#delfino event
suppermariobroth · 1 year
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Top: the waiting room inside the tower at Delfino Airstrip in Super Mario Sunshine is bizarre in that it is completely closed off during the opening section of the game (with the game even crashing if Mario enters it via glitches) despite containing nothing of particular importance. The only way to actually enter it is to collect enough Shine Sprites to cause the Delfino Plaza flood event, after which Delfino Airstrip can be revisited and the room can be accessed.
Bottom: in the game’s files, an unused texture for that particular room depicts a Gyroid from the Animal Crossing series. It is possible that it was intended to be placed in that room as a reference, though it is unknown if this had anything to do with the decision to make the room inaccessible in the beginning of the game.
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Snooza Koopa
Debut: Super Mario Sunshine
Whenever you see sea turtles in media, they are always very well respected! We all love them and are in awe of their majesty, their beauty, their longevity, and more! And a baby sea turtle is such a classic symbol of courageous vulnerability, a precious, helpless little angel who you would be heartless not to root for. Sea turtles and their eggs feel untouchable, off-limits.
And that makes it so very weird that Super Mario Sunshine is one of the only places I have seen sea turtles and their eggs presented in an entirely NEGATIVE light!
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Snooza Koopas only appear in one episode of the game, where Mario must kill them because they are eating some flowers. But it is also much more nuanced than that! Silly.
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These Koopas are chewing on the roots of sunflowers who are PEOPLE, causing them to wilt! People aren’t supposed to wilt! Stop that! You’re scaring me! I like these sunflower people. It is always nice when Mario gets more Friends. But back to the Enemy of the day...
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Snooza Koopas are, as it turns out, an invasive species on the island of Pinna Park, and not only are they not supposed to be eating these sunflowers, but they displaced the native Yoshis! Probably because they look like Yoshi eggs themselves. Maybe they used this resemblance to get close to the Yoshis, and then eat their eggs? Maybe that’s even a Yoshi egg shell they’re wearing as a helmet! I know I would exit the establishment if this exact situation happened to me! And so, Mario must cull this population, and hopefully there are many more out there in the proper environments.
I just love seeing that sea turtles can be Koopas, too! Like in Minecraft! Where Koopas are also sheep.
What a creature! What fun. So unique from the Koopas we most commonly know of! The enemies in Sunshine were created by Bowser Jr. using the Magic Paintbrush, giving an actual, in-universe reason for them looking how they do. They gave lore to this Mario game. These Mario enemies! These WEIRD Mario enemies!!!
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Allow me to explain. Snooza Koopa showcases a great example of why I don’t like the concept! If Bowser Jr. created a new goopa Koopa like this to mess with the Yoshis, that would be fine. That would make sense. A messy little mischief.
But the Yoshis in this game were ALSO made by Bowser Jr., according the the Japanese version of the Super Mario Bros. Encyclopedia! In a vacuum, this also makes sense, since they dissolve in water. But then let’s remember the whole situation of Yoshis and Snooza Koopas. Yoshis lived on the island, and Snooza Koopas displaced them. This means that Bowser Jr. must have created these Yoshis- long before the events of the game, and multiple generations ago, if they already have a natural history on the island!- and then created Snooza Koopas to drive away his own earlier creation. It just does not make sense!
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And another example is the Bloopers of this game! Yes, they look different from standard Bloopers, but we know there can simply be variants of the same enemy type. More importantly, though, Piantas are shown to catch and EAT these Bloopers, as well as Jumping Bloopers! If they were made of goop, I do not believe they would be able to die and be dried without turning back into their original goopy state. Also, they spit ink, not goop, which, yeah! They are squids! Ink is an absolutely perfect way to have a non-goop-based creature still spread A goop, to keep the goop mechanics going.
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And we know our dear Cataquack, who is confirmed to be native to Isle Delfino, and who even would reappear in later games, unlike other Sunshine-exclusive enemies! Despite this, they can turn into goop when defeated in some methods, which just makes the whole thing more confusing, and maybe even kind of meaningless if you ask me. Maybe Goop is just some kind of primordial ooze and even Mario is made of it. Even you are!
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So what do I think the deal with Goop is? I think it may come from Piranha Plants naturally! Petey Piranha is heavily associated with Goop, and he is not exclusive to Sunshine, and has been said to be a MUTANT Piranha Plant. I think he was part of Sunshine not because he was made from Goop, but because he is perfect for a Goop-related job!
