#pianta judge
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Political Themes In Mario
So there are people nowadays that complain about "politics" being "forced" in media such as Mario, whether or not this is the case. They often go on to say they just want things like Mario to be an escapist fantasy and to keep politics out. So I wanted to talk about political themes in Mario games similar to how I did for Sonic.
So to start off we have the 2 kingdoms the Mushroom and Koopa Kingdom which are constantly in conflict bringing monarchies into the mix. Peach in particular has asked Mario and Yoshi to help the Jewelry Land out from Bowser's conquest in Yoshi's Safari. She also has at least tried to met with the goodwill ambassador of the Beanbean Kingdom in Superstar Saga, she tried to deal with blorbs outbreak in Inside Story when she held a meeting, and has met with other Kingdom rulers such as Prince Florian. There is also several kings she rulers over and vast amounts of land that make up the Mushroom Kingdom such the Eastern and Western territories.
There is also the themes of exchange rates of coins and borders established in Superstar Saga. We also can't forget about the entire Koopa Army's existence. In Odyssey it is established places like New Donk City hold elections for mayors as Pauline was elected to be the mayor. Meanwhile in on Isle Delfino has an entire jury system that convicts Mario, alongside law enforcement.
In Super Mario Sunshine Bowser Junior pollutes Isle Delfino which Mario gets blamed for and has to clean up. This game as such themes are pollution ruining a beautiful island and disrupting the lifestyle of the islanders.
Speaking of pollution we can't forget about the Kremlings and how they not only polluted DK Island with Kremkroc Industries, but their homeland. As seen in Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest, Crocodile Island has a been almost completely ruined by the Kremlings create a dark polluted atmosphere. All of this creating an environmentalist theme to these games. Now while some people might say environmentalism shouldn't be regarded as political which I agree with, it has been made political by other people. With many of the people who complain about politics in media often complaining about environmentalism viewing it in media as inherently political. This is why I am including it.
On top of that there is the hypothesis the Kremlings and K. Rool particularly in the Donkey Kong Country 1 could possibly represent a real world event and person.
More on the environmentalism theming, there is the existence of the Wild Yoshi Sanctuary and possible rewilding of Yoshies. Plus dinosaurs are often made inherently political by some people because of prehistory and evolution.
Also, of the Kremling, pirates are also political because of their connection to monarchies historical, especially being true for the Kremlings.
Finally Mario and Luigi are immigrants which should be self explanatory. In the games they lived in New Donk City for a time, while in the movieverse they are Italian-American immigrants living in Brooklyn, and many continuities. Mario and Luigi are plumbers and went through many working class jobs in the past like construction, bottling, and cement. On top of that Mario fought in an unnamed war as well in Mario Bombs Away.
And one final thing Bowser especially in the movie can represent toxic masculinity and some who can never take no for an answer. Such a theme is often made inherently political by some people. Also, the way Peach is described by Miyamoto can also be viewed as inherently political by certain people who hate the mere thought of someone like Peach being like that.
#mario bros#super mario bros#mario#super mario#mario canon#mario lore#politics in mario#political themes in mario#mario environmentalism#beanbean kingdom goodwill ambassador#bowser's toxic masculinity#pirates in mario#kremkroc industries#crocodile island#kremlings#isle delfino#isle delfino pollution#pollution in mario#wild yoshi sanctuary#mario and luigi are italian american immigrants#mario and luigi are native sons of the mushroom kingdom#elections in mario's world#isle delfino jury#pianta judge#pianta jury#prince pine#prince florian#flower kingdom#jewelry land#polluted piranha plant
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Per quelle leggi siciliane non scritte per cui se hai una goccia di sangue eguale ad una singola goccia di sangue che qualchedun altro ha nel suo sangue, allora siete parenti stretti, io e Natale ci salutiamo chiamandoci “cugini”. In fondo il padre del suo bisnonno era fratello del padre della mia mitica bisnonna “Razia”, quella che componeva poesia senza saper scrivere. Per cui, ogni volta che ci incontriamo ci fermiamo a parlarci anche se io so poco e nulla della sua storia e lui ignora la mia. Eppure io invidio mio cugino Natale, più di mio cugino Mark che è stato top gun nei Marines o di mio cugino Peter che ha una Rock Band o di mia cugina Gilda che guida per ore tra i Nebrodi per visitare vecchiette immortali e neonati obesi. Natale infatti è il guardiano di uno dei più grandi DOC siciliani. È lui che applica il protocollo DOC, levando i grappoli in più per pianta, eliminando le erbacce in modo Bio, osservando il cielo di luglio per vedere se le piogge possono dare sollievo al fuoco estivo, è lui che passa tra i filari innevati a gennaio, o che invoca la pioggia d’aprile per dare forza ai grappoli. È lui che difende i filari dalla grandine di marzo e dalle ciaule affamate ad agosto, lui osserva alto nel cielo le poiane girare nel vento che viene dal mare a dare gusto e intensità agli acini. Lui pota pianta dopo pianta tutte le vigne della Scuola Agraria che produce il vino, ascolta il bollire del mosto e giudica il vino a San Martino nelle vecchie volte dell’antico convento che ospita la Scuola, decidendo con l’enologo se la qualità, l’intensità, la forza del vino appena nato rispettano la fatica spesa a crearlo. Giudica, valuta, considera, poi associa il gusto alle piogge, al vento, al sole per poter scoprirne il segreto e creare qualcosa ancora di migliore vicino a quella perfezione che la sua pelle bruciata dal sole e i suoi occhi pieni di verde e d’azzurro, pretendono.
