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That time we got married at the National Aquarium in Baltimore. Happy anniversary to my husband! I don't post about my husband much, but these photos perfectly depict our relationship. He's my best friend, my support system, my cheerleader, and the literal yin to my yang. (No really.. his 5/1 Sacral Gen chart completely mirrors my 4/6 Self-projected Projector chart.) Our relationship has been one of the most healing parts of my life, and it continues to drive both of us to more healing every single day. I'm so thankful to be able to share my healing journey with all of you, but also to be able to overcome my fear of posting my wedding photos again - because yall deserve to see the fun and the happy 🥰 . . . . #bodypositivejourney #elevatingconsciousness #midsizegal #listentoyoursoul #selfawarenessjourney #consciousbusiness #modelplussize #createyourhappiness #followyourintuition #confidentwoman #decluttermylife #itstartswithyou #bodypositivitymovement #coachforwomen #keepgoingstrong #emotionalrelease #hotgirlbumer #bossbabemindset #beautybeyondsize #mindsetcoaches #selfloveproject #lookhotatanysize #spiritualbusinesscoach #femaleceos #feminineembodimentcoach #purposefullife #highestgood #lovingmyself #generationalhealing #midsizecollective (at National Aquarium) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTz-qSepSe5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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When you are feeling stressed, worry overwhelmed, disorganized, pressured and anxious you have to stop and ask yourself; Why am I feeling like this? What is making me feel this way? How do I really want to feel? Write the answer in your journal. For example; If laundry is overwhelming you, then consider getting rid of clothing that you don't love anymore for your entire family so you will have less clothes to wash, or get a plan in place for how you can stay on top of the laundry to eliminate that feeling of overwhelm. You can do this for anything in your life that you want to change your feelings about. This is where the hard work and brave work take place choosing to feel good in your life creates a beautiful life. #momlife #decluttermylife #sahm #christianmom #momprenuer #blackhomeschoolmom #christianwife #qoutesoftheday #singlemom #mumlife #domesticdiva #homemaker #homeschoolmom #selfcare #blackgirlmagic #blackhomemaker #melaninhomemaker #melaninhomeschoolmom #momboss #christianhomemaker #homeschoolingmoma #blackmombloggers #femininehomemaker #christiansinglemoma https://www.instagram.com/p/CKRKDUcsRMl/?igshid=11ezojhewqfdi
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Decluttering my bathroom sink with the help of @holsterbrands 😍 It can also be used to hold crafting supplies, kitchen tools, etc! 😁 Get it on @amazon by typing this URL into your browser: bit.ly/hotironholster 💁♀️ #holsterbrands 🎁 #sponsored 🛍 SWIPE RIGHT 👉 to see the unboxing 🎁 Wearing @wearsoftwear 😍 #elainerau #ladybossblogger . . . . . #shoptrendship #declutter #decluttering #DeclutterYourLife #Decluttered #Declutter365 #DeclutterChallenge #DeclutterMyLife #DeclutteringMyLife #declutterexpert #declutteringisfun #declutteringlife #declutterer #declutterindia #declutteryourheart #declutteryourhome #declutterdigital #declutteryourlifein2020 #declutterwithme #DeclutterEdition #DeclutterMySouldotcom #declutterMySoul #declutteringtips #declutteringsolutions #declutterforcharity #DeclutterYourOffice (at LadyBossBlogger) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8APGzlJyLm/?igshid=1ib2mwzalawfw
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Small walk-in closets or secondary closets or your kid's closet-- it can definitely hold more with an adjustable, custom system! ⠀ *⠀ *⠀ Adding drawers and tilt out hampers, with plenty of shelving! And adjustable hanging rods for your growing family!⠀ *⠀ *⠀ #customclosets #kidscloset #walkinclosets #closetgoals #dreamcloset #reachincloset #closet #kids #declutter #declutteryourlife #52weekorganizedhomechallenge #decluttercloset #kidsclosets #declutteringcloset #closetclutter #clutterfree #kidsclothes #clutter #kidsclothing #decluttermylife #declutterclothes #decluttering #decluttered #clothes #organization #clothesclutter #momlife #closets (at Liberty Hill, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7hU_uWlwYr/?igshid=19q7k5ij5eljo
