swordsovereign · 3 days
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I heard you'd be taller, says the other and Seofon sighs. Yeah, he got that one a lot. Long hair? The look of a determined adventurer? Had he really lost his spark? ❝ A protagonist for a story, huh? ❞ That does sound fun, even if this man was ... well, maybe a little more than tactless with how he handled people- ❝ I suppose that sort of person would depend on the type of story you want to write, but it would be fun to have a story written about the Eternals! That means I should really do my best to impress! ❞ He's carefree, because he's starting to adjust to his new situation, and he had no need to be anything other than that.
Even if in the end this guy didn't believe him, Seofon knew his own skills and strengths. He didn't need anyone else to tell him whether or not he was good enough.
Really, what he wanted was for someone to tell him that he was just like everyone else. He'd grown tired of being put on a pedestal; that's why he'd started to act like he did. He was tired of people being afraid of him and of his power.
❝ Aaallrighty then! ❞
He picks the Seven Star Sword, of course- rather, a silvery replica of it ⎛ because he still can't reach properly into his arsenal, and it would be so much easier if he could- but he'll make do without, ⎠which appears in his hand in shards of light. It's familiar in his hand, because of course it is. Wasn't this the weapon that started it all?
His companion says something about people forgetting their skills, but Seofon is as light on his feet as ever- he's graceful and his aim is true when his strike lands ⎛ and he makes a mental note that he might have to use some of the dust he found he'd gained access to for a little bit of repair... because he had to pick something solid as a target, right? ⎠ and it would be so much more impressive if he could summon multiple swords at once... not to say that it wasn't cool already!
❝ You only forget skills if you stop using them- a good swordsman makes sure to maintain his craft! ❞
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❝ Anyway, inspiring enough for you? Or do you want some more? ❞
continued from here!
it's not that will's trying to upset the stranger - honestly, he finds he just has that effect on others, it's not like he's going out of his way to tease him or anything, how absurd! - but the other's quick reaction to prove he's the real deal rips a chuckle out of his throat, loud, barely covered and extremely noticeable.
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" are you, though? i heard you'd be taller, with longer hair and a sparkle in your eyes. sorta like how people describe determined adventurers.. " a sigh, overflowing with disappointment. " oh, well. and here i was, looking for someone to base my next protagonist on. i guess i'll keep looking. "
he shrugs, turns, pretends to want to leave - though when he's offered proof, he spins on his heel, excited to see. " oh? absolutely, i'd like to see that! you see, i have a theory that people over time forget their skills here.. " will's arms cross, " so, sure. if you think you still got it, i'd love to see it. "
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swordsovereign · 6 days
❝ i’m sorry, i’m just surprised. i mean, you don’t seem all that strong. ❞ but lightheartedly ... if you're up for it!
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It's not the first time Seofon's heard something like that. While his name seemed well known in the skydoms, most people seemed unable to match it to his face ⎛ which was a damn shame, wasn't it? Who wouldn't want to associate his name with a face like his? ⎠ - so when he let people know he was captain of the Eternals, of course he was met with stares and the occasional laugh. Maybe if he was a little taller... People were more likely to assume Eahta was the captain for his stature ... ❝ I know I might not seem like it, but I swear I'm the real deal! ❞
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❝ Why else would they call me Sword Sovereign? This place has done a number on me, but that hasn't dulled my skills! If you want, I'll prove it! ❞
But, it would've looked cooler if he could actually make things look flashy. A little show of his power from the Boundary would've been amazing... if he could still reach it. What a pity. This wasn't his first time facing some sort of handicap, was it? Granted, the last time he struggled with this sort of thing, he was a small child ... no one really needed to know that, right?
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swordsovereign · 6 days
tloz: tears of the kingdom starters
WARNING: spoilers !
