thomasstaples · 4 months
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atheostic · 4 months
A joke courtesy of my mom:
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Fun fact: In Portuguese they're called louva-deus (god-praiser)
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I would like to ask for prayers and advice / guidance.
For quite a few years now, I have been looking for the "right" denomination. I understand these are hard to differentiate, so I guess I've been searching for the denomination that convicts me in a way I know as Truth. currently, I attend a Bible church and Nazarene university, but have been feeling pulled towards Catholicism or Orthodoxy. The issue is that I am unsure which one I feel most connected to. I enjoy my university, but I guess it's not all too Nazarene in practice? Most students and staff here (besides the Theology/Bible professors, who are Nazarene Elders) aren't apart of the Nazarene Church, but is rather varied.
For a while I was looking for the denomination that made me feel comfortable as a Gen Z young adult but satisfied my parents idea of Christianity. I have moved past that, and am looking towards more traditional and Biblically strict and spiritual churches and denominations, such as Orthodoxy and Traditional Roman Catholicism. I have been trying to do my research (mostly been on Trad Catholics for a while) and I think I am nearing my conversion.
What is some advice that might help me from here? I genuinely don't know how to decide and make the decision to convert. Maybe advice on how to research more of Orthodoxy and Catholicism?
Any guidance and prayers are welcome.
Bless be to you all <3
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tilbageidanmark · 4 months
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"If you know nothing, everything becomes a miracle"
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corvianbard · 9 months
Only in innovation Lies a redemption, Never in devotion And veneration For denomination.
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chaotic-trash-cat · 11 months
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theinwardlight · 2 years
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From Rufus Jones (1926), The Life and Message of George Fox
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fieriframes · 2 years
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[Denomination applicable to individuals and the idea.]
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bills-bible-basics · 5 days
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Denominationalism Graphic 19 #Christian #BibleStudy #Jesus Visit https://www.billkochman.com/Graphics-Library/ to see more. "Man Worship - Personality Cult Worship" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse263.html "Avoid Arguing" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse002.html Article: "Should Christians Engage in Doctrinal Debates?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/Doctrinal-Debate-01.html "Doctrinal and Spiritual Unity" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse013.html "One Blood Through Faith in Christ" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse550.html "One Body But Many Members" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse369.html "Broken Down the Middle Wall of Partition" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse463.html "Spirit of Truth" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse294.html "Led by the Spirit in Our Understanding" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse479.html "Taught by No Man" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse465.html "Taught by Revelation of the Holy Spirit" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse319.html Article: "Humility in Our Understanding of God's Word": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/Humility-in-Our-Understanding-01.html Article: "Exposing the Tactics of the Enemy!": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/expose-1.html "False Doctrine" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse016.html Article: "Elijah: Where Are the True Prophets of God?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/elijah-1.html Article: "Mary Worship, Christianity and Roman Catholicism": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/marywor1.html Article: "Where Are the First Century Churches?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/frstcen1.html "Our True Spiritual Temple" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse056.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/denominationalism-graphic-19/?feed_id=206371&Denominationalism%20Graphic%2019
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Baptist Confessions
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ghostjelliess · 6 months
Anyone else grow up in a culty denomination and get very specific songs stuck in you head? The kind that aren't hymns cus not enough people know them? You think people will know, so you ask, but then are reminded that your off brand Christianity was the second-star-to-the-right kinda special.
We're adults now, we can do what we want.
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caputvulpinum · 2 years
yeah we might be brothers in christ but so were cain and abel so shut the fuck up before i decide to find a rock about it
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yahsheartcry · 7 months
YHWH says I want you to be saved and sanctified! I want you to be Kingdom Ambassadors for the Kingdom!
To my kids,
This is your Abba. The Great I Am. The Beginning and the End. The Alpha and the Omega. Your Creator. Your safe place. Your refuge. Your defense. Your provider and protector. Your King. Your Daddy.
