kaidatheghostdragon · 6 months
Good reveal au, where after learning phantom's identity and realizing the atrocities that the GIW have committed (or alternatively, ethical science au, where they find out the GIW plagarized them), the fenton parents decided to create the 'ultimate ghost-ending weapon' and sell it to the agents.
They go absolutely overboard, describing to the agents in meticulous detail how it evaporates any ghost it hits near-instantly and describing it quite ruthlessly in the blueprints, and soon the GIW have raplaced all their main weapons with the new gun.
Except it doesn't actually kill ghosts. It's the Fenton Bazooka. You know, the one that creates a portable portal to suck the ghost back into the ghost zone? What they actually did was retool it slightly to make it look more grusome than it actually is. They even added a beacon in Phantom's Keep, which all Fenton Bazookas will target when they open a portal, so the ghosts are always delivered to the keep.
From there, Phantom stationed an emergency medical team at the keep to treat the many injured and ragged ghosts that the GIW 'destroyed,' and to explain what just happened.
What they didn't anticipate was that now that the GIW have a mass-produced weapon that they believed would effectively eradicate ghosts, they would go on the offensive. They have a number of cities they've been monitoring but didn't want to get involved in without better tools.
One of those cities is Gotham.
And the Bats are ectocontaminated enough to register as ghosts.
Batman witnessed several of his children get evaporated by green energy weapons within mere moments of each other. He's absolutely gutted. Devastated. They didn’t even stand a chance.
He'll get his revenge, and it's frighteningly easy to track the weapon to private subcontractors. The Doctors Fenton, in Illinois. Their research calls for the genocide of all ghost kind, and apparently, that war started by killing his own children.
His children will not die in vain.
He gets to Amity Park and finds the Engineer's Nightmare of a building that is Fentonworks, but that night, before he can hack through the security and break in, one of the windows opens.
It's one of his kids that he had watched evaporate before his very eyes. They give him a silent signal of one of their identifying security codes and gesture for him to come inside.
Is it a trap? A prank in poor taste? Utterly genuine?
He goes through the window.
All of his dead kids are there, wearing borrowed pajamas and only their dominoes to conceal their identities. Daniel Fenton (son of the Fentons, this is his bedroom, has voiced a few arguments against his parent's views, but still an unknown) is among the crowd of teens and young adults, twirling on an office chair and obnoxiously sipping a capri sun.
"First thing you need to know, Bats," Daniel says after finishing his drink, "is that my parents are absolutely NOT genocidal ectophobic scumbags, and that is the reason why your kids are still alive."
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lucabyte · 24 days
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Different standards
#didnt mean to do this one in quote unquote colour but it wasnt legible without it so. heres a treat i suppose#isat#isat spoilers#in stars and time#in stars and time fanart#isat fanart#isat loop#isat bonnie#lucabyteart#coughs up a lung. anyway. ramble time as per usual. this is what i was warming up for btw in case it wasnt obvious#besides being another entry in the 'letting bonnie read loop for filth on accident' series. this is mostly self indulgent musings on#headcanons (and i will just use that word here.) ive previously rambled about in other tags and posts#namely: in the scenario that loop integrates into the party as a New Person for quite a while before The Truth Come Out. i feel they have#a decent chance at really scoring a slam dunk in becoming a guardian figure for bonnie? loop's demeanor is already colder and a tiny#bit more level-headed than siffrin's in the way they seem to discuss bonnie with them. namely pointing out that bonnie#never really hated them. it seems to be one thing they're genuinely at peace with? they've seen by now the truth that bonnie#was just scared and upset. and likely now knows that what bonnie wants is to be treated with grown-up respect within reason. plus loop#already scores bonus points with bonnie since they didnt 1. fuck up bad like sif did in act 5 and 2. saved sif in the party's eyes#... but then when it turns out that this clean-slate relationship with a stranger was siffrin being deceitful? must have been odd.#bonnie seems to really dislike being lied to. the question is whether they'd see it that way? would they feel betrayed there?#anyway. this is set after all those emotions are at least settled some. loop able to be more physically affectionate... and yet#still not letting themselves be quite as close as they'd like perhaps. perhaps...#anyway translucent pyjamas because i dont care if you're comforting a crying child you've GOT to SERVE!!!#and also i feel like the party probably wouldn't let loop stay completely naked for that long. especially not post-reveal anyway
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freshgreenmilk · 17 days
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live in my broken world.
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izzydaninja · 7 months
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*No Stealing!* Thank you!
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noona-is-afk · 8 months
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"You are more skittish than you seem. It is a relief that I took the knife instead of you."
Captivating the King (dir. Cho Nam-guk) | ep. 1 vs. ep. 13
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specs-and-capelets · 2 years
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logan's conclusion after observing the others (read: mostly just janus) after awhile
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bereft-of-frogs · 4 months
Torbin was so Reath-coded this episode.
They can duel it out over who had the worse outcome of having a tantrum about going back to/staying on Coruscant.
