fins en gants de mariage blancs. Il aimerait entendre ce qu'elle joue, mais son cœur continue de s'étourdir, éclatant de temps en temps de douleur. Il arrive.
Cinq pas et il sursaute sous le tonnerre des applaudissements. Le jeu est terminé et la mariée se lève du piano, repousse maladroitement la chaise, redressant sa jupe trop longue, dénouant la traîne sous ses pieds. Elle se tient face à ceux qui sont assis et debout, et les boucles de sa coiffure qui encadrent son visage le cachent complètement de son regard. Bientôt.... Il reste un pas et il tend la main pour lui toucher légèrement le coude, elle commence à se retourner dans sa direction. Lentement, comme à travers l'eau, comme à travers un verre visqueux, il voit comment une volée de colombes arrive, battant de manière assourdissante leurs ailes blanches, même s'il n'est pas encore temps de les relâcher. Des pétales et des plumes remplissent l'air, clignotant devant ses yeux... l'empêchant de voir son visage, il ne la voit jamais .
Il passe ses mains sur son visage et sent de la sueur mêlée de larmes sur ses doigts. Le cœur bat toujours de façon assourdissante. Mais non, on dirait que les voisins frappent au mur. Il devait encore crier dans son sommeil. Il crie toujours quand il rêve d'elle. Et il ne voit jamais son visage. Il ne voit pas dans son sommeil.
Il quitta son lit et entra dans la cuisine, fume et essaie de se calmer... Une autre nuit d'insomnie.
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psychesetra · 2 months ago
borrowed a book from the library and it's like a learning french thing
when i got to the numbers i thought of like a fic idea????
bottom al thats either radioapple or x reader where reader and/or luci make him count how many orgasms he's had and at some point he's so unable to think he reverts to french 🥰
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aistobascistod · 5 months ago
2020 : An excellent vintage :: 9797 : An excellent quatre-vintage-dix-sept
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billetcognitif · 3 months ago
Poème qui me trotte dans la tête depuis un moment, en partie à cause de cette chanson de Janis Ian. Si jamais il y avait un doute, je ne suis pas une adolescente de 17 ans.
À dix-sept ans, je suis basique, Dans le miroir, quand je me vois, Mon cœur y cherche une musique, Comme une harmonie esthétique, Qui, sans accords, me fuit, je crois  ; À dix-sept ans, je suis basique.
  L’amitié est un tourbillon,   Je m’y accroche, mains tremblantes,   Je reste seule et mes questions,   Écorchures désillusions,   S’ajoutent aux «  vu  » qui me hantent  ;   L’amitié est un tourbillon.
Je doute, je culpabilise De tout ce que je suis et fais, Chaque jour, son lot de bêtises Pèse un peu plus et je m’enlise Dans mes manquements, mes forfaits  ; Je doute, je culpabilise.
  À la maison, les mots tranchants   Sculptent mon âme en cicatrices  ;   Je louvoie en mauvais penchants,   Un fantôme oublié hors champ,   Loin des yeux, pas de leur malice  ;   À la maison, les mots tranchants.
Je voudrais qu’on m’admire encore, Sans la brume des conditions, Sans avoir à tenir un score De bons points qu’un rien évapore, Aimez-moi hors compétition  ; Je voudrais qu’on m’admire encore.
  Un monde plus doux, quelque part,   Sans ombres qui me rapetissent,   M’attend au-delà des remparts   De cette vie en égrenoir  ;   Les étoiles sont des indices   D’un monde plus doux, quelque part.
                À dix-sept ans…
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lalignedujour · 1 year ago
J'ai eu une enfance heureuse. Des parents fonctionnel·les. Je n'ai pas grand chose à soigner, à part, comme tout le monde, le patriarcat (binarité, hiérarchisation, mysogynie, culture du viol, masculinité, monogamie, hétéronormativité). Et c'est pas trop trop la faute de mes parents, sauf celle de me laisser regarder des productions audiovisuelles.
