#digimon as adults
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runawaycarouselhorse · 2 years ago
So many works are like "this magical world is ONLY FOR CHILDREN, if you grow up, you lose your sense of whimsy and wonder BY NECESSITY and are FOREVER BARRED THIS WORLD OF WONDER. If you missed your chance as a child, TOUGH LUCK. A bitterly hopeless and dark view of adulthood."
Pokemon is like, you didn't get your chance to go on a Pokemon journey because you were raising your siblings for five years because both of your parents were deadbeats? One finally saw the error of his ways and came back! You can start now!
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You're an old man who never went on a journey? You can start now!! Go out there with your flower-loving, skipping Treecko. You and your kid can both start your journeys with your little Starter Pokemon together, sure, why not?
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You DID enjoy Pokemon as a child and have now grown-up, still loving them? You're a Gym Leader, or Elite, or even the Champion!
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windydrawallday · 1 year ago
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VPet DigiDuet!
I never thought as an adult to have the chance to own one of these devices, feels like a dream 💚.
My first run was quite satisfactory: raised without trouble the whole line of Agumon… but made some mistakes when overfeeding Gabumon that made him evolve instead to Frigimon xD Still, I loved each moment of it!
Back to the drawing: because it was my first run, I delayed a little when choosing the second Egg after Agumon so, my Gabumon was always the "smaller brother" to him! I wanted to portray what I headcanoned as their relationship in these drawings x)
PD My VPet is a Glown-in-the-Dark version, which makes it extra badass for me to carry around ✨ I'll show a few photos of it under the cut.
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deathberi · 5 months ago
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DIGIMON ADVENTURE -BEYOND- PV to be released on March 2025 at the DIGIMON CON
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srvanderino · 11 months ago
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The Next Generation
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oddingram · 8 months ago
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digimon-smashorpass · 23 days ago
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picodart · 1 year ago
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digimontamerrichie-tcg · 2 months ago
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oatshow · 9 months ago
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Some work on a Digimon/Rogue One au, still need to draw adult Jyn and Bodhi and their digimon partners, as well as young Baze and Chirrut. Melshi is included of course because it's me.
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neorukixart · 9 months ago
Been wondering for a while if you have any other headcanons for your adult Ruki 🤔🙏
Ah... well, since you asked for "headcanons" it means I can go wild and ignore some of the canon, right? :3c
She had her "gay" awakening when she was watching "Digimon Adventure" while she was baby (about the age she had in the Locomon movie flashback), specifically the ep with princess Mimi. She didn't realized it until she grew up (prob in her 20s). Thanks to that, Rumiko "misread" the mood and thought Ruki wanted cute dresses and be pretty.
She's an AiM fan (thanks to Mimi), which would explain her fixation with "Yuuhi no Yakusoku", that's her fav song and has a soft spot for "My Place" too. She also listens to RAISE A SUILEN (because you know, I'm a RAS oshi too hehe).
She became a morning person quite easily thinking on how she wanted to work hard so when she meets Renamon again, they won't laugh at her for being lazy.
She's very polite, having studied in an "Ojousama" school until highschool but she's very careful to whom she greets with "Gokigenyou", she will NEVER use it with the tamers group but she does knows how to keep up appearances when needed.
The modeling job her mom "forced" her to do was with genderless clothes and during her last months of working as a model, she did more sports and formal suits (skirts were forbbiden); this gave her quite the popularity among girls and women ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). She's thankful she has to use a helmet while riding her bike to hide her face.
Juri will always touch the "you were very ikemen as a model" topic from time to time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
She used her model job money for her motocross gear and bikes.
Unfortunately for her, she became famous among the motor sports world and had to "become" a model again for magazines and interviews, the good thing is that she wears her gear and not "modeling" clothes. She's still popular among ladies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
She tries to be a good example to the kids she teaches bouldering, unfortunately (again) there are moms who are very interested in her ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
She regrets very much accepting being a model at this point (but now I find it very funny XDDD help)
During summer, she does radio exercises with kids and her stamp is actually a kawaii fox instead of her last name; when older kids ask why the stamp is like that she just says "I like foxes, they are cool", younger kids don't question it as it is a cute fox.
Jian and Juri are the ones she constantly keeps in touch with; Juri is the one who almost has time to go and see her competitions everytime and she drags Hirokazu and Kenta with her, Ruki appreciates the gesture.