I wanted to let you know that I understand that there are so many of my kids who think that just being saved is good enough. I want you all to know that it's not. I desire you all to desire more than just saying a prayer to get saved. I require a relationship with my kids. For there to be an intimate relationship, there has to be a lot of communication between 2 people, trust, belief, and love. How can there be an intimate relationship if all you do is say a prayer and go to church 2x's a year? You can't and I will not accept that as okay! I want so much more than that! Any normal person who is in a relationship with someone else, would not be okay with you just saying that you are in a relationship, but then, never talk to them. Why would you think that I would be okay with that? I am not! I am literally telling you right now that I am not okay with you all just saying a prayer!
Here is what I do require:
Constant communication via prayer
Reading my Word, learning about Me and learning about what I like and what I do not like.
Praise and worship Me
Spend time with other Believers who desire Me
Doing these things are going to help me know that you actually want a relationship with Me. If you truly desire a relationship with Me, you're going to seek after Me (Matthew 6:33), and you are going to desire things that I want for you, and want it for yourself too.
A great example of this kind of relationship would be Daniel in the Bible, or even Joseph. They are both great men of G-d who desired me more than anything, and they were able to do amazing things for Me.
The next thing you might be wanting to know is..."Yes, they both had a great relationship with You, but they went through a lot of terrible things. Why would I want to go through terrible things? It's safer this way." Here is My response to that: If you aren't wanting to be in an intimate relationship with Me because of the fear of the possibility of you having to go through terrible things, then you aren't someone who I want in My Kingdom. Period. End of story. If you aren't willing to die for your King, then I can't trust you to be on My side. Scripture even states in the Old and New Covenant that you are going through hard times, that things won't be easy. I don't know why My kids think and feel like their life is going to be easy if they become a Believer. My Word literally says otherwise. It's obvious that so many of My kids don't really want Me. They want the "Get Out of Hell" Free Card, but they don't want Me. That breaks My heart. It really upsets Me to know that My kids don't really want Me. They claim Me, but they really don't want Me. They may desire the knowledge about Me, and try to understand My Word more, but that doesn't mean that they know Me. My kids can say that they do all these things in My name, but that doesn't mean that they know Me. There are so many of My kids who have been deceived into thinking that they are even mine at all. Just saying a prayer isn't good enough. Even getting baptized is good, but not enough. When you admit that you have sinned, and are a sinner and need a Savior. When you believe in the L-rd Yeshua (Jesus Christ), that He came to Earth as a baby, lived here on Earth working miracles, signs, and wonders and teaching the Old Covenant in a way that the people would understand it, and allowed them to see G-d in the flesh so that they could develop an intimate relationship with Him, and then, died on the cross and resurrected on the 3rd day. When you repent from all your sins, turn from your sins, and turn towards Me, and are baptized in water...then you are saved from your sins. You are a Believer in Yeshua (Jesus Christ) at that point. That means that you are in My family at that point! However, that is NOT the end of My requirements to be part of My Kingdom.
You might be saying, "What do you mean that is not the end of your requirements?" My response is this: I require more than just the bare minimum to be called Mine. You may get into the family, but if you live in sin still or if you don't forgive others, or you choose to live in the 9 sins that I am not okay with....that makes you no better than a Lukewarm Believer, and I will spit you out of My mouth! I would rather you be Hot or Cold. I absolutely hate it when people are lukewarm! If you would rather choose your idols (things, people, places, and ideas that you put above Me), then I am NOT okay with that! I am a jealous G-d! I desire your full attention! I desire your heart, your mind, your thoughts, your emotions, your soul, and your flesh. I want you! All of you, and NOT just a part. Too many are NOT willing to give Me everything. They hold on to what they want, and only give Me what they don't want. That is NOT okay either.
I want you to trust Me. If you can trust everyone and everything else, then why can't you trust Me? All I want is to give you a better life, a better way of living and being, so why are you fighting Me? Most people, don't trust Me due to their own traumas, and insecurities. They think that I want them to keep living and being like that. Uh....NO! I want you to be healed! I want you to be whole! I want you to be restored!
