#didnt break the skin but it did hurt!
readymades2002 · 3 months
haha i love my job so much. big fan of being bitten by a customer's dog and asking them to please hold their dogs back so i can load their car and them going oh my dogs are friendly though. i think you're just not a dog person. like I'M the asshole in this situation. whatever
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angelstrawbabie420 · 3 days
i love how the bones i broke at fucking 12 still ache when i do too much physically over a DECADE later
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murcielagatito · 7 months
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we cleaned the raptor enclosures today and i tripped on some hardware and ate shit and we got more babies!!! (mami just called saying she got five more 😭 so a total of ten babies)
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shararan · 11 months
tfw you cant write because no manner of seating arrangement currently works without major pain and your body feels like its about to fall apart into pieces jfc if it aint the neck its the shoulders or lower back or elbows
#sharan talks#bed was too soft for my lower back today so moved to my desk#which hurt my shoulders#and now sitting in kitchen#which hurts my neck#basically everything from my joints to my muscles to my skin#are all just brittle to the point of constant pain and fragility#like i dont have the strength to fight against gravitys pull because im too bendy and weak to yknow#urghhhhhhh#at least if doctors didnt wave it off as “its not curable anyway so dont bother” maybe i could get the diagnoses and access to resources#but no i gotta sit here and micromanage everything with the flesh and get unsolicited comments and tips#both snarky and well intentioned but misguided#meanwhile i have no means to truly stand up for myself cause while i have my suspicions i also dont know for sure#i just know that im in pain and that im beyond the point of returning to being able to push through and pretend that im fine#and that ill always be blamed for being the cause of my medical complications that stem from things out of my control#ugh im sorry im rambling and its super annoying and personal just#ive been a mess in the head about this ever since the wake surgery where they didnt listen to me when i told them anesthesia didnt work#and i felt every single thing they did to my skin and laid there in cold sweat trying not to scream or cry#and then having to toughen up so i could take the bus home immediately after without breaking down into panic from the shock#ughhhhhh#its hard NOT to feel hopeless when i sit here and cant even WRITE.#because i cant sit up reliably by my own strength and my thumbs are so bad that i cant write on my phone anymore#ive already been forced to accept that drawing will always be rough for me physically i dont wanna have to do that with writing too#and i know im being overly dramatic rn because im worked up and stressed and sad but goddamn its so hard to stay positive as time passes#which i know is also because its winter which makes it so much worse + seasonal depression#and i KNOW itll be easier when spring and summer returns with warmth#but fucking hell until then can i just go into hibernation#ugh i need to stop im gonna cry JDSKLLKGKGLLGDLK#and i need to lay down im clenching my jaw too hard trying to stay right up
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malewifesband · 5 months
i see it often that people do not see laios liking kabru, but in reality laios does like kabru! quite a lot for a guy that (from his perspective) he just met! laios forgetting kabrus exact name is not evidence of disinterest in any way--hes only heard it a couple of times, he struggles with small details (unless you want to argue laios also doesnt give a shit about marcille, chilchuck and senshi, he also forgets small details about them. if you do think this, i think dungeon meshi may be too advanced for you. stick to bluey.), and the man has autism. like near explicitly.
laios offers food from their limited supplies because kabru showed an interest in eating monsters, and makes him an omelette so he can have something to eat even though other food was already being prepared. he listens to kabrus criticism of his behavior and mindset in trying to protect falin even though she was straight up killing people, and tries to drag kabru to safety. he watches kabru defuse the situation between himself and toshiro masterfully, and confides in him how hurt he is that toshiro is so angry and how he mustve done something truly awful to upset him like that. when kabru tells him that meeting him was the best part of his time in the dungeon, laios agrees and says its the same for him (remember: laios doesnt do empty platitudes well--if he said it, he meant it).
when kabru leaves, we get three fucking panels in a row of laios staring after him, flexing the hand kabru was just holding, and reflecting on kabrus words ("next time..?")
when kabru shows up again deep in the dungeon, chilchuck is suspicious, but laios is so excited to see him that he throws caution to the wind and lets kabru hold his hand again despite seconds later crossing succubus off his list of shapeshifters that could be appearing as kabru--a carelessness around monsters and danger laios rarely exhibits. when kabru gives his warning about the canaries, laios is grateful. he notices how often kabru saves his skin
when lycion reveals that kabru lied about wanting to eat the omelette laios made, it breaks his heart because he made that with love! he made it for kabru, and kabru didnt like it, and now he knows kabru was just playing at friendship to use him. that breaks his heart, hes distraught, but he doesnt have time to be hurt about it when marcille needs his help urgently so he turns to run to her. he apologizes to kabru and tries to leave again. he isnt listening to what kabru is saying here because kabru was just revealed as a liar and because it doesnt really cohere (kabru is stuttering and speaking in broken sentences as he tries to explain about the dungeons power) and he needs to save marcille
he doesnt believe kabru wanted to be his friend, because who would? why would laios be special enough, loveable enough, to go through the pains kabru went through, just to be his friend? but when kabru makes the intensity of his desire known, laios promises to feed him again, at a proper restaurant --and again, food is care for laios, to feed someone is to love them. marcille is still his priority bc she is in real danger but he means what he says, he really does want to start over with kabru and be real friends with him
once we hit the resolution of the story, kabru near glues himself to laios, helping him and trying to cement himself as a right-hand man, and making known his intent to support laios no matter what. in the medieval manuscript style epilogue, kabru is one of two friends that stick by laios as he becomes king. both marcille and kabru become the people closest to him (besides falin of course), two friends who will always support him, always let him know when hes fucked up and theyre mad at him, two friends who he can rely on. laios did not have to accept kabru as an advisor, he did not have to ask him to stay with him. he did that because after everything, he trusts kabru now, and knows he can count on him
while laios doesnt give any big monologues about what he likes about kabru, its very clear he does, and we know what things laios values in other people. he appreciates kabrus social skills (very clear in the post canon comic in the adventurers bible), his intelligence, that kabru WANTS to be around him and understand him even though its difficult, his strength, and frankly he does appreciate his charm (three fucking panels straight of staring after him). laios really values people with specialized skillsets who are willing to tell him frankly what they think and advise him in areas he is weak in (something we see in his relationship with... i was gonna say namari but its everyone. he does this with everyone he likes. and in the resolution kabru does this CONSTANTLY he does not go a panel without giving laios his professional opinion on how to deal with people).
in conclusion: arent you hungry, kabru? let laios make something for you
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quaranmine · 2 years
i hate my stupid skin i hate that i am cursed with awful acne on my back not even because it has scarred me or whatever but BECAUSE IT HURTS SO MUCH RIGHT NOW AUGHLJSG L;SAGJ HA;BSD;B
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loveandmurders · 2 months
Imagine Michael Myers ruined your life. He killed your boyfriend and your friends because you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. You have been able to run away just in time, but he left scars on your body.
