#denomination christianity
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socialcarcrash · 9 months ago
thinking of the time gerard said the lords prayer before our lady of sorrows and being violently ill about it
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fragranticareviewers · 17 days ago
Do you have any churchy smelling perfumes that won't explode my wallet.... Pleause... They're all so expensive...
honestly? i have never been inside a church before, so i'm not sure what they smell like
do my lovely followers have any suggestions?
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portrait0fthem00n · 9 months ago
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fun scribbles of harrowhark
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traumacatholic · 1 year ago
I've been seeing this more and more recently, so I'm curious what you all think about this.
Feel free to include in the tags why you voted a particular way.
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mortuarydolls · 19 days ago
it makes me so sad when i see ppl saying they used to be gay but they found god and changed like no u havent…u dont deserve a life of repression…u deserve LOVE
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theancientfootsteps · 27 days ago
might fuck around and become a lutheran
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marzipanandminutiae · 23 days ago
I should actually finish this show but EVERY streaming platform has taken it down. I got to the end of s1 before I got distracted
Motherland: Fort Salem AKA what happens when you let a 17th-century English Puritan build the military industrial complex and never go the fuck away
(yes, there were Anglicans in the early Massachusetts Bay Colony, but I'm sorry- Sarah is such a fucking Puritan. she probably made up the whole paganism thing whole-cloth but never examined her Calvinist worldview re: having to earn your usefulness as a person through industry, perpetual self-sacrifice, and contributions to society. also the concept of a Super-Special In-Group Decided At Birth Who Should Control Everything. congrats you just re-invented the Doctrine of the Elect but it's witches)
(nope. I don't believe the goddess-worship is actually ancient for her. that bitch went to Meeting for six hours every Sunday and it shows)
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tetedurfarm · 1 month ago
i know this is a long haul video, but it's also an extremely good breakdown of the myth of self-sustainability homesteading and how you should never believe everything you see online or in books. also a little bit about how joel salatin suck ass, actually.
this shit is not easy and it doesn't make money. i am only allowed to do this because my spouse is a software engineer in the video game industry. don't fall for the promise of being able to pay your way via a small farm. the only thing small-scale homesteading gives you is a sense of accomplishment, a connection to your food, and at least one joint injury that you will need to go to physical therapy for. i will never talk anyone out of wanting to grow their own food, because i think it's an extremely good and important thing to do, but i will always encourage you to do it within your means with a realistic vision of that future.
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bannock-freak · 2 months ago
in highschool i had the 'hey this has gays kissing in it don't like don't look' disclaimer on the front page of All Of My Sketchbooks
because nosy bitches do be nosy bitches and i figured if i was upfront about it there'd be less ammo they could hurl at me
anyways one time, i cant remember exactly how it transpired, but a. friend? sort of a friend? we were polite to each other and in highschool thats practically the same thing. she picked up my sketchbook and opened the cover
and then she had a little laugh at my disclaimer like 'oh haha it can't be That Bad'
i watched with the satisfaction of someone observing a train wreck they themselves had deliberately caused to test the physics or some shit as she flipped to the immediate next page, because on that immediate next page, to keep snoopy ass bitches out of my sketchbook, i'd drawn some straight up doujin level yaoi hands down the pants saliva stringing 'the clothes are about to come off' very almost porn. there were, indeed, gays kissing.
it was the single most explicit drawing in the whole book
and it worked.
she set down my sketchbook and didn't ever look in them again.
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religious-extremist · 6 months ago
Issues with the KJV; Part II - Veneration of Mary and Saints
Worship and Divine Service
In modern English, the term "worship" (like the term "prayer") has mainly come to mean "an act offered exclusively to God." However, the original and official meaning of this word used to be much broader - as was the case of the Greek word proskyneo (προσκυνέω), which is normally applied to God, but also to human beings.
The idea conveyed by proskyneo is that of "offering obeisance," "making a physical demonstration of veneration and respect," or "prostrating oneself." (To put it extremely casually, like a curtsy.) In contemporary Orthodox terminology, the equivalent of proskyneo is often "venerate."
In the EOB, proskyneo is translated as "to express adoration" while it is often translated in the KJV as "to worship."
On the other hand, the Greek word latreia is exclusively used in reference to God.
In the EOB, latreia (λατρεία) is translated as "offering divine service" while it is translated in the KJV also as "to worship."
The Problem
So there is this issue of the KJV as it is today - with its immeasurable influence upon modern theology, the English language, and the Sola Scriptura doctrine professed by Protestant Christianity (and therefore the world) - combining two different words, proskyneo and latreia, under one translation: "worship."
The point of dissension that now comes up is that when those of the Old Religions, which existed before the King James Version, venerate the Blessed Virgin Mary, Protestants often denounce the Old Religions' disposition towards the Blessed Theotokos because their theology relies either wholly or partly on the KJV and the KJV tells them that proskyneo and latreia are the same thing, when historically - as attested to us by the oldest translations of the Bible - veneration and worship have never been the same thing.
To argue that veneration and worship are the same thing is like saying that criticism and insults are the same thing, or complimenting and confessing undying love is the same thing. They are markedly different.
The Old Religions -- the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Roman Catholics, and Church of the East -- don't offer latreia (worship) to the saints but they offer proskyneo (veneration).
As a last exhibit, I will show to you Matthew 4:10 and Luke 4:8 where Christ quoted the Ten Commandments and said "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." (KJV) / "You shall express adoration to the Lord your God, and to Him only shall you offer divine service." (EOB)
For the sake of understanding, I will adapt the KJV to this:
"Thou shalt proskyneisis the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou latreusis."