We also have Proto Piranhas, shown above, which are Piranha Plants born from and entirely made of Goop, even more emphasizing the relation between the two! I’m not sure I think Piranha Plants are all made from Goop to begin with- they lay eggs, silly!- but I absolutely think they are associated with and naturally produce it, and Petey’s mutation allowed him to produce extreme quantities of it. Surely, then, the Magic Paintbrush itself was created as a result of extensive Piranha Plant research by E. Gadd!
And thus is the end of my Goop Rant. Thank you so much for to reading my post. I would like to hear YOUR Goop Takes!
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kuramirocket · 2 months
So, I had a Mario dream, specifically about Super Mario Sunshine and I'm just like fic idea maybe???
The dream was super short and pretty random, but this is what happened in it:
It starts off, with Mario being on trial for the crime of covering Isle Delfino in goop. With how unfair the trial is going Peach demands that Mario be released. However, her angry demands goes unheard as the trial comes to a verdict with the judge declaring Mario will remain in jail for 1,000 years for 'his' crime. Mario, Peach and Toadsworth are shocked, Mario the most as realization and horror about this whole situation hits him full force. So much so that Peach has to steady him with both hands on his shoulder.
Outside the courthouse and jail, Peach and Toadsworth are walking away, towards the plane that brought them to the island. Peach is determined to set things right, but is unsure of how to go about it. She had thought about informing Princess Daisy about the situation and joining forces to attack Isle Delfino and essentially, breaking Mario out of jail. However, she also does not want to cause a political nightmare or make enemies out of Isle Delfino. (Realistically idk how this would work because Delfino is a very small island with seemingly no army. Maybe in my dream this was different. Idk. Lol)
Luigi (who apparently is in this dream and wearing his Mario Tennis Aces outfit for some reason and idk why he wasn't in the trial lol) appears and tells Princess Peach they have to do something. How can she and Toadsworth just leave and abandon Mario to his fate. Without a word, Peach grabs Luigi by the wrist, intending to drag Luigi with them. However, steeling himself, Luigi forcefully breaks free from her hold. Luigi softly, knowing there is no point in yelling, his voice almost devoid of emotion, yet with twinges of anger and icuness tells Peach to leave, for her to just go. Her back turned to him, Peach says nothing as she continues to walk away. Luigi looks away to the side, wishing his big brother was there with him and regretting his reaction towards the princess. His brother could always be friends with anyone and always seemed to know what to do no matter the circumstances.
Nearing the plane, Peach is in inner turmoil having decided to leave Mario back there, her expression never once having betrayed her emotions all the while. It isn't until she feels the tears in her eyes, her eyes growing more wet with the second, her breaths coming in shallow intakes, shoulders now trembling, that Peach realizes she is crying.
Seeing this, Toadsworth comforts Peach in a silent hug.
Meanwhile, in the shadows Bowser Jr. has witnessed all of this. His sullying of the island bore fruit an unexpected turn of events. He never expected the Princess herself would abandon Mario. He knows, she is not his mother, yet he still went through with his plan to get Mario blamed for his deed. Bowser Jr. wonders how he and his father could use this to their advantage: the seemingly sudden damage to Mario and Peach’s relationship. Bowser Jr. decides to tell his father about the turn of events.
And then I woke up. Idk what this dream was. But again I'm just like fic potential maybe?
I haven't actually even played Sunshine and just know the bare bones of the plot since I try to avoid spoilers.
But I mean, the Mushroom Kingdom at war with an actual powerful military foce Isle Delfino sounds interesting, imo. Lol
You guys have any thoughts about this? :D
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smallmariofindings · 1 year
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During the flood event in Delfino Plaza in Super Mario Sunshine (activated when all Shadow Mario missions are cleared and lasting until Mario enters Corona Mountain), there is a number of texture errors that are unique to this state of Delfino Plaza.
One of them is the alcove on the back of the tower on top of the police station building. While normally, the walls of that alcove are already glitched and display a scaled-down version of the wall texture that makes it seem like the alcove is lined with tiny doors and windows, the texture is normally overlaid with a darkness gradient, making it hard to see.
