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swordsovereign · 3 days ago
today i overheard a girl say "no, f*ck that. i will be lovely to everyone. maybe some people will remember they have a heart."
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swordsovereign · 7 days ago
oh. awkward, but seofon knows that the last time he'd encountered dar'khol was ... when he first arrived, wasn't it? and their meeting wasn't anything like the one he had with fiyero. he remembered something monstrous chasing them. he remembered anger and regret. he was vaguely aware that dar'khol was there for the final moments of that awful battle. dar'khol had seen what anosiete could do.
no, he'd seen seofon at his worst, and somehow he was still willing to go on an adventure. which was nice, truly!
❝ it's seofon, but close enough- ❞ spoken with a smile, because it's not the most disastrous thing he's been called in his life. it's really quite endearing.
❝ out to find that dragon, huh? well, you're right, a second set of hands is always helpful in a case like this! ❞
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❝ i'd love to come along! there's nothing like teamwork to take down an enemy to get to know someone else, right? ❞ well, there were other ways, of course, but some were more familiar than others. wasn't that why he liked to spar with people? to see how they wielded a weapon- was it to protect or to harm? that sort of thing spoke volumes.
❝ i know the last time you saw me i ... wasn't in the best state of mind, but this time, i think i'm doing better- hope you don't mind if i show off a little! i might not have my best blades with me, but i've adapted! and i want to see what you can do, too! ❞
It Ain't a Fantasy Without a Dragon ( @swordsovereign )
"oy, syphon!" heavy trots quiet down, bibidi guided into an eased stop. the avian stretches its neck with a hearty squawk in greeting, matching his riders friendly demeanor. with a ruffle of feathers, the chocobo lowers ( barely ) and dar'khol drops from the saddle.
once more, seofon is greeted, this time with a risen hand. he'd hardly say he knows the guy, but he's familiar enough. they've crossed paths, what was it... twice now? memory blurred some recalling their first meeting, taking place in a dream the warrior would sooner forget. their second instance dar had barely taken a glance at the man, swallowed in the moment of angelic conflict. perhaps now things might go a fair bit differently -- positively, at that!
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"i'd been considerin' pluckin' up a second set o' hands, and here ya are along the way!" from dar'khol's side, his partner seems to snort. an outstretched head bumping against the miqo'te's shoulder as if to insist his company not be forgotten. it wasn't, never could be. he reassures the bird as such with a hand through its feathers before continuing. "been meanin' to catch up with ya proper, anyways. huntin' down a dragon sure as hells' seems a good means of doin' just that. whaddaya say?" it's worked for the warrior in the past, surely it would benefit now. right?
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swordsovereign · 14 days ago
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NAME: seofon ⎛ basilio ⎠
NICKNAME: he ... doesn't have any.
PREFERRED PET NAMES: he??? also doesn't have those, so he's not sure yet
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: in a relationship!
FAVORITE CANON/FANDOM SHIP: seofon and fiyero own my heart they're wholesome thanks! ⎛ i, percy, am also partial to seofon and danchou for a canon ship lmao that one event sure did feed me ⎠
OPINION ON TRUE LOVE: of course true love exists! he's seen it in others, and he likes to think he has found it himself!
OPINION ON LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: it literally happened to him. twice, actually- the first was with the captain, he was instantly drawn to the skyfarer searching for estalucia. then, he came to spirale at a time where he couldn't hide anything about his soul, and met fiyero, and the rest sure is history!
HOW ‘ROMANTIC’ ARE THEY?: rather romantic when given the chance! seofon will cook for his beloved, he's very domestic! he also is a fierce guardian and likes to come to the rescue if need be!
IDEAL PHYSICAL TRAITS: seofon isn't really that particular about physical traits? coming from a world where people are quite diverse, everything is unique and he actually thinks that's pretty cool, y'know?
