#Hara Alonso
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arvorebinaria · 1 year ago
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smn-artistagency · 3 months ago
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Hara Alonso is a pianist, composer and sound artist from Spain.
Her compositional process is based on bodily experience, exploring multisensory practices, memory, imagination and space as tools for sound creation. In recent years she has expanded the sonic and performative possibilities of the piano through extended techniques, somatic practices and signal processing. Her sonic universe, described as 'gloomy bubbling electronic power ambient', navigates between lush landscapes, minimal rhythms and hypnotic layers with a strong micro-lyrical presence. 
Her music has been presented as an ensemble, soloist and sound installation at numerous festivals such as Mutek (CDMX), She Makes Noise (Madrid), STRP (the Netherlands), Keroxen (Tenerife), OUT.SIDE (Barcelona) or Malmö festivalen (Sweden) among others.
In 2018 her first EP. 'Pianoïse' for piano and electronics, was released by the label Keroxen.  In 2021, Eotrax released her acclaimed first solo album ‘Somatic Suspension’. Free jazz album ‘Ritual para acercarse’ came out in 2022 in collaboration with Susana Santos Silva, Elsa Bergman and Camila Nebbia by Ramble Records. ‘Notions of hope', released on pianoandcoffee records, came out in autumn 2023 with 10 meditative piano tracks. In 2024 he released together with Mexican artist Concepción Huerta the album ‘Hacia la melancolía del futuro’ on the Superpang label.
Hara Alonso works as a researcher in the project ‘Body as Ears’ at the Stockholm University of the Arts. She lectures composition, music programming and improvisation at the Royal College of Music (KMH) in Stockholm and has been a guest lecturer at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC) in Barcelona and the Escuela de Música Creativa in Madrid.
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touch•me•not emerges as a reflection on the corporeal relationship between the skin and the surrounds a surface, the ocean, a dried flower.
Hara Alonso's new album delves deep into our approach to sensoriality as bodies and sentient beings, by refusing to operate a discrimination of species. In that sense, it invites us to forget the tyranny of the visual, the lineal and the logic and pay attention to the haptic, evoked through a touching sound. It raises the question about the place we inhabit in a world that is weeping to be reenchanted and touched.
In the 18th century, Emanuel Swedenborg introduces the idea of correspondence and takes seriously the senses and the events of the sensual world as a proof of the spiritual world. A century later, Baudelaire, inspired by the Swedish theologian, writes the poem Correspondances, in which the senses are confused, immersed in a synesthetic hallucination.
Hara Alonso takes us on a walk not far away from the path Baudelaire strolled, through meadows, symbols, light and perfumes, entering a dimension of inverted senses where the body spills into a circle of desiring sensations and sensational desires, enclosing an innocent memory surrendered to the whole.
Accompanied by the percussions of Ryan Packard, the double bass of Ville Bromander and Ellen Söderhult’s voice, Hara Alonso weaves a loom composed of halos of harmonies, field recordings, Juno 6 and prepared piano.
touch•me•not will be released as vinyl in February 2025 in the Berlin based label FUU.
Hara Alonso :: https://haraalonso.com/ :: Bandcamp :: IG ::
Press kit and stills :: download here ::
Head photo by Virginia Delfino
Hara Alonso es una pianista, compositora y artista sonora española. Su proceso compositivo se basa en la experiencia corporal, explorando prácticas multisensoriales, la memoria, la imaginación y el espacio como herramientas para la creación sonora. En los últimos años ha ampliado las posibilidades sonoras y performativas del piano a través de técnicas expandidas, prácticas somáticas y procesamiento de señales. Su universo sonoro, descrito como «power ambient, electrónico, burbujeante y sombrío», navega entre paisajes exuberantes, ritmos mínimos y capas hipnóticas con una fuerte presencia microlírica.
Su música se ha presentado como ensemble, solista e instalación sonora en numerosos festivales como Mutek (CDMX), She Makes Noise (Madrid), STRP (Holanda), Keroxen (Tenerife), OUT.SIDE (Barcelona) o Malmö festivalen (Suecia) entre otros.
En 2018 su primer EP, Pianoïse para piano y electrónica, fue publicado por el sello Keroxen.