Once you say the prayer of repentance and get baptized, the rest of your journey with Me is called the Salvation Journey, or the Journey of Sanctification. Salvation can also be called justification or deliverance. Yeshua delivers sinners from their sins. He literally died on a cross, an agonizing death where He wasn't even recognizable afterwards, for you! I know it's hard to imagine that someone could do that for you, but guess what? My Son did. I do. I created you for a purpose. I made you for purpose for the Kingdom. I desire for you to be My hands, feet, eyes and ears to help Me reach My people on the Earth. Yet, there are so many who don't live out their true purpose because they would much rather be safe in their sins, or their traumas and insecurities, or even just safe in their "okay life." I have so much more for you! So much more! Just because you get saved, doesn't mean that you know Me. Just because you live a life that is sanctified, and can heal people, or prophecy, doesn't mean that you know Me. Those who are trying to live a life that is sanctified and holy, those people are a lot closer than those who simply just said a prayer. I desire My kids to be soldiers in My army! I want you all trained how to fight the Enemy! I want you all to have My power to reach the nations! I want you to be able to do greater works than even Yeshua (Jesus Christ) was able to do! But...that can't happen...if you don't know My voice, if you don't know My laws and commandments, if you don't know My likes and dislikes, if you don't follow what I tell you to follow...then, I really can't trust you with more if you can't even do what I've asked you to do already.
There are denominations that literally prevent My kids from being who they are supposed to be in Me. You might be thinking that I'm talking about a non-Christian faith, but you'd be wrong! There are so many denominations that restrict your fullness in Me. If you are in the "Once Saved, Always Saved," that's a false doctrine. If you are being taught that you don't need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, then you are being taught a false doctrine. When you become a Believer in the faith, in My family, I need you to have everything that I have to give you to do your full purpose here on this Earth! That includes being filled in the Holy Spirit, and having His power! When you get saved, you do obtain the Holy Spirit, but you have to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, in order to fully ignite Him to get His full power. There are denominations that teach against that...it is wrong! All these denominations were man-made, not G-d-made. I didn't create them. The faith that was started with the Early Church, has not been shared correctly over the years. The people who shared it, were held accountable by the apostles; however, over time, that accountability went out the window, and that's when things went haywire. The Christian faith is NOT like the original one in the Bible. It's not even close! I desire the Body of Christ to rise up and want to be just like the original apostles. I desire to give you all My power, My authority, My dominion, and My love like never before! I have to have Kingdom Kids who actually desire Me, and who want to serve their King with everything in them! That's what I want!
I know that there are so many who think that My grace will cover everything that they are doing right now. Here is where you have been misled. My grace is for you for when you mess up and need to be covered by My Son's blood; however, when My kids think that they can live in sin constantly and all the time, and think that My grace is going to cover that...Uh...NO! That is NOT what My grace is for at all! At that point, you would be no better than a person in the world! I love you, but I am NOT okay with that! I AM holy! I require My kids to be holy too. You can't live in sin and be holy. It doesn't work that way. Sorry.
I need you to choose today whom you will serve. I need you to pick a side. If you want Me, then choose Me and live your life like you actually do want Me. If you would rather want what the world has to offer you instead, then you've chosen your side, and that is the Enemy's domain. I want you to be My kid, but I have rules. I have requirements in order to be Mine. I have a reputation on My name, and when you live your life in sin and claim to be Mine, you are giving Me a bad name and making Me look bad. I can't have that! Choose a side! Choose a side today! I'm done being made to look bad because of "Believers" who claim to want Me, but really don't want Me. They just want what I can give them. I don't work that way either. Pick a side.
Some of you may be wondering what the difference is between being a Christian and being a Kingdom Ambassador for Me. That will be discussed at a later time. Not today. Just know that there is a difference. The rewards, the blessings, the anointing, the favor are all different.
Please know that I love you. I do. I just want you to want ME, and not just about Me. Talk to Me. Tell Me that you want Me. Let's talk. I'd love to hear from you.
Looking forward to hearing from My kids,
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katienelsonrau · 9 months
Eye To Eye
Recently, I had a friend misunderstand me. Most likely, I spoke in a confusing way. We both love our Lord, and I mentioned the Lord seems to have led me back to the Catholic religion for a time. She took that to mean I was returning to that denomination, only because she was unaware that I’m obligated to take my daughter to the Catholic church, under the threat of jail time. Twice now I’ve been…
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corvianbard · 2 days
Hermes, master in the art of deception, May you teach us merchants about negotiation So that we can still trick as your denomination.
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thegreatcallofgod · 11 months
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