IDEAL PERSONALITY TRAITS: seofon likes someone who is fun and outgoing. he also likes people who are ambitious and have strong morals. ultimately, he likes someone who is willing to let him relax- let him know he doesn't always have to be the strongest swordsman of the skies. sometimes it's ok to just be the son of a tailor and a baker ... the boy who once lived in a quiet village in the skydoms.
UNATTRACTIVE PHYSICAL TRAITS: as noted previously, seofon isn't about the physical traits. but, he does want someone to take care of themselves, because that's just an important thing!
UNATTRACTIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS: seofon doesn't take well to those who lie or often use underhanded tactics. it's his code of honor that makes him bristle about that!
IDEAL DATE: maybe a nice romantic dinner ⎛ he'll make the meal! ⎠ and watching the stars together ...
DO THEY HAVE A TYPE?: seofon hasn't actually thought about this ...
AVERAGE RELATIONSHIP LENGTH: well. he's never had a relationship before coming to spirale.
PREFERRED NON-SEXUAL INTIMACY: quality time! just being able to cuddle with his lover is so soothing!!!
COMMITMENT LEVEL: seofon is quite devoted! he has a lot of love to give- he hasn't had a chance to give romantic love before spirale, and he's still learning. but, he's not going to just go and do things without letting his lover know. it's all about communication and honesty!
PAST RELATIONSHIPS?: none. he shot himself in the foot with the captain ... not realizing that maybe they liked him and here he is pretending to be so popular and desired ...
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swordsovereign · 15 days ago
send 👀 if our muses have never interacted before (or have!) and i will write up 3-5 headcanons for their relationship!
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swordsovereign · 16 days ago
fiyero's text had been brief, but it got the point across. fiyero was shaken by something, and he wanted seofon to come get him. as if he didn't feel safe heading back to the nest alone. there were few things that seofon knew unsettled fiyero like that, and he had a feeling of what it was.
in the back of his mind, anosiete bristled. as it was, seofon couldn't face down the angel again, but in time ... in time he would.
first things first, though! he forces anosiete's heartless bloodlust back and focuses on the most important thing. getting fiyero home.
⎛ . . . ⎠
the tiefling really is rattled when seofon finds him. it looks like aurelius' work. again. seofon doesn't need anosiete's cruelty to desire to bring down the wrath of the heavens on aurelius for real this time. this time, he wouldn't hesitate.
❝ fiyero- what happened? ❞ no, he has an idea of what happened- aurelius had shown up to cause more trouble, because he thought he was so much better than everyone else around him. aurelius had some grudge against fiyero for something the tiefling had no control over- and since seofon had been chatting with klaus, he'd learned a few things. sure, aurelius was essentially klaus' soulmate, but ... it wasn't right to lash out at someone else like that. fiyero hadn't hurt klaus at all. aurelius didn't have any real reason to do what he did.
seofon, for as guilty as he felt about the whole ordeal, justified his actions with the fact that aurelius had hurt the person who had seen more of his soul than anyone else. if seofon could consider anyone his soulmate, it was fiyero. ❝ let's get you home- safe and sound, okay? ❞ it's his way of saying 'sorry i was late. again.' because he's been late so many times.
some hero he's turned out to be, but he'd never been known to give up.
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swordsovereign · 21 days ago
heres a small starter call for the event :) capped at like ... idk 4 so i don't completely overwhelm myself and also bc i'll be makign these across blogs. here is seofon's info!
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swordsovereign · 22 days ago
inventory check
seofon's sword arsenal!
❝ this is aschallon. ❞ the blade appears first shimmering like glass before solidifying- a rather simple yet elegant blade. ❝ it is one of many blades in my collection that can alter its own elemental affinities. ❞ he's not sure why he's showing aurelius this. ❝ ... i picked a sword that you haven't seen before. ❞ so you can know that i could've done so much more that day. it was mercy that i chose the light of the sea of stars instead of all three thousand blades.
seofon is a noble soul. someone pure and heroic. a savior of the skies.
anosiete is also seofon. anosiete is a god-slayer and a universe-creator. both were once a boy named basilio. seofon's blue-green eyes remain trained on aurelius' face. he will not forget. he does not want aurelius to forget, either.