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There was a time in my life where I realized I just had too much stuff and more things kept coming all the time... I knew I had to do something about it, but between the clutter and commitments and the superfluous distractions, I believed I just didn't have the time to do it. Just thinking about it was exhausting😓 Making space in your life for what really matters may be even trickier than decluttering physical things. But it is worth it. Every second of it! I promise you, you'll declutter your life in the most meaningful way.🙏🏼 - - #declutterlikeamother #declutteryourlife #declutteryourmind #decluttermylife #konmariemethod #konmariconsultants #gratitudepractice #gratitudeisamost #meaningfullife (at Lane Cove) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4izaFCgEol/?igshid=1fo3p9onuueyx
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#thinkitovershorty #metime #decluttermylife https://www.instagram.com/p/ByemydZATO3JxTa5sbUKYJ4HvgFdZNRtSTvjUE0/?igshid=8fkglwe863ur
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Dude!!!! 😳😳 . This is life changing!! . Y'all could've told me!! . I'll never be the same!! 😍 . Dear, @swiffer ...I ❤ you!!! . . . . . . . . . . . #mariekondomethod #tidyingup #Declutter #decluttering #DeclutterYourLife #Decluttered #Declutter365 #DeclutterChallenge #DeclutterMyLife #DeclutteringMyLife #declutteringlife #declutterer #declutteryourhome #declutteringtips #DeclutterYourOffice #clutterfree #Cleanup #cleanuptime #cleanupcrew #cleanups #cleanupnice #cleanupsunday #cleanupgood #cleanupthatmess #mariekondo #thatdamnscale #declutter #cleartheclutter #declutteryourlife #dustingofsnow https://www.instagram.com/p/BvHbaTVBp_I/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sdj3acsifggz
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#crpsawareness when life gives you 🍋 sort your life out. I have decided since I’m struggling at the moment, that I need to set tasks to do everyday. I need to feel normal. Pulled out the notebook and cute post-it notes and now LETS GET MOTIVATED. #motivateme #dailytask #needtofeelnormal #onedayatatime #sortmylifeout #gobacktobeingme #stepbystep #makeupismytherapy #evenwhenitshard #iwillgetbetter #iwillwin #inlotsofpain #notgoingtostopme #ihavegotthis #decluttermylife Today’s Makeup @beautytreatsla https://www.instagram.com/p/BuAYyg2AfbV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nag2ft47nf9x
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Week two of my decluttering challenge is under way. The conservatory is a big clean We have toys, watersports gear and lots of odds and ends that need sorting out. Im hopeing to clean ds1 bedroom tomorrow and that will give me three days to tackle the conservatory. #declutteringmum #declutterchallenge #decluttermylife #cleanup #sortout #chuckout #tidyup https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp0JSiIFYoo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zu1v8lmr9jvm
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My lipstick purge continues and now that I’m a few days since doing it, I have to say I’ve really enjoyed the experience. Not only am I sharing my love of lipsticks with my friends and others, I’ve gained a real appreciation for some old favorites. And that my friends, is one of the benefits of clearing out the old, whatever it may be. I feel lighter, am sharing with others, have gained an appreciation of my good fortune, and of what I have. Maybe I still have a lot but now I know it’s bringing something of value to my life. I hope you enjoy my video, link is in my bio! * * * * * #styleandlipstick #makeupover50 #makeupformatureskin #over40beauty #over50beauty #decluttermylife #makeupover40 #makeupaddiction #lipstickjunkie https://www.instagram.com/p/BmjQFZxDBDr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pisq55s1p50x