❝ there doesn’t seem to be any danger at the moment. ❞ ❝ history and legend sometimes blur together. ❞ ❝ i think you’ve caused quite a stir since your arrival here… ❞ ❝ i think you do look weird. so there, chew on that. ❞ ❝ i feel like i should apologize for dragging you into this mess. ❞ ❝ there’s no need to get so worked up. ❞ ❝ you allowed your heart to falter. that is the quickest way to fall on the battlefield. ❞ ❝ i’ll fight by your side till the very end. ❞ ❝ as with any leader, it is my duty to safeguard and protect my people. ❞ ❝ you are burdened with a mission of monumental importance. ❞ ❝ it was my hubris that set us on this path. ❞ ❝ i get it, you’re young — you feel invincible. ❞ ❝ i thought you had harder bark on you than that. ❞ ❝ this little village used to be as quiet as a dusty old tomb. ❞ ❝ i don’t know who you are, but i’m sorry you have to see me like this. ❞ ❝ i feel a lot better after talking to you. ❞ ❝ you should have seen the look on your face. ❞ ❝ please, no need to look so petrified. ❞ ❝ you’re alone too, right? alone is good. ❞ ❝ you have disgusting, unwavering commitment to do ‘good’. ❞ ❝ i apologize. i keep getting lost in my thoughts. ❞ ❝ you’re finding this all a little scary, aren’t you? ❞ ❝ did you hear me singing? how embarrassing. ❞ ❝ you might want to make other plans…if you value your life. ❞ ❝ i suppose fate really wanted the two of us to run into each other again. ❞ ❝ you use your power to crush the weak…to serve evil. ❞ ❝ you will die knowing that you failed. ❞ ❝ you heard that strange voice too, right? ❞ ❝ this is a lot to learn all of a sudden, i know. ❞ ❝ did you know if you put your ear to a well, you can hear the wailing of the dead? ❞ ❝ i see the shadow of death upon your face. ❞ ❝ it seems skill and confidence is in short supply. ❞ ❝ that pride will be your downfall. ❞ ❝ i’ve gotta say. your stories are always so wild. ❞ ❝ did i manage to keep a smile on my face? ❞ ❝ you take for granted the godlike power you have in your hands. ❞ ❝ nevertheless, i can’t shake this strange tightness in my chest. ❞ ❝ why do i get the feeling we’re being watched? ❞ ❝ sorry you had to listen to me go on and on like that. ❞ ❝ anyway, i’m sorry for teasing you. ❞ ❝ uh…what’s with the face? ❞ ❝ what was it you wanted to discuss with me in private? ❞ ❝ were you looking for me? i’m honored! ❞ ❝ one cannot accomplish great feats without allies at one’s side. ❞ ❝ it’s important to help each other in times of need. ❞ ❝ i hate the way rain feels, but i don’t mind how it sounds. reminds me of waves crashing on the beach. ❞ ❝ you look distracted. what’s wrong? ❞ ❝ things with ‘legendary’ in the title are usually just stories. ❞ ❝ do you really think i hadn’t realized your deceit? ❞ ❝ what are you doing in a place like this? ❞ ❝ i never thought i’d see such a marvel with my very own eyes. ❞ ❝ thank goodness. if something had happened to you…i… ❞ ❝ how did you find this place? what cruel ploy are you plotting? ❞ ❝ it seems that the world is still in a wretched state. ❞ ❝ enough is enough! you are not acting like yourself! ❞ ❝ i can see right through you, whether you want me to or not. you are yielding to the fear of losing someone you love again. ❞ ❝ i can see it in your face. i don’t hold that special place in your heart. ❞ ❝ light and dark - one cannot exist without the other. ❞ ❝ do not get lost in the past. you must keep moving ever onward. ❞ ❝ it is best when those who care for each other are open and honest, even when it is difficult. ❞ ❝ push yourself too hard and you become your own worst enemy. ❞ ❝ look at all those scars…you must have fought a lot in your life. ❞ ❝ i am hesitant to admit it, but our success was thanks to your support. ❞ ❝ you look very pleased with yourself. ❞ ❝ i was giving in to my fear of once more losing someone i love. ❞ ❝ hold still, and don’t fret. i’ll take care of