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swordsovereign · 22 days ago
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jolly rancher sword ... and a second jolly rancher sword lmao ⎛ gateway-star sword ⎠
peppermint bark armor ⎛ light armor ⎠
gusher burst ⎛ summons 1 sword god for the 30 seconds, which might be all he needs to win a fight anyway ⎠
toffee strike⎛ rotura, infinito creare ⎠
cotton candy lance⎛ often summons a spear, unless used with toffee strike, where it becomes infinito creare ❲ sword type ❳ ⎠
hard candy shield⎛ from the lance, his attempt to mimic anre's arm the bastion ⎠
without his usual powers, seofon is relying on his swordsmanship skills alone. he has two swords because of course he does. he can't seem to summon another sword, but he got a spear ... and is hoping to not completely embarrass himself with it. while he's not nearly as skilled with a spear as anre ⎛ but of course! anre is the best spearman of the skies! ⎠ he is putting on his best impression of the old harvin, down to his own knockoff of 'arm the bastion'.
his two swords are. of course, copies of his gateway-star sword. the cotton candy lance seems to look a lot like the silver spear relic ...
his gusher burst is basically the briefest summoning of a sword god that he's ever done in his life lmao but he's working with whatever he can! he knows how to hit hard when he reinforces a sword, and just because he can't unleash a full arsenal of swords at all times doesn't mean that he WON'T do it when he's given the chance!
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swordsovereign · 22 days ago
Send ‘Inventory Check’ to see an item in my muse’s inventory.
Plus descriptions of the item(s).
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swordsovereign · 22 days ago
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jolly rancher sword ... and a second jolly rancher sword lmao ⎛ gateway-star sword ⎠
peppermint bark armor ⎛ light armor ⎠
gusher burst ⎛ summons 1 sword god for the 30 seconds, which might be all he needs to win a fight anyway ⎠
toffee strike⎛ rotura, infinito creare ⎠
cotton candy lance⎛ often summons a spear, unless used with toffee strike, where it becomes infinito creare ❲ sword type ❳ ⎠
hard candy shield⎛ from the lance, his attempt to mimic anre's arm the bastion ⎠
without his usual powers, seofon is relying on his swordsmanship skills alone. he has two swords because of course he does. he can't seem to summon another sword, but he got a spear ... and is hoping to not completely embarrass himself with it. while he's not nearly as skilled with a spear as anre ⎛ but of course! anre is the best spearman of the skies! ⎠ he is putting on his best impression of the old harvin, down to his own knockoff of 'arm the bastion'.
his two swords are. of course, copies of his gateway-star sword. the cotton candy lance seems to look a lot like the silver spear relic ...
his gusher burst is basically the briefest summoning of a sword god that he's ever done in his life lmao but he's working with whatever he can! he knows how to hit hard when he reinforces a sword, and just because he can't unleash a full arsenal of swords at all times doesn't mean that he WON'T do it when he's given the chance!
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swordsovereign · 22 days ago
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Our epic tale began on a cold, wintery eve. Under the dim light of a moon hidden by snowy clouds, the city transformed. Walls creaked and crumbled, rebuilt in an instant in new shapes; new forms. The modern metropolis was replaced with a realm crafted from sugary treats. Gingerbread walls, gumdrop roads, cinnamon stick trees, candy castles. For this was now a fantasy candy land: the realm of the Candy Witch.
The witch's voice would boom, a thunderous sound with a tinge of familiarity to it. "You dare encroach upon my land? The Candy Witch's kingdom? Well then, I challenge you. Find me at the tippy top of my castle tower, but not before my trials are passed! Only then might you challenge me and, if you win, I may consider a way to send you home!"