Quand je partais en vacances seul·e avec ma mère, le premier matin, je me levais dans un drap emmêlé dans un lit trop grand. Je sortais doucement de mes rêves, je ne savais pas où j'étais, et puis juste avant de me souvenir où je pouvais être, j'ouvrais les yeux. Pour la surprise. Des voix familières venaient du salon, de la cuisine, je n'entendais pas le contenu, et j'aurais été bien incapable de le comprendre. Mais j'entendais les intonations, différentes de celles de la maison, ou plutôt si, elles me rappelaient quand ma mère était au téléphone avec sa famille. Il y avait aussi des bruits de métal, d'ouverture de frigo. Les rideaux filtraient un soleil plus fort qu'à la maison. Les tissus, les tapis, avaient une odeur de poussière différente. Peut-être que les bactéries dans les fibres sont différentes quand les tissus ont pris beaucoup de rayons UV, ou de vapeurs d'huile d'olive et de concentré de tomate.
J'avais dormi avec ma mère. C'était comme ça pendant les vacances dans la maison de son père. Je m'endormais seul·e et je me réveillais seul·e, mais j'avais dormi avec elle. Je la croyais sur parole.
Elle passait dans la chambre alors que j'étais réveillé·e. Elle me "réveillait" officiellement. Elle me réveillait avec sa voix douce, puis je l'entendais ensuite plus loin de moi tout le reste de l'été. Elle parlait arabe, je ne comprenais pas. Même avec moi, elle parlait parfois arabe, elle voyait que je ne comprenais pas, alors, un peu déçue, elle reprenait en français. Je comprenais.
Je me sentais autorisé·e à me lever, regarder un peu les toits par la fenêtre, les mêmes toits desquels semblaient venir les appels à la prière.
J'allais dans la cuisine. Je croisais mes cousines. Et l'été commençait vraiment.
Il y avait donc la première génération dans la cuisine. Et j'étais avec la deuxième génération, la mienne, celle qui ne comprend pas non plus l'arabe, et regarde plutôt KD2A sur France 2 en mangeant de la pastèque et des céréales pour le petit-déjeuner. Ça me faisait plaisir d'être près d'elles. La veille au soir, c'est mon oncle qui est venu nous chercher à l'aéroport, elles dormaient déjà. Je n'aurais pas pu passer l'été avec des gens aux peaux vieilles. Je les regardais, et ce que j'aimais chez elles, c'était vraiment leur peau élastique. Des peaux d'enfant, d'ado, semblables à la mienne. Les adultes avaient des peaux abîmées qui sentent de plus en plus mauvais. J'y ai été jusqu'à mes 17 ans.
Aujourd'hui, c'est son anniversaire. Je l'appelle au téléphone. Moi, j'ai changé de voix parce que j'ai 34 ans, deux fois 17. Mais elle, non. C'est la même voix qui me demande des nouvelles de mon ex (on est séparé·es depuis trois ans et elle le sait), qui me demande si j'ai mon enfant à côté (ça fait deux ans que je ne l'ai jamais le mardi et elle le sait), qui me demande si je travaille tout l'été ou si je prends quelques jours (ça fait un an que je ne travaille plus, et elle le sait).
J'ai pourtant eu une enfance heureuse.
La mère de ma mère est morte quand ma mère avait 17 ans. Moi non. Elle est là, et je constate cette nouvelle version de ma mère.
C'est pourtant la même voix, dix-sept ans après.
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luma-az · 1 year ago
Tes taches de rousseur
Défi d’écriture 30 jours pour écrire, 26 août 
Thème : dix-sept/tout au milieu des étoiles
. .
« Cinq… six…
— Qu’est-ce que tu comptes comme ça ?
— Tes taches de rousseurs. Sept, huit, neuf…
— Mais pourquoi tu fais ça !
— Ça fait trop longtemps que je me posais la question, je veux savoir combien tu as de taches de rousseurs !
— Quoi, partout ?
— Non, pas partout ! Je vais y passer la nuit sinon !
— …
— Déjà, sur ton visage.
— C’est bizarre.
— Dix, onze, douze… Qu’est-ce qui est bizarre ?
— Que tu me regardes comme ça. Aussi… intensément. C’est bizarre.
— Mais… Bizarre bien ou bizarre t’aimes pas ?
— Je sais pas.
— Je peux arrêter si tu veux.
— Mmh. Peut-être.
— Bon. J’arrête alors.