That said, proskyneia or veneration for humans, saints, was never forbidden, but it is clear to all of us that latreia or worship is offered only to God.
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poppyfamily · 7 months ago
hello no one asked but i brainrotted a bit over a charashamangela church choir/youth group au bc of That games video. thoughts under cut.
tw: minor religious trauma lol
Chanse and Angela growing up in the church. Each of their parents pushing them to be more active in the church through children's choir. Chanse probably starts earlier, maybe like a month before Angela. Chanse is the type of kid who their choir director had to be told to stop riffing because the purpose of a choir is to sound the same, Chanse. But Angela takes to him immediately and they become best friends.
They are eventually invited to join the church's youth ministry and they get so into it, probably dancing to One Way Jesus very enthusiastically. It's a staple for them to play Joseph and Mary during Christmas plays and are like super chill when facilitating prayer sessions. (They understand that people aren't necessarily there for Jesus or w/e but believe that the spirit of the ministry is to find Christ in one another or some shit).
They stay for a couple of years and manage to drag in Arasha, who goes to the same school as them. She's not Christian and is just there because she was sick of inviting them to do shit on Saturday nights only for them to say no and also for the vibes and free food.
Amanda comes in a little later and is forced by her mom to actually join because she was frequently getting into trouble so she'd rather just know that her daughter is praising the lord (or whatever the fuck goes down in youth ministry) on Saturday nights instead of swimming in people's pools or some shit idk. Becomes besties with Chanse, Arasha, Angela.
Making this about Amangela bc I can't help the way I am: Angela welcoming Amanda to the ministry because it's her job as one of its leaders and Amanda is obsessed with her immediately. Probably constantly inviting her to sit right next to her for Sunday service, surreptitiously holding hands during the Lord's Prayer, going out for ice cream together once Amanda gets her driver's license. Something something horny something something repressed, they end up regularly making out (and more?) in Amanda's car without really talking about the implications but they know they feel SOMETHING. Lots of Catholic guilt - but not being able to stop because it feels nice, because it feels right.
And because I like angst - Something something tension because Amanda starts being deprogrammed from Church rhetoric at some point. She still sees Angela doing the thing to appease all the old church ladies and pastors who give her a sense of self because it's really all she knows and are willing to offer her a scholarship for college so there is Even More Pressure.
But Amanda sees all this and sees just how much she's hiding who she is, feeling like she can't really call her out on it because they are Not. Together. Amanda also sees how this is hurting Angela, but Angela is just so young and so confused and just wants to do right by her family, by God, etc... Amanda starts feeling pain and resentment about it.
In my mind, the older active church members think Angela and Chanse are gonna end up together, get married and all that shit. Chanse and Angela never saw each other that way.
Chanse quits out of nowhere and people speak of him like they're speaking the devil's name, basically erasing all history of his contributions (because he's gay.) Amanda soon quits after, and basically stops speaking to Angela. Amanda and Chanse run into each other months later, make comments about not seeing each other in church anymore, and then they reconnect and become besties.
Arasha doesn't quit, she just stops attending because she becomes busy with college. It's just not the same because Chanse and Amanda aren't there. She doesn't really have an obligation to do so, but she still keeps in touch with Angela.
Arasha and Angela become roommates in college. And because this is the first time Angela experiences independence, she goes on a SIN rampage - secular (lmao) theater, drinking, drugs, sex (lmao). All the things the church loves to police. And she has an identity crisis about it, crying to Arasha about it even.
Arasha, not knowing where the fuck all this Christian guilt is coming from calls Amanda and Chanse for backup and it's the first time they all see each other in a while. They all commiserate in the dorm room and bond and it's beautiful.
Angela wakes up. Amanda, Chanse and Arasha remind her that she's worthy of love no matter what. Once Angela finally internalizes that, she unpacks all the ways she hurt herself and how she's hurt others. Angela and Amanda finally talk about the shit that went down between them. They apologize for hurting each other, and decide to try again with a better understanding of themselves.
And they all live happily ever after. The end.
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sara-the-wizard · 18 days ago
hi hiii it’s so cool that you’re a Christian! i’m wondering which denomination you’re in :3
also how did you get into rise?
I'm currently in the Baptist denomination!
How did I get into rise? Uhhuhuhuhhh... I don't know. I just saw clips of it on YouTube and thought, "Yeah, yeah, I want to watch that!" 😂
And then I proceeded to watch the movie first... 😐 Was it a mistake? ...I dunno.
Good questions! It's awesome to meet you! Hope you have beautiful day! Lord bless you! 💜
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charlesoberonn · 11 months ago
Saint George Fighting the Dragon is the epitome of Christianity and the 'convert to suffer' mentality.
George could've killed the dragon out of the kindness of his heart and his empathy for fellow human beings, or even asked to be paid for it. But instead he captured the dragon and demanded the entire city convert to Christianity or else he'll unleash the dragon on them.
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I just want to say, as a member of the PCA, Revoice is an utter ugly stain on my denomination and everyone involved in its inception should’ve been put under discipline a long time ago, and the leaders expelled from ministry. they are wolves in sheep’s clothing. “Spiritual Friendships” are a trap set by Satan.
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fandomiseverything · 3 months ago
Hey religion side of tumblr (specifically christian/catholic)
Question from someone who had a nondenominational christian childhood and doesn't remember much due to The Trauma
Is there SUPPOSED to be a specific number of people raptured?
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