#depends on the mood im in when i pass out
sergeantwoods · 3 months
soap: *gets down on one knee* ghost: oh my god its happening soap: *falls over* ghost: the poisons finally kicking in
soap: am i going too far? gaz: no, no, no. you went too far about seven hours ago. now you're going to prison.
price: i have ten blank notebooks and i have no clue what to put in them. suggestions? soap: put spaghetti in it. price: im literally taking suggestions from anyone but you. gaz: put spaghetti in it. price: im currently taking suggestions from anyone but you two. ghost: put spaghetti in it. price: im no longer taking suggestions.
gaz: roach, i'm sad. roach: *holds out arms for a hug* its going to be okay. soap, watching them: ghost, im sad. ghost: mood
soap: you lying, cheating, piece of shit!! gaz: oh yeah? you're the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD soap: im leaving you, and IM TAKING GHOST WITH ME price, picking up the monopoly board: i think we're going to stop playing now.
soap: is stabbing someone immoral? gaz: not if they consent to it. ghost: depends on who you're stabbing. price: YES?!? --
soap: self care is actually getting into fights with randoms in dark alleys. price: no, self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath, or putting on a lot of makeup if you like it, or taking a nice warm nap! ghost: self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you!! self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists!! self care is the fear in your enemies eyes !!!! gaz: lmao self care is me takin your birthday cake so i can just eat the frosting soap: if you touch my birthday cake i will eat your hands. -- soap: do you think you’d actually notice if someone didn’t cast a shadow? or if their limbs were just slightly too long? or if they had just a little too many teeth? like how many times have you passed something on the street and you just didn’t notice it? gaz: stay woke monsterfuckers ur love is out there!!! soap: you know what? that wasn't my point at all, but glad i could spread some inspiration.
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restlesspazzi04 · 2 months
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Love Island: A Pazzi Fic
Part 1: Day 3
Genre: I've somehow managed to think up a forbidden love/enemies to lovers/reformed player/slow burn love island fic all together so imma pat myself on the back bc ive been getting so many asks for all five
This is just the introduction chapter to a series that will be very loosely updated as it's more of a fun project i'm working on but hope you guys enjoy because this is just me riding off the love island hyperfixation im in lol
Extra Note: this is will be on tumblr only mainly bc this series will be trash and purely for my self entertainment so idc as much. slow falling will remain on ao3 only :)
ik some people have difficulty reading on tumblr tho so if i get enough asks i will put this on ao3 if its easier
word count: 3.2k (this will fluctuate depending on my mood)
Format Clarification:
When the contestant name is in front of the text, that means it's a cutaway and not actually said in the villa!
anything in italics is to be read in Iain Stirling voice please i love him
Day 3:
It's day 3 and it's heating up in the villa! Will the current couples pass the test of temptation as two new bombshells enter for the ultimate challenge? Find out here on Love Island USA: WLW Sports Edition! 
When Paige first got the call that she was nominated for Love Island, she knew who put her name in the sea of women’s athletes picked for the show. With her social media agents wanting to get the “player” allegations away from her image to make herself more marketable, she was a shoo-in for the show. 
Paige was confident in her coupling. Ellie, the Olympic swimmer from Australia, was up her ally of girls: hot, brunette, and gay. They had been going strong for the first three days in the villa, with Ellie picking Paige on Day 1 coupling. In the mess of drama the other couples were whirlwind into, they had remained together as a voice of reason. 
“I’m just not really feeling her I don’t know,” Kate groans, slapping the ping pong ball back to Paige. 
“Bro it’s been three days and you’re already tired of your match? Couldn’t be me.” Paige responds, returning the ball. 
Kate and Paige being the only WNBA athletes in the villa naturally stuck together as close friends, being each other's confidants on Love Island. They had the common ground of basketball solidifying their sisterhood and frequently took each other's advice.
“It’s not that. I just feel like there’s no spark. Sarah is great and all, but I can’t imagine spending the rest of my villa time with her.”
“Why don’t you explore your options tonight if we recouple? That’ll start some crazy drama.” Paige laughs mischievously, wiggling her eyebrows at an unamused Kate Martin. 
“All the other couples are pretty locked in and I don’t wanna be a homewrecker… plus they’re probably bringing in new bombshells today if I got the formula right. Hopefully, they’re my type because I don’t think it’s working out for me and Sarah. ” 
“New bombshells? I mean none of them better be basketball players. That’s Ellie’s type to a T. It was hard enough fighting against you.” Paige jokes, slightly concerned at the idea of new people. It wasn’t like she and Ellie were completely locked in, but Paige knew she’d be at risk of getting kicked off the show if any of the new bombshells coupled up with Ellie.
“Ellie is not my type. She’s too nice. I need some passion in my girl." 
“I like nice. She’s sweet and brings me orange juice in the morning.” Paige says, dropping her paddle when Kate sends the ball flying past her head, "Drama stresses me out. That's why Ellie is perfect for me."
“Nah, I like a little fight. It’s hot when a girl is mad at you… you should know better than me ‘Miss Star Point Guard on the Golden State Valkyries’. Aren’t women always fighting over you?” 
“I already told you I’m not a player in the real world or the villa. Why does no one on the island believe me?” Paige exclaims, plopping down on the way-to-colorful couch in the Villa playroom. 
“I don’t know… maybe you’re insane eye contact with everyone you meet?” Kate says sarcastically, taking her seat next to Paige. 
“Blame my parents! They’re the ones who told me that eye contact is respectful." Paige argues before adding, "I can’t help I got beautiful eyes.” 
“Shut u-"
Kate is effectively cut off when KK Harvey starts screaming "I GOT A TEXT" throughout the entire villa, everyone making their way to the poolside where she was sitting.
"Islanders please gather at the fire pit for a surprise! #WatchOutCouples #Bout to drop a bomb!" KK reads loudly, the whole villa shouting in response.
"Welp, I guess this is your moment to find a new girl." Paige sighs, making her way over to the fire pit.
"Not yours?"
"Nope, I'm pretty happy with Ellie."
"You sure about that? Not even keeping an open eye?" Kate teased, ragging on Paige's loyalty.
"I'm definitely not re-coupling with some newcomer." Paige asserts firmly. 
"If you say so." 
As the Islanders all flock to the firepit, taking their seats next to their partners, they await for further instruction. 
“I GOT A TEXT!” Kate hoots out as the other islanders get excited, “It says ‘Get ready as your two new bombshells join you guys in the villa! #AreYouReady?’”
Paige looks over at Ellie, who’s already gripping tighter on Paige’s arm at the news of Bombshells. 
“I hope they’re not your type,” Ellie whispers shyly into Paige’s ear. It was a cute gesture, one that should’ve made Paige blush. Paige just gives her a reassuring squeeze on the arm, leaning in to whisper back. 
“I already got a beautiful girl, don’t worr-”
Paige is interrupted as shouting rings through the villa as two new girls make their way into the villa. 
“Bro, can you see her?” Kate says, pulling Paige up immediately as two figures appear in the distance. 
“Not with you jumping on my shoulders.” Paige retorts back, leaning up to get a better look, “They’re tall.”  
“Wait, I think I recognize one of them,” Kate says with her eyes squinted
Kate: You guys are ruthless in bringing my exact type. Fuck, I want to stay loyal to Sarah but I do still want to keep my options open, you know?
Paige has to brace herself for this entrance. She recognized the two bombshells immediately as they got closer. The WNBA world was small and both of these contestants were prominent figures in the league. Azzi Fudd and Nika Muhl, the star guards for the LA Sparks would be joining the girls on the island. 
“No way they brought in more girls from the league!” Kate whispers into Paige’s ear. 
“Did they run out of gays for other sports? Or is the league just super gay?” Paige responds in a nervous whisper. Ellie had literally told Paige on the first day that her type was basketball girls and it was one of the main reasons why Ellie had picked her. It was not to Paige’s advantage to have multiple girls chasing after her girl. 
“Wait, I know both of them. We worked out together at Kelsey Plum’s dawg class for a few days. She’s super hot not gonna lie.” Kate whispered lowly so Sarah wouldn’t hear. 
“Oh yeah, I’ve met them a few times. Did you know that they both were gonna come to UCONN but chose UCLA last minute?” Paige droned on, her eyes oddly trained on Azzi as they finally reached the fire pit. It suddenly dawned on Paige that she had never seen the younger girl in a bikini and it set an uncomfortable fire ablaze in her stomach. 
Azzi: Hi, my name is Azzi Fudd and I’m a 5’ 11” shooting guard for the Sparks. I wanted to come to Love Island to find my future wife and make a strong connection with someone. I have been in a lot of relationships and they don’t seem to go well for me, so I hope I find my match here!
Nika: I’m Nika Muhl and I’m a 6’ foo-
Azzi: 5’ 10” don’t lie Nika
Nika: Don’t cut me off! Anyway, I’m a point guard for the LA Sparks and I wanted to come to Love Island to finally find my love match and establish a strong connection. I’m super excited to meet the Islanders. 
