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missfliss88 · 5 years ago
Three things I want to do before the end of the month?
organise my clothes storage area in the campervan 
list more things for sale 
read another two books!
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sharonfacinelliactress · 5 years ago
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#newscripts #newscript #learninglines #inthediary #thisweek #actorslife #fullofbusy #updatingdiary #gettingorganised #learningthetext #newwriting #multipleroles #theatrelife #workingactor #theatre #coffeetime https://www.instagram.com/p/B751Gl7g3hL/?igshid=kr9yuw6e7q1y
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spencersarc · 2 years ago
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It’s coming, I can feel it. Cosy season is on the way. Flip flops have reluctantly been put in the cupboard until such time as we hop on a plane or summer returns next year. A change in the seasons is a great time to have a clear out to change things up, have a deep clean in the house and get rid of the energy that doesn’t feel so good anymore. Now while I’m not at the smudging sage around just yet, I do find having a big deep clean cleanses your mind and soothe the soul. Those transitional seasons like spring and autumn feel even more so a great time to de clutter. So when that change of the season feels heavy, when you ven feel a little anxious about the days getting darker, make a plan, stick on a podcast or some good cosy tunes and have a clear out, change things around and deep clean those neglected areas. It will bring in more clarity, more creativity, and who knows you may find some things you can sell and make a bit of ale tea cash to put towards putting the heating on when the cold also creeps in. #cosyseason #gettingcosy #simpleliving #simplehomestyle #autumnvibes #helloautumn #septembervibes #autumniscoming #cornersofmyhome #myhomethismonth #motherhood #mumlife #gettingorganised #overwhelm #mumlifeuk #taptotidy #socialmamahub https://www.instagram.com/p/CizFuWEKQ7p/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cultvault · 3 years ago
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I know some of you will be jealous of my laminated giant wall calendar August to August 🤤 #stationarylove #podcasthost #truecrimepodcast #gettingorganized #gettingorganised https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgz8HowI7I7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sageceramics · 6 years ago
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When you are a small one man band business, it can be tricky keeping focused. I find being artistic and working from home, my mind flits about and it’s easy to be distracted and then worried that my day has been muddled and unproductive. So, as Sage Ceramics continues to grow, I’ve bought myself an early Christmas present from @makersbusinesstoolkit - looking forward to getting started 😀. #makersyearbook #gettingorganised #smallbusiness #handmadeceramics #sageceramics https://www.instagram.com/yvonnekirk1/p/BqM9ZSFA1Es/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=clkwykl8mir3
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one2onedietkentwithhelen · 3 years ago
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When you are feeling slightly unorganised because life has sent pretty big balls your way. There is only one thing that is going to help. The 1:1 Diet Business Planner. Helen - ✆ 07984 714872⁣ ⭐️Weight No Moore⭐️ #weightnomoore121 #one2onediet #cambridgeweightplan #cwp #121diet #121dietbycwp #keto #slimming #weightloss #diet #weightlosssupport #121dietbycambridgeweightplan #loseweightwithme #businessplanner #gettingorganised #ownboss @coachcollins121 (at Helen - One2One Diet Consultant by CWP - Kent) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaR5ZSWtxps/?utm_medium=tumblr
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studysavvyblog-blog · 7 years ago
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This is how I manage to keep track of everything I need to get done during the week! Just a little todo list right in the front of my @kikki.k planner so I see it all the time, and I simply highlight the task once it's complete (which is really satisfying tbh)! Who else is a list maker like me??? 🗒✏️ #study #studytip #listmaker #todo #gettingorganised #planner #kikkik #unilife #unilife📚 #managing (at Tasmania)
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allmycraft · 3 years ago
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It’s an “add to cart” kind of day!! 😃🎈 . . . . . . #addtocartkindaday #addtocart #timelesslove #fattofittransformation #professionalorganizer #gettingorganised #organiseyourlife #officeaccessories #liveURBAN #stayROOTED #stayconnectedtoroots #healingdecor #organisers #allmyCraft https://www.instagram.com/p/CW5Ayi-BPG3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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busybeeukshop · 4 years ago
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I got bored this afternoon so decided my fabric clips needed a new container ... I'm not a huge Disney fan (although nightmare before Christmas is actually Disney so maybe I am 🤔) but anyway... love this fabric so went for it and honestly.. love it... #disneyfabric #zipupbag #storagebag #gettingorganised https://www.instagram.com/p/CRogT2ZsE1C/?utm_medium=tumblr
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missfliss88 · 5 years ago
High Five Me!
