A cOuRt Of TrAnSlAtIuNi AnD rOmAnIsMe
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My bădiței call me Miss Translațiuni | The “i” in “immature” and the “bi” in “bitch” | Daraveri lingvistice si nu prea |
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Moms need to stop using "we" or "us". Lady, you are not your child. Maternal empathy does not make you two a new hybrid.
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Ne invata gheyy engleza 😔
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Nu stiu de ce, dar ma pis pe mine de ras 😭😭😭
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De ce romanasii din iuchei trebuie sa aduca aminte tuturor in orice instanta ca ei locuiesc in iuchei 🙃
"Imi puteti recomanda un medic pentru x problema? Sunt din Cazanesti."
"Dr Gigelson e fantastic, dar eu stau in IUCHEI!"
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Colectia de tricouri negre gaurite si hanoracul ala portocaliu de pe vremea cand era adolescent 🙃
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Colectia de tricouri negre gaurite si hanoracul ala portocaliu de pe vremea cand era adolescent 🙃
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Things that break my heart as a teacher: "I haven't seen my mom since 2022. She doesn't even call me anymore."
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my cousin, some time ago: i am going to the wedding of my boyfriend's parents and he is soon going to change his name to his dad's
me: ok
my cousin, today: i am going to the 18th birthday party of my boyfriend's sister
me: isn't he 18 too?
my cousin: yeah... he turned 18 last month
me: and his sister is 18 too?
my cousin: well
me, finally connecting the dots: ooooh shit
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Girl 1: absolute victim always complaining
Girl 2: absolute liar supreme lazy bum
*years later*
Girl 1's sister: absolute victim always complaining
Girl 2's brother: absolute liar supreme lazy bum
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Care e faza cu lumea si ce isi cumpara de la piata? "Ce A cUmPaRaT nEa VaSiLe De La PrOfI dE 67 lEi" "AuChAn HaUl"
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"Caut cresa care sa reuseasca sa adoarma copil care doarme doar la san, alaptat"
Tanti vrea sa puna ingrijitoarea copilul la sanul ei sau sa faca in cateva zile minunile pe care nu le face ea ca mama?
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"Lucrez extra cu feciorul meu, fiindca inca scriem cum se aude."
Si ma gandeam... romana e o limba destul de fonetica. Adica deja scriem cum se aude si citim cum se scrie. Si apoi am vazut... 🙃 oroarea 🙃
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Doamnaaaaaa! Plange Marina!
Motivele pentru care plange Marina:
O strang pantofii
Nu ii place bentita
Nu are sticla de apa desigilata
Apa e prea rece
Apa e prea calda
Cravata de la uniforma e prea larga
David vorbeste cu David
Daniel a primit un pumn in pauza de la Iannis si nici nu ii pasa, dar Marina plange
Nu mai are roz
Nu mai are rosu
Nu a avut niciodata maro
Si venind de la plangacioasa clasei la vremea ei... bai, e greu sa mai simpatizez la cat de rea e cu ceilalti si cand vine ma-sa, nu mai are nimic de plans
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Theo: And I can't see. And I can't feel. And I'm just - I'm just floating in this ocean of nothing, and I wonder if this is it, if this is what death is, just out there in the darkness, just darkness and numbness and alone, and I wondered if that's what she felt and that's what Mom feels, and it's just numb and nothing and alone. What if that's what it is for all of us when the time comes?
Wanda: It's just like this wave washing over me, again and again. It knocks me down, and when I try to stand up, it just comes for me again. And I...It's just gonna drown me.
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*boy in early 20s passing by with flowers*
the girl serving at subway: hey you 😒 did you get flowers?
me: ummm no? my partner is not romanian so he still doesn't get the traditions much
the girl: mine is romanian and of no use cause he still never gets me flowers
me: maybe we need to change the partners
the girl: yeah maybe we should change the lane too *flirty smile*
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E ok? 🥹 Deja imi e frica de RoWinter edition
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