Another text sound rings through the air, coming from Azzi’s hand. 
“Bombshell’s Azzi and Nika, Pick two people to go on dates with tomorrow before bed tonight. Have fun getting to know everyone tonight in the villa! #newcomers #shootyourshot!” Azzi read out, inciting excitement through the villa again. 
“Hey you’re Azzi and Nika, right? Guard’s on the Sparks?” Coco asks, making room for them around the fire pit to welcome them. 
“Yeah, we’re shocked they picked us to go together since we knew each other. You’re Coco Gauff. I’m a big fan.” Azzi gushes, hugging Coco. 
“Hey Kate,” Nika says, acknowledging the blonde in the crowd as she scans around, “How’s the island?” 
“Good. Surprised to see you guys here but I’m hyped. We need more basketball representation in here.” Kate jokes. 
“We get enough ‘basketball is the best sport’ debating from these two. Now we got more.” KK Harvey jokes, motioning to the two basketball blondes in the pit. 
“Basketball is amazing though, you gotta admit.” Azzi plays along, earning a few lighthearted groans from the rest of the villa. 
“Just promise you shut up Paige before she goes on a whole rant. Kate just eggs on that little pest.” Coco groans. 
“I’m never wrong Coco, don’t play with me. Tennis is fun but basketball is art.” Paige says, earning more groans from the group. “Do you guys know who you wanna pull for chats?” Ellie asks the two bombshells, jutting into the conversation. 
“Um, I have my eyes on a few people but I’m gonna see for the next few hours as I get to know more people on the island,” Nika responds. 
“We know you guys are in couples right now, but we just wanted to wait until we got to know more people’s vibes,” Azzi adds, looking around all the girls in the pit. A few couples had already gone off to different parts of the villa, but she was getting a good look at everyone left. There were a few people on her radar and a few people who weren’t. 
Azzi: Kate was making some pretty clear eye contact with me, but she’s on my “pulling for chats” roster.
The group spends the next few minutes getting to know each other and filling in the two on the island news. Paige tried to focus on Ellie squeezing her arm, but she was distracted by things she couldn’t comprehend. 
Things such as Azzi Fudd making flashing bouts of eye contact with her to no end. Paige was not one to falter at strong eye contact, but she couldn’t help but grow slightly nervous under the shooting guard's gaze. It wasn’t rare for Paige to catch the eye of someone. New people entering the villa the past few days had flocked to her, but she rejected them to no avail to remain loyal to Ellie. It was still fun flirting and making stable eye contact was one of her specialties. But Azzi Fudd seemed to be looking at her with a specific glint that Paige couldn’t pinpoint. 
Paige: Did you guys see the way she was looking at me? I can’t tell if she wants me in her bed or wants me dead.  
Annoyance? Lust? Hatred? C’mon Paige tell us what you see!
“So you guys want a little villa tour?” Kate asks suddenly while stepping slightly closer to Azzi, “It’s super nice.” 
The group makes their way around the villa, showing the two new islanders all the spots. Ellie and Paige stayed hand-in-hand as they walked, Ellie refusing to let go. Even when Paige got closer to Azzi coincidentally, the shooting guard would make it a point to take two steps away and it didn’t help that Ellie was pulling her in the other direction. They end up at the rooms as they finish off the night, the girls entering their assigned makeup rooms to get ready for bed. Azzi is put into Paige, Kate, Coco, and KK’s room, getting spilt up from Nika. 
“So Azzi, what do you think of the villa?” Coco asks while wiping her makeup off. 
“It’s nice, bigger than I expected. Soul ties are a lot more secretive than I thought.” Azzi answers, unpacking her bags. 
“Yeah, a lot of shit goes down there. If you go to soul ties at night we know you’re fucking or something.” KK laughs. 
“Do you know who you’re picking for your dates tomorrow? You get two right?” Paige asks, speaking up for the first time. 
“Yeah, two. I’m not sure who I’m picking yet. I think they’re asking me to pick in an hour so I have time to think in the shower.” 
“What’s your type?” Kate asks Azzi boldly, getting an approval look from Paige. 
“Uhh, I tend to focus a lot on personality. Just someone who can match my competitiveness and my energy. But if we’re talking looks, I tend to go for tall blondes.” Azzi says casually, immediately getting Kate to snap her eyes to Paige. 
Paige: Is Azzi flirting with me or Kate? If it’s me, I’m in trouble. Ellie is not going to be happy if I go on a date tomorrow. 
“Is there a separate shower room? I need to unpack my bottles.” Azzi says while standing up.
“Yeah, it’s down the hall to the left. That’s where our group showers.” Coco instructs, getting a nod of thank you before Azzi leaves. 
“Hold up, was she talking about me?” Kate polls the group the second Azzi safely leaves the room, “Or was she walking about the other two blondies?” 
“I think she was just stating her type buddy.” KK Harvey jokes, “Plus, she’s totally talking about me. She’s been giving me the eyes.”  
“Really?” Paige chimes in curiously, “Like slightly angry but confusingly hot?” 
“No, like she wanna look into my soul…What type of looks is she giving you?” KK questions. 
“Nothing… she wasn’t really looking at me, just wondering,” Paige adds quickly. She was probably just overthinking due to the reveal of her type. 
“Back off KK, you’re happy with Kylie. Sarah and I have been distant for days.” Kate playfully challenges. 
“Kylie’s great, but Azzi and Nika are hot, not going to lie. I kinda hope I get to go on the date with them. Don’t tell Kylie though, she might kill me.” 
“As long as you don’t tell Sarah. I wanna test my connection with the bombshells but I don’t want to blindside Sarah.” 
“You guys are acting like Azzi and Nika want you guys. She could be talking about girls in the other room.” Coco jokes, butting into the heated debate.
“Please, Coco. We get it. You and Paige are in happy little couples and don’t need to worry about recoupling. I would say Kylie would leave me the second another hockey girl comes in here.” KK says sarcastically before adding, “I’ve never gone for a basketball girl before.” 
“I have. And I know them better than you loser. Azzi said tall, that means basketball. She was clearly talking about me.” Kate argues back. 
“I’ll be right back,” Paige says suddenly, jumping from her makeup chair. 
“Where are you going?” Kate asks as Paige starts exiting the room. 
“Just going to chat with Azzi for a bit. Nothing serious. I’ll be back in 30 seconds.” Paige says quickly, ignoring any questioning she got from the group. 
Paige makes her way down the hall, knocking twice on the shower room door before it slowly squeaks open.
“It’s unlocked,” Azzi says simply, her composure even. 
“Oh. Some people are uncomfortable with people coming in during showers so I always knock. Wasn’t sure if you were showering.” 
“Nope, just unpacking,” Azzi says shortly, confusing Paige again, “Do you need to shower? I can leave.” 
“Oh, no. I actually wanted to talk to you real quick before you pick your dates for tomorrow.” Paige starts. 
“Sure, what did you want to talk about?” Azzi asks cautiously, continuing to organize her skincare on her shelf. 
“I just wanted to let you know that I’m in a pretty solid connection with Ellie and I don’t want you to waste your date on me because I’m mostly taken. You can still pick me, but I just want to be transparent from the beginning before we get to know each other.” Paige says while sitting up on the sink.
Azzi stood up from her packing, giving Paige a focused look of mild confusion. 
“What makes you think I’m picking you?” Azzi asks with an even tone, eyes unwavering from Paige’s. 
“Well, you said tall blondes are your type and that’s only me and Kate. So I assumed you’d use your two picks on us.” Paige says, slightly less confident.
Azzi steps closer to Paige, closing the gap between them. 
“Is it true that if you take off your top they can’t air it because it’s nudity?” Azzi whispers into Paige’s ear, pulling the blonde in. 
“Uh, yeah? They can’t air it. But they get kinda annoyed when we do it and talk about villa stuff.” Paige whispers shakily into Azzi’s ear. 
“Turn your head,” Azzi says as she takes two steps back, swiftly taking off her bikini top.
Paige had never swiveled so hard, almost falling off the sink counter. Paige turned her head halfway before she realized she could see Azzi in the mirror reflection, leading her to close her eyes as fast as possible.
“I know your reputation in the league, but I��m not trying to air out your business on TV, so I’m going to speak like this,” Azzi yells out before turning around, “You can turn around now, it’s just my back.” 
Paige opens her eyes to see Azzi’s long braids flowing down her bare back, the only article of clothing being her bottom bikini. Azzi turned her head to speak. 
“How are you going to judge me on my so-called reputation?” Paige questioned back, getting offended at the “Player” accusations she hated. 
“You ghosted one of my friends, so don’t act surprised I’m cautious of you. I came to the Villa to find love and take home the win.” 
“So did I. You haven’t seen me with Ellie. I have a lot of layers, you’d be surprised.” Paige says with a smirk, her voice growing bolder. 
“Layers? Yeah, ten layers of player. I know what you did to Alyssa.” 
“Alyssa? Who’s that?” Paige asks, racking her brain for possible Alyssa’s in her past.
