asexualnezha · 2 years
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Rin and Venka hii 🤲🏼🫠
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asexualnezha · 2 years
Kitay: Truth or dare?
Rin: Truth.
Kitay: How many hours have you slept this week?
Rin: Dare.
Kitay: Go to sleep.
Rin: I don't like this game.
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asexualnezha · 2 years
Rin: You know, when I first met you I thought you were a real bitch.
Venka: What changed your mind?
Rin: Oh, I still think you're a bitch. I've just grown to like that about you.
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asexualnezha · 2 years
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Rin doodle
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asexualnezha · 2 years
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— lit: the poppy war by r. f. kuang
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asexualnezha · 2 years
Sinegard trio in a nutshell:
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asexualnezha · 2 years
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asexualnezha · 2 years
"i can fix him" yeah well i could be the only divine thing he's ever believed in
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asexualnezha · 2 years
nezha: this is my girlfriend, rin
nezha: and this is rin’s girlfriend, venka
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asexualnezha · 2 years
it's my fav scene of the book (if not the whole trilogy) and im literally obsessed with it. looking forward to it on my reread
Rereading the TPW back to back rinezha fight scene because I'm fucking insane
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asexualnezha · 2 years
something i always wonder about is the aftermath of tbg is the legacy of rin, kitay, and nezha. would they be revered as a trio? would they be told to be as powerful as the trifecta? would they be told as a tragedy? would anyone even know of rin and nezhas almost romance? or would it be embellished to the point of an entirely new story? or would it be a reiteration of the red emperor and tearza? would nezha try his best to erase them, pieces of them, from history, not out of hatred, but merely to protect himself from the pain of their legacy? to preserve the memory of the people he loved most? i wonder if he would let their story be turned into a legend or if he would burn it to ash. i wonder how he’d carry their legacy on his already weakened shoulders.
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asexualnezha · 2 years
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I couldn’t find a lockscreen for this wonderfully painful series.. So i made one myself.
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asexualnezha · 2 years
Poppy War Oh My General AU
(because I love AUs and I love making them complicated)
Our cast of characters:
Yin Nezha is the second son of the Dragon Warlord Yin Vaisra, and due to a chronic illness (and the death of his little brother) he grew up behind the walls of the palace in Arlong instead of a battlefield. Unable to bring his family honor through military prowess, he is known for his unearthly beauty, his love for ships, and his frequent visits to the pleasure district of Arlong.
Sring Venka is the oldest daughter of the Finance Minister in Sinegard, but her love for warfare and kungfu make her an undesirable bride. Her parents deny her a military career and after she defends herself against a suitor who didn’t respect her boundaries, she is considered a social pariah, Nezha, her childhood friend, offers her an out: become his concubine and join his household in Arlong. Without anywhere else to go, Venka agrees.
Fang Runin is a war orphan and a Southern girl without prospects. In order to escape an arrange marriage when she is sixteen, she dresses as a man and enlists in the military. For years she excels at the academy and later on the battlefield, until she is granted the title of General and ordered to return to Sinegard and accept the highest honor of them all: General of the Imperial Army.
Chen Kitay is the only son of the Finance Minister and as such he had no choice other than become a respected member of the Nikan military. He became Rin’s best friend during their first year at the academy, and he is the only person who always knew her identity as a woman. As her trusted second-in-command, and feared warrior in his own right, he follows Rin wherever she leads him.
Su Daji is the empress of Nikan and she fears for her power, especially with General Fang gathering more and more support in the South.
Yin Vaisra is the Dragon Warlord and his attempts to overthrow the Empress have been repeatedly hindered by the distance between Arlong and Sinegard.
Yin Saikhara is the lady of the Dragon Province and deeply invested in upholding the proper traditions and gender roles.
In minor roles: the Cike, Jinzha and his wife, Souji, numerous generals and teachers from Sinegard,..
The Plot:
Souji develops feelings for General Fang, not knowing that Rin is actually a women. After being denied repeatedly on their way to Sinegard to accept their honors, he figures it out. In a fit of rage, he writes a letter to the Empress and tells her that General Fang lied to them all about her gender.
Su Daji has been waiting for a reason to undermine General Fang for ages, but she knows she can’t publicly execute or punish Rin, because that would lead to a revolt in the South. At the same time Yin Vaisra has been eyeing her throne and she doesn’t like that - she decided to solve two problems with one move.
Yin Vaisra is not unhappy about the Empress’s offer to marry his (useless) son to General Fang. It gives him a foot into the high court in Sinegard and it takes care of the Nezha problem as his wife often calls it.
