rxsurgcnt · 2 months
"Mistwood shouldn't be a place anyone should be. Not even myself." Though she could very well enter the woods and come out unscathed. Injured by whatever beings lurked in the thick mist, but she'd still be able to come out. Just so long as Feniks wasn't with her.
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Corvus lowers her gaze to meet the young girl. Actually, she feels rather familiar, though it isn't something Corvus can put her finger on QUITE yet.
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swordsovereign · 1 month
@deathreversed ❲ phantasm amalgam, part 1 ❳
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Ah, Death's evoker. After all the asking for familiarity, Seofon wasn't sure what to think about seeing the young mage. Her pact with Death gave her power that made her dangerous, and wasn't that something that made him want to ... at least keep an eye on her...
She's changed ever since the Captain showed her kindness. She has a place to belong.
She had one. The Captain isn't here. She doesn't have to hold back, does she? I want to have faith. I trust the Captain, and if the fearless leader of that crew says that Nier's not a threat, then I won't treat her like one. It's called benefit of the doubt and positive thinking. You should try it.
For once, Anosiete didn't have a response. Seofon counted that as a massive win on his part.
❝ It's nice to see a familiar face, ❞ Well, she's familiar to him, but he's not sure if it goes both ways. With all the coming and going on the Grandcypher, it was hard for everyone to keep track of each other. Of who they'd met and who they'd only heard of in passing... But everyone knew about the Eternals, right?
Sierokarte had often teased him about the fact that no one knew who he was at first glance. The captain hadn't known about the Eternals when they'd first met either. Ok, but most people did, right?
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❝ It's me, Seofon! Leader of the Eternals! I think this is the first time we've really met, but I've seen you here and there on the Grandcypher. What's brought you to this neck of the woods? ❞
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frostycoldironwitch · 2 months
"Sorry if I scared you before. Your ears reminded me of some cute little creatures back where I'm from. Though of course I'd never mistake you for one considering you are clearly a breathing living being out here."
Though even Grace couldn't argue the girl had definitely seen better days. The bags underneath the eyes, the way she carried herself, all a bit too close to home when the engineer herself would pull all-nighters throughout the week just to ensure one project was completely done.
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"Name's Grace dear. You look a little lost around here. Waiting for anyone in particular?"
@deathreversed | s.c
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paaperboats · 2 months
"Is this.. even a good idea. What if she doesn't like me. What if I'm not--"
"You already know that she loves you, silly. Looking different isn't going to change that. Besides.. this is you. She just hasn't gotten a chance to learn that yet. Don't you think she deserves one?"
"... I hate when you're right," the tone of Boxer's voice changed within an instant; turning into a grumble as he crossed his bandaged arms over one another. Red chuckled softly, reaching up to cup his face in her hands; leaving a kiss on one of his cheeks.
"I'm always right. Get used to it."
That quip managed to pull a smile on his face, eventually giving in and laughing a bit, too. It wasn't as though he didn't want Nier to see him like this, but after being in the Transistor for so long.. it left him feeling insecure, somehow. Like she would prefer him as the way she always knew him.
But Red was right. She deserved a chance to at least meet him like this.. so as her footsteps came into earshot, Boxer quickly dipped around a corner; as the space around them shifted from a park, to an eerily similar scene from Cloudbank. Trees partially turned to lights, their leaves hanging down like giant crimson curtains.. and in the center of the stage stood Red. Her normal torn up gown was gone, instead restored to what it used to be; tresses of gold spilling to the floor, while the leather jacket she always wore also seemed to be missing.
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"Hey," speaking felt so casual again, like the ability had never been ripped from her to begin with. She reached out as the space between them lessened, taking the girl's hands into her own and giving them a gentle squeeze. "Thank you for meeting me here. I know the last time I had my voice, I made you cry.. but I still remember you. I promise. I haven't forgotten any of our time together."
She looked over her shoulder, noting where her partner was hiding before she continued. ".. I have someone I want you to meet. You do know him, but he's a little different now. Would you like to see him?"
▽* :   —   ( @deathreversed )
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isolaradiale · 4 months
This is Nier from Granblue; I've updated her app with a new canon point and everything that comes with it, but everything else is the same!
Welcome back to sunny Isola Radiale, Nier!