“Jesus, you don’t even remember her. That’s crazy.” Azzi scoffs accusatorily, “Anyway, don’t worry. I won’t pick you for the date, I’m not going to intrude on you and Ellie. Seems like you guys are happy.” 
Paige watches as Azzi slips her bikini back on. Watching the muscles on her back contract as she pulls her top over her head. Her bare skin was addicting to look 
So addicting, Paige was caught red-handed admiring her as Azzi turned back around. 
“You sure you're happy with Ellie?” Azzi jokes dryly. 
“Very. She’s a great girl. Exactly my type.” Paige challenges back, leaning her body toward Azzi. 
“What is your type, Paige?” 
“Hot, Brunette, Pretty Eyes,” Paige says a little quieter as Azzi steps a little too close for comfort. 
“I see,” Azzi answers, nodding her head. 
“Don’t think I’m calling you my type. You just happen to fit it.” Paige adds weakly. 
“You saying I got pretty eyes? I know I'm the other two.” Azzi asks playfully, opening the door to the shower room. 
“Maybe. Let me look into them longer and I’ll decide.” Paige chirps back, a surge of confidence coursing through her. 
“In your dreams, Bueckers.” Azzi sings out with a laugh as she takes her exit, leaving a mildly dazed Paige on the sink. 
This was certainly going to be an interesting summer in the Villa for Paige. 
A/N: I apologize if this is shit, this is just funny for me.
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yourfavepookiebear · 3 months
Hii, can i make a request? Yandere and self aware twisted wonderland please?
So the characters could hear the player after some time, although it is very difficult unless you pay attention, they actually don't know the appearance of the player!
But yeah, yandere Heartslabyul with a player who's pretty expressive? Like whenever something frustrates them they'd almost always curse out loud, when something makes them happy and satisfied they'd yell out a "Yes! Oh my god bro", etc
Okay so basically a player like me (and many others), cool, got it. (Im panicking I suck at writing for heartslabyul) I fucked up at ace's part idk what to write for him
God the old hag is waking up
Rushed asf
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Riddle Rosehearts
You're pretty easy to read, at least on the terms of mood and emotion, which could be considered a good thing for him ?
At first he didn't believe it, because how could the player be anything but perfect ?
But then he realized that you don't need to be emotionless to be perfect.
Now this vaguely depends on whether we're talking about before OB or after OB Riddle, but if it's after OB then he doesn't mind it much
In fact, he likes hearing you mumble in frustration whenever you lose or see something irritating, it makes him...melancholic, in a way. Because these are all the signs that you're pretty normal just like them, you feel. It reassures him sometimes, to know that.
It's pretty cute and funny to him, but he won't show it
Hates that you show that side of yourself to others, he wants to be the only one to see this, but alas..not much can be done.
At least, not within the rules.
Cater Diamond
A bit like Riddle, it's sorta funny for him. God he wishes he could tease you, but he can't because of the damn programming..
Will definitely sneakily film it or record it he can't pass up on such an opportunity !
Depending on his mood he may or may not post it as well, but most likely on his private account
Can't have anyone else seeing such a cute thing, can we ?
Trey Clover
Now this is a bit complicated (more so than the others)
He wouldn't show it on the outside ofc, but he finds it endearing. (everyone does.)
May or may not crack a little smile when he sees you jumping in joy (or banging your head on the wall in frustration)
Doesn't care what others think about it, he will listen to your little outbursts with all ears.
And if anyone dares to comment about it, they better get ready for hell.
Deuce Spade
Doesn't really know what to think about it,
Ofc like everyone else he loves to hear you jump in joy or excitement, but frowns when you whine or complain about something
You deserve the very best !! If he could, he'd do anything to make you happy, just to see your little smile
God he wishes he was with you, but he can't...except-
Right, maybe draconia could help him with this.
Ace (I forgot his last name)
Oh well.
Seeing how expressive you are, he would definitely sneak in a few teases in his dialogues.
You know that cheeky smile of his ? Yeah, that's the one he has
Unlike a few others, he doesn't care if you're jumping in joy or in sadness, all he cares about is hearing you, seeing you..
Don't worry, soon enough, you'll be right next to him. So if you one day wake up to find yourself locked up in a room, just know that he means no harm
He can't help but wonder what you look like...ah, no use thinking about that since you'll be here soon.
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This sucks ass ngl, my writing is trash right now but whatever
I did better than I thought since it's been a few months since I last wrote anything
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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mxtx main characters as drivers
wwx: would be a good driver if he didn't get distracted every 5 minutes and constantly forget where he's supposed to be going (jc swears he does the latter on purpose but doesn't have any proof yet). when he's not distracted hes usually going 5 above the speed limit. has a random playlist for all driving occasions ("why do you have a 'just brunt down walmart and now I'm on the run' playlist?" "why shouldn't i?")
lwj: the example of the perfect driver. will drive the exact speed limit and will refuse to go a single mile over ("lan zhan please we dont have to drive so slow" "its a school zone.the speed limit is 15" "lan zhan the school has been closed for 10 years pls go faster im begging" "no."). mostly plays classical music, podcasts or the rare romance song while driving
xl: decent driver when he gets the opportunity to drive. goes hard on the brakes bc he scared of hitting someone. will let people cut in front of him bc "they might have somewhere important to be". mostly listens to random radio stations for variety
hc: speed demon unless he's with xl. even then he's still a pretty safe driver. carries sticky notes to rate other drivers skills and put them on their car with notes (no one has gotten over a 7). extremely picky about music while driving, if he hates the song you play your banned from ever playing music in his car again. will always listen to music selections from xl
sy/sqq: hates driving with every fiber of being but still got his license. has extreme road rage and has pulled up next to someone to rage abt their driving to their face (spolier he made them cry). will only drive if he actually needs too, this man is a passenger princess. not too picky abt music surprisingly but doesn't like the volume to be too loud
lbh: very good driver. if you piss him off while driving he will either ride way too close to your bumper and follow you for a short time to freak you out or start driving purposefully slow and refuse to let you pass. Music depends on his mood or the events he has going in that day. date nights will be romance and happy songs, dropping sqq off to hangout out with lqg will be heartbreak/when will my love return songs, returning from a business meeting is loud ass rage music
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needyvirginbunny · 2 months
Cash app: $needyvirginbunny
Venmo: Needyvirginbunny
Hello there :)
You don’t have to read this, this is just for people who want to know me. Which, I’ll warn you now, might not be the best idea.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is bunny.
Im chubby, I have thighs, my bra size is an F cup, I like playing video games, I watch caseoh every night, cooking, baking, reading, watching movies and shows, star wars, marvel, going for walks in nature and I smoke weed, and playing with my stuffies! Ive never had a boyfriend, never kissed anyone or even held hands with a boy. Im far from innocent though. There’s something wrong with me. Learned through failed talking stages, I get attached so easily, I become obsessed, wanting to do anything to make him happy. I become dependent on him. Him talking to me throughout the day affecting my mood. Him ignoring me hurting more than it should. But, I’m also aware of how I’m understanding, loyal, trusting, supportive, and loving when he gives me the day of light.
I crave men’s validation. Im a good girl. I hunger to be a pet. To cook and clean like a good bunny, let him use me whenever he wants bc he’s my daddy and I’m not allowed to say no :(( I long to sit on my knees when he comes home after a long day at work, ready to be used and thank him for making me his personal toy. I yearn for an older man to steal me away from here, to hide me away and only let me go outside when I’m with him. For him to manipulate me, and tell me to cut off my family and friends, to convince me that he’s the only person I need. I thirst to be a stay at home girlfriend/wife/mother…cause eventually him breeding me everyday for hours, takes. My tummy growing with his seed. But if he doesn’t want kids then neither do I, I would rarely think for myself, but my mind will always be filled of him and how I can make him happy. But most of the time, my brain dumb and empty, he thinks for me, tells me what to wear, what to eat, what to cook for him. Who do you think I am? Im an extension of him. He thinks for me. I only need to listen and obey him.
Can you tell I was raised with traditional views on relationships? It’s my ultimate dream. Which could be viewed as sad but I know that’s where I’d be happiest.
I feel like my only flaws is my weight, which I’ve started going to the gym, my social anxiety, but why would I need to talk to anyone besides you? You do all the talking and I just happily stand next to you, your seed covering my thighs because you needed to relieve stress in the car and I’m your loyal servant, and sometimes my communication, refusing to admit if something is wrong because it’s stupid and you’re gonna think I’m stupid if I tell you even though it hurts me :((
I’m your little girl, you use me, rape me if I’m being bad, slap me, spank me, spit on me, shove your fingers down my throat while you ram into me, use all of my holes, make me sob, plead, beg for you to stop making me cum, but you tell me I have to take it. I have no choice and I’m doing so good for you. Don’t you want to make dad happy? Eventually passing out from exhaustion as he tortures me.
Well, that’s me! It’s nice to meet you! My dm’s are always open!! (unless someone claims me)
Love Bunny🐇
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lilquokka04 · 1 year
Skz Ass or tits
-warnings- smut, sub and dom skz mentioned, marking, spanking, kinda perv han and innie, titfucking, I think thats it?