everything. this won’t hurt a bit. ❞ ❝ did you think i’d deceived you? perish the thought. ❞ ❝ i’m always here. should you ever have need of me, you need only ask. ❞ ❝ it’s amusing, isn’t it? our little back-and-forths. ❞ ❝ i just don’t want anyone to drop dead right in front of me. that’ll give me some nasty dreams. ❞ ❝ there it is. that inexplicable smirk upon your face. ❞ ❝ what were you praying for? long life? wealth? ❞ ❝ you get even cuter when you’re blushing. ❞ ❝ it is all right. i swear it. i am not going anywhere. ❞ ❝ i never thought…never dared dream…that i’d live to see the day we could all laugh together again like this. ❞ ❝ i’ve seen enough faces in this job that i can tell from looking at one if someone’s lying to me. ❞ ❝ you’ll come visit me again, right? ❞ ❝ i hope that ours will be a long and profitable relationship. ❞ ❝ this must be what the end of the world looks like. ❞ ❝ there’s nothing wrong with asking if you can help, you know. ❞ ❝ i knew there was a bright smile in there somewhere. ❞ ❝ let’s not pretend it won’t look absolutely dashing on you. ❞ ❝ no matter. you will not live to see another sunrise. ❞ ❝ you cannot hope to escape your fate. ❞ ❝ i’m sorry. i know i’m always throwing you into dangerous situations. ❞ ❝ hear my name and tremble in fear. ❞ ❝ it seems you have met with great danger once more. ❞ ❝ i actually…secretly followed you. ❞ ❝ there’s no shortage of strange happenings these days. ❞ ❝ anyone tell you it’s rude to stare? ❞ ❝ sitting here feeling sorry for myself won’t solve anything. ❞ ❝ at my age…well, very little surprises me. ❞ ❝ there are more mysteries waiting for us down here, i know it. ❞ ❝ i’m only telling you this because you seem like a trustworthy sort. ❞ ❝ we are bound by fate, you and i. ❞ ❝ i’d have preferred to stay with you a while longer. ❞ ❝ you will have to do something about that fear eventually. ❞ ❝ now i live for vengeance. ❞ ❝ so you’re our saviour, eh? i thought you’d be tougher looking. ❞ ❝ sorry about that. the sadness just gets to me sometimes. ❞ ❝ you were involved, weren’t you? ❞ ❝ i’m sorry, i’m just surprised. i mean, you don’t seem all that strong. ❞ ❝ did i…see what i thought i saw? ❞ ❝ just forget it. it’s not important. ❞ ❝ we cannot afford to stand still at a time such as this. it is imperative that we act. ❞ ❝ disappointed that i wasn’t shocked and aghast at the very sight of you? ❞ ❝ you must be pretty strong beneath the surface. ❞ ❝ what happened? is this your doing? ❞ ❝ i can see right through you, whether you want me to or not. ❞ ❝ just watching you move, i can tell you’re no ordinary person. ❞ ❝ whatever is troubling you? why are you hesitating so? ❞ ❝ good…evil…that’s the futile perspective of narrow-minded beings. ❞ ❝ are you here because you’ve heard about me? ❞ ❝ one difficulty has been overcome, and yet another has appeared in its wake. ❞ ❝ once i rest up, i’ll be hitting the road again. i’ve stayed here too long as it is. ❞ ❝ we have to train. we have to get stronger. we have to get ready for what’s next. ❞ ❝ is everyone all right? nobody’s injured? ❞ ❝ i’m the one who made such a mess of things, after all. ❞ ❝ it is a mighty opponent, certainly, but we must not falter. ❞ ❝ what’s with that look? you don’t think i can do it? ❞ ❝ what’s the matter? you can tell me, weirdly handsome dude. ❞ ❝ why is everybody so quick to believe the silliest things? ❞ ❝ i dearly wish that i could believe what you are saying. however, at present…i simply cannot do that. ❞ ❝ wow, listen to me. with every breath, i spew out brilliance. ❞ ❝ for a long time, i have been concerned that you are holding yourself back. ❞ ❝ i feel like you weren’t getting what i was going for there. way to kill the mood. ❞ ❝ can’t talk my way out of this one… ❞ ❝ this is normally where i’d give you a chance to respond, but i’d like to talk about me instead. ❞ ❝ never forget