In front of every non-NPC entity in the city a holographic paper appeared. A character sheet. "But the witch would not leave you without a means of accomplishing your tasks," Another voice spoke. It sounded similar to the witch's, but was much gentler. Almost as if there was a singular actor playing two different roles. "Will you take up a blade as the noble HEARTBREAKER? Perhaps you would prefer to cast the spells of the PASSION CASTER? Does the healing power of the LOVE DOCTOR tickle your fancy? Or does the path of the thieving HEART STEALER beckon to you? Fill out your character sheets and review the attached quest list, and let your journey begin!"
While the people of Spirale would hear nothing else for now, in a dark lab a young woman turned off her microphone. "I'm an android, I'm not supposed to be an actress..." Ofiuco rested her cheek gentle in front of her keyboard. "Oh well. I've always wanted to try LARPing, so why not give this a go? I think everyone could use something a little silly for a change, especially with Valentine's coming!"
Welcome to our 33rd event, SUGAR QUEST IV: THAT MOMENTARY SWEETNESS! This event was inspired by a mix of old RPG games and silly mobile game events. So what's going on?
The people of the city are awoken to the sound of a familiar voice claiming to be the Candy Witch who issues you a challenge: pass her trials and find her at the top of the castle tower.
Everyone will fill out a quick character sheet that can be found on this page, which will determine your stats, class, and abilities!
The wards of the city have all been redesigned with a candy fantasy aesthetic, and you can find these changes listed in a section below. For the duration of the event you cannot access the branches.
Trials will be offered in the form of quests that can be chosen at your leisure. Participating in a quest is not mandatory for acquiring participation, but you will receive a flat 200 Stars for your character's account. You can only claim this 200 Stars once, so doing multiple quests will not net you more.
If you're just interested in event participation, any interaction will count regardless of whether it's in a quest or not! We'll also be offering Oficucotot, Bringer of Love as an exclusive event reward! She's a six inch, Ofiuco-shaped drone that follows after you and shoots tiny arrows at your foes. Not lethal, but very annoying! The item description reads: "Watch Your Eyes!".
The event ends at 11:59:59PM on Friday, February 28th.
Will this event have a part 2? No! There is only one part to this event. There will be a raid battle during the last week of the event where everyone can face off against the Candy Witch, however.
Can we use our regular powers and weapons during this event? Unfortunately not! Your character has been stripped of their powers and had their physical abilities reduced to that of a normal human. You can only rely on the abilities and weapons provided by the class you choose and your character sheet stats! For non-humanoid characters, please reach out to the masterlist for accommodations!
Are the listed monsters the only ones in the setting? Nope! Those are just suggestions. You can design your own monsters to face, and even the ones listed alongside the locations are open to visual interpretation aside from the traits already listed.
Will my character undergo any visual changes during this event? Your selected class will grant you specific gear and weapons as part of that selection. Otherwise, nope! At least unless you disturb the fairies in the forest...
Are we required to use the quests for our threads? Nope! You can use them if you want the 200 Star reward, but it isn't mandatory to do a quest to get participation and the Ofiucotot, Bringer of Love. You can just do a different thread in the setting!
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swordsovereign · 23 days ago
seofon likes to think that he gives himself credit where it's due. that he understands his own strengths and weaknesses, so of course he made sure to show exactly what he could do. at least, with his current predicament ... it was still strange, not being able to be at his best- but at least he knows he's impressed the man. that's good enough, isn't it?
i was really hoping you'd fail that, says the writer, and seofon laughs. a charming sound fitting of a hero of the skies. you're handsome, charismatic AND you actually know how to use a sword! oh, he certainly did enjoy being flattered! ❝ well, what sort of inspiration would i be if i didn't show off to the best of my abilities? ❞
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❝ i do wish i could do a little more. it's more impressive with the full arsenal. ❞ yeah, the arsenal of three thousand swords. one that he kept adding to- but maybe he shouldn't get too into that. not when will's so intent on telling him more about this story.
an adventurer stranded in a village full of danger. seofon's found himself in positions like that before. he tries not to think too hard on them, because they were always when he was alone. when his crew had no idea where he'd run off to. when he did everything by himself, because he could- he had that power- he has to be a bold guy, unafraid. seofon's been called those things, too. it's not always a compliment. ⎛ he's been scolded by the others time and time again- ⎠ you've convinced me on your skill, but! are you both of those?