For those unwritten Sicilian laws that say: if you have a drop of blood equal to a single drop of blood that someone else has in their blood, then you are close relatives, Natale and I greet each other by calling each other “cousins”. After all, her great-grandfather's father was the brother of the father of my legendary great-grandmother "Razia", the one who composed poetry without knowing how to write. So, every time we meet we stop to talk to each other even though I know little or nothing about his story and he ignores mine. Yet I envy my cousin Natale, more than my cousin Mark who was a top gun in the Marines or my cousin Peter who has a Rock Band or my cousin Gilda who drives for hours among the Nebrodi to visit immortal old ladies and obese newborns. In fact, Natale is the guardian of one of the greatest Sicilian DOCs. It is he who applies the DOC protocol, removing the extra bunches per plant, eliminating weeds in an organic way, observing the July sky to see if the rains can give relief to the summer fire, he is the one who passes through the snow-covered rows in January , or who calls for April rain to give strength to the grapes. It is he who defends the rows from the hail in March and from the hungry ciaulas in August, he watches high in the sky the buzzards spinning in the wind that comes from the sea to give flavor and intensity to the grapes. He prunes plant after plant all the vineyards of the Agricultural School that produces the wine, listens to the boiling of the must and judges the wine at San Martino in the old vaults of the ancient convent that houses the School, deciding with the oenologist whether the quality, the intensity, the strength of the newborn wine respect the effort spent in creating it. Judge, evaluate, consider, then associate the taste with the rain, the wind, the sun in order to discover the secret and create something even better close to that perfection that his skin burned by the sun and his eyes full of green and blue , they claim.
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Io sono un otaku di seconda generazione cioè ho coltivato una passione per manga e anime giapponesi negli anni 70-80 e sono stato poi aiutato da Figlia Grande&Moroso a rinnovarla coi prodotti che, a differenza di allora, oggi sono disponibili a valanga.
Sarò coinciso, seguitemi.
Esiste un manga, poi trasposto in anime, che adoro sopra ogni altro per la sua originalità della storia e per la caratterizzazione dei personaggi.
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure.
Può darsi abbiate visto qualcosa dell’anime sotto forma di gif o in immagine (appunto) bizzarra ma, in sintesi, è la storia dei membri di una famiglia il cui nome e cognome hanno le sillabe Jo+Jo e che attraverso gli anni scoprono e usano un potere chiamato STAND, una sorta di proiezione della loro personalità che agisce e combatte in modo (ribadisco) bizzarro.
(Star Platinum, lo Stand di JOtaro kuJO)
Questo anime mi piace così tanto che per diletto io e figlia grande giochiamo a immaginare quale possa essere lo stand di ogni persona che conosciamo, delineandone le caratteristiche e i poteri, e poi ci fermiamo lì perché io faccio schifo a disegnare (il mangaka è il suo moroso ma ha sempre troppi altri progetti per buttarmi giù almeno una bozza).
Naturalmente quelli riusciti meglio sono gli stand della nostra famiglia: il mio si chiama Heart On John e il suo attacco speciale Rocket Man (l’autore del manga usa spesso nomi di gruppi musicali, cantanti o composizioni), quello della mia compagna La regina della Notte e il suo attacco Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen, quello di figlia grande, invece, Judge Dread col suo Judgement Day...
Sembra un’idea sciocca ma posso assicurarvi che per come sono stati costruiti ne verrebbe fuori una storia molto godibile.
Se mi conoscete un po’, però, sapete che tutto quello che scrivo e mostro di me è sempre permeato da un aura divertente e ironica perché non c’è mai stata una sola volta in cui i miei problemi si siano risolti dopo un attacco di autocommiserazione... i problemi rimanevano e io avevo in più la voce rauca per i lamenti.
Nella cinematografia horror classica esiste una definizione per la figura della protagonista che sopravvive fino alla conclusione del film, che pur soffrendo terribili sciagure e torture riesce a sconfiggere lo psicopatico di turno.
Ed è questo il nome dello stand di mia figlia piccola
Più la colpisci e la ferisci, più lei diventa cazzuta e quando il tizio con la maschera da hockey o la faccia di pelle sembra avere la meglio, lei si tira su e gli pianta nel culo una motosega.
Non amo la narrazione della guerriera che sconfigge il male che la affligge perché è molto facile che più spesso ci si debba convivere, soprattutto se non si tratta di un problema fisico, ma in questo caso la motosega le è stata data e prima dei titoli di coda state sicuri che la pianterà dove deve.
Dopo 20 giorni di antibiotici sempre più potenti, antidolorifici e cortisone per febbre troppo alta e una gola che si chiudeva sempre di più, l’abbiamo portata semi-incosciente e febbricitante in pronto soccorso, da dove poi è stata trasferita d’urgenza al reparto infettivi.
Potrei divertirvi raccontandovi quello che ha fatto al triage del PS quando le ho suggerito di non minimizzare i sintomi ma anzi di esagerarli un po’ (c’erano decine di persone con taglietti del cazzo e mal di testa vari) ma quello credo meriti un post a parte... corredato del suo audio whatsapp in cui mi urla con voce roca COL CAZZO CHE FACCIO IL TEST DELL’HIV MICA SONO UNA TOSSICA EROINOMANE! e io che le spiego, cercando di non ridere, che lo somministrano di default a chi entra in quel reparto... oppure di quando non voleva consegnare la provetta col campione di feci per la coprocultura all’infermiere figo perché poi magari lo incontrava fuori.