However, during the flood event, the gradient disappears from two of the walls of the alcove, making the texture error not only more apparent but also introducing a color mismatch between the walls.
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silly-inky · 2 months
So I just watched playthrough of Mario Sunshine and it got me thinking about how Darlington would react to that game's KB.
Essentially that version of KB (who I'm calling Sunny) was never real and was created by Junior with the paint brush he had. And everything that Junior made with the paint brush (the other bosses and enemies) just kinda stayed after and chilled after the events of Sunshine.
So how Darlington got to Isle Delfino is Mario took everyone on a summer vacation there. He ran into Sunny while looking for sea glass and had basically this reaction
Oh I love that meme, me and my brother used to scream it at each other lmao.
I call mine sunny, I have my own headcanons on him that I'll probs make a seperate post about at some point but honestly he's my fav (I personally don't see him as being one of Junior's creations but I know a lot of people see him being one)
Darlington seein this weird version of some of his family members may be very fucking weird tho so valid reaction honestly
And I feel like he'd be a bit confused on it all, maybe asking junior if by all technicality since junior created sunny, does that make Jr his dad, which makes things even more confusing
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kingdomeromega0816 · 5 months
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This is my take on Il. Piantissimo from the Nintendo GameCube game titled "Super Mario Sunshine". I have been planning to make a seven-part chronicle fanfic featuring the Mario characters, such as "Mimi... Terror of Gloam Valley", my second character I submitted to DeviantArt. Now my fan-canon will feature "Piantissimo The Masked Runner."
A Brief Summary of Piantissimo's Post-Super Mario Sunshine Story
Here's what happened to Piantissimo after the events of SMS. Piantissimo takes the paint brush, uses it to get pay back at Hotel Delfino's Casino, gets kicked off of Isle Delfino.
He teams up with Doopliss the Duplighost and Roy Koopa, thus becomes a villain. Piantissimo ends up fighting Luigi, Piantissimo realized the wrongs of his evil deeds and asks Mario to help him take down Doopliss and Roy. Mario grudgingly agrees to work with Piantissimo and they both teamed up to defeat Roy Koopa and Doopliss.
Piantissimo did not cause anyone to have a game over/(die) in Toad Town, so he only got 4 years in the Mushroom Kingdom jail. Roy got about 42 years in jail, but Roy escapes jail.
Eventually, after Piantissimo served his time, Piantissimo got to know Mario, Luigi and company, he became one of Mario's best frienemy-allies, (similar to how Goku & Vegeta are allies in DBZ).
Piantissimo was a better frienemy to Mario than DK or Wario ever were. Piantissimo went to a gear-works school for 3 years and became Professor E. Gadd's Technician Assistant.
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For Xanxus x Squalo/XS Fans
So I'm writing a fic where Xanxus and Squalo both die, but wake up back in the past. Both never having really confessed to the other and now so used to life with the Varia rather than the lives they have as tweens/young teens decide to basically fast forward the events of their lives. Neither one knows that the other remembers their last life as well and it's going to be pretty headcanon heavy.
But I'm struggling with the first chapter. Under cut I'm going to post the first few paragraphs and I'd love some feedback if anyone is willing.
TW for main character death.
A fight to the death was an honorable way for any assassin, especially a swordsman, to go. Yet Squalo can’t find himself happy about his current situation. He wants to get up and keep fighting, but no part of his body is responding. There’s a dull buzzing in his ears and he can hear the faded yells of his teammates. Maybe they were taunting him with the fact he wasn’t Varia Quality anymore or maybe they were nagging him for getting so hurt yet again or… The worst possibility was the idea they could be begging him to stay with them, crying out in a futile attempt to save his life. He feels unpleasantly chill even when his blurry eyes can vaguely make out Lussuria’s sun flames being pressed against his bleeding wound. Though, through the fading in and out, he can feel a familiar grip on his hair. Xanxus wasn’t yanking it, more holding as much of the Rain flame’s silvery hair in his grasp as he could. The usually loud swordsman wants to laugh, but all that falls from his lips are mostly pathetic puffs of air. The dark haired Sky presses the hair against his face, much like a child hiding behind their security blanket when trying to avoid a cruel reality life is throwing at them. 