She developed quite the motherly instincts thanks to the kids she's been teaching in the park; then she realized that "oh, so kids are only cute and adorable when they aren't your own" but she is not so against the idea of being a mother herself (Let her adopt Miyuki and Renaharu uwu).
Once in a while, depression actually hits her so you will find her on long bike rides at night with not an specific destination. She decided she was not going to cry anymore so at the end of her rides, she might need to hit something.
She's bad at drinking and becomes a drunk terminator, at the end of her destruction, she cries so, she prefers to avoid drinking but she can do it in moderation.
Thanks to her motocross career, she moved out of her house and lives in a relatively big apartment (model money is convenient); she lives alone but Juri has often suggested to live together, Ruki is not really ready for it yet.
Living alone means taking care of yourself so she's actually a good cook and procures to stay healthy (and buffy), cooking is a hobby she didn't expect to develop but here she is.
She keeps a few plants that does not need much water as she's out most of the time, but surprinsingly she keeps her apartment tidy and clean.
One time she was on TV (thanks to her competition being aired) and got interviewed upon winning; later that week people connected the dots and said she was one of the kids who were fighting the D-reaper and had to ask Jian and Yamaki for help since it went viral (let's say that they did some things here and there that might or not be illegal).
From time to time, she takes Juri on her bike rides (when she doesn't has to do extra work for her school) and the one place she always takes Juri to, is the beach because it reminds her the ONE time she got trapped in Okinawa thanks to a certain Omegamon asking for her help to defeat Mephismon and how she was able to go back thanks to Kyuubimon that miraculously, knew how to swim. When Juri asked why she didn't asked for Jian and Takato's help (or Minami's), she said it was very embarrassing to owe money and favors; but she keeps in mind that if she ever finds this Omegamon again, she will have a few things to say.
I've already said this but, she collects the new Digica, overall Renamon evo line cards. She also collects Digimon plushies. V-mon and Tailmon being among her favs (me? pushing my biases? Noooooo of course noooooo).
Ryou will often try to get in touch and get her to compete in Digica tournaments; Ruki refuses saying she will only do it if the fate of the world and Digital World are at stake, never for fun; only in private and with friends (those friends being Hirokazu, Kenta and Ryou who are the only other nerds to get cards).
She's in good terms with Ryou to be honest; they have a good relationship and he already apologized for forgetting about her when they were kids. Ruki still doesn't knows why she can't hold that grudge anymore but she considers him a good friend so when Jian or Juri don't have time, she will chat with Ryou and share their problems. Their fav subject is sharing their adventures before meeting each other and new booster packs of the Digica or discussing the new Digis designs.
Speaking of new Digis, she likes Diarbbitmon and is gay for Cendrillmon.
Also speaking of Digica, there was one time when Shaochung was eager to learn but Jian ain't teaching her for whatever reason so she went to Ruki who, happily showed how to play. They are in very good terms, even Shaochung would often brag with her friends and classmates how she knows the Digimon Queen (and motocross pro) Makino Ruki. She keeps calling her "Ruki onee-chan" btw.
She would be on good terms with Takato if only he would have stuck around instead of disappearing xD so she holds a grudge towards him for "abandoning" Juri; this is the main reason Ruki will try to spend time with Juri the most she can. Who knows, maybe she can wooo her ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Speaking of Juri, I think Ruki realized she liked her when they were teens but out of respect for Takato she stayed quiet, for YEARS. Also Juri secretly collected Ruki's photos from her modeling days (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
I know that for the sake of the CD dramas, Ori-san had to do her usual "Ruki" voice, but I actually picture Ruki having a different Ori-san voice, something between Riza (FMA Brotherhood) and Manami (Digimon Ghost Game).
I think that's all I have for now XD I hope you have fun reading? Also, since I don't have anything new to post (still can't use Glaze and don't even talk about Nighshade) here have a blurry preview of your prompt hehe.
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ashxketchum · 6 days ago
For the requests thing, may I ask for "Tracing the other's lips with their finger" for Taiora?
+ Cold feet warming each other up under the blanket requested by @sohemotional
SURPRISE! Just me sliding in with this fic 2 months later like everything's normal hehehe~
This was one of those fics, which after I wrote it I thought it didn't make sense at all, but I just needed to let some time pass and revisit it to see what worked and what didn't. It doesn't have smut in it, but it is implied. I just can't write the more explicit scenes so I gloss over it with metaphors lol.