You couldn't stop watching them and you couldn't stop thinking about him. You used to be such a normal and mentally stable person, but then... You grew obsessed with revenge. You were a wounded animal desiring to wound in return.
So you started to plan out how you were going to kill the big and frightening Shape.
Imagine you completely change your basement for it to become the most perfect prison. You could easily tie someone there, and you could even more easily kill them without anyone to hear anything about it.
Transforming your basement was the easy part, then you needed to get Michael Myers out of the asylum and to trap him there. But you were smart, ressourceful and ready to murder him and to be covered in his blood.
You did get him out of the asylum by briding a few guards and nurses. You patiently waited for him to go back to his house, where you were waiting for him. Gosh, waiting was driving you even crazier.
Imagine taking Michael Myers by surprise; you shot him and hit him on the head. No matter how strong he was, he collapsed. You painfully pulled him to your car and brought him to your home. Whenever people heard Michael was out of his cell, they were hiding so it was easy for you to go unnoticed.
You were quick to bring him to your basement, not caring about the way his head was hitting one step after the other, or the way his shooting wound was staining his clothes. You were quick to tie him down with chains even an elephant couldn't tear apart.
And then you waited again. You wanted for the man to see your face before hurting him and killing him. You needed him to know who was hitting him.
Imagine Michael waking up in your basement, half confused of what was going on. He quickly understood he wasn't back at the asylum. He had no idea who you were, not that he cared. He simply wanted to kill you, to dismantle you and to forget about you. He didn't show his surprise when he couldn't break free from his chains.
"I'm gonna kill you so slowly" you darkly promised him and it made him completely freeze. He recognised your cold anger. You started to interest him.
You didn't try to guess what he was thinking; no one could understand him anyways. You just wanted him to suffer. You tried to make him scream, but you could slice his skin, burn him, break his fingers... and yet he wouldn't show anything.
Imagine getting so angry, you had to leave the room. You didnt want to kill without him to experience true pain and you wanted proof he was in pain.
It was then he hit you. Physically hurting him was useless. You needed to play with something so deep inside of him, that it would break him. You needed him to fall in love with you and then to put him back into the asylum, so far away from you, driving him insane.
You read about Stockholm Syndrome a lot. You fed Michael, you took care of his wounds, and then you would let him rot for a few days alone downstaires. You were alterning between abuse and some sort of "tenderness".
You were patient and it started to pay off. Whenever you were coming downstairs, Michael was instantly trying to get free of his chains, but not to escape, just to touch you. He couldn't think, all he knew was that he needed you more than oxygen. When you were around, he was behaving like a dangerous puppy trying to please you. When you were punishing him and leaving him alone in the dark, you were only feeding his obsession of you.
Imagine one night, you got a little bit tired and hence not being as careful as you should have been around a monster like Michael. You have come too close to him and you haven't moved quick enough. He caught your wrist and easily made you fall on his lap. You found yourself straddling him. You tried to move from him but his big hands were around your waist, keeping you close.
He had never wanted to kiss or to pleasure someone before, but he would be on his knees in between your legs if only you had wanted it. Him. He took in your scent and nuzzled in your neck as his hands softly slipped under your top so he could feel how soft and warm your skin were.
"Michael" you warned him and he froze "Let me go, or I'll be very mad"
Imagine the most dangerous of killers, twice your size and three time your strenght, letting you go. You saw the shadow of a pout on his face. He was so disappointed. Everything felt so cold without you.
You quickly went upstairs, not caring about the wounded grunts echoing in the basement as Michael was desesperate to watch you go. It was then you understood he was ready. He was ready to be put back in the asylum, far far away from you.
You went to work and when the night came, you joined Michael with some meal. You watched him eat and drink his water. You praised him before settling on his lap on your own accord, but you forbidad him from touching you. And even if he was struggling he obeyed as you moved closer. You didn't really know why but you kissed him, and he instantly - and yet a little bit clumsily - replied to it.
"You're gonna be a good boy to me and you're gonna have a little walk near by your house, okay?" you told him. Michael didn't understand why you would ask him to go "But then you come back. I want to see if I can trust you without those chains" you explained to him and he nodded.
Imagine playing with fire and removing his chains. He didn't care about the bruises littering his wrists and ankles. He only wanted to touch you. He had been love and touch starved his whole existence, and if his lack of empathy helped him to pretend it was alright, now he was in need of you. You allowed him to roam your body and to squeeze your flesh with want.
Soon enough you asked him to go and he reluctantly obeyed. He left your house with the only desire to come back to you. But before, he knew he had to obey to you like he used to obey his mother. He went near his former home - because his home was now you. You called the police on him.
He fought like a lion, but there were too many cops and doctors, even for him. He got shot with sedative. Next time he opened his eyes, he was back to his cell in the asylum. And he quickly lost it. Doctors had to intervene, to sedate him again and to tie him up to his bed as he was destroying everything around.
Dr. Loomis had no idea why the usually quiet man, was getting so out of himself. Nothing could calm down Michael, who was absolutely going even more insane the more time he was being away from you. He couldn't stand a world without your warmth and presence. You were a drug, the only thing he ever desired, the only thing that made him feel something.
Imagine missing the flash news about Michael Myers escaping the asylum, as you were asleep on your couch.
Imagine waking up to your front door being torn apart. You ran to your kitchen, grabbed a sharp knife and was ready to dialled 911 when you saw Michael coming into view.
He took a few more steps before kneeling down in front of you, showing you he was no threat to you, and more importantly that he was all yours.
"Oh. You came back home" you whispered to yourself as he wrapped his arms around your mid section.
He was indeed back home.
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iloveroblox48 · 2 months
to sweet ❣︎
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❣︎ ➝ Masterlist here!
❣︎ ➝ Tags:katsuki bakugou and super sweet fem reader! fluff and angst(?)
❣︎ ➝ A/n:hey guys!! another katsuki fic because why not also (^w^) i swear im going to write a fully happy fluffy fic soon i just need more angst practice (◞‸◟)so for now you guys will suffer ( `▽´ ) this is also kind of rushed anyways ignore any grammar/spelling mistakes requests open as always enjoy ⁽˙³˙⁾
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When katsuki came to UA he hated everyone especially you.He didnt know why nor did he question it,he knew he hated you since the day you introduced yourself to the class all smiles and laughter, oh he hated it loathed it even everything about was to sweet the way your laughter filled the whole classroom,the way your bracelets clunked together in a beautiful remedy everytime you talked about something interesting,the way your perfume smelled like a mix of flowers and fruits,how you were so kind to everyone even him oh he hated that the most.
So obviously he made it his mission to ruin you,to break that sweet and kind personality of yours to find the monster underneath.He picked on you day after day calling you more insults than anyone else,pushing you in hallways,he even ripped your homework on “accident” after he stepped on it, and all you could do was flash him a sweet smile and carry on about your day.he wanted nothing more than to break your sweet demeanor.