Was his boss crying? Was Xanxus really so upset he’s leaving him? At the very least, he can yell loudly with pride in hell that he never failed his promise to his Sky. Even if eternal damnation and torture awaits him the moment he’s finally gone from this life, he can bear it all since in a way, he kept his vow to the man he loves so dear… Squalo’s eyes close slowly as he accepts his fate, vaguely hearing Xanxus’ voice yelling at him though it sounds like the man is trying to yell through water or thick jello. 
“Don’t you go…!...Shitty Shark…!...”
The rest of the dark haired man’s words were unintelligible to him now in this state. Now Squalo simply waits for whatever afterlife awaits him. Being a born and raised Italian, he expects some form of Christianity hell for someone like him. Yet… There’s nothing.
Well, not exactly nothing. He feels warm again, like he’s laying in some luxurious bed. He knows damn well the Varia has never had enough money to blow on fancy sheets and blankets and memory foam filled mattresses. Not to mention the Rain flame is also pretty damn sure there’s no way his team could’ve revived him unless they let him become some Vindice like zombie.
“Hey, get up, lei!”
A grating, young girl's voice yells at him. He was painfully familiar with the owner of said voice, his shitty little sister Delfino. Last he’d talked to her, she was the Cavallone Famiglia’s Rain Guardian and she didn’t sound so child-like. The swordsman opens his blue-grey eyes slowly and looks around. The room he was in was his childhood bedroom… For a moment he’d assume he’s some weird heaven until he makes eye contact with his sister.
“The fuck to do you want, voi?!”
Squalo snaps at her, making Delfino gasp and flinch a little.
“Lei!! Fine if you want to be late for school I don’t care!!”
School?! He’s a grown man-... Squalo quickly gets up and looks at himself in the mirror, horror dawning on him as he finds his 12 year old self staring back at him. So that makes Delfino only 10 which explains her sounding and looking so young… This also explains the school comment. 
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nintendouniverse2023 · 9 months
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(I just like to say that I enjoyed playing the games of Mario and Rabbids on Both Kingdom Battle and Sparks of Hope and I thought of something that if Rabbids made Peace in the Mushroom Kingdom in my Mario AU and Even Rayman himself and his other allies came from time to time.)
My Headcannons for Each Rabbid Counterparts
Rabbid Mario
- He is top Italian mode with an Italian accent.
- He got into boxing and into a packing some punch's into the Personal Alley Ring but he can also be weak sometimes but didn't stop him from being number 1.
- During and after the Sparks of Hope arc, He would be trying to get to Edge to win her heart but ends up failing.
- Rabbid Mario is destian to be his greatness like his own counterpart but gets himself some reckless gets over his head.
Rabbid Luigi
- Unlike his Human counterpart, Rabbid Luigi would be acting like a very tough teen personality and always enjoys something for thrills.
- He develops a crush on Rabbid Rosalina and would chill alongside her every once and a while.
- He won top skater on every Mushroom Kingdom Skate Compatision every year after The Kingdom Battle Arc
- He owns a YouTube channel all about skating and even do Skating stunts himself and gain a Internet Celerity with Thousands of Subscribers.
Rabbid Peach
- She was famous in Insta-Bwah or Insta-Goomba in whatever she could get with ether selfies and other pics and post.
- She is currently dating Rabbid Donkey Kong after The Rabbids attack on Kongo Bongo events. She even tought him how to talk.
- She is currently having a jealously rivalry against Rabbid Luigi due to his success over popularity.
Rabbid Rosalina
- After the Sparks of Hope arc, Rabbid Rosalina decied to stay at the Mushroom Kingdom and Keep in contact with the Captian.
- She does have a crush on Rabbid Luigi but to embarrass to admit it.
- She is a heavy sleeper.
- Rabbid Rosalina was known to be a very quiet personality despite her sassy and tried antics and it seems likely that she was taken responsibility at the Mushroom Kingdom Library.
Rabbid Yoshi
- His personality was inspired by Rico by Penguins of Madagascar
- He and Yoshi was out on Vacation to Delfino during the Sparks of Hope arc
- He has no chill like his counterpart but has a fine relationship with Yoshi
- He is addicted to Sugary Treats
For my next Rabbid Fanarts will be coming soon is Edge, My First Rabbid OC, Spawny, Rabbid Bowser, The Former Spark Hunters, Rabbid Koopalings and Rabbid Bowser Jr Stay toon ;)
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On to Round 2!
