fenis-monja · 3 hours
"There is no such thing as Lebanon" lady you seriously need to kill yourself
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fenis-monja · 2 days
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"we're america. we can do both." this shit is so fucking bleak man. the planet is on fire, kamala's not saying shit about climate except to solemnly claim she "believes the climate crisis is real" while reiterating for the umpteenth time that she loves fracking now and we've got joe over here posting the world's dumbest bar graphs while israel's bombing campaign is emitting more co2 every two months than the annual carbon footprint of over 20 nations. these are the "good guys" who are gonna save us btw <3
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fenis-monja · 2 days
compilation of my favorite tweets because I feel like it
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fenis-monja · 2 days
Is this actually a community wide or systemic problem or did you just meet one annoying guy
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fenis-monja · 3 days
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Remind me later.
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fenis-monja · 3 days
The problem w reblogging posts critical about the use of AI is that there'll always be additions/the replies with be full of people being extremely reactionary about it. Like, critizing AI does not mean I believe in "the soul of the art" or some other "neoluddist" shit or whatever.......
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fenis-monja · 3 days
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fenis-monja · 3 days
whenever a liberal blames disney homophobia on china I blow up another AO3 datacentre
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fenis-monja · 3 days
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fenis-monja · 3 days
You can tell a lot about the quality and coherency of someone politics based on how often they cite examples from actual history and politics as opposed to media and celebrity gossip. Not that using pop culture to illustrate a point is inherently bad; used tactically it can be very effective especially when trying to communicate something to a mass audience. But you shouldn't be relying on it for the formation and justification of your beliefs. And it's especially embarrassing to do this in the middle of an argument with someone who's even a little politically educated. Like who's gonna be more convincing; the person citing academic research on the Russian Revolution or the person citing The Hunter Games? Not a good look if you're the latter
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fenis-monja · 3 days
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fenis-monja · 3 days
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fenis-monja · 4 days
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fenis-monja · 4 days
have y'all seen how many posts poll-then-donation-request posts receive thorough poll engagement, while the actual notes are left hanging? i'm talking 12k votes for "favorite japanese dish?" but only 1500 who felt like being minimally kind to a stranger they had power over. when i see numbers like that i wonder: do the people who skip past once they realize they're being asked for something think they're outsmarting a trick? does the triumphancy of that avoidance feel better than the humility of kindness?
maybe so-- but if you're someone who skips reblogging donations, why not reblog this one? rather than lambast, i want to suggest that we refuse to go silent at the moment we're not having fun anymore, that we extend ourselves beyond the little existences social media increasingly encourages of us. this app mass-deleted palestinian users yesterday, genuinely impacting some of their means of survival. marah ( now @mahrahpalestine ), a college student like me, was one of them. consider giving her family what you're able.
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fenis-monja · 4 days
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New Google Translate update has wonderful connotations
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fenis-monja · 5 days
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I feel like for years I’ve seen people mad at gokufan2470 for saying this, insisting that Komi-san should not be included in the group and that it’s completely unfair because it’s “Such a Wholesome series”. Well. I wanna say. This random guy with a Goku icon is not only completely right but also, a hero, and the bravest Twitter user I’ve ever seen for stating the facts. I wish Komi-san fans would shut the fuck up. Good night
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fenis-monja · 6 days
I have a cousin in the medical field (undergrad) and last time I saw him he was bragging about having chatgpt do all of his work. He was talking about how he did not have to read his assigned books anymore. That was absolutely terrifying to hear. Thats when it clicked to me why he never seemed to know shit about his own classes when asked.
The medical field is already terrible, and it's going to get worse until there's a massive reform.
ur future nurse is using chapgpt to glide thru school u better take care of urself
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