uwps001 · 15 days
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Constantine is seated on the shore at Sunset Circuit, close enough for the waves to touch him but not so close that they actually touch him. He's enjoying the weather, the sound of the waves, and his little beer. He'll probably go in for a swim much later tonight if anything, when there aren't people out and about.
Maybe he can bring Hiyori to swim with him.
"Have you read anything about this place? I'm told that the beach here is supposed to look like the moon. The waves, the sand, and the water itself are supposed to look like the surface of the moon."
Oh, wait...isn't this the new guy at Skullrender?
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enchiiridion · 2 days
@allhesaid <3'd!
Nothing here fits at all. They feel as though the Weave has abandoned them, save for one cantrip. Well, nothing to lift the spirits up like a walk in .. somewhere. Anywhere. Just a direction, straight to gods-knows. <DC10 FAILURE!> But then they stop, suddenly, standing in the middle of the park. They've never been so lost- and they would know, getting lost is part of the line of work they're in! The sun was beginning to set, and Volo seems to have lost their way... where was that odd-looking rectangular thing again?
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"Pardon me-" They're past the point of unfamiliar citizens. Nobody seems to know what in the Hells is going on. "I've not a clue where I've got to be." From their pocket, they produce the key to their townhouse. "Might you know the directions to... what's it called... the... apart-ment?"
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viladlind · 10 days
it's not that ballrooms are unfamiliar to fiyero. he spent the first hundred years of his life in elvish society, and as heir to the throne these types of parties were common practice. he knows the rules, the manners he's supposed to exercise. perhaps that's why he was a little hesitant to go at first, but really, who is he to deny himself the opportunity to dress up and go out?
   with two of his newest companions, no less.
   ' these things really never change. ' with a glass in one hand, will's arm tucked around his other, fiyero spares a glance to the opera singer halfway across the ballroom. he looks much more interested when he glances at will's open collar and the way his necklace is fitted there perfectly. ' have you been before? ' it is quite fun, to be walking around with these masks. to glance at other people and wonder what they look like underneath.
   not an uncommon practice for fiyero.
   once they're situated at one of the standing tables framing the outside of the ballroom, fiyero's hand slides down to fold into will's, and he leans in to give his jaw a little kiss, whatever skin he can reach with the golden mask on his face. ' zev should be here soon, ' he mumbles, still busy taking in his scent properly. he wonders if the feathers on his own mask are tickling will. ' has a dance to finish first. we can keep ourselves busy, though, can't we? '
@allhesaid > @corvisque
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manifcst · 17 days
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JEDEDIAH IS NOT AN ARTSY PERSON. He's pretty darn good with maps, sure. Keeps a journal on and off. Has been known to try his hand at a sketch or two every now and then, even, but that was a real long time ago when they were still all locked up, and he's had better things to do since then. And no, he's not much of a reader and sure as heck not a writer. Nor does he hold too much interest in the process of any of that - he'd obliged Octavius and gone over once to watch those Romans and their statue-making and had been bored out of his mind, but then again that had been a slow process. Real slow.
And he is a little nosy. What, it's not like he's got anything more interesting to snoop into right at this moment - some guy's spilling his creative guts out all over the table, and he's supposed to just ignore it? He lassos on up to the back of the chair and there's the devil over your shoulder, hands on his hips, squinting with accusatory scrutiny at the scrawl on the page.
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"Hold on now, hoss, that ain't even a word," he points it out. "You made that one up."
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doctornota · 22 days
LEONARD HASN'T HAD TO JOB HUNT IN... god, he doesn't even know how long. The Fleet just posts you where they post you, it's as simple as submitting a transfer request, and his tenure with the Enterprise has assured him for years now he could get any posting in the galaxy if he wanted it.
It's different here. This is closer to back when he was fresh out of medical school, begging around for internships. Even then he'd had his father's connections to give him a leg up. Here he's got nothing, not even his service history. His leg bounces with high-strung energy as he sits in the lobby waiting for somebody-or-another to swing by and talk to him ( though it's already been over an hour - at this point they either forgot or were just trying to appease him in the first place ).