En 2021, Eotrax publica su aclamado primer álbum en solitario Somatic Suspension. El álbum de free jazz Ritual para acercarse salió en 2022 en colaboración con Susana Santos Silva, Elsa Bergman y Camila Nebbia por Ramble Records. Notions of hope publicado en pianoandcoffee records, salió en otoño de 2023 con 10 temas meditativos para piano. En 2024 publicó junto a la artista mexicana, Concepción Huerta el álbum Hacia la melancolía del futuro, en el sello Superpang.
Hara trabaja como investigadora en el proyecto Body as Ears de la Universidad de las Artes de Estocolmo. Imparte clases de composición, programación musical e improvisación en el Royal College of Music (KMH) de Estocolmo y ha sido profesora invitada en la Escuela Superior de Música de Cataluña (ESMUC) de Barcelona y en la Escuela de Música Creativa de Madrid.
touch-me-not surge como una reflexión sobre la relación corpórea entre la piel y lo que la rodea, una superficie, el océano o una flor seca. El nuevo álbum de Hara Alonso ahonda en nuestra aproximación a la sensorialidad y a una no discriminación entre especies, invitándonos a olvidar la tiranía de lo visual, lo lineal y lo entendido como lógico y prestar atención a lo háptico, evocado a través de un sonido conmovedor. Plantea la cuestión del lugar que habitamos en un mundo que llora por ser reencantado y tocado. En el siglo XVIII, Emanuel Swedenborg introduce la idea de correspondencia y pone el foco en los sentidos y los acontecimientos del mundo sensorial como prueba del mundo espiritual. Un siglo más tarde, Baudelaire, inspirado por el teólogo sueco, escribe el poema, Correspondances, en el que los sentidos se confunden, inmersos en una alucinación sinestésica.
Hara Alonso nos lleva a un paseo no muy lejano del que recorrió Baudelaire, a través de prados, símbolos, luz y perfumes, adentrándonos en una dimensión de sentidos invertidos donde el cuerpo se derrama en un círculo de sensaciones deseantes y deseos, encerrando una inocente memoria entregada al todo.
En el directo está acompañada por Elle Söderhult a la voz y el percusionista, Ryan Packard.
touch•me•not saldrá en formato vinilo en Febrero de 2025, editado por el sello berlinés, FUU.
Hara Alonso :: https://haraalonso.com/ :: Bandcamp :: IG ::
Dossier de prensa e imágenes :: descargar aquí ::
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13melekradyo · 1 year ago
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16 Eylül 2023 tarihli program kaydı.
Güncel modern kompozisyon kayıtlarından bir seçki // A selection of recent modern composition recordings. Download.
01 – Olivia Belli – Valadier 02 – Hania Rani – The Boat 03 – Robert Hakalski – A Surreal Tale Of A Fading Engine's Song 04 – Ellie Wilson – Unnamed Unseen 05 – Blurstem – Narrow Time 06 – Modercoli – II 07 – Christopher Tignor – Off-Centered Hearts 08 – Hara Alonso – Notion 2 09 – Jakob Lindhagen – They Were Never Really There (Reconstructed By Hoshiko Yamane) 10 – Jóhann Jóhannsson – A Prayer To The Dynamo Part 1
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supersupersounds · 4 months ago
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Hara Alonso - Notions of Hope
Super gentle piano music, glacially slow and beautiful. -Kris
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archivoff · 6 months ago
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MUTEK, Concepción Huerta & Hara Alonso con visuales de Milena Pafundi en Centro Cultural de España en México, Centro Histórico, CDMX. 28 de agosto 2024
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sounds01014 · 1 year ago
Hara Alonso - Notion 10
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womencreativemusic · 5 years ago
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Hara Alonso, Sweden
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shemakesnoisefestival · 2 years ago
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La artista multimedia Hara Alonso presenta un concierto interactivo donde formaremos una orquesta colectiva con objetos cotidianos, instrumentos musicales y tecnología. Con esta actuación viajaremos hacia un universo sonoro con altas dosis de imaginación.
El público de En Familia descubrirá en este concierto, pensado, específicamente, para el festival She Makes Noise, las herramientas necesarias para la creación sonora. A través de un proceso colectivo, orquestaremos entre todes una pieza sinfónica, utilizando objetos cotidianos e instrumentos musicales. De esta forma, desarrollaremos la escucha activa, la improvisación y la creatividad. El público está invitado a traer sus propios instrumentos; de pequeña percusión (xilófonos, castañuelas, etc.) objetos sonoros que encuentren en casa (cucharas, periódicos, porexpanes, cáscaras de frutas y verduras etc.).
