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taevisionceo ¡ 2 years ago
TAEVision 3D Mechanical Design Tools GarageTools Inspection Diagnosis DiagnosisTools Heine Optotechnik InspectionInstruments OpticalInstruments ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Pinterest ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Google Photos
Data 203 - May 20, 2023
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pikhachu ¡ 3 months ago
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girls when their issues get dismissed as anxiety for the millionth time
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10yrratiolover ¡ 8 months ago
giving my thoughts and ideas on Ratio's character stories
I wouldn't call this much of an analysis but we'll see how it goes
Starting out with his first character story, most of it is Professor Rond's recommendation letter.
I'd like to start by sharing my thoughts about Ratio and Rond first before actually getting into dissecting the letter itself.
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So, firstly, I'd like to mention that (to my knowledge) we have never heard of or from Ratio's parents. I find that ironic considering what a big shot he is, I doubt that his parents would ever willingly shut up about their son.
Reading that Rond had a 'significant influence on Ratio's upbringing' particularly stands out to me because, at least at the time of the original letter being written, Ratio was in secondary school (Grade 9-12, though some of the wording in the letter lead me to believe he was likely on the lower end of that range).
Now, a high school teacher having a 'significant influence' on someone's upbringing isn't necessarily uncommon, nor are old teachers proud of their past students becoming extremely successful. However these points, alongside the fact that Ratio's parents are nowhere to be seen in canon, lead me to believe that there was some sort of familial relationship between them, especially seeing Rond's reaction to being asked about Ratio as well as how he had kept the original letter.
Moving on to the actual letter.
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Grade skipping is a pretty common practice where I'm from, as it allows learning at the appropriate/needed level (ignoring the fact that the school system is in shambles).
However, the way this is phrased is as if Rond were trying to convince him to be able to skip grades. If he were in grade 11 or 12 I feel like it would not have been phrased this way, which is what leads me to believe he was likely younger, possibly fresh out of middle school.
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The highlight on creativity is just because it makes me smile honestly, also it ties into one of my earlier posts about how I think Ratio would adore the subject of art.
I would like to return to my point of Rond being a potential parental figure to Ratio, seeing as he seems to know his daily routine well enough to confidently write about it in his letter of recommendation.
On to his second character story, which is mostly online posts in a thread-like format.
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It wasn't until his eighth doctoral degree that he was awarded with First Class Honors, also since he is the first person to receive such in two amber eras it means he was likely the only one on stage at that time.
It also states that at the time he was already a prominent figure in society, which doesn't surprise me given the accomplishments listed by Rond in the letter despite him being in high school at the time it was written. However, he would most likely be an adult by the time he finished his eighth doctorate.
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No real comment on this I found it funny that they put etc instead of continuing to list fields.
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I also just find these funny and wanted to share them, but the disagreement on the last comment shows how much people admire him. I feel like that's a topic that's rather watered down in the fandom, but people genuinely admire Ratio a lot and there's plenty of reason for them to.
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full-time university teachers tend to teach about 5 courses per academic year, meaning Ratio has been teaching for about 10 years.
Moving onto the third story, which is a statement from a former assistant of his about his desire to join the genius society.
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I find this to be an interesting point, it seems like joining the Genius Society would be an obvious next step for a man with so many accomplishments but it's stated not once, but twice that he has never spoken about the subject (to the public at least).
I am a believer in the theory that Ratio hasn't been allowed into the Genius Society due to his humanity/compassion and his desire to spread knowledge to everyone, and I feel like this specification that he's never spoken about the topic could add to this theory.
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This paragraph never fails to break my heart, but I do want to talk about the mention of an anti-planetary weapon. I feel like this Anti-planetary weapon that he spent years perfecting was a final attempt at proving to Nous that he wasn't too compassionate or too humane to receive their gaze. I remember reading about this idea more in detail elsewhere and if I can find the analyzation then I'll link it here.
Also, I feel like deep down he always knew that he wouldn't be accepted into the Genius Society, but this day, as Margaret states, was the day he finally realized it, or, fully swallowed that pill.
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I find these comments to be interesting as well since they specify the narrow-mindedness of the society however, there is this comment from the Data Bank;
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This comment I admittedly stumbled across when looking for something else, but I feel like it perfectly encapsulates Ratio's entire dilemma with the Genius Society, maybe not to Ratio himself but it certainly applies to everyone who comments on his achievements being worthy of Nous' approval.
I am also quite curious about who exactly wrote the 'Decoding Dr. Ratio' that we have read from in all of his character stories. They seem to have a lot of connections for someone who would typically be seen as just another paparazzi or media interviewer, I'm surprised the people listed in his stories would agree to an interview.
Onto his final story, which is about his personality and methods of sharing knowledge.
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I mentioned this comment in my character notes post but I find it extremely charming that Ratio remains the same and refuses to change himself or his personality to satisfy those around him.
It is also commented in his second character story by a previous professor of his that his honesty and straightforwardness were a 'Breath of fresh air' at the University.