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Maybe both? Probably depends on the mood hes in. Likes cuddling naked cuz he hates clothes so would definitely enjoy the feel of your boobs (hed either have his face in them or have them pressed against his chest). Low key loves when you give him a back hug cuz he can feel your tits. Your ass is something he likes and would grab when he fucks up into you.
Ok I know he is the ass grabber but something tells me he would absolutely love his s/o boobs. When you're cuddling with him he would always rest his head on them. But if you guys were alone, he would for sure have at least one handful at all times. If hes a little more stressed he may turn into a cat and sit there and knead them with a cute pout. Suckles on them when he fucks you.
He gives me ass vibes but definitely still loves tits (cuz who doesn't). Would pick you up all the time to show off his strength but to also grab a handful of your ass (he says its to keep you from falling but you know its a lie). Unconsciously rests a hand on your ass when you're out with him. Definitely the type to fuck you from behind or make you ride him cowgirl style so he can watch your ass.
I don't see him really choosing one over the other. It probably depends on his mood. Would love to lay his head on your boobs when he's feeling sad or wants to be taken care of. On the other hand, he would absolutely love to leave marks on your ass (from his hands or toys) and play with it when he has more energy/feels more dominant.
Probably a tits guy but I feel like he loves ass too, but in a soft (or perverted) way. Loves to cuddle naked so he has complete access to your boobs. Will have a breakdown if you don't let him touch. Loves how soft and squishy they feel. I could also see him enjoying lying down on your ass when you're on your stomach. You will catch him staring if you're wearing a skirt or shorts. 2nd favorite place to nap and watch videos on his phone.
Sub felix is 100% a boob lover but otherwise I feel like he doesn't have a preference? I just feel like he's too respectful and soft for that. Another one that finds your boobs relaxing to nap on though. Likes to play with them when hes feeling subby. I could definitely see him patting your butt in a cute way when he passes you in the kitchen or something like that.
Hngggggg probably likes ass more? I could see him playing with it to annoy you or when he's bored. Butt pats every now and then just because he feels like it. I feel like he would get kinda grabby when you guys are making out or you're in his lap. Likes the feel of his thighs hitting your ass when he fucks you from behind. Develops an obsession with slapping it to see it turn red.
I don't think he really has a preference but I feel like he leans more towards tits? This might be more of perv innie im thinking of but I could see him being obsessed with your boobs. You catch him staring at them a lot when he thinks you're too distracted to notice. Probably gets turned on seeing you wear low cuts shirts and ends up having to fuck you to fix his problem. Spends extra time playing with and leaving marks on your tits. Probably fucks em if they're big enough.
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rubylovessharks · 5 months
what would coffee do to them?
this is not a X reader but i have headcannons about this sooo~ here's what i think coffee would do to each twst character :) also i have no idea why but coffee makes me sleepy, so im not going to pull stuff like this outta nowhere-
Riddle- i think he's used to it cuz he studies a lot, so he probably needs to get more energy. So it would make sense that Riddle would drink coffee and gain more energy, nothing weird.
Trey- I don't think he's really into bitter tastes, but he doesn't mind them. So I don't think he'll drink coffee that much, it also probably doesn't do too much though. But what if when Trey drinks too much coffee he'd want to bake more?
Cater- Cater probably drinks coffee in the morning. Cater is a character I don't know too much about but with the small information I have on him doesn't really make me think of what coffee would do to him.. So my guess is that he gets more energy and like any normal person and after a while the energy leaves and he gets tired. Nothing special.
Ace- Ace doesn't seem like someone who would drink coffee often. Maaaybe to study? But not that often. At some point if he drank too much he would just pass out, and when I say too much it'll probably be 5 or 6 cups of coffee. One time Duece found him like that and freaked out so hard, he called Riddle and told him this and Riddle also kind of freaks out but seems calm and takes Ace to the nursery. Deuce makes sure Ace never gets to drink that much coffee ever again.
Deuce- We all know that Deuce studies a lot so he probably drinks a lot of coffee, and also I think he doesn't notice when it's the time Riddle set for everyone to sleep, so until Riddle notices that he isn't asleep he scolds him and then immediately feels concerned about the amount of coffee he's been drinking. The same thing will happen with Ace. Ace swears he's stopping Deuce from drinking that much coffee cuz "he's too loud when he studies!" but we all know that's not true..
Leona- This guy almost never drinks coffee only because he naps a lot. But I think he would drink coffee when he NEEDS to do something, so that's he's way of getting energy. But here's the thing, when he does drink coffee even though the caffeine works on him he still looks like he's half-asleep.
Ruggie- This guy knows how to do the best coffee you'll ever drink! But it'll cost you a lot.. He probably does drink coffee in the morning so he can get going throughout the day, this guy has many things to do. I also think that every few hours he would drink another coffee to keep going.
Jack- I don't think Jack drinks coffee, at least not often. Nothing special after drinking coffee as well. He's pretty normal about it.
Azul- He likes he's coffee with milk, I like to think that the first time he heard of coffee on land (they probably have something like coffee under the sea) he wanted to try all types of coffee, just to fully understand what he likes, and what can sell better. He did not like black coffee.. Other than that he's nothing special as well.
Jade- He's the total opposite of Floyd. He becomes really really energetic. He tries to play it cool, like nothing has changed- but you can see that he has more energy. He's movements are way faster than what they are normally, you can see that he's eyes are looking around more often, and things like that.
Floyd- I think that because Floyd has a lot of energy depending on his mood the way to calm him down would be with drinking coffee. I know that caffeine should make a person more energetic, but with personal experience I feel like falling asleep. I think he would be like that too. The only effect other than sleepiness would be the energy in his veins, he's still sleepy though.
Kalim- Don't give this guy coffee- he'd get seriously energetic. If he already has energy on a normal day coffee makes him even more energetic.
Jamil- He's probably not someone who drinks coffee often. I just don't see him as a guy that drinks it regularly, but he definitely drinks it from time to time, just not super often. I think he has normal reactions to it, not too hyper but not like Floyd who'd fall asleep.
Vil- He's more of a tea guy. He doesn't drink coffee often, but when he does it would probably be closer to things he needs to do during the late evening. Also a guy that doesn't have a weird reaction like some of these guys would.
Rook- Thinks all coffee is good. He enjoys the beauty of everything, coffee is no different. Doesn't have a preference, will drink any and every coffee. It does not work on him, I repeat. Coffee does not work on Rook. Not getting more energy and not getting sleepy. You'll see this guy downing a cup of coffee and see that nothing happens to him. He'll drink coffee just for the taste.
Epel- First thing in the morning he's doing is make a cup of coffee. Black too, he thinks it's manly. He probably doesn't need it though so after some time you can see that in class he looks more sleepy than a regular student should. Vil probably scolds him about it.
Idia- He doesn't always drink it cuz he has his energy drinks but if he had to he would make a black coffee to get through the night, I think that at some point energy drinks aren't going to work properly on him so coffee is something he'll start getting used to.
Ortho- He's a robot, he doesn't need coffee. And when he was a child and alive I don't think he would've tried it or something- that's it really.
Malleus- I don't know if he would be into coffee or not, but I think that the first time he did try it his pupils would get bigger? I know our pupils get bigger because of light and stuff- but Malleus isn't human, so maybe some of the energy he got from the caffeine would make his eyes try to focus more on his surroundings??? Even if he's pupils didn't get bigger, he's eyes would still try to focus around.
Lilia- I'm not sure if in cannon it is said that he drinks anything to keep him awake when gaming with Idia or not but I think that he doesn't need coffee during the night, I think it even takes him a while to fall asleep just cuz bats are night animals so it kinda makes sense that he's fully awake at night. I might be breaking canon or something since I don't know too much about him, so sorry if I did- I like to think that in the morning though he has to drink coffee or else he's not able to function throughout the day. (ik he's not a bat but he has similarities so it makes sense)
Silver- It doesn't work on him, He probably tried drinking coffee at some point in his life to get through the day without falling asleep, but it didn't work very well...20 minutes after drinking it he fell asleep. After that he made another coffee and it would repeat like that all day.
Sebek- He would drink coffee on days he feels like he needs to. I don't know much about this guy so I'm not sure of what else to say.. But he probably would drink coffee with milk, not too much milk though, and he probably brags on drinking it black and not actually his taste, but if he tried black coffee again you'll see him throwing it up cuz he probably doesn't like the taste. He's probably more loud and aggressive after drinking coffee though.
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starsomens · 11 months
can you write something about noah taking care of you when you’re on your period?? 🤭
A/N: these came out more like Headcannons but IM SO SOREY THIS IS LATE BBY
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I see him as the type to know your dates
“Hey it’s the 3rd tomorrow, you want to reschedule cuz of your period?”