Recomendamos traer; un sonido crujiente, un sonido de agua y un sonido relacionado con la tierra.
Hara Alonso es pianista y compositora. Combina elementos electrónicos e instrumentales generando experiencias sonoras en torno a las nuevas narrativas que interrelacionan música y tecnología. Por medio de la improvisación, la práctica creativa, las interfaces y la codificación compone nuevos sistemas y lenguajes. Alonso trabaja como diseñadora de sonido, lleva varios proyectos de investigación artística en la Universidad de las Artes de Estocolmo, ciudad en la que reside habitualmente y es artista en residencia en Elektronmusikstudion. En 2014 inició el proyecto de composición participativa La Ciudad Componiendo. Además de su práctica artística, enseña programación musical en la capital sueca e imparte numerosos talleres y workshops.
Fotografía de Rocío Eslava
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elmartillosinmetre · 5 years ago
Mi crítica del concierto del Colectivo Duro Vino el sábado en el Espacio Turina.
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burlveneer-music · 2 years ago
VA - Radar Keroxen Vol. 3
Presenting the third volume of Keroxen's annual series of Radar compilations, joining the musical dots between restless and free-spirited artists working across the Canary archipelago. With volume 1 loosely based around the indie and shoegazing art rock sounds made in the Islands, and a second volume exploring the experimental electronic music of Tenerife, we now welcome Volume 3, with a special showcase of Canary artists working from the diaspora. Meet the hallucinatory acid folk from Tarragona based artist Transistor Eye, Amsterdam’s trio Halli Crigi raw, jazz/noise guitar improvisation, the glitchy and abstract piano minimalism by Sweden based Hara Alonso and the custom made midi based electronic orchestral compositions by Berlin based visual artist Arístides García aka Anisotrópico. Each artist delivers approximately 10 minutes of unique music which mixed together creates a weird and surprisingly fluid psychedelic journey, wrapped up as it’s always the case with these series in the pastoral retro-futurist collage artwork by Canarian artist Pura Márquez. Another document showcasing the other side of this holiday destination, it’s not just hotel resorts and poolside lounging here, enter the wonderful and weird world of Keroxen.
TRACKLIST A1. Anisotrópico- Codependencia A2. Anisotrópico - Hierbas Arrumáticas A3. Anisotrópico - Rumbo A4. Halli Crigi - Brink A5. Halli Crigi – Jerry Cat B1. Transitor Eye – Agapé B2. Hara Alonso - Un Segundo de Clarividencia B3. Hara Alonso - Pollycall Artwork: Pura Márquez
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deforest · 5 years ago
hi, sorry to bother you but i was wondering if you could recommend me some non white classic actresses? thanks for your time and have a lovely day :)
omg never a bother at all, my pleasure! ❤️
Josephine Baker, Maria Felix, Lupe Velez, Lena Horne, Dolores del Rio, Dorothy Dandridge, Anna May Wong, Eartha Kitt, Theresa Harris, Rita Moreno, Marga Lopez, Maylia, Sadhana, Nina Mae McKinney, Setsuko Hara, Fredi Washington, Ruby Dee, Nancy Kwan, Elsa Aguirre, Toshia Mori, Diahann Carroll, Silvia Pinal, Chelo Alonso, France Nuyen, Mamo Clark, Madhubala, Faten Hamama, Ruan Lingyu, Columba Dominguez, Yoshiko Yamaguchi, Katy Jurado, Vyjayanthimala, Lilia Prado, Tarita Teriipaia, Meena Kumari, Maria Elena Marques, Movita Castaneda, Ethel Moses, Madiha Yousri, Parveen Babi, Pam Grier
i hope i could be of a little help! and i hope your day is lovely as well 🌸 🦄
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smn-artistagency · 29 days ago
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Concepción Huerta is a mexican composer, electronic music producer and visual artist. She works in sound design, installations and immersive experiences exploring the relationship between silence and noise, political space and the sound body as a form of expression.