One day while doing a training exercise you and him had gotten partnered up the goal was for you to find him and capture him,his goal as a “villian” was to defeat you and put the capture cuffs on you.He was so eager to finally be able to take out frustration on you and you to fight back.When this battle was going down of course he antagonized you yelling at you to come out from hiding,his location easily being revealed.You had sneak attacked him from the back giving you an easy win that wasnt even the worst part,the worst part was the fact that you had barely used your quirk and when he fell you offered a hand to help him up.
yeah he really hated you now.
He hated you so much because no matter what he did you still saw the good in him.He didnt realize this until one evening in the common room in the dorms.He was on the couch in a black tank top,red pajama pants losely hanging on his legs,reading glasses on his nose.You were in the kitchen in your pajamas,hair slightly frizzled from sleep,once you had grabbed you glass of water and a snack you headed to the couch toward him sitting down on the opposite side of him watching whatever show on your phone.He didnt say anything he just kept reading his book a comfortable silence falling over the room.Until he finally spoke up.
“Nerd can i ask you something”
“Why are you so damn nice to me” he said closing his book to look at you.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
You said it like it didnt pain you to be nice to him,like everytime you talked to him you chest wasn’t on fire,or maybe that was just him.Everytime he saw you his chest started to hurt,his stomach bubbling with something unpleasant maybe thats why he hated you because you could so easily get under his skin with your kindness having no trouble at all to show it and how much you believed in him.
So after a couple of months you broke down his tough demeanor he began to love the way your laughter drew him in like a siren,the way your bracelets so beautifully clanged together when you talked about something that interested you,the way he could recognize the smell of your perfume,he loved it so much it made his chest burn.
While his tough exterior began to soften,yours began to grow rougher.Your smile being a rare sight,your personality becoming colder,your responses shorter.He noticed this one day and of course he had to confront you after class.
“Oi whats wrong with you nerd”he said standing in front of your desk.
“What do you mean”you glared at him your once so loving eyes filled with hatred
“You haven’t been your usual annoying self”
“Well excuse me for being tired of being treated like shit”
“What the hell has gotten into you”
“I dont katsuki why dont you tell me huh? this is what you wanted right? to make me hate you well you got what you wanted..you know i tried being nice to you because i saw good in you,i knew that you accepting kindness would take time but you dont get to treat me like scum on the bottom of your damn shoe…Leave me alone bakugou.” you grabbed your things and stormed off
This isnt how he want this to go down he just didnt know how to explain himself so he watched you storm off that pain in his chest again,that weird bubbling feeling in his stomach,he wanted to call out to you to grab your wrist and explain everything.But he couldn’t not with the overwhelming growing lump in his throat.
Just then he realized that he didnt hate you,he never has,in reality he liked you
No he loved you
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pure-oddity · 10 months
First time with simon is probably really rough
Like he's not trying to hurt you or anything(unless you ask nicely) but this dude needs to be taught gentle hands. He doesn't know them anymore, could have known them - was learnin to use em when news about his nephew surfaced. But now there's no soft baby skin he's gotta be worried about , just hard metal and Kevlar.
So when he sees you the morning after and finds bruises he DIDNT intentionally place he gets a lil. Upset? Definitely not happy, tries not to think about the marks he'd see on his mom. But it's not like you're complaining! He did take care of you in terms of orgasms, and he did grab you a wet rage for clean up so all in all not the worst. But still. Your reassurance does little to quell the twisting in his stomach.
So he experiments, stares a lot while he does. Goes the opposite direction - from handling you too roughly to not at all. Takes on a less hands on approach though you can see he's fighting himself on that.
Perched all pretty ontop of him while you bounce on his cock. His hands fisted in the sheets at his side, utilizing all the discipline he can to not just grab you and fuck you down onto him. He lasts a lot longer than you'd expect but at some point the man breaks, and then he breaks you.
And youre still into it! But he's lowkey grumpy because he's gone and left a handprint again. You suggest maybe the gentleness can come in the after first and then be incorporated during? Baby steps.
And the routine changes. When all's said and done, he whipes you down with a warm wet rag himself. Hands you a water bottle, even unscrews the cap. Maybe even a snack that won't leave a mess in the bed - you almost laughed at the sheer ridiculousness of seeing this naked hunk walk up with his plastic baggie of orange slices, but he went and peeled you an orange so you shut up.
And it gets easier, youre cuddled to his side while his arm cradles you closer. He sometimes turns on his side and nuzzles into your hair.
Won't ask if what he's doing is helpful or any good, much rather watch you and see how you react. But sometimes you'll get a "good?"
It's only one word but it means a lot. It means: did you enjoy that? Was I good? Was I soft enough? Did I make up for any of the aches and bruises?
Being well versed in reading between the lines you answer all his questions in one go, and chirp a happy yes. You then further snuggle into the sparse patch of hair on his chest - feel his big sigh of relief.
After that sex changes with him too!
So when he's got you on all fours seeing stars, pace brutal - he'll gently skim a broad palm up your back.
Thrusts slow and deep, more of a gentle grind against your sweetspot - while he pinches, twists and pulls at your nipples.
Balls slapping your chin, cock buried so deep in your throat you swear its in your stomach- while he tucks your hair behind your ears.
Tongues your hole until you're a sloppy crying mess, leagues passed overstimulated- and holds your hand so you have something to squeeze on.
He's learning how to make the closest thing to love he's capable of.
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imwetforyourmom · 2 months
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CW: depression, crying, mention of no eating, mentions of being trapped in ones mind (and cant find a way out), absolutely no y/n/character, depressed!chris
SUMMARY: where chris falls into a depressive episode and cant find a way out. matt cant stand watching his brother suffer in once what he experienced.
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“its gonna be okay, chris.”
chris felt as if he'd never experience being happy again, the word an empty hole inside his gut that slowly tore open more each dreaded opening of his eyes every morning. the physical exhaustion he felt every morning, finding his ability of still being concious, filling inside his body as simple as water filling an empty jug. he didnt want to be empty and filled with exhaustion.
the fucking word that everyone explained to be the best thing on earth, heavens place on earth, was torn so easily from him, left his mind to its feeble attempts of retrieving the word and becoming it. why was he deprived of ‘happy’? what did he do to deserve this?
he didnt want this. he didnt want to dread having to get out of bed every morning, he didnt want to have to keep biting back the tears he felt pooling his waterline every morning. he didnt want to huff a large breath with even moving his position on his bed, seeking the comfort his mind couldnt withhold. even the thought of getting out of bed, and leaving to do an activity he used to enjoy put his mind on edge. why couldnt he get out of bed without putting up a fight?
he reminisced in the memories of the activities he used to do with a stupid grin on his face, a grin that pained his cheeks. not pained from the amount of crying he did. the pain in his gut being from laughing too hard was only a memory he could wish for but never recieve, why is it now hurting from the thought of getting out of bed to do something, anything. why was he like this?