È ancora ricoverata, sta un po’ meglio e molto probabilmente si tratta di cytomegalovirus o mononucleosi con manifestazione severa, però se quello che non ti uccide ti rende più forte, magari adesso anche basta.
Comunque questa è lei, la mia Final Girl
E a casa stiamo aspettando tutti di vederla ritornare mentre ripulisce la sua motosega dal sangue dello stronzo che ha avuto la pessima idea di intralciarle il cammino.
Perdonate la melodrammaticità e il colpo di scena acchiappalike ma in realtà volevo solo sfogarmi e sdrammatizzare un po’... e oramai ben sapete che io ci riesco solo in questo modo :)
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Unico medico del popolo fu, per mille anni, la strega. Imperatori, re, papi, i più ricchi baroni avevano qualche dottore di Salerno, qualche moro o ebreo; ma la grande massa, un po’ tutti e d’ogni condizione, consultavano solo la Saga o Saggia-donna. Non guarendo, la insultavano e le dicevano strega. Ma di solito, per rispetto e anche timore, la chiamavano Buonadonna o Belladonna: lo stesso nome dato alle fate. Le capitò quanto ancora capita alla sua pianta preferita, la belladonna, e alle pozioni benefiche da lei usate, rimedi dei grandi flagelli del medioevo. Il ragazzo e l’ignaro passante maledicono queste livide erbe senza conoscerle. I colori indefiniti li terrorizzano. Arretrano, s’allontanano. Eppure si tratta solo di lenitivi (solanacee) che, somministrati con misura, hanno spesso guarito e alleviato molti mali. Li trovate nei luoghi più sinistri, solitari e pericolosi, tra macerie e ruderi. Anche in questo somigliano a chi li utilizzava. Dove se non in lande selvagge avrebbe potuto vivere quell’infelice così perseguitata, quella maledetta, reproba, avvelenatrice che guariva e salvava? La sposa promessa del diavolo e del Male in persona, colei che ha fatto tanto del bene, come dice il gran dottore del Rinascimento Paracelso: che, nel 1527, fece a Basilea un falò di tutta la medicina, dichiarando di non sapere niente oltre a quanto appreso dalle streghe. Meritavano un premio. L’ebbero. Le compensarono con torture e roghi. S’escogitarono appositi supplizi, inediti strazi. Venivano giudicate in massa e condannate per una parola. Mai ci fu più spreco di vite umane. (Jules Michelet , La strega)
art by_rajanandepu_ ********************************** The only doctor of the people was the witch for a thousand years. Emperors, kings, popes, the richest barons had some doctors from Salerno, some Moors or Jews; but the great mass, a bit of everyone and of every condition, consulted only the Saga or Wise-woman. Not healing, they insulted her and called her witch. But usually, out of respect and even fear, they called her Buonadonna or Belladonna: the same name given to her fairies. He happened to her what still happens to her favorite plant, belladonna, and to the beneficial potions she used, remedies for the great scourges of the Middle Ages. The boy and the unsuspecting passer-by curse these livid herbs without knowing them. Indefinite colors terrify them. They retreat, they move away. Yet it is only soothing (solanaceous) which, administered with measure, have often cured and alleviated many ailments. You can find them in the most sinister, lonely and dangerous places, among rubble and ruins. Also in this they resemble those who used them. Where if not in the wilderness could she have lived that unhappy person so persecuted, that cursed, reprobate, poisoner who healed and saved? The promised bride of the devil and Evil himself, she who did so much good, as the great Renaissance doctor Paracelsus says: who, in 1527, made a bonfire of all medicine in Basel, declaring that she knew nothing besides what I learned from the witches. They deserved an award. They had it. They compensated them with torture and burning. Special tortures were devised, unprecedented torments. They were judged en masse and condemned for one word. Never was there more waste of human life. (Jules Michelet, The Witch)
art by_rajanandepu_
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Decided to re-play Super Mario Sunshine this time, on the original hardware since I can do that once more!
--Evil Mario be like [paints hazardous gloop everywhere in the hopes that Real Mario will be mistakenly incarcerated for these actions]
--You might say that guys like Strollin’ Stu and Electro-Koopa are like Goomba and Koopa Troopa [Alolan Form] so they were doing that before it was cool
--At that age, I think I resented Bowser Jr. to some extent because of liking/missing the Koopalings. But now, they live together in harmony, so that’s nice
--The Koopalings were away at college during this period
--So where’s Mario’s apology from Judge Pianta at the end? Well, Mario’s never coming to *this* island again
--Actually, I wondered what F.L.U.D.D. was doing there at the runway at the beginning; did the first boss eat the original owner. Mario just takes it; it’s his now
#Super Mario Sunshine#Isle Delfino#Mario#Princess Peach#Gamecube#Nintendo#Toadsworth#Pianta#Noki#Bowser Jr.#Shadow Mario#graffiti#gloop#Grouvee#memory card#FLUDD
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Mini Fanfic #813: Moms in the Hotsprings (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
9:13 p.m. at the Hotsprings, the Girls Section......
Daisy: (Looking Closely at the Picture Samus is Showing her and Everyone Else) Uhh...Sammy, who are we looking at exactly?
Samus: (Points at the Woman in Question) The woman with the blue hair is Dark Samus. Apparently she could morph into my facial and body appearance into her only image.
Tifa: (Eyes Widened in a Bit of Surprise) Wait. She can do that this entire time?