She carries out these investigations with field recordings of everyday objects (Foleys) and synthesizers that are reproduced and manipulated in an artisanal way with tape recorders and tapes to create diverse atmospheres based on ambient sounds and noise. Generating soundscapes far removed from any label they represent and taking us on a journey of imagined narratives.
Concepción Huerta explores sound at its most elemental level and investigates how it can be translated by building technological bridges between analog and digital processes.
Member of the experimental ensemble Amor Muere with Gibrana Cervantes, Camile Mandoki and Mabe Fratti. She collaborates with artists such as the Spanish composer Hara Alonso (also present at SMN – artist agency) with live performances; Towards the melancholy of a future.
The Earth Has Memory (2024) is her latest album released to date.
They have played in international venues and festivals touring America, Europe and Asia: VOLTA, Umbral, Mutek 2019 and 2022, Rewire, Cafe Otto, Fylkingen, VIDEOEX, etc.
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She presents herself as a solo live show of her latest released albums (a new work will be released in spring 2025) and as a duo with Hara Alonso.
Towards the melancholy of the future.
The sound material created by Concepción Huerta and Hara Alonso arises from the meeting place that happens when care and spiritual repair come together. These soundscapes lead us to the artists' radical openness to current political and emotional catastrophes and to their deep commitment to listening, which little by little becomes a healing practice. Listening as the creation of mental and psychic space, opening portals of time and contemplation to see our humanity in all its complexity.
How can we listen to collective pain, how can we move forward and find hope when there are so many open violent wounds? These sounds simultaneously express our deep frustration and helplessness, and a desire to deconstruct the social and political forces we are bound to in the current hyper-capitalist war machine, in the invisible architectures of oppressive power structures and the echo chambers created by news and media amidst ideological wars and ontological limbo. How can we find spaces of healing when we are drowning in pain? Can melancholy awaken us? Will the artist become extinct like other animal species? These sonic paths lead us into the unpredictability of a speculative future asking us to stay together, to unite so we can fight with the spirit, with a peripheral gaze and with the roar of nostalgia.
Concepción Huerta :: Bandcamp :: IG ::
Press kit and stills :: download here ::
Concepción Huerta es compositora, productora de música electrónica y artista visual de México. Trabaja en diseño sonoro, instalaciones y experiencias inmersivas explorando la relación entre el silencio y el ruido, el espacio político y el cuerpo sonoro como forma de expresión.
Estas investigaciones las lleva a cabo con grabaciones de campos de objetos cotidianos (Foleys) y sintetizadores que reproducidos y manipulados de forma artesanal con magnetófonos y cintas crean diversas atmósferas basadas en sonidos ambiente y noise. Generando paisajes sonoros alejados de cualquier etiqueta que representan y nos llevan hacia un viaje de narraciones imaginadas.
Concepción Huerta explora el sonido en su nivel más elemental e investiga cómo puede traducirse tendiendo puentes tecnológicos entre los procesos analógicos y digitales.
Miembro del ensemble experimental Amor Muere junto a Gibrana Cervantes, Camile Mandoki y Mabe Fratti. Colabora con artistas como la compositora Española Hara Alonso (también presente en SMN – artist agency) con el directo; Towards the melancholy of a future (Hacia la melancolía del futuro).
The Earth Has Memory (2024) es su último álbum publicado hasta la fecha.
Ha tocado en salas y festivales internacionales recorriendo América, Europa y Asia; VOLTA, Umbral, Mutek 2019 y 2022, Rewire, Cafe Otto, Fylkingen, VIDEOEX, etc.
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Se presenta en solitario como live show de sus últimos discos editados (en primavera del 2025 saldrá un nuevo trabajo) y en duo junto a Hara Alonso.
Towards the melancholy of the future.
El material sonoro creado por Concepción Huerta y Hara Alonso surge del lugar de encuentro que se da cuando confluyen los cuidados y la reparación espiritual. Estos paisajes sonoros nos conducen a la apertura radical de las artistas hacia las catástrofes políticas y emocionales actuales y a su profundo compromiso con la escucha, que poco a poco se convierte en una práctica curativa. La escucha como creación de espacio mental y psíquico, abriendo portales de tiempo y contemplación para ver nuestra humanidad en toda su complejidad.