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Sorry this took a while! I'll try to be more consistent with timing in the future. If all goes to plan, the polls for Round 2 of the Mario Music Tournament will begin on Friday, April 28 at around 5pm EST. (Not making any guarantees, though.)
Matchups for Round 2:
Round 2, Group 1:
Waluigi Pinball vs. Starship Mario (Winner: Waluigi Pinball)
Bowser's Road vs. Comet Observatory 3 (Winner: Comet Observatory 3)
World Bowser vs. Maple Treeway (Winner: World Bowser)
Bowser's Galaxy Generator vs. Buoy Base Galaxy (Winner: Buoy Base Galaxy)
The Fanged Fastener vs. Cosmic Cove Galaxy (Winner: Cosmic Cove Galaxy)
A Boss Approaches vs. Proof of Existence (Winner: Proof of Existence)
Delfino Plaza vs. Rainbow Road (DS) (Winner: Delfino Plaza)
Flower Garden vs. Overworld (NSMBW) (Winner: Flower Garden)
Space Junk Road vs. Luigi's Mansion (Winner: Luigi's Mansion)
Final Battle (Partners in Time) vs. SMB Overworld (Winner: Final Battle)
Toad's Factory vs. Melty Molten Galaxy (Winner: Toad's Factory)
Dire, Dire Docks vs. The Dual-Bladed Duelist (Winner: ????)
Electrodrome vs. Luma (Winner: Luma)
Rainbow Road (MK7) vs. Castle Bleck (Winner: Castle Bleck)
Bob-omb Battlefield vs. Moo Moo Meadows (Winner: Bob-omb Battlefield)
Fated Battle vs. Waltz of the Boos (Winner: Waltz of the Boos)
Round 2, Group 2:
The Grand Finale vs. SNES Rainbow Road (MK8) (Winner: The Grand Finale)
Powerful Mario vs. Final Bowser Battle (SMG) (Winner: Final Bowser Battle)
Autumn Mountain Battle vs. Gusty Garden Galaxy (Winner: Autumn Mountain Battle)
Phantom of the Bwahpera vs. Melty Monster Galaxy (Winner: ????)
Bounding Through Time vs. Fluffy Bluff Galaxy (Winner: Bounding Through Time)
Brobot Battle vs. Doopliss Battle (Winner: Brobot Battle)
Puzzle Plank Galaxy vs. Dimentio, Charming Magician (Winner: Dimentio, Charming Magician)
Beware the Forest's Mushrooms vs. Rainbow Road (Wii) (Winner: Beware the Forest's Mushrooms)
Coconut Mall vs. World 3 (SMG2) (Winner: Coconut Mall)
Floro Sapien Caverns vs. Beach Bowl Galaxy (Winner: Beach Bowl Galaxy)
Disco Devil vs. Thrills at Night (Winner: Disco Devil)
Slider vs. The Galaxy Reactor (Winner: The Galaxy Reactor)
The Ultimate Show vs. Sky Station Galaxy (Winner: The Ultimate Show)
Champion of Destruction vs. Dolphin Shoals (Winner: Champion of Destruction)
It's Showtime vs. Deep Castle (Inside Bowser) DX (Winner: It's Showtime)
Never Let Up! vs. Event Battle (TOK) (Winner: Never Let Up!)
(Please let me know if I've made any mistakes or typos above.)
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ziyan1601 · 3 months
Gaming Communities, Social Gaming and Live Streaming: Twitch
Does anyone like gaming? I am pretty sure everyone plays game in their own ways. Games have evolved throughout the years. From classic chess to Nintendo switch, games have grown a lot throughout the years with technology. Gaming communities and social gaming have dramatically changed how people interact with video games by creating vibrant worldwide networks of enthusiasts and gamers. These communities provide a sense of belonging and teamwork among gamers through shared interests and cooperative experiences. Social gaming, in particular, emphasises connection and communication heavily, transforming gaming from a solo activity into a collective one.