Samus: (Sighs While Shrugging) Well, she does have the Phazon DNA in her system. It might as well be effective since she managed to get all the guys fawning over her at the beach earlier. Even Ridley's fallen for her....
Everyone: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) RIDLEY!?
Samus: Yeah. Him. Me, Foxy, and Hades saw him walked over there and starts singing her some love song with a acoustic guitar.
Peach: Aww~ That's..... somewhat romantic of him.
Samus: (Starts Rolling her Eyes in a Bit of Disgust) Yeah. And I hated every minute of it already. Like, out of all the people she could've transform into, why does it always have to be me?
Palutena: Well, you are the one she recognize the most.
Bayonetta: And let's not sit here and forget the fact that you, ma'am, are a full package yourself.
Samus: I mean.....I get it, but that doesn't make it any less creepy, you know?
Rosalina/Daisy: Yeah.....
Tifa: You do have a point there.....
Bayonetta:It is kinda creepy....
Palutena: Uh-huh.
Peach: It's best not to let it bother you too much, Sammy. Stress is never really a good thing you know?
Samus: ('Sigh') Yeah. I'll try not let them piss me off that easily. Speaking of which....(Turns to Peach) How are you enjoying this vacation so far, Peach?
Peach: (Smiles Softly) I'm really loving it so far. Coming back here after all this time, feels nostalgic and wonderful. (Frowns a Little) Despite how rude and a bit infuriating the Piantas are....
Daisy: They are really pissing you off lately, aren't they?
Peach: Not as much as they did on the first day we came here. But I've always had a vendetta against them ever since the day they arrested Mario. When we were in the courtroom for the trial, they've never bothered giving us a lawyer.
Rosalina: ('GASPS')
Palutena: WHAT!?
Daisy: NOOO!
Tifa: I can't believe it!
Samus: Damn.
Bayonetta: It was really that bad, darling?
Peach: (Starts Pinching her Nose While Sighing Frustratedly at the Memory) Yeah. It was. It literally took me twelve and a half minutes to try and learn the simple basics of being one myself. But even THAT became pointless in the end when the judge, for some reason, never once answer to objections! It was a rigged, unfair trial and it ticked me off to no. END!! (Slams her Hands on the Water)
Rosalina: (Immediately Rushes Over and Gently Massages Peach's Shoulders to Calm Her Down) It's okay, dear. Just calm down for us, okay?
Daisy: Yeah, cuz. Stress is never a good thing remember?
Everyone Else: (Nodded in Agreement)
Peach: (Stares at the Other Ladies For a Brief Second Before Sighing Once More While Finally Calming Herself Down) You're right..... There's no point getting at something like this.... I'm sorry, girls.
Rosalina: (Hugs Peach With a Reassuring Smile on her Face) You have nothing to apologize for, Peach. It's okay.
Daisy: (Joins in on The Hug) Yeah, cuz. We understand how you feel about all of this completely.
Samus: (Joins in on the Group Hug Along With Palutena, Tifa, and Bayonetta) For now, let's just keep enjoying the rest of our vacation together, alright?
Peach: (Heart Begins to Melt in Happiness Before Nodded in Agreement) Right! (Happily Hugs her Girls Back) I love you girls so much~
Daisy/Tifa: Awwww~
Bayonetta: Sweetheart~
Palutena: We love you too-
Ren/Dark Pit: (Other Side of the Room) PIT!?
Palutena: (Gasps Before Immediately Starts Getting Worried) Boys!?
Bayonetta: (Gets Worried as Well) Are you doing okay in there, sweethearts!?
Ren: Y-Yeah! We're fine, moms! Don't worry!
Peach: Are you sure?
Dark Pit: Yeah! W-We're just about to head out right now!
Peach: Okay!
The Ladies: WE LOVE YOU!~
Ren: We love you too!
Palutena: (Turns Back to the Girls).Do you think we should go into the other side and make sure they're alright?
Bayonetta: I don't think that will be necessary, dear. They did say that they we're about to head out..
Peach: True.....All in favor of checking up.on them in their rooms once we leave here: say 'aye'?
Everyone: AYE!
#super smash ultimate#peach#daisy#rosalina#samus aran#bayonetta#palutena#tifa lockhart#ren amimaya#dark pit#ridley (mentioned)#dark samus (mentioned)#mario (mentioned)#the piantas (mentioned)#certified moms#hot springs#humor#lots and lots of fluff here#sweet family moment#girl talk#isle defino vacation#edited
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Pauline: Ace Attorney!
I did this last year (so now I’m seeing some mistakes, but I still like it nonetheless), but somehow never posted it! Her look is entirely based on her mayor design from Mario Odyssey, ya see? She has the suit, she has the badge, she even has a bracelet like Apollo! Poses were inspired by both ace attorney characters (like Mia) and her owns.
I am planning to make Luigi as a very stressed and scared witness, the pianta judge from Super Mario Sunshine as a... judge, and I might have other plans for the future! What do you think of this crossover? Would you like to see more of it? Have you any characters ideas or requests, or perhaps would you like to see the characters (like Pauline) interact with the original Ace Attorney cast (I’m thinking of Edgeworth for exemple)?
#ace attorney#Mario#crossover#Pauline#mario odyssey#super mario odyssey#Phoenix Wright#mayor pauline#fan art#fanart#art#nintendo#Capcom#drawing#digital drawing#digital art#the-elisakou#the-elisakou's drawings
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Mario/Peach Fic Rough Draft
Tasteful flower arrangements and buffets flanked by smaller round tables had transformed the palace courtyard from a spot for solitary reflection into somewhere guests were entertained. Clustered people engaged in conversation wherever room permitted, though no one had taken a seat yet. A semicircular bar guarded the southern side of the fountain, staffed by three Mushroom people. Servers used the bar as a kind of base, but spent most of their time flitting between guests and tables.