that we are all standing beneath the very same sun. the only distance that matters is the distance between our hearts. ❞ ❝ i lost my head a little there. i’m not too proud of the way i behaved. ❞ ❝ i’m sure an answer will come to you. wisdom takes time. ❞ ❝ i must truly be getting on in years to have allowed a mere monster to catch me off guard. ❞ ❝ you really don’t know your place, do you? ❞ ❝ do you really think we hadn’t realised your deceit? ❞ ❝ you heart is like a chicken’s egg — easily given but easy to break. ❞ ❝ your wounds were severe…i am relieved to see you escape death. ❞ ❝ i’m told that your skill in swordplay is unmatched. ❞ ❝ what, you’ve never heard of me? ❞ ❝ where were you? you disappeared on me so suddenly. i was worried sick. ❞ ❝ oh my. i’m surprised to hear you say such a thing. ❞ ❝ i wonder how many times we’ve met in our past lives. ❞ ❝ so what if you don’t say what you really think. i won’t hold that against you. ❞ ❝ though our time together has been brief, i am so happy that we finally met. ❞ ❝ what’re you thinking, strolling into this war zone? ❞ ❝ you’ll keep your trap shut if you know what’s good for you. ❞ ❝ i sense a fierce battle ahead, the likes of which we have never before faced. ❞ ❝ i can feel the moonlight pouring down, cleansing my spirit. ❞ ❝ you’re not needed round here any more. ❞ ❝ that mystery just leads us straight into another. ❞ ❝ it is very difficult to rest peacefully when things like this happen. ❞ ❝ sometimes i’m so smart, i scare myself a little. ❞ ❝ ever try getting info out of a boulder? well, that boulder’s ME. ❞ ❝ i prefer to keep work and my personal time separate. ❞ ❝ sure, you look like a strong breeze could blow you over, but you are solid as stone. ❞ ❝ that pride will be your downfall. ❞ ❝ i’ve been abandoned by love…by luck…by happiness. ❞ ❝ at last…i have been waiting for you to arrive. ❞ ❝ i am stunned. i am in complete and utter awe with you. ❞ ❝ despite all we have endured, my feelings for you have never altered. they never shall. ❞ ❝ am i some sort of villain? or a force for good? ❞ ❝ i’m just fated to be unhappy. steer clear or you’ll catch my misfortune. ❞ ❝ you’re your own worst enemy sometimes. ❞ ❝ i will crush any opposition. i will rule. ❞ ❝ that’s an old dangerous road absolutely crawling with monsters. ❞ ❝ now that you’ve seen it, i can’t let you live. ❞ ❝ you look like a gentle soul who wouldn’t hurt anything. ❞ ❝ my body…my mind…everything. i’ll sacrifice it all to destroy you. ❞ ❝ i had almost forgotten the thrill of battle. that feeling as blood surges in my veins… ❞ ❝ i bet evil always scatters when you show up. ❞ ❝ it’s important to remember that luck and love aren’t things that run out. sometimes they just take the long way to get to you. ❞ ❝ i’m gonna make my ancestors proud today. ❞ ❝ this world should be shrouded in darkness, not bathed in insufferable light. ❞ ❝ it would have been more…satisfying to overcome a worthy foe. ❞ ❝ a mere mortal will not stand in my way. ❞ ❝ you’d walk away…from someone in need? ❞ ❝ you have proven yourself, and you no longer need me. ❞ ❝ i have some heartbreaking news to share. this will be tough to bear, but i ask that you stay strong. ❞ ❝ you might think of this as ‘hush money,’ and…yes. that’s what it is.. ❞ ❝ now, let’s both pretend like this never happened. ❞ ❝ you might think i’m a hopeless coward…and you wouldn’t be entirely wrong. ❞
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swordsovereign · 9 days
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Fiyero's lost his powers, too. Seofon's not sure how to feel about that, mostly because what he'd seen Fiyero do was lovely. It reminded him of Niyon, the way music simply came naturally. It was soothing and he would not soon forget it. ❝ Yeah, I ... ❞ How could he really explain what had gone through his mind when he'd realized what happened?
