#dependable logistics
akashzipaworld · 3 months
Zipaworld Express Delivery | Fast and Reliable Logistics Solutions
Zipaworld Express Delivery excels in providing rapid and dependable logistics solutions tailored to meet urgent shipping requirements. Whether you need swift local deliveries or efficient international shipments, our dedicated team is equipped to ensure your packages arrive on time and in optimal condition.
With a commitment to excellence, Zipaworld leverages advanced technology and a robust network of logistics partners to streamline the transportation process. Our comprehensive tracking system offers real-time visibility, allowing you to monitor your shipments every step of the way.
At Zipaworld, we prioritize speed, reliability, and customer satisfaction. Whether you're sending critical documents, time-sensitive goods, or perishable items, trust Zipaworld Express Delivery to deliver with precision and efficiency, ensuring peace of mind for your logistics needs.
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astrolavas · 1 year
my art style is too simple for this but just know that when i draw post-ttt hunter, in my mind he has central pink-brown heterochromia. like this, kinda:
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waitineedaname · 3 months
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I was thinking about this post comparing sqh and jgy, and then this chart happened. this is less about what they're Actually like, and more about a combination of intentional persona + public perception of them
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
Sorry if this is a bad question, but do you think the Palestinians can keep their gains? I know this is an important win psychologically no matter what happens next, but is there any chance for changing the borders on the map?
Sorry if this naive or not relevant to the actual events
no its very relevant! Really too early to tell I think, at the absolute minimum I think this conflict could last several weeks, wouldn't be surprised if longer though. Either way the entire regional politic has already been changed forever, and I'm sure there will be defacto territorial change one way or another
Main factors/possibilities (rougly sorted in terms of my perceived importance/likeliness) imo:
A) level of coordination that Al-Qassam & other militants taking part have (idk what comms they'd really have available at this point, particularly with the blackout) as well as how robust logistical supply chains are for deliveries of weapons, personnel, and ammo, but to start out w 5,000 missiles in 20 minutes (though israel claims 2,500) definitely indicates a major degree of planning & coordination, probably months in advance if not more - so many contingencies were probably accounted for
B) how much Hezb'ullah enters the offensive, even pinning down a couple battalions around Sheba farm or the broader Golan heights can be a pretty pivotal, but if they actually are able to take territory that changes things significantly
B-2) how much non-muslim groups in lebanon accept hezb'ullah joining the offensive - israel can escalate here & potentially fracture the offensive by staging a ground invasion/aerial attack into Lebanon, as long as non-muslim groups read that as "because hezb'ullah instigated it" instead of as israeli aggression on them. I have no read on lebanese public opinion here so idk.
C) Whether the Syrian SAF steps up strikes against israeli occupational military targets in the Golan Heights in the next couple days
C-2) amount of explicit coordination between Hezb'ullah & SAF
D) how the situation develops in the West Bank - expect a lot of retributional violence by Israeli civilians here.
D-2) Abbas & his govt have already taken quite a strong stance where they dont quite endorse hamas' operation, but put blame squarely on Israel - if West Bank escalates decisively they might take a much stronger stance.
E) How many israeli political prisoners Hamas has taken (israel has admitted to 130, hamas says "more than dozens") - PIJ also claims 30, how important they are, & how many of their own civilians Israel is willing to potentially kill in order to achieve broader military objectives.
E-2) If Israel arent willing to do that, then that also means a lot of their vaunted air force is largely useless here & combat will largely take the form of urban street battles, which tend to favor irregular insurgent combatants (esp when the regular army is used to unquestioned aerial supremacy)
E-3) what happens during the land invasion of Gaza (said to happen in about 24 hours, and something that would be surprising if wasnt expected by hamas), which is likely prompted by the large number of detained political prisoners. If this ends without something that can be spun as a clear victory for IDF, then this will be a major demotivating factor against their international perceived strength & massively increase morale among palestinian militants & civilians
F) If gazans are able to make a land bridge to the West Bank, then things are going to escalate in a significant way. Sderot is right now the frontline here, about 20 mile straight shot
G) how much more of the barrier around the Gaza strip is able to be destroyed, particularly at checkpoints
I) if the Saudis officially announce a pause in normalization talks
I-2) if other factions in the House of Saud take advantage of the mass-unpopularity of normalization with israel among saudi citizen (ie not immigrant labor) population (~2% support support among saudi youth according to Arab Youth Survey 2023 https://arabyouthsurvey.com/wp-content/uploads/whitepaper/AYS-2023-WP_123_English.pdf - seems like a fair assumption this isn't limited to the young). Even absolute monarchies have limits in terms of unpopular choices.