Most in attendance were Mushroom people or humans. There were a trio of Tostarenans noticeable because of their neon colored skull-like heads and short stature and a single Pianta with blue skin, his long nose jutting out from under the tree that grew from the top of his domed head. The ease with which Mario had become used to creatures that had no parallel on Earth was amazing, but everything on this side of the warp pipe was bit jarring.
If only he could get used to the reverent splendor of the Mushroom Kingdom and its Princess.
The kind of parties that Mario knew typically took place in cramped rent controlled apartments or the darkened spaces of Brooklyn bars that might have been built in repurposed alleyways. He never would have dreamed he would attend something hosted by royalty just a few short years ago.
You also didn’t think you would be breathing the same air as or get a kiss from an honest to God Princess, yet here we are.
His suit sleeves felt rigid and unnatural because of how he was holding his drink up near his chest. It had been some time since he last wore a suit and he felt the need to get a new one for this occasion. He considered letting his arm down to his side and pinching his fingers around the rim of the glass, but years of rooting around in muck as a plumber still made him cautious about the idea of touching a drink with his fingers right where he would be putting his mouth. It was different for food, he didn’t understand the strange quirk, but it was something that he didn’t think he would be able to alter anytime soon.
A chime of laughter broke through the monotony of the distant conversation and clanking dishes. Princess Peach stood on the middle landing of the wide grand staircase that led back into the castle with her head tossed back in enthused laugh. While most of the women in attendance styled their hair up in buns pinned in roll at the back of their head Peach wore her blonde hair down. It cascaded off her bare shoulders and down to the middle of her back.
The crown that she usually wore was accented by a ring of pastel flowers that stayed firmly in place even as she looked down at a pair of children. One of them was tugging on her dress and she turned to the side, her laughing turning into a smile as she addressed them. Mario couldn’t tell if she knew these children otherwise. It was hard to judge with Princess Peach—she had a way of making everyone feel welcome.
Peach stepped in close to the kids and sank down into a squat, presumable so she was at eye level with them. The dress she wore today wasn’t something Mario had seen before; a pink off the shoulder dress that has a much flatter, more ruffled skirt than usual and fell to the midway point between her knee and ankle. She rested her slender, pale arms over her lap (no gloves today) as she spoke to the children.
Though she was across the courtyard he could tell by her smile and the way she squinted her eyes until the skin at the sides of her nose crinkled that she was sharing some irreverent, endearing tidbit with the kids.
Mario lifted the cap off of his head, smoothed his hair back, and placed the hat soundly back into place. It would have felt wrong without something up there. The gray newsboy cap wasn’t quite the same, but it offered a kind of comfort.
Better not stare, someone might notice.
He glanced at a waiter passing with a tray propped up on the bulbous pileus of its head. Mario had come to learn that the Mushroom people’s heads and the patterns and spots on them had all kinds of meanings to them both superstitious and founded in hard fact.
Movement out of the corner of his eye caused Mario to glance in the direction that the waiter had headed. Daisy’s orange dress seemed like a flare in the middle of the pastel and floral print of the worn by everyone else at the party. The big floppy orange hat perched atop her hair bounced as she wove her way around obstacles and people in her bid to get to Mario.
Without slowing her pace, she spun, plucked a pair of champagnes from the tray and used the back of hand to push the sunglasses up the bridge of her nose. “I guess it’s sad boy hour over here,” Daisy said before downing one of the champagne flutes.
“Those white trays are for non alcoholic beverages.” Mario kept his eyes forward, not looking at her as he spoke.
Daisy tilted her head down over the glass, letting the liquid empty back into the glass. “This is the worst thing to ever happen to me. And I was kidnapped by fucking aliens once. Is Peaches tying to poison me?” She said as she poured the contents of both flutes into a bush just behind the raised dais where they stood.
“Maybe you could slow down? I can smell vodka on you from here,” Mario said.
“Oh, a bird shit on my dress and I used the vodka to clean it off. I wouldn’t drink that cheap bilge-water they’re serving over there.”
Daisy glanced around as if expecting to see someone. Mario already knew what the next thing out of her mouth was going to be”
“Where’s your sexy brother?”
That hadn’t been how he had thought she would phrase it. “You know how Luigi is about crowds.”
“Right. He’ll eventually turn up.”
Mario nodded.
“Why don’t you stop moping in the corner and go talk to her?”
“And say what?” Mario asked.
“Whatever you normal-types say to each other. She likes you. She claims you’re dating now and here you are hiding from her like one of those little fat ghosts with the nub hands,” Daisy said.
“They’re called Boos. You’ve spent time with several of them over the years; you’ve got one’s number in your cellphone.”
“Know what your problem is?” Daisy asked.
Mario didn’t have time to answer before she leaned in closer to him, the smell of alcohol mixed with floral perfume dominating the air around her.
“You’re hung up in the minutiae of every situation. Go try to put your arm around her while she chats with those children, maybe grab a drink and try to have a little fun? Who knows, maybe she’ll let you turn her guts inside out.“ She said the last part very quickly and before he could cut in or correct her she waved a hand at him.
“—I need to go find something to drink before I have to suck this vodka out of my dress. There is too many boring people out here for me to remain sober.” Daisy rushed off toward the bar in a frantic pace, leaving the glasses resting on the railing behind where she had been standing.