Very considerate when it comes to and doesn’t want you pushing yourself when you’re not feeling good
If you’re the type to have like severe pain, I know he is absolutely prepared and he knows the early signs
Uses his big hands to his advantage because that’s be honest and very warm hand cramps would be phenomenal
If he does have to go into the studio that day or run some errands, he make sure to bring back any kind of comfort food or your favorite snacks. Sometimes we even grab some heating pads if it will help
He makes sure to write down specifically what kind of medication are products that you like that help you.
If you’re the type to be very sleepy and take a lot of naps, he will definitely be your human mattress and will not move a muscle while you take a nap on him
Cancel plans and tell his friends it’s because you’re not feeling good he has to take care of you
"Yeah we can meet up later....mhm..well depends on how she feels then I could pass by and pick those up let me check with her real quick"
Im convinced juts how he is with aftercare is him on your period days but doubled.
I picture him going along with mood swings so if you go from happy to pissed asf he’s backing you up ON EVERYTHING! Mad that some random car cutting you off he’s adding wood to the fire
“Stupid fucking asshole can’t drive”
“…..you want me to rear end him-?”
he gets your shower ready and places your pads on so you can just slip them on and get dressed.
Keeps the bedroom drawer and the bathroom STOCKED with pads, so you’re never rlly out, he knows when you finish a pack and replaces them on the next trip to the grocery store.
Gives you massages whenever you’re feeling sore and keeps his hands in your when you need something warm :)
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rin-and-jade · 6 months
Job Roulette.. or Not: A Post about Alter Roles
Roles like Hosts? Protectors?.. maybe a Cleaner? an Academic?.. why is there an alter who comes out only for driving?! What about these other alters who don't really do much--they got to have one right??
--Are probably what you might be thinking when this topic comes up. But, there's something more into it,, it's not all about what job or how the role is assigned to an alter only.
Well, for this post, lets talk EVERYTHING about how roles work, what kinds exist, why it's there?? And especially, why are some more task specific, multi-role, or even... none? Bowl straight to the point, let's roll out. Haha punny
Ok J, spill. What are they?
Hold on. Im pulling out this dictionary definition of it--ah!
"defined positions that are associated with given responsibilities and are usually allocated according to the position or ability of each person."
To put it in system terms, it's how different parts can do something that others couldn't, or, feel a sense of responsibility in one particular aspect. That's making sense right? But oh.. you still want to know why they're there at the first place. Fine, follow me!
Yeah, show me why!
As aforementioned, this disorder boxes up our different parts of selves with amnesia and weaker bonds of connection which really sets us back on easing our 'modes' for different situations.. not only that, a part's moods and state/personality can greatly affect what kinds of jobs they get, it's not so random as you'd thought.
So, thing is, because some alters have a distinguished ability capable in doing something, depending what fragment or pre-existing knowledge/experience it holds, that can become it's very own job task.
They can be hereditary (upon split or formed), gained (fuse or passed traits), or even learnt (by its own commitment, without any prior skills). Roles come from many origins, and none of them are so different.
But, some are more complex..
I get it, some can have more than one, have ultra specific ones, or literally just don't have any. Now it makes you think--if it was from predisposed strengths each alters naturally have, then why are some more niche? or like, anything else? I know why:
Our brains are complex alright. We both can think maybe we can do (even if we don't like it) and not do something, and these are all compartmentalized in each alters, so basically its part feelings, part acceptance of such trait, and part commitment as the formula. Even confidence or the call to action affects this outcome!
This can apply to who can handle more than one jobs, or for those who are more specific or lesser known roles. In fact, roles do not have any limits, they are specifically tailored for your functionality so don't fret if you have an alter who's job is only to sleep, or anything else 'silly' !
What about the ones without.. roles?
Do you think it feels wrong to not have roles? While it is true that roles are needed, they're not actually a required standard for everyone to have a job task. Mainly, ANP's are the one who usually have roles, but EP's can too.
If they do not have a role, they might be disinterested or think they don't have any potential, or sometimes they're only there to hold memories / don't have the qualified skill sets, and thats okay! You can take proactive action in anyhow you'd like, just remember, every parts aren't forced to contribute, you know? It doesn't make them useless, maybe more on passive support/back ups.
I've also seen some systems who don't really have roles because the alters are all well-rounded, as in pick up other's tasks and that they're not assigned/compelled to do a particular job at all times, like being flexible. everyone's different!
Make sense, anything else?
Well, that we are not bound to roles, they do not define us, and that we can lose, or change roles according to our growth. Have anyone ever mentioned that?
Im aware that we tend to put too much emphasis on having jobs and being contributive, but the most important thing to keep in mind is that we all in this together, and to help each other, in a way or another.
Never forget that you're more than your job! Maybe try to enjoy other parts of life, yeah?
Thats the end of the post. What will you do if you find a new alter with no impressions of having a role? How do you see roles in your own pov? What's the first thing you'd do if you were to be free from your job task, if any? Feel free to let me know, i hope this has been informative, im willing to add anything if something's missing!
- j
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stuffeddeer · 11 months
hello deery, back like i promised lmao
as much as i love silly goofy buddy dazai, deluded possessive and lowkey scary dazai is my fav 🙏 he's such a silly guy with reader, then turns right around and destroys their entire life. then hes like :O omg thats so horrible, so what im hearing is you have more time to spend with me? seeing as all your friends left for reasons unknown, your family wont even look at you. but dw, i'll never leave :)
BWHAHA im not good at this stuff, but your characterization of dazai is my fav in general, such versatility, we love to see it
have a great day :D
-🩵 anon
HES MY least FAVE TOO ugh 🩵anon you get me
“I’m sorry, lovely. That’s so horrible…” Dazai’s knuckles softly rub against your jaw, his skin soothing you as you try to halt your tears.
“It just— ” you hiccup, “ —just feels like everyone’s leaving me!”
The brunet pulls you closer, practically sitting in his lap as his hands move around your torso. “Shh, shh…” He gently wipes away your remaining tears, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’m here, aren’t I?”
You let out an embarrassed chuckle before nodding. “You’re the only one. Not even my boss wanted me around, I can tell. It’s like she was waiting for me to mess up so she could fire me.”
“That’s not true…”
“How would you know?” The words were genuine, like you were looking for him to explain that it was the work of fate or your shitty coworker you always complained about.
Well, it's because Dazai was the one to get you fired. Your boss was too fond of you, something he simply couldn't have. Plus, work hours always took up your time, time that should be spent with him. Honestly, you didn't need a job, anyway: Dazai would be happy to provide for you and make you dependent on him.
Instead of explaining any of this, he pressed another kiss to your head before pulling you in for a tight hug. “You’re a hard worker. And you’re a wonderful person. If none of your friends want to be in your life, well, I do. So I guess you’ll just have to spend time with me.”
It’s his attempt at lightening the mood, you’re sure of it. A chuckle passes your lips before you can stop it, shifting in his hold so you can hug him back just as tightly. “You’re all I have, so now you’re stuck with me.”
“That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
oh he’s the worst i need him
he’ll cradle you so sweetly, telling you alllll the good things about yourself!!!
n when you get all confident and hey! maybe you are good enough, maybe you should look into making new friends! ones that won’t leave you so easily 🙄
he’s there to remind you just how heartbroken your last ones left you. your very own flesh and blood cut you out so easily! maybe dazai is the only one who can truly love you for who you are.
he’s not saying it to be mean! he just wants you to know what you’re getting yourself into. he’s always been so smart, too…. well, you guess he’s right.
if you’re a bit more stubborn or masochistic, maybe you don’t gaf!!! put you back in the ring you wanna try again!!!!!
ugh. okay. i mean, dazai did so much for you... y’know, when you lost your job and he insisted let you move in with him, dazai was trying to be a good friend, but... whatever, if you don’t need him anymore than you can just get your own place. oh, you still haven’t found a job? well, since you’re so sure of yourself, you can just get a new one. you can be out by tomorrow, right? you know dazai would’ve liked to go out and make friends during the time he’s been working to keep a roof above the both of your heads and keeping you company after everyone left you. maybe he’s starting to see why they did, since you’re so selfish— 
you decided not to go out!
that’s probably when he realizes he should begin moving your relationship along a bit quicker. he’ll flirt with you in the exact way he knows you respond to best (whether that's words of affirmation, teasing, physical touch, etc); he'll bring you back pastries and cute trinkets he saw on his way home from work… his courting is a little eerie, bc he also acts like you two are already dating???? "you're staying in my home, of course i assumed we'd be having dinner tonight. i even learned to cook your favorite— " like he 100% just assumes shit but it always works out bc . well, what else were you doing?
this includes sharing a bed btw. he probably started w having you take his and he takes the couch (a true gentleman) and then maybe he gets another bed and makes a guest room for you... but, well, since you both are so close and it's so cold in his apartment, maybe you can just spend one night with him? It Was Not One Night
if you catch on and reciprocate, oh he's over the moon!!!! his love giving him affection? oughhh.. you're staying in his room in his arms and he's just breathing you in, reminding himself you're still there... it'd be actually kinda sweet if he didn't orchestrate this whole thing
if you catch on (or don't lmao) and deny him? .............
desperate times desperate measures or whatever they say
he locks you in his room for mandatory cuddles, will not give you food if you stick to one side of the room and refuse to let him hold you, he starts pulling away and spewing words he knows will hurt you so you feel so alone and unloved only to turn around and love bomb you.... it's horrific tbh
i'm so sorry . just... go along w it for now pls ❤️
also i mentioned that he'd bring up how you don't have a job and he's the one working hard to pay for your expenses but he's just being a brat. he caught you looking at help wanted ads one time and pretty much cried in your lap about how upset he is that you don't feel his care is adequate enough and only stopped when you promised not to get another job
he's gross :( get out of there
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anzynai · 3 months
Hello! I don’t know if you’re still taking TWST requests, but if you are, I’d like to request a platonic fic/drabble (depending on what you’re more comfortable with) with lers!Ace and Deuce and lee!Yuu/Reader. My idea is that Yuu’s been feeling kind of blegh all day for no real reason, so Ace and Deuce give them a playful little wrecking to cheer them up. Thank you and stay safe!