One of the most popular gaming communities and live streaming platforms is Twitch. Twitch is an American video live-streaming service that primarily focuses on video game live streaming with 3.8 million broadcasters by February 2020 (Delfino 2020). It enables streamers to share their gameplay, live performances by musicians, esports matches, original content, and even their everyday lives (Delfino 2020). In addition to watching live streaming or video-on-demand content, viewers can converse in real time. Twitch has grown into a thriving community where content creators and players interact, communicate, and have fun (Delfino 2020). It debuted in June 2011 as a spin-off of the general-interest streaming service Justin.tv and is currently run by Twitch Interactive, an Amazon subsidiary.
Beyond websites like Twitch, multiplayer games that promote teamwork and rivalry among players are also considered social gaming. The success of games such as "Fortnite," "Among Us," and "League of Legends" is largely dependent on player interaction, which can take the form of cooperative gameplay or social deduction and strategy. These games provide participants with chances to improve their communication skills, collaborate on strategies, and make friends in addition to providing entertainment.
The influence of gaming communities is also evident in the rise of esports. Competitive gaming has become a global phenomenon, with millions of fans tuning in to watch professional gamers compete at the highest levels. Platforms like Twitch play a significant role in broadcasting these events, providing a stage for esports tournaments and fostering a sense of community among fans. The engagement and passion within these communities have helped legitimize esports as a mainstream form of entertainment.
In conclusion, social gaming and gaming communities have changed the video game industry by putting a focus on communication and interaction. Multiplayer games and platforms like Twitch have produced environments where players can interact with one another, exchange stories, and become part of a worldwide community. This development emphasises gaming's social potential and shows how it may meaningfully unite individuals.
Delfino, D 2020, ‘What is Twitch?’: Here's what you need to to know about the world's leading live-streaming platform for gamers, Business Insider, viewed 12 June 2024, <https://www.businessinsider.com/guides/tech/what-is-twitch>. 
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johnpodlaski · 4 months
As If It Were Yesterday!
On the outbreak of the Tet Offensive, one Navy Boat Captain recalls those events that transpired during the first two days in a Saigon suburb. Read his story here: By Ken Delfino WHUMP! WHUMP! WHUMP! The sound of distant explosions interrupted the reverie of my dreams…BLANG! Boy, that one was closer! WHUMP! BOOOM!!! “Delfino, wake up! Delfino, get the hell up!” Who is this yelling at…
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red-man-of-mustache · 4 months
And such an event on Delfino would be a good reason to want Julian to make a Robot designed on you. It could do the things you don't want.... if you could talk him into letting you borrow it.
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". . ."
"I'm-a sleep on it."
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kevinb3896 · 11 months
Auction Kings Cast Where Are They Now?
"Auction Kings" was a cult reality television series on Discovery Channel from 2010 to 2013. The show was centered around Gallery 63, the auction house in Atlanta, Georgia, and its diverse cast of characters who appraised, evaluated, and auctioned off a vast array of items. The show offered an exciting look at the fascinating world of unusual antiques, collectibles, and bizarre objects and quickly built a devoted fan base. However, as with other TV programs, "Auction Kings" ended, and the fans wonder what transpired to some of its cast. This article will look at what happened to the post-Auction Kings" lives of some of the characters with the most excellent recollections.
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Paul Brown - The Auctioneer Paul Brown was the charismatic auctioneer who brought excitement and energy to each auction held at Gallery 63. After the show was over, Paul continued working in the auction industry. He has conducted auctions for charities and is active in antiques and collectibles. His charismatic persona and auctioneering abilities are what make him a sought-after celebrity at a variety of events.
Jon Hammond - The Restorer Jon Hammond was this show's meticulous and skilled restaurateur. He is well-known for his expertise in bringing older, beaten-up objects back to their original splendor. Post-Auction King," Jon started his restoration company, which concentrates on repairing and refinishing antique and vintage things. He has received recognition for his work and is continuing to work towards preserving the historical.
Cindy Shook - The Office Manager Cindy Shook was the organized and efficient office manager of Gallery 63. After the event, she was active in the auction business and was a certified appraiser specializing in vintage and antique jewelry. Her experience has earned her the respect of many in the appraisal world, and she regularly imparts her expertise in workshops and other events.
Delfino Ramos - The Picker Delfino Ramos was the picker who searched across the country for unique items to showcase in auctions. Post-"Auction" Kings," Delfino continues to be a selector, traveling worldwide to discover treasures hidden in the midst. He is occasionally featured on other shows that focus on antiques and collectibles. He discusses the experiences of a professional picker with other collectors.