❝ It felt ... odd, not being able to do all the things I could do before. But I'm glad I was able to share some of it with you before it faded away. ❞
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❝ I was never able to actually share the Sea of Stars with anyone, before you. Whatever circumstances led to the ability to see places from each other's memories ... allowed me to do that. Before, it was sorta lonely being the only person I knew who had ever seen it like that, but I'm glad that of all of the people I could share it with, it's you. ❞
What about the Captain, comes Anosiete's voice, and Seofon does his best to ignore it. Because hadn't he wished to share that with the Captain? The Captain wasn't here. He'd never taken his shot or spoke up about his feelings back then, and maybe he'd missed his chance there. But he certainly hadn't missed his shot with Fiyero.
❝ I'm sure that even without powers, we will adjust. We can take this time to just enjoy normalcy and peace. ❞
He can't help but lean into Fiyero's touch, and it's rather romantic, isn't it? Fediel would have a blast if she was able to watch this- because she'd dragged Seofon with her to observe the Captain and Lyria on their date ⎛ I want to observe dyads, she'd said. I want to know what it's like to see people in love ⎠ Seofon had been waiting a lifetime to share something like that with someone else.
❝ Well then, if your day's free, then I'm happy to spend all of it with you, if you'd like. And I promise, when I walk you home tonight, we won't get abducted. ❞
not a scratch, he says, and fiyero only leans back a little to be able to confirm. a hand coming up to frame seofon's face, fiyero's thumb sweeps over his cheek down to the creases from his smile. he tracks the expression carefully, as though cataloging it in his mind. the seemingly boundless optimism is reassuring, in the face of all that they're recovering from, and seofon is thoughtful, too, asks about fiyero and his struggle with living through a nightmare.
   ' i'm ... okay, ' he eventually settles on, after looking into himself for a moment to find a fitting answer. and it's true: after everything his home had thrown at him, the long journey that asked so much of him and his companions, memories of the abduction were truly the last of fiyero's troubles. appearing on the nautiloid again wasn't pleasant, as terrifying as any other battle for his life, but it wasn't another thing he had to worry about.
   and he had people with him. the doctor, and seofon.
   ' no wounds. a bit rattled ... my powers are all gone. so we're on the same boat there, aren't we? ' he assumes seofon's case is similar, the effects of the island finally limiting them both. settling his other hand on seofon's chest, he pats it a couple of times. ' you're still plenty impressive to me, don't worry. i won't forget your performance on the ship so easily. '
   and the first thing on his mind is still that date that fiyero was promised, huh? that's precious, makes fiyero lower his gaze with a bit of a blush spreading to the tips of his ears. he chuckles to himself before glancing back up at seofon, trying to catch his eyes.
   ' you want to go right now? i, for one, would love to. the day ahead is long, and my schedule is entirely open. '
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swordsovereign · 14 days
Send “📱” For a text conversation between our muses!
using this generator! 
if you can’t see the emoji, send ‘text!’ instead!
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swordsovereign · 15 days
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❝ That's the spirit! ❞ Nothing like a good sword-fight to learn about someone else. It seemed Melusine was on the same page about that one. Not that Seofon had actually used that tactic very often.
Usually, when he fought someone, it was to disarm them when his other de-escalation strategies had failed. Well, except for his little sparring sessions with the Captain. Those were ...
There's a flash of light, the setti de spade appears in Seofon's hand and he gives a nod to Melusine. ❝ I think that there's something about a person that comes out when they battle- ❞
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❝ I want to know what sort of person you are! What do you hold dear? What do you fight for? All of that can be determined just by a little sparring like this! ❞ Plus, she was right. They didn't have much to do other than something like this- his old home was far away, now. She spoke of a lack of escape-
You won't see them again. You know this, right?
But, I'll always carry them in my heart. The bonds I forged in the skies, my team, the Captain ... And in this place, I'll forge new bonds, and I won't be alone like you.
❝ Aaaalrighty then! Show me what you've got! ❞
"Sparring? Here?" It seemed like a pretty strange place to have a fight all things considered. Nobody even knew if this place could handle it to begin with either. But if somebody was offering then she wouldn't be one to deny them the pleasure of fighting. After all one who could collect that many swords and still call themselves a fighter had to know something about how to hold their own.
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"I'm willing to give it my all as well. Besides I don't think we'll be escaping this place anytime soon. Might as well pass the time and get know each other more through fighting."