¿Cómo podemos escuchar el dolor colectivo, cómo podemos seguir adelante y encontrar esperanza cuando hay tantas heridas violentas abiertas? Estos sonidos expresan simultáneamente nuestra profunda frustración e impotencia, y un deseo de deconstruir las fuerzas sociales y políticas a las que estamos atados en la actual máquina de guerra hipercapitalista, en las arquitecturas invisibles de las estructuras de poder opresivas y las cámaras de eco creadas por las noticias y los medios de comunicación en medio de guerras ideológicas y limbos ontológicos. ¿Cómo podemos encontrar espacios de sanación cuando estamos ahogados en el dolor? ¿Puede despertarnos la melancolía? ¿Se extinguirá el artista como otras especies animales? Estos caminos sonoros nos conducen a la imprevisibilidad de un futuro especulativo pidiéndonos que permanezcamos juntos, que nos unamos para poder luchar con el espíritu, con una mirada periférica y con el rugido de la nostalgia.
Concepción Huerta :: Bandcamp :: IG ::
Dossier de prensa e imágenes :: descargar aquí ::
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13melekradyo · 4 years ago
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Güncel modern kompozisyon kayıtlarından bir seçki // A selection of recent modern composition recordings. Download.
01 – Emika & Paul Frick – In Parallel III 02 – zakè & City of Dawn – The Sparrow's Flight 03 – Francesca Ter-Berg – Wtybcrechk 04 – Nat Bartsch – Brightness In The Hills 05 – Laura Cannell & Kate Ellis – Earthly Unearthly 06 – The Blooming White Orchestra – Arctic 07 – Hara Alonso – The Center Of The Sun Is Empty 08 – Scott Wollschleger & Karl Larson – Blue Inscription 09 – Floating Points, Pharoah Sanders & The London Symphony Orchestra – Movement 6
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randomlyrandoms · 5 years ago
JANUARY Pegi Young - Jan. 1 (Folk Singer) Bob Einstein - Jan. 2 (TV Actor) Gene Okerlund - Jan. 2 (Sportscaster) Daryl Dragon - Jan. 2 (Pop Singer) Herb Kelleher - Jan. 3 (Entrepreneur) Jo Andres - Jan. 6 (Director) Annalise Braakensiek - Jan. 6 (TV Actress) Kevin Fret - Jan. 10 (Rapper) Mel Stottlemyre - Jan. 13 (Baseball Player) Carol Channing - Jan. 15 (Stage Actress) Hailie Masson - Jan. 17 (TikTok Star) Windsor Davies - Jan. 17 (TV Actor) Mary Oliver - Jan. 17 (Poet) Boo the Pomeranian - Jan. 18 (Dog) John Coughlin - Jan. 18 (Figure Skater) Sean Dolan - Jan. 19 (Family Member) *Ethan & Grayson's Father* Masazo Nonaka - Jan. 20 (Supercantenarian)   Emiliano Sala - Jan. 21 (Soccer Player) Ashley Lovelace - Jan. 21 (Imstagram Star) Kaye Ballard - Jan. 21 (Stage Actress) Russell Baker - Jan. 21 (Memoirist) Kevin Barnett - Jan. 22 (Comedian) James Frawley - Jan. 22 (Director) Oliver Mtukudzi - Jan. 23 (Reggae Singer) Aloysius Pang - Jan. 24 (TV Actor) Fatima Ali - Jan. 25 (Chef) Michel Legrand - Jan. 26 (Composer) Jayo Sama - Jan. 27 (Rapper) Pepe Smith - Jan 28 (Rock Singer) James Ingram - Jan. 29 (R&B Singer) Dick Miller - Jan. 30 (Movie Actor)
FEBRUARY Clive Swift - Feb. 1 (TV Actor) Neal James - Feb. 1 (Reality Star) *Kristoff St. John - Feb. 3 (Soap Opera Actor) Julie Adams - Feb. 3 (TV Actress) Matti Nykanen - Feb. 4 (Skier) Albert Finney - Feb. 7 (Movie Actor) John Dingell - Feb. 7 (Politician) Frank Robinson - Feb. 7 (Baseball Player) Fabio Legarda - Feb. 7 (Reggaeton Singer) Cadet - Feb. 9 (Rapper) Ron W. Miller - Feb. 9 (Entrepreneur) Jan Michael Vincent - Feb. 10 (Movie Actor) Pedro Morales - Feb. 12 (Wrestler) Gordon Banks - Feb. 12 (Soccer Player) Bruno Ganz - Feb. 15 (Movie Actor) Saban Saulic - Feb. 