H) how much of a united front palestinian refugees (across the region but in Egypt & Jordan in particular) are able to mount & what political ends they're able to force pressure on - Sisi has rhetorically genuflected to Israel being the one to provoke escalation while also condemning both sides, but Jordan's Abd'allah has pretty much stuck to both sides so far
H-2) If the youth survey is a good proxy, Jordan would likely be the one where the governing regime would have most difficulty avoiding taking a stand against israel (~6% in favor of normalization)
J) if Israel officially declares military operations against Iran, then that's going to be a major escalation path.
J-2) More likely imo will just step up operations particularly in Iraq against shi'a militants, not sure they'd really want to escalate in Syria at this exact moment
K) how long the Netanyahu-centered Unity Govt takes to form, especially how much Gantz tries to push himself into the center
L) How much the US/european politicians publicly supports israel rhetorically & with guns without public pushback (that's where posting can actually help, particularly politicians). Right now the political class has basically all fallen in line in support of Israel, so normalizing discourse in support of palestine does do something, particularly if it has quantifiable achievement like BDS (particularly S)
M) Now is also when israeli civilians protesting against the corruption of their government would make the most difference. Strangely the recurring protests have been canceled. lol.
Z (wildcard)) Ansar Allah (houthis) or other non-coalition yemeni militant groups start an offensive against the Israeli-UAE occupation of Socotra. UAE alone is still militarily powerful and islands have obvious defensive advantages but scrambling to coordinate a rebuff of Israeli military positions all that way away would definitely start to strain logistics
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intergalacticinsect · 1 month
Alright pookies, I have a complaint. Nothing serious just the impassioned rambles of a man about Twst.
So, Leona kingscholar. Pretty Hot guy yeah? Yeah but stay on task. I have questions, because I may be an eng player but I still see leaks right? This concerns his fucking club wear card, the spell drive uniform. That one. Mhm, so yknow how in the groovy he’s wearing sunglasses right? Yeah but, HOW is the question HE DOESNT HAVE ANY FUCKING HUMAN EARS. YOU KINDA NEED THOSE FOR SUNGLASSES TO oh, I don’t know, STAY ON YOUR FACE? And especially when you’re doing something like spell drive- a fast paced sport that requires a lot of zipping around in the air on brooms. So how the fuck, pray tell, is he wearing sunglasses? How are they staying on his face?! Like they look like they just go into his hair!! That! is! not! secure!! At least ruggie has a rational explanation for his goggles and how they work. But Leona? This guy? He’s just got his kitty cat ears and Lucious locks, no strap keeping them in place, no nothing!
Also how the fuck do headphones work for beastfolk? Do they have special little music hats they can wear on their ears? Or do they just wear them like humans and put them on like normal over the human EARS THAT ARENT THERE. therefore making them unable to actually use them. Or like, what about earmuffs? The logistics of these things stress me out to no end. THESE ARE PRESSING CONCERNS PEOPLE!!!
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anaalnathrakhs · 4 months
love this part of my life where the things that are difficult but challenging and good for me are things i can stop and skip and halfass, but the things that are difficult and painful and pointless are the things i have to live with no matter what
#school and home life are too much to handle so i skip school#because i cant kick my parents out#and appartments cost money#and i dont have a car to sleep in#i could maybe try to dig up my old childhood tent but that brings a whole host of logistic questions + im scared and it's difficult#anyway. it's fine. it's cool. i just have to hold on until i graduate high shcool and then ?????#find a way to live without my parents money OR scholarships#all for some nebulous end goal of having a job (the only field i'm interested in and good at offers two options:#to become an academic#or to become a freelancer#i do not have the fortitude to be an academic and being a freelancer is convoluted and pays like shit)#i might've spent 24h without my parents occasionally if i spent the night at a friend's place once or twice recently#but besides that the last time i've gone 48h without my parents was when the mental health center organised a week camp uhhhh...#two summers ago#incredibly good for my mental health as you can see#god i remember like... years ago. around 13yo maybe or 14. a guy. i dont know if he was a mental health professional or like social cases#but anyway he told me ''you're too afraid to be away from mommy and daddy'' and it made me want to rip his eyes out#several other people have implied or suggested that too over the years and it's just#am i too dependant on my parents? yes. will it be difficult to take my independance? yes.#does it means i don't both rationally recognize and feel that this is really fucking unhealthy and hindering for me#on top of being unpleasant?#FUCK NO#i want out my guy. there's just not many opportunities for an already mentally ill teenager#now that i'm eighteen i have to grapple with the logistical problems of the money needed and how to continue my education#and im sure a billion more if i start searching a little more seriously#perhaps i should kill myself that way i don't cost anyone any more money#broadcasting my misery#vent
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anintelligentoctopus · 8 months
What are some things to do/see/visit in the Central Texas and/or Dallas-Forth Worth region and/or Baltimore region (besides hopping over to DC for sightseeing) in April
Also what's the weather generally like
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acgames · 10 months
I find many things hilarious while comparing Aveline with other assassins, but once I realised how different economical situation between Aveline and Connor is in my playthroughs, I just had to draw that 😂
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With Aveline I have like 24k, while I swear I finished AC3 with Connor having only like 20 bucks to his name.... 🤣
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gncrezan · 10 months
you are objectively correct. foa is amazing. thank you for introducing me to this Masterpiece. it feels like a warm hug playing it.