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swordsovereign · 17 days
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❝ Golden's market, huh? ❞ Well, Seofon had decided to try out some new ideas. Hadn't he lured the Eternals on a vacation by promising them food? It had half worked, at least, and he was going to count that as a win! ❝ I might take a look there, but I guarantee this thing existed. ❞
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❝ There used to be giant shrimp like those back in the skydoms, but they weren't very common. This woman named Friday sure enjoyed them a lot, so she sent people out to get them. ❞
That probably sounded stupid, but Seofon had been under the impression that anything could happen in this new city. Hell, it even turned out that they were living on the surface, which no one had done for ages. Not where he came from. ❝ It's something about the time of day here, and it happens more frequently than I'd expect for an eclipse- but maybe next time, you'll see it, too! ❞
Back to the boardwalk marketplace, though, because it did seem like a good place to look for ingredients in general! Seofon had yet to learn if his roommates could cook, and if they couldn't, he'd leave meals for them. ❝ I'll take it that you've been to the marketplace before? See, I've only been here a few weeks, so I'm still adjusting. Are there any places you'd recommend in particular? ❞
" No, I don't think there's shrimp of that size in this city....." she doesn't recall ever witnessing what the other is explaining, but given how.....odd things can be here, it isn't that out of the ordinary. many things are witnessed with each eclipse and who was she to say that there was a giant shrimp, frying rice? and if there was, of course it would come up when someone inquires about shrimp fried rice.
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" You could try the market on the boardwalk in Golden. Perhaps a fisher caught one of that size that you could use."
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swordsovereign · 18 days
2 are there any tropes that pull you in or that you realise are reoccuring in your muses? && 3 do you often get ideas when watching new media? do you end up wanting a canon character, an oc in that world, or just things involving current muses in the world / with those characters? !!
munday meme on mobile
uhhhhh i'm sure there are, because i write the same thing in different fonts- a lot of blue orange mentality for sure!
ok embarrassing idk what the last New Media i watched was, i just sorta ... do things???? idk how to describe it other than that
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swordsovereign · 18 days
1, 9, 11, 15
munday meme i'm answering on mobile
i've been on this website for like 10 years... i've likely had at least 50 muses over those years ...
9 has already been answered!
faceclaims have never really been a priority?? of mine, so it's more like i get some ideas and whatever fits will fit!
would you believe me if i said i don't really pay attention to fandom activity? fandoms have been super messy in my experience and i just want to vibe! but before joining isola ... there weren't that many indie granblue blogs ...
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swordsovereign · 18 days
5. who is / was your favorite muse of all time to play? 9. have the types of characters you play changed over the years?
munday meme that i'm answering on mobile because reasons
my favorite???? god i don't know if i have one. i write what i vibe with, my main focus is??? character psychology and world building, so whatever i can do with that! i don't think i've written anything i didn't have fun with
... i write the same character in different fonts essentially except for when it's a different character but also different fonts. i usually do depressed divine entities or troubled heroes, i guess. but i'm good at what i do! or id like to think i am!
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swordsovereign · 18 days
15 questions about mun’s taste in muses.
how many muses, do you think, have you had in total while on tumblr?
are there any tropes that pull you in or that you realise are reoccuring in your muses?
do you often get ideas when watching new media? do you end up wanting a canon character, an oc in that world, or just things involving current muses in the world / with those characters?
what’s the weirdest muse you’ve ever had?
who is / was your favourite muse of all time to play?
is there a muse you’d add or bring back if you didn’t have to worry about whether others are interested in them or not?
what age group, gender and ethnicity do you most often end up playing?
who is your latest muse? can be someone you’re only considering / not planning to play at all, but is tempting you.
have the types of characters you play changed over the years?
if you play original muses with canon roots  ( like oc siblings, coworkers, etc. )  or someone who’s been either just a name or a few lines of dialogue in canon, how do you build that character? do you pick the muse first and build from there, or do you need have the muse ready in your head and only then pick the connection, or a combination of the two?
have you ever built or picked up a muse because you wanted to use a certain faceclaim? how did it go?
what’s the weirdest thing that has ever inspired you to make or pick up a muse?
have you ever not gone through with playing / adding / making a blog for a muse because you’ve feared no one would care about that specific muse?
if you see that a friend of yours has just made a blog for a muse you were planning to play, will you still make the blog?
which muses of yours have currently very dead fandoms?
