#deathreversed 01
swordsovereign · 1 month
@deathreversed ❲ phantasm amalgam, part 1 ❳
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Ah, Death's evoker. After all the asking for familiarity, Seofon wasn't sure what to think about seeing the young mage. Her pact with Death gave her power that made her dangerous, and wasn't that something that made him want to ... at least keep an eye on her...
She's changed ever since the Captain showed her kindness. She has a place to belong.
She had one. The Captain isn't here. She doesn't have to hold back, does she? I want to have faith. I trust the Captain, and if the fearless leader of that crew says that Nier's not a threat, then I won't treat her like one. It's called benefit of the doubt and positive thinking. You should try it.
For once, Anosiete didn't have a response. Seofon counted that as a massive win on his part.
❝ It's nice to see a familiar face, ❞ Well, she's familiar to him, but he's not sure if it goes both ways. With all the coming and going on the Grandcypher, it was hard for everyone to keep track of each other. Of who they'd met and who they'd only heard of in passing... But everyone knew about the Eternals, right?
Sierokarte had often teased him about the fact that no one knew who he was at first glance. The captain hadn't known about the Eternals when they'd first met either. Ok, but most people did, right?
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❝ It's me, Seofon! Leader of the Eternals! I think this is the first time we've really met, but I've seen you here and there on the Grandcypher. What's brought you to this neck of the woods? ❞
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learnspells · 4 days
ʚїɞ - "Were you looking to read this one? You can have it if you'd like." Fern had been at the library looking for a book to read. One had eventually caught her eye and she pulled it off her shelf, but then she realized another girl was looking at her. The mage held the book out to her.
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"There are plenty of books here I've never even heard of before, so I'm sure I can find something else."
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perledelalune · 4 years
It was hardly the first time Margaret had been to the Savior’s Respite.  While she preferred to visit during the night- as she preferred to do most things in the late hours- her thoughts would not always let her wait before making her trip.  Memories had overcome her, thoughts of days that had passed even before she wound up here.  She had no worry that she would shed tears, but isolation would be preferable now regardless.
Of course, she knew she wasn’t the only one who enjoyed the solitude such an area provided.  After several minutes staring at the sky she’d notice a girl approaching- some years younger than her, with large animal-like ears and a book tucked away in her hands.  Rather than turn her away, Margaret offered the small, polite smile she so often wore.
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“Nice to get away from it all every once in a while, isn’t it?”
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soviireign · 4 years
            Unused to the hustle and bustle of this town he may be, but even this chaos was dissonant to the rambling days of this city. A cage Spirale may be, but it at least had the humanity to treat its inhabitants well. This careless show of power was something that grated the Eternals’ nerves, as one who believed in might for the service of good.
            Even if that might had left him since his arrival.
            But Siete did not take upon the title of Seven-Star Sovereign for his powers alone. A sword is still a sword, no matter how dull it could be, and in his hands they remain a useful tool to defend others from attacks. Thus did he go through and forth across the city, searching for stragglers or anybody else who may not be able to find their way home.
            He was a clearing when he recognized a face – a lone Erune, looking around listlessly. They haven’t talked before, but Siete had taken note of her presence since her arrival upon the Grandcypher. Call it intuition or not, but he couldn’t help but shake the feeling that there was just something reflected in her eyes. Something deeper than the longing gaze she always seemed to have.
            ( Back home, buried in reports of the skydom – news of a village wiped out overnight. )
            This wasn’t the time to entertain ideas, was it? Siete didn’t hesitate to approach her regardless – a casual wave and an easy stride, a stark contrast to the mood of the streets-turned-battlefield. Best to keep allies close in a situation such as this. But his guard was kept up from all sides nonetheless, having too many experiences on receiving a surprise attack.
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            “ You’re part of danchou-chan’s crew, are you? I’ve seen you around before, back at home. Mind having some company for a bit? ”
@deathreversed​ / event starter!
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moonstonescholar · 5 years
The taxi on the way there was surprisingly quick, almost faster than the chocobo he had ever ridden. The technology was far sleeker than of the Allagans, but he has never seen transportation like these. One could find it thrilling for his first ride, offering a conversation with the driver whom answered his questions with mild interest. 
When he arrived, he takes a deep breath, looking up at his new humble abode. He had heard that he will be having three others who will live with him and he hopes that he can come across them to learn more about them--and the world they lived in. 
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He knocks on the door first before using his phone to enter the house. “Er... Pardon me.” he calls out, peeking through the door to look inside. It’s a cozy looking home, big enough for four people, it seems. He shakes off the snow off his shoes before coming inside, closing the door to keep the frost away. 
“Is anybody home?”
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deathlyknighted · 5 years
For whatever reason, his overall demeanor had changed, and there wasn’t anything he could really do about it. It was frustrating. It was, in a way, nice to know he was having an easier time talking to others now---but he also did not want to do such a thing. Getting closer to others came with risks that far outweighed advantages. So naturally, his feelings on this sensation were... at odds.
But even if part of him was angered at the idea of acting like this, being vulnerable to those around him---complete strangers even, it was not enough to stop him from going up to them. Unfortunately for everyone involved. Because despite intentions, he very much was still incredibly intimidating. People continued to move away from him when he walked towards them, which was both a boon for the side of him that hated doing this, and a bane for the side that sought to get to know these people.
Sighing gently, he decided to give up for the time being and take a rest on a bench. Sitting down, he noted from the corner of his eye, that there was someone else on it. When they didn’t seem to leave, he looked over and spoke up.
“Excuse me, but... do I look scary to you?” He figured he knew the answer already, but it was a start to what he really wanted to ask.
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paaperboats · 5 years
@deathreversed​  ♡
Saviour’s Respite seemed to be Red’s favourite spot that day; enjoying her time with her weapon as they both sat in a small meadow of flowers, gazing out into the calming scene around them. She couldn’t help but wonder-- why did she never come here before? She was always so focused on being away from her own ward; as if staying far from her apartment would help her feel like she wasn’t really “living” in a world that wasn’t hers. However much she tried to deny it, though, Red knew she couldn’t completely-- but she had no worries at all today. Ever since she tried that drink, she felt absolutely wonderful; did it have something to do with that? 
Even when she tried to figure it out, it was almost as if her mind wouldn’t let her; and she didn’t seem too concerned about digging any deeper.
[ It’s.. really pretty here, huh? ] the Transistor spoke slowly, but his voice seemed more on the chipper side; Red’s hand smoothing itself across her blade. [ Buut.. not as pretty as you, Red! I swear. ]
The woman made the motion of laughing; bringing a few fingers to her lips, despite the fact that no sound left her. Though neither of them completely seemed to be themselves, she was happy; just being with him, alone..
.. but, not as alone as she thought.
Hearing soft footsteps, Red’s head lifted; blue eyes falling to a young girl who stood quite a few feet away from her. She seemed almost afraid to approach the pair, but Red had no issues with her joining them; lifting a hand to wave as a smile reached her lips.
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[ Oh! Helllooo! ] the Transistor called out to the other in place of Red, making sure his greeting sounded especially cheery. [ What’re you.. doin’, standing all the way over there? We don’t bite! I mean. I can’t, even if I tried.. haha. ]
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heartofzepp · 4 years
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“Are you feeling fatigued?” his voice is deep and resonant, yet still gentle. 
His massive hand gently held her up, saving her from what would’ve been a nasty trip onto concrete. Potemkin’s hands are bandaged underneath fingerless gloves, even days after the whole phenomena. 
“Rest if you need to. The bus won’t be here for a while longer. I can’t really...fit on it, but I can stay with you until it’s here.” 
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