— …
— …
— …
— Tu me regardes encore bizarrement ! Tu comptes dans ta tête !
— Moi ? Non… c’est pas mon genre !
— J’en suis sûr ! Et puis pourquoi tu  veux compter mes taches de rousseurs d’abord ? C’est pour te moquer de moi ?
— Mais non ! Pourquoi je me moquerai de toi pour tes taches de rousseur ?
— Parce que tout le monde se moque de moi avec ça. Depuis que je suis tout petit.
— Parce que tout le monde est un imbécile. Elles sont trop belles, tes taches de rousseur.
— N’importe quoi.
— Mais si ! On dirait des étoiles ! Des constellations !
— N’im-por-te-quoi.
— Mais si, je te dis ! On voit ça, c’est comme de regarder le ciel, et puis d’un coup…
—... quoi d’un coup ?
— D’un coup on voit, tout au milieu des étoiles, tes yeux qui…
— Qui… qui quoi ?
— Qui… qui rien.
— …
— J’avais juste envie de regarder, c’est tout.
— …
— Et il y en a dix-sept.
— Dix-sept ? C’est tout ?
— Oui, moi aussi je pensais qu’il y en aurait plus… Mais si tu veux, je peux recompter.
— Ok. Si c’est toi, je veux bien. »
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electrosquash · 2 years ago
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wigglepiggle · 1 year ago
do you guys take french in school. did your french teacher show you alan le lait. I want to study this guy what goes on in his head to create dancing worms singing "je finis mes devoirs. tu finis ses devoirs" to an instrumental that actually slaps
and that's not even the only dancing worm video
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witchy-d · 1 year ago
N°26 - 30 jours pour écrire
Dix sept (ans)
Chiffre des doutes
Des cauchemars
Des nuits blanches
De l'angoisse
Du choix
De l'idylle
De la chute
Mais aussi du départ
De la découverte
C'était un autre chaos et une autre renaissance
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lolochaponnay · 3 months ago
Je me suis fait agresser hier. - Combien étaient-ils ? - Sept. - Comment ? - Je dis sept. - Dix-sept ? Et beh ! - Non ! Sans-dix ! Sept ! - Cent dix-sept ? Et bah ! - Non ! Sept ! Sans dix ! - Sept cent dix ? Bah dis donc. Pas étonnant que tu sois couvert de bleus !
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inlovewithaspiderguy · 1 year ago
yesssssssss fucked up shit
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eggplant436 · 1 year ago
6, English Dutch German French Ukrainian Spanish.
Because i feel like i might be overestimating what the average is, i shall Conduct Research
This isn't about how many languages you speak, but how many youre able to count up to at least 10 in, since basic numbers are some of the first words you learn in a foreign language and sometimes you catch them without having studied the language at all
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mote-historie · 10 months ago
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George Barbier, In early Art Deco style: Dix-sept dessins de George Barbier sur Le cantique des cantiques - Traduction française de 1316 (Seventeen drawings by George Barbier on The Song of Songs - French translation from 1316), Paris: La Belle Édition, 1914.
For sale: EditionOriginale.com
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dreamauri · 1 year ago
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♪ — 𝗜𝗧𝗦 𝗕𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝗔 𝗟𝗢𝗡𝗚 𝗟𝗢𝗡𝗚 𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗘 max verstappen x fem! driver! reader (fluff + smut) “. . . he's always believed you were an angel, he hasn't let go since.”
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( main master list | more of max verstappen ) ( tag list | requests )
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"Please." Max begged as he looked down at his kart, panic settling in his throat as the machine failed to start. Jos had abandoned the race once he figured out the kart wasn't going to move an inch, and Max held onto the tight string of hope that maybe it could still race.
"Please please please." He begged, trying again and again. "Tu es Bien?" Looking up he's met with your eyes. You could see he was hyperventilating, panic in his eyes, his hands shaking.
"C'est bien. C'est bien." You crouched down, putting your hand on his shoulder. Comforting him slowly. "Aller." You gestured for him to get off, and he did. And although he didn't understand you, he was ready to trust you.
Pulling your tool set out of your pocket, you began your work, Max fidgeting with his hands as he watched quietly. "Common tu t'appelle?" "Huh?" He barley understood the basics, let alone with your accent. "She asked what your name is." Charles popped out of no where, explaining.