Hope you enjoy reading it!
AO3 Link
[Post divider by @/cafekitsune]
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At the first crack of dawn, her eyes fluttered open, the soft, pinkish sunlight danced across the room, tainting it with its bright hues which made her eyes crinkle under the strain. This shouldn’t be happening, Sora thought, as neither she nor Taichi were known to wake up this early. As she felt more awake, she could make out the weight of Taichi’s arm draped across her waist, his head resting close to her collarbone as he slept peacefully, unbothered by the sunlight now a sharp orange flooding their room.
Sora turned her head and the reason behind the sun’s invasion greeted her without any defence.
Taichi had forgotten to close the blinds again last night.
She sighed, bringing one hand to her face to massage her temples.
Moving in together was proving to have a few more challenges than she had anticipated.
Only a month had passed since they’d made the shift and while Sora did enjoy the novelty of turning a house into a home together with someone she loved, there were still quite a few things that the two of them could not seem to find common ground on. She didn’t want to see their differences in a negative light, rather think of them as something that helped them understand each other even better.
But there were still moments when her patience was tested.
Taichi always slept like a baby, bright lights or loud noises rarely served as a disruption to him. Sora, however, was different, she needed the room to be fully dark to fall asleep, the only sounds allowed were that of her own breath, and now Taichi’s. Since Taichi usually came home after her, he’d often turn on a lamp or open the curtain blinds to look at the city view before he headed to bed. She didn’t mind if he left the lamp on, since even if she was asleep, she’d still pick up on the light and wake up to turn it off before settling back. But with the blinds it wasn’t the same, and her sleep would always get interrupted the minute sunlight started to pour in.
Today happened to be the third time this had happened in two weeks.
She tried to be discreet in her attempt to slip out from under Taichi so she could get up and close the blinds. But her efforts were wasted as the minute she started to wiggle, his grip around her waist tightened and he shifted to press himself closer to her.
“Don’t wake up yet, Sor. It’s a Sunday.” He muttered drowsily in her ear as he raised his head from her neck and rested his forehead against hers.
She rolled her eyes, biting her tongue to keep herself from replying haughtily. She put her hands on his chest with the hope of pushing him away by force and just for a moment she believed it was working, but that was a mistake. Taichi was just waiting for her to let her guard down so he could ambush her by grabbing their blanket and covering them both with it snugly from head to toe. It was hard not to relish in the warmth he brought with him as he moved closer, rubbing her feet with his own to chase away the cold along with any motivation she’d had up until then to leave the bed.
“You left the blinds open again, Taichi,” Sora said, though her voice was all muffled with the blanket covering them and Taichi’s big head hovering above her face. She wanted to sound upset, but with the heat enveloping them it was impossible to not sound dizzy, “I can’t go back to sleep until I close them, so please get off me.”
“Oops.” Taichi replied, with not the slightest hint of guilt in his voice. He lowered the blanket to glance towards the window, once he confirmed that she was right, he sent her a sheepish grin, “Sorry about that.”
He didn’t bury them under the blanket again, but in a flash he shifted to lie right on top of her, locking her down on the bed by pressing his weight onto her.
“But I’m sure you can go back to sleep if you try.” He was teasing her now, which meant that he was fully awake too so at least it wasn’t just Sora who was forced to sacrifice her sleep at this hour.
“No, I can’t.” Sora squeaked under the sudden pressure of his weight. They’d had this conversation almost every time Taichi made this mistake, so Sora was compelled to act more stubborn than usual. “So if you just-” she heaved, still trying to push him away with all the strength she could put in her palms, “get off me, I can go close the blinds and we can both go back to sleep peacefully.”
“Are you sure about that, though?” Taichi asked again, easily lowering himself onto her so she would know that she didn’t have the chance to win in a battle of strength. Resting his forehead against hers once again, he looked directly into her eyes and smirked as if he’d won, “Have you ever tried?”
“Y-yes.” Sora managed to speak even as she felt her whole body tremble at the warmth he infected her with. It was difficult to maintain eye contact with Taichi without blushing, so she decided to lower her gaze and it fell at his lips, another wrong move on her end since now she was incapable of stringing together a proper sentence, “I-i’ve trrr-ied ma-ny times.”