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He's almost thankful for the commotion by the door that draws his attention, the raised voice that - after it carries on for at least thirty solid seconds, which seems excessive, this isn't even the emergency room - prompts him to get to his feet and venture all the way across the lobby to see what in the hell is going on over there. Doesn't look like any of the actual doctors around here are in a frenzy to check it out themselves, after all.
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weavebcund · 5 days
THE CLUB, OR WHATEVER THEY CALL IT, is reminiscent of many Gale would expect to find tucked into tight alleyways or seedy basements back home. Just as loud, the clamor of its patrons accentuated by the smacking of fist against flesh and, gods, is that music? A beating with a sledgehammer would be kinder to his skull.
Gale is none too enthused to be here, but it's exactly the sort of place Astarion would take to for a hunt. Which is precisely his concern, much as he'd like to claim it's none of his business; the two of them have yet to get their bearings, and he's certainly not a suitable target to take a drink from, and it would be a rather poor start to this whole affair if his only companion was tossed in prison for draining a poor sod or two of all their blood.
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"Excuse me," he has to shout just to hear himself speak, even as he's leaning so far over the bar that he and the server currently on duty are all but nose to nose. "Don't suppose you could turn the lanterns up in here, could you? Not that is isn't quite thematic," all the red, that is, but it makes it damn hard to pick out a face in the crowd. "And may I perhaps suggest that the bards quiet it down a notch or two?"
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wingherc · 6 days
“  running from your demons is the best exercise! ” but said super casually like he's actually giving advice <3
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"Thanks! But I prefer flying! I'll outspeed my demons and your demons: just watch me."
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promcsis · 6 days
[👽] After the initial shock of dimensional displacement had worn off, Promosis had been excitedly making her way through this new world. Though she was much taller than everyone else around her...and they all seemed to be humans! Amazing! 'Is this Earth? How can this be?! This message of paper I have received does not tell me much...' Referring to the booklet she had been given when she first arrived.
She ran around, elated, looking at this or that. Having people scatter from her sudden and rather "out of this world" appearance. Well, perhaps it was less that, and more so her tendency to intrude in their personal bubbles. She got close, very close to their faces. Trying to ...smell them?
"Oh. You. Can you tell me about this place, maybe? Do not run away." 'I hope this human does not run from me, I do not want to make anyone scared, I just want to know what is going on! My two hearts are beating ever so fast!'
The flat tone of her voice made it seem like she was indifferent, but her thoughts and feelings were the complete opposite. Which might make this social interaction a bit difficult. "I just arrived here. Can you help?" However, she was also getting rather close to this man. TOO CLOSE!
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swordsovereign · 6 days
❝ i’m sorry, i’m just surprised. i mean, you don’t seem all that strong. ❞ but lightheartedly ... if you're up for it!
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It's not the first time Seofon's heard something like that. While his name seemed well known in the skydoms, most people seemed unable to match it to his face ⎛ which was a damn shame, wasn't it? Who wouldn't want to associate his name with a face like his? ⎠ - so when he let people know he was captain of the Eternals, of course he was met with stares and the occasional laugh. Maybe if he was a little taller... People were more likely to assume Eahta was the captain for his stature ... ❝ I know I might not seem like it, but I swear I'm the real deal! ❞
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❝ Why else would they call me Sword Sovereign? This place has done a number on me, but that hasn't dulled my skills! If you want, I'll prove it! ❞
But, it would've looked cooler if he could actually make things look flashy. A little show of his power from the Boundary would've been amazing... if he could still reach it. What a pity. This wasn't his first time facing some sort of handicap, was it? Granted, the last time he struggled with this sort of thing, he was a small child ... no one really needed to know that, right?
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innerbeast · 6 days
send your characters height and i'll compare it to mine.
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"it might be slight, but it does provide a flatterin' angle, y'know."
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atokrina · 13 days
SORRY FOR THE RANDOM ASK but i just wanted to say that i LOVE love love the graphics you're using on this blog they're SO GOOD. you have a really pretty blog :)!!!!!
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thank you so much!! the graphics were done by theircurse, who is wonderful to work with and super talented!! i would definitely recommend them to anyone!