"Max." "Ahh, le grand Max Verstappen." He felt himself blush understanding the title. You knew who he was? "Quel âge a tu?" "She's asking how old you are." Max glared at Charles huffing, feeling like he ruined the moment. "Ten." He answered.
"Dix? J'ai dix-sept." And although you were a whole 7 years older than him, he felt attracted to you. Fixing a few wires, you quickly finished up patting the seat for Max. He immediately got in, starting the kart successfully.
"Congratulations." You patted his head, pocketing your tools.
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"C'est superbe." You put your hand out for him to shake. Without hesitation, Max shook your hand you could see his eyes wrinkle with a hidden smile beneath his helmet as he greeted you at parc freme.
Although he hadn't beaten you to P1, he felt pretty good losing to you. "Ton premier podium, n'est-ce pas sympa?" [your first podium, isnt that nice?] He couldn't understand you, but your voice and accent got him higher than any drug, made him blush more than any compliment.
He had ran after you as soon as you popped the champagne, making sure to empty all the contents of the expensive bottle on you as you tried to escape him, laughs falling from your mouth like waterfalls, music to his ears.
He set his mind to it, to get a podium with you every race to hear this laugh, and to learn French in attempt to rizz you up. Maybe he can ask you out?
"Y/N." He caught up to you after getting off the podium. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner if you're free?" "Ah! C'est une super idée, je connais un super restaurant ici à Monte Carlo." [yes! that's a great idea, i know a great restaurant here in monte carlo] You nodded eagerly handing your trophy to Charles ( who was making grabby hands for it ) and the champagne to Lorenzo.
"Est-ce que ça va si ma famille m'accompagne aussi?" [is it okay if my family tags along] "Quoi? Non! Tu as dit qu'il n'y aurait que nous!" [what? no! you said it would just be us!] "She's asking if it's okay for us to tag along." Lorenzo translates for Max, making the two teens glare at each other. "It's fine I guess. What ever you want." Max shrugged with a small smile.
"C'est une affaire." [its a deal] You shook his hand nodding.
Oh wow your hands were soft. Max felt embarrassed by his own rough and rigidi ones. "Je viendrai vous chercher dans quelques instants." [i'll pick you up in a few] You ruffled his hair before pulling your cousins away.
'Note to self,' max thought, 'Learn French.'
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"Le grand Max." You joked as you watched max receive the P1 trophy. He was overjoyed as he held it, gently pulling you in a hug which you returned laughing, patting his back.
"Merci, Y/N." "P1 vous convient." [P1 suit you] You teased booping his nose before receiving your P2 trophy, raising it for your Ferrari team to see. Max could only smile, admiring your happy glow as you lifted you champagne bottle up.
He's been staring to long, watching you pop the bottle, too distracted to begin his escape from you. He was soaked from head to toe before you were done with him, a chocking and laughing mess. "Allez." You gestured for him to lean backwards on your outstretched arm, raising the bottle up.
"I can't— I—" He cut himself off, letting you dip him down and pour the expensive alcohol down his throat, emptying it in his mouth. He held onto your race suit, doing his best to gulp down the liquid. "Voilà!" [there you go] You cheered once he got back up on his feet, all dizzy and disoriented.
"Y a-t-il quelque chose entre toi et Max?" [is there something between you and max] Charles asked once you handed him your new trophy. 'Me and Max?' You though for the first time. An idea that made your heart flutter. You've never thought about Max that way before, and you're sure he wouldn't think of you that way either.
He was only 18, and you were 25. Plus you two were drivers that competed against each other. It's not like you two could be in a relationship. What would people think?
But now that the idea was given to you, you couldn't get it out of your head. Even with Max sitting beside you on a random rock, watching the sunset in a random location drinking beer. "Hey why do they call it— MHPH~" He was surly taken aback, never in his 18 years of life would he expect this.
You turned your face into his, crashing your lips into his. It was a passionate kiss. Max could feel fireworks erupt in his heart as you moved your soft lips against his. He held onto your shoulder, panting as he squeezed his eyes shut. "Y/N." He begged between kisses.