“I see.” Taichi replied in a low voice that made her toes curl. He looked pleased at the sight of colour rushing to her cheeks, he brought a hand to her face and caressed it softly before winking at her. "But you didn’t have me to help you with it then.”
“How could you possibly-”
The rest of her question died in her throat when Taichi lifted a finger and pressed it to her lips. He waited for a moment, making sure that Sora had fully given up on retaliating, before he traced the finger across her lips, which parted without hesitation at his touch like a lock clicking open for the right key.
“Close your eyes.”
She did as she was told when she felt Taichi’s lips press against hers.
The sunlight flooding their room, the open window blinds, all of that became irrelevant in her mind as Taichi’s hands travelled from her cheeks to her neck, then across her chest and down to her waist. It felt as if her skin was melting in the spots that he touched and yet she couldn’t get enough of it, wanting for him to keep going until she was nothing but a puddle of bliss. She was grateful that she didn’t need to speak this out loud and he knew exactly what she wanted. When she felt him smirk against her lips, for a moment Sora did want to pull herself together for the sake of her pride, but then his fingers looped around the hem of her underwear before sliding in without hesitation. Her mind went blank and the only thing she was aware of was Taichi, and the satisfying happiness he granted her with just a flick of his finger.
Sora quite naturally lost track of time as she accepted her defeat and gave in to the pleasure of Taichi’s touch. Before long, she felt her body relax deeper into the mattress and with the end of her blissful release came the exhaustion, from now and from the day before, pushing her towards a slumber so deep, something she hadn’t thought was possible until she let herself fall victim to it.
When Sora finally woke up several hours later around noon, she couldn’t believe that not only was their room was flooded with light, Taichi was out blasting music throughout the house while running the vacuum cleaner at full throttle. She slowly pulled herself up, eyes now fully open and her mouth slightly hanging ajar as she asked herself, had she really slept through all of that?
“Good morning, Sora!” Taichi appeared in the doorway, as if sensing that she was awake. He hadn’t bothered to lower the music though, so he practically had to shout his greeting as he grinned at her, “How’d you sleep?”
Sora pursed her lips together as she felt her cheeks turn red under his cheeky gaze, of course he knew that she’d slept well, all thanks to him but admitting that out loud would just give him the support he needed to get his way all through the week or even month.
“I slept fine,” she said, carefully picking her words.
“The light didn’t bother you? Or what about the music, I know you hate this band so much-”
Taichi wouldn’t be Taichi if he didn’t push all her buttons until the very end.
Sora brought her hands to her face covering them as she groaned in defeat, “Fine, fine! I slept like a baby and you were right. I have you to help me now.”
“Why, thank you for the compliment. Glad to be of service, love you too.”
With a final smug look thrown in her direction, Taichi sauntered away into their living room, after a few minutes both the loud music and vacuum cleaner were turned off. Sora shook her head as she dressed herself under the covers, so he really had turned those on to prove a point, did Taichi even get any cleaning done after all? As she stepped into the living room and rolled her eyes at the sight that greeted her, Sora thought that wanting to understand each other better came with the realisation that some things about her and Taichi would never change, but that did not mean that either of them had to give up trying.
So if Taichi could get her to fall asleep against all odds, surely a day would come when Sora would be able to get him to use their vacuum cleaner correctly.
After all both were just a matter of putting his fingers to good use.
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thugnificent666 · 3 months ago
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My powers are so advanced, they can't even be detected by your primitive minds.
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demonir · 10 months ago
Recommending to you the Digimon Floramon
the saga of people telling me to look at random digimons continue and oh boy!
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I'm not the biggest fan of plant creatures but i love the gradient on it's arms and the contrast it has with the rest of the design! also the :3 mouth... that's just top tier design always!!!
also it can evolve into THIS???
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I'm obsessed with whatever the hell this thing is there are no thoughts behind those black dot eyes I'm in love with it
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this card is adorable...look at it just chilling, vibing, one with nature, I hope no one disturbs them
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digimon-smashorpass · 4 months ago
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picodart · 1 year ago
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azaracyy · 1 year ago
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one of my finished ych commissions. other finished artwork can be found here. the tailmon is based on the twitter meme / trend of tailmon with pikachu build
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