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Things in life can bombard you if you don't have a plan in place. The kids can bust into the room with their needs, a phone call can catch you off guard and making sure your hubby is taken care off before he leaves for work. All of those things can send your plans and schedule down the drain and make you feel overwhelmed and neglected. Set a wake up time for yourself in the mornings so you can get your me time in. Mines start around 4:00-4:30am. Sometimes you have to tell the kids get back in bed, this is mommy time. Don't pick up the phone when it rings until you are done with your morning routine. Part of my self-care and morning routine is; 1. Drinking tea or coffee, 2. Reading my Bible/devotional/prayer 3. Writing in my journal my affirmations and what I am grateful for. 4. Writing out my to do list for my home, homeschool, purpose and business. 5. 30 min walk. Then I am ready to take on the day! #momlife #decluttermylife #christianmom #momprenuer #blackhomeschoolmom #christianwife #qoutesoftheday #singlemom #mom #wife #mumlife #domesticdiva #homemaker #homeschoolmom #blackgirlmagic #blackhomemaker #melaninhomemaker #femininehomemaker #SAHM #singlemomlife #picoftheday #wifelife #melaninhomeschoolmom #momboss https://www.instagram.com/p/CKPyieis-qX/?igshid=4acax76m84gf
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A modern handbag insert to organise essentials practically &in-style #Regrann @noveltystore3 . Tag a friend who needs one of these! . . . Wanna get started with organising???, then click the link in my bio to download my free 'Declutter Your Home Guide', have a chat with me on WhatsApp and learn more about @YomiOrganises . . . . . #yomiorganises #lifestylebrand #organise #organising #declutter #simplify #itsintheddetails #storage #organisingcoach #organisingconsultant #tidying #chaoscontrol #homesweethome #handbagorganisation #tidy #cluttermanagement #storage #waronclutter #organising #organisingspaces #decluttering #organisingtips #organisingqueen #organisinglife #organisedmum #organised #minimalism_ig #gettingorganised #organisingsystems #organisingchaos #declutteringmyhome #decluttertips #decluttercoach #clearthecrap #declutteryourhome #decluttermylife #declutter #organisation (at Romford, United Kingdom)
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Thank Goodness I decluttered !! I forgot I had these perfumes hiding !! And they are my all time favourites !! What are your favourite perfumes? #perfumes #fragrance #french #decluttering #declutteryourlife #declutterchallenge #decluttermylife #declutterfinds #tomford #fracas #tobaccovanille #perthgirl #perthmum #perthlife #mylife (at Perth, Western Australia)
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Yesterday, I spent some time in nature. Feeling the fallen leaves crackle on the ground as I walked. Feeling the soft ground cave as I stepped on it. Letting the greenery take over all my senses. Walk among the hybernating branches and know that they are resting for the season. Feel the subtle warmth of the sun in my skin and trust that it's there everyday. Look at the landscape and trust that the earth follows it's rhythm. I'm thankful for the opportunity to be aware of nature's beauty. What are you thankful for today? • • • #organizationideas • • • #tidyup #clutter #laundryday #laundry #kidsroom #organizationproblems #sweat #clothes #cleaning #bedroom #lessismore #homes #momlife #tidying #homeorganization #freedom #forminghabits #decluttermylife #decluttered #declutter #clutterfree #unclutter 21instafam #picoftheday #organizationtime #newprojects #newgoals #neverlookback #mylife #motivation me via @HashMeApp @preview.app (at Upper West Side)
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Game Consoles
How many game consoles do you have? When is the last time you’ve played any of those games?
We have a Playstation 2, Xbox 360, Sega genesis classic, and a karaoke machine. We’re tracking usage but in the meantime the Playstation games were culled by 70%.
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Excellent way to organize baby swaddle blankets. It is very easy to store and easy to access. It will make your life with your baby much easier... #organizeyourlife #tidyingup #konmari #organizer #cleaning #declutteringtips #simplelife #homedecor #organisation #organised #empties #becomingminimalist #homeorganizing #tidyup #minimalisthome #tidyhome #simplicity #realestate #konmarimethod #clutter #clutterfreeliving #decluttermylife #gettingorganized #simplifyyourlife #simplifylife #professionalorganiser #organizingideas #minimalistlifestyle #simpleliving #organizinghacks https://www.instagram.com/p/CAs5zAKDCAP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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