Mario lifted the glass to his lips and drank; the after being clutched in his hand for so long the liquid had warmed considerably, but he found it was often better to have something to take the edge off the things Daisy said.
She wasn’t wrong though.
It was rare that Daisy lied. He wasn’t sure that she had enough shame to know that she should really omit things in most cases. The lies she had told might have just been out of some sense of needing to conceal something for someone else or honest mistakes.
Daisy believed deep down that Mario was right for Peach and that her efforts in talking to him would help. Mario finished his drink and wandered near enough to the bar to exchange his glass for another. For a moment his reflection was visible in one of the decorations on the bar and he noticed his mustache looked a little frazzled. He reached inside of the breast pocket of his coat and plucked out a comb. Careful to tilt it just right to go with the grain of the hair he brushed down and away from his nose in clean, even strokes.
Peach leaned in beside him trying to rest her butt against the bar, but it was obvious that she connected to it with a bit more force than she intended and cause the whole thing to rock. One of the Mushroom People behind the bar grasped it to steady things.
“Oops! My apologies! Sorry, sorry!” Peach went to grab one of the glasses in a bid to keep it from falling over, but she bumped it onto its side instead. “Oh no, I am so sorry—this is my fault.”
A bushy eyebrowed Mushroom Person gave her a deep, close-lipped grin. “It’s fine Your Highness, we’re all used to your little accidents by now.”
Redness crept across the space on either side of Peach’s nose. While he had been admiring her with a kind of starstruck awe from across the room, being this close to her was like staring into the sun. Peach seemed to glow with more than just embarrassment as she pressed a slender hand to one cheek, the blue jeweled ring on her index finger catching the sunlight.
Right, the spill.
Mario tore his eyes away from her and spun to grab for a bar cloth. He pushed in close to Peach where the spill was and mopped it up. “Excuse me, Your Highness. I’ve got that,” he said hurriedly brushing the ice into his hand and depositing it into the glass.
The color in her cheeks faded as she turned to help. She took the glass and sat it behind the bar on the lower shelf before letting out a truncated giggle. Her blonde bangs had were pressed to one side, she seemed to notice at that same moment and used her fingers to fan them back out. She moved a tendril of hair away from her cheek, tucking it back over her ear.
“I haven’t seen you around here before.” She brought the hand that had been up by her ear down to rest against the side of her neck and her bright, blue eyes searched his face before nerves or something else got the best of her and she averted her gaze.
Somehow Peach was both graceful and awkward; he guessed that she fought to compose herself most of the time, but he had seen the woman trip over literally nothing while simply walking around. The only person he could think of less prone to accidents was Luigi.
“Very smooth, Your Highness,” Mario said with a smile. He left bar rag and took the time to remove his hat.
“You’re actually not allowed to call me that,” she said.
“Uh-uh. It’s Peach, just Peach.” She shook closed her eyes and shook her head.
“Daisy only calls me that because when she was a little she had a speech impediment and couldn’t seem to say my name without messing it up. But I will be sure to let her know you’re making fun of her.”
“Don’t put me back in Daisy’s crosshairs…”
“Ha, you’re actually so scared of her! I won’t tell if you do me a favor and walk me around the back gardens.” Peach offered her elbow out to him as she often did when she wanted her to loop his arm through hers.
So he did.
“We hardly got to talk today so I’d—well I think I’d like that,” Mario said. Peach smelled like perfume, some scent that they didn’t seem to have on earth or if they did not one he could place, and sugar and flour from baking earlier.
“We haven’t had time together because you always seem to be as far from as this garden will allow.”
Now Mario was sure that there was some redness in his face. He moved to put his hat back on, hoping it would hide some of the color.
“Toadsworth!” Peach called to her steward.
Toadsworth was an older looked Mushroom Person with brown spots on the cap of his head, unlike most of the others of his race that part of his head was beige. He had a bushy mustache that concealed the bottom half of his face and when he spoke his words were always slightly muffled.
“Yes, Princess?” He said turning, his weight rested partially on a cane at his side.
“Can you watch things here for me? Mario is taking me on a romantic stroll.”
Mario swallowed. How even she shade from his cap’s brim wouldn’t hide the redness in his face. He could feel the heat bubbling up and a shiver shot through him.