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invitetruth · 15 days
❛ Don’t. Don’t. Whatever you’re doing – don’t. ❜ from the jenna marbles starters if u want to.........?? :>
Talk about bad timing.
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"...Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you," Yu says in an attempt to reassure, but he's not the one with the giant glaive. "That is, Izanagi won't..."
How do they even begin explain Personas to a layperson? Yu isn't used to being able to summon Izanagi outside of the TV world.
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skullrender · 22 days
name: Willem  age: 31
position: Server
relevant experience: I’ve worked at various taverns over the years and have always been praised for my work. I’m charming and great at maintaining small talk, which means I’ll be a favorite amongst the costumers. Also I dress well. What else could anyone ask for?
why did you choose this position?: Well, for one, it’s not boring. You get to watch fights for free and overhear people’s conversations. Second, it’s loud! It’s exciting!!
why are you interested in working here?: Honestly? I think this is the place to meet interesting people and hear about their stories. Besides that, loved the decoration.
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“oho, wantin’ to get invested in our patrons conversations, are we? somethin’ i can respect, to a fault, but also what we’re needin’! past experience and a confident self outlook... i dare say i might have a likin’ for ya already, willem. i’m lookin’ forward to seein’ ya work your magic.”  //  @allhesaid​
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viladlind · 13 days
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@allhesaid asked: ❛ if i didn't know any better, i'd say you were jealous. ❜ taken from this prompt list.
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' you'd like that, wouldn't you? '
   an amused smile lifting the corners of painted lips, fiyero glances up at will while trying to focus on not spilling their drinks. a chalice in each hand, both filled to the brim, it took some time to make her way from the bar back over to their table— enough time for will to start flirting with one of the other bargoers, after they seemingly approached him. whether they knew fiyero was around and waited for a moment to catch him alone, or if they just mistook him for somebody who visited the bar by himself, she's not sure.
   what she does know is that they fled fairly quickly after they spotted fiyero approaching, but not after scribbling something on a napkin and pushing it towards the writer. as they slide past fiyero, she gives them a considerate look, before putting down their drinks carefully.
   ' milky moonlight, ' she says, nudging will's drink a little closer to him. it's a murky blue and white mixture, a bit thicker in texture, with the figure of a woman wrapping her arms around the stem of the glass. tapping a talon against her own chalice, with her drink still slightly on fire, she provides a quick: ' seething solar. '
   she already knows what she's going to say next, but she makes a small show of blowing out the flames on top of the liquid anyways, bent over, holding her hair back so it doesn't get in the way. glancing up at will, she gives him a small wink, before straightening back up and taking a step around the table.
   ' besides, it's not like i have a reason to be. ' reaching out, she slowly plucks each of will's fingers away from the stem of his glass. looking down at the table, she spots a name written on the napkin that was left behind. no need for a number, she supposes, when they all have each other's contacts in their phones. still holding will's hand, she leads it to the piece of paper, lets it rest there.
   then, without much more preamble, she leans in and kisses him. it's not chaste by any means, forked tongue immediately teasing his bottom lip, but she doesn't tilt her head to deepen it. instead, after giving him a small taste, she leans back again, her index coming up to boop his nose. she is looking terribly smug about the whole ordeal.
   ' see? no reason. '
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isolaradiale · 23 days
hello! i'd like to app willem ( an oc ), with no prior reservation. his app can be found at /app or under navigation > app. thank you so much!
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Willem!
You will be placed in TOWNHOUSE 220.
You will be given a wooden dagger.
Enjoy your stay!
– andromeda ☆
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togabcy · 17 days
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@allhesaid liked for a starter.
The arts were something that all Romans knew well. Any form of art ―― be it sculpting , painting , writing , or whatever it may be ―― was thought very highly of. Octavius wasn't one to snoop , per se , but when a page is dropped and falls right at his feet , he couldn't not read it. Granted , it wasn't exactly easy to read from where he stood. He had to walk up to the top and peer directly down at it , but it was still fine literature. He knew that well. He got so absorbed in the reading that he almost forgot to alert the person who dropped it that it had been lost.
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❛ Wait ! ❜ He waves a hand in an attempt to grab his attention. ❛ I do believe this belongs to you ! ❜
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