Rin is NOT HAPPY about this news, but it is the Empress and no matter what everyone else says, she isn’t actually planning to overthrow the government (a least not right now). She accepts (because she has to) and because she is promised a battalion of soldiers as a marriage gift.
Nezha on the other hand is actually looking forward to this marriage - he was always a bit of a romantic, and a folk hero with great martial arts skills is something he always aspired to be. Sadly, he is still a bit of a prick. Expecting a pretty Northern girl, Nezha reacts not as favorable to Rin in her boyish glory.
It is Kitay who manages to get them through the wedding - Yin Vaisra asked him to stay in Arlong for a bit following the ceremony to teach Rin how to “behave” - and it is Venka who hates Rin because she got to lead the life of military glory she always wanted.
Rin is disgusted with her weak and pretty new husband (tho she respects his knowledge of naval warfare and the fact that he hasn’t touched her even once), especially when she hears about his adventures in the pleasure district. She has little problem with him sleeping around, but she simply doesn’t understand his urge to focus on trivial things like poetry and music (Kitay has tried to explain it to her multiple times, and it simply doesn’t make sense to her).
(what neither of them know is what most of Nezha’s adventures to the pleasure district entail are Venka’s rants about horrible men and him prying her off of guys she planned on beating up)
The tensions are running high and Lady Saikhara makes everything worse by expecting piety and grace from Rin. Nezha, faced with a family who never forgave him for Mingzha’s death, doesn’t know how to defend her - and when he tries, she explodes.
It is Venka who finds Rin in the garden afterwards, crying, and it is then that the two women begin to talk and realize that they have more in common than previously thought. Venka stops being mean to Rin after that - and Rin teaches Venka kungfu and martial arts.
Nezha doesn’t like this new development at all, especially since it feels as if now everyone is against him, so he tries to get Kitay on his side. Kitay is more than ready to rekindle their childhood friendship, especially since Nezha is a lot more well-read now than he was as a young child, but he also makes it clear that his loyalty belongs to Rin only.
This leads to Nezha thinking that Rin and Kitay are in love but couldn’t marry because of the Empress’s degree - suddenly he sees a way out of this: he will get the two of them together, find a beautiful wife who loves him, and fix the whole thing without endangering his father’s planned revolution.
(Vin Vaisra on the other hand is frustrated on how little information he is able to get from Rin and Kitay, the two of them tightlipped about Sinegard and military strategy alike)
(Su Daji enjoys how much Rin is focused on dealing with Nezha, in her eyes her plan worked out perfectly)
Nezha’s complicated plans - some of them even helped by an unwitting Kitay - bring him closer to Rin, and he even manages to impress her when his knowledge of ancient texts bewares her from a social misstep in a war council. They are still fighting constantly, but Nezha thinks there is something else in the way they talk now. It’s not soft, but Rin listens to him when he comments on her naval warfare strategies and he manages to swallow down the jealousy when she teaches him easy tricks to defend himself.
Venka even manages to build up a group of women trained by her and Rin to patrol Arlong’s streets and Kitay uses his free time to enjoy the extensive library the Dragon Palace has to offer.
The better they get along though, the more easily they are drawn into political intrigue. Su Daji doesn’t notice it at first, but just as Nezha’a and Rin’s marriage is about to turn real, their focus shifts away from each other, and back on the sufferings of the South, on the mistreatment of women, of the lack of funding and general schooling.
They fight. A lot. Yin Nezha is loyal to his father, he has a duty and a place in the world. Fang Runin has never once listened to the order of the universe, has forged her own path for as long as she can think. She has Kitay on her side, the man doing more than just light research when he plundered the libraries of the house of Yin, And she has Venka on her side, the lost daughter turned concubine turned warrior more than ready to break the mold that forced her to accept her fate… but for some reason - call it love - she also wants Nezha by her side.
There is conflict, there is tears, there is the Cike feeding Rin intel about  the South.
And in the end there is Yin Nezha, telling them how to steal a boat from his father’s navy, and how to sail to Sinegard to kill a Viper.
When they leave, the four of them stand on the deck of the boat, staring out at the Red Cliffs and the ancient inscriptions. It is then that Nezha kisses her for the first time. Rin kisses back.
From that day on this is a different kind of story, of assassination, love and war. But this is not that story, this is a love story. so we’ll end it here.
( tagging @fangruninsimp since i think you might enjoy this <3)
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asexualnezha · 2 years
nezha’s idea of a date at the end of tdr:
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asexualnezha · 2 years
Nezha: I think we should kiss.
Rin: And I think you should die but we don’t always get what we want.
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asexualnezha · 2 years
rinezha dynamic as tumblr posts
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asexualnezha · 2 years
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why is this basically rin in a nutshell—
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