#mario bros#supermariobros#super mario bros#princess peach#fanfic#fan fiction#just peachy#mario#mario and luigi#luigi#princess daisy#daisy#mushroom kingdom#mario fandom#rough draft#my writing#toadsworth#short fiction#short story#creative writing#writers of tumblr
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Amare è – To love is
Amare è Il valore dell’amore, quello vero è che esso sia incondizionato, non un prendere, sottrarre o un modo subdolo di aggrapparsi come una pianta saprofita. Amare è sia accogliere che permettere di ricevere dagli altri; se si fosse chiusi, orgogliosi, reattivi al ricevere allora si crede di essere bastevoli a se stessi. In realtà siamo interconessi, in un reticolo infinito di energie, di legami che possono essere luce, armonia, equaminità se siamo capaci di trascendere il” tuo ” e ” mio”. Manifestazione di un amore universale che superi questo piano è il capire che non si devono sfruttare gli altri per propri bisogni egotici ma si deve sempre cercare la purificazione interiore al fine di donare il meglio che possiamo a noi stessi e di conseguenza agli altri. Il cammino interiore è una continua evoluzione, una scoperta in cui se si sanno mettere in moto degli atteggiamenti di lettura profonda e di attenzione, di spostamento verso l’accoglienza delle esperienze come frutto di arricchimento si impara che persino l’offerta ( volontaria) di una goccia possa portare nutrimento agli altri, ma che sia perchè devvero si avverte questa spinta e non per nutrire un nostro ego. Quanto si è partecipi ai nostri meccanismi interiori, comprendendoli ed accogliendoli per quello che sono, senza giudizio, si è capaci di ” separare” quel che nuoce da quel che alimenta senza per questo farne motivo di separatezza, si dice che anche il buio contenga la luce, in fondo è vero, nel Tao gli opposti sono perfettamente complementari ma per trovare equaminità si deve anche saper trovare unità e non vedere tutto in base al nostro ” io” ma con un’ampiezza molto più grande dove ogni persona si possa cogliere su un suo personale percorso dove ogni esperienza è necessità perchè maturi. La legge del karma ad esempio, nasce perchè sia proficua l’esperienze e l’occasione per modificare atteggamenti egotici. Spesso è la sofferenza la porta principale che conduca al non attaccamento e alla compassione. 22.08.2007 Poetyca Love is The value of love, the real one is that it is unconditional, not a take, steal or a sneaky way we cling like a plant saprophyte. To love is to accept that it is possible to receive from others, if it were closed, proud, responsive to receiving then is believed to be sufficient in themselves. In reality we are interconnected in a lattice of infinite energy, bonds that can be light, harmony, equaminità if we are able to transcend the “Your” and “mine”. Manifestation of a universal love that goes beyond this plan is the understanding that you need to exploit others for their own needs egotic but you should always check the interior purification to give the best we can for ourselves and others accordingly. The inner journey is a continuous evolution, a discovery that set in motion if you know the attitudes of deep reading and attention, of moving towards the acceptance of experience as a result of enrichment we learn that even the offer (voluntary) of a drop can bring food to others, but that is why there is this drive really am and not to feed an ego. As you share our inner workings, to understand and accept what they are, without judging, we are able to “separate” that which is harmful by what it feeds without reason, of separation, is said to also contain the dark light, it is true, in the Tao opposites are perfectly complementary, but to find equaminità must also be able to find unity and not see everything in accordance with our “I” but with an amplitude much larger where each person can pick up a personal approach where every experience is necessary because mature. The law of karma, for example, was created to be fruitful because the experience and the opportunity to change attitudes egotism. Often the pain is the main gate leading to non-attachment and compassion. 22.08.2007 Poetyca
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i discovered that i can do a perfect impression of the pianta judge from Super Mario Sunshine sentencing Mario to clean up Isle Delfino for his crimes
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Judge pianta: You are to stay on our island for as long as it takes to clean it up!
Mario: oh no! *Throws on some sunglasses* anyways
So, I'm playing through Super Mario Sunshine for the first time, and I just find it funny that the piantas sentence Mario to a lavish island untill he cleans it up like some sort of punishment.
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coltivare marijuana fuori
Quando i carabinieri sono entrati in quell'abitazione an Elmas, li hanno sorpresi mentre controllavano la sera e si prendevano cura di quelle piante di marijuana. La cannabis (canapa) non è una droga, è una pianta. Appare evidente come tale intervento sia stato mosso dall'esigenza di regolamentare il fenomeno della cosiddetta cannabis light che, nell'arco di un anno, ha dimostrato di costituire un fenomeno mediatico, culturale e prima di tutto economico. Come regola generale, le piante di marijuana richiedono condizioni ben specifiche, in modo da poter garantire una singola crescita appropriata e produttiva. Nell'area mediterranea dell'Europa, per esempio, puoi seminare il primo raccolto tra metà aprile e gli inizi di maggio, quando è terminato il arco di tempo di freddo gelido ed quando le giornate vengono effettuate più lunghe. Alcune banche semi stanno sperimentando con fama le varietà ruderalis incrociandole con indica e sativa e producendo con ibridi autofiorenti forti, su i quali possiamo fare affidamento ed facili da mantenere. La coltivazione tuttora canapa è fortemente stagionale se in campo aperto, si semina an inizio primavera e dà possibilità di una seconda tornata a stagione avanzata. I semi autofiorenti sono specie di cannabis che contengono la varietà ruderalis nei loro geni. Qualora molti pensano che lo sia, è per via di una cattiva interpretazione della legge sullo spaccio di stupefacenti 1. Nel nostro Paese, perciò, dicono che sia possibile coltivare la canapa, seguendo determinate prescrizioni. A tal proposito è fattibile avviare coltivazioni di canapa light sul territorio italiano, ma chiedendo l'autorizzazione per tutte quelle piante il quale hanno un tasso vittoria THC superiore allo 0, 2%. La Canapa si semina vittoria regola da aprile ad maggio ma può essere piantata alche fino ai primi di giugno ove si desidera farla rimanere bassa. Se chiedi an un giovane che fa uso di cannabis chi è un tossicodipendente ti risponderà ‘quello quale fa uso di eroina'. In indoor, una volta che nel modo gna piante hanno raggiunto la dimensione desiderata, il coltivatore cambia il timer da 18 ore di luce a 12 ore successo luce al giorno, provocando la fioritura. Nelle zone dove nel modo che giornate calde, secche e soleggiate si mantengono magro ad ottobre, si saranno in grado di coltivare varietà Sativa in assenza di troppi problemi. Like the Rastafari, some modern Gnostic Christian sects have asserted that Cannabis is the Tree of Life. Prosecutor Marco Gallina (as a coincidence, Gallina” means hen” in Italian) would be willing to believe this version, but if the judge is to believe this as well, remains to be seen. In passato si credeva che una singola pianta di marijuana in casa per uso personale poteva essere coltivata e effettivamente era così ( la legge non aveva ancora fatto chiarezza in merito). La cannabis è una pianta altamente adattabile. Con semi super silver haze autofiorenti si ottengono alcune tra le migliori varietà successo Cannabis Light presenti sul mercato. Normalmente, una varietà vittoria marijuana autofiorente avvia la propria fase di fioritura dopo 30 giorni dalla semina.