IS IT NOT JUST!!!!!! foa just sticks out to me as being a comforting game, just because it feels so loving towards its 'outcast' cast, who are all so incredible!!!! the kindness they show towards the pc, and how eventually the pc slowly joins their chosen family !!!! it's got a very lovely slowburn element to it too, and the ending feels earned, but still open to what's next !!!!!!!!!!!! i need foa 2 fr and i'm so glad that i got you to play it omg <3 :)
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spaceratprodigy · 11 months
I so badly want to find or remake this lil comic I made a year or two ago of faith and max debating who was older
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goldenpinof · 11 months
@ anons about Phil and next tour: i'm not airing that, at least now
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pochapal · 1 year
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natsuhi coming in with the fucking gun????????????
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a11sunday · 7 months
the world government has been wary about his status --- death didn't seem to suit a child of the pirate king's, and in all the panic , no one could ascertain where his body was taken. all of which sparked the doubt , even if his crew and the rest of his associations grieved in a way that confirmed his fate.
as a result , he's been hidden far from the reaches of navy hq, as much as possible for the time being. his connection with the alabastan kingdom was of very little knowledge to the rest of the world , and it would take some time for a loyal country to spring any leak of information.
besides that , recovery took a lot out of him. the powers of his devil fruit spent large amounts of energy desperately trying to repair what was damaged inside of him, sapping him of most of his strength. as a result, ace spent a large portion of his days resting , even if it needed to be imposed upon him when he'd rather be doing anything else.
" what's pell gonna say about you hangin' around my room instead of attending your boring meetings ? you're gonna get me in trouble too, you know. he'll say i've been distracting you. " @weatherwltch , vivi.
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quirkle2 · 2 years
After seeing your Wars and Noivern, I'm really intrigued now - do you have any more thoughts on for your pokemon au?
yes indeed!! i've answered some stuff in previous asks, but i cannot find them and they're kinda outdated answers anyway so <3
my pokemon au is sort of a "semi-realistic" version of pokemon, where attacks are Dangerous and pokemon training is like . equivalent to being a zookeeper tending to six separate tigers. not a job for kids, and u need actual training to not like . die
the details r still kinda vague, but i had a system in place where there were actually six different main pokemon leagues; one for 1v1s, 2v2s, 6v6s, etc. (there were also double and triple battle leagues) each league had their own elite four and their own champion !
in my art w wars and noivern, wars is wearing a trainer card around his neck with a silver pokeball emblem; the color of the pokeball on each trainer's card is indicative of how many pokemon they have on their team! i forget the exact order, but i think silver meant 5 pokemon and gold meant six, and if the color has a shiny, reflective material on it, then that means they're official contestants in their league! i believe the elite four and champions have black backgrounds for their cards to better distinguish them
wars' best lil pkmn buddy is viktor, the noivern :) he also has a little drifloon named val that follows him everywhere; he hatched her from an egg and she's stuck with him ever since, and she doesn't like battling, so wars never makes her. haven't figured out the rest of his team, but wars also has a shiny gardevoir named volmoir :)
legend is a 6v6er and is Good at it. it's a wip, but his team consists of luxray, staraptor, and umbreon so far—my cherished @/nitroish picks his pkmn out :]
fig specializes in 1v1s with his beloved venusaur ! the venusaur is old and lazy but still Destroys on the battlefield when the official matches come around. it also has a dragonair that doesn't battle and is just a pet
briar has a hydreigon, a midday lycanroc, and a mudsdale, tho he doesn't battle in the league and simply considers his trainer status a hobby. he loves all his pkmn tho . cherishes them so much
aaaand lumen is an absolute beast and carries a full team of six as well! archeops, alolan raichu, ninetails, a mega-evolving altaria, frosmoth, and a mega-evolving lucario!
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defiledtomb · 2 years
wait healers don't have anything to defend themselves with? not even a dagger?
Oh no I didn't put that in! My b. Yes, healers can have their pick of weapon, too! There's not always going to be healing needed.
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karliahs · 6 months
ahhhhh i finally have a complete draft of a fic that has been giving me so much trouble. it's not done by any means but there are no more [and here we need to get from this point to this point fucking...somehow]s left
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