You will be placed in APARTMENT 310.
You'll retain everything you had in your previous stay!
Enjoy your return!
– mod solaris
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learnspells · 4 days
ʚїɞ - "Were you looking to read this one? You can have it if you'd like." Fern had been at the library looking for a book to read. One had eventually caught her eye and she pulled it off her shelf, but then she realized another girl was looking at her. The mage held the book out to her.
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"There are plenty of books here I've never even heard of before, so I'm sure I can find something else."
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doublemasked · 4 months
He's definitely nobody's savior, but he's interested in Savior's Respite. The sun would be high in the sky if not for the Springtime clouds. Grey and definitely calling for rain. Plucking one of the flowers, he tilts his head, remembering the stories about this place from his last times here.
Not that he was one for research, but he didn't mind listening to other people's ramblings. A teenaged girl was here as well, and he didn't want to bring down the mood with the potentially-sordid past of the place.
"Pretty, right?" He holds up one of the delicate flowers that shows people around. She's a kid, and she looks like she'd been crying.
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"I've traveled a lot, but this island kinda continues to amaze."
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starzpsychics · 1 year
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𝟬𝟱.𝟯𝟬.𝟮𝟯 Tarot Card of the Day: 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 ~ The Death card is not to be feared today, it is sent as a reminder of renewal. It says that an ending/conclusion is going to happen and asks that you allow this to take place. It asks that you let go and wants you to look to the future. Something is changing and it is for the best, remember as one door closes, another door will open for you.
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fifthmagician · 2 months
aoko has been doing her best trying to familiarize with spirale, it a huge island so there are obviously places that she missed. checking out the theater was next on her list, it was extravagant kind of place. this almost looks like those theaters from ancient times, it was beautiful.
though...she didn't seem to appear to be the only person in this empty theater. not wanting to startle the other individual, she makes a light tap on their shoulder.
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"was there some sort of play that i missed? that's a shame, i would have enjoyed seeing a live performance of some kind."
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gallowsbough · 4 years
For a long time, only the scritch scratch of Nier’s pen filled the air.
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Yggdrasil likes watching people work, likes witnessing their vision take shape. Enjoys how those nascent thoughts can be teased and transformed into something else.
But all beings need respite for the body and mind to realign when they are outpaced by the other.
The primal had set a fruit smoothie and bowl of assorted nuts beside Nier, a safe distance away from the scattered pages and materials, as she engaged the Erune in conversation about her writing.
Really, Yggdrasil chimes with an inquisitive look in reply to Nier’s halting words. A pause as she absorbs, eyes turned up in thought. What inspired this?
— @deathreversed​  ❀  sc.
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idealflames · 4 years
♕ - ; Fear. Over the course of millions of years of evolution, humanity and humans as a whole had come up with intricate and immediate responses to anything that happened to them in their daily lives, whether they be positive or negative. For every person there was a distinct reaction they would perform in response to something akin to danger or worry. For some, it could simply be running and crying. Others might find themselves frozen in place. Fear was an all encompassing emotion that every living being had to deal with in some point of their lives, but what exactly they feared was vastly different and typically on a case by case standard. And for the longest of times, it could be believed that there was not one thing that could be universally feared. Even something like death, some found comfort in its sweet embrace and cherish the final moments of it. But as for what brings it, was a separate matter entirely. 
♕ - ; Percival recalls Pandemonium. He recalls the blight of fallen angels that darken the skies and seek to taint it. He recalls the fighting to such an extreme and the overwhelming odds against them and remembers the limits everyone involved in the ensuing chaos pushed themselves beyond for the miracle that their skies may return to them. He recalls most, if not all of it. But, there is one thing he does not recall. One moment in the climax of the event that some would consider luck’s grace that him and everyone involved were not there for. The absolute decisive fight against the Astral turned God that through the determination and unwavering resolve of those there that allowed them to push through and seal him and his right hand in a dimensional rift. Never to be seen again.
♕ - ; Chaos in this city always seemed to run rampant in this city no matter what time of day it was. A series of wires that needed to be cut to eliminate whoever was in power of the city for a spare moment seemed to be the only thing that Percival had to be worried about, along with whatever may find themselves aligning with the enemy at hand. For a moment, Percival saw this mess as a rather.. uneasy matter. For some reason, the size and mass of this event seemed more than he realized but perhaps it was the exhaustion getting to him. After all, among all of the damage and all of the fighting he had thus seen so far seemed no different than how this city otherwise operated. So then.. why did his heart quiver so badly? 
