#depending on country
myfandomrealitea · 2 months
Is it true that some crimes can be worse than the other crimes?
This has to be bait.
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theend · 1 year
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batrachised · 15 days
honestly I just think it's really unfair bears get to hibernate and we don't
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mochinomnoms · 3 months
Malleus when someone tries to harm Yuu in a very deadly manner or tries to kidnap them.
lmaooooo I forget sometimes that Malleus is in fact one of the most powerful beings in all of TWST and not just some silly dragon man that stands outside the dorm with autism and a love of gargoyles.
To be quite honest, canon Yuu could probably stick around Malleus as like an attendant or something and be set for life if they get stuck in TWST. Maybe he can get them citizenship papers and stuff to Briar Valley, I think everyone kinda forgets sometimes that Yuu does not legally exist in TWST.
Does Crowley note down any monetary associations to the player and Grim as miscellaneous? Can Yuu technically travel around without papers as long it's within the context of NRC? Who cares! Just tell your big magic friend with horns about all your troubles and the next day you've officially become a citizen of Briar Valley complete with a new birth certificate, social security number (or the equivalent), and passport! All problems solved!
You don't need to know the details, just take the gift with graditude and accept your fate of never leaving your friend alone :). Never :). Ever :).
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willowser · 11 months
another thing about the assistant angle is like. being there when bakugou reaches the hero top 40 and branches off with kirishima and sero and denki for their own agency. it's a bit of a mess bc they're barely twenty years old but—you're his only employee. he can barely afford to pay you and he doesn't even really know what you're supposed to do besides answer the phone and he's so emotionally unavailable but you're there, every single day. friendly with his friends. sometimes you bring lunch in for all of them and it's out of your own paycheck and it's not the best but you do it, for them. he lets you make the schedule for two weeks and you fuck it up so bad, but eventually you get it right and you try to be so fair—and that's hard to do, in the pro-hero world. there's nothing fair about a twenty year old man with trauma up to his ears risking his life every night because he doesn't know how to live with just himself, as just a man and not a hero, but goddamn it if you don't try to keep it fair, for every single one of them. you're one of his emergency contacts. you pick them up in the middle of the night when they're all the way across town, in another district police department bc that's where they caught the guy and where they have to turn him in. sometimes you bring their clothes or costumes home and wash them bc they don't get the chance. like it's everything.
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jesncin · 10 months
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kampung boy
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iguessitsjustme · 4 months
No nuance. Choose.
(I am genuinely just curious. This is not a judegement on anyone. I just want to know where ql tumblr falls)
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Everyone is talking about trad wives and I am just silent because trad wives are not a trend here but still a part of the norm.
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pseudophan · 3 months
nora how likely is it that they’ll drop new dates/locations later because i’m in india 😭😭😭 ik that they did a single II show in India
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okay so when it comes to places they haven't announced i wouldn't get my hopes up but i also wouldn't rule it out entirely? the big issue with ii was they announced a bunch of dates and then had endless trouble with venues and customs and had to reschedule and cancel and their communication was awful and it was just all around a really shit time. i think this time they're being cautious and only planning on going to places they know they won't have issues with, but i don't necessarily think that means there definitely won't be anything more in the future. they've done that before, announcing new countries later on, so you never know? but again i also don't want anyone to get their hopes up in case that doesn't happen. we'll have to wait and hear what dnp have to say on the matter i suppose
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hiddencarpet · 3 months
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maeamian · 3 months
Seen a meme goin' round Al Gore's internets the past few days talking about average income if you exclude the top 1000 or whatever Americans, and its math sucks and is bad and is also wrong. You should not take it as fact just because it's in a meme format, it uses data that simply does not seem to meaningfully exist and to the extent that it does, relies on mixing up means and medians repeatedly and interchangeably.
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kim-the-kryptid · 23 days
When you're obviously autistic but undiagnosed and need extra support in order to function in society but in order to get support you need money and in order to get money you need to function in society but in or-
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sjerzgirl · 3 months
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landwriter · 2 years
Sandman prompt: Dreamling roadtrip
"Remind me why I am allowing this," says Dream.
Hob casts a sidelong glance at him. Dream, in his car. Dream, stuck in the crawl of London traffic with him. Imagine that.
He reels off Dream's succession of unfortunate choices with poorly smothered glee. "Because your sister said you should spend more time among us humans, which you mentioned in passing to Matthew yesterday, who suggested a road trip, then had to explain to you that a road trip meant 'Just driving somewhere for a while', and you apparently you said-," Hob pauses to pitch his voice as low and poncy as possible, "'Ah, a pilgrimage, then. A journey for self-knowledge.' And Matthew said 'That's right, boss' and you said you would, in fact, be curious about such an experience."
"False pretenses," says Dream, darkly, under his breath.