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I love the implication that either; nobody in the entire room had any questions (unlikely), or that they were simply too scared to ask them.
I also find the comment that 'Whenever someone agrees with me, I feel like I must be wrong.' Perhaps he's gotten used to being the only one thinking the way he is or the possibility that people only agree with him so they sound intelligent themselves and weren't truly listening or understanding.
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I find these comments interesting as well, a majority of the fandom mischaracterizes Ratio as mean or rude although he literally explains his viewpoints where anyone can access it (which does honestly prove his point about how knowledge is not for everyone.)
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misscammiedawn ¡ 5 months ago
You know... I'm not grateful to my far-right thug of a brother for much but when he caught wind of our transition a few years ago he sent an unhinged 30 minute death threat video which I keep saved on my computer.
The thing is he says a lot of things that we think about ourselves in our worst moments. "You're a nightmare to live with" "You love to play the victim" "You want people to pay attention to you then you get scared and hide because you don't know what to do with it when you get it"
He says these things. Out loud. They mirror our own worst thoughts about ourselves.
And I realize those thoughts never came from us. They were external. Implanted into us so often and so long ago that we didn't even realize they didn't come from our own mind.
But he also goes on wild conspiracy theories and says the most antisemitic, transphobic and hateful things, openly boasts about being a nazi and says that "people like you CREATE people like me" and by the end of the video I just feel sorry for him because I just see another victim of our shared childhood who found different coping mechanisms and different ideologies and...
All the hate goes away and is replaced by gratitude for the fact I got to live the life I did and become the person I am. I could have taken wrong turns. I could have become so much worse. But I didn't... and the kindness I chose to embrace is no accident. It could have been different.
I now have proof of that.
He sent me that video as a way of trying to shame me into returning to my country of origin and abandoning my transition. What it ended up doing was finally pushed me to go No Contact with my entire family of origin and emboldened me to never look back and to take pride in the life I made despite the roots that we grew from.
Sometimes there are positives, even in the worst things.
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bittsandpieces ¡ 9 months ago
Pls stfu u r not autistic, if u haven’t been diagnosed by a real doctor shut up. U keep saying that shit for attention it’s annoying tbh disrespectful to all the people who REALLY have autism
Hey. if you'd like to go speak to my psychiatrist(s) about my formal diagnosis, you're welcome to do that, but in my personal opinion? You should keep your nose out of other people's FUCKING business.
EVERY. MOMENT. OF MY LIFE has been influenced and affected by my autism. I can barely make friends. I had to be taught to make eye contact as a child. I've had screaming breakdowns where I ripped the backs of my hands open with my nails because I got overwhelmed. Every real life social interaction I have feels like a performance where I'm missing the goddamn script but somehow everyone else knows exactly what their line is
You. Don't. Know. Me.
Oh, just because I'm hot and kinky and funny online I can't be autistic? Just because you see this one small element of my life, you think you know me and my medical history and diagnoses? What a fucking joke.
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autisticbiologistmess ¡ 2 months ago
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nightinghoul ¡ 11 months ago
Just Another Autistic LARPer
(I need to vent.)
I was so brutally bullied into submission growing up, I consciously forced myself to learn to mask. Then I was taught to make accommodations for people who didn't or couldn't mask. It hurt, because I was never offered the same considerations. Of course I believe they deserved accommodations - I just wanted that, too. Now I'm angry, but trying not to be. I had to find ways to manage.
When I was twenty, I started LARPing. I invented a character who was loud, rude, and stupid. This way, when I opened my mouth, I didn't have to be afraid of what people thought of me. If they hated my personality, I was just playing my character right. Sometimes, even when I played her, I just wandered around quietly, staring. As in my real life, I felt unwanted. But sometimes I forced myself to hoot and holler - enough that I had a reputation as a loud ditz that followed me to my social interactions with LARPers outside of the games.
At least, I learned the basics of interacting. You open your mouth and make sounds. People react. You try to make the right sounds.
I used that to get along for the rest of my life. I learned to make eye contact by working at a grocery store. Customers get angry when you don't pay attention to them. The more I masked, the more I learned to mask. The more I LARPed, the more autistic people I met. I felt like they were my people, but I felt like they were looking at me as an outsider now, too, like everyone else.
For a while, I only played "weird" characters at LARPs. Characters that would be outsiders because, I told myself, I was acting. Then I played characters who had what I didn't have - self confidence and self love. Characters who just assumed they were the best and the most beloved. Characters who didn't feel guilt for being alive. That felt good, I'm not gonna lie.
The more I played outgoing characters, the more I learned to mask. But there were always these moments, even in chatacter, where my throat went silent, and nobody invited me to sit by them, so I still felt wrong and unwanted.
I used everything I learned there in my real life, to work. That's what we train our whole lives for. I had a hard time keeping a job. I have a hard time understanding what people want from me. I have a hard time managing my job, and my temper. I never felt cut out for great ambitions.