♕ - ; Days go by without rest  but he feels as if the fighting will come to an end soon enough. As he prepares to head out and sees the multitude of enemies strewn about the city, a look of annoyance crosses his face. It’s a misshapen group of bandits taking advantage of the chaos to loot and steal as they will. Percival’s grip on his blade tightens and he swings with all of his might. What occurs after comes to a surprise as he sees a trail of flame leaving his blade, incinerating the clothing and flesh of the bandits in a single strike, causing them to scatter. He looks down and realizes something is off as he’s gained full control of his abilities but his reflexes are quick to kick in. He turns around and swings his blade but his eyes go wide at the sight of what he’s cut in half.
♕ - ; It’s a cherubim. One of thousands he remembers cutting down on that fateful day as they fly down from the skies in droves, assaulting the ground he stands on. There’s no mistake as the tightening in his chest begins to grip his hold on reality as he starts swinging at them more wildly to rid the city of them. For a brief moment he thinks to himself that this might all just be coincidental. That their appearance is none other than another one of the city’s farces playing games with his mind. That of anything to appear before him in this moment.. it would at the very least be nothing on the level of him. 
♕ - ; And yet what falls from the sky next paralyzes Percival for a second. For it is no enemy that catches his sight. It is no creature that he focuses on. No. It is simply the soft falling of silken black feathers that slowly drop to the ground around his feet that he realizes the skies have all but parted entirely for the descent destruction incarnate, the apocalypse shaped like man. The cherubim all seem to stop for a moment in realization as Percival stands by himself in the empty streets as the bask of the sun illuminate the figure of a lone man--nay, a god, omnipotence given form. With twelve black wings that give him suspension in the air, he looks down at the lone Dragon Knight, while the cherubim float in place around him.
♕ - ; They give praise, for he has no equal. They worship him, for a god has returned to the world. The skies cower in fear, for he will not forgive any vice. And those who realize it, worship him, as they realize their fate is overwritten. Lucilius, as he realizes there is but a single entity before him, unleashes a weight unlike any other with a simple scowl that almost seems to deprive the land of any life on his arrival. 
“ Your callous disregard of being before me is a plight. Be gone, into the depths of oblivion. “ 
♕ - ; Percival stands alone before a god reborn, his hand still clutched tightly over the handle of his blade. 
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“ ... Impossible. This might actually be impossible..! “
@deathreversed​ - @soviireign​ - @kisorashi​
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hopeled · 4 years
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“ I think the worst thing I’ve heard today is someone calling the movie Renchanted a reverse isekai. “
@deathreversed​ -- mini sc.
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haemoneiron · 4 years
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@deathreversed​ said: switcheroo!
Send me "Switcheroo!" and I'll redesign your muse as if they were from my muse's universe
Nier’s quest line begins in the winding alleys of Cathedral War, a door with glowing incense that typically signifies one you can interact with and talk to the inhabitants. Unlike the other doors thus marked however, the outside of this abode is scattered with the fallen bodies of mad Yharnamites.
This interaction must be done before the night phase, at later phases you will receive no answer.
From inside Nier will ask why you are here with the options “TO HELP” and “TO HUNT BEASTS.” If you reply with the latter she will inform you there should be no beasts in the immediate vicinity and that you should be on your way. 
If you reply with the former, she will then ask you who you have come to help, with the options of “YOU.” and “EVERYONE.” She will offer the same response either way, saying you are kind and then asking her final question, asking if you know of a safe place nearby. Provided you have fulfilled the requirements for both, you can send her to Oedon Chapel or Iosefka’s Clinic. 
If you select “YOU” for her second question and chose to send her to Oedon Chapel, then her summoning bell will appear near the following bosses; The Blood Starved Beast, Vicar Amelia, The Shadows of Yharnam, Rom the Vacuous Spider and The One Reborn.
Her bell will not appear if you already have any hunter already assisting you, whether they are an NPC or another player hunter via online. You can summon others if she is the first to join you in any given area, however she will not offer you any rewards afterwards.