"Indeed," says Hob, who thinks he loves false pretenses now. Matthew had shown up at his flat laughing so hard he couldn't even speak. When he finally recounted the conversation (after Hob had gotten very concerned and asked if Matthew needed a human counselor or an animal vet, and Matthew had shaken his head and wheezed 'No, a driver', before falling into fits of laughter again), Hob had immediately agreed.
"And then I canceled my plans for the weekend because I'm the only human you know who has a car, it turns out," (A reliable and bright red Vauxhall Corsa, thank you for asking.) "And because I'm a very good friend," he adds. He still relishes the new-word feel of it. It had only been four months since Dream had shown up at The New Inn. Hob was skiving off marking midterm papers for this, actually.
"Yes," says Dream. Hob realizes he'd skive off the whole term for this.
How could he turn down the prospect? His friend, literally strapped into the Corsa for at least the next several hours. Assuming Dream didn't leap out and flee on foot down the M1 - which seemed so thoroughly undignified for a being of Dream's station that Hob felt utterly assured of his company. It had all rather gone to his head.
"This will be fun," he promises. "Feel the grass under your feet, and that."
Dream looks out the window bitterly as a lorry overtakes them. Hob has never been the fastest of drivers. Never really took to it, to be honest. Bit of the medieval peasant in him, he thinks, can't quite make himself go over fifty miles per hour. But he's very safe. Hardly any accidents. Mostly minor rear-end damage.
"I see no grass," says Dream.
"Surely the Lord of Stories is familiar with figurative speech," says Hob, and glows under the heat of Dream's glare in reply.
"Anyways," he continues, "We're getting to that bit. Literally. In, uh, six hours or so? It's a great spot. But in the mean time, this is part of it too." Hob takes a hand off the wheel to gesture with a flourish at the sea of sensible hatchbacks and work vans around them, swimming like fish in the asphalt rivers of London's outer burbs. "Humanity," he pronounces, and the car drifts a little into the next lane. Humanity honks rudely at him and then accelerates safely out of Hob's radius.
Dream's sulking seems to have pushed him fully into the realm of catatonia, because Hob's passengers are usually more animated when he does exciting little things like that. Hob looks over in concern and this time the car barely follows with him.
"Bit rusty," he offers.
Dream deigns to snort softly at that. "My sister is far worse," he says.
Hob raises his eyebrows. It was hard to imagine Death bad at anything, frankly. Dream must see his look because he clarifies.
"Another sister. Delirium. An official of the carriageway stopped us. He would not have us continue our passage. So she gave him delusion of bugs crawling across his skin. Forever."
"Well, that's one way to get out of a ticket," says Hob, and makes a mental note to ask Death for a complete list of siblings and how to avoid angering them.
"He was being rude," adds Dream. He suddenly sounds very much like an older brother.
"Oh, fair play, then," says Hob affably. He'd had little sisters once. He understood.
They drive in silence for a few minutes. Hob thinks about putting on a playlist, and has just decided that nineties Britpop is perfect for this occasion when they pass a junction sign and he exclaims in recognition.
"The M25! Funny story, I know just the loveliest antiquarian book dealer who says his partner - uh, I'm assuming there, but if you heard the way he talks about him - anyways, his partner designed it. Some kind of high-flying civil engineer, I reckon."
"Really," says Dream. "A...high-flying...civil engineer." He sounds fascinated.
Hob hadn't expected Dream to be interested in road design.
"Something like that, definitely," he says, looking over to see Dream, staring at him, rapt. He looks back and brakes just in time to avoid hitting the car in front of him as it turns off onto the motorway in question. "Sorry. Saw him once in passing, actually. Dresses like you. Very fancy and dark."
"Perhaps you should keep your focus on the road, Hob," says Dream, but he sounds like he's smiling.
"Oh, we're not for a while yet," says Hob. Half truth, half optimism.
"Where are we going?" asks Dream. Hob beams. He's just won a bet with Matthew.
"It's a surprise" he says. "Now, have you heard of this band called Oasis?"
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zeeckz · 7 months
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for the non-spanish speakers:
Kaz: Okay. Let's talk about Che Güevara. You know who he is, right?
Chico: What.......?
Kaz: El Che. Che Güevara. Do you really not know who he is?
Chico: Guevara...
Kaz: Yeah. Güevara. Tell me what you know about him.
Chico: No, Kaz... It's pronounced Guevara. Like... Like "gecko".
Chico: Don't say Güevara, it's- um... just don't say it.
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dailyfigures · 5 months
Holy shit thank you so much for telling me about zenmarket, this website is amazing! You are my savior friend
no problem at all!!! i've been using it since 2018 so i know my way around it pretty well, let me know if you have any questions and i'll try my best to help! :)
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