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ihassheepquake · 1 month
So as I finish Defy the Storm by Tessa Gratton and Justina Ireland, I've noticed a theme throughout the High Republic that comes back to different variations of Rose Tico's line from The Last Jedi "That's how we gonna win. Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love." It's never exactly the same, but the essence is always there. Victory not through defeating an enemy or destroying something, but in saving something. I do think there's an ideological difference between the two approaches to achieving victory. Vernestra Rwoh says something kinda similar to the Jedi Council at the end of this book, and Belin told Avar Kriss something similar in The Eye of Darkness by George Mann.
I really love seeing this idea show up as a theme throughout this era because I think it's really central to the theme of Star Wars. That scene of Rose in the movie gets a lot of hate for being "stupid" and because "that's what Finn was trying to do." But in my experience, the people who react that way tend to be the same people who love Luke "redeeming" Vader at the end of Return of the Jedi (in quotes because I'm sorry Vader, but doing one good thing and then dying after being a tyrant for decades isn't redemption) and fail to realize that that's what Luke was doing. He was winning not by defeating what he hated, but by saving what he loved. The ability for even the worst people to choose to do something good is one of the core tenants of this franchise. Now, it obviously doesn't always work. Anakin was, in his own really fucked up and selfish way, ultimately trying to save what we loved when he fell to the dark side (but I think that's also very much a result of love with attachment vs love without attachment, which is a different conversation for a different time). But this idea working is still pretty consistent throughout the movies, even when they throw in a little destroying what you hate.
Anyway, as I get ready to start my next book of The High Republic (Temptation of the Force is technically next but I still need to read The Rising Storm, Path of Deceit, and Path of Vengeance before Tears of the Nameless releases on the 24th), I'm excited to see if and how this theme comes back up again.
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eira-draws · 6 months
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Tma sona.
Because im normal
I wrote this about them I think
It's under the cut,lots of self doubt and normal spiral and eye stuff
Unreality and maybe paranoia triggers too I think dunno how that works
Servant of Both The Eye and the Spiral
You feel like someone is watching you,like they see you.
Feeds off of paranoid psychosis and false knowledge, having it all bleed together like a messy watercolor. Hallucinations of something stalking you and watching you,but you dismiss it after a while.
Specifically fucks with stuff and people in a "seeing isn't believing way" and alternates between visual distortions and making people know things so vividly awful and real that they act like it isn't to cope
The eye elements focus on surveillance and being watched and stalked more than anything else, especially being followed and feeling unsafe or invaded in a paranoid sense.
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justjanusthings · 8 months
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betweenlands · 11 months
i think someone needs to lock squiddo and forgelabs in a room to see what kind of entirely new backstabbing gremlin behavior heretofore unthinkable by mankind might pupate out of the resulting scheme
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arkham-prisoner · 11 months
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How I imagine any Sith Lords secretly watching the Jedi face The Path of The Open Hand, Nihil and Nameless during The High Republic Era
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cregan-starks · 2 years
Flames of Deceit teaser
Summary: Aemond and Visenya reunite amidst the Dance of the Dragons.
Words: 1,005
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x OC, Cregan Stark x OC
Warnings: canon typical incest (Aemond and Visenya are cousins, as well as uncle and niece), book and show spoilers, mentions of death, physical violence, vague descriptions of injuries, blood, Westerosi geopolitics, angst, trauma, mourning, hurt & comfort, sexism, slut-shaming, sexual tension, make out session, consensual biting, mutual pining, alcohol, cussing. The warnings apply to the entire one-shot. Under no circumstances can you copy, plagiarize, steal my work, or post it somewhere else!
Notes: Visenya is Jacaerys’ older twin and Rhaenyra’s and Daemon’s daughter. Superfecundation, baby. Reblogs and comments are encouraged and immensely appreciated. If you wish to be tagged in the final version, my DMs and ask box are open. 
Credits: Huge thank you to my beta @maharani-radha-writes 💛 Gif by @useraelin (x)
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          With their commander captured, the rest of her men had had no choice but to throw down their weapons and yield. Visenya had been delivered to Ser Criston Cole – now Hand of the Pretender – on her knees, disarmed and in chains, her black dragonscale armor soaked, her braids disheveled, and her left arm in severe pain. The foul stench and smoke had been unbearable, twisting her stomach. Yet Visenya would not flinch. She would not give these traitors any satisfaction. Ser Crispin had referred to her as a dog in dragon’s clothing. In return, Visenya had called him a sheep in sheep’s clothing. The remark had earned her a strike across the face from his heavy gauntlet. Her cheek had stung sharply and blood had flooded her mouth. Ser Crispin had also commented that her men had been quite loyal to her, insinuating that she had fucked all of them in order to gain their favor.
          ‘I admit that it is not as high of an honor as warming the Dowager Queen’s bed,’ Visenya had retorted, slyly, then had spat at his feet.
          Ser Crispin would have hit her again, had the Prince Regent not intervened.