❝ i would like to think so, ❞ he begins, and it's true- ❝ i have faced down the distorted world of the pillar of time- felled armies with a swing of my blade, laid low the jealous prince who tried to take the omnipotent power that lay within a phoenix's blood. ❞ spoken with a bit of flair- he remembers the look on ceodric's face. how his gateway-star sword was able to leave a wound that the phoenix's blood couldn't immediately heal. surrender, he'd told the prince, and i will let you heal your wounds.
of course, ceodric had refused.
❝ i have battled against the primordial elements, the six dragons who aided in the creation of the world i come from. i walked away alive- ❞ he doesn't mention that anosiete had killed them with ease. he doesn't want to think too hard about that. ❝ and i have faced a man with the blood of the creator god- i'd trade my life if it meant the safety of the world. i would like to think that i would face any foe without fear. i haven't met one so terrifying yet. ❞
there are some things that he takes pride in. his power, his drive to be a hero of justice- those things seemed like the stuff of legends already. he tries not to think too hard about how distant it makes him from most everyone around him. so he gives another one of those winning smiles- ❝ is that bold enough? ❞
" yeah, a protagonist. i'd need someone reaaaaaaaal interesting to base him off on .. " the comment is said with intent, paired with a look he throws over at seofon to gauge his interest. there's no attempt to hide the surprise taking over his face at the sight of the other's determination increasing when confronting the concept of a play being inspired by the group he leads ; he supposes this implies soefon is indeed a captain of some esteem. after all, he could very well allow his pride to get to him and turn down the offer.
" wait! " the exclamation leaves his throat desperately. will pats his own front down, then his backside, before finally pulling out a small journal after moments of searching. " sorry, i just need to write down that you've got a pretty good resolve even when faced with doubts and .. what else do i think about you, darling? ah, that you're pretty confident you will not mess this up even though you just told me you've rusted a lil' bit. "
the scribble of the pencil extends for a few more seconds, then ceases. " alright, show me the best you've got. "
much to will's chagrin, he does eat his words rather quickly. since the first move - the sword being produced from an erupting light - to the strikes targeted at a bench near them, strategic, the shock of an actual excellent performance limits him to merely staring, jaw relaxed, mouth in the shape of a circle.
the small book he carries is raised to his face, being properly shoved onto it. " agh! i was really hoping you'd fail that! you're handsome, charismatic AND you actually know how to use a sword! this is so unfair! "
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truthfully, he's not that annoyed by it. it meant he found a perfect inspiration for a character .. but will's favorite pasttime is getting on the nerves of others. so, after the book has been lowered to reveal a small smile ( induced by will's own theatrics onto himself ), his voice echoes with a sigh. " i suppose i have to tell you what the story is, now. its about this adventurer who gets stranded in a remote village by the people living there, yet he's unaware of it. they put him through a lot of danger .. for .. reasons. "
he hasn't written that far yet. " anyways, he has to be a bold guy .. unafraid. you've convinced me on your skill, but! are you both of those? "
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swordsovereign · 26 days ago
❝ still, i ... look, you deserve better than to be ... he's a real piece of work, isn't he. ❞ seofon had suspected that there was some deeper connection between klaus and aurelius than just two people who had met in spirale. that made sense, didn't it. that they were from the same world. it made the whole thing worse in a way. he wondered how long those two had known each other-
❝ i ... i'm not the type to be a jerk forever, and you didn't do anything wrong. plus, i do like helping people in need, you know? ❞ as if he could classify this as being in need. maybe it was. it must've felt like an awful betrayal for klaus to know what sort of person aurelius really was.