A Laughable Solution
Ace & Deuce & Reader (TWST)
a/n: HELLO im so sorry this was like,, super late but i enjoyed writing this a lot! it was a bit of a struggle because for some reason, i really cant get their characters down, but i hope it’s not too bad! besides that, i hope u enjoy <3
summary: see above !!
word count: 1.1k
Ughhh. You groaned for the hundredth time that day. What is with you today?
You felt just so.. unmotivated today, and you didn’t know why. There wasn’t any particular reason, but you knew instantly that today wouldn’t be a good day the second your eyes opened that morning. All you wanted to do was crawl into bed and never see the light of day until this mood of yours could pass.
You tried to hide it, but found that even that was hard to do. You were exhausted and your friends, Ace and Deuce had caught on.
You sat in between them at the table in your dorm, your head on the table in your arms. You could hear them whispering, and you knew it was about you when you heard them utter your name.
You groaned again. Much less subtly than before.
“Uh, is it just me or is something wrong with you today?” Ace asked, raising a brow.
“Yeah, you look a little.. upset?” Deuce added, and you peeked at him through your arms, seeing concern in his features. Looking at Ace, he was acting as though he didn’t care, but even you could see that he was a bit worried.
“I’m fine, just.. tired,” You muttered, slowly.
“I’m not really sure I buy that,” Ace replied, flicking his wrist.
“Did someone do anything to you?” Deuce asked, unsure of what to say.
“No, I’m fine!” You rushed, not really wanting to worry your friends even more. “I am just— I don’t know, feel.. wrong today? It’s not for any actual reason. It just.. isn’t a good day,” You mumbled, a little sheepishly.
Ace and Deuce shared a look. Weird. Then, they turned towards you, and you began to feel a bit nervous.
“G-guys?” You stuttered, backing up in suspicion when they got closer to you. You didn’t really know what they were up to, but considering it was them, it couldn’t be anything good.
“Don’t worry! This isn’t gonna hurt!” Ace exclaimed, and he was right, it didn’t hurt; it tickled. A lot. Before you could even move, Ace had latched his hands on you, kneading his fingers to, well, tickle you. Deuce was a bit slower on the uptake, but just as determined as he hooked under your underarms and kept scribbling at the sensitive skin.
“Gahaha! Stohop!” You shouted out, instantly, not expecting to be tickled of all things. The usual Ace and Deuce shenanigans included ways to make you laugh– which, thinking about it, tickling actually made a lot of sense– but not like this! They would tell jokes, do silly dances, and even sometimes, distract you with games or something!
“Stop? We’re just getting started!” Ace said, as he continued squeezing your sides, feeling more excited at every jolt you made.
“Ahahahace! Deucehehe!” You giggled, feeling incredibly embarrassed. Ace looked like he was enjoying every second of this, and when you craned your neck to look at Deuce, he seemed very curious and interested.
“You’ll feel way better after we’re done!” Deuce declared, confidence brewing in his tone. His fingers were almost stuck to you, the way they were unrelentless in the tickling. He would scratch at your underarms and poke and your ribs, and it was evil. You couldn’t even stop your laughter if you tried!
“I don’t know. I think I like this side of you. Don’t you, Deuce?” Ace teased, and you could feel your face heat up at that.
“Yeah, it’s pretty nice,” Deuce said, with a small blush on his cheeks, something of a habit of his when complimenting someone. Still, honest as he was, he couldn’t disagree.
When Ace turned to tickling a spot that was especially sensitive to you, you could feel your laughter becoming louder. The two clearly noticed as well. Ace lingered on that spot, and Deuce’s movements faltered, curious to see what Ace had discovered.
“Nohoho!” You cried, squirming in their grasps. Ace chuckled, amused and surprised.
“No way, you’re ticklish here too!” Ace said, mostly to himself, but loud enough to ensure you heard him. Ugh, you wanted to die of shame right then and there.
“They seem to be.. pretty ticklish,” Deuce also noted, and you hadn’t even thought what was happening could get worse! And yet, you found yourself leaning into their touch just slightly. You shook your head when you noticed, because you knew you would never hear the end of it if they found out that you might… actually enjoy being tickled. Even if it was just a little bit.
Instead, you took to fighting them off with more fervor than before. They did, in fact, notice that as they also tickled you with more fervor. Your… flailing and squirming against them didn’t exactly help you at all and you were almost tempted to just give up and accept your fate.
“Heheheey! Stahahap it!”
“Not gonna happen!” Ace responded, his fingers scribbling along your tummy. You tried to suck your stomach in, but amidst your laughter, it was proving to be very difficult. Even worse when his finger started swirling around your navel. You tensed, feeling tears pricking at the corners of your eyes.
Deuce’s ticklish assault now on your hips was much more tame, but still added to the torture you were definitely enduring right now! Even then, he looked much more into tickling you than he was before, clearly having gotten comfortable.
“Plehehehease! Ahahaha!” You giggled, slurring your words, feeling a bit delirious. “Mehehehrcy!”
At last, the tickling came to a stop. Not immediately, but their slippery fingers eased up, and finally stopped, leaving you a panting, flustered mess. Gahhh.
“How do you feel?” Deuce asked, a soft smile on his face as he waited for your answer.
“Ah, that was fun!” Ace said, and you narrowed your eyes at him. Wasn’t the point of this to cheer you up? Why did he look more content than you did?
You sighed. “I.. I guess I don’t feel as bad as I did before,” You admitted, but you sat up with a glare. “But, don’t do that again!”
You felt a bit regretful saying that, but admitting you didn’t mind it was definitely too much! Maybe you’d tell them one day, but not today. And, well, even with your words, you were positive that this wouldn’t be the last time they would tickle you. Ace certainly would, considering his reaction.
Deuce and Ace merely chuckled at your reaction, and you pouted. Leaning back on the ground, the two followed. You let out a deep breath.
While tickling might not always be an effective method in cheering you up, it was this time, and that was enough for you. You really had the best friends.
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midnight-vixn · 2 years
○accidently summoning them in a dream, summons them both to where you are and the dream ofc, BUT IMAGINE SUMMONING THEM IN A WET DREAM AND THEM WAKING YOU OUT OF IT BY DOING WHAT YALL WERE DOING,
○I've been listening to a ton of the band Ghost, and I can't stop seeing Luci mostly, but also Diavolo saying "you go down just like holy mary" while giving him head in the student council room 👀
I'm actually writing some stuff myself, but GOD DO I LOVE READING THE GOOD SHIT AND BUDDY PAL YOUVE GOT IT
Also I’m absolutely in LOVE with the idea of “accidental” summoning I actually want to write a fic or maybe some HC’s for the brothers with that!!! Them being summoned out of nowhere and confused and ready to question you but then they realize you’re still asleep. They smell your arousal and hear the very soft moans you make while sleeping and they know! Depending on the brother they may debate on waking you up to help you or they may just rip your pants off and get to work. They might feel a little bad but you did summon them and you’re having a wet dream so you must want them and— fuck that’s hot, they need you so bad. You wake to them balls deep and panting from how bad they want you, so desperate to feel you clench around them. You make eye contact and they groan or smirk at you, happy you’re awake so they can enjoy you more.
I absolutely love thinking about going down on Lucifer or Diavolo in the council room/their office at RAD!! They rarely have free time so if you’re willing to please them while they work they will not pass it up!
Dia is such a big puppy about it, he gets needy, he begs for more but you have to tell him no. He bucks his hips into your mouth (gently), he spreads his legs father apart so you have more room, his head falls back against the chair, his eyes roll back as he gasps when your tongue flicks at his swollen tip. He moans your name until it’s slurred because he can’t think straight, you make him so fucking weak, his head spins when you deep throat him. He forgets where he is and gets lost in the way your throat feels, he moans so fucking loud and it’s so lewd, it doesn’t matter how often you do it to him he always moans and cusses like a virgin getting sucked off every damn time.