When I finally worked up the courage to be tested for autism and adhd, my therapist at the time said, "You can't have those. You're good at holding a conversation, and you make eye contact. Plus, autistic people don't really know how to have feelings."
I will be 43 in a month. I was just diagnosed - ADHD a few months ago, autism a few weeks ago (plus ADHD confirmed.) But I feel like my sense of self has been absolutely and completely bullied and trained out of me. I feel like I don't belong in any world.
I'm not in any danger of hurting myself or leaving this world. I'm just sad, and busy picking up the pieces.
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fenis-monja ¡ 6 months ago
The problem w reblogging posts critical about the use of AI is that there'll always be additions/the replies with be full of people being extremely reactionary about it. Like, critizing AI does not mean I believe in "the soul of the art" or some other "neoluddist" shit or whatever.......
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moe-broey ¡ 1 year ago
LIKE something I think is all of the Askr family are like mirrors. Alfonse is a reflection of how much he loves Sharena and the summoner. Sharena is a reflection of how much she loves Alfonse and how, I think in the autistic sense, I think she mirrors A LOT. Henriette is a reflection of how much she loves Gustav (and seemingly, so severely that that love struggles to reach everyone else). Gustav was likely a reflection of how much he loved Henriette and his father. All of them are performing, adhering to SOMETHING. Their roles, and what seems to be The Correct Course of Action.
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taevisionceo ¡ 2 years ago
TAEVision 3D Mechanical Design Tools GarageTools Inspection Diagnosis DiagnosisTools Heine Optotechnik InspectionInstruments OpticalInstruments Viewing Probe ViewingProbe ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Pinterest ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Google Photos ▸ TAEVision Engineering on YouTube [Video]
Data 202 - May 13, 2023
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wanderingmausoleum ¡ 2 years ago
most annoying thing i’ve been seeing online lately is ppl in the adhd/autistic communities posting benign relatable posts and being inundated with comments from neurotypicals being like ummm everyone does that and you’re literally promoting harmful self diagnosis :// stop acting like everything is a symptom and it takes all my power not to tell them to shut the fuck up because not everything is about you, is the audhd community not allowed to make funny relatable posts without you insufferable cuntbags assuming the worst and reading shit into it that was never meant to be there
#unless a post is saying ‘doing this thing means you are definitely neurodivergent’ then 9 times out of 10 it’s not meant to be a fucking#diagnostic tool and anyone with a brain should be able to tell that it’s not#funny relatable posts DID help me figure out im neurodivergent after years of suffering on my own but they weren’t the only tool#incredibly funny because isn’t straightforward language like a hallmark autism thing too.#like if it was meant to be a diagnostic post it would Fucking Say That#don’t pretend that’s what it says because you’re an ableist dbag who’s scared of ppl understanding and accepting themselves#don’t pretend to have well meaning concerns when ur rly just afraid of having to accept that being nd is way more common than you thought#‘stop trying to diagnose everyone’ directed at the most benign relatable/educational posts has the same energy to me as#the fucking ‘the queers are trying to convert ur children’ rhetoric#what’s that? are you afraid of people (even young people) gaining a better understanding of themselves and accepting and celebrating who—#they are?#are you afraid of accepting that people know themselves better than you think you know them?#these types of ‘well meaning concerns’ are what made me suffer in silence and prevented me from getting a diagnosis for years 👍#anyway. angry post because this shit makes me so mad#mental health#neurodivergent#audhd#speaketh
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moodr1ng ¡ 10 months ago
told my psych i finally got on the autism assessment waitlist but since the average wait to get an appointment is 2 years i was considering private screening even though it costs quite a lot of money. he was just like "to be honest even if you get diagnosed we dont really have any support tools to offer you, its usually just behavioral therapy and social skills training" and therefore its not that useful to be diagnosed faster since i wont get any support either way. i am disappointed to be told straight up that even w a diagnosis i wont get shit to help me but at least he was honest so i can moderate my expectations and not waste hundreds of euros on private screening lol..
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eclipsedcrystalstar ¡ 11 months ago
Reading through tags and experience blogs and going “oh hey I do that” repeatedly…
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eileensdress ¡ 2 years ago
Apple decided to make me one of those silly little photo montages but it was entirely pictures of Will Graham. Please I promise I am so normal about him
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borealing ¡ 1 year ago
whenever i see someone on this site summarising a scientific article that is itself summarising a paper especially if that paper is about anything pharma/medicine i feel a great sense of impending doom. not that i don't trust randomers on the piss on the poor website but i always go and fact check against the actual paper and not once has someone summarising an article thats summarising a paper ever been like. right.
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taevisionceo ¡ 2 years ago
TAEVision 3D Mechanical Design Tools GarageTools Inspection Diagnosis DiagnosisTools Heine Optotechnik InspectionInstruments OpticalInstruments Delta20 magnifying lens MagnifyingLens ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Pinterest ▸ TAEVision Engineering on Google Photos
Data 199 - Apr 13, 2023
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