his brothers begging, pleas and even their shed tears did little to convince him to satisfy the angry demanding growl of his stomach, desperate for food. but even the mere sight of food brought tears to his eyes and a gag at the back of his throat. he wanted to eat, but couldnt. he didnt want to be this way.
he didnt want to have to tell his brothers ‘no’ everytime they asked, even begged for him to take a small spoonful of food. always being given the same reply, the same reply that never failed to bring tears to their eyes and a strike of pain to their chest. a sickening pain they could never escape, maybe until chris voluntarily came out of his room with a hopeful radiance. maybe that would be the key to escape. he didnt want to have to seek an escape.
on the rare occasion chris came out of his room, nicks facial expression scrunched in sympathy, and a whirlwind of emotioms crushed over matt. a whirlwind of emotions chris wished they never even had to think of.
chris’ eyes were sunken in, lips chapped and as pale as his food deprived skin, his hair always a mess, an absolute nightmare to even try and comb through. his entire figure sickly skinny. but most importantly, matt—anyone—could tell how not okay he was, how utterly depressed he was. even with his pathetic attempt at convincing everyone that he is “okay” and not praying to god everynight that it gets better. that god will somehow take his hand and lead him out of the four white walls, dimmed light and screaming thoughts keeping him captive from his own escape.
but, even with his tries, hes well aware everyone knows hes not okay. especially matt and nick. they were the first to notice, and always will be.
they were the first to notice chris’ smiles slowly subtracting each day, his usually radiant, sun filled energy beginning to fade into nothingness. even the simple gleam in his eyes darkening—they noticed, of course they did. the writhing pain chris only experienced in the depths of his mind, nick and matt felt in their entire being. it was of to no one what chris experienced, except his brothers. when it all first began, nick and matt could see it in chris’ slowed energy.
one of the biggest signs he gave off, was the drastic change of sleeping in his room everynight. the cold pricking chris’ skin from not having another body beside him was the only thing he felt other than the tiredness coursing through him, and he wasnt up to giving it up yet. sleeping in his brothers rooms didnt give him the cold shivers he so utterly wanted, and again, he wasnt ready to leave the only thing he felt yet.
matts own sleep began taunting him, taunting him of the fact chris wasnt beside him, warming his shivering frame, the same cold that chris seemed desperate to experience, too attatched to let go.
matts attempts at keeping himself warm became desperate, two blankets turned into three, then four—then matt had enough.
he wanted his brother back. he wanted the familar laughter echoing across the house, he wanted his comforting embrace around his body and muffled giggles in the pocket of his shoulder. what he once told he didnt want, but now craved for, was going to be his to call comforting again.
matt stood out of bed, pushing off his nth blankets off his body and walking quick, watching his feet as they desperately walked the memorized path to chris’ room, the room he hadnt been so desperate to get to in weeks.
his footsteps stopped abruptly at the door, where matt second thought this entire thing. what if chris didnt want to be bothered? what if he walked in on the wrong time?
what if— he cut himself off with his hand going to twist the knob quickly, shoving the door open and quickly closing it behind himself.
his eyes frantic as they searched across the room for his chris. finding him in no other place but laying flat on his back, in starfish pose with no blankets, goosebumps covered all across his pale skin.
“chris?” matts shakey voice rang through the freezing air. his voice only a whisper in chris’ far long gone head. a cry for chris in chris’ tear filled ocean. a yearn in chris’ longing for his joyfilled self.
a sob broke throughout the tension filled air, matts chest moved rapidly as tears streamed down his face, his shoulders rising up and down, syncing with the rise of his chest.
“please chris,” he begged, crawling onto chris’ bed, wrapping himself around chris, shoving his face into the crook of his neck, his arms locked around his torso and his legs intertwined with chris’.
a shiver ran up chris’ spine at the sudden warmth, though, it silenced his overwhelming thoughts. the arms around his feeble body brought the comfort he prayed for everynight.
chris bit back his own sob, returning the same comfort matt brought him, curling into matt.
matts embrace was like the key chris had been seeking for ever since he’d been locked in the four white walls he’d called ‘his mind’. the mind that turned on him so suddenly. but thats okay, because matt was here. matt was here to bring him out of his mind, and bring him into the comforting warmth of being okay for a second.
“its gonna be okay, chris.”
1222 words
@luverboychris @chrissturniolosfavoritesexdoll @meg-sturniolo @haunted-headset @junnniiieee07 @ssilentzom @b2cute @graysturns @wh0resstuff @sturn-bugz @sunsetsturniolos @strniolo @sturnssmuts @simply-a-simper @stunza @meerkatzthings @joemamaaa42069 @sturniluvr @cindylcuwho @wurlibydominicfike @watercolorskyy
@maryx2xx @mattsmad @dollyspsychoxo @riasturns
@starsturni @britishamerican11 @mattspinkshirt
@chrissturniolosworld @ariqolyx
@dollyspsychoxo @elas3
@mels22lunchbox @lovesturniOlOs
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sgojoenthusiast · 1 year
✧.* miguel o’hara x reader
miguel is suffering with the side effects of his vampirism: the insatiable hunger. you, a doctor, will stop at nothing to help him, no matter what. it’s your job, afterall.
cw: smut, biting, lowkey vampire sex, rough, i didnt do amazing in my gcse spanish course so i’m sorry for the rough attempt at miguel speaking spanish LMAO, hardly proof read mb, bit of oral (f receiving), mentions of blood, pain and injury. fem reader.
word count: 2.1k
likes, comments and reposts are deeply appreciated! <3 enjoy.
He couldn’t help it. He couldn’t resist. His brain felt like it was begging to break out of his skull. Everything hurt, but it wasn’t the kind of pain he could turn to you for help with.
It was the kind of pain that stemmed from the unfortunate bite all those years ago. A pain that derived from a never-ending hunger within him, resulting in constant hunger and sharpened fangs.
“Miguel, how many times do I have to say it? It’s my job. It’s what I'm paid to do! Just let me help you and we can-”
“No.” he cut you off sharply. When he had hired you after a particularly nasty fight that ended in a lot of spidermen injured but there was a lack of medics to help, he didn’t realise everything you did or said would have so much of an affect on him. If he had known, he would’ve never even looked in your direction because, god, you were intoxicating. “No puedo más, mierda. [i can’t anymore, fuck]. You can’t help me, okay? Just go home.” He seethed.
He wasn’t angry with you, never you. He was angry at how he had to turn your sweet words and caring touch away just because he couldn’t risk hurting you.
“You’re so frustrating, Miguel. you never let me help you.” He stood with his back to you, because he knew that if he looked behind him and saw you standing with your arms folded, a cute pout on your lips and the smooth skin of your neck on display, he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back anymore.
If he ever came close to hurting you, even if somehow the domino effect of something he did led to you getting injured, he would never forgive himself for as long as he lived. You were only human, you weren’t a spider like the rest of them. You were fragile, and couldn’t protect yourself as well as you could save others. 