Lucifer on the other hand, whoo boy, depends on his mood. If you get him on a good day he’s more relaxed about it. Tie undone and shirt unbuttoned partially because his whole body feels hot, he bites down on one gloved hand to stifle his moans, his eyes stay locked on you when they aren’t fluttering shut, his other hand on the back of your head while he gently face fucks you. He praises you softly so no one outside will hear you two and interrupt, he’s so in love with you and wishes he had more time to be alone. Catch him on a bad day when his brothers have pissed him off and…your jaw is gonna be sore. He face fucks you hard! Both hands on the back of your head, eyes trained on the way his cock slides in and out, degrading you and making comments about how badly you must need his cock to be here on the ground like this. He strips you down partially, jacket off and uniform shirt undone completely so he can see your drool drip onto your chest. He loves hearing your strangled moans and whines, he grunts and growls while fucking your mouth and doesn’t care who hears, in fact he hopes one of his brothers walks by and hears you two.
Hang on I need to lay down 😵‍💫🤤
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nohoney · 1 year
k im in desperate need of tooth rotting comfort in the c&c universe T^T
i just got over a really bad migraine so tooth rotting comfort is definitely the vibe ( = ⩊ = )
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“Deep breaths, you’re doing good doll.” Touya murmurs gently, holding you against his chest as he feels your body slowly inflate and deflate as you take slow breaths. He’s stood in his spot in the kitchen for the last five minutes since you returned home, not moving until you were ready to do so.
It’s normal to have some off days where you don’t feel your best, but even a bad case of unexplained anxiety could happen to anyone. Usually you carry yourself well, even through some tougher times, so when you experience the days that you don’t feel able to handle your own emotions, it’s often upsetting for yourself. It partly hurts your pride to feel so weak and it took extra effort in the early days of the relationship to rely on one another during the bad mental health days.
You melt against Touya’s body and the uncomfortable feeling in your gut slowly works it’s way up. It spreads through your body and the sudden weight of finally letting go makes you cry. His arms hold you tighter, the smell of cigarettes is a comfort to you in these times and you just want to hold on tightly to him.
Touya’s not the greatest at comforting words. He’s better at putting his foot down when he needs to and being a little bit snarky when it comes to other people. Most of his comfort is through actions. Tight embraces and small acts of service are what get you through these rough moments. Because you can’t explain why you have anxiety, you can only feel it and let it out.
“C’mon, let’s have a smoke.”
You nod against him, wiping away your tears and following behind wordlessly.
One cigarette to share.
The two of you stand outside the balcony together, Touya holding you from behind and waiting for his turn for whenever you pass the smoke back to him. The nicotine is comforting and he likes the way the smell melds with your floral perfume.
The butt of it is stubbed out in the ashtray and he heads back inside with you.
Whenever you have these off days, you’re clingier than usual. You hang onto Touya like a sloth whether it be in the shower or when he’s stirring ramen in a pot for a lazy dinner. And when he needs to step away, you’re hugging your favorite plushie that he bought for you on your six month anniversary. Touya texts his friends to let them know that he might potentially cancel on their next day plans depending on if you’ve shaken off your bad feelings or not.
“Touya…” you come up to his side with your plushie held in your arms. “Hey…”
“Yeah? What is it doll?” He asks as he washes his hands after stepping out to smoke, “Dessert?”
Something sweet to hopefully lift your mood a little which is a typical want when you have your down days. There’s a batch of cookie dough he could pop into oven or the bag of mini candies that you and him eat slowly over time.
“Ice cream?” You ask him in such a small voice almost like you’re a little girl.
“Sure, let’s go. Which one do you want?” He asks you, thinking if the gas station nearby has anything you’d want right now.
There’s a bit of hesitance from your end before you tell him, “I want the other one. Where they make it into a rose shape.”
Ah, the fancy one.
Touya makes the drive for you, his hand on your knee as you still hold your plushie tight against you. He offers to go alone so you can stay in the car and be comfortable but you want to cling to him. He orders at the little kiosk and taps his phone to make the payment, waiting patiently with you hugging him tightly. Ice cream is formed in the shape of a rose and given to you in a little cup. It’s a simple thing that manages to bring a smile to your face, the first one you’ve had since you had returned home.
Unfortunately the anxiety doesn’t subside the next day, it’s still lingering and it keeps you rooted in bed beyond the time that you should be up. He offers to stay in bed with you, but you want some space this time. Touya tells you that he’ll give you an extra hour to stay in but after that, you are going to get up.
He sits on the edge of the bed waiting for you to muster the energy to get up. He watches you take a deep breath in and then exhale out. It’s difficult to see you struggle but he softly encourages you to stand on your feet, to make it to the restroom and wash your face. A very simple goal to reach that feels impossible in that moment. But he’s with you every step of the way as you leave the bed, shuffle your feet to the bathroom, standing beside you with a face towel ready, and then he’s hugging you as a reward.
It sucks to have these kinds of days where you just don’t feel yourself but Touya is with you to help make it easier.
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love-toxin · 2 years
ok bc im in an RE mood (and replaying the games in anticipation of the remake) I may be having thoughts of being Jill and Carlos' cute little crush that they're constantly competing over and playfighting about 😵‍💫
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either you're a fellow U.B.C.S soldier who followed Carlos and Tyrell on the mission into RC or a STARS member that's close with Jill and having to escape her same fate, when all three of you meet and they lock eyes with each other, they both know that it's on. they may be in a literal hellhole, but why not have a little fun before they might die?
if you're a longtime friend of Jill's, she treats you like you're one of the most special people in the world. she talks so highly of you to other people, both when you're not around and when you are, and she's so overprotective of you even if you're a trained officer like herself. once they figure out what (or rather who) Nemesis is after, she's even more protective over you as one of her last comrades from STARS and does just about everything she can to keep the BOW away from you and locked on to her instead. unfortunately for her, that means leaving you under Carlos' care more often than not, but meeting back up with you and having you fuss over her after she's played the hero is just too good to pass up. plus, there's no way in hell she's letting you fight that thing alongside her, so even if you try to she's usually locking a fence shut behind her or slamming the underground shutter closed before you can even think of chasing after her. which, though annoying for you, is the perfect recipe to have you worried and mooning over her every second that she's gone, right under Carlos' nose.
if Carlos is more familiar with you, then he's just plain flirtatious all the time. he certainly doesn't make his affection for you a secret and especially not when Jill's around, cause he knows you and he wants her to see you get all warm-faced and shy or flirt right back at him like it's an inside joke. he probably makes a point of throwing you a "honey, I'm home" when you two rendezvous and even a cheeky "sorry, gotta get back to the wife/husband" when he and Jill have to part ways. he pesters you endlessly with nicknames too, to the point that you probably joke about him not even remembering your real name--but teasing is one of his love languages, along with acts of service as well, which he shows in RC by checking your weapons for you and refilling your magazine without you having to ask. he mostly does it when you're not looking, both because he doesn't want to be interrupted and because you would catch him loading you up with his own ammunition even if it leaves him a little short. he'd rather you have the means to defend yourself than have to scrounge, and potentially put yourself in danger--that's not happening on Carlos' watch. ever. both him and Jill have lost far too many people to let that happen to the bright, beaming little ray of sunshine that might be the last good thing that exists in this wretched world.
it definitely changes depending on how you present yourself, though. because Carlos is much more comfortable flirting openly with you as a female and the opposite goes for Jill--she's still not much of a flirter, but those lingering touches on the arm or especially grateful "thank you"s and "I couldn't have done this without you"s hit a little differently if you're more masculine. if you're on the feminine side, she's more friendly and honestly a little shyer with any sort of praise you give her, although she's much more likely to offer you her shoulder to rest on or a hug to ease your worries. whereas Carlos, if you're on the masculine side, treats you less in a bro-way than he does his other male friends, which makes it immediately obvious to anyone that knows him that he's got the hots for you, while people he's only acquaintances with think he just doesn't get along with you. obviously, if it's just around each other, they do whatever they want--although the two of them individually are a lot more confident depending on how you present, but if you're somewhat neutral, then it's pretty equal.
as far as the actual competition goes, the rules are pretty fluid. if you flirt back? that's a win. if you compliment one of them? extra point. hug them when you're reunited, fuss over their injuries, or tell them "you'd better be careful, don't you dare die on me"? that's more than enough of a triumph for one of them to grin smugly at the other or brag about it while they're talking to each other over the radio.
if they don't come to declare a winner throughout the events of RC (by which they mean neither or both of them got a kiss from you) then the competition doesn't stop there. when they get back to normalcy and spend some more time together as friends and rivals, they come up with new ways to try and win you over. it's not just because they both like you, it's also because you're a welcome distraction from all the psychological and emotional torment they have to deal with from that day, too. they've both already tangled with PTSD before that and it doesn't get any better with Raccoon City under their belts, but your smile always makes it better. sometimes it's only you that makes them feel better.
so what's the best way to do that when you're not around or available to pay attention to them? play-wrestling.
"alright supercop, don't make me go easy on you."