If you instead told her to go to the clinic then she never actually appears there, instead she will ambush you in the Forbidden Wood as a hostile NPC. 
You can talk with her in Oedon chapel and if you don’t already have one in your inventory she will rewards you with a special blood vial after each boss you defeat together along with bloodstone shards and chunks depending on how many bosses you have defeated together. The blood vial she gives you seems to burst with life, providing massive healing on use and a status effect symbolised by a card that lasts for five minutes. While under the effect of this status the first time you would drop to 0 HP from any source, you instead remain at 1 HP and experience damage immunity for a few seconds.
If you defeat every boss she can be summoned for with her and her alone, her summon bell will appear in Mergo’s Loft. If you talk with her in Oedon Chapel after defeating the Wet Nurse together she will reward you with the Beloved Covenant Rune which grants a small increase to max HP, Stamina and physical attack when equipped. However, should you remove the rune it is lost entirely and can only be regained by completing her quest again in NG+
If you ever return to Oedon Chapel after fighting a boss together and talk to any other NPC present without talking to her, she will leave the chapel and not be present the next time you load the area. If you summon her even once and then complete any other boss fight she can be present for without her then she will leave the chapel unless you interact with her before you defeat any further bosses. 
If you summon her once then defeat any boss she can be present for with the aid of any other hunter (NPC or PC) without also having her present then she will leave the chapel immediately. She will then ambush you as a hostile NPC in a number of different locations throughout Yharnam, defeating her twice will stop her appearing in any of these locations. Regardless of how many times you encounter her this way, she will invade you twice in the Nightmare of Mensis. 
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perledelalune · 4 years
It was hardly the first time Margaret had been to the Savior’s Respite.  While she preferred to visit during the night- as she preferred to do most things in the late hours- her thoughts would not always let her wait before making her trip.  Memories had overcome her, thoughts of days that had passed even before she wound up here.  She had no worry that she would shed tears, but isolation would be preferable now regardless.
Of course, she knew she wasn’t the only one who enjoyed the solitude such an area provided.  After several minutes staring at the sky she’d notice a girl approaching- some years younger than her, with large animal-like ears and a book tucked away in her hands.  Rather than turn her away, Margaret offered the small, polite smile she so often wore.
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“Nice to get away from it all every once in a while, isn’t it?”
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paaperboats · 4 years
[ Nier.. ]
It had been too long. Far too long since they last saw each other. Red knew that she should have sought Nier out sooner; made more of an effort to find her, to explain what had transpired between them all those months ago, but..
When her memories changed. When she could talk again. It was all.. so much for her. She had spent days afterwards crying, consumed by her sorrows and memories of the past; mourning the love of her life, despite that he still sat in the open palms in her hands. All of those events, those moments that changed them.. though she had spent so much time here already, they were still so recent; the pain she felt, the loss she and the Transistor both suffered, burning into her core over, and over again.
Her throat tightens at the mere sight of Nier. Everything in Red tells her to run towards the girl, to scoop her into her arms and hold her tightly; she had missed Nier so much, perhaps more than she had even realized up until now. But what if.. what if Nier wanted nothing to do with her? Though she hadn’t meant to, Red had made Nier cry back then; she had confused her, perhaps made her even feel like she was abandoning her. It was never Red’s intent, but she didn’t know Nier in those moments-- if she had.. if she had any sense of who she was now.. she could have avoided hurting her like she had. 
Her fingers tighten ever so slightly around the hilt of her blade, to steady herself. No words leave Red, but her eyes remain on Nier’s; the regret she feels showing clearly through her gaze. Despite that the girl now knew part of her past, however small it may have been.. to Red, it didn’t matter. She would tell her everything, if that’s what she wanted.
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[ You.. probably have a lot of questions for us. And it’s fine if you do, but.. ] she hesitates, though takes a step towards Nier as the Transistor begins to speak; wishing she had her voice back again to be able to say the rest in her own words. [ It’s.. good to see you again. The both of us.. really, really missed you, kid. ]
                                                      (   ;▽ @deathreversed​ )
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isolaradiale · 19 days
howdy howdy, i'm feeling better so i'd like to take nier from gbf off of hiatus! thank you!
Welcome back!
– andromeda ☆
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