“You should know by now I won't stop until I get what I want.” you began walking up behind him. “You’re clearly struggling with something. your breathing is heavy, you haven’t been walking or talking properly since you came back from your mission.” a sudden realisation popped into your brain. “You didn’t hit your head on your mission today, did you? Miguel- you told me there wasn’t a scratch on you, I can’t help you if you’re lying to me.”
Finally, he turned around to face you, his head hung low but he could see every inch of your perfect body. No longer could he restrain himself from the all-consuming thirst he felt as he flashed his fangs and suddenly appeared in front of you, pinning you against the wall.  “No quiero ayuda. [I don't want your help]. I just want it to stop.”
You tilted your head up at him. There wasn’t an ounce of fear in your eyes despite your position and he felt his heart stop. “You aren’t scared?” He breathed out. His eyes were wide and red. His heart was beating increasingly fast and his throat was getting dry.
He was so used to being the one people would cower around. Yet with you, you always seemed to defy his expectations. He stood in front of you, restraining himself from killing you, and yet you had barely even blinked.
You moved your hair out of the way of your neck, causing him to try and push himself away from you but you grabbed his wrist before he could. “It’s my job to help you. That’s why I'm here. So let me help you.”
He found it so hard to disobey you when you looked up at him so gently. Yet it was that look that reminded him of his affection towards you and made him shake his head profusely in denial. He refused to hurt you, even when you asked him to.
You pulled him by his wrist, closer to you, tempting him in as he complied thoughtlessly. His mind was reeling with the thought that it was your hand touching his wrist. It was your hand that slowly traced up his back and it was your fingers that threaded through his hair at that moment. Slowly, you guided his head down towards your open neck as every doubt inside his mind froze against his will. All of his morals disappeared. Everything he stood by, his dedication to protecting you, gone within a minute of you delicately caressing him.
“Please, Miguel, let me help you.”
When you pleaded with him so innocently, when your words slipped so tenderly from your pretty lips, he could no longer hold himself back. The shackles he’d chained himself to for so long, the restraints he’d built with his bare hands, crumbled like castles.
His sharp fangs sunk themselves into the crook of your neck and you whimpered slightly in pain, biting your lip.
Miguel lost himself in the taste of you as he forced you up harder against the wall. Still, it wasn’t enough. He needed his entire body against yours. He grabbed your leg, wrapping it around his waist as he continued to slowly suck the blood from your neck.
His hands pawed against you and massaged your hips. You felt yourself growing increasingly more wet at the feeling of him pressed up so close against you with his lips against your neck.
Somehow, the pain faded as you got used to it and all you could feel was the sensation you got as he ground himself against you, overpowered with need and moaning into your neck.
His head was spinning as his blood pumped vigorously. He’d never experienced such a high, such an addictive drug that devoured him whole and swallowed him completely.
You could feel how much he needed this. The feeling of peace and pleasure overshadowed the one of pain, yet, as you felt yourself go faint, you began to shake yourself out of the trance his lips against your neck put you in. In an odd way, you’d let him drink from you forever if it meant the feeling of his skin against yours.
You tapped his waist, urging him off you as he withdrew.
You placed your hand against your neck as a sudden pang of soreness washed over you. However, the sight before you was one you’d never forget as you looked up to meet his eyes. His lips stained with your blood before he wiped it away sent a strange sensation down your back as you closed your legs.
“Thank you, mi dulce niña. [my sweet girl].” he took your face between his thumb and index finger. Your faces were unbearably close. The desire to taste your own blood on his lips consumed you as your eyes flickered between his and his lips.
You stood against the wall of the empty hallway to his room in silence, your bodies begging for each other yet your mouths too shy to make it known.
Instead, he opted for silently taking you down the dimly lit corridor to his room, his fingers intertwined with yours.
The second his door closed, your back was against it. His lips finally pressed against yours as you sighed in contentment. Once again, your leg was hiked up as he caressed the supple skin of your thigh.
A rough yet gentle hand made its way up to your face as he ran his thumb up and down against your cheek. “I need you so bad. You don’t know what you’ve done to me. Everyday, I think about you. Your lips, your voice, your smile, your hips. I can’t fucking get enough of you and it kills me that I cant physically be as close to you as I want to be.” he murmured against your lips whilst you breathed shaky breaths against his.
You didn’t know what to say, or how to put your feelings into words because he had already summed it up so perfectly for you. “I can’t get enough of you either.”
He carried you to the bed and placed you down, his touch never once leaving your skin except to take his suit off.
Your hand ran across the scars of his chest, some you had fixed up yourself, up to his neck where you pulled him against you once more. He struggled to get your uniform off quickly with the continuous kiss and lack of sense as the thought of you naked beneath him fogged up his mind.
Miguel broke the kiss, and the sight of you with your hair splayed out across the mattress, skin glistening and your eyes half-lidded with lust had him weak in the knees as his dick grew harder against your thigh.
The moonlight peaked out past the gaps of his curtains, highlighting your frame and making him desperate.
He began to kiss down your body, leaving marks across your collarbone where he would occasionally bite.
He sucked and licked your nipples gently as you writhed beneath his touch, desperately yearning for more of his rough touch.
“I need you, miguel.”
“Patient now, mi dulce niña. [my sweet girl]” he replied, looking up at you from between your legs as he slowly began kissing down towards where you needed him so badly. He stroked your thighs and nipped at them harshly, yet the pain merged so beautifully with the pleasure that it all became one big blur.
He asked you to be patient, but after so long of longing stares and discreet touches, being patient was the last thing on your mind as you bucked your hips up, itching for his touch.
“Niña mala [bad girl]. What did I just tell you?” he snarled.
“Please, Miguel, I'm begging you. I’ve waited so long- I can’t be patient anymore.” you pleaded with him. It seemed to be enough to convince him as he brought your hips up to his face and flicked his tongue skillfully against your pussy as you gasped surprisingly.
He moved his tongue rhythmically, snatching pleas and moans from your lips. It wasn’t too long before he slid in one of his fingers... then another. He thrusted them inside you relentlessly, praising you for taking what he was giving you without another complaint.
His tongue and his fingers combined clouded your senses and made you feel as though nothing - no one - would ever come close to satisfying you so well. However, just as you clenched around him, he pulled out. You whined and cried for him to stop playing around, but he simply ignored you.
Miguel needed to feel you come around his dick if you were going to come anywhere. He needed you both to finish together. He craved the feeling of your bodies merging together in that haze of relief and exhaustion before he pulled out.
He moved back up to your face and your eyes locked; a feeling rushed over you that made your heart swell. You don’t think you could ever get enough of him.
He grabbed his painfully hard dick, stroking it against your folds. You bucked against him hopelessly. Luckily, he took the hint and slid himself somewhat smoothly inside of you, though the pain of the stretch was inevitable.