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Mario character tier list (tentative)
(ORIGINALLY WRITTEN 7/2/16) edited 5/18/17
Top tier, in no order (look at bottom for key)
Mario -Obviously
Peach - Obviously despite having few playable roles in non-spin off games. Still, almost always the center of the conflict.
Bowser - As far as villain roles obviously. Playability wise? Only in spin-offs.
Luigi - obvious especially in platformer games though his 3D game track record is spotty for some reason. Also obviously a main stay in any spinoff game.
Yoshi - although usually as a supporting character. Characterization is not always consistent. Sometimes he can talk normally, other times not, but he's always cheerful and loyal.
Toad - usually as a supporting character. Yes I realize he's a composite character of sorts. Toads are normally cowardly at best which is probably why Buckenberry and Alagold (Blue and yellow toad from NSMBWii and WiiU) were created to give different looking Toads a heroic roll. Captain Toad is the exception, but he is NOT the same character as the normal canonical Toad, although the canonical Toad IS in Super Mario 3D World appearing blue as nod to SMB2 (which is also the canonical Toad, dream work logic be darned.)
Wario- borderline (has own franchise, but it's distinct from Mario) If he would appear in more main-series games he wouldn't be borderline. Now though, he's more likely to show in a spin off but more significant appearances and his own franchise make he far more major than Waluigi for instance.
DK-borderline. He's a bit of a cross-over character, with is his own distinct franchise. He doesn't appear a lot in main-series games but because of his historical history with Mario, I let him in this category.
Rosalina: The newest addition. Has very significant appearances in the Galaxy franchise. She even has a backstory of sorts. And since then, has had a pretty consistent spin off appearances. Basicly, she accomplished in just the Wii through WiiU era what Daisy couldn’t do since the Gameboy era!!!
Bowser Junior: Main stay despite being a relatively new addition compared to others. Replaced the Koopalings completely for a while, and now exists along side them while Nintendo embarrassingly tries to retcon facts, but that’s another topic. Anyway, he has plenty of main series rolls as a mini boss and plenty of spin off rolls since creation.
Not Tier 1
Daisy: Sorry fans. No hate, but Daisy is a spin-off queen. She had one early main roll in an oft forgotten game and then became a spin-off mainstay from Mario Tennis (?) onward. Nintendo is clearly not interested in making her a tier one since Rosalina seems to be taking the spot of “second princess”.
Koopalings: At least now they aren’t. Very borderline. In the NES and SNES era they were unquestionably main villains with Bowser, however their almost complete disappearance from N64 to Wii era hurt things. Now though, they have had sudden revival in a few main series games and several spin-offs. If I was judging the complete history of the characters, they would make the list, but looking at the way Nintendo views them now? Not really. Maybe if they keep up the recent appearances.
Diddy Kong: A tier one from DK’s perspective, but nowhere else. Somewhat frequent spin off appearances, but only since the GameCube era, giving him a disadvantage compared to most. Also like, zero main series appearances I believe.
Waluigi: Sorry again fans. No hate, but same story as Daisy, only he has never had a main roll at all! The spin off King and most likely staying that way.
Birdo: Has a early main roll in SMB2, mostly a spin-off mainstay since. Often included to give Yoshi a partner.
Toadette: Debuted a lot later than some of the others (which hurts her case a bit) in MK:DD but since she's appears a bit as a spin-off option in some games and occasionally in others like Paper Mario. Unfortunately, she had a bit of a dry spell from the Wii era onward and her WiiU era game appearances are few.
Toadsworth: A spin off character mostly. Main series rolls are always very minor in the grand scheme of things, and even in spin offs he mostly is around to worry about Peach’s well being.
RPG characters and bosses: Fawful, and others.
Kamek: Borderline, but definitely on the not tier 1 side. Has lots of appearances though, but not quite enough to be truly top material. Part of the issue is that a lot of time generic Magikoopas are used instead of Kamek while looking identical to him, and Yoshi’s Island remains his biggest most notable roll.
Petey Piranha: A strange addition. Debuted Gamecube era and for a while he was a semi-frequent spin off additon. Similar to Toadette, only a bit worse off in that Wii era and onward appearances are rare.
Professor E. Gadd : Spin off. Mostly relating to Luigi’s mansion but has a few odd appearances elsewhere as a professor.
Main-series: A Mario game that isn't a spin-off. Any of the Super Mario bros and 3D games will count. Puzzle games, racing, party, sports does NOT. This matters, because Nintendo specifically puts certain characters in one kind of game and not others. This also matters because (until recently) Nintendo would show a lot more restraint in these games compared to the oddball stuff you might see in spin-offs.
Spin-off: Puzzle, sports, racings, etc. games with Mario plastered on somewhere. Nintendo has a LOT of liberty in the character choices in these games. Depending on the exact game, you may get to play as characters you'd never otherwise like Goombas or Piantas.
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