I’m doing it!  I’m listing more things to sell and..... I’ve sorted my storage area in the camper van.  I just need to finish the book I’m reading and get one more read before the end of the month and I’ve done it - done the there things I wanted to do in January :)
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sharonfacinelliactress · 4 years ago
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When you finally get one thing of your #lockdowntodolist #sorted #gettingorganised #coffestation #withineasyreach #ilovecoffee #sharonbelieved #actorswholovecoffee https://www.instagram.com/p/CLcMAaVA2cs/?igshid=jnop6a1u7vmu
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spencersarc · 3 years ago
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It’s time for #chaosprepfortheweek. One of the things that has really helped me get organised and be productive with my days is preping for the week ahead on a Sunday So every Sunday morning ( even if we are away) I get out my calendar ( I use google calendar) and my chaos control planner (coming soon ) and I plan out my weeks. Things I like to get ahead on ☕️Who’s where when ☕️ Meals for the week ☕️ Bills that need paying ☕️ Shopping list items ☕️ master todo list ( of things not in my daily sheets) I’m telling you this is such a game changer. Right join in - use the hashtag #chaosprepfortheweek and tag me @ninaaspencer and I’ll share your posts in my stories tomorrow and post my faves in nexts weeks chaos prep for the week post! Happy prepping #sundayprep #prepfortheweek #gettingorganised #organiseyourweek #organisedlife #organisedmum #mumlife #mumof4 #morekidsthanhands #homebinder #homemaking #momentsofmine #motherhoodjourney #beachhome https://www.instagram.com/p/ChzEPZgMNkZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cultvault · 3 years ago
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And here is the other side of batch cooking whilst editing podcast episodes and having a toddler run riot… both chaotic, dangerous and overwhelming. But very productive whilst also ensuring the utilisation of any spare square in of space around me. How do you manage to keep organised and production? Is it a linear step-by-step process? Or is it an all-or-nothing manic 1 hour like mine usually seems to be?! #gettingorganised #podcasthost #multitaskingmom #slowcooking https://www.instagram.com/p/CZuWi5vIBUj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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selana1505 · 7 years ago
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I started a new notebook for my design ideas with colour coding by season. As I add more, I might add a second set of colours towards the bottom of the page for item type. But so far I only have a handful of ideas and designs-in-progress in there, so it isn't necessary yet. #knitdesign #notebook #gettingorganised #knitting #patternideas #instaknit #instacrochet #handarbeitskram #selanasdesigns #designinprogress #designnotes
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rowan-and-fox · 5 years ago
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▪️C L O T H E S D I V I D E R S ▪️ These pack of 5 wardrobe organisers are a life saver if you're looking to sort out your babies clothes during this isolation. They can also be personalised with any choice of clothing name or item name if you'd like to change it🖤 . . . #organised #organisedlife #organisedmum #gettingorganised #organisedhome #organiseyourlife #organisedmummy #organisedliving #organisedmom #organisedwardrobe #lifeorganised #organisedspace #organisedhomes #babyclothesorganiser #babyclothesorganizer #babyclothesorganisers #babyclothesorganizers #babyorganizer #babyorganiser #wardrobedivider #wardrobedividers #wardrobestylist #wardrobeessentials #wardrobestyling #hinch #hincharmy #hinching #mrshinch #hinched #taptotidy (at Newcastle upon Tyne) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-glJJUF7Md/?igshid=1t72332fvownl
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incurableoptimistest1994 · 5 years ago
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Sorted my wardrobe out with mama this afternoon and feeling much happier... I wasn’t able to bring loads of clothes with me and I MISS MY STUFF! Clothes for me are a way of expressing my self, a suit if armour, a way to share a piece of my soul. Anyways, we’ve reorganised all my outfits so they’re more ME. #lifeinisolation #gettingorganised (at Llansamlet) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-fOlE7D7tp/?igshid=xxuqyxds7vkn
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