Your hands immediately went to his back, gripping on as if it would save you. Miguel groaned at the pain as he pulled back slightly and thrusted harshly back in.
He noticed the bite marks on your neck, and the blood that still gradually fell from it due to the lack of treatment. He leaned down, licking the blood up and moaning as he pounded himself into you savagely.
Everything was overwhelming. The feeling of him licking and sucking the blood from your neck, the pain of your hands clawing down his back, the unrelenting pummelling inside of you and the sounds of skin against skin and voices intertwining in the air.
It sent you both spiralling.
“ ‘m g’nna- come, Miguel.” you heaved out.
His hand trailed down to your aching pussy as he slid a finger against your clit and began rubbing viciously. Your moans dominated the room at the extra pleasure as you began to slip from your control.
“Come with me.” he demanded as he hammered inside of you without any remorse.
It was everything you had both dreamed it would be and more. The feeling of letting go together shook you both as you clenched around him, sucking him in, and as he shot his load inside of you.
You both lay there for what felt like an eternity of comfort and serenity. Your bodies pressed up against each other with your eyes closed, just soaking up the moment without any anxieties or thoughts.
However, to your dismay, Miguel pulled back. He took your face in his palm again, marvelling at your vulnerable state. He would be the only one to see you like this.
He placed his forehead against yours as your breaths became synchronised along with your heartbeats, creating the sound of peace and belonging.
a/n: read the extra here.
☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚sgojoenthusiast
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barbies1shots · 4 months
more toxic sukuna 😔
you all are NASTYYY !!! yall toxic sukuna is not for the weak , heres pt1 freaks .
giving my thanks to @thataintyohoeee for bits of this idea .
☆ - TOXIC themes , choking , mentions of stalking , calling the 😼 'she/her' , full nelson , abuse , hints at cheating (sukuna) , mentions of manipulation , mentions of murder , mentions of suicide , body fluids, possessive themes , obsessive themes , reader tries to be a boss bitch but cant stick up for herself , this and YOU guys who support this is genuinely concerning
read at your own risk
toxic!sukuna who you broke up with multiple months ago yet still comes around, claiming that youre the only one he really wants. that no other woman can replace you.
toxic!sukuna who goes to the club the next night and flirts with 2 women before taking them home.
toxic!sukuna who send you photos and videos of him fucking them dumb but saying that they can never compare.
toxic!sukuna who shows up at your house in the middle of the night, completely drunk and off his ass saying that he regrets everything he did. the abuse and manipulation.
toxic!sukuna who presses his face into your chest, pleading for you to take him back.
"Please, please, i didnt mean anything i did or said. ill be better for you. i make you the center of my life, the center of my soul. ill change just for you. I wont hurt you again, Ill love you more than i love myself."
toxic!sukuna who tries to hide his smirk once you accepted him into your home with a heavy heart.
toxic!sukuna who goes to your bathroom to clean himself up but ends up stuffing multiple pairs of dirty underwear into his pants pockets.
toxic!sukuna who licks his lips as he knows that you can not resist him, youre just too caring and compassionate.
toxic!sukuna who sat next to you on the couch after you asked him if he wanted to watch a movie.
toxic!sukuna who has his tongue down your throat and a hand between your thighs by the first 10 minutes of the movie.
toxic!sukuna who keeps pushing at your chest untill your back is pressed into the couch cushions despite your small protests.
toxic!sukuna who continues to take your breath away even after you told the man you wanted a break.
toxic!sukuna who stares blankly at your back as you walked away after you successfully shoved him off and walked into the kitchen.
toxic!sukuna who follows after you and pins you against the kichen counter, his hips pressed into yours so much that it begins to hurt your pelvis and hips as the kitchen counter dug into your skin
toxic!sukuna who wraps a hand around your neck and doesnt let up even after you begin gurgling on your own spit.
toxic!sukuna who smiles in delight when your claw desperately at his skin, drawling blood.
toxic!sukuna who shoves your night shorts down your legs and shoves another hand under your ass.
toxic!sukuna who releases his hand on your neck and shoves your upper back untill your bent over the counter.
toxic!sukuna who lands a slap on your sensitive cunt, pulling a shrill cry from your lips.
toxic!sukuna who just keeps slapping your lower body even after you reach a hand back to cover yourself from his relentless strikes.
toxic!sukuna who sees the counter wet from your snot and tears and grabs your hair to pull you up.
toxic!sukuna who runs a long tongue over your face, licking up everything on it. Tears, spit, snot.
toxic!sukuna who laughs as your sudder in disgust.
toxic!sukuna who pulls your lower lips apart just to look at the damage done, all the slick dripping down your plump thighs.
toxic!sukuna who bends down to pick you up, legs way above your head and completely at his mercy.
toxic!sukuna who jerks your body just to watch your breasts jump with every convenience.
"Let me go, Ryomen! I let you in my house so you dont have to gravel at my feet like a lost puppy! We broke up so long ago, you cheated on me, you tried to manipulate me, you abused me! I hate you!"
toxic!sukuna who listens to your hateful rambling with a smile on his face.
toxic!sukuna who slams himself in your cunt, cutting off every little thought in your small head.
toxic!sukuna who rails you even with how long your cries are.
toxic!sukuna who stops for a second and walks to the bathroom mirror, forcing yourself to watch how he drops you up and down on his dick.
"I didnt do shit to you, (name). You wanted this! you begged me every night to come over, dont think i didnt forget that. Dont think i didnt forget you sending me videos of you fucking yourself raw each night and sending me videos at 2am!"
"you cant ever run from me. i will always be with you, by you, infront of you, behind you... watching you!"
toxic!sukuna who growled those words into your ears as you cried and came on his dick again.
toxic!sukuna who coos mockingly as you beg him to slow down and let you have a break.
toxic!sukuna who claims your cunt loves it so much that shes squeezing him extra tight tonight.
toxic!sukuna who groans loudly after you tighten up.
toxic!sukuna who threatens to kill everyone you know after you begged him for help.
toxic!sukuna who threatened to kill you while youre stuff with his dick, that he has your life in his hands.
toxic!sukuna who then threatened to kill himself after eveything because you cant go into the after life without him.
toxic!sukuna who drops your spent body on the bed, getting behind you and says hell fuck you untill the sun comes up.
toxic!sukuna who you wont ever get rid of, who will always be there.