          ‘Enough, Cole,’ Aemond had interrupted, solemnly, drawing everyone’s attention to where he stood, imposing, clad in battle armor, his hands clasped behind his back, his face covered in ash and smoke, ‘She may be our prisoner, but she is still a Princess, and shall be treated as befits her station.’
          Visenya had grinned, baring her bloody teeth at Ser Crispin, as two guards had hoisted her up to her feet and led her away.
          She had hoped that Blackwing had flown away and never returned… but her dragon was loyal to a fault. Blackwing had landed in the Greens’ camp, searching for her, and had roared ferociously, wild and stubborn like her rider. Half a dozen men had met their demise when they had attempted to approach the dragon and shackle her. Thus, Aemond had permitted Visenya to comfort Blackwing. The dragon had nuzzled its snout against her face and coiled its tail protectively around her, purring while Visenya had caressed its scales and murmured “lykiri,” repeatedly. Her chest had constricted agonizingly when she had parted with her companion, who had shrieked in distress.
          Aemond had ordered his servants to run a hot bath for Visenya, find her dry clothes, and prepare her a warm meal. Then, he had had her brought into his tent, and had summoned the maesters to tend to her wounds. Despite the pain that she had endured, Visenya had not shown any signs of weakness or discomfort. She and Aemond had not spoken a single word. Visenya had busied herself with studying the tent. It was rather modest for the Prince Regent, consisting of a firepit, a war table made of oak – that had undoubtedly been stripped of its strategic plans, maps, scrolls, wax, ink, and more – several chairs and rugs, and a bed with a pile of books near it. Aemond had always been fond of books. Yet for someone who claimed to be a Green and who carried the golden banner of the Pretender, the colors red and black dominated the tent. Whether intentional, Visenya did not know. Aemond could not deny his Targaryen heritage. Had Otto Hightower dyed his hair silver-white and possessed a dragon, he could have sat his ass on the Iron Throne and ruled in his own name.
          Once the maesters had finished, Aemond had dismissed them. Finally, she had the opportunity to study him. He hadn’t changed much since she had last seen him, almost a year ago. In the fire’s light, Aemond was a sight to behold. Perhaps the Greens should have crowned him King… though that would have further complicated matters between the two of them. He had cleaned himself up, shedding his armor and weapons – now resting on a chair – in favor of his usual black leather tunic, secured with a belt that had his dagger attached to it, and a long coat sewn with fur around the neck. His distinctive, handsome features were illuminated by the fire, his straight, lengthy hair cascading down his back, his mouth – a mouth that Visenya had kissed many times – seemingly stuck in a permanent smirk. His eyepatch hid his missing left eye, but his remaining one stared intensely into the flame. His figure cast a tall shadow in the tent, his posture impeccable. Half dragon, half feline.
          ‘There is a lack of dresses,’ informs a calm Aemond, addressing Visenya, retrieving a flagon of wine and two cups from the servant waiting at the tent’s entrance, ‘And we had to find clothes that would fit you.’
          ‘I gather that there is some poor stable boy currently running around naked,’ quips Visenya, wrapping the wolf furs around herself more tightly.
          Aemond chuckles softly at her remark and sets one of the cups on the table, in front of her, proceeding to fill it with Arbor Red.
          ‘Do not fret,’ he assures upon noticing Visenya’s skeptical arched eyebrow, ‘It is not poisoned.’
          ‘Surely you must have spat in it,’ she speculates, convivial, swirling the liquid in her cup.
          Aemond smiles and drinks his wine. Visenya reluctantly brings her cup to her lips, doing the same. She measures her next words… half carefully.
          ‘I expected you and Ser Crispin to share a tent,’ admits Visenya, lewdly, ‘Though your pride would not fit together.’
          Aemond’s mouth subtly presses into a thin line.
          ‘You could lose your tongue for that indiscretion,’ he warns, humorlessly.
          ‘Nothing new,’ dismisses Visenya, bored, ‘I can write this down as well.’ She ignores Aemond’s reaction, drinking more, the flavor gracing her taste buds. She pauses, savoring it, contemplative, before she posits, bluntly, ‘You believe that getting me drunk will provide you with the answers that you seek?’
          Aemond’s silence is an answer by itself. Visenya decides to drop the matter. Getting drunk would not be the worst occurrence. Years of practice would prevent her from saying anything valuable.
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TAGLIST: @aaleksmorozova @aereth @ewoods115 @fultimefangirl​ @lugiastark @maharani-radha​ @poohkie90​ @qoedameron​ @queenofthefaceless​ @revolution-starter​ @riselike-a-phoenix @sullho​ 
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noona-is-afk · 8 months
I binged all of Hospital Playlist and Oh My Ghost while sick this week because I wanted more Jo Jung Suk. And my god. The range of this man’s acting skills.
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aerosolsprite · 2 months
so i made my Sides in a picrew
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you can probably guess who’s who
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lil-toastie-boi · 2 months
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[Plain text: "Glitch" End plain text.]
(reblogs over likes!) (don't repost!) (click for better quality!)
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