17 (Folk Singer) Sean Milliken - Feb. 17 (Reality Star) *Karl Lagerfeld - Feb. 19 (Fashion Designer) Stanley Donen - Feb. 21 (Director) Beverley Owen - Feb. 21 (TV Actress) Peter Tork - Feb. 21 (Pop Singer) Brody Stevens - Feb. 22 (Comedian) Morgan Woodward - Feb. 22 (TV Actor) Clark James Gable - Feb. 22 (TV Actor) Lisa Sheridan - Feb. 25 (TV Actress) Mark Hollis - Feb. 25 (Rock Singer) Christian Bach - Feb. 26 (Soap Opera Actress) Nathaniel Taylor - Feb. 27 (TV Actor) Andre Previn - Feb. 28 (Composer) Anna Cunningham - Feb. 28 (TikTok Star)
MARCH Katherine Helmond - March 1 (TV Actress) Elly Mayday - March 1 (Model) Janice Freeman - March 2 (Pop Singer) **Luke Perry - March 4 (TV Actress) Keith Flint - March 4 (Pop Singer) Ted Lindsay - March 4 (Hockey Player) King Kong Bundy - March 4 (Wrestler) Chokoleit - March 9 (Comedian) Jed Allan - March 9 (Soap Opera Actor) Hal Blaine - March 11 (Drummer) Felicite Tomlinson - March 13 (Instagram Star) Mike Thalassitis - March 15 (Reality Star) Lil Mister - March 15 (Rapper) Dick Dale - March 16 (Guitarist) Richard Erdman - March 16 (TV Actor) Scott Walker - March 22 (Pop Singer) Agnes Varda - March 29 (Director) Nipsey Hussle - March 31 (Rapper)
APRIL Wowaka - April 5 (Pop Singer) Seymour Cassel - April 7 (Movie Actor) Mya-Lecia Naylor - April 7 (TV Actress) Earl Thomas Conley - April 10 (Country Singer) Bibi Andersson - April 14 (Movie Actress) Georgia Engel - April 15 (TV Actress) Black Jezuss - April 15 (Rapper) Alan García - April 17 (Politician) Lorraine Warren - April 18 (Supernatural Investigator) Julio Melgar - April 19 (World Music Singer) Stefanie Sherk - April 20 (TV Actress) Ken Kercheval - April 21 (TV Actor) Mark Medoff - April 23 (Playwright) John Singleton - April 29 (Director) **Peter Mayhew - April 30 (Movie Actor)
MAY   Rachel Jones - May 4 (Blogger) Rachel Held Evans - May 4 (Religious Author) Max Azria - May 6 (Fashion Designer) Jim Fowler - May 8 (TV Show Host) Peggy Lipton - May 11 (TV Actress) Pua Magasiva - May 11 (TV Actor) Alvin Sargent - May 11 (ScreenWriter) Elsa Patton - May 12 (Reality Star) Doris Day - May 13 (Movie Actress) *Grumpy Cat - May 14 (Cat) Tim Conway - May 14 (TV Actor) Isaac Kappy - May 14 (Movie Actor) I.M. Pei - May 16 (Architect) Ashley Massaro - May 16 (Wrestler) Bob Hawke - May 16 (World Leader) Herman Wouk - May 18 (Noveist) Niki Lauda - May 20 (Race Car Driver) Bart Starr - May 26 (Football Player) Gabriel Diniz - May 27 (World Music Singer) Bill Buckner - May 27 (Baseball Player) Susan Anne Christman - May 29 (Family Member) Leon Redbone - May 30 (Jazz Singer) Patricia Bath - May 30 (Inventor) Roky Erickson - May 31 (Rock Singer)
JUNE José Antonio Reyes - June 1 (Soccer Player) Ani Yudhoyono - June 1 (Political Wife) Dr. John - June 6 (Jazz Singer) Noemi Ban - June 7 (Non-Fiction Author) Curlyhead.kidd - June 8 (Instagram Star) Mary Duggar - June 9 (Reality Star) Bushwick Bill - June 9 (Rapper) Gabriele Grunewald - June 11 (Runner) Sylvia Miles - June 12 (Movie Actress) Sean McCann - June 13 (TV Actor) Edith González - June 13 (Soap Opera Actress) Franco Zeffirelli - June 15 (Director) Bishop Bullwinkle - June 16 (Soul Singer) Mohamed Morsi - June 17 (Politician) Gloria Vanderbilt - June 17 (Entrepreneur) Philippe Zdar - June 19 (DJ) Judith Krantz - June 22 (Novelist) Dave Bartholomew - June 23 (Songwriter) Stephanie Niznik - June 23 (TV Actress) Fame Reek - June 24 (Rapper) Billy Drago - June 24 (Moive Actor) Etika - June 25 (Youtube Star) **Beth Chapman - June 26 (Reality Star) Max Wright - June 26 (TV Actor) Hella Sketchy - June 27 (Rapper)