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swordsovereign · 19 days
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It's a wonderful feeling, having someone rush into his arms. Seofon's only had this maybe once or twice, and usually it was from some over-excited villager who wanted to thank him and the other Eternals for saving their town. It had never been attached to anything that would last. But this time...
❝ I'm fine! I've got a few things to adjust to, but I woke up without a scratch on me. How are you feeling? I know the look of someone who's being forced to relive something awful- so I want to make sure you're ok, too. ❞
I was so worried, Fiyero says, and Seofon wraps his arms around the tiefling a little tighter, just so he'd know that this was real. So they could both be certain that the other wouldn't vanish.
❝ I've also faced a lot worse than those things on the ship. Facing dangerous threats is sorta part of the Eternals' job description... ❞
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❝ But, the sun's out again, and I did say I'd take you on another date. I don't have a lot of money here, but I'm sure I can figure something out. ❞ Because he wants this to work, whatever it is that they have- Fiyero's so charming and Seofon feels warm around him. It must mean something.
❝ It might not be so flashy, though. Much as I'd love to impress some more, something's keeping me from being in peak form. Hopefully, that's not too disappointing. ❞
fiyero is in the middle of wrangling with his key (it's so much smaller than the ones he's used to, and he doesn't have a key ring to store it) when he hears seofon's voice. his ears perk up high, head swivelling around to spot the source, and he breaks out into a bright smile when he catches sight of the man— real, smiling, whole.
   after he was so worried that he wasn't truly there. that their walk amongst the stars was a dream. he was hoping, so desperately, that it wasn't, but with all that was going on, it was hard not to have the smallest of doubts. and now that his worries are appeased, it almost seems silly, to think that the warmth and strength of seofon wasn't a real thing. ' seofon! '
   his door is abandoned immediately. stuffing the key into his pocket without looking, he breaks into a sprint to reach seofon, all but crashing into him. his arms wrap around his broad shoulders and his feet almost leave the ground. he's sure that seofon could lift him if they truly tried, hold him in his arms, but he's too busy feeling him, his presence. he squeezes tightly, burrowing his nose in the crook of his neck, and lets out a noise akin to a happy chirp.
   ' oh, i'm so happy to see you! you're okay? you're alright? i was so worried, after everything that happened ... '
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swordsovereign · 20 days
what tarot card are you
the lovers
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Your lover’s back does not look quite the same this morning. No one else would notice the difference, if there even is a difference, but you could swear they have more vertebrae than usual. Something in the breathing, as you stare at them in the morning light. The light in the kitchen is just as warm as it always is, the coffee just as hot, but you cannot meet your lover’s eyes. They kiss you on the forehead, go off to work, shake their keys on the way out as they always do. Did they eat anything this morning? Did they speak? Of course they did. You’re probably losing your mind. You would call your friends to ask, if you had any friends left. You don’t, of course, haven’t for months. You only need each other. You only need them. You haven’t spoken to anyone in months. You count the notches on their back. You watch them breathe. You pray they don’t turn around.
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swordsovereign · 20 days
Send 💭 + a topic and my muse will tell you what they think about it.
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swordsovereign · 21 days
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Ouch. Well, it wouldn't be the first time Seofon was met with that sort of reaction. Most of his attempts at chivalry had gone over ... poorly? Awkwardly? Something like this, where someone told him that he seemed suspicious. But, it was better than the alternative, wasn't it?
❝ Sorry! I guess it's a kneejerk reaction, you know? Now that you mention it ... I guess it is sorta strange... most people aren't out this late. ❞
Maybe she was wondering why he was out and about- from her perspective, he could've just been lurking and waiting. What a miscommunication!
❝ If it makes you feel better, I was out here because I wanted to spend time at the Star Path... it reminds me of somewhere precious to me. After that, I wanted to see what the other Wards here had to offer and I lost track of time. ❞ That, and he had lost track of where he was even going. It seemed like he was in an entirely different place, and he'd have to find his way back to his own apartment.