Snapping out of it, you pulled away with wide eyes as you watched Max catch his breath. "Y/N." He tried to lean in and catch you again only for you to lean back, gulping. "We— we cant. You're— you're just a kid." You tried to reason.
Was max dreaming? He's hearing you speak English? He must be dead.
"I like you, Y/N. I do." "What what the people think? The media? We— we can't— mhh~" You moaned into his lips, gently gripping his hair as he leaned into your body, lips meeting yours once again. "We don't have to tell them. We—we can keep this between us." He promised, holding your hand.
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Making eye contact with Max, you stubbly nod to a random corner gesturing for him to take a time out. You could see his face blush as he struggled to make up an excuse to get away.
You trapped him in a corner once you got the chance, leaning down and connecting your lips with him into a soft and hungry kiss. This has been going on for months now, sneaking away only for you to trap Max between your arms as you made out.
You could feel his hand fist your shirt as you trailed your kisses down his neck, careful not to leave any marks. You could feel him stutter and stumble on his breath as one of your hands traced and danced slowly to where he needed you most.
"Y/N." You could hear him gasp as you helped him get rid of the tension on his pants. "Bon garçon." [good boy] You whispered in his ear once he finished as he struggled to catch his breath, falling on his bum on the floor like putty.
You leaned down, wiping the lipstick off his skin and zipping up his pants, leaving one last kiss in the corner of his mouth before disappearing same way you came.
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"Voyonsssss." [lets seee] You giggled as you adjusted the Santa hat on your head, beginning to pull the wrapper of your gift apart to reach your secret Santa present. "J'espère que c'est soit de kimi parce que je sais que ce serait marrant de sa part, soit de seb. Je parie que seb fait les meilleurs cadeaux." [i hopping it's either from kimi because i know it would be fun from him, or or seb. I bet seb makes the best gifts.]
You chuckled, opening the gift to see a small pink hot wheels Porsche glued to the lid of a box. "Qu'est-ce que c'est?" [what's this] you chuckled confused as you pulled the little box open, pulling the paper out. "Manuel du conducteur?" [drivers manual] You read through the text confused, chuckling nervously.
"Je— Oh non." [I- oh no] You dropped the items covering your face, tears welling up in your eyes. "Pardon, pardon." [sorry sorry] you apologized quickly picking back up the box, pulling out the porsche car keys. "Oh mon dieu." [oh my god]. Looking at the driver's manual you could only squeal as more happy tears ran down your eyes.
"Someone got me a porsche?! Whos in their right mind!?" You wiped your tears pulling out the written card. "So you can go watch all the sunsets you want in style. Who's crazy enough to do this." "Is it your dream car?" "It is, oh my god." You fussed kissing the keys. "It's that idiot Max, I bet. He is so dead."
"Do you like it?" Max asked as he passed by, taking a sip from his Redbull can to try and hide his smile. "C'mere." "Oh shit." He ran away from you quickly as you started to chase him.
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"You're an asshole." You gently smacked his bicep as you undid his shirt. Max visibly gulped, feeling your finger trace down his bare chest. "Do you want to stop? We can stop whenever you want." You assured, looking into his eyes.
Max was quick to shake his head. He wanted his first and only times to be with you. Although to the reasoning as to why he was having his first time in the passenger seat of your 911 targa was a mystery to him. He felt his breath hitch as you trailed kisses down his body, feeling on fire despite the January weather of Belgium.
He couldn't stop his hands from roaming your body once it was your turn to undress, his eyes looking at you with hunger and admiration, memorizing every inch. "I need you." He cursed, hooking his finger and pulling down your underwear slowly.
"Si impatient." [so impatient] You scolded him as you leaned your hands on his chest, sinking all the way down. You've never heard Max moan so loud and so much before. He was a practically in wonderland the whole time, gripping your hips with numerous sounds, whimpers, sinful noises falling from his mouth.
It turned you on knowing you had this effect on him, feeling him buck his hips up every few thrusts, curl his toes, beg for you. "My love— my love, I'm so close." He begged you as he leaned his head on your shoulder, hugging your waist as he practically slammed up into you chasing his orgasm.