"oh, you're gonna wish I go down easy."
they can barely keep the smiles off their faces whenever they get into position on the exercise mats in Jill's new apartment, knees bent and palms up as they ready themselves for a match. "it's childish and a foolish waste of time", that's probably what any of their higher-ups would say about two ex-soldiers who are considered some of the strongest agents in America, but it's one of the few ways they're able to cope in the aftermath. and despite Carlos clearly having a size advantage over her, Jill's much faster and more agile--which of course means that they're evenly matched more often than not, and it usually only stops once one of them cries uncle or they're interrupted. if you're ever the one that stops by when they're doing so and ask them what the heck they're up to with a giggle, they just share a knowing look and give some vague half-answer as they let their grinning faces speak for themselves.
but of course, just by nature of this little game, they can't keep it up forever. the post-event relief after surviving Raccoon City won't last a lifetime, at one point the two of them will need to move on with their lives and find a new path to venture, even if it means splitting apart from each other. and eventually one of them or neither of them are gonna win with you, but that thought in itself sobers the two of them up more than they anticipated it would. obviously they knew that there'd be an endgame, but it's been so fun spending the time together and becoming such good partners that neither of them want it to end. if the three of us could be together forever, then I think I'd be happy for the rest of my life. the two of them share that sentiment, but what about you? what do you want? they know now that they're happy to spend their own lives together, both as friends and as partners, but would you even consider joining in to such an odd, confounding relationship?
it almost breaks their hearts when they finally, finally work up the courage to ask you, and you just look between the two of them and ask if they're pulling a prank. you would've just laughed it off at once but they seem so serious, and when they double down and explain themselves more it's terrifying to see you look so confused at what they're saying. even moreso when they realize you're taking them seriously, but the only thing you have to ask is: "why me?"
"don't get me wrong, I...I love you both, more than life itself, but why would you pick me? I can't even begin to compare to either of you. you're just....incredible."
of course, knowing how much of a romantic Carlos is, he's probably the one going in for a kiss before that compliment even finishes leaving your mouth. with a hand around your waist and warmth coursing through his body that sends shivers through yours at the contact, you don't even flinch when Jill follows it up with one of her own; a little gentler, but still firm and promising even when she pulls back. and if that's not enough to show you what they mean, well, they've got even more ways to prove their affection for you, maybe in the same vein as all that play-wrestling they love to do....if you catch their drift <3
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hellooo, im not sure what your request rules are i couldnt find them but if this is within the rules, could you do headcanons of how each of the bayverse boys would like, appreiciate y/ns butt?? like you know how partners sometimes tap their s/os butt when they walk past? which boy would give a lil slap and which would just gently place their hand on it? if this isnt within the rules im sorry! if you just dont wanna write it thats cool too! i love youre writing okay byyyyeeeee <3
Hello, Anon! Thank you for asking- I do have rules, which you can find here. I also added them to my pinned for easy access. (And thank you for being so polite! I'm so glad you like my writing :) )
Headcanons below!
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I think all four of the guys are very responsive, and are very quick to adjust to their partner's comfort levels- so if you're uncomfortable with them touching you in a certain way or area, they avoid it whenever possible.
If left to their own devices, though:
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Donnie is a big fan of letting his hand rest on your back and leaning past you to show you something he's working on, or explain some formula he's got written out, or share something on his computer. It's moments like that, comfortable in his element, where his hand is most likely to find its way to rest against your butt. Chances are higher if you walk up while he's sitting in his computer chair. Easy reach.
Playful Donatello will, if given the opportunity, smack your butt with the whip of a towel or a wound-up shirt and a shit eating grin.
Doesn't usually smack your butt when he passes by you. He's far more likely to squeeze your shoulder or elbow for that little dose of affection. But it's fair game if you're leaning against a counter or table or desk, assuming you're not holding anything dangerous. (He always checks.)
Not big on touching your butt around anyone else, but will rest his hand just above it with zero problem.
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Leo could go either way. It depends on his mood more than anything.
If he's feeling sweet and loving, it's not at all uncommon for his hand to rest on your hip and occasionally shift to your butt for a few moments and a little pat or squeeze before moving back.
If he's being a little shit, he makes it his life's mission to tap your butt when you least expect it. He likes to tease you about needing better situational awareness, and gets more than a little smug about his speed and stealth.
The most he'll do around anyone else is a silent, subtle pat pat. Everything else is for when you two have privacy. (Will go out of his way to catch you in a room away from everyone else for a kiss and a booty slap, though.)
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Mikey loves touching you, period. Loves smacking your butt when you don't expect it, just to hear you yelp. Loves casually resting his hand there when he's standing beside you. Will pat it during hugs if he's feeling mischievous.
Usually, he only touches the butt when you're in a good mood. It's playful and goofy. But he will, occasionally, do it if you're sad as a way to give you a taste of normalcy.
He's a big fan of pairing butt touches with nicknames. Like "Hey, cuteness," Paired with a gentle swat, or "How's it shakin', baby cakes?" With a little jiggle-inducing pat and a shit eating grin.
Will do any of the above around anyone unless you seem uncomfortable. He has zero shame, but will act like he found some for you if the need arises.
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Raph smacks your butt all the time, but only long into your relationship. The first time he does it is after a week of hyping himself up. You're standing at the sink in your kitchen washing dishes, and you hear him walk up behind you before one hand rests on the counter and the other gently collides with your butt. "Anythin' I can do?" He asked, a note of shyness in his voice that made you smile before pointing him to your dish towels.
After that, it slowly becomes more and more frequent. Loves to smack it in passing, smirking to himself whenever you squeak or laugh.
Will lift you up just because he can, and will absolutely support your butt with his hands.
He will smack your butt in group settings, but it's more subtle than when you're alone. More of a tap of affection than anything, and never around Splinter.
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alexa-fika · 3 months
Rayleigh letting child dokusha brain his hair (ofc shaky is encouraging)
Shanks picking up the beads from ace's necklace during the paramount war. To give to luffy one day
Marco being a huge animal lover and owning a pet on the Moby Dick
Luffy being a platonic icon, bro is always hugging and cuddling at night with the crew I just know it
Can you imagine the crew going to izo like "...izou...I damaged my outfit during the fight" :( and izou just sewing then up for the crew. OMG DO YOU THINK IZOU DESIGNED WHITEBEARDS COAT
I can imagine izou being the main reason the crew isn't rotten and dirty like he set up a shower and bath schedule and is very strict on it.
Thatch working everyone's dislikes and allergies to provide them all food the enjoy.
Shanks constantly annoying the whitebeard pirates.. like all the time just using the den den mushi to call and say "we should have a drinking contest shirohege-" (they hang up)
The nurses recruiting marco to force treatment on whitebeard.
Whitebeard knowing he doesn't have all that long left so he goes out of his way to actually do fun things with his sons
You standing on point, not only would rayleigh showoff his hairdo with pride but with reason because he would be rocking it. Wether It’s young Rayleigh or older rayleigh they both have enough hair to be braided and they would look great, though his pride definetly helps it look better.
Again this if Ace had died, I think Shanks would have picked the beads but I can see two scenarios happening. Either like you said he would keep them so he can give them to Luffy on their long awaited meeting or he would give them to Marco before they parted ways. Or he can do both by splitting the beads and keeping half and then passing the other half to Marco.
Marco takes care of Stefan more than anyone else, you can always see the pupper falling after the first mate.
Omg yes, and even Zoro who would act annoyed either really is annoyed with it but lets it happen or he secretly enjoys it, depends on his mood. Chopper of course is the best option since the reindeer is the same way, always seeking that contact with people.
He designed Whitebeards coat, after he ‘forgave’ him for what he did to Oden, and making his master dangle on a rope for three days, I reckon he would take one look at whitebeard and be like ‘if i’m going to be here you got to atleast look presentable’ (same for the rest of the crew) plus this is also his way of apologizing for the way he had acted before. After that he has unoficially become the tailor of the ship, a lot of the crew is quite fond of their wardrobe and would not like to part with it hence why Izou’s abilities are so appreciated. Call it a trade of sorts, he does this for them but they must look presentable before they ask for his help or they will be rejected so you know if someone is clean it’s because they tore some clothing and need Izou to fix it.
Oh for sure, this is canon im pretty sure. We know he catered to Whitebeard and cooked special meals for him to help his condition. ( I think this was cannon, correct me if I ‘m wrong). So it’s not far fetched to say that this extends to the rest of the crew as well
I can see shanks calling Marco for drinking competitions to try to recruit him further, he never gives up on trying to get him to join his crew. When the nurses and Marco withold all alcohol from Whitebeard, he answers the phone and agrees just to have acess to alcohol aagain.
While on that topic, we know whitebeard is stubborn as a mule, sulking when he loses something or thing’s don’t go his way (like when Oden went with Roger) sometimes that stubborness is too much for the nurses to handle and they need to bring in an expert. Just the son scolding the father, whitebeard ends up sulking by the end of the conversation
Even before he got his diagnosis I think he would go this route. I mean all his life he had dreamed of having his own family and for a long while he was alone or surrounded by a crew with basically opposing views to his own where everyone was on their own so when he finally got just that he tried to be as involved as he could.
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