JULY Tyler Skaggs - July 1 (Baseball Player) Lee Iacocca - July 2 (Entrepreneur) Arte Johnson - July 3 (TV Actor) Chris Cline - July 4 (Entrepreneur) **Cameron Boyce - July 6 (TV Actor) Martin Charnin - July 6 (Director) Joao Gilberto - July 6 (Guitarist) *Rip Torn - July 9 (Movie Actor) Freddie Jones - July 9 (Movie Actor) **Denise Nickerson - July 10 (Movie Actress) Emily Hartridge - July 12 (Youtube Star) Bianca Devins - July 14 (Instagram Star) Rutger Hauer - July 19 (Movie Actor) Gabe Khouth - July 23 (Voice Actor) David Hedison - July 23 (TV Actor) Beji Essebsi - July 25 (Politician) Russi Taylor - July 26 (Voice Actress) Carlos Cruz-Diez - July 27 (Pop Artist) Dillon Henderson - July 28 (Youtube Star) The King of Random - July 29 (Youtube Star) Nick Buoniconti - July 30 (Football Player) Harold Prince - July 31 (TV Producer)
AUGUST Toni Morrison - Aug. 5 (Novelist) David Berman - Aug. 7 (Rock Singer) Ben Unwin - Aug. 14 (TV Actor) Peter Fonda - Aug. 16 (Movie Actor) Cedric Benson - Aug. 17 (Football Player) Gina Lopez - Aug. 19 (Environmentalist) Jessi Combs - Aug. 27 (TV Show Host) Valerie Harper - Aug. 30 (TV Actress)
SEPTEMBER Peter Lindbergh - Sept. 3 (Photographer) Carol Lynley - Sept. 3 (Movie Actress) Lashawn Daniels - Sept. 3 (Songwriter) Chris March - Sept. 5 (Fashion Designer) Jimmy Johnson - Sept. 5 (Guitarist) Robert Mugabe - Sept. 6 (World Leader) Robert Axelrod - Sept. 7 (Voice Actor) Camilo Sesto - Sept. 8 (World Music Singer) Robert Frank - Sept. 9 (Photographer) Daniel Johnston - Sept. 11 (Folk Singer) Eddie Money - Sept. 13 (Rock Singer) Ric Ocasek - Sept. 15 (Rock Singer) Phyllis Newman - Sept. 15 (Stage Actress) Suzanne Whang - Sept. 17 (TV Actress) Cokie Roberts - Sept. 17 (Journalist) Aron Eisenberg - Sept. 21 (TV Actor) Sid Haig - Sept. 21 (Movie Actor) Carl Ruiz - Sept. 21 (Chef) Robert Hunter - Sept. 23 (Songwriter) Linda Porter - Sept. 25 (TV Actor) Jacques Chirac - Sept. 26 (Politician) Jose Jose - Sept. 28 (World Music Singer) Jessye Norman - Sept. 30 (Opera Singer) Louie Rankin - Sept. 30 (Reggae Singer)
OCTOBER Karel Gott - Oct. 1 (Pop Singer) Kim Shattuck - Oct. (Rock Singer) Diahann Carroll - Oct. 4 (TV Actress) Ginger Baker - Oct. 6 (Drummer) Rip Taylor - Oct. 6 (Movie Actor) Larry Junstrom - Oct. 6 (Guitarist) David Weisman - Oct. 9 (Film Producer) *Robert Forster - Oct. 11 (Movie Actor) Kadri Gopalnath - Oct. 11 (Saxophonist) Sulli - Oct. 14 (TV Actress) Elijah Cummings - Oct. 17 (Politician) Alicia Alonso - Oct. 17 (Dancer) Bill Macy - Oct. 17 (TV Actor) Willie Brown - Oct. 22 (Football Player) Robert Evans - Oct. 26 (Film Producer) John Witherspoon - Oct. 29 (TV Actor)
NOVEMBER Rudy Boesch - Nov. 1 (Reality Star) Brian Tarantina - Nov. 2 (TV Actor) Walter Mercado - Nov. 2 (TV Show Host) Laurel Griggs - Nov. 5 (Stage Actress) Fred Cox - Nov. 20 (Football Player) Goo Hara - Nov. 24 (Pop Singer) Gary Rhodes - Nov. 26 (Chef) Godfrey Gao - Nov. 27 (Model)
DECEMBER Shelley Morrison - Dec. 1 (TV Actress) Ron Leibman - Dec. 6 (TV Actor) Juice WRLD - Dec. 8 (Rapper) Caroll Spinney - Dec. 8 (Puppeteer) Rene Auberjonois - Dec. 8 (TV Actor) Marie Fredriksson - Dec. 9 (Pop Singer) Philip McKeon - Dec. 10 (TV Actor) Danny Aiello - Dec. 12 (Movie Actor) Chuy Bravo - Dec. 14 (Reality Star) Mama Cax - Dec. 16 (Blogger) Claudine Auger - Dec. 18 (Movie Actress) Sue Lyon - Dec. 26 (Movie Actress) Don Imus - Dec. 27 (Radio Host)
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theoneicelady · 6 years ago
[18/8 22:25] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: :)