"Ive told you multiple times, baby. you cant run from me."
there you freaks go , part2 of toxic sukuna .
prt1 toxic!sukuna
prt3 toxic!sukuna
- Aizawas BARB !
revenge on toxic!sukuna
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fairykazu · 5 months
is he a dog or a cat? with childe masterlist ++ cw: this is f!reader but can be read as gn, crushing && requited feelings.
the way he trailed behind you like a lost puppy during lunch; it almost made you feel pity for him. key word, almost. whatever he tried to pull during english today wasn't cool but you didn't mind it. but the way, he's acting behind you, he instantly regretted it.
but if you think about it, childe’s like a dog, fiercely loyal to the bone and willing to do anything to prove himself. he’s kind of stupid, not in a bad way of course. it’s just sometimes he acts without thinking, swinging his fists instead of using words as a weapon. other times he’s more akin to an orange cat with the way he acts, it’s like he turns off his brain whenever he hangs out with you. 
you remember when you two were playing a game of hide and seek, in your defense, he started it! he bet he could’ve found you within a minute. could he? yes, but that’s beside the point, he attacked your honor! you juked him by running to a fork, throwing a rock at a dead end and running in the opposite direction. when he reached the forked alleyway, he heard the rock in the other side, running at the speed of light. then he knocked his head against the dead end. but did you win? 
yes, that’s the most important part (an obvious lie).
…childe was fine after he hit his head of course, after you rushed towards him, helping him up. he sat on the cement floors as you circle around him with questions, checking if he was bleeding. “ajax, are you okay?” 
he was smiling like a cheeky dog, basking in the attention you gave him. if food wasn't something he'd consume, affection would definitely be his go-to. “of course, i am when you’re with me.” 
he chuckled as you rolled your eyes, punching him playfully in the arms, "okay, from that reaction, you seem to be in good shape to me."
he let out a gasp. he fixed up his attitude, immediately switching his personality from being cheeky to being solemn, tearful even. "oh, name! my forehead hurts so bad."
you tilted your head, well, it's better to play along with his antics than to ignore them. otherwise, he'd keep it up. "oh no." you dryly replied, "do you need a kiss for your boo-boo?"
childe looked up in your direction, breaking his character a bit. he was stuttering out, his freckled cheeks flustered, "really?" he cleared his throat. "i mean, ahem, i believe thats the best way for me to heal."
it was clear that childe wouldn't believe that you would go with the kiss. but as always, he knew if he riled you up enough, bruise your ego to prove him wrong, it could happen.
maybe... well, he hopes. "...yepp!"
“if you say so, ajax.” 
he was flustered to the point his neck reddened, he didnt think it would be this easy. you leaned in close and he squeezed his eyes. but it wasn’t even a kiss, just a brief press against his skin but still he stumbled around his words, “thank you… that would surely, i mean, i know that confidently that would certainly– i mean, i know that would make me heal.” 
he’s trying to play it off as cool but internally, he knew he fumbled so bad. who says that? 
“uh-huh, c’mere, let me take you to the nurse.” 
“oh okay!” 
huh… well, he’s kind of a mix of those animals. but how do you describe that? would he be that one show, dog-cat or cat-dog?  youve seen him in a different light before but he rarely shows you what that side looks like. only once you’ve seen him as the fearful delinquent and never again.
“childe, why are you following me? don’t you have other friends?” you asked, turning your heel to stop abruptly, facing him. thankfully the road you took to go home doesn't have any crowds. otherwise, this situation could be taken in the worst way possible. childe rested his head on your shoulder, you could feel the ambience to dampen as you met his ocean eyes. 
he looked back at you, “well, name, your bodyguard is here to protect you.” 
you rolled your eyes, “really, thats your excuse.” 
his gaze only stayed on you, “mhm, and as your bodyguard, you need to be safer around these parts.” 
“so you’re a cowboy now.” 
“no? well, i just want to say something.” 
okay, maybe a cat? 
“go on.” 
“you know in english where i acted… weird..” oh yeah, you remember now. if you recall, he was acting off. more flirty than normal, did you hate it? not exactly… but does he really need to know that? not right now. 
“there was this group of guys who were talking about you like you were an object as if you were just the girl of the week. so that’s why i was acting like we were dating. and don’t worry, i did use my words…” 
“that’s cute of you but you also fought them didn’t you?” 
“you called me cute?” 
“that’s what you focused on???” 
“that’s besides the point, you think im cuteeee.” 
“sure whatever you want.” 
he’s a dog that’s for sure. 
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crypt-keepers-den · 1 year
A request of a tav having an abusive ex and astarion finding out. Much fluff please AHHH I LOVED YOUR LAST FIC OF ASTARION KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK
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[Astarion x reader]
warnings: Mentions of abuse and unhealthy relationship situations (swearing in this one), trauma bonding for Tav and Aster enjoy <3
The fire pit crackles as you throw another log onto the dying pile, your thoughts are swirling in a vicious tidal pool, your stomach churns, unbeknownst to you a pair of carmine eyes observe your slouched figure. "Little Love youll give yourself a hunch sitting like that", you jump at the sound of his voice, hiding your tear stained face from his view, your words muffled as you do your best to clean your face.
He admits a soft huff when you dont tease back like normal, the weight on the log seams to shift as he sits beside you, his voice is soft and carries like a leaf in the wind "sweetness whatever is the matter? youve seemed off since we left that tavern", a lump catches in your throat, of all the taverns, in all of baulders gate, why did karlach pick that one.
your ex partner had been there, you had hoped to hide from them in the back corners of the dimly lit tavern but to no avail; they sauntered up to the table like they owned the place "Tav long time no see how are you" forcing you into an all but too tight hug, the sickly sweet smile on their face as they trapped you in their arms, your anxiety and claustrophobia hit an all time high. You firmly place your hands on their chest to push yourself out of their arms, they catch one of your wrists rather roughly, definately causing bruising, a small yelp emits from your lips. You wish your camp mates had been nearby to help you out of the situation but it appeared that they were off doing their own thing in the midst of the tavern party, "you wont run off on me this time sweetheart" their grip on you is tight and unmoving, memories of your last time together flash across your mind, bruises, wounds, tears and tantrums. They were going to hurt you again, their attempt to drag you to one of the many tavern bedrooms brings you back to your senses, your fight or flight kicks in, your elbow connects with their stomach allowing you to make a break for it "YOU LITTLE SHIT" their words are drowned out by the wind howling in your ears as you continued your sprint to camp.
Astarion studies your face, your eyes look distant and your hand keeps rubbing at your wrists. "Little darling whatever happened?, you seemed so excited for your night out on the town" you dont answer, your voice faulters as fresh tears make their way down your face. In the beginning it startles him, but he can see how much your hurting, he goes to gently grab your hands to help relax you, his eyes come in contact with the purple bruise that marks your beautiful skin "Dove when did this happen? It looks fresh" His fingers press against the bruise causing you to wince, his eyes watch as your face contorts in pain and sadness "Darling i hope you know you can talk to me, like i did to you when i needed to" his fingers gently stroke your cheek, wiping away tears.
you regain your voice, but its hoarse from crying "tonight in the tavern i saw someone, someone i didnt want to see" he nods giving your hand an affectionate squeeze, you would speak in your own time and he had all of eternity to hear you out. "My...Ex partner was there" "im sensing bad blood between you" you nod before guesturing to your bruised wrist "we were together years back and we broke up because...they liked using their hand on me" Astarion's brows scrunch together as he pieces the words together "Darling are you saying they used to beat you?" he doesnt need a verbal response when he sees the pain in your eyes, now hes seething with rage; who in the right mind would hurt a sweet thing like you, the very same creature who had comforted him and offered their neck to him.