This was ... Cotes? Had he really managed to travel to a ward on the other side of the one he was staying in?
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❝ Do you have a place you're trying to get to? I'll admit, I'm still getting familiar with this place myself, but the offer for an escort is still open! ❞
🌙 - Any way she sliced it, this man was just way too dashing. He wasn't really her type or anything, but she'd encountered Servants that gave off similar vibes. Gawain immediately came to mind. He was confident too. But whether or not that was indicative of his actual power? Hakuno wasn't sure. She didn't know what the ceiling for strength was in the city just yet.
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"I'm not saying this because I'm suspicious of you, but there's plenty of people that would raise an eyebrow at a stranger offering to accompany them home in the middle of the night, you know?" As he had done. She understood his reasoning. It was late, she wasn't armed, and she was lost.
But sometimes people really needed to think before they spoke!
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swordsovereign · 21 days
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He's not used to people coming to his rescue- not that it isn't appreciated. Seofon had been doing his best to adjust to life without his powers, and had found that he was still rather capable of defending himself, but it certainly was more difficult! The sword he'd conjured had served him well, but the young woman who had jumped into the fray would've been saved the trouble if he'd been able to ... do anything he used to be able to do.
Being jumped in an alleyway hadn't been on his list of things that would happen to him, though. Back in the skydoms, no one would've dared.
Because they knew him there. They knew the Eternals, feared their powers. He thinks for a moment about Ceodric- the look on the prince's face. Even fueled with the Phoenix's power, he had been no match for Seofon. Eternity still was finite in the view of the stars, and Seofon had become a godslayer in another life. Ceodric must've known, somehow, that he would die.
❝ Well, that's certainly a dramatic entrance! ❞ He can't help but laugh as the spectral sword vanishes in shards of light. At least he can still make that part look cool.
❝ It's never a bad thing to offer aid to someone- at least, I'd like to think of it that way. There's something about choosing to defend others ... that's what someone with power should do. ❞
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❝ Thanks for the assist, though! I'll admit I'm not in peak form here. My name's Seofon. Sorry that you had to get involved in that, I'll make it up to you somehow, I promise! ❞
often she took to the roofs of buildings, finding solace in the way everything seemed to grow quieter from up above. it was odd, how her mind had grown quieter, how she could sleep easier than ever before. it felt far too foreign, but Ritsuka knows it should be treated as a blessing. still, there exists that current running underneath her skin, a sort of restlessness that forms every so often. perhaps she needed to hit the batting cages again but before the thought could be considered anymore, a commotion from below catches her attention.
eyes peek over the edge of the roof, spotting what looked to be some thug hassling someone in the alleyway. from looks alone, Ritsuka could tell the thug was outnumbered. hm. best to put an end to this quickly, lest the poor guy end up in the hospital.
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hands plant against the ledge and she easily jumps over it, her positioning allowing her to drop onto the thug from above, which is enough to knock him out. she stands up quickly, smile wide as she looks at the other. " Sorry about that. I heard the commotion and got a bit ahead of myself."
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swordsovereign · 26 days
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He doesn't want to say that he feels pathetic, but really? How else could he describe what was going on? Seofon had prided himself on his abilities- his power had protected the skies ⎛ although, his crewmates got credit too, of course! They were a great team when they worked together! ⎠ and now... ? He couldn't manage to conjure more than one sword at a time, and the one he could conjure lacked the shine ...
He'd found the golden feather under his pillow and had tucked it away safely ⎛ it seemed important, but he couldn't really see what it would be used for ... ⎠ and after moping around the apartment for far more time than he could call appropriate, he decided to face the world as he was.
It turned out to be a great choice. Plus, the sunlight really does feel nice after the darkness.
All that worrying ... it looked like it wasn't anything to fear!
Looks like Fiyero wasn't a figment of his imagination after all!
❝ Fiyero! ❞ Seofon gives the best smile he can, considering his circumstances.
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❝ You're here! You're okay! I'm so glad! ❞ Glad that he's real. Glad that the nightmare is over. Glad that he has the chance to take Fiyero on another date, because he promised.
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