Bob Brown - The Owner Bob Brown was the owner of Gallery 63 and was a significant character in the show. After the series was over, Bob continued to manage the auction house. The business grew and adapted to the changing market dynamics by introducing auctions online. Gallery 63 is still a well-known brand in the auction world, with a range of auctions, both traditional and online.
Cindy Sorley - The Appraiser Cindy Sorley, the knowledgeable appraiser, was well-known for her ability to determine the worth of objects. Post-'-"Auction The Kings" Cindy has continued to be an appraiser and frequently collaborates with museums and other institutions in appraisers and authenticating precious pieces.
Emily Friedman - The Gallery Manager Emily Friedman was the gallery manager who kept the show's activities running efficiently. After the show was over, she left for other ventures. Emily gained a reputation as an interior designer who often incorporates antique and vintage pieces in her designs. Her sense of style and attention to detail remain her hallmarks.
The group in "Auction Kings" has gone on to live various successful and varied lives in collectibles, antiques, and other related areas. The show's experiences allowed them to show their talents, significantly impacting their specialties. Although "Auction Kings" might be a fond memory to its viewers, The cast has shown that their passion for the past, as well as craftsmanship and distinctive objects, is not fading away and continues to flourish in the realm of auctions and antiques.
One site unique in online auctions, one of the most prominent, is Auction Daily. It's a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in the auction industry and provides a wealth of details, including auction previews, auction calendars, auction news, and connections to significant antiques, art, and painting dealers.
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the555phonebook · 1 year
555-0100 - Doctor Sleep - Bankerton County Sheriffs Office
555-0101 - Twelve Minutes - Hubby
555-0102 - Desperate Housewives - Reverend Sikes
555-0103 - Criminal Minds - Reid
555-0105 - Grand Theft Auto 5 - Barry
555-0106 - Resident Evil 2 - 24-hour assistance number on the parking garage keycard
555-0107 - The X-Files - Clifford Cox
555-0108 - Grand Theft Auto 5 - 'For Rent' sign
555-0109 - Gilmore Girls - Dance Studio
555-0110 - Grand Theft Auto 5 - Patricia
555-0111 - Beef - Briana Kinsley Realty
555-0112 - Mad Men - Sterling Cooper
555-0113 - Arrested Development - Gene Parmesan
555-0114 - Santa Clarita Diet - Ruby’s Clams second number
555-0115 - Desperate Housewives - Upton Attorneys
555-0116 - Spiderman PS4 - Yuri Watanabe (Office)
555-0117 - The Ant Bully - Beat-a-Bug
555-0118 - Grand Theft Auto 5 - Amanda
555-0119 - Desperate Housewives - Tina Rucker attorney
555-0120 - Grand Theft Auto 5 - Merryweather
555-0121 - Desperate Housewives - Both Betty Applewhite and Mike Delfino 
555-0122 - Fargo - Gloria Burgle
555-0123 - Bruce Almighty - Pager
555-0124 - Soul - Agencia De Empleo
555-0125 - Doctor Sleep - Piano Lessons
555-0126 - Grand Theft Auto 5 - Abigail Matthews and Liz
555-0127 - Zootopia - Doug
555-0128 - Soul - Authentic Korean Dumplings
555-0129 - Superstore - ‘Car for Sale’ poster in break room
555-0130 - The X-Files - Smoking Man
555-0131 - Community - Britta Perry
555-0132 - Smallville - Black Canary
555-0133 - Santa Clarita Diet - Ruby’s Clams
555-0134 - Fight Club - Marla Singer (also shows up in Memento, Brooklyn 99 and Grand Theft Auto 5)
555-0135 - Fargo - St Cloud parole board
555-0136 - Fargo - St Cloud parole board fax
555-0137 - Fargo - St Cloud parole board 24 hour number
555-0138 - Bad Hair - Virgie's
555-0139 - Grand Theft Auto 5 - Beverly