❝ he's like your soulmate or something, right? ❞ he's not sure what else to say on the matter.
then, klaus apologises. again. as if he thinks it's his fault, and it isn't. seofon can't blame him for someone else's crimes- it wouldn't be very heroic of him. it would be unbecoming of the leader of the eternals. as if killing someone wasn't already unbecoming of him- ⎛ anosiete had reveled in the destruction, had told seofon that this was the fate of a broken world. aurelius stole his world from him ⎠ ❝ fiyero means everything to me. he knows things about me that i've never told anyone else ... knowing what happened ... it felt like some fundamental part of myself had been ripped apart... but the right thing to do would've been to stay with him. to just help him recover, and i know ... i screwed that up big time. i'm lucky that he still loves me. ❞ a pause.
❝ i hope you don't mind. you know. me coming over here to talk to you. i might not really get exactly what's going on with you and aurelius, but that doesn't mean you should have to just be miserable about it and hold that pain inside. ❞
There are no ill feelings toward the guy. He did what anyone would have done. Someone HE loved had been injured---worse. WORSE than being wounded and losing her life because of it. Klaus couldn't fault the man for reacting the way he had.
Klaus wouldn't even put up a fight should Seofon decide to change his mind.
"I was already in it. Aurelius and I are from the same world. The moment we crossed paths and he traveled with us...I was already in it." Just a pawn in their little game. That's what he feels like at least.
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"You did what you had to. I would have done the same." It's not something he feels the need to hide. For the person he loves? He'd do what he felt would have been the right thing to do. Even if that meant revenge.
"The truth wasn't going to stay hidden. Eventually, it was going to come out. I'm....," he exhales, eyes closing and eyebrows knit together as he self-reflects.
"I am so sorry for what happened to Fiyero. And by what happened to them...I'm sorry that you had to do what you did. I don't fault you. I'm just surprised you came this way."
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swordsovereign · 29 days ago
Mun talks about the Muse
Send one of the following to ask the mun… (please specify muse for multis)
✍ Favorite thing about writing the muse? 👀Favorite thing about the muse’s appearance? 🌌Favorite alternate version of the muse? 💕Favorite ship for the muse?  💔Least favorite ship for the muse? 💢Something about the muse that annoys you? 😈Worst thing you’ve ever done to your muse?  😂Funniest thing that’s ever happened to your muse?  💡 What inspires you to write the muse?  📷 Favorite picture/screencap of your muse? 📑 Favorite part of your muse’s backstory?  📝 Favorite headcanon for your muse?  😒 Is there anything canon about your muse that you ignore?  🔮 What do you see in your muse’s future?  🔥 Unpopular opinion about your muse?  💭 Favorite memory of the muse?  😩 Hardest thing about writing the muse?  ⌨ What’s a situation you’ve always wanted to RP with the muse?  🎭 How similar are you and the muse? 
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swordsovereign · 1 month ago
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name: seofon
age: 27
position requested: designer and tailor, although i guess if you need another model, i can do that, too. 
credentials: have you seen the eternals cloaks? my own handiwork! before i was a swordsman, i was a tailor. my parents taught me well. i often wear the things i make- and it probably help that i’m easy on the eyes, huh. so, just let me know what you need me to do, i promise i won’t disappoint! 
❛ I have not seen these cloaks you speak of. ❜
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❛ You will bring a sample with you next time, yes? Your style and mine—I am thinking a collaboration, maybe for Spring? It would be charmant. ❜
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swordsovereign · 1 month ago
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now that he has a job, he can ... start feeling a little more like a normal person. not someone linked to the sea of stars all the time. a little more like basilio. he can relax a little, the world's not ending anymore. actually, it seems like things are looking bright!
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swordsovereign · 1 month ago
he'll bring over a housewarming meal ... later, or something.
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