"That Bastard I'll skin them" the rise in his voice causing you to jump, astarion takes your bruised wrist, pressing soft kisses to the marked flesh "who in the right mind would damage such a wonderful work of art, a feast for the gods eyes, should they ever step within 10 foot of you again my love you tell me, you promised me that we'd hunt down cazzador and make him pay for what he did to me, now ill make a promise to you my little darling" his kisses slowly making their way up your arm before landing on your lips "i will protect you from all harm, none more will befall that beautiful mind of yours" he presses a kiss to your forehead, "come darling you look exhausted, youll sleep with me tonight, ill watch over you" he takes you to his tent and tucks you up amongst his many blankets and pillows, his fingers playing with your hair until you fall asleep, "my sweet if only you knew just how far I'd go to ensure your happiness" he presses a final kiss to your forehead before curling up with you.
He kept to his word you'd never be plagued by that ex of yours again infact no one would, ever again.
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I really hope you enjoyed this, its my first time writing for this kind of scenario <3 thank you for your request and by all means pop by again and request something else if you liked this one
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Just a Baby (Part 2)
Kakashi x NarutoMotherFigure!Reader
Part 1 Part 2
Synopsis: When Naruto's parents died, the third Hokage asked you to raise him. You were only a baby back then, but now at the age of 17, with a three-year-old on your hip, you started to see the world as it was. Cruel.
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Your hand moved softly through Naruto's hair. It didn't take much to put him down for his nap and you hated to admit that you were beyond tired. The way your eyes drooped would suggest to anyone that you were severely sleep-deprived, so the fact that it would take you 5 minutes flat to be out wouldn't shock them.
What they didnt know is that the nightmares made it difficult to stay asleep.
Kakashi leaned against the door frame, eyes narrowing as you resisted the urge to leave Naruto's side. You needed sleep and he was kicking himself for not noticing that his absence was the cause of it. "C'mon, Y/n… Why don't we go lay down sweetheart?"
A sigh came from you but you didn't budge, the incident at the market was still circling around in your mind. The way the lady talked about Naruto like he was an animal was upsetting, the looks that everyone threw your way only made it worse. They truly saw him as a monster, but looking at his 4 year old face, you knew he was anything but a monster.
He was your baby. A sweet, funny and caring little boy. He wasn't the monster the parents would warn their children about. He was just Naruto.
Kakashi pushed off from the door frame as he heard a tiny sniffle come from you. He got down onto the floor beside you and wrapped his arm around you, "Don't cry… Those people don't know him like we do."
You inhaled shakily at the words as tears fell down your cheeks, landing on the bed below. Naruto looked so peaceful and innocent, it broke your heart knowing that he would only know hatred from anyone other than you and Kakashi. "How can they be so cruel to him… He's just a baby. He didn't choose for this to happen to him" you cry out softly only breaking Kakashi's heart further. Your reaction was warranted and expected, but he knew the pain you were feeling was heightened because of your lack of proper sleep.
Kakashi moved to press his lips against your forehead as his fingers came up to play with your hair. Your eyes began to droop and you could feel the edge of sleep creeping into your vision. Kakashi pulled you more into him and positioned your head into the crook of his neck all while he continued to soothe you through the ache.
"Why don't we go to bed?"
Your eyes drooped close but he felt your small nod against his skin. Before you knew it, you both had moved into your room and were snuggled deep into the blankets. "I don't wanna go to sleep" you whined out as you tried your best to fight against the hands of dreamland. Kakashi pulled you into his side before resuming playing with your hair, "You need rest-
"The nightmares-"
"I'm here now. The nightmares can't harm you."
"But they feel so real. I hate them" you choked out, fingers gripping onto his shirt as if it would keep you tethered to the world of light and happiness. As if he could keep you from falling into the dark dreams that haunt you. Kakashi sighed as you curled into his side like a child. He's never seen you so afraid of your dreams, not like this at least.
"What do you dream of?"
Silence answered him, and for a split second he wondered if you had fallen asleep. "The masked man came to take Naruto away and I could do nothing to stop him."
Kakashi didn't know if he was breathing, all he felt was his heart breaking for you. Your voice sounded so small, as if speaking too loud would make your dreams come true.
But he wouldn't let that happen.
Even if for some reason the masked man did come back, he would protect the both of you with his life. "I won't let anything hurt you, hurt either of you. I'm sorry I've been absent but know that you've always been protected while I'm gone."
Your eyebrows furrowed at that and you pushed up a little to show him your confusion, but he only shot you a smile and pulled you back down onto him. You didn't need to know that he always left a dog to keep watch over you and Naruto, it didn't matter. His dog would protect you, yes, but you needed him.
"Will you stay with me? Just for a couple of days?"
Kakashi nodded and pressed a kiss to your head, "I'll stay for as long as you need me to. But I won't be leaving until the bags under your eyes disappear." You nodded against him and snuggled into his chest. The dark hands of sleep were starting to pull you under and for once in a long time…
You welcomed it.
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bwoobiez · 3 months
Smoke Slut [NSFW || Sebastian x GN!Reader]
— CONTENT: objectification, cigarette play, burning
— AUTHORS NOTE: thought of this on a whim so it's short but I hope u like! :]
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SUMMARY: You could do it all. You were a farmer, miner, fisher, a fucking monster slayer, and most importantly, Sebastian's lover as well as his ashtray.
Whenever Sebastian had a smoke sesh, it was almost guaranteed that you'd be at his side, eagerly waiting for another burn to be added to the collection scattered all over your body.
Because you've both been doing this for a while, he has a solid gauge on how much you could handle
If you were both out in public he'd have to keep it lowkey (that is, with your consent); sneakily pressing the tip of his cigarette into your inner thigh if you both sat at a table, or slightly lifting up the back of your shirt and burning the flesh underneath
It was a challenge to keep the pain to yourself. You were getting objectified in broad daylight, getting hurt so badly, yet nobody ever knew. Sebastian took his fire out on you so nonchalantly, setting your nerves alight as you both saved face
But things were even hotter in private. He didnt always have you to himself, but when he did he devoured every second of it, taking his sweet time breaking you down and putting you in subspace
At times he'd have you sitting there in your underwear - sometimes fully naked - with your hands out in a cup shape. As time went on he'd tap the ash into your palms, and you'd feel the heat burn against your skin, but not enough to scar.
Other times he'd use your mouth, however the taste and texture was horrendous, so you'd end up spitting it out
If you were into it, Abby and Sam would be over during these sessions; you sitting there on your knees, servicing Sebastian while all three of them had casual conversation (after all, objects don't talk). The three of them would refer to you as "it" the entire time without even using your name
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