555-0140 - Grand Theft Auto 5 - Rickie
555-0141 - Fargo - Bemidji Cleaning
555-0142 - Haven - The "Other Duke"
555-0143 - Soul - Lucky Star Chinese Food
555-0144 - Haven - Margaret Wilson
555-0145 - Fargo - Life Spring
555-0146 - Fargo - Reidenshneider Cleaning
555-0147 - Home Sweet Home Alone - Gavin Washington
555-0148 - Fargo - Diefenbach Realty
555-0149 - Desperate Housewives - Joe Flannery
555-0150 - Grand Theft Auto 5 - Agent Steve Haines
555-0151 - The Blacklist - Raymond Reddington
555-0152 - Columbo - Sean Jarvis
555-0153 - Grand Theft Auto Online - Mechanic
555-0154 - Community - Nancy Riverton
555-0155 - Pushing Daisies - Emerson Cod
555-0156 - Grand Theft Auto 5 - Franklyn
555-0157 - The Sopranos - Tony Soprano
555-0158 - The 40 Year Old Virgin - Trish Piedmont
555-0159 - Santa Clarita Diet - Japopos
555-0160 - Desperate Housewives - Florist
555-0161 - Desperate Housewives - The Enchanted Florist
555-0162 - Deadly Illusion - Nanny Agency
555-0163 - Fargo - BMI insurance office
555-0164 - Desperate Housewives - Fairview Realty when Tom and Lynette moved in
555-0165 - Soul - Shoes and Socks
555-0166 - Santa Clarita Diet - Sinclair Realty
555-0167 - The Woman in the Window - Real Estate Auction
555-0168 - Spiderman PS4 - Yuri Watanabe
555-0169 - Smallville - Aquaman
555-0170 - Beverly Hills 90210 - Matt Durning
555-0171 - Girls 5 Eva - June
555-0172 - The Simpsons - Ned Flanders
555-0173 - Arrested Development - Both a taxi service, and also a 'Learn Public Speaking’ ad (it also shows up as a taxi again, in Desperate Housewives)
555-0174 - Grand Theft Auto 5 - Cleetus
555-0175 - Soul - Man With Van
555-0176 - Scream - Cory Gillis
555-0177 - Grand Theft Auto 5 - Sapphire
555-0178 - Fargo - Reidenshneider Cleaning
555-0179 - Soul - Accountants
555-0180 - Grand Theft Auto 5 - Tanisha Jackson
555-0181 - Grand Theft Auto 5 - Marnie
555-0182 - Fargo - Eden Valley Pd Fax
555-0183 - Fargo - Eden Valley PD
555-0184 - Parks and Recreation - Salvatore’s barber shop
555-0185 - Office Christmas Party - All Event Rentals
555-0186 - The Bear - Michael Berzatto
555-0187 - Pam and Tommy - Labatts Modelling
555-0188 - Grand Theft Auto 5 - Martin Madrazo
555-0189 - On Becoming A God in Central Florida - Marta Herrera
555-0190 - Desperate Housewives - Dr Craig
555-0191 - Grand Theft Auto 5 - Tennis Coach
555-0192 - The Sopranos - LA Pizza
555-0193 - Twelve Minutes - Bumblebee
555-0194 - Boston Legal - Mr Barr
555-0195 - American Beauty - Caroline Burnham
555-0196 - Santa Clarita Diet - Coby Real Estate
555-0197 - Grand Theft Auto 5 - Tracey
555-0198 - Grand Theft Auto 5 - Ron
555-0199 - This number in particular shows up quite a lot, so I've been tracking all of those sightings:
American Horror Story - Televangelist
Bad Samaritan - The Black Card activation number
Community - Team Greendale
Desperate Housewives - Both Fairview Realty, and Meadowbrook Golf Shop
Doctor Sleep - Missing Children hotline
Grand Theft Auto 5 - Tonya 
Guns Akimbo - Miles
Homeland - Syracuse PD
How I Met Your Mother - Barney Stinson
Miracle Creek - Potomac Mutual Insurance
Monsters University - Job Offer Ad
Scream Queens - Security Guard
The X-Files - Fox Moulder
0 notes
ghostbustingreen · 5 years
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   Oops, looks like he was so busy making sure Mario and his Yoshi buddies were wearing sunscreen, he forgot about himself. The poor guy is now sporting some nasty-looking sunburns! It didn’t help that he had fallen asleep on the beach too.
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witchofdiamondcity · 5 years
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“...Someone help pay for Penny to come to the island too.  I don’t want to go without her.
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