"You fit me so perfectly, Y/N. You feel— fuck s—so good." He was a babbling mess to say the least. You could only giggle and encourage him in his ear as he neared you your own high.
"Good boy." You praised in his ear quietly as you stroked his hair, feeling his chest heave against yours. "Such a good boy." You hummed stroking his cheek gently as he brought his knees up, hugging you tighter, nuzzling in your neck. "W—wanna stay like this for a while longer." You could only giggle as you relaxed in his arms, playing with the hair on the nape of neck.
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Max immediately recognized you once he felt your hands cover his ears. He turned to face you, a wide smile covering his face as you prevented the loud noise from his car from bothering him any further. "What are you doing here?"
You'd gotten a message from Max about feeling negative. You didn't even hesitate to fly down to Abu Dhabi for the season finally.
Max turned his body to you, pulling you in a gentle hug. "What are you scared about? You're Max Verstappen." You kissed his cheek. gently. You could see Max's blue eyes searching for the blob of blond hair he's come to love.
"Mika's with Sergio." He couldn't hear you, but he could read your lips. "She wearing-" He made a movement gesturing to noise cancelling headphones and you nodded. "You didn't have to fly down, love." He sighed pressing his forehead to yours. "Eh. Ima pretend I didn't hear that." You chuckled pressing a soft peck to his lips.
"Oh come on." Charles put his hands between you pushing you apart. "Char what the—" you playfully kicked his shin before greeting him with a hug. "That's what you get for not coming to see me first." He squeezed you. "Still can't believe you betrayed the Leclerces for him." He pointed accusingly at Max with a frown.
"Mate, you were my best man!" Max defended throwing his hands up. "Doesn't mean i like this." Charles joked pointed between both of you. "You were the first one other than us to hold mika!" "And I don't like the reason behind Mika."
"Boo!" You looked down seeing said child grab Charles calf. Seconds later she sneezed ending up with her falling on her bum. Panic was induced as she began crying with Max quickly falling into action and lifting the 2 year-old up.
"Papa!" Dayum she forgot she was crying real quick. "it's time for me to run away." You whispered taking a few steps back, only for Charles to hold you from your collar and pull you back. "Wait what are you doing here?" "To make fun of you." You told Charles sarcastically, standing beside Max who was showering his daughter with affection and kisses.
"My turn." Charles demanded finally hugging Mika. "You forgot something, again." you told Max as you lifted his left hand up, slipping the golden band on his ring finger. Max could only laugh as he watched you nod in satisfaction, kissing your hand. "I told you I left it behind so I don't lose it. You know I have the outline tattooed." He pulled you in whispering in your ear, making you giggle.
"How about this to make it up for me, after this you win, we can—" You cupped you hand over his ear as you whispered to him. Max made a few faces from impressed to surprised, to smug. Sergio couldn't even imagine as he watched Max pull away and wink at you, already regretting to come greet you when you're within 6 feet of your husband.
"I'll see you after the race, amour." You kissed his cheek, hand lingering on his chest before you took Mika away. "Ah! Salut, Sergio. Comment allez-vous." [hey, sergio. how are you] "Not good after what I just saw." "You have two kids, man up." You joked before taking your daughter away to watch the race. "See you darling." You waved at Max before disappearing.
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electrosquash · 11 months ago
I love their sound so much
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just-a-little-unionoid · 8 months ago
done that once in middle school cuz I was bored at a recess, not sure if I spoke all of them but I did count them all in my head at least (and I'm telling you, when you're at 870 something it become fucking hard to keep up, pretty sure I counted some twice and maybe forgot a few ones? everything just merges past some point...)
it takes roughly 1/4 hour if anyone want to know
Weird question in my head that I just thought of, and its lowkey fucking me up.
What is the largest positive integer, where you're pretty sure you've explicitly read, heard, written, or spoken, every single integer from 0 to that number?
eg, everyone has explicitly written, heard, spoken, and read every integer between 1 and 10, and likely between 1 and 100. But have you written every triple digit integer? Probably not. What about read? Spoken? What about 500?
Idk, I'm thinking too much into this. Scrolling past a massive excel sheet in order, and my brain is skipping over a lot of the row labels- can I truly say that I've seen every number between 1 and 62,000? When did my brain stop paying attention?
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