[18/8 22:25] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: No sabes cuan feliz me hace oir esas palabras de ti
[18/8 22:25] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Si si si si joder si
[18/8 22:25] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Os he hecho creerlo a todos
[18/8 22:26] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Jajaja dime pequeña si el aburrimiento es de lo que estoy enamorado
[18/8 22:26] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: No lo entiendes
[18/8 22:26] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Nunca lo haras
[18/8 22:26] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Un universo único para mi
[18/8 22:26] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Donde satisfacer mis deseos
[18/8 22:27] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Deseo matar y torturar a alguien lo creare y lo haré
[18/8 22:27] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: El universo sera mi pequeña puta
[18/8 22:27] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Si os cargo a mis espaldas es por mera diversión
[18/8 22:27] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Pero sois solo un pequeño, infino, minúsculo atisbo de mi entera diversión
[18/8 22:28] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Podré ser un crío
Y... wow Lucy relajate ¿no estas ya muy cansada como para decir todas esas cosas? ;)
[18/8 22:28] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Es un mero juego
Y ahora que tengo el poder absoluto mas
El universo ya es para mi un juego
[18/8 22:28] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: No sois mi unica diversión
[18/8 22:29] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Cuanta gente me busca
Cuan pocos me encuentran
Nadie vive para contarlo
[18/8 22:29] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Soy un crio!
Pero tengo el poder de un dios en mis manos
[18/8 22:30] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Sois solo un atisbo...
Por eso no estais solos
Tengo juguetes mayores con los que disfrutar
[18/8 22:42] Ana Alonso: God I really must be broken
[18/8 22:48] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: You are.
[18/8 22:51] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: ¿Quien dice que no es la primera vez que vivís esto?
[18/8 22:52] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Y si ya hubiera triunfado
[18/8 22:52] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Y no recordaseis nada
[18/8 22:53] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Tranquila te puedo asegurar que no
[18/8 22:54] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Aun no he tenido ese placer
[18/8 22:54] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: No sabes la cantidad de cosas que puedo hacer Lucy
[18/8 22:54] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Cambiar el destino... cambiar lo que sea...
Tantas posibilidades
[18/8 22:55] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: La eternidad se me queda corta
[18/8 22:59] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: No se puede matar a una idea
[18/8 23:00] Ana Alonso: Ay my Guy y qué idea eres tú?
[18/8 23:01] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: Una corrupta
[18/8 23:01] Alfonso JIM Moriarty: El virus en el archivo
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womencreativemusic · 6 years ago
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Hara Alonso, Spain
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